#!/bin/bash ## Setup NAT (IP Masquerading egress + Port Forwarding ingress) on Proxmox ## See https://blog.rymcg.tech/blog/proxmox/02-networking/ SYSTEMD_UNIT="my-iptables-rules" SYSTEMD_SERVICE="/etc/systemd/system/${SYSTEMD_UNIT}.service" IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT="/etc/network/${SYSTEMD_UNIT}.sh" ## Default network address is for a /24 based on the the bridge number: ## (Change the prefix [10.1] per install, to create unique addresses): DEFAULT_NETWORK_PATTERN="10.1.BRIDGE.1/24" set -eo pipefail stderr(){ echo "$@" >/dev/stderr; } error(){ stderr "Error: $@"; } cancel(){ stderr "Canceled."; exit 2; } fault(){ test -n "$1" && error $1; stderr "Exiting."; exit 1; } print_array(){ printf '%s\n' "$@"; } trim_trailing_whitespace() { sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'; } trim_leading_whitespace() { sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'; } trim_whitespace() { trim_leading_whitespace | trim_trailing_whitespace; } confirm() { ## Confirm with the user. local default=$1; local prompt=$2; local question=${3:-". Proceed?"} if [[ $default == "y" || $default == "yes" || $default == "ok" ]]; then dflt="Y/n" else dflt="y/N" fi read -e -p $'\e[32m?\e[0m '"${prompt}${question} (${dflt}): " answer answer=${answer:-${default}} if [[ ${answer,,} == "y" || ${answer,,} == "yes" || ${answer,,} == "ok" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ask() { local __prompt="${1}"; local __var="${2}"; local __default="${3}" while true; do read -e -p "${__prompt}"$'\x0a\e[32m:\e[0m ' -i "${__default}" ${__var} export ${__var} [[ -z "${!__var}" ]] || break done } ask_allow_blank() { local __prompt="${1}"; local __var="${2}"; local __default="${3}" read -e -p "${__prompt}"$'\x0a\e[32m:\e[0m ' -i "${__default}" ${__var} export ${__var} } check_var(){ local __missing=false local __vars="$@" for __var in ${__vars}; do if [[ -z "${!__var}" ]]; then error "${__var} variable is missing." __missing=true fi done if [[ ${__missing} == true ]]; then fault fi } check_num(){ local var=$1 check_var var if ! [[ ${!var} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then fault "${var} is not a number: '${!var}'" fi } element_in_array () { local e match="$1"; shift; for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } get_bridges() { readarray -t INTERFACES < <(cat /etc/network/interfaces | grep -Po "^iface \K(vmbr[0-9]*)") stderr "" stderr "Currently configured bridges:" ( echo "BRIDGE|NETWORK|COMMENT " for i in "${INTERFACES[@]}"; do local COMMENT="$(get_interface_comment ${i})" echo "${i}|$(get_interface_network ${i})|$(get_interface_comment ${i})" done ) | column -t -s '|' | trim_trailing_whitespace } prefix_to_netmask () { #thanks https://forum.archive.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=47986&p=1#p220781 set -- $(( 5 - ($1 / 8) )) 255 255 255 255 $(( (255 << (8 - ($1 % 8))) & 255 )) 0 0 0 [ $1 -gt 1 ] && shift $1 || shift echo ${1-0}.${2-0}.${3-0}.${4-0} } validate_ip_address () { #thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/21961938 echo "$@" | grep -o -E '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)' >/dev/null } validate_ip_network() { #thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/21961938 PREFIX=$(echo "$@" | grep -o -P "/\K[[:digit:]]+$") if [[ "${PREFIX}" -ge 0 ]] && [[ "${PREFIX}" -le 32 ]]; then echo "$@" | grep -o -E '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)/[[:digit:]]+' >/dev/null else return 1 fi } debug_var() { local var=$1 check_var var echo "## DEBUG: ${var}=${!var}" > /dev/stderr } new_interface() { local INTERFACE IP_CIDR IP_ADDRESS COMMENT OTHER_BRIDGE DEFAULT_IP_CIDR set -e echo echo "Configuring new NAT bridge ..." ask "Enter the