tput -T xterm setaf 6 echo " This script will initialize/change next settings: " echo " " echo " - Changes keyboard layout to finnish " echo " - Installs updates " echo " - Installs git " echo " - Installs puppet " echo " - A Vagrantfile will be created under /vagrant " echo " - Copies vagrantpp module from " echo " - Moves module to where it should be which is /etc/puppet/modules " echo " - Applies the vagrantpp module " echo " - Configures the machines " echo " - slave01 is on centos-7.3 " echo " - slave02 is on fedora-26 " echo " - slave03 is on debian-8.1 " tput -T xterm sgr0 setxkbmap -layout fi sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git puppet mkdir vagrant && cd vagrant && > Vagrantfile cd git clone cd vagrantpp && sudo cp -R vagrantpp /etc/puppet/modules/ sudo puppet apply -e 'class {"vagrantpp":}' cd && cd vagrant && vagrant up tput -T xterm setaf 6 echo " Done!" tput -T xterm sgr0