; EmEditor Syntax File ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin= #CommentEnd= #LineComment1=^# #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=on #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=on #Escape= #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=on #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off if else for while repeat break next in abbreviate abline abs acos acosh add.scope add1 addTaskCallback aggregate AIC AIC.logLik airmiles airquality alias alist all all.equal all.equal.POSIXct all.names all.vars anova anova.glm anova.glmlist anova.lm anova.lmlist anova.mlm anovalist.lm anscombe any aov aperm append apply approx approxfun apropos Arg args Arithmetic array arrows as.array as.call as.character as.character.octmode as.character.POSIXt as.complex as.data.frame as.data.frame.logLik as.data.frame.matrix as.data.frame.model.matrix as.data.frame.numeric as.data.frame.ordered as.data.frame.POSIXct as.data.frame.POSIXlt as.data.frame.table as.data.frame.ts as.data.frame.vector as.double as.environment as.expression as.factor as.formula as.function as.integer as.list as.logical as.matrix as.matrix.noquote as.matrix.POSIXlt as.name as.null as.numeric as.ordered as.pairlist as.POSIXct as.POSIXlt as.qr as.real as.single as.symbol as.table as.table.ftable as.ts as.vector asin asinh assign assocplot atan atan2 atanh attach attenu attitude attr attr.all.equal attributes autoload autoloader ave axis axis.POSIXct backsolve barplot basename BATCH Bessel bessel besselI besselJ besselK besselY Beta beta Binomial binomial bitmap bmp body box boxplot boxplot.formula boxplot.stats bringToTop browser bug.report build builtins bw.bcv bw.nrd bw.nrd0 bw.SJ bw.ucv bxp by bzfile C c c.POSIXct c.POSIXlt call capabilities cars case.names casefold cat Cauchy cbind cbind.ts ceiling char.expand character charmatch chartr check check.options chickwts Chisquare chol chol2inv choose chull class close close.screen close.socket closeAllConnections cm cm.colors co.intervals co2 codes coef coefficients coefficients.glm coefficients.lm col col2rgb colMeans colnames colors colours colSums commandArgs comment compareVersion Comparison complete.cases complex conflicts Conj connection connections contour contr.helmert contr.poly contr.sum contr.treatment contrasts contrib.url contributors Control convolve cooks.distance coplot copyright copyrights cor cos cosh count.fields cov cov.wt covratio CRAN.packages crossprod cummax cummin cumprod cumsum curve cut cut.POSIXt cycle D data data.class data.entry data.frame data.matrix dataentry date DateTimeClasses dbeta dbinom dcauchy dchisq de debug debugger delay delete.response deltat demo density deparse Deprecated deriv deriv3 det detach dev.control dev.copy dev.copy2eps dev.cur dev.interactive dev.list dev.next dev.off dev.prev dev.print dev.set dev2bitmap deviance device Devices dexp df df.residual dfbetas dffits dgamma dgeom dget dhyper diag diff diff.ts difftime digamma dim dimnames dir dir.create dirname discoveries DLL.version dlnorm dlogis dnbinom dnorm do.call dotchart double download.file download.packages dpois dput drop drop.scope drop.terms drop1 dsignrank dt dummy.coef dump dump.frames dunif duplicated dweibull dwilcox dyn.load dyn.unload edit edit.data.frame edit.default edit.matrix eff.aovlist effects eigen emacs end environment erase.screen esoph euro eurodist eval evalq example exists exp expand.grid expand.model.frame expm1 Exponential expression Extract extractAIC factor factor.scope faithful family family.glm family.lm FDist fft fifo file file.access file.append file.choose file.copy file.create file.exists file.info file.path file.remove file.rename file.show files filled.contour find findInterval fitted fitted.values.glm fitted.values.lm fivenum fix floor flush.console Foreign Formaldehyde formals format format.char format.data.frame format.default format.factor format.info format.octmode format.POSIXct format.POSIXlt format.pval formatC formatDL formula formula.lm formula.terms forwardsolve fourfoldplot frame freeny frequency ftable ftable.formula function Gamma gamma gammaCody GammaDist gaussian gc gc.time gcinfo gctorture Geometric get getAllConnections getCConverterDescriptions getCConverterStatus getConnection geterrmessage getNativeSymbolInfo getNumCConverters getOption getTaskCallbackNames getwd gl glm glm.control glm.fit globalenv graphics.off gray grep grey grid gsub gzfile HairEyeColor hasTsp hat heat.colors help help.search help.start Hershey hist hist.POSIXt history hsv Hypergeometric I identical identify ifelse Im image index.search Inf infert influence.measures inherits InsectSprays INSTALL install.packages installed.packages integer integrate interaction interaction.plot