; EmEditor Syntax File (www.emeditor.com) ; for Python2.4 (http://www.python.org/) ; by uglydog (http://nanabit.net/) ; ; based on http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.2/modindex.html ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off BaseHTTPServer Bastion CGIHTTPServer ConfigParser Cookie DocXMLRPCServer HTMLParser MimeWriter Queue SimpleHTTPServer SimpleXMLRPCServer SocketServer StringIO Tix Tkinter UserDict UserList UserString aifc anydbm array asynchat asyncore atexit audioop base64 binascii binhex bisect bz2 cPickle cStringIO calendar cgi cgitb chunk cmath cmd code codecs codeop collections colorsys compileall compiler compiler.ast compiler.visitor cookielib copy copy_reg csv curses curses.ascii curses.panel curses.textpad curses.wrapper datetime decimal difflib dircache dis distutils distutils.archive_util distutils.bcppcompiler distutils.ccompiler distutils.cmd distutils.command distutils.command.bdist distutils.command.bdist_dumb distutils.command.bdist_packager distutils.command.bdist_rpm distutils.command.bdist_wininst distutils.command.build distutils.command.build_clib distutils.command.build_ext distutils.command.build_py distutils.command.build_scripts distutils.command.clean distutils.command.config distutils.command.install distutils.command.install_data distutils.command.install_headers distutils.command.install_lib distutils.command.install_scripts distutils.command.register distutils.command.sdist distutils.core distutils.cygwinccompiler distutils.debug distutils.dep_util distutils.dir_util distutils.dist distutils.emxccompiler distutils.errors distutils.extension distutils.fancy_getopt distutils.file_util distutils.filelist distutils.log distutils.msvccompiler distutils.mwerkscompiler distutils.spawn distutils.sysconfig distutils.text_file distutils.unixccompiler distutils.util distutils.version doctest dumbdbm dummy_thread dummy_threading email email.Charset email.Encoders email.Errors email.Generator email.Header email.Iterators email.Message email.Parser email.Utils encodings.idna errno exceptions filecmp fileinput fnmatch formatter fpformat ftplib gc getopt getpass gettext glob gopherlib gzip heapq hmac hotshot hotshot.stats htmlentitydefs htmllib httplib imageop imaplib imghdr imp inspect itertools keyword linecache locale logging macpath mailbox mailcap marshal math md5 mhlib mimetools mimetypes mimify mmap modulefinder multifile mutex netrc new nntplib operator optparse os os.path parser pdb pickle pickletools pkgutil platform poplib pprint profile py_compile pyclbr pydoc quopri random re repr rexec rfc822 rgbimg robotparser sched select sets sgmllib sha shelve shlex shutil signal site smtpd smtplib sndhdr socket stat statcache statvfs string stringprep struct subprocess sunau symbol sys tabnanny tarfile telnetlib tempfile test test.test_support textwrap thread threading time timeit token tokenize traceback types unicodedata unittest urllib urllib2 urlparse user uu warnings wave weakref webbrowser whichdb whrandom xdrlib xml.dom xml.dom.minidom xml.dom.pulldom xml.parsers.expat xml.sax xml.sax.handler xml.sax.saxutils xml.sax.xmlreader xmllib xmlrpclib zipfile zipimport zlib #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off ASTVisitor AbstractBasicAuthHandler AbstractDigestAuthHandler AbstractFormatter AbstractWriter AddressList AttributesImpl AttributesNSImpl BZ2Compressor BZ2Decompressor BZ2File BabylMailbox Balloon BaseCookie BaseHTTPRequestHandler BaseHandler BasicContext BastionClass BsdDbShelf ButtonBox CCompiler CGIHTTPRequestHandler CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler CacheFTPHandler Charset CheckList Chunk Clamped Cmd ComboBox Command Command CommandCompiler Compile Condition ConfigParser ContentHandler Context Control Cookie CookieJar CookiePolicy DOMEventStream DTDHandler DbfilenameShelf DebuggingServer Decimal DecimalException DecodedGenerator DefaultContext DefaultCookiePolicy Dialect DictMixin DictReader DictWriter Differ Differ DirList DirSelectBox DirSelectDialog DirTree Distribution DivisionByZero DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler DocTest DocTestFinder DocTestParser DocTestRunner DocXMLRPCRequestHandler DocXMLRPCServer DumbWriter EntityResolver ErrorHandler Event ExFileSelectBox Example ExtendedContext Extension FTP FTPHandler FancyGetopt FancyURLopener FeedParser FileCookieJar FileEntry FileHandler FileInput FileSelectBox Folder Form Generator GopherHandler GzipFile HList HTMLParser HTTPBasicAuthHandler HTTPConnection HTTPCookieProcessor HTTPDefaultErrorHandler HTTPDigestAuthHandler HTTPHandler HTTPPasswordMgr HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm HTTPRedirectHandler HTTPResponse HTTPSConnection HTTPSHandler