existing bridge to NAT from" OTHER_BRIDGE vmbr0 if ! element_in_array "$OTHER_BRIDGE" "${INTERFACES[@]}"; then fault "Sorry, ${OTHER_BRIDGE} is not a valid bridge (it does not exist)" fi ask "Enter a unique number for the new bridge (don't write the vmbr prefix)" BRIDGE_NUMBER check_num BRIDGE_NUMBER INTERFACE="vmbr${BRIDGE_NUMBER}" if element_in_array "$INTERFACE" "${INTERFACES[@]}"; then error "Sorry, ${INTERFACE} already exists." echo return fi echo echo "Configuring new interface: ${INTERFACE}" if [[ "${BRIDGE_NUMBER}" -ge 0 ]] && [[ "${BRIDGE_NUMBER}" -le 255 ]]; then DEFAULT_IP_CIDR=$(echo "${DEFAULT_NETWORK_PATTERN}" | sed "s/BRIDGE/${BRIDGE_NUMBER}/") else DEFAULT_IP_CIDR="" fi ask "Enter the static IP address and network prefix in CIDR notation for ${INTERFACE}:" IP_CIDR "${DEFAULT_IP_CIDR}" if ! validate_ip_network "${IP_CIDR}"; then fault "Bad IP address/network prefix (use the format eg." fi echo debug_var IP_CIDR IP_ADDRESS=$(echo "$IP_CIDR" | cut -d "/" -f 1) NET_PREFIX="$(echo "$IP_CIDR" | cut -d "/" -f 2)" if ! validate_ip_address "${IP_ADDRESS}"; then fault "Bad IP address: ${IP_ADDRESS}" fi echo ask "Enter the description/comment for this interface" COMMENT "NAT ${IP_CIDR} bridged to ${OTHER_BRIDGE}" cat <> /etc/network/interfaces auto ${INTERFACE} iface ${INTERFACE} inet static address ${IP_ADDRESS}/${NET_PREFIX} bridge_ports none bridge_stp off bridge_fd 0 post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s '${IP_CIDR}' -o ${OTHER_BRIDGE} -j MASQUERADE post-down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s '${IP_CIDR}' -o ${OTHER_BRIDGE} -j MASQUERADE #${COMMENT} EOF echo "Wrote /etc/network/interfaces" ifup "${INTERFACE}" echo "Activated ${INTERFACE}" } get_interface_comment() { awk "/^iface ${1} /,/^$/" /etc/network/interfaces | grep -v -e '^$' | grep -e '^#' | tail -1 | tr -d '#'; } get_interface_network() { awk "/^iface ${1} /,/^$/" /etc/network/interfaces | grep -o -P "^\W+address \K(.*)"; } activate_iptables_rules() { if [[ ! -f ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT} ]]; then fault "iptables script not found: ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT}" fi if [[ ! -f ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE} ]]; then cat < ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE} [Unit] Description=Load iptables ruleset from ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT} ConditionFileIsExecutable=${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT} After=network-online.target [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT} TimeoutSec=0 RemainAfterExit=yes GuessMainPID=no [Install] WantedBy=network-online.target EOF fi systemctl daemon-reload if [[ "$(systemctl is-enabled ${SYSTEMD_UNIT})" != "enabled" ]]; then enable_service else echo "Systemd unit already enabled: ${SYSTEMD_UNIT}" systemctl restart ${SYSTEMD_UNIT} && echo "NAT rules applied: ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT}" fi } get_port_forward_rules() { # Retrieve the PORT_FORWARD_RULES array from the iptables script: if [[ ! -f "${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT}" ]]; then return fi IFS=' ' read -ra rule_parts < <(grep -P -o "^PORT_FORWARD_RULES=\(\K(.*)\)$" ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT} | tr -d '()' | tail -1) for part in "${rule_parts[@]}"; do echo "${part}" done } create_iptables_rules() { readarray -t PORT_FORWARD_RULES <<< "$@" if [[ "${#PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}" -eq "0" ]]; then fault "PORT_FORWARD_RULES array is empty!" fi cat <<'EOF' > ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT} #!