interactive intersect inverse.gaussian inverse.rle invisible IQR iris iris3 is.array is.atomic is.call is.character is.complex is.data.frame is.double is.element is.empty.model is.environment is.expression is.factor is.finite is.function is.infinite is.integer is.language is.list is.loaded is.logical is.matrix is.mts is.na is.na.POSIXlt is.name is.nan is.null is.numeric is.object is.ordered is.pairlist is.qr is.R is.real is.recursive is.single is.symbol is.table is.ts is.unsorted is.vector isIncomplete islands ISOdate ISOdatetime ISOLatin1 isOpen isSeekable Japanese jitter jpeg julian kappa kronecker La.eigen La.svd labels lapply layout lbeta lchoose lcm legend length LETTERS letters levels lgamma library library.dynam licence license LifeCycleSavings limitedLabels lines lines.formula lines.histogram lines.ts link.html.help list list.files lm lm.fit lm.influence lm.wfit load loadhistory local localeconv locales locator log log10 log1p log2 logb Logic logical Logistic logLik logLik.glm logLik.lm loglin Lognormal longley lower.tri lowess ls ls.diag ls.print ls.str lsf.str lsfit Machine machine MacRoman mad mahalanobis make.link make.names make.packages.html make.search.html make.socket makepredictcall makepredictcall.poly manova margin.table mat.or.vec match match.arg match.call match.fun Math Math.POSIXlt Math.POSIXt matlines matmult matplot matpoints matrix max max.col mean mean.POSIXct mean.POSIXlt median mem.limits Memory memory.limit memory.profile memory.size menu merge Methods methods min missing Mod mode model.extract model.frame model.matrix model.matrix.glm.null model.matrix.lm model.offset model.response model.tables model.weights month.abb month.name months morley mosaicplot mtcars mtext mvfft n2mfrow NA na.action na.exclude na.fail na.omit na.omit.ts na.pass name names NaN napredict naprint naresid nargs native.enc nchar nclass.FD nclass.scott nclass.Sturges NCOL ncol NegBinomial new.env newestVersion NextMethod nextn nhtemp nlevels nlm noquote Normal NotYetImplemented NotYetUsed NROW nrow NULL numeric object.size objects offset old-piechart old.packages on.exit open Ops Ops.POSIXct Ops.POSIXlt Ops.POSIXt Ops.ts optim optimise optimize options OrchardSprays order ordered outer p.adjust package.contents package.dependencies package.description package.skeleton packageStatus page pairlist pairs pairs.formula palette panel.smooth par Paren parent.env parent.frame parse paste path.expand pbeta pbinom pbirthday pcauchy pchisq pdf pentagamma persp pexp pf pgamma pgeom phones phyper pi pico pictex pie piechart pipe PlantGrowth Platform plnorm plogis plot plot.data.frame plot.default plot.density plot.factor plot.formula plot.function plot.gam plot.histogram plot.lm plot.mlm plot.mts plot.new plot.POSIXct plot.POSIXlt plot.table plot.ts plot.TukeyHSD plot.window plot.xy plotmath pmatch pmax pmin pnbinom png pnorm points points.formula Poisson poisson poly polygon polym polyroot pos.to.env POSIXct POSIXlt postscript power ppoints ppois precip predict predict.glm predict.lm predict.mlm predict.poly preplot presidents pressure pretty prettyNum print print.anova print.aov print.aovlist print.AsIs print.atomic print.by print.coefmat print.connection print.data.frame print.default print.density print.difftime print.dummy.coef print.factor print.family print.formula print.ftable print.glm print.hsearch print.htest print.infl print.integrate print.libraryIQR print.listof print.lm print.logLik print.matrix print.mtable print.noquote print.octmode print.ordered print.packageInfo print.packageIQR print.packageStatus print.POSIXct print.POSIXlt print.recordedplot print.rle print.SavedPlots print.simple.list print.socket print.summary.aov print.summary.aovlist print.summary.glm print.summary.lm print.summary.manova print.summary.table print.table print.tables.aov print.terms print.ts print.TukeyHSD print.xtabs prmatrix proc.time prod profile proj prompt prop.table ps.options psignrank pt ptukey punif pushBack pushBackLength pweibull pwilcox q qbeta qbinom qbirthday qcauchy qchisq qexp qf qgamma qgeom qhyper qlnorm qlogis qnbinom qnorm qpois qqline qqnorm qqplot qr qr.Q qr.qty qr.qy qr.R qr.resid qr.solve qr.X qsignrank qt qtukey quakes quantile quarters quasi quasibinomial quasipoisson quit qunif quote qweibull qwilcox R.home R.Version R.version rainbow Random.user randu range rank rbeta rbind rbinom rcauchy rchisq Rconsole Rd2dvi Rd2txt Rdconv Rdevga Rdindex Re read.00Index read.csv read.csv2 read.dcf read.delim read.delim2 read.ftable read.fwf read.socket read.table readBin readChar readline readLines real Recall recordPlot recover rect reformulate reg.finalizer regexpr relevel REMOVE remove remove.packages removeCConverter removeTaskCallback Renviron.site rep