HTTPServer Header HtmlDiff IMAP4 IMAP4_SSL IMAP4_stream ImmutableSet IncrementalParser Inexact InputOnly InputSource InteractiveConsole InteractiveInterpreter InvalidOperation IterableUserDict LWPCookieJar LabelEntry LabelFrame ListNoteBook Locator MH MHMailbox MIMEAudio MIMEBase MIMEImage MIMEMessage MIMEMultipart MIMENonMultipart MIMEText Maildir MailmanProxy Message Meter MimeTypes MimeWriter MmdfMailbox ModuleFinder Morsel MozillaCookieJar MultiCall MultiFile MutableString NNTP NNTPDataError NNTPError NNTPPermanentError NNTPProtocolError NNTPReplyError NNTPTemporaryError Node NoteBook NullFormatter NullWriter OpenerDirector OptionMenu OutputChecker Overflow POP3 POP3_SSL Packer PanedWindow Parser Pickler Popen PopupMenu PortableUnixMailbox PrettyPrinter Profile ProxyBasicAuthHandler ProxyDigestAuthHandler ProxyHandler PullDOM PureProxy PyZipFile Queue RExec RawConfigParser Repr Request RobotFileParser Rounded SAX2DOM SGMLParser SMTP SMTPServer SafeConfigParser Select Semaphore SequenceMatcher SequenceMatcher SerialCookie ServerProxy Set Shelf SimpleCookie SimpleHTTPRequestHandler SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler SimpleXMLRPCServer SmartCookie Sniffer Stats StdButtonBox StringIO Subnormal SystemRandom TList TarFile TarFile TarFileCompat TarInfo Telnet Template TextFile TextWrapper Textbox Thread Thread Timer Timer Tk Tree URLopener Underflow UnixMailbox UnknownHandler Unpacker Unpickler UserDict UserList UserString WeakKeyDictionary WeakValueDictionary WichmannHill XMLFilterBase XMLGenerator XMLParser XMLReader ZipFile ZipFile ZipInfo async_chat date date datetime dircmp dispatcher local mutex netrc ref scheduler shlex time timedelta timedelta tixCommand tzinfo zipimporter zipimporter bj #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeError BadStatusLine BoundaryError CannotSendHeader CannotSendRequest CompressionError CookieError DeprecationWarning DuplicateSectionError EOFError Empty EnvironmentError Error Error Exception ExpatError ExtractError FloatingPointError Full FutureWarning GetoptError GopherError HTMLParseError HTTPError HTTPException HeaderParseError IMAP4.abort IMAP4.error IMAP4.readonly IOError ImportError ImproperConnectionState IncompleteRead IndexError InterpolationDepthError InterpolationError InterpolationMissingOptionError InterpolationSyntaxError InvalidURL KeyError KeyboardInterrupt LoadError LookupError MemoryError MessageError MessageParseError MissingSectionHeaderError MultipartConversionError NameError NannyNag NetrcParseError NoOptionError NoSectionError NotANumber NotConnected NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError ParserError ParsingError PendingDeprecationWarning PickleError PicklingError PyCompileError ReadError ReferenceError ResourceDenied ResponseNotReady RuntimeError RuntimeWarning SAXException SAXNotRecognizedException SAXNotSupportedException SAXParseException SGMLParseError SMTPConnectError SMTPDataError SMTPException SMTPHeloError SMTPRecipientsRefused SMTPResponseException SMTPSenderRefused SMTPServerDisconnected StandardError StopIteration StreamError SyntaxError SyntaxWarning SystemError SystemExit TarError TestFailed TestSkipped TypeError URLError UnboundLocalError UnicodeDecodeError UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeError UnicodeTranslateError UnimplementedFileMode UnknownProtocol UnknownTransferEncoding UnpicklingError UserWarning ValueError Warning WindowsError ZeroDivisionError ZipImporterError error error_perm error_proto error_reply error_temp gaierror herror timeout #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off AddPackagePath AttlistDeclHandler Bastion Both wrap BoundedSemaphore CharacterDataHandler CommentHandler Condition DefaultHandler DefaultHandlerExpand DocFileSuite DocTestSuite ElementDeclHandler EncodedFile EndCdataSectionHandler EndDoctypeDeclHandler EndElementHandler EndNamespaceDeclHandler EntityDeclHandler ErrorString Etiny Etop Event ExternalEntityParserCreate ExternalEntityRefHandler GetBase GetInputContext ISEOF ISNONTERMINAL ISTERMINAL IS_CHARACTER_JUNK IS_LINE_JUNK Int2AP Internaldate2tuple Lock NamedTemporaryFile NotStandaloneHandler NotationDeclHandler OutputString Parse ParseFile ParseFlags ParserCreate ProcessingInstructionHandler RLock ReplacePackage S_IFMT S_IMODE S_ISBLK S_ISCHR S_ISDIR S_ISFIFO S_ISLNK S_ISREG S_ISSOCK Semaphore SetBase StartCdataSectionHandler StartDoctypeDeclHandler StartElementHandler StartNamespaceDeclHandler Tcl TemporaryFile Time2Internaldate ToASCII ToUnicode UnparsedEntityDeclHandler UseForeignDTD WCOREDUMP WEXITSTATUS WIFCONTINUED WIFEXITED WIFSIGNALED WIFSTOPPED WSTOPSIG WTERMSIG XmlDeclHandler __abs__ __add__ __and__ __concat__ __contains__ __delitem__ __delslice__ __div__ __eq__ __floordiv__ __ge__ __getitem__ __getslice__ __gt__ __iadd__ __init__ __inv__ __invert__ __isub__ __le__ __len__ __lshift__ __lt__ __mod__ __mul__ __ne__ __neg__ __not__ __or__ __pos__ __pow__ __repeat__ __repr__ __rshift__ __setitem__ __setslice__ __str__ __sub__ __truediv__ __unicode__ __xor__ _exit _getframe _parse _structure a2b_base64 a2b_hex a2b_hqx a2b_qp a2b_uu abort above abs abspath accept access acos acosh acquire acquire_lock activeCount add addError addFailure addLevelName addSuccess addTest addTests add_alias add_charset add_codec add_cookie_header add_data add_fallback add_flowing_data add_handler add_header add_help_option add_hor_rule add_include_dir add_label_data add_library add_library_dir add_line_break add_link_object add_literal_data add_parent add_password add_runtime_library_dir add_section add_type add_unredirected_header addch addfile addheader addinfo addnstr address_string addstr adjusted adler32 adpcm2lin adpcm32lin aifc aiff alarm allocate_lock allowed_domains alt anchor_bgn anchor_end and_ annotate announce apop append appendChild appendleft architecture array article as_string as_tuple ascii asctime asin asinh assertAlmostEqual assertEqual assertNotAlmostEqual assertNotEqual assertRaises assert_ assert_line_data ast2list ast2tuple atan atan2 atanh atof atoi atol attach attrgetter attroff attron attrset authenticate authenticators avg avgpp b16decode b16encode b2a_base64 b2a_hex b2a_hqx b2a_qp b2a_uu b32decode b32encode b64decode b64encode backslashreplace_errors_errors basename basicConfig baudrate beep below betavariate bias bidirectional binary bind bind_textdomain_codeset bindtextdomain binhex bisect bisect_left bisect_right bkgd bkgdset blocked_domains body body_encode body_line_iterator boolean border bottom bottom_panel box buffer_info build_opener byte_compile byteswap calcsize call can_change_color can_fetch cancel capitalize capwords category cbreak ceil center chain change_root characters charset chdir check check_environ check_output checkcache chmod choice choose_boundary chown chroot clear clear_flags clear_memo clear_session_cookies clearcache clearok clock clone cloneNode close close_when_done clrtobot clrtoeol cmp cmpfiles code collapse_rfc2231_value collect collect_incoming_data color_content color_pair combining commonprefix communicate compare compile compileFile compile_command compile_dir compile_path compileast compress compressobj concat conflict_handler confstr connect connect_ex constructor contains context_diff convert convert_path copy copy2 copy_file copy_tree copybinary copyfile copyfileobj copyliteral copymessage copymode copystat copytree cos cosh count countOf countTestCases crc32 crc_hqx create createAttribute createAttributeNS createComment createDocument createDocumentType createElement createElementNS createProcessingInstruction createTextNode create_decimal create_socket create_static_lib create_tree critical crop cross ctermid ctime ctrl currentThread currentframe curs_set cursyncup customize_compiler cwd cycle date date_time_string debug debug_print decimal decode decode_header decode_params decode_rfc2231 decodestring decomposition decompress decompressobj dedent def_prog_mode def_shell_mode default defaultTestResult default_open defaults define_macro degrees del_param delay_output delch dele delete deleteacl deletefolder deleteln delitem delslice deque derwin description description descriptions detect_language dgettext digest digit dir dirname dis disable disassemble discard_buffers disco dispatch displayhook dist distb dither2grey2 dither2mono div divide divmod dngettext do_GET do_HEAD do_POST do_command do_tag docmd domain_return_ok done doupdate dropwhile dump dump_address_pair dump_stats dumps dup dup2 east_asian_width echo echochar edit ehlo empty enable enclose encode encode_7or8bit encode_base64 encode_noop encode_quopri encode_rfc2231 encoded_header_len encodestring end endDocument endElement endElementNS endPrefixMapping end_headers end_marker end_paragraph end_tag endwin enter enterabs enumerate eq erase erasechar error error_leader escape exc_clear exc_info excepthook execl execle execlp execlpe executable_filename execute execv execve execvp execvpe exists exit exp expand expandNode expandtabs expanduser expandvars expect expovariate expr expunge extend extend_path extendleft extract extract_cookies extract_stack extract_tb extractfile fabs fail failIf failIfAlmostEqual failIfEqual failUnless failUnlessAlmostEqual failUnlessEqual failUnlessRaises fancy_getopt fatalError fchdir fdatasync fdopen feed fetch file_open filelineno filename fileno fill filter find find_library_file find_longest_match find_module find_user_password findall findfactor