/bin/bash ## Script to configure the DNAT port forwarding rules: ## This script should not be edited by hand, it is generated from proxmox_nat.sh error(){ echo "Error: $@"; } fault(){ test -n "$1" && error $1; echo "Exiting." >/dev/stderr; exit 1; } check_var(){ local __missing=false local __vars="$@" for __var in ${__vars}; do if [[ -z "${!__var}" ]]; then error "${__var} variable is missing." __missing=true fi done if [[ ${__missing} == true ]]; then fault fi } purge_port_forward_rules() { iptables-save | grep -v "Added by ${BASH_SOURCE}" | iptables-restore } apply_port_forward_rules() { ## Validate all the rules: set -e if [[ "${#PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}" -le 1 ]] && [[ "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[0]}" == "" ]]; then error "PORT_FORWARD_RULES array is empty!" exit 0 fi for rule in "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}"; do echo "debug: ${rule}" IFS=':' read -ra rule_parts <<< "$rule" if [[ "${#rule_parts[@]}" != "5" ]]; then fault "Invalid rule (there should be 5 parts): ${rule}" fi done ## Apply all the rules: for rule in "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}"; do IFS=':' read -ra rule_parts <<< "$rule" local INTERFACE PROTOCOL IN_PORT DEST_IP DEST_PORT INTERFACE="${rule_parts[0]}" PROTOCOL="${rule_parts[1]}" IN_PORT="${rule_parts[2]}" DEST_IP="${rule_parts[3]}" DEST_PORT="${rule_parts[4]}" check_var INTERFACE PROTOCOL IN_PORT DEST_IP DEST_PORT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ${INTERFACE} -p ${PROTOCOL} \ --dport ${IN_PORT} -j DNAT --to ${DEST_IP}:${DEST_PORT} \ -m comment --comment "Added by ${BASH_SOURCE}" done } EOF cat <> ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT} ## PORT_FORWARD_RULES is an array of port forwarding rules, ## each item in the array contains five elements separated by colon: ## INTERFACE:PROTOCOL:OUTSIDE_PORT:IP_ADDRESS:DEST_PORT ## * IMPORTANT: PORT_FORWARD_RULES should all be on ONE LINE with no line breaks. ## Here is an example with two rules (commented out), and explained: ## * For any TCP packet on port 2222 coming from vmbr0, forward to on port 22 ## * For any UDP packet on port 5353 coming from vmbr0, forward to on port 53 ## PORT_FORWARD_RULES=(vmbr0:tcp:2222: vmbr0:udp:5353: PORT_FORWARD_RULES=(${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}) ### Apply all the rules: purge_port_forward_rules apply_port_forward_rules EOF chmod a+x "${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT}" echo "Wrote ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT}" } print_port_forward_rule() { IFS=':' read -ra rule_parts <<< "$@" local INTERFACE PROTOCOL IN_PORT DEST_IP DEST_PORT INTERFACE="${rule_parts[0]}" PROTOCOL="${rule_parts[1]}" IN_PORT="${rule_parts[2]}" DEST_IP="${rule_parts[3]}" DEST_PORT="${rule_parts[4]}" check_var INTERFACE PROTOCOL IN_PORT DEST_IP DEST_PORT echo "${INTERFACE}|${PROTOCOL}|${IN_PORT}|${DEST_IP}|${DEST_PORT}" } print_port_forward_rules() { readarray -t PORT_FORWARD_RULES < <(get_port_forward_rules) if [[ "${#PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}" -le 1 ]] && [[ "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[0]}" == "" ]]; then echo "No inbound port forwarding (DNAT) rules have been created yet." else echo "## Existing inbound port forwarding (DNAT) rules:" ( echo "INTERFACE|PROTOCOL|IN_PORT|DEST_IP|DEST_PORT" for rule in "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}"; do print_port_forward_rule "${rule}" done ) | column -t -s '|' fi } define_port_forwarding_rules() { readarray -t PORT_FORWARD_RULES < <(get_port_forward_rules) while true; do echo "Defining new port forward rule:" ask "Enter the inbound interface" INTERFACE vmbr0 ask "Enter the protocol (tcp, udp)" PROTOCOL tcp ask "Enter the inbound Port number" IN_PORT check_num