replace replayPlot replications require reshape resid residuals residuals.glm residuals.lm restart return rev rexp rf rgamma rgb rgeom rhyper rivers rle rlnorm rlogis rm rnbinom RNG RNGkind rnorm round round.difftime round.POSIXt row row.names rowMeans rownames rowsum rowSums rpois Rprof Rprofile rsignrank rstandard rstudent rt rug runif rweibull rwilcox R_LIBS SafePrediction sample sapply save savehistory savePlot scale scan screen sd Sd2Rd se.contrast search searchpaths seek segments select.list seq seq.POSIXt sequence set.seed setCConverterStatus setdiff setequal setwd shell shell.exec SHLIB showConnections sign signif SignRank sin single sinh sink sleep socketConnection solve sort sort.list source Special spline splinefun split split.screen sprintf sqrt stack stack.loss stack.x stackloss stars start Startup stat.anova state stderr stdin stdout stem step stop stopifnot storage.mode str str.logLik str.POSIXt strftime strheight stripchart strptime strsplit structure strwidth strwrap sub Subscript subset substitute substr substring sum Summary summary summary.aov summary.aovlist summary.connection Summary.data.frame summary.data.frame summary.default Summary.factor summary.factor summary.glm summary.infl summary.lm summary.manova summary.matrix summary.mlm summary.packageStatus Summary.POSIXct summary.POSIXct Summary.POSIXlt summary.POSIXlt summary.table sunflowerplot sunspots svd sweep swiss switch symbol.C symbol.For symbols symnum Syntax sys.call sys.calls sys.frame sys.frames sys.function Sys.getenv Sys.getlocale Sys.info sys.load.image Sys.localeconv sys.nframe sys.on.exit sys.parent sys.parents Sys.putenv sys.save.image Sys.setlocale Sys.sleep sys.source sys.status Sys.time Sys.timezone system system.file system.time t table tabulate tan tanh tapply taskCallbackManager TDist tempfile termplot terms terms.formula terms.object terms.terms terrain.colors tetragamma text textConnection time Titanic title tolower ToothGrowth topo.colors toString toupper trace traceback transform trees Trig trigamma trunc trunc.POSIXt truncate try ts tsp Tukey TukeyHSD type.convert typeof UCBAdmissions unclass undebug Uniform union unique uniroot unix unix.time unlink unlist unname unsplit unstack untrace unz update update.formula update.packages update.packageStatus upgrade upper.tri url url.show USArrests UseMethod USJudgeRatings USPersonalExpenditure uspop VADeaths var variable.names vector version vi volcano warning warnings warpbreaks weekdays Weibull weighted.mean weighted.residuals weights weights.glm weights.lm which which.max which.min Wilcoxon win.graph win.metafile win.print win.version WinAnsi winDialog winDialogString window windows winMenuAdd winMenuAddItem winMenuDel winMenuDelItem with women write write.dcf write.ftable write.socket write.table writeBin writeChar writeLines X11 x11 xedit xemacs xfig xinch xor xpdrows.data.frame xtabs xy.coords xyinch xyz.coords yinch zapsmall zip.file.extract zip.unpack .Autoloaded .AutoloadEnv .BaseNamespaceEnv .C .Call .Class .Deprecated .Device .Devices .Dyn.libs .External .find.package .First .First.lib .Fortran .Generic .GlobalEnv .Group .Internal .Last .Last.lib .Last.value .leap.seconds .lib.loc .libPaths .Library .Machine .Method .NotYetImplemented .NotYetUsed .Options .packages .Pars .path.package .Platform .PostScript.Options .Primitive .primTrace .primUntrace .ps.prolog .Random.seed .Renviron .Rprofile .Script .Traceback abc.ci acme aids aircondit aircondit7 amis aml arima.sim basic.ci bca.ci beaver bigcity birthwt boot boot.array boot.ci boot.object boot.return bootci.object brambles breslow calcium cane capability cats catsM cav cd4 cd4.nested cement cens.return censboot channing city claridge cloth co.transfer coal const control corr cum3 cv.glm darwin dogs downs.bc ducks EEF.profile EL.profile empinf envelope exp.tilt fir freq.array frets glm.diag glm.diag.plots grav gravity hirose iden Imp.Estimates imp.moments imp.prob imp.quantile imp.reg imp.weights inv.logit islay jack.after.boot k3.linear leuk linear.approx lines.saddle.distn logit lynx mammals manaus mcycle melanoma motor neuro nitrofen nodal norm.ci normalize nuclear paulsen perc.ci phones plot.boot poisons polar print.boot print.bootci print.saddle.distn print.simplex remission rock saddle saddle.distn saddle.distn.object salinity simplex simplex.object smooth.f stud.ci sunspot survival tau tilt.boot ts.return tsboot tuna urine var.linear wool zero batchSOM condense knn knn.cv knn1 lvq1 lvq2 lvq3 lvqinit lvqtest multiedit olvq1 plot.SOM plot.somgrid reduce.nn SOM somgrid agnes agnes.object agriculture animals clara clara.object clusplot clusplot.default clusplot.partition daisy diana diana.object dissimilarity.object ellipsoidhull ellipsoidPoints fanny