findfile findfit finditer findmatch findmax finish finish_request fix flash flatten floor floordiv flush flush_softspace flushheaders flushinp fmod fnmatch fnmatchcase forget forget_dir forget_except_prefix forget_prefix fork forkpty format format_exc format_exception format_exception_only format_list format_stack format_tb formataddr formatargspec formatargvalues formatdate formatter found_terminator fpathconf frexp from_splittable frombuf fromfd fromfile fromlist fromordinal fromstring fromtimestamp fromunicode fstat fstatvfs fsync ftp_open ftruncate full function gammavariate gather gauss ge gen_lib_options gen_preprocess_options generate_help generate_tokens genops get getAttribute getAttributeNS getAttributeNode getAttributeNodeNS getChildNodes getChildren getColumnNumber getContentHandler getDOMImplementation getDTDHandler getElementsByTagName getElementsByTagNameNS getEntityResolver getErrorHandler getEvent getException getFeature getLength getLevelName getLineNumber getLogger getLoggerClass getMessage getName getNameByQName getNames getProperty getPublicId getQNameByName getQNames getSystemId getTestCaseNames getType getValue getValueByQName get_all get_body_encoding get_boundary get_buffer get_charset get_charsets get_close_matches get_code get_config_h_filename get_config_var get_config_vars get_content_charset get_content_maintype get_content_subtype get_content_type get_data get_debug get_default_compiler get_default_type get_dialect get_doctest get_examples get_filename get_full_url get_grouped_opcodes get_host get_ident get_magic get_makefile_filename get_matching_blocks get_method get_nonstandard_attr get_nowait get_objects get_opcodes get_option get_option_order get_origin_req_host get_output_charset get_param get_params get_payload get_platform get_position get_python_inc get_python_lib get_referents get_referrers get_request get_selector get_socket get_source get_starttag_text get_suffixes get_terminator get_threshold get_token get_type get_unixfrom getacl getaddr getaddresses getaddrinfo getaddrlist getallmatchingheaders getargspec getargvalues getatime getbegyx getboolean getcaps getch getcheckinterval getclasstree getcomments getcompname getcomptype getcontext getctime getcurrent getcwd getcwdu getdate getdate_tz getdecoder getdefaultencoding getdefaultlocale getdefaulttimeout getdlopenflags getdoc getegid getencoder getencoding getenv geteuid getfile getfilesystemencoding getfirst getfirstmatchingheader getfloat getfqdn getframeinfo getframerate getfullname getgid getgroups getheader gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostbyname_ex gethostname getinfo getinnerframes getint getitem getkey getlast getline getlist getloadavg getlocale getlogin getmaintype getmark getmarkers getmaxyx getmember getmembers getmessagefilename getmodule getmoduleinfo getmodulename getmouse getmro getmtime getname getnameinfo getnames getnamespace getnchannels getnframes getopt getouterframes getparam getparams getparyx getpass getpath getpeername getpgid getpgrp getpid getplist getppid getpreferredencoding getprofile getprotobyname getquota getquotaroot getrandbits getrawheader getreader getrecursionlimit getrefcount getsample getsampwidth getsequences getsequencesfilename getservbyname getservbyport getsid getsignal getsize getslice getsockname getsockopt getsource getsourcefile getsourcelines getstate getstr getsubtype getsyx gettarinfo gettempdir gettempprefix gettext gettimeout gettype getuid getuser getvalue getweakrefcount getweakrefs getwelcome getwin getwindowsversion getwriter getyx glob gmtime gnu_getopt gopher_open grey22grey grey2grey2 grey2grey4 grey2mono grey42grey grok_environment_error group groupby groupdict groups gt guess_all_extensions guess_extension guess_type halfdelay handle handle_accept handle_authentication_request handle_cdata handle_charref handle_close handle_comment handle_connect handle_data handle_decl handle_doctype handle_endtag handle_entityref handle_error handle_expt handle_image handle_one_request handle_proc handle_read handle_request handle_special handle_starttag handle_write handle_xml handler hasAttribute hasAttributeNS hasAttributes hasChildNodes hasFeature has_colors has_data has_extn has_function has_header has_ic has_il has_key has_nonstandard_attr has_option has_section head header_encode heapify heappop heappush heapreplace helo help hexbin hexdigest hexlify hidden hide hline hls_to_rgb hsv_to_rgb htonl htons http_error_301 http_error_302 http_error_303 http_error_307 http_error_401 http_error_407 http_error_default http_error_nnn http_open https_open hypot id idcok idlok ifilter ifilterfalse ignorableWhitespace ignore ignore_errors ihave imap immedok in2adpcm3 in_table_a1 in_table_b1 