; EmEditor Syntax File ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin= #LineComment1= #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=off #DoubleQuote=off #ContinueQuote=off #Escape= #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=off #Keyword color=3,word=off,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=on @defgroup\s+\w+ @page\s+\w+ @ingroup\s+\w+ @ref\s+\w+ @section\s+\w+ @subpage\s+\w+ @section\s+\w+ \\defgroup\s+\w+ \\page\s+\w+ \\ingroup\s+\w+ \\ref\s+\w+ \\section\s+\w+ \\subpage\s+\w+ \\section\s+\w+ #Keyword color=4,word=off,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=on \\a \\addindex \\addtogroup \\anchor \\arg \\attention \\author \\b \\brief \\bug \\c \\callgraph \\category \\class \\code \\cond \\copydoc \\date \\def \\defgroup \\deprecated \\dir \\dontinclude \\dot \\dotfile \\e \\else \\elseif \\em \\endcode \\endcond \\enddot \\endhtmlonly \\endif \\endlatexonly \\endlink \\endmanonly \\endverbatim \\endxmlonly \\enum \\example \\exception \\f$ \\f[ \\f] \\file \\fn \\hideinitializer \\htmlinclude \\htmlonly \\if \\ifnot \\image \\include \\includelineno \\ingroup \\internal \\invariant \\interface \\latexonly \\li \\line \\link \\mainpage \\manonly \\n \\name \\namespace \\nosubgrouping \\note \\overload \\p \\package \\page \\par \\paragraph \\param \\post \\pre \\private \\privatesection \\property \\protected \\protectedsection \\protocol \\public \\publicsection \\ref \\relates \\relatesalso \\remarks \\return \\retval \\sa \\section \\see \\showinitializer \\since \\skip \\skipline \\struct \\subpage \\subsection \\subsubsection \\test \\throw \\todo \\typedef \\union \\until \\var \\verbatim \\verbinclude \\version \\warning \\weakgroup \\xmlonly \\xrefitem @a @addindex @addtogroup @anchor @arg @attention @author @b @brief @bug @c @callgraph @category @class @code @cond @copydoc @date @def @defgroup @deprecated @dir @dontinclude @dot @dotfile @e @else @elseif @em @endcode @endcond @enddot @endhtmlonly @endif @endlatexonly @endlink @endmanonly @endverbatim @endxmlonly @enum @example @exception @f$ @f[ @f] @file @fn @hideinitializer @htmlinclude @htmlonly @if @ifnot @image @include @includelineno @ingroup @internal @invariant @interface @latexonly @li @line @link @mainpage @manonly @n @name @namespace @nosubgrouping @note @overload @p @package @page @par @paragraph @param @post @pre @private @privatesection @property @protected @protectedsection @protocol @public @publicsection @ref @relates @relatesalso @remarks @return @retval @sa @section @see @showinitializer @since @skip @skipline @struct @subpage @subsection @subsubsection @test @throw @todo @typedef @union @until @var @verbatim @verbinclude @version @warning @weakgroup @xmlonly @xrefitem