#!/bin/bash ## Create Proxmox KVM templates from cloud images ## See https://blog.rymcg.tech/blog/proxmox/05-kvm-templates/ ## Specify DISTRO and the latest image will be discovered automatically: DISTRO=${DISTRO:-arch} ## Alternatively, specify IMAGE_URL to the full URL of the cloud image: #IMAGE_URL=https://mirror.pkgbuild.com/images/latest/Arch-Linux-x86_64-cloudimg.qcow2 ## To configure DISK path correctly, set STORAGE_TYPE to "nfs" or "local" ## (no other storage backends supported at this time) STORAGE_TYPE=${STORAGE_TYPE:-local} ## The ID of the storage to create the disk in STORAGE=${STORAGE:-local-lvm} ## Set these variables to configure the container: ## (All variables can be overriden from the parent environment) TEMPLATE_ID=${TEMPLATE_ID:-9001} VM_ID=${VM_ID:-100} VM_HOSTNAME=${VM_HOSTNAME:-$(echo ${DISTRO} | cut -d- -f1)} VM_USER=${VM_USER:-root} VM_PASSWORD=${VM_PASSWORD:-""} PUBLIC_PORTS_TCP=${PUBLIC_PORTS_TCP:-22,80,443} PUBLIC_PORTS_UDP=${PUBLIC_PORTS_UDP} ## Point to the local authorized_keys file to copy into VM: SSH_KEYS=${SSH_KEYS:-${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys} # Container CPUs: NUM_CORES=${NUM_CORES:-1} # Container RAM in MB: MEMORY=${MEMORY:-2048} # Container swap size in MB: SWAP_SIZE=${SWAP_SIZE:-${MEMORY}} # Container root filesystem size in GB: FILESYSTEM_SIZE=${FILESYSTEM_SIZE:-50} INSTALL_DOCKER=${INSTALL_DOCKER:-no} START_ON_BOOT=${START_ON_BOOT:-1} ## Depending on the storage backend, the DISK path may differ slightly: if [ "${STORAGE_TYPE}" == 'nfs' ]; then # nfs path: DISK="${STORAGE}:${TEMPLATE_ID}/vm-${TEMPLATE_ID}-disk-0.raw" elif [ "${STORAGE_TYPE}" == 'local' ]; then # lvm path: DISK="${STORAGE}:vm-${TEMPLATE_ID}-disk-0" else echo "only 'local' (lvm) or 'nfs' storage backends are supported at this time" exit 1 fi PUBLIC_BRIDGE=${PUBLIC_BRIDGE:-vmbr0} SNIPPETS_DIR=${SNIPPETS_DIR:-/var/lib/vz/snippets} _confirm() { set +x test ${YES:-no} == "yes" && return 0 default=$1; prompt=$2; question=${3:-". Proceed?"} if [[ $default == "y" || $default == "yes" ]]; then dflt="Y/n" else dflt="y/N" fi read -p "${prompt}${question} (${dflt}): " answer answer=${answer:-${default}} if [[ ${answer,,} == "y" || ${answer,,} == "yes" ]]; then return 0 else echo "Exiting." [[ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] && exit 1 || return 1 fi } template() { set -e USER_DATA_RUNCMD=() (set -x; qm create ${TEMPLATE_ID}) if [[ -v IMAGE_URL ]]; then _template_from_url ${IMAGE_URL} else if [[ ${DISTRO} == "arch" ]] || [[ ${DISTRO} == "archlinux" ]]; then _template_from_url https://mirror.pkgbuild.com/images/latest/Arch-Linux-x86_64-cloudimg.qcow2 USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("rm -rf /etc/pacman.d/gnupg" "pacman-key --init" "pacman-key --populate archlinux" "pacman -Syu --noconfirm" "pacman -S --noconfirm qemu-guest-agent" "systemctl start qemu-guest-agent" "sed -i -e 's/^#\?GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT=.*/GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT=\"console serial\"/' -e 's/^#\?GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT=.