in_table_c11 in_table_c11_c12 in_table_c12 in_table_c21 in_table_c21_c22 in_table_c22 in_table_c3 in_table_c4 in_table_c5 in_table_c6 in_table_c7 in_table_c8 in_table_c9 in_table_d1 in_table_d2 inch index indexOf inet_aton inet_ntoa inet_ntop inet_pton info infolist init init_builtin init_color init_frozen init_pair initscr input insch insdelln insert insertBefore insertln insnstr insort insort_left insort_right insstr install install_opener instance instancemethod instr interact interrupt_main inv invert isAlive isCallable isDaemon isMappingType isNumberType isReservedKey isSameNode isSequenceType isSet is_ is_blocked is_builtin is_data is_expired is_frozen is_linetouched is_multipart is_not is_not_allowed is_package is_resource_enabled is_tarfile is_unverifiable is_wintouched is_zipfile isabs isalnum isalpha isascii isatty isblank isblk isbuiltin ischr isclass iscntrl iscode iscomment isctrl isdatadescriptor isdev isdigit isdir isenabled isendwin isexpr isfifo isfile isfirstline isframe isfunction isgraph isheader iskeyword islast islice islink islnk islower ismeta ismethod ismethoddescriptor ismodule ismount isocalendar isoformat isoweekday isprint ispunct isreadable isrecursive isreg isroutine isspace isstdin issuite issym istraceback isupper isxdigit item itemgetter items izip java_ver join joinfields js_output jumpahead keyname keypad keys kill killchar killpg last lastpart lchown ldexp ldgettext ldngettext le leaveok lexists lgettext libc_ver library_dir_option library_filename library_option lin2adpcm lin2lin lin2ulaw lineno link link_executable link_shared_lib link_shared_object list list_dialects listallfolders listallsubfolders listdir listen listfolders listmessages listsubfolders ljust lngettext load loadTestsFromModule loadTestsFromName loadTestsFromNames loadTestsFromTestCase load_compiled load_dynamic load_module load_source loads localeconv localtime lock lock_held locked log log10 log_data_time_string log_error log_message log_request login login_cram_md5 lognormvariate logout longimagedata longname longstoimage lookup lookup_error loop lower lseek lshift lstat lstrip lsub lt mac_ver machine main major makeLogRecord make_archive make_cookies make_file make_header make_msgid make_parser make_table make_tarball make_zipfile makedev makedirs makefile makefolder maketrans map_table_b2 map_table_b3 match max maxpp md5 message_from_file message_from_string meta mime_decode_header mime_encode_header mimify min minmax minor minus mirrored mkd mkdir mkdtemp mkfifo mknod mkpath mkstemp mktemp mktime mktime_tz mmap mod modf modified module mono2grey mouseinterval mousemask move move_file movemessage msg mt_interact mtime mul multiply mvderwin mvwin myrights name namelist nameprep namespace napms ndiff ne neg new new_alignment new_compiler new_font new_margin new_module new_panel new_spacing new_styles newer newer_group newer_pairwise newgroups newnews newpad newwin next nextfile nextpart ngettext nice nl nl_langinfo nlargest nlst nocbreak node nodelay noecho noload nonl noop noqiflush noraw normalize normalvariate normcase normpath not_ notationDecl notify notifyAll notimeout noutrefresh nsmallest ntohl ntohs ntransfercmd numeric object_filenames ookup open open_new open_unknown opendir openfolder openfp openmessage openpty option_class option_list options optionxform or_ output output_charset output_difference overlay overwrite pack pack_array pack_bytes pack_double pack_farray pack_float pack_fopaque pack_fstring pack_list pack_opaque pack_string pair_content pair_number paretovariate parse parseFile parseString parse_header parse_multipart parse_qs parse_qsl parseaddr parsedate parsedate_tz parsesequence parsestr partial pass_ path_return_ok pathconf pathname2url pause pformat pickle pipe platform plock plus pm poll pop pop_alignment pop_font pop_margin pop_source pop_style popen popen2 popen3 popen4 popleft pos post post_mortem pow power pprint preorder prepare_input_source preprocess print_callees print_callers print_directory print_environ print_environ_usage print_exc print_exception print_form print_last print_stack print_stats print_tb printdir process_message process_request processingInstruction processor prompt_user_passwd protocol_open proxy proxyauth push push_alignment push_font push_margin push_source push_style push_token push_with_producer put put_nowait putenv putp putsequences putwin pwd python_build python_compiler python_version python_version_tuple qiflush qsize quantize quick_ratio quit quote quote_plus quoteattr r_eval r_exec r_execfile r_import r_open r_reload r_unload radians randint random randrange ratecv ratio raw read read_all read_byte read_eager read_lazy read_mime_types read_sb_data read_some read_token read_until