# SlideNav Easily create slide presentations in Sublime Text with SlideNav Also includes a file launcher to quickly open media files during your presentation ## SECTIONS [Demo](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav#demo)  |  [Features](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav#features)  |  [Getting Started](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav#getting-started)  |  [Commands](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav#commands)  |  [Customization](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav#customization)  |  [Extras](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav#extras)  |  [Feedback](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav#feedback) ## DEMO This GIF has 3 components: - __Top-Left:__ A Vysor clone of my Android phone screen. I am running the entire demo from my phone, using the included preset for UnifiedRemote. - __Bottom-Left:__ A key-capture window displaying all commands which are being executed by UnifiedRemote - __Right:__ SlideNav in action ![Overview](./GIFs/Overview.gif) ## FEATURES ### Slides - Divide your document with Slides - Navigate through the document slide by slide ( any content not in the current slide is folded ) ### MediaFiles, MediaLinks, TextLinks, & LinkNav - Launch files during your presentation with MediaLinks - MediaLinks can be launched automatically with LinkNav, upon clicking, or with a hotkey - List your MediaFiles before your first slide, and access them from any of your slides via MediaLink - Define applications & extensions @ __[SlideNav.sublime-settings](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/blob/master/SlideNav.sublime-settings#L127)__ - Textlinks allow you to define segments of text to highlight during the presentation - LinkNav automatically moves through your presentation by MediaLink & TextLink sections ### Remote Control - Included in __[/UnifiedRemote](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/tree/master/UnifiedRemote)__ is a custom preset for Unified Remote - Unified Remote can be installed on your Android/IOS devices to control your PC/Mac computer! - More info at __[UnifiedRemote/README.md](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/blob/master/UnifiedRemote/README.md)__ ### Snippets - Slide dividers, MediaFiles, MediaLinks, & TextLinks are generated automatically via hotkey ![Snippets](./GIFs/Snippets.gif) ## GETTING STARTED To get started, see: - __[SlideNav Interactive Tutorial](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/blob/master/Tutorial/%5BSlideNav%5D%20Tutorial.py)__ - __[How do I create new presentation?](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/issues/1)__ In order to get the most functionality out of SlideNav, read the comments @ __[SlideNav.sublime-settings](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/blob/master/SlideNav.sublime-settings)__ ## COMMANDS These are the included commands & default keybindings: ### Navigate Slides - Both SlideNav commands will automatically show the first slide when they are first used     `SlideNav_Down` ( show next Slide )     ctrl+super+alt+=     `SlideNav_Up` ( show previous Slide )     ctrl+super+alt+- ### Navigate Links - Both LinkNav commands are limited to Links that are currently Visible, meaning you can use them without accidentally moving into the next slide     `LinkNav_Down`     ctrl+alt+=     `LinkNav_Up`     ctrl+alt+- ### Zoom     `Zoom_In ` ( zoom to selected Slide - Slide title line must be selected )     ctrl+shift+=     `Zoom_Out` ( exit Slide & show full document )     ctrl+shift+-     `Reset_Zoom` ( removes zoom level & shows text @ default font size )     ctrl+alt+0 ### Insert Snippets - Slide, MediaFile, & MediaLink snippet commands can be used: - on lines with text ( first text area will automatically use line's text ) - on blank lines ( first text area will automatically be selected ) - The TextLink snippet command can be used: - on single lines ( LinkNav will select the affected line ) - on multiple lines ( LinkNav will select the affected lines )     `Insert_Slide`     ctrl+super+alt+.     `Insert_MediaFile` ( MediaLink + path )     ctrl+shift+super+.     `Insert_MediaLink`     ctrl+shift+.     `Insert_TextLink`     ctrl+alt+. ### MediaLink     `Open_MediaLink`     ctrl+shift+o     `Toggle_MediaLink` ( enable/disable automatically opening MediaLinks on click )     ctrl+shift+alt+. ### Slides     `Align` ( resizes all Slide titles to same length )     ctrl+super+. ## CUSTOMIZATION Modifications available @ __[SlideNav.sublime-settings](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/blob/master/SlideNav.sublime-settings)__ - Define Snippet Visual Styles - Define MediaLink Applications & Their Associated Extensions - Define Presentation FileTypes & Comment Characters ( required for any filetype you want to use SlideNav with ) ## EXTRAS I recommend using __[ASCII Decorator](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/ASCII%20Decorator)__ paired with my __[Sublime-Settings](https://github.com/Enteleform/ST_SlideNav/blob/master/ASCII%20Decorator/ASCII%20Decorator.sublime-settings)__ file. It's a quick & easy way to add visual contast and emphasis to your presentations. This __[Image To ASCII Converter](http://www.text-image.com/convert/ascii.html)__ is great for turning your favorite [ memes | images | whatever ] into text that you can include in your presentations. ## FEEDBACK So far, SlideNav has only been tested with Windows 10 & SublimeText 3. This is my first release! Feel free to contact me at enteleform@gmail.com with any feedback!