; EmEditor Syntax File ; cadkey.esy - CADkey CADL syntax file. 4/21/2002 ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin=/* #CommentEnd=*/ #LineComment1=// #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=on #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=off #Escape= #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=on #Keyword color=5,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off + - * / % #Keyword color=5,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off == != > < >= <= && || | & # >> << ~ #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off char double float int long short slist string uchar uint ulong ushort #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off #DEFINE #IFDEF #IFNDEF #ELSE #INCLUDE #UNDEF #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off ABORT ADDCOLL ADDCOP ADDCTYPE ANGDIM ARC ARRAY AUTO BURSTCOLL CALL CDECLOSE CDEOPEN CHAIN CIRCLE CIRDIM ck_getfilename CLEAR CLEARHST CLEARSEL CLOSE CLS CMOVE CODE CONIC CREAD CWRITE DBLSCL DEFATTR DELCOP DELCTYPE DELENT DOSUB DRAWENT EXEC EXIT FNOTE GENDIM GETALL GETCOLOR GETCOP GETCUR GETENT GETENTID GETENTM GETENTXY GETFLT GETGROUP GETINT GETKEY GETLTYPE GETLWIDTH GETMENU GETNEXT GETPLANE GETPOS GETSTR GETVIEW GOTO GROUP HALF IF INPUT INQCTYPE INQTCODE LABEL LEADER LEVELS LINDIM LINE MAKECOLL MODE NEXTCOLL NFNOTE NLABEL NLEADER NNOTE NOTE NWITNESS ON ORDALIGN ORDDIM PALETTE PAUSE POINT POLYGON POLYLINE PRANGE PRINT PROMPT READ READDEV REDRAW REM REMCOLL SCALE SET SETATTR SETCUR SETNOTE SPLINE SPRINT VIEW VLINE VPOINT VPOLYGON WAIT WINDOW WITNESS WRITE XHATCH #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off arrdir arrstyle cdlpath collective collsel color conaxes const coord curtrack cview depth devin devout dimfill dimfont dimht dimslant draword dspaxes grid gridinc immcom leader level levelmask limit linetype linewidth mask maskcol maskent masklevel maskltype masklwidth maskpen noteang notefill notefont noteht noteline noteslant noteuline notpath pen pltpath precision prtpath ptnpath snap snapinc textasp unit versel view witness #Keyword color=8,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off sys_addvp sys_autovp sys_delvp sys_inqtbsize sys_inqvpdef sys_inqvpinfo sys_movevp sys_prt_close sys_prt_desc_inq sys_prt_desc_set sys_prt_load sys_prt_save sys_ptn_load sys_ptn_save sys_put_name #Keyword color=1,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off dg_add_box dg_add_button dg_add_check dg_add_combo dg_add_list dg_add_note dg_add_radio dg_add_text_double dg_add_text_int dg_add_text_string dg_add_title dg_child_dialog dg_del_combo_list_text dg_del_ent dg_del_list_text dg_draw_dialog dg_erase_dialog dg_free_dialog dg_get_check dg_get_combo_list_active dg_get_combo_string dg_get_flags dg_get_list dg_get_list_text dg_get_note dg_get_radio dg_get_text_double dg_get_text_int dg_get_text_string dg_init_dialog dg_inq_dialog_wh dg_move_focus dg_radio_align dg_run_dialog dg_set_check dgset_combo_list_active dg_set_combo_list_text dg_set_combo_string dg_set_flags dg_set_list dg_set_list_text dg_set_note dg_set_radio dg_set_radio_text dg_set_text_double dg_set_text_int dg_set_text_string dg_set_title #Keyword color=6,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off @cdldev @cdlname @cdlpath @cid @color @const @csize @ctcode @curvp @cview @cwd @cviewmat @depth @dflt @dimfill @dimfont @dimht @diminfo1 @diminfo2 @dimscale @dimslnt @entatt @error @fltdat @intdat @key @lastid @lastvw @ldrln @level @levels @ltype @lwidth @mscdat @noteang @notefill @notefont @noteht @noteline @noteslnt @noteuln @notpath @nread @numflt @numint @numpal @numstr @numvp @palb @palg @palr @pen @pltname @pltpath @prtname @prtpath @ptnname @ptnpath @refarc @refln @refpnt @scale @selpval @selsnum @sfpath @strdat @suppath @txtasp @txtatt @txtinfo @units @versel @view @viewmat @vwwld @xcursor @xcview @xmax @xmin @xview @xworld @ycursor @ycview @ymax @ymin @yview @yworld @zcview @zview @zworld @1-@10