*/GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT=\"console serial\"/' -e 's/^#\?GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"rootflags=compress-force=zstd console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200\"/' /etc/default/grub" "sh -c \"echo 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND=\\\"serial --unit=0 --speed=115200\\\"' >> /etc/default/grub\"" "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" ) elif [[ ${DISTRO} == "debian" ]] || [[ ${DISTRO} == "bookworm" ]]; then _template_from_url https://cloud.debian.org/images/cloud/bookworm/latest/debian-12-genericcloud-amd64.qcow2 USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("apt-get update" "apt-get install -y qemu-guest-agent" "systemctl start qemu-guest-agent" ) elif [[ ${DISTRO} == "bullseye" ]]; then _template_from_url https://cloud.debian.org/images/cloud/bullseye/latest/debian-11-genericcloud-amd64.qcow2 USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("apt-get update" "apt-get install -y qemu-guest-agent" "systemctl start qemu-guest-agent" ) elif [[ ${DISTRO} == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ ${DISTRO} == "jammy" ]]; then _template_from_url https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("apt-get update" "apt-get install -y qemu-guest-agent" "systemctl start qemu-guest-agent" ) elif [[ ${DISTRO} == "focal" ]]; then _template_from_url https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("apt-get update" "apt-get install -y qemu-guest-agent" "systemctl start qemu-guest-agent" ) elif [[ ${DISTRO} == "fedora" ]] || [[ ${DISTRO} == "fedora-41" ]]; then _template_from_url https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/41/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-Generic-41-1.4.x86_64.qcow2 USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("sh -c \"echo PasswordAuthentication no > /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/00-no-passwords.conf\"" "systemctl restart sshd" ) elif [[ ${DISTRO} == "fedora-40" ]]; then _template_from_url https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/40/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-Generic.x86_64-40-1.14.qcow2 USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("sh -c \"echo PasswordAuthentication no > /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/00-no-passwords.conf\"" "systemctl restart sshd" ) elif [[ ${DISTRO} == "freebsd" ]] || [[ ${DISTRO} == "freebsd-13" ]]; then if [[ ${VM_USER} == "root" ]]; then echo "For FreeBSD, VM_USER cannot be root. Use another username." qm destroy ${TEMPLATE_ID} exit 1 fi # There's a lot more images to try here: https://bsd-cloud-image.org/ _template_from_url https://object-storage.public.mtl1.vexxhost.net/swift/v1/1dbafeefbd4f4c80864414a441e72dd2/bsd-cloud-image.org/images/freebsd/13.2/2023-04-21/zfs/freebsd-13.2-zfs-2023-04-21.qcow2 else echo "DISTRO '${DISTRO}' is not supported by this script yet." exit 1 fi fi ( set -ex qm set "${TEMPLATE_ID}" \ --name "${VM_HOSTNAME}" \ --sockets "${NUM_CORES}" \ --memory "${MEMORY}" \ --net0 "virtio,bridge=${PUBLIC_BRIDGE}" \ --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci \ --scsi0 "${DISK}" \ --ide2 ${STORAGE}:cloudinit \ --sshkey "${SSH_KEYS}" \ --ipconfig0 ip=dhcp \ --boot c \ --bootdisk scsi0 \ --serial0 socket \ --vga serial0 \ --agent 1 pvesh set /nodes/${HOSTNAME}/qemu/${TEMPLATE_ID}/firewall/options --enable 1 pvesh create /nodes/${HOSTNAME}/qemu/${TEMPLATE_ID}/firewall/rules \ --action ACCEPT --type in --macro ping --enable 1 IFS=',' read -ra PORTS <<< "${PUBLIC_PORTS_TCP}" for PORT in "${PORTS[@]}"; do pvesh create /nodes/${HOSTNAME}/qemu/${TEMPLATE_ID}/firewall/rules --action ACCEPT --type in --proto tcp --dport "${PORT}" --enable 1 done IFS=',' read -ra UDP_PORTS <<< "${PUBLIC_PORTS_UDP}" for PORT in "${UDP_PORTS[@]}"; do pvesh create /nodes/${HOSTNAME}/qemu/${TEMPLATE_ID}/firewall/rules --action ACCEPT --type in --proto udp --dport "${PORT}" --enable 1 done ## Generate cloud-init User Data script: if [[ "${INSTALL_DOCKER}" == "yes" ]]; then ## Attach the Docker install script as Cloud-Init User Data so ## that it is installed automatically on first boot: USER_DATA_RUNCMD+=("sh -c 'curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh'") fi mkdir -p ${SNIPPETS_DIR} USER_DATA=${SNIPPETS_DIR}/vm-template-${TEMPLATE_ID}-user-data.yaml cat < ${USER_DATA} #cloud-config fqdn: ${VM_HOSTNAME} ssh_pwauth: false users: - name: ${VM_USER} gecos: ${VM_USER} groups: docker ssh_authorized_keys: $(cat ${SSH_KEYS} | grep -E "^ssh" | xargs -iXX echo " - XX") runcmd: EOF for cmd in "${USER_DATA_RUNCMD[@]}"; do echo " - ${cmd}" >> ${USER_DATA} done qm set "${TEMPLATE_ID}" --cicustom "user=local:snippets/vm-template-${TEMPLATE_ID}-user-data.yaml" ## Resize filesystem and turn into a template: qm resize "${TEMPLATE_ID}" scsi0 "+${FILESYSTEM_SIZE}G" ## chattr +i will fail on NFS but don't worry about it: qm template "${TEMPLATE_ID}" ) } clone() { set -e qm clone "${TEMPLATE_ID}" "${VM_ID}" --full 0 USER_DATA=vm-${VM_ID}-user-data.yaml cp ${SNIPPETS_DIR}/vm-template-${TEMPLATE_ID}-user-data.yaml ${SNIPPETS_DIR}/${USER_DATA} sed -i "s/^fqdn:.*/fqdn: ${VM_HOSTNAME}/" ${SNIPPETS_DIR}/${USER_DATA} if [[ -v VM_PASSWORD ]]; then cat <> ${SNIPPETS_DIR}/${USER_DATA} chpasswd: expire: false list: - ${VM_USER}:${VM_PASSWORD} EOF fi qm set "${VM_ID}" \ --name "${VM_HOSTNAME}" \ --sockets "${NUM_CORES}" \ --memory "${MEMORY}" \ --onboot "${START_ON_BOOT}" \ --cicustom "user=local:snippets/${USER_DATA}" #qm snapshot "${VM_ID}" init echo "Cloned VM ${VM_ID} from template ${TEMPLATE_ID}. To start it, run:" echo " qm start ${VM_ID}" } get_ip() { set -eo pipefail ## Get the IP address through the guest agent if ! command -v jq >/dev/null; then apt install -y jq; fi pvesh get nodes/${HOSTNAME}/qemu/${VM_ID}/agent/network-get-interfaces --output-format=json | jq -r '.result[] | select(.name | test("eth0")) | ."ip-addresses"[] | select(."ip-address-type" | test("ipv4")) | ."ip-address"' } _template_from_url() { set -e IMAGE_URL=$1 IMAGE=${IMAGE_URL##*/} TMP=/tmp/kvm-images mkdir -p ${TMP} cd ${TMP} test -f ${IMAGE} || wget ${IMAGE_URL} qm importdisk ${TEMPLATE_ID} ${IMAGE} ${STORAGE} } if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then echo "# Documentation: https://blog.rymcg.tech/blog/proxmox/05-kvm-templates/" echo "Commands:" echo " template" echo " clone" echo " get_ip" exit 1 elif [[ $# > 1 ]]; then shift echo "Invalid arguments: $@" exit 1 else "$@" fi