; EmEditor Syntax File ; ; for MATLAB (R2007a) with Toolboxes & Simulink. ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin= #CommentEnd= #LineComment1=% #LineComment2=% #SingleQuote=on #DoubleQuote=off #ContinueQuote=off #Escape= #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=on ; MATLAB default basic commands or functions #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off and break case catch continue else elseif end for function global if otherwise or persistent return switch try while ; MATLAB default basic commands or functions #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off abs accumarray acos acosd acosh acot acotd acoth acsc acscd acsch actxcontrol actxcontrollist actxcontrolselect actxGetRunningServer actxserver addevent addframe addOptional addParamValue addpath addpref addproperty addRequired addsample addsampletocollection addtodate addts airy align alim all allchild alpha alphamap amd ancestor angle annotation ans any area arrayfun ascii asec asecd asech asin asind asinh assert assignin atan atan2 atand atanh audioplayer audiorecorder aufinfo auread auwrite avifile aviinfo aviread balance base2dec beep besselh besseli besselj besselk bessely beta betainc betaln bicg bicgstab bin2dec binary bitand bitcmp bitget bitmax bitor bitset bitshift bitxor blanks blkdiag box brighten builddocsearchdb builtin bsxfun bvp4c bvpget bvpinit bvpset bvpxtend calendar calllib callSoapService camdolly cameratoolbar camlight camlookat camorbit campan campos camproj camroll camtarget camup camva camzoom cart2pol cart2sph cast cat caxis cd cdf2rdf cdfepoch cdfinfo cdfread cdfwrite ceil cell cell2mat cell2struct celldisp cellfun cellplot cellstr cgs char checkin checkout chol cholinc cholupdate circshift cla clabel class clc clear clf clipboard clock close closereq cmopts colamd colmmd colorbar colordef colormap colormapeditor colperm comet comet3 commandhistory commandwindow compan compass complex computer cond condeig condest coneplot conj contourslice contrast conv conv2 convhull convhulln convn copyfile copyobj corrcoef cos cosd cosh cot cotd coth cov cplxpair cputime createClassFromWsdl createCopy createSoapMessage cross csc cscd csch csvread csvwrite ctranspose cumprod cumsum cumtrapz curl customverctrl cylinder daqread daspect datacursormode datatipinfo date datenum datestr datetick datevec dbclear dbcont dbdown dblquad dbmex dbquit dbstack dbstatus dbstep dbstop dbtype dbup dde23 ddeadv ddeexec ddeget ddeinit ddepoke ddereq ddesd ddeset ddeterm ddeunadv deal deblank debug dec2base dec2bin dec2hex decic deconv del2 delaunay delaunay3 delaunayn delete deleteproperty delevent delsample delsamplefromcollection demo depdir depfun det detrend deval diag dialog diary diff diffuse disp display divergence dlmread dlmwrite dmperm doc docopt docsearch dos dot double dragrect drawnow dsearch dsearchn echo echodemo edit eig eigs ellipj ellipke ellipsoid enableservice eomday eps eq erf erfc erfcx erfinv erfcinv error errordlg etime etree etreeplot eval evalc evalin eventlisteners events Execute exifread exist exit exp expint expm expm1 export2wsdlg eye ezcontour ezcontourf ezmesh ezmeshc ezplot ezplot3 ezpolar ezsurf ezsurfc factor factorial false fclose feather feof ferror feval fft fft2 fftn fftshift fftw fgetl fgets fieldnames figurepalette fileattrib filebrowser filemarker fileparts filesep fill fill3 filter filter2 find findall findobj findstr finish fitsinfo fitsread fix flipdim fliplr flipud floor flops flow fminbnd fminsearch fopen format fplot fprintf frame2im frameedit fread freqspace frewind fscanf fseek ftell ftp full fullfile func2str functions funm fwrite fzero gallery gamma gammainc gammaln genpath genvarname getabstime getappdata GetCharArray getdatasamplesize getenv getfield getframe GetFullMatrix getinterpmethod getpixelposition getpref getqualitydesc getsampleusingtime gettimeseriesnames gettsafteratevent gettsafterevent gettsatevent gettsbeforeatevent gettsbeforeevent gettsbetweenevents GetVariable GetWorkspaceData ginput gmres gplot grabcode gradient graymon grid griddata griddata3 griddatan gsvd gt gtext guidata guide guihandles gunzip gzip hadamard hankel hdf hdf5 hdf5info hdf5read hdf5write hdfinfo hdfread hdftool help helpbrowser helpdesk helpdlg helpwin hess hex2dec hex2num hgexport hggroup hgload hgsave hgtransform hidden hilb hold home horzcat hostid hsv2rgb hypot i idealfilter idivide ifft ifft2 ifftn ifftshift ilu im2frame im2java imag imfinfo imformats import importdata imread imwrite ind2rgb ind2sub Inf inferiorto info inline inmem inpolygon input inputdlg inputname inputParser inspect instrcallback instrfind instrfindall int2str int8 int16 int32 int64 interfaces interp1 interp1q interp2 interp3 interpft interpn interpstreamspeed intersect intmax intmin intwarning inv invhilb invoke ipermute iqr isa isappdata iscell iscellstr ischar iscom isdir isempty isequal isequalwithequalnans isevent isfield isfinite isfloat isglobal ishandle ishold isinf isinteger isinterface isjava iskeyword isletter islogical ismac ismember ismethod isnan isnumeric isobject isocaps isocolors isonormals isosurface ispc ispref isprime isprop isreal isscalar issorted isspace issparse isstr isstrprop isstruct isstudent isunix isvalid isvarname isvector j javaaddpath javaArray javachk javaclasspath javaMethod javaObject javarmpath keyboard kron lasterr lasterror lastwarn lcm ldl ldivide rdivide le legend legendre length libfunctions libfunctionsview libisloaded libpointer libstruct license light lightangle lighting lin2mu linkaxes linkprop linsolve linspace listdlg listfonts load loadlibrary loadobj log log10 log1p log2 logical loglog logm logspace lookfor lower ls lscov lsqnonneg lsqr lt lu luinc magic makehgtform mat2cell mat2str material matlabcolon matlabrc matlabroot matlab max MaximizeCommandWindow mean median memmapfile memory menu meshgrid methods methodsview mex mexext mfilename mget min MinimizeCommandWindow minres mislocked mkdir mkpp mldivide mrdivide mlint mlintrpt mlock mmfileinfo mod mode more move movefile movegui movie movie2avi mput msgbox mtimes mu2lin multibandread multibandwrite munlock namelengthmax NaN nargchk nargin nargout nargoutchk native2unicode nchoosek ndgrid ndims ne newplot nextpow2 nnz noanimate nonzeros norm normest not notebook now nthroot null num2cell num2hex num2str numel nzmax ode15i ode23 ode45 ode113 ode15s ode23s ode23t ode23tb odefile odeget odeset odextend ones open openfig opengl openvar optimget optimset ordeig orderfields ordqz ordschur orient orth pack pagesetupdlg pan pareto parse parseSoapResponse partialpath pascal path path2rc pathdef pathsep pathtool pause pbaspect pcg pchip pcode pcolor pdepe pdeval peaks perl perms permute pi pie pie3 pinv planerot playshow plotbrowser plotedit plotmatrix plottools plotyy pol2cart poly polyarea polyder polyeig polyfit polyint polyval polyvalm pow2 power ppval prefdir preferences primes print printopt printdlg printpreview prod profile profsave propedit propertyeditor psi publish PutCharArray PutFullMatrix PutWorkspaceData qmr qr qrdelete qrinsert qrupdate quad quadl quadv questdlg quit qz rand randn randperm rank rat rats rbbox rcond readasync real reallog realmax realmin realpow realsqrt record rectint recycle