read_very_eager read_very_lazy readable reader readfp readframes readline readlines readlink readmodule readmodule_ex real_quick_ratio realpath recent rectangle recv recvfrom redirect_request redrawln redrawwin refilemessages refill_buffer refresh register registerDOMImplementation register_dialect register_error register_function register_instance register_introspection_functions register_multicall_functions release release_lock remainder remainder_near remove removeAttribute removeAttributeNS removeAttributeNode removeChild remove_option remove_section remove_tree removedirs removemessages rename renames repeat replace replaceChild replace_errors replace_header report report_failure report_full_closure report_partial_closure report_start report_success report_unbalanced report_unexpected_exception repr repr1 repr_type requires reset reset_prog_mode reset_shell_mode resetlocale resize resolveEntity response restore retr retrbinary retrieve retrlines return_ok reverse reverse_order revert rewind rewindbody rfc822_escape rfind rgb_to_hls rgb_to_hsv rgb_to_yiq rindex rjust rlecode_hqx rledecode_hqx rmd rmdir rms rmtree rotate rpop rset rshift rsplit rstrip run run_docstring_examples run_script run_setup run_suite run_unittest runcall runctx runeval runtime_library_dir_option s_eval s_exec s_execfile s_import s_reload s_unload safe_substitute saferepr same_quantum samefile sameopenfile samestat sample save save_bgn save_end scale sci scroll scrollok search section_divider sections seed seek select send send_error send_flowing_data send_header send_hor_rule send_label_data send_line_break send_literal_data send_paragraph send_query send_response send_selector sendall sendcmd sendmail sendto sequence2ast sequenceIncludes serve_forever server_activate server_bind set setAttribute setAttributeNS setAttributeNode setAttributeNodeNS setContentHandler setDTDHandler setDaemon setDocumentLocator setEntityResolver setErrorHandler setFeature setLocale setLoggerClass setMaxConns setName setProperty setTimeout setUp set_allowed_domains set_blocked_domains set_boundary set_charset set_cookie set_cookie_if_ok set_debug set_debuglevel set_default_type set_executables set_include_dirs set_libraries set_library_dirs set_link_objects set_nonstandard_attr set_ok set_option_negotiation_callback set_output_charset set_param set_pasv set_payload set_policy set_position set_proxy set_python_build set_runtime_library_dirs set_seq1 set_seq2 set_seqs set_server_documentation set_server_name set_server_title set_spacing set_terminator set_threshold set_trace set_type set_unittest_reportflags set_unixfrom set_url set_userptr setacl setblocking setcheckinterval setcomptype setcontext setcurrent setdefaultencoding setdefaulttimeout setdlopenflags setegid seteuid setframerate setgid setgroups setitem setlast setliteral setlocale setmark setnchannels setnframes setnomoretags setparams setpgid setpgrp setpos setprofile setquota setrecursionlimit setregid setreuid setsampwidth setscrreg setsid setslice setsockopt setstate setsyx settimeout settrace settscdump setuid setup setupterm shared_object_filename shortDescription show show_compilers shuffle shutdown signal sin sinh size sizeofimage skip skippedEntity slave sleep sniff socket socketpair sort sort_stats sourcehook span spawn spawnl spawnle spawnlp spawnlpe spawnv spawnve spawnvp spawnvpe split split_quoted splitdrive splitext splitfields splitunc sqrt ssl stack standard_b64decode standard_b64encode standend standout starmap start startDocument startElement startElementNS startPrefixMapping startTest start_color start_new_thread start_tag startbody startfile startmultipartbody starttls stat stat_float_times status statvfs stop stopTest storbinary store storlines str strcoll strerror strftime strict_errors strip strip_dirs strptime strtobool strxfrm sub subn subpad subscribe subst_vars substitute subtract subwin suite summarize swapcase symlink sync syncdown syncok syncup syntax_error sysconf system system.listMethods system.methodHelp system.methodSignature system_alias takewhile tan tanh tb_lineno tcgetpgrp tcsetpgrp tearDown tee tell tempnam termattrs termname test testandset testfile testmod testzip textdomain thread tigetflag tigetnum tigetstr time timeit timeout times timetuple tix_addbitmapdir tix_cget tix_configure tix_filedialog tix_getbitmap tix_getimage tix_option_get tix_resetoptions tmpfile tmpnam to_eng_string to_integral to_sci_string to_splittable tobuf today tofile tokeneater tokenize tolist tomono toordinal top top_panel toprettyxml tostereo tostring totuple touchline touchwin tounicode tovideo toxml tparm trace transfercmd translate translate_references translation truediv truth ttob ttyname tuple2ast typeahead