# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # Copyright (C) 2006-2021 OpenWrt.org # # Entware specific: postinst/prerm; no jsonfilter as deps; no configs include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=busybox PKG_VERSION:=1.36.1 PKG_RELEASE:=1c PKG_FLAGS:=essential PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.bz2 PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://www.busybox.net/downloads \ http://sources.buildroot.net PKG_HASH:=b8cc24c9574d809e7279c3be349795c5d5ceb6fdf19ca709f80cde50e47de314 PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=BUSYBOX_CONFIG_PAM:libpam PKG_BUILD_PARALLEL:=1 PKG_BUILD_FLAGS:=lto PKG_CHECK_FORMAT_SECURITY:=0 PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-2.0 PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=LICENSE archival/libarchive/bz/LICENSE PKG_CPE_ID:=cpe:/a:busybox:busybox BUSYBOX_SYM=$(if $(CONFIG_BUSYBOX_CUSTOM),CONFIG,DEFAULT) BUSYBOX_IF_ENABLED=$(if $(CONFIG_BUSYBOX_$(BUSYBOX_SYM)_$(1)),$(2)) ifneq ($(CONFIG_BUSYBOX_$(BUSYBOX_SYM)_FEATURE_SUID),) PKG_FILE_MODES:=/opt/bin/busybox:root:root:4755 endif include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk ifeq ($(DUMP),) STAMP_CONFIGURED:=$(strip $(STAMP_CONFIGURED))_$(shell grep '^CONFIG_BUSYBOX_' $(TOPDIR)/.config | $(MKHASH) md5) endif # All files provided by busybox will serve as fallback alternatives by opkg. # There should be no need to enumerate ALTERNATIVES entries here define Package/busybox/Default SECTION:=base CATEGORY:=Base system MAINTAINER:=Felix Fietkau TITLE:=Core utilities for embedded Linux URL:=http://busybox.net/ DEPENDS:=+BUSYBOX_CONFIG_PAM:libpam #+BUSYBOX_CONFIG_NTPD:jsonfilter USERID:=ntp=123:ntp=123 endef define Package/busybox $(call Package/busybox/Default) CONFLICTS:=busybox-selinux VARIANT:=default endef define Package/busybox-selinux $(call Package/busybox/Default) TITLE += with SELinux support DEPENDS += +libselinux VARIANT:=selinux PROVIDES:=busybox endef define Package/busybox/description The Swiss Army Knife of embedded Linux. It slices, it dices, it makes Julian Fries. endef define Package/busybox/config source "$(SOURCE)/Config.in" endef ifneq ($(CONFIG_BUSYBOX_$(BUSYBOX_SYM)_FEATURE_SYSLOG)$(CONFIG_BUSYBOX_$(BUSYBOX_SYM)_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_CFG),) define Package/busybox/conffiles/syslog /opt/etc/syslog.conf endef endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_BUSYBOX_$(BUSYBOX_SYM)_CROND),) define Package/busybox/conffiles/crond /opt/etc/crontabs/ endef endif #define Package/busybox/conffiles #$(Package/busybox/conffiles/syslog) #$(Package/busybox/conffiles/crond) #endef #Package/busybox-selinux/conffiles = $(Package/busybox/conffiles) ifndef CONFIG_USE_MUSL LDLIBS:=m crypt endif LDLIBS += $(call BUSYBOX_IF_ENABLED,PAM,pam pam_misc pthread) ifeq ($(CONFIG_USE_GLIBC),y) LDLIBS += $(call BUSYBOX_IF_ENABLED,NSLOOKUP,resolv) endif ifeq ($(BUILD_VARIANT),selinux) LDLIBS += selinux sepol endif MAKE_VARS := MAKE_FLAGS += \ EXTRA_CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) $(TARGET_CPPFLAGS)" \ EXTRA_LDFLAGS="$(TARGET_LDFLAGS)" \ LDLIBS="$(LDLIBS)" \ LD="$(TARGET_CC)" \ SKIP_STRIP=y ifneq ($(findstring c,$(OPENWRT_VERBOSE)),) MAKE_FLAGS += V=1 endif define Build/Configure rm -f $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.config touch $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.config ifeq ($(DEVICE_TYPE),nas) echo "CONFIG_HDPARM=y" >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.config endif ifeq ($(BUILD_VARIANT),selinux) cat $(TOPDIR)/$(SOURCE)/selinux.config >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.config endif grep 'CONFIG_BUSYBOX_$(BUSYBOX_SYM)' $(TOPDIR)/.config | sed -e "s,\\(# \)\\?CONFIG_BUSYBOX_$(BUSYBOX_SYM)_\\(.*\\),\\1CONFIG_\\2,g" >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.config yes 'n' | $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(MAKE_FLAGS) oldconfig endef define Build/Compile $(call Build/Compile/Default, \ CONFIG_PREFIX="$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/opt" \ all install \ ) endef define Package/busybox/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/opt/{bin,sbin} $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/opt/bin/busybox $(1)/opt/bin/ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/opt/share $(FIND) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR) -lname "*" | sed "s|$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/opt/||g" > $(1)/opt/share/busybox_applets.lst.dist endef # The postinst & prerm scripts will work only when busybox has readlink applet. # We cannot use readlink directly, it is not yet installed and use 'busybox readlink' instead. # We convert /opt/bin/busybox to canonical form because /opt is a symlink in some Entware installs # We remove all symlinks to /opt/bin/busybox in /opt/bin and /opt/sbin before installation and removal. # It allows to handle applets list change and busybox reinstall in a correct way. # /opt/share/busybox_applets.lst is not needed any more define Package/busybox/postinst #!/opt/bin/busybox sh bb_fc=`/opt/bin/busybox readlink -f /opt/bin/busybox` for file in /opt/bin/*; do if [ -L $$file -a "`/opt/bin/busybox readlink -f $$file`" = $$bb_fc ]; then /opt/bin/busybox rm -f $$file fi done for file in /opt/sbin/*; do if [ -L $$file -a "`/opt/bin/busybox readlink -f $$file`" = $$bb_fc ]; then /opt/bin/busybox rm -f $$file fi done cd /opt for applet in $$(/opt/bin/busybox cat share/busybox_applets.lst.dist) do if [ ! -e $$applet ] then /opt/bin/busybox ln -s /opt/bin/busybox $$applet else echo "Warning: '/opt/$$applet' is already exists, skipping." fi done endef define Package/busybox/prerm #!/opt/bin/busybox sh bb_fc=`/opt/bin/busybox readlink -f /opt/bin/busybox` for file in /opt/bin/*; do if [ -L $$file -a "`/opt/bin/busybox readlink -f $$file`" = $$bb_fc ]; then /opt/bin/busybox rm -f $$file fi done for file in /opt/sbin/*; do if [ -L $$file -a "`/opt/bin/busybox readlink -f $$file`" = $$bb_fc ]; then /opt/bin/busybox rm -f $$file fi done endef Package/busybox-selinux/install = $(Package/busybox/install) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,busybox)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,busybox-selinux))