reducepatch reducevolume refresh refreshdata regexp regexpi regexprep regexptranslate registerevent rehash release rem removets rename repmat resample reset reshape residue restoredefaultpath rethrow rgb2hsv rgbplot rmappdata rmdir rmfield rmpath rmpref roots rosser rot90 rotate rotate3d round rref rsf2csf run save saveas saveobj savepath schur script sec secd sech selectmoveresize semilogx semilogy send sendmail serial serialbreak setabstime setappdata setdiff setenv setfield setinterpmethod setpixelposition setpref setstr settimeseriesnames setxor shading shiftdim showplottool shrinkfaces sign sin sind single sinh size slice smooth3 sort sortrows sound soundsc spalloc sparse spaugment spconvert spdiags specular speye spfun sph2cart sphere spinmap spline spones spparms sprand sprandn sprandsym sprank sprintf spy sqrt sqrtm squeeze ss2tf sscanf stairs start startat startup std stem stem3 stop stopasync str2double str2func str2mat str2num strcat strcmp strcmpi stream2 stream3 streamline streamparticles streamribbon streamslice streamtube strfind strings strjust strmatch strncmp strncmpi strread strrep strtok strtrim struct struct2cell structfun strvcat sub2ind subplot subsasgn subsindex subspace subsref substruct subvolume sum superiorto support surfl surfnorm svd svds swapbytes symamd symbfact symmlq symmmd symrcm symvar synchronize syntax system tan tand tanh tar tempdir tempname tetramesh texlabel textread textscan textwrap tic toc timer timerfind timerfindall timeseries title todatenum toeplitz toolboxdir trace transpose trapz treelayout tril trimesh triplequad triplot trisurf triu true tscollection tsdata.event tsearch tsearchn tsprops tstool type typecast uibuttongroup uigetdir uigetfile uigetpref uiimport uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uiopen uipanel uipushtool uiputfile uiresume uiwait uisave uisetcolor uisetfont uisetpref uistack uitoggletool uitoolbar undocheckout unicode2native union unique unix unloadlibrary unmkpp unregisterallevents unregisterevent untar unwrap unzip upper urlread urlwrite usejava vander var varargin varargout vectorize ver verctrl verLessThan version vertcat view viewmtx volumebounds voronoi voronoin wait waitbar waitfor waitforbuttonpress warndlg warning waterfall wavfinfo wavplay wavread wavrecord wavwrite web weekday what whatsnew which whitebg who whos wilkinson winopen winqueryreg wk1finfo wk1read wk1write workspace xlabel ylabel zlabel xlim ylim zlim xlsfinfo xlsread xlswrite xmlread xmlwrite xor xslt zeros zip zoom ; MATLAB basic commands or functions for graphics, etc. #Keyword color=5,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off axis axes bar barh bar3 bar3h contour contour3 contourc contourf dir errorbar figure findfigs findobj gca gcbf gcbo gcd gcf gco ge get get_param gcbh hist histc image imagesc line mesh meshc meshz patch plot plot3 polar pwd quiver quiver3 rectangle ribbon rose scatter scatter3 set set_param sf surf surfc surf2patch surface text treeplot uicontrol uimenu uicontextmenu ; MATLAB Aerospace Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addBody airspeed alphabeta angle2dcm Aero.Animation atmoscoesa atmosisa atmoslapse atmosnonstd atmospalt Aero.Body Aero.Camera convacc convang convangacc convangvel convdensity convforce convlength convmass convpres convtemp convvel correctairspeed createBody datcomimport dcm2alphabeta dcm2angle dcm2latlon dcm2quat dcmbody2wind dcmecef2ned decyear ;delete dpressure ecef2lla euler2quat fganimation Aero.FlightGearAnimation findstartstoptimes generatePatches GenerateRunScript geoc2geod geocradius geod2geoc Aero.Geometry gravitywgs84 hide initialize initIfNeeded juliandate leapyear lla2ecef ;load machnumber mjuliandate move moveBody play quat2dcm quat2euler quatconj quatdivide quatinv quatmod quatmultiply quatnorm quatnormalize quatrotate read removeBody rrdelta rrsigma rrtheta show update updateBodies updateCamera wrldmagm ;Aero.Animation ;Aero.Body ;Aero.Camera ;Aero.FlightGearAnimation ;Aero.Geometry ; MATLAB Bioinformatics Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off aa2int aa2nt aacount affyinvarsetnorm affyprobeaffinities affyprobeseqread affyread agferead aminolookup atomiccomp basecount baselookup biograph blastncbi blastread blosum celintensityread classperf cleave clustergram codonbias codoncount cpgisland crossvalind dayhoff dimercount dna2rna dnds dndsml emblread evalrasmolscript exprprofrange exprprofvar fastaread fastawrite featuresmap featuresparse galread gcrma gcrmabackadj genbankread geneentropyfilter genelowvalfilter geneont generangefilter geneticcode genevarfilter genpeptread geosoftread getblast getembl getgenbank getgenpept getgeodata gethmmalignment gethmmprof gethmmtree getpdb goannotread gonnet gprread graphallshortestpaths graphconncomp graphisdag graphisomorphism graphisspantree graphmaxflow graphminspantree graphpred2path graphshortestpath graphtopoorder graphtraverse hmmprofalign hmmprofestimate hmmprofgenerate hmmprofmerge hmmprofstruct imageneread int2aa int2nt isoelectric jcampread joinseq knnclassify knnimpute maboxplot mafdr magetfield maimage mainvarsetnorm mairplot maloglog malowess manorm mapcaplot mattest mavolcanoplot molweight molviewer msalign msbackadj msdotplot msheatmap mslowess msnorm mspalign mspeaks msppresample msresample mssgolay msviewer multialign multialignread multialignviewer mzxml2peaks mzxmlread nmercount nt2aa nt2int ntdensity nuc44 num2goid nwalign oligoprop optimalleaforder palindromes pam pdbdistplot pdbread pdbwrite pfamhmmread phytree phytreeread phytreetool phytreewrite probelibraryinfo probesetlink probesetlookup probesetplot probesetvalues profalign proteinplot proteinpropplot quantilenorm ramachandran randfeatures randseq rankfeatures rebasecuts redgreencmap restrict revgeneticcode rmabackadj rmasummary rna2dna samplealign scfread seq2regexp seqcomplement seqconsensus seqdisp seqdotplot seqinsertgaps seqlinkage seqlogo seqmatch seqneighjoin seqpdist seqprofile seqrcomplement seqreverse seqshoworfs seqshowwords seqtool seqwordcount showalignment showhmmprof sptread svmclassify svmsmoset svmtrain swalign traceplot zonebackadj ; MATLAB Communications Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off algdeintrlv algintrlv alignsignals amdemod ammod arithdeco arithenco awgn bchdec bchenc bchgenpoly bchnumerr berawgn bercoding berconfint berfading berfit bersync bertool bi2de bin2gray biterr bsc cma compand convdeintrlv convenc convintrlv convmtx cosets cyclgen cyclpoly de2bi decode deintrlv dfe dftmtx distspec doppler doppler.flat doppler.gaussian doppler.jakes doppler.rjakes doppler.rounded dpcmdeco dpcmenco dpcmopt dpskdemod dpskmod dvbs2ldpc encode equalize eyediagram fec.ldpcdec fec.ldpcenc ;fft ;filter finddelay fmdemod fmmod fskdemod fskmod gen2par genqamdemod genqammod gf gfadd gfconv gfcosets gfdeconv gfdiv gffilter gflineq gfminpol gfmul gfpretty gfprimck gfprimdf gfprimfd gfrank gfrepcov gfroots gfsub gftable gftrunc gftuple gfweight gray2bin hammgen hank2sys heldeintrlv helintrlv helscandeintrlv helscanintrlv hilbiir huffmandeco huffmandict huffmanenco ifft intdump intrlv iscatastrophic isprimitive istrellis lineareq lloyds lms ;log marcumq mask2shift matdeintrlv matintrlv minpol mldivide mlseeq