fanny.object flower lower.to.upper.tri.inds mona mona.object pam pam.object partition.object plot.agnes plot.diana plot.mona plot.partition pltree pltree.twins pluton predict.ellipsoid print.agnes print.clara print.diana print.dissimilarity print.ellipsoid print.fanny print.mona print.pam print.summary.agnes print.summary.clara print.summary.diana print.summary.fanny print.summary.mona print.summary.pam ruspini sizeDiss summary.agnes summary.clara summary.diana summary.dissimilarity summary.fanny summary.mona summary.pam twins.object upper.to.lower.tri.inds volume votes.repub xclara ansari.test bartlett.test binom.test chisq.test cor.test fisher.test fligner.test friedman.test kruskal.test ks.test mantelhaen.test mcnemar.test mood.test oneway.test pairwise.prop.test pairwise.t.test pairwise.table pairwise.wilcox.test power.prop.test power.t.test print.pairwise.htest print.power.htest prop.test prop.trend.test quade.test shapiro.test t.test var.test wilcox.test coef.tukeyline fitted.tukeyline line medpolish plot.medpolish print.medpolish print.tukeyline print.tukeysmooth residuals.tukeyline smooth summary.tukeysmooth data.restore lookup.xport read.dta read.epiinfo read.mtp read.S read.spss read.ssd read.xport SModeNames write.dta .grid.gpar.names .grid.loaded .GRID.STATE .grid.unit.list .unit absolute absolute.size absolute.units as.character.unit clear.display.list 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height.details.rect height.details.text height.details.viewport height.frame height.lines height.post height.post.details.default height.pre height.pre.details.default height.text inc.display.list is.even is.gpar is.grob is.layout is.odd is.unit is.viewport justifyX justifyY layout.heights layout.ncol layout.nrow layout.respect layout.torture layout.widths make.xaxis.labels make.xaxis.major make.xaxis.ticks make.yaxis.labels make.yaxis.major make.yaxis.ticks mod.dims new.col new.row num.col.specs num.row.specs Ops.unit origin.bottom origin.left origin.right origin.top plotViewport pop.saved.gpars pop.saved.Rpars pop.viewport pop.vp print.grob print.unit print.viewport push.saved.gpars push.saved.Rpars push.viewport push.vp record recycle.data row.spec saved.pars set.gpar set.value.grob set.viewport stack.viewports Summary.unit swap.origin.horizontal swap.origin.vertical unit unit.arithmetic unit.c unit.length unit.list unit.list.from.list unit.list.length unit.list.rep unit.pmax unit.pmin unit.rep unset.gpar unstack.viewports updateCol updateRow valid.data valid.just valid.layout valid.origin valid.pch valid.unit valid.units valid.viewport validGP viewport viewport.layout width width.details width.details.default width.details.frame width.details.rect width.details.text width.details.viewport width.frame width.lines width.post width.post.details.default width.pre width.pre.details.default width.text [.unit bkde bkde2D bkfe dpih dpik dpill geyser locpoly as.data.frame.shingle as.factorOrShingle as.shingle banking barchart barley bwplot canonical.theme cloud col.whitebg contourplot densityplot dotplot draw.colorkey draw.key environmental equal.count ethanol histogram is.shingle larrows Lattice lattice.theme latticeParseFormula levelplot llines lplot.xy lpoints lsegments lset ltext melanoma oneway panel.abline panel.barchart panel.bwplot panel.cloud panel.densityplot panel.dotplot panel.fill panel.grid panel.histogram panel.levelplot panel.linejoin panel.lmline panel.loess panel.mathdensity panel.pairs panel.parallel panel.qq panel.qqmath panel.qqmathline panel.splom panel.stripplot panel.superpose panel.tmd panel.wireframe panel.xyplot parallel plot.shingle prepanel.lmline prepanel.loess prepanel.qqmathline print.shingle print.shingleLevel print.trellis qq qqmath rfs shingle show.settings singer splom strip.default stripplot summary.shingle sunspot tmd trellis.device trellis.object trellis.par.get trellis.par.set update.trellis wireframe xyplot [.shingle cov.mcd cov.mve cov.rob lmsreg lqs ltsreg predict.lqs print.lqs .rat abbey accdeaths addterm Aids2 Animals anorexia anova.loglm anova.negbin area as.character.fractions as.fractions austres bacteria bandwidth.nrd bcv beav1 beav2 biopsy biplot.correspondence birthwt Boston boxcox cabbages caith Cars93 cats cement chem coef.fitdistr coef.lda coef.loglm con2tr confint confint.profile.glm confint.profile.nls contr.sdif coop corresp cov.trob cpus crabs Cushings DDT deaths denumerate dose.p drivers dropterm eagles epil eqscplot extractAIC.loglm extractAIC.polr family.negbin farms fdeaths fgl fitdistr fitted.loglm forbes fractions GAGurine galaxies gamma.dispersion gamma.shape gehan genotype geyser gilgais ginv glm.convert glm.nb glmmPQL heart hills hist.FD hist.scott housing huber hubers immer Insurance