2023-12-02 Hanna Knutsson * Only update exchange rates from the ECB, unless currencies requiring other data sources are used 2023-11-28 Hanna Knutsson * Replace defunct exchange rates sources 2023-07-06 Hanna Knutsson * Add option to reset column widths * Reset column widths on font change * Fix display of Unicode characters in currency names * Use flag images with higher resolution 2023-07-04 Hanna Knutsson * Use exchangerate.host as secondary exchange rate source, with mycurrency.net as backup * Use fusion style by default and use system setting for dark mode on Windows with Qt >= 6.5 2023-06-19 Hanna Knutsson * Fix set security share value for split transactions (null date where used) 2023-06-01 Hanna Knutsson * Fix custom font with gtk2 style 2023-05-10 Hanna Knutsson * Fix monthly total for categories divided in subcategories in categories comparison report 2022-12-01 Hanna Knutsson * Fix months between dates calculation when first month of budget year is not January 2022-11-26 Hanna Knutsson * Option to set weekday of nth week as first day of budget month 2022-11-25 Hanna Knutsson * Make text in statistics below lists selectable * Add ignore duplicate transactions property to CSV import presets and fix initial state 2022-09-11 Francisco Miguel Biete Banon * Fix Qt 6 build, and remove compilation warnings 2022-08-17 bgallois * Update French translation 2022-07-26 Hanna Knutsson * Add option to ignore duplicates to import CSV dialog * Add option to list duplicate transactions in transaction list filter * Fix initial links actions states (disable) 2022-05-17 Hanna Knutsson * Fix import CSV and import QIF dialogs (wizards) with dark mode on Windows 2022-01-02 Hanna Knutsson * Fix compilation errors with Qt 6 2021-12-23 Hanna Knutsson * Dark mode option in settings menu * If category is empty in CSV file row, use "Uncategorized" as name * Fix empty/missing category (in CSV file) error message 2021-11-05 Hanna Knutsson * Add extra space between after right aligned values in lists * Add option to left align values in lists 2021-09-10 Hanna Knutsson * Fix tab focus for dialog buttons 2021-09-04 Hanna Knutsson * Fix "Ignore duplicate transactions" for reinvested dividend when importing eqz file 2021-09-03 Hanna Knutsson * Fix saving of scheduled reinvested dividend * Disable join and edit actions when one of multiple selected transactions is a reinvested dividend 2021-07-30 Hanna Knutsson * Fix importing of data format YYYYMMDD and improve support for six character date formats without separator * Use a multiple lines for comments field in dialogs * Clear edit fields after modification of transaction in list * Preserve position and current item after update of ledger 2021-03-18 Hanna Knutsson * Remove total security rate value * Fix security rate for future dates 2021-03-17 Hanna Knutsson * Fix segfault with scheduled security transaction without recurrence 2021-01-07 Hanna Knutsson * Fix handling parentheses when calculating expression in value entry * Fix initial state of "Bank" entry when initial account type is not "Cash" 2020-12-14 Hanna Knutsson * Danish translation (from Tag Valdemar) 2020-12-10 Hanna Knutsson * Open ledger on account double click regardless of column 2020-08-30 Hanna Knutsson * Allow separate comments for each transaction in an expense/income with multiple accounts/payments * Add payee/payer column to dialog for transaction with multiple accounts/payments * Add payee/payer field to refund/repayment dialog 2020-08-12 Hanna Knutsson * Fixes for reccuring transactions with multiple accounts/payments 2020-08-11 Hanna Knutsson * Use actual text width to determine if description fits in "part of split" label 2020-08-02 Hanna Knutsson * Fix segfault when syncing unsaved file * Fix window title with empty file 2020-07-30 Hanna Knutsson * Fix importing if split transactions from eqz file 2020-07-26 Hanna Knutsson * Fix recurrence on day of year * Stop after 100 years when searching for previous or next monthly occurrence * Remove fifth last week of month option 2020-07-20 fabianski7 <47755037+fabianski7@users.noreply.github.com> * Portuguese (Brazil) translation 2020-07-20 Hanna Knutsson * Change "Quantity" to "Returned quantity" in refund dialog 2020-07-19 Hanna Knutsson * Support for links between transactions 2020-07-14 Hanna Knutsson * Option to join refund to original transaction (as transaction with multiple payments) * Split up option for transactions with multiple payments * Merge associated files when joining transactions * Join transaction as transaction with multiply payments when appropriate (ask when uncertain) 2020-07-13 Hanna Knutsson * Make the "part of split" label clickable 2020-07-07 Hanna Knutsson * Add a man page * Replace code deprecated in Qt 5.15 2020-04-18 Hanna Knutsson * Fix segfault in categories comparison report with payee and quantity properties are hidden 2020-04-13 Hanna Knutsson * Fix monthly recurrence with end date (or occurrence count), when year of end date and start date differs * Expand parent category after creation of new sub category * Fix segfault when opening file after creating a new sub category 2020-03-20 Hanna Knutsson * Fix order of transactions in ledger when split transaction has same date as single transaction 2020-02-04 Hanna Knutsson * Do not change