modem modem.pskdemod modem.pskmod modem.qamdemod modem.qammod modnorm mskdemod mskmod muxdeintrlv muxintrlv noisebw normlms oct2dec oqpskdemod oqpskmod pamdemod pammod ;plot pmdemod pmmod poly2trellis primpoly pskdemod pskmod qamdemod qammod qfunc qfuncinv quantiz randdeintrlv randerr randint randintrlv randsrc rayleighchan rcosfir rcosflt rcosiir rcosine rectpulse reset ricianchan rls rsdec rsdecof rsenc rsencof rsgenpoly scatterplot semianalytic seqgen seqgen.pn shift2mask signlms ssbdemod ssbmod symerr syndtable varlms vec2mat vitdec wgn ; MATLAB Control System Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;abs acker allmargin append augstate balreal balred bandwidth bode bodemag bodeplot c2d canon care chgunits conj connect covar ctrb ctrbf ctrlpref d2c d2d damp dare dcgain delay2z delayss dlqr dlyap dlyapchol drss dsort dss dssdata esort estim evalfr ;exp fcat feedback filt fnorm frd frdata freqresp fselect gcare gdare gensig get getdelaymodel getoptions gram hasdelay hsvd hsvplot imag impulse impulseplot initial initialplot interp inv iopzmap iopzplot isct, isdt isempty isproper isstable issiso kalman kalmd lft lqg lqgreg lqr lqrd lqry lsim lsiminfo lsimplot ltimodels ltiprops ltiview lyap lyapchol margin minreal modred modsep ndims ngrid nichols nicholsplot norm nyquist nyquistplot obsv obsvf ord2 order pade parallel place pole pzmap pzplot ;real reg ;reshape rlocus rlocusplot rss series ;set setdelaymodel setoptions sgrid sigma sigmaplot sisoinit sisotool ;size sminreal ss ss2ss ssbal ssdata stabsep stack step stepinfo stepplot tf tfdata totaldelay zero zgrid zpk zpkdata ; MATLAB Curve Fitting Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off argnames category cfit cflibhelp cftool coeffnames coeffvalues confint datastats dependnames differentiate excludedata ;feval fit fitoptions fittype formula ;get indepnames integrate islinear numargs numcoeffs ;plot predint probnames probvalues ;set ;smooth ;type ; MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addchannel addline addmuxchannel analoginput analogoutput binvec2dec ;clear daqcallback daqfind daqhelp daqhwinfo daqmem daqread daqregister daqreset dec2binvec ;delete digitalio ;disp flushdata ;get getdata getsample getvalue inspect ischannel isdioline islogging isrunning issending ;isvalid ;length ;load makenames muxchanidx obj2mfile peekdata propinfo putdata putsample putvalue ;save ;set setverify showdaqevents ;size softscope ;start ;stop trigger ;wait ; MATLAB Database Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off attr bestrowid clearwarnings ;close cols columnnames columnprivileges columns commit confds crossreference cursor.fetch database database.fetch dmd driver drivermanager exec exportedkeys fastinsert fetch fetchmulti ;get getdatasources importedkeys indexinfo insert isconnection isdriver isjdbc isnullcolumn isreadonly isurl logintimeout namecolumn ping primarykeys procedurecolumns procedures querybuilder querytimeout register resultset rollback rows rsmd runstoredprocedure ;set setdbprefs sql2native supports tableprivileges tables unregister ;update versioncolumns width ; MATLAB Datafeed Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; Bloomberg bloomberg ; Connect to Bloomberg ;close ; Close Bloomberg connection fetch ; Request data from Bloomberg ;get ; Bloomberg connection properties isconnection ; True if valid Bloomberg connection pricevol ; Price and volume (demonstration) showtrades ; Recent trade data (demonstration) stockticker ; Trades with volumes (demonstration) ;;; Thomson Datastream ;close ; Close Thomson Datastream connection datastream ; Thomson Datastream API connection fetch ; Request data from Thomson Datastream ;get ; Thomson Datastream connection properties isconnection ; True if valid Thomson Datastream connection ;;; FactSet ;close ; Close FactSet connection factset ; Connect to FactSet fetch ; Request data from FactSet ;get ; FactSet connection properties isconnection ; True if valid FactSet connection ;;; Haver Analytics ;close ; Close Haver Analytics database fetch ; Request data from Haver Analytics ;get ; Haver Analytics connection properties haver ; Connect to local Haver Analytics database haver.havertool ; Haver Analytics graphical user interface demonstration ;info ; Information about Haver Analytics variable isconnection ; True if valid Haver Analytics connection nextinfo ; Information about Haver Analytics variable ;;; Hyperfeed ;close ; Close Hyperfeed connection fetch ; Request data from Hyperfeed ;get ; Hyperfeed connection properties hyperfeed ; Connect to Hyperfeed isconnection ; True if valid Hyperfeed connection ;;; FT Interactive Data ;close ; Close FT Interactive Data connection fetch ; Request data from FT Interactive Data ;get ; FT Interactive Data connection properties idc ; Connect to FT Interactive Data isconnection ; True if valid FT Interactive Data connection ;;; Federal Reserve Economic Data ;close ; Close FRED connection fetch ; Request data from FRED fred ; Connect to FRED ;get ; FRED connection properties isconnection ; True if valid FRED connection ;;; Kx Systems ;close ; Close Kx kdb+ connection exec ; Execute Kx kdb+ command without waiting for response fetch ; Request data from Kx kdb+ database ;get ; Get Kx kdb+ connection properties insert ; Write data to Kx kdb+ database isconnection ; True if valid Kx kdb+ connection kx ; Connect to Kx kdb+ database tables ; Table names from Kx kdb+ database ;;; Yahoo! ;close ; Close Yahoo! connection fetch ; Request data from Yahoo! ;get ; Yahoo! connection properties isconnection ; True if valid Yahoo! connection yahoo ; Connect to Yahoo! ; MATLAB Excel Link Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off matlabfcn matlabinit matlabsub MLAppendMatrix MLAutoStart MLClose MLDeleteMatrix MLEvalString MLGetFigure MLGetMatrix MLGetVar MLOpen MLPutMatrix MLPutVar MLShowMatlabErrors MLStartDir MLUseFullDesktop ; MATLAB Filter Design Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off adaptfilt adaptfilt.adjlms adaptfilt.ap adaptfilt.apru adaptfilt.bap adaptfilt.blms adaptfilt.blmsfft adaptfilt.dlms adaptfilt.fdaf adaptfilt.filtxlms adaptfilt.ftf adaptfilt.gal adaptfilt.hrls adaptfilt.hswrls adaptfilt.lms adaptfilt.lsl adaptfilt.nlms adaptfilt.pbfdaf adaptfilt.pbufdaf adaptfilt.qrdlsl adaptfilt.qrdrls adaptfilt.rls adaptfilt.sd adaptfilt.se adaptfilt.ss adaptfilt.swftf adaptfilt.swrls adaptfilt.tdafdct adaptfilt.tdafdft adaptfilt.ufdaf allpassbpc2bpc allpasslp2bp allpasslp2bpc allpasslp2bs allpasslp2bsc allpasslp2hp allpasslp2lp allpasslp2mb allpasslp2mbc allpasslp2xc allpasslp2xn allpassrateup allpassshift allpassshiftc autoscale block butter ca2tf cheby1 cheby2 cl2tf coeffs coeread coewrite convert cost cumsec denormalize design designmethods designopts dfilt dfilt.allpass dfilt.calattice dfilt.calatticepc dfilt.cascade dfilt.cascadeallpass dfilt.cascadewdfallpass dfilt.df1 dfilt.df1sos dfilt.df1t dfilt.df1tsos dfilt.df2 dfilt.df2sos dfilt.df2t dfilt.df2tsos dfilt.dfasymfir dfilt.dffir dfilt.dffirt dfilt.dfsymfir dfilt.latticeallpass dfilt.latticear dfilt.latticearma dfilt.latticemamax dfilt.latticemamin dfilt.parallel dfilt.scalar dfilt.wdfallpass ;disp ;double ellip euclidfactors equiripple farrow fcfwrite