typed_subpart_iterator tzset ugettext uid uidl ulaw2lin umask uname unctrl undefine_macro unescape ungetch ungetmouse ungettext unhexlify unified_diff uniform unknown_charref unknown_endtag unknown_entityref unknown_open unknown_starttag unlink unlock unmimify unpack unpack_array unpack_bytes unpack_double unpack_farray unpack_float unpack_fopaque unpack_fstring unpack_list unpack_opaque unpack_string unparsedEntityDecl unquote unquote_plus unreadline unregister unregister_dialect unsetenv unsubscribe untouchwin update update_panels upper urandom url2pathname urlcleanup urldefrag urlencode urljoin urlopen urlparse urlretrieve urlsafe_b64decode urlsafe_b64encode urlsplit urlunparse urlunsplit usage use_default_colors use_env user userptr utime value_decode value_encode values verify verify_request version version version_string vline voidcmd vonmisesvariate wait waitpid walk warn warning wasSuccessful weekday weibullvariate what whathdr whichdb whseed win32_ver window wrap wrap_text wrapper writable write write_byte write_file writeframes writeframesraw writelines writepy writer writerow writerows writestr writexml xatom xgtitle xhdr xmlcharrefreplace_errors_errors xor xover xpath xreadlines yiq_to_rgb zfill #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=on ABDAY_[1-7] ABMON_(12|11|10|9|8|7|6|5|4|3|2|1) MON_(12|11|10|9|8|7|6|5|4|3|2|1) DAY_[1-7] EAI_[A-Z0-9_]* INADDR_[A-Z0-9_]* IPPORT_[A-Z0-9_]* IPPROTO_[A-Z0-9_]* IPV6_[A-Z0-9_]* IP_[A-Z0-9_]* MSG_[A-Z0-9_]* NI_[A-Z0-9_]* SOL_[A-Z0-9_]* SO_[A-Z0-9_]* TCP_[A-Z0-9_]* #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off ACCEPTED ACK ACS_BBSS ACS_BLOCK ACS_BOARD ACS_BSBS ACS_BSSB ACS_BSSS ACS_BTEE ACS_BULLET ACS_CKBOARD ACS_DARROW ACS_DEGREE ACS_DIAMOND ACS_GEQUAL ACS_HLINE ACS_LANTERN ACS_LARROW ACS_LEQUAL ACS_LLCORNER ACS_LRCORNER ACS_LTEE ACS_NEQUAL ACS_PI ACS_PLMINUS ACS_PLUS ACS_RARROW ACS_RTEE ACS_S1 ACS_S3 ACS_S7 ACS_S9 ACS_SBBS ACS_SBSB ACS_SBSS ACS_SSBB ACS_SSBS ACS_SSSB ACS_SSSS ACS_STERLING ACS_TTEE ACS_UARROW ACS_ULCORNER ACS_URCORNER ACS_VLINE AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_UNIX ALT_DIGITS AS_IS AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G721 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G722 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G723_3 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G723_5 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ALAW_8 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_DOUBLE AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_FLOAT AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_16 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_24 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_32 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_8 AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_MULAW_8 AUDIO_FILE_MAGIC A_ALTCHARSET A_BLINK A_BOLD A_DIM A_NORMAL A_STANDOUT A_UNDERLINE BAD_GATEWAY BAD_REQUEST BEL BINARY_ADD BINARY_AND BINARY_DIVIDE BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE BINARY_LSHIFT BINARY_MODULO BINARY_MULTIPLY BINARY_OR BINARY_POWER BINARY_RSHIFT BINARY_SUBSCR BINARY_SUBTRACT BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE BINARY_XOR BOM BOM_BE BOM_LE BOM_UTF16 BOM_UTF16_BE BOM_UTF16_LE BOM_UTF32 BOM_UTF32_BE BOM_UTF32_LE BOM_UTF8 BREAK_LOOP BS BUILD_CLASS BUILD_LIST BUILD_MAP BUILD_SLICE BUILD_TUPLE CALL_FUNCTION CALL_FUNCTION_KW CALL_FUNCTION_VAR CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW CAN CHARSET CHAR_MAX CODESET COLOR_BLACK COLOR_BLUE COLOR_CYAN COLOR_GREEN COLOR_MAGENTA COLOR_RED COLOR_WHITE COLOR_YELLOW COMMENT COMPARE_OP CONFLICT CONTINUE CONTINUE_LOOP CR CRC CREATED CRITICAL CRNCYSTR C_BUILTIN C_EXTENSION DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DEBUG DEBUG_COLLECTABLE DEBUG_INSTANCES DEBUG_LEAK DEBUG_OBJECTS DEBUG_SAVEALL DEBUG_STATS DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE DEL DELETE_ATTR DELETE_FAST DELETE_GLOBAL DELETE_NAME DELETE_SLICE+0 DELETE_SLICE+1 DELETE_SLICE+2 DELETE_SLICE+3 DELETE_SUBSCR DLE DOTALL DUP_TOP DUP_TOPX D_FMT D_T_FMT E2BIG EACCES EADDRINUSE EADDRNOTAVAIL EADV EAFNOSUPPORT EAGAIN EALREADY EBADE EBADF EBADFD EBADMSG EBADR EBADRQC EBADSLT EBFONT EBUSY ECHILD ECHRNG ECOMM ECONNABORTED ECONNREFUSED ECONNRESET EDEADLK EDEADLOCK EDESTADDRREQ EDOM EDOTDOT EDQUOT EEXIST EFAULT EFBIG EHOSTDOWN EHOSTUNREACH EIDRM EILSEQ EINPROGRESS EINTR EINVAL EIO EISCONN EISDIR EISNAM EL2HLT EL2NSYNC EL3HLT EL3RST ELIBACC ELIBBAD ELIBEXEC ELIBMAX ELIBSCN ELNRNG ELOOP EM EMFILE EMLINK EMPTY_NAMESPACE EMSGSIZE EMULTIHOP ENAMETOOLONG ENAVAIL END_FINALLY ENETDOWN ENETRESET ENETUNREACH ENFILE ENOANO ENOBUFS ENOCSI ENODATA ENODEV ENOENT ENOEXEC ENOLCK ENOLINK ENOMEM ENOMSG ENONET