account group when type is selected if custom group is set 2019-09-01 Hanna Knutsson * Fix segfault when editing a scheduled transaction (primarily with current date) present in the expenses, incomes and/or transfers view 2019-08-24 Hanna Knutsson * Make it possible to select multiple categories, tags, accounts, descriptions, and payees/payers in categories and report 2019-08-19 Hanna Knutsson * Option to display absolute values instead of percent in pie chart 2019-08-17 Hanna Knutsson * Security quotes import and export, in quotes dialog * Ctrl + Home shortcut in date fields, and Home shortcut and context menu item in calendar popup, for current date selection 2019-08-13 Hanna Knutsson * Fix set single transaction in edit widget for transaction with multiple accounts/payments and multiple currencies 2019-08-06 Hanna Knutsson * Save import CSV settings as presets * Show name with parent name for categories in CSV import dialog 2019-08-05 Hanna Knutsson * Allow fixed category (add income category selection) when importing both expenses and incomes from CSV file 2019-06-16 Hanna Knutsson * Allow translation of key Qt strings (OK, Cancel, etc.), when Qt translation is not available for a language 2019-06-15 Hanna Knutsson * Do not show "from date is after to date" and similar messages (pick an appropriate to date instead) * Icons for all menu items * Load Qt translations when selecting a specific language 2019-06-13 Hanna Knutsson * Wrap around (with month/year change) support for days and months in date fields * Change month or year on page up/down in day or month section of date field * Fixes month conversion when first month of budget year is not 1 2019-06-11 Hanna Knutsson * Focus transaction list when opening ledger with selected account 2019-06-06 Hanna Knutsson * Tags 2019-06-04 Hanna Knutsson * Option to show categories as columns in over time report 2019-06-01 Hanna Knutsson * Duplicate transaction option * Show lists as focused when not focused (fixes color of selected transaction) and allow moving in lists with keyboard in some cases when not focused 2019-05-30 Hanna Knutsson * Show tooltips for cut off text in lists * Configurable visible columns for expenses, incomes and transfers views * Fix row colors for reconciled items ledger when not reconciling 2019-05-27 Hanna Knutsson * Preserve order of imported transactions (with equal date) * Timestamp edit dialog 2019-05-24 Hanna Knutsson * Custom account groups * Hide group if all accounts are in the same group * Fix account group change color 2019-05-22 Hanna Knutsson * Improved account/category combo box searching 2019-05-20 Hanna Knutsson * Option to show separate months or years in categories comparison report * Make ledger behave as a non-modal window instead of modal dialog * Search in ledger * Make it possible to select multiple associated files * Add option to sort ledger ascending 2019-05-19 Hanna Knutsson * Fix assets and liabilities total in over time report * Fix segfault when editing reinvested dividend without income category 2019-05-18 Hanna Knutsson * Show icon when transaction has associated file * Update save state when associated file selected 2019-05-02 Hanna Knutsson * Font selection 2019-04-29 Hanna Knutsson * Fix updating of account values when a scheduled transaction has been edited in dialog and changed to a non-scheduled transaction 2019-04-26 Hanna Knutsson * Fix segfault in over time chart with no accounts * Fix segfault in ledger with no accounts * Fix Ctrl+Q shortcut 2019-04-25 Hanna Knutsson * Do not show guesstimate for future security values in accounts view (but use estimate for values between quotes) * Fix calculation of quote between recorded security quotes * Button for clearing values in new/edit transaction 2019-04-23 Hanna Knutsson * Fix updating of account values when a transaction has been edited in dialog and posponed to future date * Fix segfault when transaction is split up 2019-04-21 Hanna Knutsson * Group assets and liabilities with the same type in accounts view 2019-04-06 Hanna Knutsson * Use localeconv() for number format (improves sign and currency symbol placement, and fixes locales where number format differs between general and monetary numbers) 2019-04-05 Hanna Knutsson * Use dot as alternative decimal separator for locales with decimal comma and without dot as group separator 2019-03-01 Hanna Knutsson * Language selection from within the application 2019-02-18 Hanna Knutsson * Do not use deprecated QtCharts axis functions 2019-02-02 Hanna Knutsson * Schedule confirmation time setting 2019-01-30 Hanna Knutsson * Fix filter min and max currency * Fix crash on CSV import of quoted value containing delimiter 2019-01-15 Hanna Knutsson * Update revision of schedule on confirmed occurrence 2019-01-14 svedie * Improved German translation 2019-01-05 Hanna Knutsson * Description of eqz file format 2019-01-16 Michael F. Schönitzer * Some German translation improvements 2018-11-14 Hanna Knutsson * Make eqz-file parsing more flexible (do not require transaction type, accept value property for expenses and incomes, allow to/from instead of category propery, etc.) * Timestamp in seconds instead of microseconds 2018-11-01 Hanna Knutsson * Better handling of unknown transaction or category type encountered in file 