fdatool fdesign fdesign.arbmag fdesign.arbmagnphase fdesign.bandpass fdesign.bandstop fdesign.ciccomp fdesign.decimator fdesign.differentiator fdesign.fracdelay fdesign.halfband fdesign.highpass fdesign.hilbert fdesign.interpolator fdesign.isinclp fdesign.lowpass fdesign.notch fdesign.nyquist fdesign.octave fdesign.parameq fdesign.peak fdesign.rsrc fftcoeffs ;filter filterbuilder filtstates.cic fircband fireqint firceqrip firgr firhalfband firlp2lp firlp2hp firlpnorm firls firminphase firnyquist firpr2chfb firtype freqrespest freqrespopts freqsamp freqz gain grpdelay ;help ifir iirbpc2bpc iircomb iirftransf iirgrpdelay iirlinphase iirlp2bp iirlp2bpc iirlp2bs iirlp2bsc iirlp2hp iirlp2lp iirlp2mb iirlp2mbc iirlp2xc iirlp2xn iirlpnorm iirlpnormc iirls iirnotch iirpeak iirpowcomp iirrateup iirshift iirshiftc impz ;info ;int isallpass isfir islinphase ismaxphase isminphase isreal issos isstable kaiserwin lagrange limitcycle maxstep measure mfilt mfilt.cascade mfilt.cicdecim mfilt.cicinterp mfilt.fftfirinterp mfilt.firdecim mfilt.firfracdecim mfilt.firfracinterp mfilt.firinterp mfilt.firsrc mfilt.firtdecim mfilt.holdinterp mfilt.iirdecim mfilt.iirinterp mfilt.iirwdfdecim mfilt.iirwdfinterp mfilt.linearinterp msepred msesim multistage noisepsd noisepsdopts ;norm normalize normalizefreq nstates order parallel phasedelay phasez polyphase qreport realizemdl reffilter reorder reset scale scalecheck scaleopts set2int setspecs sos specifyall stepz tf2ca tf2cl validstructures window zerophase zpkbpc2bpc zpkftransf zpklp2bp zpklp2bpc zpklp2bs zpklp2bsc zpklp2hp zpklp2lp zpklp2mb zpklp2mbc zpklp2xc zpklp2xn zpkrateup zpkshift zpkshiftc zplane ;;; ; MATLAB Filter Desgn HDL Coder Toolbox ;;; #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ; MATLAB Financial Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off abs2active accrfrac acrubond acrudisc active2abs adline adosc amortize annurate annuterm ascii2fts ;bar ;barh ;bar3 ;bar3h beytbill binprice blkimpv blkprice blsdelta blsgamma blsimpv blslambda blsprice blsrho blstheta blsvega bndconvp bndconvy bnddurp bnddury bndprice bndspread bndyield bolling bollinger boxcox busdate busdays candle candle cfamounts cfconv cfdates cfdur cfport cftimes chaikosc chaikvolat chartfts chfield convert2sur convertto corr2cov cov2corr cpncount cpndaten cpndatenq cpndatep cpndatepq cpndaysn cpndaysp cpnpersz cumsum cur2frac cur2str date2time dateaxis datedisp datefind datemnth datenum datestr datevec datewrkdy day days360 days360e days360isda days360psa days365 daysact daysadd daysdif dec2thirtytwo depfixdb depgendb deprdv depsoyd depstln ;diff disc2zero discrate ecmlsrmle ecmlsrobj ecmmvnrfish ecmmvnrmle ecmmvnrobj ecmmvnrstd ecmnfish ecmnhess ecmninit ecmnmle ecmnobj ecmnstd effrr elpm emaxdrawdown ;end eomdate eomday ewstats ;exp extfield fbusdate fetch fieldnames fillts ;filter fints fpctkd frac2cur freqnum freqstr frontcon frontier fts2ascii fts2mat ftsbound ftsgui ftsinfo ftsuniq fvdisc fvfix fvvar fwd2zero getfield getnameidx hhigh highlow highlow hist holdings2weights holidays horzcat hour inforatio irr isbusday iscompatible isequal isfield issorted lagts lbusdate leadts ;length llow ;log ;log10 ;log2 lpm lweekdate m2xdate macd ;max maxdrawdown ;mean medprice merge ;min minus minute mirr month months movavg mrdivide mtimes mvnrfish mvnrmle mvnrobj mvnrstd negvolidx nomrr ;now nweekdate onbalvol opprofit payadv payodd payper payuni pcalims pcgcomp pcglims pcpval peravg periodicreturns ;plot plus pointfig portalloc portalpha portcons portopt portrand portsim portstats portvrisk posvolidx ;power prbyzero prcroc prdisc prmat prtbill pvfix pvtrend pvvar pyld2zero rdivide resamplets ret2tick ;rmfield rsindex second selectreturn setfield sharpe ;size smoothts sortfts spctkd std stochosc subsasgn subsref targetreturn taxedrr tbl2bond thirdwednesday thirtytwo2dec tick2ret time2date times toannual todaily today todecimal tomonthly toquarterly toquoted tosemi totalreturnprice toweekly tr2bonds tsaccel tsmom tsmovavg typprice ugarch ugarchllf ugarchpred ugarchsim uminus uplus vertcat volroc wclose weekday weights2holdings willad willpctr wrkdydif x2mdate xirr year yeardays yearfrac ylddisc yldmat yldtbill zbtprice zbtyield zero2disc zero2fwd zero2pyld ; MATLAB Financial Derivatives Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off asianbycrr asianbyeqp asianbyitt barrierbycrr barrierbyeqp barrierbyitt bdtprice bdtsens bdttimespec bdttree bdtvolspec bkprice bksens bktimespec bktree bkvolspec bondbybdt bondbybk bondbyhjm bondbyhw bondbyzero bushpath bushshape capbybdt capbybk capbyhjm capbyhw cfbybdt cfbybk cfbyhjm cfbyhw cfbyzero classfin compoundbycrr compoundbyeqp compoundbyitt crrprice crrsens crrtimespec crrtree cvtree date2time datedisp derivget derivset disc2rate eqpprice eqpsens eqptimespec eqptree fixedbybdt fixedbybk fixedbyhjm fixedbyhw fixedbyzero floatbybdt floatbybk floatbyhjm floatbyhw floatbyzero floorbybdt floorbybk floorbyhjm floorbyhw hedgeopt hedgeslf hjmprice hjmsens hjmtimespec hjmtree hjmvolspec hwprice hwsens hwtimespec hwtree hwvolspec instadd instaddfield instasian instbarrier instbond instcap instcf instcompound instdelete instdisp instfields instfind instfixed instfloat instfloor instget instgetcell instlength instlookback instoptbnd instoptstock instselect instsetfield instswap insttypes intenvget intenvprice intenvsens intenvset isafin ittprice ittsens itttimespec itttree lookbackbycrr lookbackbyeqp lookbackbyitt mkbush mktree mktrintree mmktbybdt mmktbyhjm optbndbybdt optbndbybk optbndbyhjm optbndbyhw optstockbycrr optstockbyeqp optstockbyitt rate2disc ratetimes stockoptspec stockspec swapbybdt swapbybk swapbyhjm swapbyhw swapbyzero time2date treepath treeshape treeviewer trintreepath trintreeshape ; MATLAB Fixed-Income Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off bkcall bkcaplet bkfloorlet bkput cbprice cdai cdprice cdyield cfamounts convfactor liborduration liborfloat2fixed liborprice mbscfamounts mbsconvp mbsconvy mbsdurp mbsdury mbsnoprepay mbsoas2price mbsoas2yield mbspassthrough mbsprice mbsprice2oas mbsprice2speed mbswal mbsyield mbsyield2oas mbsyield2speed psaspeed2default psaspeed2rate stepcpncfamounts stepcpnprice stepcpnyield tbilldisc2yield tbillprice tbillrepo tbillval01 tbillyield tbillyield2disc tfutbyprice tfutbyyield tfutimprepo tfutpricebyrepo tfutyieldbyrepo zeroprice zeroyield ; MATLAB Fixed-Point Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;abs add ;all ;and ;any ;area ;bar ;barh bin bin2num bitand bitcmp bitget bitor bitset bitshift bitxor buffer clabel comet comet3 compass ;complex ;coneplot ;conj ;contour ;contour3 ;contourc ;contourf convergent copyobj ctranspose dec denormalmax denormalmin ;diag ;disp divide ;double ;end ;eps ;eq ;errorbar etreeplot exponentbias exponentlength exponentmax exponentmin ezcontour ezcontourf ezmesh ezplot ezplot3 ezpolar ezsurf ezsurfc feather fi fimath fipref flipdim ;fliplr ;flipud ;fplot fractionlength ge ;get ;gplot ;gt hankel hex ;hex2num ;hist ;histc ;horzcat ;imag innerprodintbits ;int ;int8 ;int16 ;int32 intmax intmin ;ipermute iscolumn ;isempty ;isequal isfi isfimath ;isfinite ;isinf ;isnan ;isnumeric isnumerictype ;isobject ispropequal ;isreal isrow ;isscalar issigned ;isvector ;le ;length ;line ;logical ;loglog lowerbound lsb ;lt ;max maxlog ;mesh ;meshc ;meshz ;min minlog minus mpy ;mtimes ndims ;ne noperations ;not noverflows num2bin num2hex num2int numberofelements numerictype nunderflows oct or ;patch ;pcolor ;permute ;plot ;plot3 ;plotmatrix ;plotyy plus ;polar ;pow2 quantize quantizer ;quiver ;quiver3 randquant range ;real ;realmax ;realmin ;repmat rescale ;reset resetlog ;reshape ;rgbplot ;ribbon ;rose ;round savefipref ;scatter ;scatter3 sdec ;semilogx ;semilogy set ;shiftdim ;sign ;single ;size ;slice ;spy ;sqrt ;squeeze ;stairs ;stem ;stem3 ;streamribbon ;streamslice ;streamtube stripscaling sub ;subsasgn ;subsref ;sum ;surf ;surfc ;surfl ;surfnorm text times toeplitz tostring transpose ;treeplot ;tril ;trimesh ;triplot ;trisurf ;triu ;uint8 ;uint16 ;uint32 uminus uplus upperbound ;vertcat ;voronoi ;voronoin waterfall wordlength ;xlim ;ylim ;zlim ; MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addmf addrule addvar anfis anfisedit convertfis defuzz dsigmf evalfis evalmf fcm findcluster fuzarith fuzblock fuzzy gauss2mf gaussmf gbellmf genfis1 genfis2 genfis3 gensurf getfis mam2sug mf2mf mfedit newfis parsrule pimf plotfis plotmf probor psigmf readfis rmmf rmvar ruleedit ruleview setfis sffis showfis showrule sigmf smf subclust surfview trapmf trimf writefis zmf ; MATLAB GARCH Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off aicbic archtest autocorr crosscorr dfARDTest dfARTest dfTSTest garchar garchcount garchdisp garchfit garchget garchinfer garchma garchplot garchpred garchset garchsim hpfilter lagmatrix lbqtest lratiotest parcorr ppARDTest ppARTest ppTSTest price2ret ret2price ; MATLAB Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ga gaoptimget gaoptimset gatool patternsearch psearchtool psoptimget psoptimset simulannealbnd threshacceptbnd saoptimget saoptimset ; MATLAB Image Acquisition Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;clear closepreview ;delete ;disp flushdata ;get getdata getselectedsource getsnapshot imaqfind imaqhelp imaqhwinfo imaqmem imaqmontage imaqreset islogging isrunning ;isvalid ;load obj2mfile peekdata preview propinfo ;save ;set ;start ;stop stoppreview trigger triggerconfig triggerinfo videoinput ;wait ; MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off adapthisteq analyze75info analyze75read applycform applylut axes2pix bestblk blkproc brighten bwarea bwareaopen bwboundaries bwdist bweuler bwhitmiss bwlabel bwlabeln bwmorph bwpack bwperim bwselect bwtraceboundary bwulterode bwunpack checkerboard cmpermute cmunique col2im colfilt ;colorbar conndef ;conv2 convmtx2 convn corr2 cp2tform cpcorr cpselect cpstruct2pairs dct2 dctmtx deconvblind deconvlucy deconvreg deconvwnr decorrstretch dicomanon dicomdict dicominfo dicomlookup dicomread dicomuid dicomwrite dither ;double edge edgetaper entropy entropyfilt fan2para fanbeam ;fft2 ;fftn ;fftshift ;filter2 findbounds fliptform freqspace freqz2 fsamp2 fspecial ftrans2 fwind1 fwind2 getheight getimage getimagemodel getline getneighbors getnhood getpts getrangefromclass getrect getsequence gray2ind graycomatrix graycoprops grayslice graythresh histeq hough houghlines houghpeaks ;hsv2rgb iccfind iccread iccroot iccwrite idct2 ifanbeam ;ifft2 ;ifftn im2bw im2col im2double im2int16 im2java im2java2d im2single im2uint16 im2uint8 imabsdiff imadd imadjust imageinfo imagemodel imapprox imattributes imbothat imclearborder imclose imcomplement imcontour imcontrast imcrop imdilate imdisplayrange imdistline imdivide imerode imextendedmax imextendedmin imfill imfilter imfinfo imgca imgcf imgetfile imhandles imhist imhmax imhmin imimposemin imlincomb imline immagbox immovie immultiply imnoise imopen imoverview imoverviewpanel impixel impixelinfo impixelinfoval impixelregion impixelregionpanel impoint impositionrect improfile imread imreconstruct imrect imregionalmax imregionalmin imresize imrotate imscrollpanel imshow imsubtract imtool imtophat imtransform imview imwrite ind2gray ind2rgb interfileinfo interfileread intlut ippl iptaddcallback iptcheckconn iptcheckhandle iptcheckinput iptcheckmap iptchecknargin iptcheckstrs iptdemos iptgetapi iptGetPointerBehavior iptgetpref ipticondir iptnum2ordinal iptPointerManager iptremovecallback iptSetPointerBehavior iptsetpref iptwindowalign iradon isbw isflat isgray isicc isind isrgb lab2double lab2uint16 lab2uint8 label2rgb makecform makeConstrainToRectFcn makelut makeresampler maketform mat2gray mean2 medfilt2 montage nlfilter normxcorr2 ntsc2rgb ordfilt2 otf2psf padarray para2fan phantom pixval poly2mask psf2otf qtdecomp qtgetblk qtsetblk radon rangefilt reflect regionprops rgb2gray ;rgb2hsv rgb2ind rgb2ntsc rgb2ycbcr ;rgbplot roicolor roifill roifilt2 roipoly std2 stdfilt strel stretchlim subimage tformarray tformfwd tforminv translate truesize ;uint16 ;uint8 uintlut warp watershed whitepoint wiener2 xyz2double xyz2uint16 ycbcr2rgb ;zoom ; MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off add binblockread binblockwrite ;clear clrdevice commit connect ;delete devicereset disconnect ;disp echotcpip echoudp fclose fgetl fgets flushinput flushoutput ;fopen ;fprintf ;fread ;fscanf ;fwrite ;get geterror gpib icdevice inspect ;instrcallback instrcomm instrcreate instrfind instrfindall instrhelp instrhwinfo instrid instrnotify instrreset ;invoke ;isvalid iviconfigurationstore ;length ;load makemid memmap mempeek mempoke memread memunmap memwrite methods midedit midtest obj2mfile propinfo query readasync record remove resolvehost ;save scanstr selftest ;serial ;serialbreak ;set ;size spoll stopasync tcpip tmtool trigger udp update visa ; MATLAB Mapping Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off almanac angl2str angledim antipode arcgridread areaint areamat areaquad avhrrgoode avhrrlambert axes2ecc axesm axesscale azimuth bufferm camposm camtargm camupm cart2grn changem circcirc clabelm clegendm clipdata clma clmo closePolygonParts cmapui colorui combntns comet3m cometm contour3m contourcmap contourfm contourm convertlat crossfix daspectm dcwdata dcwgaz dcwread dcwrhead defaultm deg2dms deg2dm deg2km deg2nm deg2sm deg2rad degrees2dm degrees2dms demcmap departure displaym dist2str distance distortcalc distdim dm2degrees dms2degrees dms2dm dms2mat dms2deg dms2rad dreckon driftcorr driftvel dted dteds eastof ecc2flat ecc2n ecef2geodetic ecef2lv egm96geoid elevation ellipse1 encodem epsm eqa2grn etopo etopo5 extractfield extractm fill3m fillm filterm findm fipsname flat2ecc flatearthpoly framem gc2sc gcm gcpmap gcwaypts gcxgc gcxsc geodetic2ecef geocentric2geodeticLat geodetic2geocentricLat geoloc2grid geoshow geotiff2mstruct geotiffinfo geotiffread getm getseeds getworldfilename globedem globedems gradientm grepfields gridm grid2image grn2eqa gshhs gtextm gtopo30 gtopo30s handlem hidem hista histr hms2hm hms2hr hms2sec hms2mat hr2hms hr2hm hr2sec imbedm ind2rgb8 inputm interpm intrplat intrplon ismap ismapped ispolycw isShapeMultipart km2deg km2nm km2rad km2sm latlon2pix lcolorbar legs lightm limitm linecirc linem los2 ltln2val lv2ecef majaxis makedbfspec makemapped makerefmat makesymbolspec map2pix mapbbox maplist mapoutline mapprofile maps mapshow maptriml maptrimp maptrims mapview mat2dms mat2hms mdistort meanm meridianarc