/* Author: Raimonds Virtoss - EpochMod.com Contributors: Aaron Clark Description: Action Menu Target Config Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/CfgActionMenu_target.hpp */ //Build mode enabled class base_mode_enable { condition = "EPOCH_buildMode in [0,2] && !dyna_inVehicle && dyna_AtHome"; action = "if (EPOCH_playerEnergy > 0) then {EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;EPOCH_buildMode = 1;['Build Mode: Enabled Snap alignment', 5] call Epoch_message;EPOCH_buildDirection = 0} else {['Need Energy!', 5] call Epoch_message};"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_maintain.paa"; tooltip = "Build Mode: Snap alignment"; }; class base_mode_enable_free { condition = "EPOCH_buildMode == 1 && EPOCH_playerEnergy > 0"; action = "EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;EPOCH_buildMode = 2;['Build Mode: Enabled Free alignment', 5] call Epoch_message;EPOCH_buildDirection = 0;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_maintain.paa"; tooltip = "Build Mode: Free alignment"; }; class base_mode_disable { condition = "EPOCH_buildMode > 0"; action = "EPOCH_buildMode = 0;EPOCH_snapDirection = 0;['Build Mode: Disabled', 5] call Epoch_message;EPOCH_Target = objNull;EPOCH_Z_OFFSET = 0;EPOCH_X_OFFSET = 0;EPOCH_Y_OFFSET = 5;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_remove.paa"; tooltip = "Build Mode: Disable"; }; class build_upgrade { condition = "dyna_buildMode select 0"; //action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_QuickUpgrade;"; //TODO: scripted dyna menu action = ""; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_upgrade.paa"; tooltipcode = "format['Upgrade %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof dyna_cursorTarget) >> 'displayName')]"; class special {}; //uses external config, hardcoded }; class build_remove { condition = "dyna_buildMode select 1"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_removeBUILD;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_remove.paa"; tooltipcode = "format['Remove %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof dyna_cursorTarget) >> 'displayName')]"; }; class build_move { condition = "dyna_buildMode select 2"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_fnc_SelectTargetBuild;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_move.paa"; tooltipcode = "format['Move %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof dyna_cursorTarget) >> 'displayName')]"; }; //Vehicle interaction class veh_gear { condition = "dyna_isVehicle && !dyna_locked"; action = "call Epoch_client_gearVehicle;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\player_inspect.paa"; tooltip = "Inspect"; }; class veh_lock { condition = "if (dyna_cursorTarget iskindof 'Bicycle') exitwith {false};dyna_isVehicle && !dyna_locked"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, true, player, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_lockVehicle',2];"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\pad_cannot_lock.paa"; tooltip = "Lock"; }; class veh_unLock { condition = "dyna_isVehicle && dyna_locked"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, false, player, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_lockVehicle',2];"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\pad_can_unlock.paa"; tooltip = "Unlock"; }; //Trader interaction class tra_talk { condition = "dyna_isTrader"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_startInteractNPC;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\talk_blue.paa"; tooltip = "Talk"; }; class tra_shop { condition = "dyna_isTrader"; action = "call EPOCH_startNPCTraderMenu;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\krypto.paa"; tooltip = "Shop"; }; class player_takeCrypto { condition = "dyna_isDeadPlayer || (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""Crypto"",0]) > 0"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_takeCrypto;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\krypto.paa"; tooltip = "Take Krypto"; }; class player_trade { condition = "dyna_isPlayer"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player, Epoch_personalToken] call EPOCH_startTRADEREQ;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\krypto.paa"; tooltip = "Make Trade Request"; }; class player_trade_accept { condition = "dyna_isPlayer && dyna_canAcceptTrade"; action = "EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget = EPOCH_pendingP2ptradeTarget;call EPOCH_startTrade;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\krypto.paa"; tooltip = "Accept Trade Request"; }; //User action replacement class maintain_jammer { condition = "dyna_cursorTargetType isEqualTo 'PlotPole_EPOCH' && (damage dyna_cursorTarget < 1)"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_maintainIT;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_maintain.paa"; tooltip = "Maintain"; }; class select_jammer { condition = "dyna_cursorTargetType isEqualTo 'PlotPole_EPOCH' && (damage dyna_cursorTarget < 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec [""EPOCH_server_makeSP"",2];"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\player_inspect.paa"; tooltip = "Make Spawnpoint"; }; //lock unlock class unlock_lockbox { condition = "(dyna_cursorTargetType in ['LockBox_EPOCH','LockBoxProxy_EPOCH']) && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable ['EPOCH_Locked',false])"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call Epoch_secureStorageHandler"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\pad_can_unlock.paa"; tooltip = "Unlock Lockbox"; }; class lock_lockbox { condition = "(dyna_cursorTargetType in ['LockBox_EPOCH','LockBoxProxy_EPOCH']) && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable ['EPOCH_Locked',false])"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call Epoch_secureStorageHandler"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\pad_cannot_lock.paa"; tooltip = "Lock Lockbox"; }; class unlock_safe { condition = "(dyna_cursorTargetType in ['Safe_EPOCH','SafeProxy_EPOCH']) && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable ['EPOCH_Locked',false])"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call Epoch_secureStorageHandler"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\pad_can_unlock.paa"; tooltip = "Unlock Safe"; }; class lock_safe { condition = "(dyna_cursorTargetType in ['Safe_EPOCH','SafeProxy_EPOCH']) && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable ['EPOCH_Locked',false])"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call Epoch_secureStorageHandler"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\pad_cannot_lock.paa"; tooltip = "Lock Safe"; }; //pack class pack_lockbox { condition = "(dyna_cursorTargetType in ['LockBox_EPOCH','LockBoxProxy_EPOCH']) && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable ['EPOCH_Locked',false])"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_packStorage',2];"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_pack.paa"; tooltip = "Pack Lockbox"; }; class pack_safe { condition = "(dyna_cursorTargetType in ['Safe_EPOCH','SafeProxy_EPOCH']) && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable ['EPOCH_Locked',false])"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_packStorage',2];"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_pack.paa"; tooltip = "Pack Safe"; }; class VehMaintanance { condition = "dyna_isVehicle && !EPOCH_Vehicle_MaintainLock"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceCheck;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_man.paa"; tooltip = "Vehicle Maintanance"; class Repair { condition = "(!((EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0) isequalto []) || !((EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2) isequalto [])) && EPOCH_AdvancedVehicleRepair_Enabled"; action = ""; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Vehicle"; class RepairHull { condition = "'hithull' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hithull'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_HullBody.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Hull"; }; class ReplaceHull { condition = "'hithull' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hithull'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_HullBody.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Hull"; }; class RepairEngine { condition = "'hitengine' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitengine'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Engine.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Engine"; }; class ReplaceEngine { condition = "'hitengine' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitengine'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Engine.paa"; tooltip = "Replace Engine"; }; class ReplaceGlass { condition = "'glass' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0) || 'glass' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','glass'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Glass.paa"; tooltip = "Replace Glass"; }; class RepairBody { condition = "'hitbody' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitbody'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_HullBody.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Body"; }; class ReplaceBody { condition = "'hitbody' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitbody'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_HullBody.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Body"; }; class RepairFuel { condition = "'hitfuel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitfuel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Fuel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Fuel Hose"; }; class RepairMainRotor { condition = "'hithrotor' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hithrotor'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_MainRotor.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Main Rotor"; }; class ReplaceFuel { condition = "'hitfuel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitfuel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Fuel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace Fuel Hose"; }; class ReplaceMainRotor { condition = "'hithrotor' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hithrotor'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_MainRotor.paa"; tooltip = "Replace Main Rotor"; }; class RepairTailRotor { condition = "'hitvrotor' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitvrotor'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_TailRotor.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Tail Rotor"; }; class ReplaceTailRotor { condition = "'hitvrotor' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitvrotor'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_TailRotor.paa"; tooltip = "Replace Tail Rotor"; }; class ReplaceWinch { condition = "'hitwinch' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0) || 'hitwinch' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitwinch'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_SLG.paa"; tooltip = "Replace Winch"; }; class RepairTire1 { condition = "'hitlfwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitlfwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 1st Left Wheel"; }; class RepairTire2 { condition = "'hitlf2wheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitlf2wheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 2nd Left Wheel"; }; class RepairTire3 { condition = "'hitlmwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitlmwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 3rd Left Wheel"; }; class RepairTire4 { condition = "'hitlbwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitlbwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 4th Left Wheel"; }; class RepairTire5 { condition = "'hitrfwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitrfwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 1st Right Wheel"; }; class RepairTire6 { condition = "'hitrf2wheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitrf2wheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 2nd Right Wheel"; }; class RepairTire7 { condition = "'hitrmwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitrmwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 3rd Right Wheel"; }; class RepairTire8 { condition = "'hitrbwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'repair','hitrbwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Repair 4th Right Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire1 { condition = "'hitlfwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitlfwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 1st Left Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire2 { condition = "'hitlf2wheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitlf2wheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 2nd Left Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire3 { condition = "'hitlmwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitlmwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 3rd Left Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire4 { condition = "'hitlbwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitlbwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 4th Left Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire5 { condition = "'hitrfwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitrfwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 1st Right Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire6 { condition = "'hitrf2wheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitrf2wheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 2nd Right Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire7 { condition = "'hitrmwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitrmwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 3rd Right Wheel"; }; class ReplaceTire8 { condition = "'hitrbwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitrbwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Replace 4th Right Wheel"; }; class RepairAvionics { condition = "'hitavionics' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 0) || 'hitavionics' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 2)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'replace','hitavionics'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Repair_Avionics.paa"; tooltip = "Repair Avionics"; }; }; class Remove { condition = "!((EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1) isequalto []) && EPOCH_AdvancedVehicleRepair_Enabled"; action = ""; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove Parts"; class RemoveEngine { condition = "'hitengine' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitengine'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Engine.paa"; tooltip = "Remove Engine"; }; class RemoveTire1 { condition = "'hitlfwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitlfwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 1st Left Wheel"; }; class RemoveTire2 { condition = "'hitlf2wheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitlf2wheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 2nd Left Wheel"; }; class RemoveTire3 { condition = "'hitlmwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitlmwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 3rd Left Wheel"; }; class RemoveTire4 { condition = "'hitlbwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitlbwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 4th Left Wheel"; }; class RemoveTire5 { condition = "'hitrfwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitrfwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 1st Right Wheel"; }; class RemoveTire6 { condition = "'hitrf2wheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitrf2wheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 2nd Right Wheel"; }; class RemoveTire7 { condition = "'hitrmwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitrmwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 3rd Right Wheel"; }; class RemoveTire8 { condition = "'hitrbwheel' in (EPOCH_VehicleRepairs select 1)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget,'remove','hitrbwheel'] spawn EPOCH_client_VehicleMaintananceDo"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Wheel.paa"; tooltip = "Remove 4th Right Wheel"; }; }; class UpgradeVehicle { condition = "dyna_isVehicle"; action = "dyna_cursorTarget call EPOCH_client_upgradeVehicleCheck;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\build_upgrade.paa"; tooltip = "Upgrade Vehicle"; class Upgrade0 { condition = "(count Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray) > 0"; action = "(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 0) call EPOCH_client_upgradeVehicle"; iconcode = "gettext (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 0 select 1) >> 'picture')"; tooltipcode = "format ['Upgrade to %1 - %2',(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 0 select 2),(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 0 select 3)]"; }; class Upgrade1 { condition = "(count Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray) > 1"; action = "(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 1) call EPOCH_client_upgradeVehicle"; iconcode = "gettext (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 1 select 1) >> 'picture')"; tooltipcode = "format ['Upgrade to %1 - %2',(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 1 select 2),(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 1 select 3)]"; }; class Upgrade2 { condition = "(count Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray) > 2"; action = "(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 2) call EPOCH_client_upgradeVehicle"; iconcode = "gettext (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 2 select 1) >> 'picture')"; tooltipcode = "format ['Upgrade to %1 - %2',(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 2 select 2),(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 2 select 3)]"; }; class Upgrade3 { condition = "(count Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray) > 3"; action = "(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 3) call EPOCH_client_upgradeVehicle"; iconcode = "gettext (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 3 select 1) >> 'picture')"; tooltipcode = "format ['Upgrade to %1 - %2',(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 3 select 2),(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 3 select 3)]"; }; class Upgrade4 { condition = "(count Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray) > 4"; action = "(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 4) call EPOCH_client_upgradeVehicle"; iconcode = "gettext (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 4 select 1) >> 'picture')"; tooltipcode = "format ['Upgrade to %1 - %2',(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 4 select 2),(Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray select 4 select 3)]"; }; }; }; //Groups class Groups { condition = "dyna_isPlayer"; action = ""; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_menu_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Groups Menu"; class Group { condition = "dyna_isPlayer"; action = "call EPOCH_Inventory_Group;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\perm_group_menu_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Perm Group Menu"; }; class TempGroup { condition = "dyna_isPlayer"; action = "call EPOCH_Inventory_TempGroup;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\temp_group_menu_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Temp Group Menu"; }; }; class player_group_requests { condition = "dyna_isPlayer && !(Epoch_invited_GroupUIDs isEqualTo[])"; action = "call EPOCH_Inventory_iGroup;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Group Requests"; }; class player_tempGroup_requests { condition = "dyna_isPlayer && !(Epoch_invited_tempGroupUIDs isEqualTo[])"; action = "call EPOCH_Inventory_itempGroup;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Temp Group Requests"; }; // Working defibrillator class player_revive { condition = "dyna_isDeadPlayer && ('ItemDefibrillator' in dyna_magazinesPlayer)"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_revivePlayer',2];"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Revive Player"; };