; EmEditor Syntax File fro Actionscript 1.0/Actionscript 2.0 ; by Niall McLoughlin niall_mcloughlin@yahoo.com ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin=/* #CommentEnd=*/ #LineComment1=// #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=on #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=off #Escape=\ #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=off #Keyword color=5,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off { } [ ] < > . , / : ! ^ # % * & ( ) _ - + = #Keyword color=6,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off function class #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off interface extends implements public private static get set add and break case continue default delete do else eq false for ge gt if in instanceof le lt ne new not on onClipEvent or return switch true typeof var void while with ^#endinitclip ^#include ^#initclip #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off _root _parent MovieClip .appendChild .attachMovie .attachSound .loadSound .attributes arguments .caller .callee .charAt .charCodeAt .childNodes .clear .cloneNode .close .concat .connect .createElement .createTextNode .docTypeDecl .status .duplicateMovieClip .firstChild .getBounds .getBytesLoaded .getBytesTotal .getDate .getDay .getDepth .getFullYear .getHours .getMilliseconds .getMinutes .getMonth .getPan .getRGB .getSeconds .getTime .getTimezoneOffset .getTransform .getURL .getUTCDate .getUTCDay .getUTCFullYear .getUTCHours .getUTCMilliseconds .getUTCMinutes .getUTCMonth .getUTCSeconds .getVolume .getYear .globalToLocal .gotoAndPlay .gotoAndStop .hasChildNodes .hitTest .indexOf .insertBefore .join .lastChild .lastIndexOf .length .load .loadMovie .loadVariables .loaded .localToGlobal .maxscroll .nextFrame .nextSibling .nodeName .nodeType .nodeValue .onClose .onConnect .onLoad .onXML .parentNode .parseXML .play .pop .prevFrame .previousSibling .push .removeMovieClip .removeNode .reverse .scroll .send .sendAndLoad .setDate .setFullYear .setHours .setMilliseconds .setMinutes .setMonth .setPan .setRGB .setSeconds .setTime .setTransform .setUTCDate .setUTCFullYear .setUTCHours .setUTCMilliseconds .setUTCMinutes .setUTCMonth .setUTCSeconds .setVolume .setYear .shift .slice .sort .sortOn .splice .split .start .startDrag .stop .stopDrag .substr .substring .swapDepths .toLowerCase .toString .prototype .__proto__ .toUpperCase .unloadMovie .unshift .valueOf .xmlDecl Array Boolean Color Date .UTC Key .ALT .BACKSPACE .CAPSLOCK .CONTROL .DELETEKEY .DOWN .END .ENTER .ESCAPE .HOME .INSERT .LEFT .PGDN .PGUP .RIGHT .SHIFT .SPACE .TAB .UP .getAscii .getCode .isDown .isToggled Math .E .LN10 .LN2 .LOG10E .LOG2E .PI .SQRT1_2 .SQRT2 .abs .acos .asin .atan .atan2 .ceil .cos .exp .floor .log .max .min .pow .random .round .sin .sqrt .tan Mouse .hide .show Number .MAX_VALUE .MIN_VALUE .NEGATIVE_INFINITY .NaN .POSITIVE_INFINITY Object Selection .getBeginIndex .getCaretIndex .getEndIndex .getFocus .setFocus .setSelection Sound String .fromCharCode XML XMLSocket attachMovie call chr duplicateMovieClip escape eval false fscommand getBounds getBytesLoaded getBytesTotal getDepth getProperty getTimer getURL getVersion globalToLocal gotoAndPlay gotoAndStop hitTest ifFrameLoaded int isFinite isNaN keyPress length loadMovie loadMovieNum loadVariables loadVariablesNum localToGlobal mbchr mblength mbord mbsubstring newline nextFrame nextScene null ord parseFloat parseInt play prevFrame prevScene print printAsBitmap printNum printAsBitmapNum random removeMovieClip set setProperty startDrag stop stopAllSounds stopDrag substring targetPath tellTarget this toggleHighQuality trace true undefined unescape unloadMovie unloadMovieNum updateAfterEvent press release releaseOutside rollOver rollOut dragOver dragOut