import sys import getopt import threading import queue import markdown import os.path def read_markdown(local_queue, file, local_mode=None): """Read file text and send it to queue. Can print information on command line about process. Args: local_queue: queue in which will be send text file: file to read local_mode: if got value, print on command line information Return: None """ if local_mode: print(' '*10 + 'Start reading') md_file = open(file, 'r') md = md_file.close() local_queue.put(md) if local_mode: print(' '*10 + 'End reading') return def translate_md_html(local_queue, new_file, local_mode=None): """Getting text from queue, translate it to html and write to file. Can print information on command line about process. Args: local_queue: queue from which will be get text new_file: file in which will be save html text local_mode: if not None, print on command line information Return: None """ if local_mode: print(' '*20 + 'Start translate') tmp = local_queue.get() local_queue.task_done() html = markdown.markdown(tmp) write_file = open(new_file, 'w+') write_file.write(html) write_file.close() if local_mode: print(' '*20 + 'End translate') return def new_file_html(cmd_args): """Return new name file depend on arguments from command line. Args: cmd_args: arguments from command line Returns: Return: if new name file is passed (second arg): new name file else: old file name (first arg) with proper extension """ if len(cmd_args) > 1: n_file = cmd_args[1] else: name = os.path.splitext(cmd_args[0])[0] ext = 'html' n_file = '{name}.{ext}'.format(**vars()) return n_file def main(sys_args): """Translate markdown file to html file. Options: -s Show information during threads Arguments: sys_args: 1. markdown file 2. html file (default markdown file name with proper extension) Returns: None """ mode, args = getopt.getopt(sys_args, 's') try: tmp_file = args[0] n_file_name = new_file_html(args) tmp_queue = queue.Queue() r = threading.Thread(name='reading', target=read_markdown, args=(tmp_queue, tmp_file, mode)) t = threading.Thread(name='translating', target=translate_md_html, args=(tmp_queue, n_file_name, mode)) if mode: print('Start starting threads') r.start() t.start() if mode: print('End main thread') except IndexError: print('Error: Missing file operand') if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])