is.fractions isoMDS kde2d lda ldahist leuk lh lm.gls lm.ridge lmwork loglm loglm1 logtrans mammals Math.fractions mca mcycle mdeaths Melanoma menarche michelson minn38 model.frame.lda model.frame.polr model.frame.qda motors muscle mvrnorm negative.binomial newcomb nlschools nottem npk npr1 Null oats OME Ops.fractions painters pairs.lda parcoord petrol phones Pima.te Pima.tr Pima.tr2 plot.correspondence plot.lda plot.mca plot.ridgelm polr predict.lda predict.mca predict.polr predict.qda print.anova.loglm print.correspondence print.fitdistr print.fractions print.gamma.shape print.glm.dose print.lda print.loglm print.mca print.polr print.qda print.ridgelm print.rlm print.rms.curv print.summary.loglm print.summary.negbin print.summary.polr print.summary.rlm profile.glm psi.bisquare psi.hampel psi.huber qda quine Rabbit rational renumerate residuals.loglm rlm rms.curv rnegbin road rock rotifer Rubber sammon select Shepard ships shoes shrimp shuttle Sitka Sitka89 Skye snails SP500 stdres steam stepAIC stormer studres Summary.fractions summary.loglm summary.negbin summary.polr summary.rlm survey synth.te synth.tr t.fractions theta.md theta.ml theta.mm topo Traffic truehist ucv update.loglm UScereal UScrime VA vcov vcov.polr waders whiteside width.SJ write.matrix wtloss [.fractions (-class .BasicFunsList .doTracePrint .InitTraceFunctions .makeTracedFunction .untracedFunction <--class allGenerics ANY-class array-class as call-class callGeneric callNextMethod character-class class Classes coerce complex-class double-class dumpMethod dumpMethods environment-class existsFunction expression-class extends findFunction findMethod for-class function-class functionWithTrace-class GenericFunctions getClass getClassDef getClasses getGenerics getMethod getMethods getValidity hasArg if-class initialize integer-class is isClass isGeneric isGroup language-class LinearMethodsList-class list-class logical-class matrix-class MethodDefinition-class MethodDefinitionWithTrace-class Methods MethodsList-class MethodsListSelect MethodWithNext-class MethodWithNextWithTrace-class missing-class name-class new NULL-class numeric-class promptClass promptMethods removeClass removeGeneric removeMethod removeMethods repeat-class representation resetClass selectMethod setAs setClass setGeneric setGroupGeneric setIs setMethod setReplaceMethod setSClass setValidity show showMethods signature signature-class single-class slot slotNames standardGeneric structure-class traceable-class ts-class validObject vector-class VIRTUAL-class while-class __ClassMetaData {-class gam gam.check gam.control gam.fit gam.models gam.nbut gam.parser gam.selection gam.setup gam.side.conditions GAMsetup get.family mgcv mono.con neg.binom null.space.basis.labels null.space.basis.powers null.space.dimension pcls persp.gam plot.gam predict.gam print.gam print.summary.gam QT residuals.gam s SANtest summary.gam theta.maxl uniquecombs anova.loess ksmooth loess loess.control loess.smooth plot.ppr ppr predict.loess predict.ppr predict.smooth.spline print.loess print.ppr print.smooth.spline print.summary.loess print.summary.ppr rock scatter.smooth smooth.spline summary.loess summary.ppr supsmu ability.cov as.dendrogram as.dist as.hclust as.matrix.dist biplot biplot.princomp cancor cmdscale cut.dendrogram cutree dist factanal factanal.fit.mle format.dist Harman23.cor Harman74.cor hclust identify.hclust kmeans loadings names.dist plclust plot.dendrogram plot.hclust plot.prcomp plot.princomp plotNode plotNodeLimit prcomp predict.princomp princomp print.dist print.factanal print.hclust print.loadings print.prcomp print.princomp print.summary.prcomp print.summary.princomp promax rect.hclust screeplot summary.prcomp summary.princomp varimax ACF ACF.gls ACF.lme AIC.gls AIC.lme AIC.lmList AIC.nlme AIC.nls Alfalfa allCoef anova.gls anova.lme as.data.frame.groupedData as.matrix.corStruct as.matrix.pdMat as.matrix.reStruct asOneFormula Assay asTable augPred balancedGrouped bdf BIC BIC.logLik BIC.nlme BIC.nls BIC.nlsList BodyWeight Cefamandole coef.corAR1 coef.corARMA coef.corARMAd coef.corCAR1 coef.corCompSymm coef.corHF coef.corIdent coef.corLin coef.corNatural coef.corSpatial coef.corSpher coef.corStruct coef.corSymm coef.gls coef.gnls coef.lme coef.lmList coef.modelStruct coef.pdBlocked coef.pdCompSymm coef.pdDiag coef.pdIdent coef.pdMat coef.pdNatural coef.pdSymm coef.reStruct coef.summary.nlsList coef.varComb coef.varConstPower coef.varExp coef.varFixed coef.varFunc coef.varIdent coef.varPower collapse collapse.groupedData compareFits comparePred contr.SAS corAR1 corARMA corCAR1 corClasses corCompSymm corExp corFactor corFactor.compSymm corFactor.corAR1 corFactor.corARMA corFactor.corCAR1 corFactor.corNatural corFactor.corSpatial corFactor.corStruct