; EmEditor Syntax File ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; ; Submit your customized file to submit@emurasoft.com ; to be listed in www.emurasoft.com user files pages. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin=` #CommentEnd=` #LineComment1=^# #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=on #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=off #Escape=\ #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=off #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off $ % @ > < / - + * % | ^ ! & != => == >> >= ** <= << sub if else while for foreach continue import return break ne eq lt gt isin iswm ismatch hasmatch is -isletter -isnumber -eof -ishash -istrue -isarray -isFile -isDir -exists -isHidden -canread -canwrite -isuser -isop -hasvoice -isdccchat -isdccfiletransfer -isdft -isjavafile -javafileexists -isfilefilter -isinetaddress -istimer #Keyword color=3,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off long tan double atan sqrt atan2 parseNumber exp radians sin not asin uint degrees log round floor acos abs int cos ceil rand formatNumber chr sort strrep right asc strlen indexOf tr uc sortd substr sorta left charAt lc sortn formatDate parseDate ticks replace matches join split matched deleteFile setReadOnly getFileProper lastModified getFilePath createNewFile mkdir setLastModified getFileParent getFileName rename listRoots ls getCurrentDirectory lof mark readAll readln openf closef listen readb unpack connect pack wait sleep writeb printf skip printEOF print bread fork bwrite getConsole println read reset printAll exec use systemProperties flatten function remove checkError push compile_closure add values size map this subarray expr hash reverse local shift pop keys eval array lambda clear cast removeAt copy removeColors removeFormatting removeFormattingAndColors startsWith startsWithIgnoreCase endsWith endsWithIgnoreCase connectServer reconnectServer disconnectServer quitServer startIdentServer joinChannel partChannel sendRawLine sendRawLineViaQueue sendMessage sendAction sendNotice sendCTCPCommand changeNick setMode ban unBan op deOp voice deVoice setTopic kick setVerbose setName setLogin setVersion setFinger getName getLogin getVersion getFinger isConnected setMessageDelay getMessageDelay getMaxLineLength getOutgoingQueueSize getServer getPort getPassword getNick listChannels getEncoding setEncoding getChannels getInetAddress getDccInetAddress setDccInetAddress longToIp ipToLong dispose setAutoNickChange getUsers isUser userIsOp userHasVoice userGetNick userGetPrefix userToString userCompareTo userEqualsUser userEqualsNick userHashCode dccSendChatRequest chatReadLine isDccChat chatAccept chatSendLine chatClose chatGetNick chatGetLogin chatGetHostname chatGetBufferedReader chatGetBufferedWriter dccSendFile isDccFileTransfer dftReceive dftGetNick dftGetLogin dftGetHostname dftGetFile dftGetPort dftIsIncoming dftIsOutgoing dftSetPacketDelay dftGetPacketDelay dftGetSize dftGetProgress dftGetProgressPercentage dftGetTransferRate dftClose newFileFilter newJavaFile isJavaFile javaFileExists javaFileLength javaFileGetName javaFileIsDir javaFileIsFile javaFileCanRead javaFileCanWrite javaFileIsHidden javaFileIsAbsolute javaFileLastModified javaFileGetPath javaFileGetParent javaFileGetAbsolutePath javaFileGetCanonicalPath javaFileGetParentFile javaFileGetAbsoluteFile javaFileGetCanonicalFile javaFileList javaFileListFiles javaFileListRoots javaFileRenameTo javaFileSetLastModified javaFileSetReadOnly newFileFilter isFileFilter inetAddressByName inetAddressByAddress isInetAddress inetAddressGetAddress properties loadProperties storeProperties asProperties addTimer stopTimer isTimer isByteArray toByteArray fromByteArray #Keyword color=9,word=on,rightall=off,case=on,insidetag=off,regexp=off init onConnect onDisconnect onServerResponse onUserList onMessage onPrivateMessage onAction onNotice onJoin onPart onNickChange onKick onQuit onTopic onChannelInfo onMode onUserMode onOp onDeop onVoice onDeVoice onSetChannelKey onRemoveChannelKey onSetChannelLimit onRemoveChannelLimit onSetChannelBan onRemoveChannelBan onSetTopicProtection onRemoveTopicProtection onSetNoExternalMessages onRemoveNoExternalMessages onSetInviteOnly onRemoveInviteOnly onSetModerated onRemoveModerated onSetPrivate onRemovePrivate onSetSecret onRemoveSecret onInvite onVersion onPing onServerPing onTime onFinger onUnknown onIncomingFileTransfer onFileTransferFinished onIncomingChatRequest onChatRequestAccepted onChatReadLine logAppend