; EmEditor Syntax File ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; emeditor newLisp highlights v 1.0 by newdep 2012 (http://www.newlisp.org) ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin=[cmd] #CommentEnd=[/cmd] #LineComment1=^; #LineComment2=^# #SingleQuote=off #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=off #Escape=\ #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=on #Keyword color=2,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off,rightall2=off $ $0 $1 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $args $idx $it $main-args #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off,rightall2=off ! != % & * + - / : < << <= = > >= >> ? @ | ~ #Keyword color=1,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off,rightall2=off Class MAIN NaN? Tree abort zero? abs acos acosh add address amb and append append-file apply args array array-list array? asin asinh assoc atan atan2 atanh atom? base64-dec base64-enc bayes-query bayes-train begin beta betai bind binomial bits callback case catch ceil change-dir char chop clean close command-event cond cons constant context context? copy copy-file cos cosh count cpymem crc32 crit-chi2 crit-z current-line curry date date-value debug dec def-new default define define-macro delete delete-file delete-url destroy det device difference directory directory? div do-until do-while doargs dolist dostring dotimes dotree dump dup empty? encrypt ends-with env erf error-event error-number error-text estack eval eval-string exec exists exit exp expand explode factor fft file-info file? filter find find-all first flat float float? floor flt for for-all format fv gammai gammaln gcd get-char get-float get-int get-long get-string get-url global global? if if-not ifft import inc index int integer integer? intersect invert irr join lambda? last legal? length let letex letn list list? load local log lookup lower-case macro? main-args make-dir map mat match max mdl member min mod module mul multiply name net-accept net-close net-connect net-error net-eval net-interface net-listen net-local net-lookup net-peek net-peer net-receive net-receive-from net-receive-udp net-select net-send net-send-to net-send-udp net-service net-sessions new nil nil? normal not now nper npv nth null? number? open or ostype pack parse pipe pmt pop pop-assoc post-url pow pretty-print primitive? print println prob-chi2 prob-z process prompt-event protected? push put-url pv quote quote? rand random randomize read-buffer read-char read-expr read-file read-key read-line real-path ref ref-all regex regex-comp remove-dir rename-file replace reset rest reverse rotate round save search seed seek select semaphore sequence series set set-locale set-ref set-ref-all setf setq sgn share signal silent sin sinh sleep slice sort source spawn sqrt starts-with string string? sub swap sym symbol? symbols sync sys-error sys-info tan tanh throw throw-error time time-of-day timer title-case trace trace-highlight transpose trim true true? unify unique unless unpack until upper-case uuid when while write-buffer write-char write-file write-line xml-error xml-parse xml-type-tags #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=on,rightall2=off ' #Keyword color=5,word=on,rightall=on,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off,rightall2=on [text] [/text]