meridianfwd meshgrat meshlsrm meshm mfwdtran minaxis minvtran mlabel mlabelzero22pi n2ecc namem nanclip nanm navfix neworig newpole nm2deg nm2km nm2rad nm2sm northarrow npi2pi onem org2pol paperscale patchesm patchm pcolorm pix2latlon pix2map pixcenters plabel plot3m plotm polcmap poly2ccw poly2cw poly2fv polybool polycut polyjoin polymerge polysplit polyxpoly previewmap project projfwd projinv projlist putpole quiver3m quiverm rad2deg rad2dms rad2dm rad2km rad2nm rad2sm rcurve readfields readfk5 readmtx reckon reducem refmat2vec refvec2mat removeExtraNanSeparators resizem restack rhxrh rootlayr rotatem rotatetext roundn rsphere satbath scaleruler scatterm scircle1 scircle2 scircleg scxsc sdtsdemread sdtsinfo sec2hms sec2hm sec2hr sectorg setltln setm setpostn shaderel shapeinfo shaperead shapewrite showaxes showm sizem sm2deg sm2km sm2nm sm2rad smoothlong spcread spzerom stdist stdm stem3m str2angle surfacem surflm surflsrm surfm symbolm tagm tbase textm tgrline tigermif tigerp tightmap time2str timedim timezone tissot track track1 track2 trackg trimcart trimdata undoclip undotrim unitsratio unitstr updategeostruct usamap usgs24kdem usgsdem usgsdems utmgeoid utmzone vec2mtx vfwdtran viewshed vinvtran vmap0data vmap0read vmap0rhead westof worldfileread worldfilewrite worldmap zdatam zero22pi zerom axesm axesmui clmo-ui clrmenu colorm demdataui handlem-ui hidem-ui lightmui maptool maptrim mlayers mobjects originui panzoom parallelui qrydata scirclui seedm showm-ui surfdist tagm-ui trackui uimaptbx utmzoneui vmap0ui zdatam-ui ;;; ; MATLAB Model-Based Calibration Toolbox ;;; #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ; MATLAB Model Predictive Control Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off cloffset compare d2d ;get getestim getindist getmpcdata getname getoutdist mpc mpchelp mpcmove mpcprops mpcsimopt mpcstate mpcverbosity ;pack ;plot qpdantz ;set setestim setindist setmpcdata setmpcsignals setname setoutdist sim ;size ss tf trim zpk ; MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off adapt boxdist calca calca1 calce calce1 calcgx calcjejj calcjx calcpd calcperf combvec compet con2seq concur convwf ;disp ;display dist dividevec dotprod errsurf fixunknowns formx gensim getx gridtop hardlim hardlims hextop hintonw hintonwb ind2vec init initcon initlay initnw initwb initzero learncon learngd learngdm learnh learnhd learnis learnk learnlv1 learnlv2 learnos learnp learnpn learnsom learnwh linkdist logsig mae mandist mapminmax mapstd maxlinlr midpoint minmax mse msereg mseregec negdist netinv netprod netsum network newc newcf newdtdnn newelm newff newfftd newgrnn newhop newlin newlind newlrn newlvq newnarx newnarxsp newp newpnn newrb newrbe newsom nftool nncopy nnt2c nnt2elm nnt2ff nnt2hop nnt2lin nnt2lvq nnt2p nnt2rb nnt2som nntool normc normprod normr plotbr plotep plotes plotpc plotperf plotpv plotsom plotv plotvec pnormc poslin postreg processpca purelin quant radbas randnc randnr rands randtop removeconstantrows removerows revert satlin satlins scalprod seq2con setx sim softmax sp2narx srchbac srchbre srchcha srchgol srchhyb sse tansig train trainb trainbfg trainbfgc trainbr trainc traincgb traincgf traincgp traingd traingda traingdm traingdx trainlm trainoss trainr trainrp trains trainscg tribas vec2ind ; MATLAB OPC Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addgroup additem cancelasync cleareventlog clonegroup connect copyobj ;delete disconnect ;disp flatnamespace flushdata genslread genslwrite ;get getdata getnamespace ;isvalid ;load makepublic obj2mfile opccallback opcda opcfind opchelp opcqparts opcqstr opcread opcregister opcreset opcserverinfo opcstruct2array opcsupport opctool openosf peekdata propinfo ;read readasync ;refresh removepublicgroup ;save serveritemprops serveritems ;set showopcevents ;start ;stop ;wait write writeasync ; MATLAB Optimization Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off bintprog fgoalattain ;fminbnd fmincon fminimax ;fminsearch fminunc fseminf fsolve ;fzero fzmult gangstr linprog lsqcurvefit lsqlin lsqnonlin ;lsqnonneg optimget optimset optimtool quadprog ; MATLAB Partial Differential Equation Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off adaptmesh assema assemb assempde csgchk csgdel decsg dst idst hyperbolic initmesh jigglemesh parabolic pdeadgsc pdeadworst pdearcl pdebound pdecgrad pdecirc pdecont pdeeig pdeellip pdeent pdegeom pdegplot pdegrad pdeintrp pdejmps pdemdlcv pdemesh pdenonlin pdeplot pdepoly pdeprtni pderect pdesdp pdesde pdesdt pdesmech pdesurf pdetool pdetrg pdetriq poiasma poicalc poiindex poimesh poisolv refinemesh sptarn tri2grid wbound wgeom ; MATLAB RF Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off abcd2h abcd2s abcd2y abcd2z copy deembedsparams g2h gamma2z gammain gammaout getdata h2abcd h2g h2s h2y h2z rationalfit rftool s2abcd s2h s2s s2scc s2scd s2sdc s2sdd s2t s2tf s2y s2z smithchart stabilityk stabilitymu t2s vswr y2abcd y2h y2s y2z z2abcd z2h z2s z2y rfckt.amplifier rfckt.cascade rfckt.coaxial rfckt.cpw rfckt.datafile rfckt.delay rfckt.hybrid rfckt.hybridg rfckt.lcbandpasspi rfckt.lcbandpasstee rfckt.lcbandstoppi rfckt.lcbandstoptee rfckt.lchighpasspi rfckt.lchighpasstee rfckt.lclowpasspi rfckt.lclowpasstee rfckt.microstrip rfckt.mixer rfckt.parallel rfckt.parallelplate rfckt.passive rfckt.rlcgline rfckt.series rfckt.seriesrlc rfckt.shuntrlc rfckt.twowire rfckt.txline rfdata.data rfdata.ip3 rfdata.mixerspur rfdata.network rfdata.nf rfdata.noise rfdata.power rfmodel.rational analyze calculate extract freqresp getop getz0 impulse listformat listparam ;loglog ;plot ;plotyy ;polar read restore ;semilogx ;semilogy setop smith timeresp write writeva ; MATLAB Robust Control Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off actual2normalized aff2pol augw balancmr bilin bstmr complexify cmsclsyn cpmargin decay decinfo decnbr dec2mat defcx dellmi delmvar diag dkitopt dksyn dmplot drawmag evallmi feasp fitfrd fitmagfrd gapmetric genphase getlmis gevp gridureal h2hinfsyn h2syn hankelmr hankelsv hinfgs hinfsyn icomplexify iconnect icsignal imp2exp imp2ss ispsys isuncertain lftdata ltiarray2uss lmiedit lmiinfo lminbr lmireg lmiterm lmivar ;loglog loopmargin loopsens loopsyn ltiarray2uss ltrsyn matnbr mat2dec mincx mixsyn mkfilter mktito modreal msfsyn mussv mussvextract ncfmargin ncfmr ncfsyn newlmi normalized2actual pdlstab pdsimul polydec popov psinfo psys pvec pvinfo quadperf quadstab randatom randumat randuss rcond reduce ;repmat robopt robustperf robuststab schur schurmr sdhinfnorm sdhinfsyn sdlsim sectf ;semilog setlmis setmvar showlmi simplify skewdec slowfast squeeze ssbal stabproj stack svd symdec sysic ucomplex ucomplexm udyn ufrd ultidyn umat uplot ureal usample usimfill usiminfo usimsamp uss usubs wcgain wcgopt wcmargin wcnorm wcsens ; MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;abs ac2poly ac2rc ;angle arburg arcov armcov aryule barthannwin bartlett besselap besself bilinear bitrevorder blackman blackmanharris bohmanwin buffer buttap butter buttord cceps cell2sos cfirpm cheb1ap cheb1ord cheb2ap cheb2ord chebwin cheby1 cheby2 chirp ;conv ;conv2 convmtx corrcoef corrmtx ;cov ;cplxpair cpsd czt dct decimate ;deconv demod dfilt dfilt.cascade dfilt.delay dfilt.df1 