corFactor.corSymm corGaus corIdent corLin corMatrix corMatrix.compSymm corMatrix.corAR1 corMatrix.corARMA corMatrix.corCAR1 corMatrix.corCompSymm corMatrix.corIdent corMatrix.corNatural corMatrix.corSpatial corMatrix.corStruct corMatrix.corSymm corMatrix.pdBlocked corMatrix.pdCompSymm corMatrix.pdDiag corMatrix.pdIdent corMatrix.pdMat corMatrix.pdSymm corMatrix.reStruct corNatural corRatio corSpatial corSpher corSymm Dialyzer Dim Dim.corSpatial Dim.corStruct Dim.default Dim.pdCompSymm Dim.pdDiag Dim.pdIdent Dim.pdMat Dim.pdNatural Dim.pdSymm Earthquake ergoStool Fatigue fdHess fitted.gls fitted.glsStruct fitted.gnls fitted.gnlsStruct fitted.lme fitted.lmeStruct fitted.lmList fitted.nlmeStruct fixed.effects fixed.effects.lme fixed.effects.lmList fixef fixef.lme fixef.lmList formula.corStruct formula.gls formula.gnls formula.groupedData formula.lme formula.lmList formula.modelStruct formula.nlme formula.nlsList formula.pdBlocked formula.pdMat formula.reStruct formula.varComb formula.varFunc gapply Gasoline getCovariate getCovariate.corSpatial getCovariate.corStruct getCovariate.data.frame getCovariate.varFunc getCovariateFormula getData getData.gls getData.gnls getData.lme getData.lmList getData.nlme getData.nls getGroups getGroups.corStruct getGroups.data.frame getGroups.gls getGroups.lme getGroups.lmList getGroups.varFunc getGroupsFormula getResponse getResponse.data.frame getResponse.gls getResponse.lme getResponse.lmList getResponseFormula getVarCov gls glsControl glsObject glsStruct Glucose Glucose2 gnls gnlsControl gnlsObject gnlsStruct groupedData gsummary Gun IGF initialize initialize.corAR1 initialize.corARMA initialize.corCAR1 initialize.corCompSymm initialize.corHF initialize.corIdent initialize.corLin initialize.corNatural initialize.corSpatial initialize.corSpher initialize.corStruct initialize.corSymm initialize.glsStruct initialize.gnlsStruct initialize.lmeStruct initialize.reStruct initialize.varComb initialize.varConstPower initialize.varExp initialize.varFixed initialize.varFunc initialize.varIdent initialize.varPower intervals intervals.gls intervals.lme intervals.lmList isBalanced isInitialized isInitialized.reStruct LDEsysMat lme lme.groupedData lme.lmList lmeControl lmeObject lmeScale lmeStruct lmList lmList.groupedData logDet logDet.corIdent logDet.corStruct logDet.pdBlocked logDet.pdCompSymm logDet.pdDiag logDet.pdIdent logDet.pdMat logDet.pdNatural logDet.pdSymm logDet.reStruct logLik.corStruct logLik.gls logLik.glsStruct logLik.gnls logLik.gnlsStruct logLik.lme logLik.lmeStruct logLik.lmeStructInt logLik.lmList logLik.reStruct logLik.varComb logLik.varFunc Machines MathAchieve MathAchSchool Meat MEdecomp MEdims MEEM MEestimate Milk model.matrix.reStruct Muscle Names Names.formula Names.listForm Names.pdBlocked Names.pdMat Names.reStruct needUpdate needUpdate.corStruct needUpdate.default needUpdate.modelStruct needUpdate.reStruct needUpdate.varComb needUpdate.varIdent nfGroupedData Nitrendipene nlme nlme.nlsList nlmeControl nlmeObject nlmeStruct nlsList nlsList.selfStart nmGroupedData Oats Orthodont Ovary Oxboys Oxide pairs.compareFits pairs.lme pairs.lmList PBG pdBlocked pdClasses pdCompSymm pdConstruct pdConstruct.pdBlocked pdConstruct.pdCompSymm pdConstruct.pdDiag pdConstruct.pdIdent pdConstruct.pdLogChol pdConstruct.pdMat pdConstruct.pdNatural pdConstruct.pdSymm pdDiag pdFactor pdFactor.reStruct pdIdent pdLogChol pdMat pdMatrix pdMatrix.reStruct pdNatural pdSymm Phenobarb phenoModel Pixel plot.ACF plot.augPred plot.compareFits plot.gls plot.intervals.lmList plot.lme plot.lmList plot.nffGroupedData plot.nfnGroupedData plot.nls plot.nmGroupedData plot.pdMat plot.ranef.lme plot.ranef.lmList plot.simulate.lme plot.Variogram pooledSD predict.gls predict.gnls predict.lme predict.lmList predict.nlme print.anova.lme print.compareFits print.corNatural print.corStruct print.corSymm print.gls print.groupedData print.intervals.gls print.intervals.lme print.intervals.lmList print.lme print.lmList print.modelStruct print.pdMat print.ranef print.ranef.lme print.reStruct print.simulate.lme print.summary.corNatural print.summary.corStruct print.summary.corSymm print.summary.gls print.summary.lme print.summary.lmList print.summary.modelStruct print.summary.pdMat print.summary.varComb print.summary.varFixed print.summary.varFunc print.varComb print.VarCorr.lme print.VarCov print.varFunc pruneLevels qqnorm.gls qqnorm.lm qqnorm.lme qqnorm.lmList qqnorm.nls Quinidine quinModel Rail random.effects random.effects.lme random.effects.lmList ranef ranef.lme ranef.lmList RatPupWeight recalc recalc.corAR1 recalc.corARMA recalc.corCAR1 recalc.corCompSymm recalc.corHF recalc.corIdent recalc.corNatural recalc.corSpatial recalc.corStruct recalc.corSymm