IN_PORT ask "Enter the destination IP address" DEST_IP validate_ip_address "${DEST_IP}" || fault "Invalid ip address: ${DEST_IP}" ask "Enter the destination Port number" DEST_PORT check_num DEST_PORT check_var INTERFACE PROTOCOL IN_PORT DEST_IP DEST_PORT local RULE="${INTERFACE}:${PROTOCOL}:${IN_PORT}:${DEST_IP}:${DEST_PORT}" ( echo "INTERFACE|PROTOCOL|IN_PORT|DEST_IP|DEST_PORT" print_port_forward_rule "${RULE}" ) | column -t -s '|' confirm yes "Is this rule correct" "?" || return PORT_FORWARD_RULES+=("$RULE") echo confirm no "Would you like to define more port forwarding rules now" "?" || break done create_iptables_rules "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}" activate_iptables_rules echo print_port_forward_rules echo } delete_port_forwarding_rules() { readarray -t PORT_FORWARD_RULES < <(get_port_forward_rules) while true; do if [[ "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}" == "" ]]; then print_port_forward_rules break fi echo ( echo "LINE# INTERFACE PROTOCOL IN_PORT DEST_IP DEST_PORT" print_port_forward_rules 2>/dev/null | grep -v "#" | tail -n +2 | cat -n | trim_whitespace ) | column -t | trim_whitespace ask_allow_blank 'Enter the line number for the rule you wish to delete (type `q` or blank for none)' RULE_TO_DELETE if [[ -z "${RULE_TO_DELETE}" ]] || [[ "${RULE_TO_DELETE}" == "q" ]]; then break fi RULE_TO_DELETE=$((${RULE_TO_DELETE} - 1)) if [[ "${RULE_TO_DELETE}" -lt 0 ]] || \ [[ "${RULE_TO_DELETE}" -gt "${#PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}" ]]; then error "Invalid rule number" break fi local to_delete="${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[${RULE_TO_DELETE}]}" PORT_FORWARD_RULES=("${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]/${to_delete}}") create_iptables_rules "${PORT_FORWARD_RULES[@]}" activate_iptables_rules done echo } enable_service() { echo "The systemd unit is named: ${SYSTEMD_UNIT}" echo "The systemd unit is currently: $(systemctl is-enabled ${SYSTEMD_UNIT})" if confirm yes "Would you like to enable the systemd unit on boot" "?"; then systemctl enable ${SYSTEMD_UNIT} echo "Systemd unit enabled: ${SYSTEMD_UNIT}" systemctl restart ${SYSTEMD_UNIT} echo "NAT rules applied: ${IPTABLES_RULES_SCRIPT}" else systemctl disable ${SYSTEMD_UNIT} echo "Systemd unit is disabled on next boot: ${SYSTEMD_UNIT}" fi } print_help() { echo "NAT bridge tool:" echo ' * Type `i` or `interfaces` to list the bridge interfaces.' echo ' * Type `c` or `create` to create a new NAT bridge.' echo ' * Type `l` or `list` to list the NAT rules.' echo ' * Type `n` or `new` to create some new NAT rules.' echo ' * Type `d` or `delete` to delete some existing NAT rules.' echo ' * Type `e` or `enable` to enable or disable adding the rules on boot.' echo ' * Type `?` or `help` to see this help message again.' echo ' * Type `q` or `quit` to quit.' } main() { echo get_bridges echo while : do print_help echo ask_allow_blank 'Enter command (for help, enter `?`)' COMMAND echo if [[ "$COMMAND" == 'q' ]] || [[ "$COMMAND" == 'quit' ]]; then if [[ "$(systemctl is-enabled ${SYSTEMD_UNIT})" != "enabled" ]]; then enable_service fi echo "goodbye" exit 0 elif [[ $COMMAND == '?' || $COMMAND == "help" ]]; then print_help elif [[ $COMMAND == "i" || $COMMAND == "interfaces" ]]; then get_bridges elif [[ $COMMAND == "c" || $COMMAND == "create" ]]; then get_bridges new_interface || true elif [[ $COMMAND == "l" || $COMMAND == "list" ]]; then print_port_forward_rules elif [[ $COMMAND == "n" || $COMMAND == "new" ]]; then define_port_forwarding_rules elif [[ $COMMAND == "d" || $COMMAND == "delete" ]]; then delete_port_forwarding_rules elif [[ $COMMAND == "e" || $COMMAND == "enable" ]]; then enable_service fi echo done } main