ENOPKG ENOPROTOOPT ENOSPC ENOSR ENOSTR ENOSYS ENOTBLK ENOTCONN ENOTDIR ENOTEMPTY ENOTNAM ENOTSOCK ENOTTY ENOTUNIQ ENQ ENXIO EOPNOTSUPP EOT EOVERFLOW EPERM EPFNOSUPPORT EPIPE EPROTO EPROTONOSUPPORT EPROTOTYPE ERA ERANGE ERA_D_FMT ERA_D_T_FMT ERA_YEAR EREMCHG EREMOTE EREMOTEIO ERESTART EROFS ERR ERROR ESC ESHUTDOWN ESOCKTNOSUPPORT ESPIPE ESRCH ESRMNT ESTALE ESTRPIPE ETB ETIME ETIMEDOUT ETOOMANYREFS ETX ETXTBSY EUCLEAN EUNATCH EUSERS EWOULDBLOCK EXDEV EXEC_PREFIX EXEC_STMT EXFULL EXPECTATION_FAILED EXTENDED_ARG EX_CANTCREAT EX_CONFIG EX_DATAERR EX_IOERR EX_NOHOST EX_NOINPUT EX_NOPERM EX_NOTFOUND EX_NOUSER EX_OK EX_OSERR EX_OSFILE EX_PROTOCOL EX_SOFTWARE EX_TEMPFAIL EX_UNAVAILABLE EX_USAGE FAILED_DEPENDENCY FF FORBIDDEN FOR_ITER FOUND FS F_BAVAIL F_BFREE F_BLOCKS F_BSIZE F_FAVAIL F_FFREE F_FILES F_FLAG F_FRSIZE F_NAMEMAX F_OK GATEWAY_TIMEOUT GET_ITER GONE GS HIGHEST_PROTOCOL HT HTTPS_PORT HTTP_PORT HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED I IGNORECASE IMPORT_FROM IMPORT_NAME IMPORT_STAR IM_USED INFO INPLACE_ADD INPLACE_AND INPLACE_DIVIDE INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE INPLACE_LSHIFT INPLACE_MODULO INPLACE_MULTIPLY INPLACE_OR INPLACE_POWER INPLACE_RSHIFT INPLACE_SUBTRACT INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE INPLACE_XOR INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR JUMP_ABSOLUTE JUMP_FORWARD JUMP_IF_FALSE JUMP_IF_TRUE KEY_A1 KEY_A3 KEY_B2 KEY_BACKSPACE KEY_BEG KEY_BREAK KEY_BTAB KEY_C1 KEY_C3 KEY_CANCEL KEY_CATAB KEY_CLEAR KEY_CLOSE KEY_COMMAND KEY_COPY KEY_CREATE KEY_CTAB KEY_DC KEY_DL KEY_DOWN KEY_EIC KEY_END KEY_ENTER KEY_EOL KEY_EOS KEY_EXIT KEY_F0 KEY_FIND KEY_HELP KEY_HOME KEY_IC KEY_IL KEY_LEFT KEY_LL KEY_MARK KEY_MAX KEY_MESSAGE KEY_MIN KEY_MOUSE KEY_MOVE KEY_NEXT KEY_NPAGE KEY_OPEN KEY_OPTIONS KEY_PPAGE KEY_PREVIOUS KEY_PRINT KEY_REDO KEY_REFERENCE KEY_REFRESH KEY_REPLACE KEY_RESET KEY_RESIZE KEY_RESTART KEY_RESUME KEY_RIGHT KEY_SAVE KEY_SBEG KEY_SCANCEL KEY_SCOMMAND KEY_SCOPY KEY_SCREATE KEY_SDC KEY_SDL KEY_SELECT KEY_SEND KEY_SEOL KEY_SEXIT KEY_SF KEY_SFIND KEY_SHELP KEY_SHOME KEY_SIC KEY_SLEFT KEY_SMESSAGE KEY_SMOVE KEY_SNEXT KEY_SOPTIONS KEY_SPREVIOUS KEY_SPRINT KEY_SR KEY_SREDO KEY_SREPLACE KEY_SRESET KEY_SRIGHT KEY_SRSUME KEY_SSAVE KEY_SSUSPEND KEY_STAB KEY_SUNDO KEY_SUSPEND KEY_UNDO KEY_UP L LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_MAX LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LENGTH_REQUIRED LF LIST_APPEND LOAD_ATTR LOAD_CLOSURE LOAD_CONST LOAD_DEREF LOAD_FAST LOAD_GLOBAL LOAD_LOCALS LOAD_NAME LOCALE LOCKED M MAKE_CLOSURE MAKE_FUNCTION MAXLEN MAXYEAR MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED MINYEAR MOVED_PERMANENTLY MULTILINE MULTIPLE_CHOICES MULTI_STATUS NAK NL NOEXPR NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION NOP NOTSET NOT_ACCEPTABLE NOT_EXTENDED NOT_FOUND NOT_IMPLEMENTED NOT_MODIFIED NO_CONTENT NSIG NUL OK O_APPEND O_BINARY O_CREAT O_DSYNC O_EXCL O_NDELAY O_NOCTTY O_NOINHERIT O_NONBLOCK O_RANDOM O_RDONLY O_RDWR O_RSYNC O_SEQUENTIAL O_SHORT_LIVED O_SYNC O_TEMPORARY O_TEXT O_TRUNC O_WRONLY PARTIAL_CONTENT PAYMENT_REQUIRED PKG_DIRECTORY POLLERR POLLHUP POLLIN POLLNVAL POLLOUT POLLPRI POP_BLOCK POP_TOP PRECONDITION_FAILED PREFIX PRINT_EXPR PRINT_ITEM PRINT_ITEM_TO PRINT_NEWLINE PRINT_NEWLINE_TO PROCESSING PROTOCOL_VERSION PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED PY_COMPILED PY_FROZEN PY_RESOURCE PY_SOURCE P_DETACH P_NOWAIT P_NOWAITO P_OVERLAY P_WAIT QUOTE_ALL QUOTE_MINIMAL QUOTE_NONE QUOTE_NONNUMERIC RADIXCHAR RAISE_VARARGS REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE REQUEST_TIMEOUT REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG RESET_CONTENT RETURN_VALUE ROT_FOUR ROT_THREE ROT_TWO RS R_OK S SEARCH_ERROR SEE_OTHER SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE SETUP_EXCEPT SETUP_FINALLY SETUP_LOOP SET_LINENO SI SIG* SIG_DFL SIG_IGN SLICE+0 SLICE+1 SLICE+2 SLICE+3 SO SOCK_DGRAM SOCK_RAW SOCK_RDM SOCK_SEQPACKET SOCK_STREAM SOH SOMAXCONN SP STOP_CODE STORE_ATTR STORE_DEREF STORE_FAST STORE_GLOBAL STORE_NAME STORE_SLICE+0 STORE_SLICE+1 STORE_SLICE+2 STORE_SLICE+3 STORE_SUBSCR STX ST_ATIME ST_CTIME ST_DEV ST_GID ST_INO ST_MODE ST_MTIME ST_NLINK ST_SIZE ST_UID SUB SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS SYN TAB TEMPORARY_REDIRECT TESTFN THOUSEP TMP_MAX T_FMT T_FMT_AMPM U UNARY_CONVERT UNARY_INVERT UNARY_NEGATIVE UNARY_NOT UNARY_POSITIVE UNAUTHORIZED UNICODE UNPACK_SEQUENCE UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE UPGRADE_REQUIRED US USE_PROXY VERBOSE VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS VT WARNING WCONTINUED WNOHANG WUNTRACED W_OK X XHTML_NAMESPACE XMLNS_NAMESPACE XML_NAMESPACE X_OK YESEXPR YIELD_VALUE ZIP_DEFLATED ZIP_STORED