; EmEditor Syntax File ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin=/* #CommentEnd=*/ #LineComment1=// #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=on #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=off #Escape=\ #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=on ;intrinsic functions #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off abs acos all any asin atan atan2 ceil clamp clip cos cosh cross D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4 ddx ddy degrees determinant distance dot exp exp2 faceforward floor fmod frac frexp fwidth isfinite isinf isnan ldexp length lerp lit log log10 log2 max min modf mul noise normalize pow radians reflect refract round rsqrt saturate sign sin sincos sinh smoothstep sqrt step tan tanh tex1D tex1Dgrad tex1Dbias tex1Dgrad tex1Dlod tex1Dproj tex2D tex2D tex2Dbias tex2Dgrad tex2Dlod tex2Dproj tex3D tex3D tex3Dbias tex3Dgrad tex3Dlod tex3Dproj texCUBE texCUBE texCUBEbias texCUBEgrad texCUBElod texCUBEproj transpose ;keywords (case insensitive) #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off asm decl pass technique ;keywords (case sensitive) #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off asm_fragment bool column_major compile compile_fragment const discard do double else extern false float for half if in inline inout int matrix out pixelfragment return register row_major sampler sampler1D sampler2D sampler3D samplerCUBE sampler_state shared stateblock stateblock_state static string struct texture texture1D texture2D texture3D textureCUBE true typedef uniform vector vertexfragment void volatile while ;reserved words #Keyword color=9,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off auto break case catch char class const_cast continue default delete dynamic_cast enum explicit friend goto long mutable namespace new operator private protected public reinterpret_cast short signed sizeof static_cast switch template this throw try typename union unsigned using virtual ;preprocessor #Keyword color=5,word=on,rightall=on,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off #define #elif #else #endif #error #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #line #pragma #undef ;types #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=on (BOOL|int|half|float|double)([1234](x[1234])?)? ;numbers #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=on \d+(\.\d+)? ;operators and brackets #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=on (&&|\|\||[\+\*\-\/\(\)\[\]\{\}=:,^;<>])