load enterFrame unload mouseMove mouseDown mouseUp keyDown keyUp data setInterval clearInterval .addProperty .registerClass .enabled .useHandCursor .unwatch .watch Button TextField Function .apply .call _global super LoadVars TextFormat .autoSize .removeTextField .restrict .createTextField .html .variable .hscroll .maxhscroll .border .background .wordWrap .password .maxChars .multiline .textWidth .textHeight .selectable .htmlText .bottomScroll .text .embedFonts .borderColor .backgroundColor .textColor .font .size .color .url .target .bullet .tabStops .bold .italic .underline .align .leftMargin .rightMargin .indent .leading .replaceSel .getTextFormat .setTextFormat .getNewTextFormat .setNewTextFormat .getTextExtent .getFontList .addListener .removeListener .focusEnabled .onPress .onRelease .onReleaseOutside .onRollOver .onRollOut .onDragOver .onDragOut .onLoad .onUnload .onMouseDown .onMouseMove .onMouseUp .onKeyDown .onKeyUp .onData .onChanged .tabIndex .tabEnabled .tabChildren .hitArea .onSetFocus .onKillFocus .setMask Accessibility .isActive .createEmptyMovieClip .beginFill .beginGradientFill .moveTo .lineTo .curveTo .lineStyle .endFill .clear CustomActions .get .install .list .uninstall Stage .showMenu .scaleMode .align .width .height .onResize System .capabilities .clear .contentType .createEmptyMovieClip .curveTo .height .ignoreWhite .lineTo .moveTo .onEnterFrame .onScroller .trackAsMenu .type .width .duration .position .onSoundComplete .hasAudio .hasMP3 .hasAudioEncoder .hasVideoEncoder .screenResolutionX .screenResolutionY .screenDPI .screenColor .pixelAspectRatio .hasAccessibility FCheckBox .getValue .setValue .getEnabled .setEnabled .setLabel .getLabel .setChangeHandler .setSize .setLabelPlacement FPushButton .setClickHandler FRadioButton .setValue .getValue .getGroupName .setGroupName .setData .getData FListBox .addItem .addItemAt .removeItemAt .removeAll .getLength .getSelectedIndex .getSelectedIndices .getSelectedItem .getSelectedItems .getItemAt .getScrollPosition .getSelectMultiple .getRowCount .replaceItemAt .setSelectedIndex .setSelectedIndices .setScrollPosition .setRowCount .setWidth .setSelectMultiple .setAutoHideScrollBar .setDataProvider .setItemSymbol FScrollBar .setScrollProperties .setSmallScroll .setLargeScroll .setHorizontal .setScrollTarget FComboBox .setEditable FScrollPane .getScrollContent .setScrollContent .setScrollContent .setScrollContent .setHScroll .setVScroll .setScrollPosition .loadScrollContent .refreshPane .getPaneHeight .getPaneWidth .sortItemsBy FStyleFormat .addListener .applyChanges .removeListener arrow textUnderline textSize textSelected textRightMargin textLeftMargin textItalic textIndent textFont textDisabled textColor textBold textAlign shadow selectionUnfocused selectionDisabled selection scrollTrack radioDot highlight3D highlight embedFonts focusRectInner focusRectOuter foregroundDisabled face darkshadow check backgroundDisabled background arrow .registerSkinElement .setStyleProperty .getState .setState .setDragContent globalStyleFormat #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off _alpha _currentframe _droptarget _focusrect _framesloaded _height _highquality _name _quality _rotation _soundbuftime _target _totalframes _url _visible _width _x _xmouse _xscale _y _ymouse _yscale NetServices .createGatewayConnection .setdefaultGatewayURL NetConnection .addHeader .call .close .connect .getDebugConfig .getDebugID .setCredentials .setDebugID .trace RecordSet .getColumnNames .addView .getLength .getItemAt .getItemID .addItemAt .addItem .replaceItemAt .setField .removeItemAt .removeAll .sortItemsBy .isLocal .isFullyPopulated .getNumberAvailable .setDeliveryMode .filter .sort NetDebug NetDebugConfig .getDebug .setDebug DataGlue .bindFormatStrings .bindFormatFunction