dfilt.df1sos dfilt.df1t dfilt.df1tsos dfilt.df2 dfilt.df2sos dfilt.df2t dfilt.df2tsos dfilt.dfasymfir dfilt.dffir dfilt.dffirt dfilt.dfsymfir dfilt.fftfir dfilt.latticeallpass dfilt.latticear dfilt.latticearma dfilt.latticemamax dfilt.latticemamin dfilt.parallel dfilt.scalar dfilt.statespace dftmtx digitrevorder diric downsample dpss dpssclear dpssdir dpssload dpsssave dspdata dspdata.msspectrum dspdata.psd dspdata.pseudospectrum dspfwiz ellip ellipap ellipord eqtflength fdatool ;fft ;fft2 fftfilt ;fftshift ;filter ;filter2 filternorm filtfilt filtic filtstates filtstates.dfiir fir1 fir2 fircls fircls1 firls firpm firpmord firrcos flattopwin freqs freqspace freqz fvtool gauspuls gaussfir gausswin gmonopuls goertzel grpdelay hamming hann hilbert icceps idct ;ifft ;ifft2 impinvar impz interp intfilt invfreqs invfreqz is2rc kaiser kaiserord lar2rc latc2tf latcfilt levinson lp2bp lp2bs lp2hp lp2lp lpc lsf2poly maxflat medfilt1 modulate mscohere nuttallwin parzenwin pburg pcov peig periodogram phasedelay phasez pmcov pmtm pmusic poly2ac poly2lsf poly2rc polyscale polystab prony pulstran pwelch pyulear rc2ac rc2is rc2lar rc2poly rceps rectpuls rectwin ;resample residuez rlevinson rooteig rootmusic sawtooth schurrc seqperiod sgolay sgolayfilt sigwin sinc sos2cell sos2ss sos2tf sos2zp sosfilt spectrogram spectrum spectrum.burg spectrum.cov spectrum.eigenvector spectrum.mcov spectrum.mtm spectrum.music spectrum.periodogram spectrum.welch spectrum.yulear sptool square ss2sos ss2tf ss2zp stepz stmcb strips taylorwin tf2latc tf2sos tf2ss tf2zp tf2zpk tfestimate triang tripuls tukeywin udecode uencode unwrap upfirdn upsample vco window wintool wvtool xcorr xcorr2 xcov yulewalk zerophase zp2sos zp2ss zp2tf zplane ; MATLAB Spline Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off aptknt augknt aveknt bkbrk brk2knt bspligui bspline chbpnt csape csapi csaps cscvn fn2fm fnbrk fnchg fncmb fnder fndir fnint fnjmp fnmin fnplt fnrfn fntlr fnval fnxtr fnzeros franke getcurve knt2brk knt2mlt newknt optknt ppmak rpmak rsmak rscvn slvblk sorted spap2 spapi spaps spcol spcrv splinetool splpp sprpp spmak spterms stcol stmak subplus titanium tpaps ; MATLAB Statistics Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addedvarplot andrewsplot anova1 anova2 anovan ansaribradley aoctool barttest bbdesign betacdf betafit betainv betalike betapdf betarnd betastat binocdf binofit binoinv binopdf binornd binostat biplot bootci bootstrp boxplot candexch candgen canoncorr capability capaplot caseread casewrite ccdesign cdf cdfplot chi2cdf chi2gof chi2inv chi2pdf chi2rnd chi2stat classify cluster clusterdata cmdscale combnk controlchart controlrules cophenet copulacdf copulaparam copulapdf copularnd copulastat cordexch corr ;corrcoef ;cov coxphfit crosstab daugment dcovary dendrogram dfittool disttool dummyvar dwtest ecdf ecdfhist ;errorbar evcdf evfit evinv evlike evpdf evrnd evstat expcdf expfit expinv explike exppdf exprnd expstat factoran fcdf ff2n finv fpdf fracfact fracfactgen friedman frnd fstat fsurfht fullfact gagerr gamcdf gamfit gaminv gamlike gampdf gamrnd gamstat geocdf geoinv geomean geopdf geornd geostat gevcdf gevfit gevinv gevlike gevpdf gevrnd gevstat gline glmdemo glmfit glmval glyphplot gname gpcdf gpfit gpinv gplike gplotmatrix gppdf gprnd gpstat grp2idx grpstats gscatter harmmean ;hist hist3 histfit hmmdecode hmmestimate hmmgenerate hmmtrain hmmviterbi hougen hygecdf hygeinv hygepdf hygernd hygestat icdf inconsistent interactionplot invpred iqr iwishrnd jackknife jbtest johnsrnd kmeans kruskalwallis ksdensity kstest kstest2 kurtosis leverage lhsdesign lhsnorm lillietest linkage logncdf lognfit logninv lognlike lognpdf lognrnd lognstat lsline mad mahal maineffectsplot manova1 manovacluster mdscale ;mean ;median mhsample mle mlecov mnpdf mnrfit mnrnd mnrval moment multcompare multivarichart mvncdf mvnpdf mvnrnd mvregress mvtcdf mvtpdf mvtrnd nancov nanmax nanmean nanmedian nanmin nanstd nansum nanvar nbincdf nbinfit nbininv nbinpdf nbinrnd nbinstat ncfcdf ncfinv ncfpdf ncfrnd ncfstat nctcdf nctinv nctpdf nctrnd nctstat ncx2cdf ncx2inv ncx2pdf ncx2rnd ncx2stat nlinfit nlintool nlparci nlpredci normcdf normfit norminv normlike normpdf normplot normrnd normspec normstat parallelcoords pareto partialcorr pcacov pcares pdf pdist pearsrnd perms poisscdf poissfit poissinv poisspdf poissrnd poisstat polyconf polyfit polytool polyval prctile princomp probplot procrustes qqplot quantile randg random randsample randtool range ranksum raylcdf raylfit raylinv raylpdf raylrnd raylstat rcoplot refcurve refline regress regstats ridge robustdemo robustfit rotatefactors rowexch rsmdemo rstool runstest sampsizepwr signrank signtest silhouette skewness slicesample squareform statget statset std stepwise stepwisefit surfht tabulate tblread tblwrite tcdf tdfread tiedrank tinv tpdf treedisp treefit treeprune treetest treeval trimmean trnd tstat ttest ttest2 unidcdf unidinv unidpdf unidrnd unidstat unifcdf unifinv unifit unifpdf unifrnd unifstat ;var vartest vartest2 vartestn wblcdf wblfit wblinv wbllike wblpdf wblplot wblrnd wblstat wishrnd x2fx zscore ztest ; MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ccode ;ceil coeffs collect colspace compose ;conj cosint ;det ;diag ;diff digits dirac ;double dsolve ;eig ;eq ;expm expand ;ezcontour ;ezcontourf ;ezmesh ;ezmeshc ;ezplot ;ezplot3 ;ezpolar ;ezsurf ;ezsurfc ;factor findsym finverse ;fix ;floor fortran fourier frac funtool heaviside horner hypergeom ifourier ilaplace ;imag int ;int8 ;int16 ;int32 ;int64 ;inv iztrans jacobian jordan lambertw laplace latex limit ;log10 ;log2 maple mapleinit mfun mfunlist mhelp ;mod ;null numden ;poly poly2sym pretty procread quorem ;rank ;real ;round ;rref rsums simple simplify ;single sinint ;size solve ;sort subexpr subs ;svd sym syms sym2poly symsum taylor taylortool tril triu ;uint8 ;uint16 ;uint32 ;uint64 vpa zeta ztrans ; MATLAB System Identification Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addreg advice aic ar armax arx arxdata arxstruc balred bj bode compare covf cra customnet customreg c2d deadzone delayest detrend ;diff d2c EstimationInfo etfe evaluate fcat feedback ffplot ;fft frd freqresp fpe fselect ;get getexp getinit getpar getreg idarx iddata ident idfilt idfrd idgrey idinput idmdlsim idmodel idnlarx idnlhw idnlgrey idnlmodel idpoly idproc idresamp idss ifft impulse init ;isreal ivar ivstruc ivx iv4 linapp linear lintan merge midprefs misdata neuralnet nkshift nlarx nlhw noisecnv nuderst nyquist n4sid oe pe pem pexcit ;plot polydata polyreg predict present pwlinear pzmap rarmax rarx rbj realdata ;resample resid roe rpem rplr saturation segment selstruc ;set setinit setpar setpname setstruc sigmoidnet sim simsd ;size spa spafdr ss ssdata step struc tf tfdata timestamp treepartition unitgain ;view wavenet zpk zpkdata ; MATLAB Virtual Reality Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off vrclear vrclose vrdrawnow vrfigure capture ;close ;get ;isvalid ;set vrgcf vrgcbf vrgetpref vrinstall vrlib vrnode ;delete fields ;get getfield ;isvalid ;set setfield sync vrplay vrsetpref vrview vrwho vrwhos vrworld ;close ;delete ;edit ;get ;isvalid nodes ;open reload ;save ;set ;view ; MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addlift