if not document.selection.IsActiveEndGreater then alert "Invalid selection." & vbcr & vbcr & _ "Please make selection from left to right" & vbcr & _ "and/or top to bottom." quit end if StartLine = document.selection.GetAnchorPointY(eePosView) if document.selection.IsEmpty then EndLine = StartLine elseif document.selection.GetBottomPointX(eePosView) = 1 then EndLine = document.selection.GetBottomPointY(eePosView) - 1 else EndLine = document.selection.GetBottomPointY(eePosView) end if document.selection.SetActivePoint eePosView, 1, StartLine, false document.selection.LineDown True, (EndLine - StartLine) + 1 document.selection.Copy document.selection.SetActivePoint eePosView, 1, EndLine + 1, false document.selection.Paste document.selection.SetActivePoint eePosView, 1, EndLine + 1, false