recalc.modelStruct recalc.reStruct recalc.varFunc recalc.varIdent Relaxin Remifentanil residuals.gls residuals.glsStruct residuals.gnls residuals.gnlsStruct residuals.lme residuals.lmeStruct residuals.lmList residuals.nlmeStruct reStruct simulate.lme solve.pdBlocked solve.pdDiag solve.pdIdent solve.pdLogChol solve.pdMat solve.pdNatural solve.pdSymm solve.reStruct Soybean splitFormula Spruce summary.corAR1 summary.corARMA summary.corCAR1 summary.corCompSymm summary.corExp summary.corGaus summary.corHF summary.corIdent summary.corLin summary.corNatural summary.corRatio summary.corSpher summary.corStruct summary.corSymm summary.gls summary.lme summary.lmList summary.modelStruct summary.nlsList summary.pdBlocked summary.pdCompSymm summary.pdDiag summary.pdIdent summary.pdLogChol summary.pdMat summary.pdNatural summary.pdSymm summary.reStruct summary.varComb summary.varConstPower summary.VarCorr.lme summary.varExp summary.varFixed summary.varFunc summary.varIdent summary.varPower Tetracycline1 Tetracycline2 update.corStruct update.gls update.gnls update.groupedData update.lme update.lmList update.modelStruct update.nlme update.nlsList update.reStruct update.varComb update.varConstPower update.varExp update.varExpon update.varFunc update.varPower varClasses varComb varConstPower VarCorr varExp varFixed varFunc varIdent Variogram Variogram.corExp Variogram.corGaus Variogram.corLin Variogram.corRatio Variogram.corSpatial Variogram.corSpher Variogram.default Variogram.gls Variogram.lme varPower varWeights varWeights.glsStruct varWeights.lmeStruct varWeights.varComb varWeights.varFunc Wafer Wheat Wheat2 [.groupedData [.pdBlocked [.pdMat [.reStruct AIC.nls anova.nls anovalist.nls asOneSidedFormula BOD ChickWeight clearNames CO2 coef.nls deviance.nls df.residual.nls DNase fitted.nls formula.nls getInitial Indometh Loblolly logLik.nls nls nls.control nlsModel NLSstAsymptotic NLSstClosestX NLSstLfAsymptote NLSstRtAsymptote numericDeriv Orange plot.profile.nls predict.nls print.nls print.summary.nls profile.nls profiler profiler.nls Puromycin residuals.nls selfStart selfStart.default selfStart.formula setNames sortedXyData SSasymp SSasympOff SSasympOrig SSbiexp SSfol SSfpl SSgompertz SSlogis SSmicmen SSweibull summary.nls Theoph weights.nls add.net add1.multinom anova.multinom class.ind coef.multinom coef.nnet drop1.multinom eval.nn extractAIC.multinom model.frame.multinom multinom nnet nnet.Hess norm.net predict.multinom predict.nnet print.multinom print.nnet print.summary.multinom print.summary.nnet residuals.nnet summary.multinom summary.nnet vcov.multinom which.is.max car.test.frame cu.summary formatg kyphosis labels.rpart meanvar model.frame.rpart na.rpart path.rpart plot.rpart plotcp post pred.rpart predict.rpart print.rpart printcp prune residuals.rpart rpart rpart.anova rpart.branch rpart.class rpart.control rpart.exp rpart.matrix rpart.object rpart.poisson rpartcallback rpartco rpconvert rsq.rpart snip.rpart snip.rpart.mouse solder summary.rpart text.rpart xpred.rpart anova.trls anovalist.trls correlogram deviance.trls df.residual.trls expcov extractAIC.trls fitted.trls gaucov Kaver Kenvl Kfn plot.trls ppgetregion ppinit pplik ppregion predict.trls prmat Psim residuals.trls semat sphercov SSI Strauss summary.trls surf.gls surf.ls topo trls.influence trmat variogram as.data.frame.xyVector as.polySpline asVector backSpline bs interpSpline makepredictcall.bs makepredictcall.ns ns periodicSpline plot.spline plot.xyVector polySpline predict.bs predict.bSpline predict.nbSpline predict.npolySpline predict.ns predict.pbSpline predict.polySpline predict.ppolySpline print.bSpline print.polySpline print.ppolySpline spline.des splineDesign splineKnots splineOrder xyVector ecdf is.stepfun knots plot.ecdf plot.stepfun print.ecdf print.stepfun stepfun summary.ecdf summary.stepfun aml anova.coxph anova.coxphlist anova.survreg anova.survreglist as.character.date as.character.Surv as.data.frame.date as.data.frame.Surv as.date as.vector.date attrassign basehaz bladder bladder2 cancer censorReg clogit cluster colon cox.zph coxph coxph.control coxph.detail coxph.getdata coxph.object coxph.penalty date.ddmmmyy date.mdy date.mmddyy date.mmddyyyy format.Surv frailty heart is.date is.na.date is.na.ratetable is.na.Surv is.ratetable is.Surv jasa jasa1 kidney labels.survreg leukemia lines.survfit lung Math.date Math.ratetable Math.Surv mdy.date model.frame.coxph model.frame.survreg Ops.date Ops.ratetable Ops.Surv ovarian pbc plot.cox.zph plot.date plot.survfit points.survfit predict.coxph predict.survreg print.cox.zph print.coxph print.coxph.null print.coxph.penal print.date print.ratetable print.summary.survfit print.summary.survreg print.Surv print.survdiff print.survexp print.survfit print.survreg