allnodes appcoef appcoef2 bestlevt besttree biorfilt biorwavf bswfun centfrq cfs2wpt cgauwavf cmorwavf coifwavf cwt dbaux dbwavf ddencmp depo2ind detcoef detcoef2 ;disp displs drawtree dtree dwt dwt2 dwtmode dyaddown dyadup entrupd fbspwavf filt2ls gauswavf ;get idwt idwt2 ilwt ilwt2 ind2depo intwave isnode istnode iswt iswt2 laurmat laurpoly leaves liftfilt liftwave ls2filt lsinfo lwt lwt2 lwtcoef lwtcoef2 mexihat meyer meyeraux morlet nodeasc nodedesc nodejoin nodepar nodesplt noleaves ntnode ntree orthfilt pat2cwav plot qmf rbiowavf read readtree scal2frq ;set shanwavf swt swt2 symaux symwavf thselect tnodes treedpth treeord upcoef upcoef2 upwlev upwlev2 wave2lp wavedec wavedec2 wavedemo wavefun wavefun2 waveinfo wavemenu wavemngr wavenames waverec waverec2 wbmpen wcodemat wdcbm wdcbm2 wden wdencmp wenergy wenergy2 wentropy wextend wfbm wfbmesti wfilters wfusimg wfusmat wkeep wmaxlev wmspca wmulden wnoise wnoisest wp2wtree wpbmpen wpcoef wpcutree wpdec wpdec2 wpdencmp wpfun wpjoin wprcoef wprec wprec2 wpsplt wpthcoef wptree wpviewcf wrcoef wrcoef2 wrev write wtbo wtbxmngr wthcoef wthcoef2 wthresh wthrmngr wtreemgr wvarchg ; MATLAB Simulink #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off add_block add_exec_event_listener add_line add_param addterms attachConfigSet attachConfigSetCopy bdclose bdroot close_system closeDialog delete_block delete_line delete_param detachConfigSet disableimplicitsignalresolution docblock find_mdlrefs find_system fixdt fixpt_evenspace_cleanup fixpt_interp1 fixpt_look1_func_approx fixpt_look1_func_plot fixpt_set_all fixptbestexp fixptbestprec ;float fxptdlg gcb gcbh gcs get_param getActiveConfigSet getCallbackAnnotation getConfigSet getConfigSets getfullname legacy_code libinfo linmod, dlinmod, linmod2, linmodv5 load_system model modeladvisor new_system num2fixpt open_system openDialog replace_block save_system set_param setActiveConfigSet sfix sfrac signalbuilder sim simget simplot simset simulink Simulink.BlockDiagram.addBusToVector Simulink.BlockDiagram.copyContentsToSubSystem Simulink.BlockDiagram.deleteContents Simulink.BlockDiagram.getChecksum Simulink.BlockDiagram.getInitialState Simulink.Bus.cellToObject Simulink.Bus.createObject Simulink.Bus.objectToCell Simulink.Bus.save Simulink.SubSystem.convertToModelReference Simulink.SubSystem.copyContentsToBlockDiagram Simulink.SubSystem.deleteContents Simulink.SubSystem.getChecksum sint slbuild slCharacterEncoding sldebug sldiagnostics sldiscmdl slmdldiscui slreplace_mux slupdate trim ufix ufrac uint unpack view_mdlrefs ;who ;whos ; MATLAB Simulink Link for Analog Devices Visual DSP++ #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off activate add address adivdsp build ;cd ;close ;delete ;dir ;display halt info insert isrunning isvisible listsessions ;load new ;open ;profile read remove ;reset ;run ;save visible write ; MATLAB Simulink Link for Cadence Incisive #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off dec2mvl hdldaemon mvl2dec nclaunch ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Link for Code Composer Studio ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Link for ModelSim ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Link for Tasking ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Real-Time Windows Target ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Real-Time Workshop ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimDriveline ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ; MATLAB Simulink SimEvents #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off simeventsconfig simeventsdocex simeventslib simeventsstartup ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimHydraulics ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimMechanics ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimPowerSystems ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Simscape ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkAccelerator ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkControlDesign #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off addoutputspec copy findop ;get getinputstruct getlinio getlinplant getstatestruct getxu initopspec linearize linio linoptions operpoint operspec ;set setlinio setxu update ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimulinkDesignVerifier ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkFixedPoint #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off autofixexp fixpt_instrument_purge showfixptsimerrors showfixptsimranges ssFxpConvert ssFxpConvertFromRealWorldValue ssFxpConvertToRealWorldValue ssGetDataTypeBias ssGetDataTypeFixedExponent ssGetDataTypeFracSlope ssGetDataTypeFractionLength ssGetDataTypeFxpContainWordLen ssGetDataTypeFxpIsSigned ssGetDataTypeFxpWordLength ssGetDataTypeIsFixedPoint ssGetDataTypeIsFloatingPoint ssGetDataTypeIsFxpFltApiCompat ssGetDataTypeIsScalingPow2 ssGetDataTypeIsScalingTrivial ssGetDataTypeStorageContainCat ssGetDataTypeStorageContainerSize ssGetDataTypeTotalSlope ssRegisterDataTypeFxpBinaryPoint ssRegisterDataTypeFxpFSlopeFixExpBias ssRegisterDataTypeFxpScaledDouble ssRegisterDataTypeFxpSlopeBias ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkHDLCoder ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkParameterEstimation ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off spetool ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkReportGenerator ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkResponseOptimization #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off findconstr findpar getsro gridunc initpar ncdupdate newsro optimget optimize optimset randunc setunc simget simset ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkVerification_and_Validation #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off conditioninfo cvexit cvhtml cvload cvmodelview cvsave cvsim cvtest decisioninfo mcdcinfo rmi rminav sigrangeinfo tableinfo ; MATLAB Simulink SimlinkStateflow #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off sfclipboard sfclose sfdebugger sfexplr sfgco sfhelp sflib sfnew sfopen sfprint sfroot sfsave stateflow build classhandle copy defaultTransitions ;delete ;dialog ;disp ;find generate ;get getCodeFlag ;help innerTransitions make methods outerTransitions outputData ;parse pasteTo rebuildAll regenerateAll ;set setCodeFlag sourcedTransitions Stateflow.Box Stateflow.Data Stateflow.EMFunction Stateflow.Event Stateflow.Function Stateflow.Junction Stateflow.Note Stateflow.State Stateflow.Target Stateflow.Transition Stateflow.TruthTable struct up ;view zoomIn zoomOut ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Taget for Freescale MPC5xx ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Target for Infineon C166 ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Target for TI C2000DSP ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink Target for TI C6000DSP ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ;;; ; MATLAB Simulink xPC Target ;;; #Keyword color=7,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off ; MATLAB basic arithmetic operators etc. #Keyword color=6,word=off,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off + - * = ~ // / \ % & > < ^ ! { } | [ ] @ ...