; EmEditor Syntax File ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin=` #CommentEnd=` #LineComment1=^# #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=on #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=off #Escape=\ #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=off #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off $ % @ > < / - + * % | ^ ! & != => == >> >= ** <= << sub if else while for foreach continue import return break ne eq lt gt isin iswm ismatch hasmatch is -isletter -isnumber -eof -ishash -istrue -isarray -isFile -isDir -exists -isHidden -canread -canwrite menubar menu item on wait bind set alias istoken isnormal isvoice ishalfop hasmode ismode isop ison -isSetT -isidle -isSetF -isspecial -iswindow -isnotify -ischannel -issignedon -isdccopen -issignedoff #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off long tan double atan sqrt atan2 parseNumber exp radians sin not asin uint degrees log round floor acos abs int cos ceil rand formatNumber chr sort strrep right asc strlen indexOf tr uc sortd substr sorta left charAt lc sortn formatDate parseDate ticks replace matches join split matched deleteFile setReadOnly getFileProper lastModified getFilePath createNewFile mkdir setLastModified getFileParent getFileName rename listRoots ls getCurrentDirectory lof mark readAll readln openf closef listen readb unpack connect pack wait sleep writeb printf skip printEOF print bread fork bwrite getConsole println read reset printAll exec use systemProperties flatten function remove checkError push compile_closure add values size map this subarray expr hash reverse local shift pop keys eval array lambda clear cast removeAt copy getServerHost getTransferRate refreshMenubar generateThemeScript sendReply baseDirectory getAddressFromNotify getButtonColor serverInfoPassword logMessage echo getChannels call showInputDialog openWindow getServersForNetwork getDCCIdleTime echoColumns setWindowPrompt cutSelectedText findToken getConnectionState buildCP437String getSelectedText tokenize setMappedColor ctime setQuery closeWindow getNextPort getWindows getLimit getIdleTime getProperty cycleQuery addSeparator getCurrentWindow setCursorPosition getNotifyUsers scrollWindow removeMenubarItem fileCompleteAll serverInfoCommand getDCCNickname pasteText getWindowState getInactiveConnections getSpecificConnection copySelectedText getToken formatBytes fireEvent getTokenTo replaceSelectedText isServerConnected getSupportHints openCommand getTokenRange getAcknowledgedSize stopTimer getAllNetworks formatTime2 getAllTokens getServerPort getAllServers setSessionText sendRequest getDCCConnection getDCCTotalTime getKey duration onlineFor getHalfOps mask processInput closeDCC showSearchDialog getLocalPort showAboutDialog showHelpDialog soundStop getSignedOnUsers getMappedColor getSelectedUser getDCCAddress getServerPassword showOptionDialog getConnectionType getMode setWindowTitle getWaitingConnections getSignedOffUsers showDirectoryDialog showFileDialog soundPlay saveColorMap addTimer localip loadFont getInputText formatTime serverInfoDescription getServerNetwork soundLoop tileWindows nickCompleteAll activateSession getDCCFileName addItem renameWindow getFileSizeOffset refreshWindow getAddress getActiveWindow getSelectedUsers sendNotice sendRaw getDCCFilePath getModeFor getAllConnections exit getSessionText setButtonColor getScriptPath serverInfoPortRange timeDateStamp refreshData setTimerResolution groupNicks getTimeRemaining isServerSecure loadSound getPropertyList getVoiced getDCCStartTime getSessionColor getTotalTokens serverInfoNetwork serverInfoIsSecure getActiveSessionId formatDecimal getTopic getSessionId parseSet sendMessage getTotalSessions getCursorPosition getExpectedSize cascadeWindows setWindowState setClipboardText getClipboardText setProperty getTokenFrom sendAction echoAll getActiveConnections longip echoStatus getUsers setInputText say strip callInSession getWindowPrompt nickComplete versionString getWindowTitle getOps serverInfoConnectPort getScriptResource getBytesReceived getRemotePort getLogFile timeStamp getServerInfo serverInfoHost getNormal setPropertyList getAliasList setSessionColor searchAddressList showSortedList activateWindow echoRaw getBytesSent