print.survreg.penal pspline pyears ratetable ratetables rats residuals.coxph residuals.survreg ridge stanford2 strata summary.coxph summary.coxph.penal Summary.date summary.date summary.ratetable Summary.Surv summary.survfit summary.survreg Surv survdiff survexp survexp.az survexp.azr survexp.cfit survexp.fit survexp.fl survexp.flr survexp.mn survexp.mnwhite survexp.us survexp.usr survexp.uswhite survexp.wnc survfit survfit.coxph.null survfit.km survfit.object survobrien survReg survreg survreg.control survreg.distributions survreg.object survreg.old tcut untangle.specials veteran [.cox.zph [.coxph.penalty [.date [.ratetable [.ratetable2 [.Surv [.survfit [.tcut [[.date $.tclvar .Tcl .Tk.ID .Tk.newwin .Tk.subwin .TkRoot .TkWin addTclPath as.character.tclObj as.character.tclVar as.double.tclObj as.integer.tclObj as.tclObj is.tclObj is.tkwin TclInterface tclObj tclRequire tclvalue tclVar tclvar tkactivate tkadd tkaddtag tkbbox tkbell tkbind tkbindtags tkbutton tkcanvas tkcanvasx tkcanvasy tkcget tkcheckbutton tkclipboard.append tkclipboard.clear tkclose tkcmd TkCommands tkcompare tkconfigure tkcoords tkcreate tkcurselection tkdchars tkdebug tkdelete tkdelta tkdeselect tkdestroy tkdlineinfo tkdtag tkdump tkentry tkentrycget tkentryconfigure tkevent.add tkevent.delete tkevent.generate tkevent.info tkfile.dir tkfile.tail tkfind tkflash tkfocus tkfont.actual tkfont.configure tkfont.create tkfont.delete tkfont.families tkfont.measure tkfont.metrics tkfont.names tkfraction tkframe tkget tkgetOpenFile tkgetSaveFile tkgettags tkgrab tkgrid tkicursor tkidentify tkimage.cget tkimage.configure tkimage.create tkimage.names tkindex tkinsert tkinvoke tkitembind tkitemcget tkitemconfigure tkitemfocus tkitemlower tkitemraise tkitemscale tklabel tklistbox tklower tkmark.gravity tkmark.names tkmark.next tkmark.previous tkmark.set tkmark.unset tkmenu tkmenubutton tkmessage tkmessageBox tkmove tknearest tkopen tkpack tkpager tkplace tkpost tkpostcascade tkpostscript tkputs tkradiobutton tkraise tkscale tkscan.dragto tkscan.mark tkscrollbar tksearch tksee tkselect tkselection.adjust tkselection.anchor tkselection.clear tkselection.from tkselection.includes tkselection.present tkselection.range tkselection.set tkselection.to tkset tksize tktag.add tktag.bind tktag.cget tktag.configure tktag.delete tktag.lower tktag.names tktag.nextrange tktag.prevrange tktag.raise tktag.ranges tktag.remove tktext tktitle tktoggle tktoplevel tktype tkunpost tkwait.variable tkwait.visibility tkwait.window tkwidget TkWidgetcmds TkWidgets tkwindow.cget tkwindow.configure tkwindow.create tkwindow.names tkwinfo tkwm.aspect tkwm.client tkwm.colormapwindows tkwm.command tkwm.deiconify tkwm.focusmodel tkwm.frame tkwm.geometry tkwm.grid tkwm.group tkwm.iconbitmap tkwm.iconify tkwm.iconmask tkwm.iconname tkwm.iconposition tkwm.iconwindow tkwm.maxsize tkwm.minsize tkwm.overrideredirect tkwm.positionfrom tkwm.protocol tkwm.resizable tkwm.sizefrom tkwm.state tkwm.title tkwm.transient tkwm.withdraw tkXselection.clear tkXselection.get tkXselection.handle tkXselection.own tkxview tkyposition tkyview checkAssignFuns checkDocArgs checkDocStyle checkFF checkMethods checkTnF checkVignettes codoc print.checkAssignFuns print.checkDocArgs print.checkDocStyle print.checkFF print.checkMethods print.checkTnF print.checkVignettes print.codoc print.undoc QA Rtangle RtangleSetup RweaveLatex RweaveLatexSetup Stangle Sweave SweaveSyntaxLatex SweaveSyntaxNoweb undoc acf acf2AR AirPassengers ar ar.burg ar.mle ar.ols ar.yw arima arima.sim arima0 arima0.diag ARMAacf ARMAtoMA austres bandwidth.kernel beaver1 beaver2 beavers BJsales Box.test ccf cpgram decompose df.kernel diffinv embed EuStockMarkets fdeaths filter HoltWinters is.tskernel JohnsonJohnson KalmanForecast KalmanLike KalmanRun KalmanSmooth kernapply kernel lag lag.plot LakeHuron ldeaths lh lynx makeARIMA mdeaths monthplot na.contiguous Nile nottem pacf plot.acf plot.decomposed.ts plot.HoltWinters plot.spec plot.stl plot.tskernel PP.test predict.ar predict.Arima predict.arima0 predict.HoltWinters predict.StructTS print.ar print.Arima print.arima0 print.HoltWinters print.stl print.StructTS print.tskernel residuals.HoltWinters Seatbelts spec spec.ar spec.pgram spec.taper spectrum stl StructTS summary.stl sunspot toeplitz treering ts.intersect ts.plot ts.union tsdiag tsSmooth UKDriverDeaths UKgas UKLungDeaths USAccDeaths WWWusage [.tskernel base boot class cluster ctest eda foreign grid KernSmooth lattice lqs MASS methods mgcv modreg mva nlme nls nnet rpart spatial splines stepfun survival tcltk tools ts TRUE FALSE T F #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off ( ) #Keyword color=3,word=off,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off,regexp=off [ ] { }