2018-11-01 Hanna Knutsson * Budget day fixes 2018-10-31 Hanna Knutsson * Option to specify first budget month of year (financial year) 2018-10-07 Hanna Knutsson * Fix saving of recurring expense with multiple payments * Remove recurrence tab from expense paid with loan dialog * "Payed" => "Paid" 2018-09-11 Hanna Knutsson * Improved Enter/Return key actions and input focus 2018-09-06 Hanna Knutsson * Option to sort transactions by timestamp (in header context menu) 2018-09-05 Hanna Knutsson * Select whole number on double click in value field * Scroll to added/modified transaction 2018-08-04 Hanna Knutsson * Add comments field to split transaction dialog 2018-07-22 Nils VAN ZUIJLEN * Added translations for French 2018-06-20 Hanna Knutsson * Fix value field conversion with dollar sign 2018-06-12 Hanna Knutsson * Fix last date in yearly assets and liabilities bar chart hover info 2018-06-10 Hanna Knutsson * Fix categories comparison report description selection list * Fix Qt Charts < 5.7.0 compability 2018-06-09 Hanna Knutsson * Use mycurrency.net html instead of the json data, which has not been for a month 2018-06-08 Hanna Knutsson * Never show more than nine slices in pie chart and combine very small category posts * Set spacing between bars to half the bar width (unless many bars in groups) * Reverse order of horizontal bar chart * Many minor chart fixes/improvements (especially without Qt Charts) 2018-06-07 Hanna Knutsson * Add new default chart theme * Use the same color for all bars in categories comparison bar chart, show x-axis labels, and remove vertical bar chart * Use budgeted values for more over time chart data * Allow user to set last month for yearly value in over time chart * Sort categories and accounts using total value and hide categories with zero value in charts * Yearly "Assets and Liabilies" bars * Add "Edit Account" button to ledger * Show incomes and expenses in profit report 2018-06-04 Hanna Knutsson * Alternative to show all accounts separately in the same over time chart * Disable "Close Account" for accounts with no associated transactions 2018-06-03 Hanna Knutsson * Account filter in charts and reports * Assets & Liabilities in over time report 2018-05-17 Hanna Knutsson * Add flags to currency lists 2018-04-26 Hanna Knutsson * Allow value field conversion using $, £, €, ¥, and local currency symbol, even if not default currency 2018-04-15 Fabian Wolff * Remove deprecated Encoding key from the .desktop file * Bump DocBook version 2018-04-01 Fabian Wolff * Fix spelling errors involving "recurrance" and "occurrance" 2018-02-03 Hanna Knutsson * Case insensitive descriptions and payees in charts report 2018-02-01 Hanna Knutsson * Cloud synchronization 2018-01-14 Hanna Knutsson * Annual total for over time chart 2018-01-13 Hanna Knutsson * Restore possibility to specify payee/payer for each separate transaction in a split transaction 2018-01-09 Hanna Knutsson * Fix debt payment value edits behavior 2018-01-06 Hanna Knutsson * Include subcategories in over time report * Option to merge changes when saving a file that has been modified after saving/loading * Id, first revision and last revision transaction, account and security properties, and revision and last id file properties 2017-12-30 Hanna Knutsson * "All payees/payers" in categories comparison report 2017-12-27 Hanna Knutsson * Only assume negative income/expense if the category is defined in the QIF file 2017-12-18 Hanna Knutsson * Fix editing of transfer part of split transaction * Fix split transaction account selection when joining transfers * Set split values from input fields when clicking "Edit..." in a transactions view * Fix segfault on export of transaction with multiple accounts/payments 2017-12-17 Hanna Knutsson * Allow account creation from loan payment dialog * Update logic for when confirm schedule dialog is shown or transaction is automatically added when scheduled transaction is added/edited 2017-12-15 Hanna Knutsson * Allow account creation from edit security dialog 2017-12-15 Hanna Knutsson * Allow security creation from security transactions dialog 2017-12-14 Hanna Knutsson * Remember state of set quote checkbox * Fix segfault on edit multiple transactions from ledger * Show statistics for selection in ledger * Calculate average balance correctly 2017-12-13 Hanna Knutsson * Set last used category/account for new transaction dialogs * Ledger popup menu * Add warning message to adjust balance dialog 2017-12-09 Hanna Knutsson * Reconciliation 2017-12-08 Hanna Knutsson * Ledger list header popup menu to show/hide type, account/category, payee/payer and comments columns * Revised reinvested dividends 2017-10-26 Hanna Knutsson * Fix sum in categories comparison report with subcategories * Fix categories comparison chart for incomes with subcategories 2017-10-24 Hanna Knutsson * Fix "All Incomes, without subcategories" in categories comparison chart 2017-10-23 Hanna Knutsson * Fix crash when trying to create new debt payment without any debt (possible fix for issue #33) * Do not allow zero value for new loan 2017-10-18 Hanna Knutsson * Fix account value when joining transactions with different accounts 2017-10-16 Hanna Knutsson * Add close account menu item and add extra warning text in delete account dialog (related to issue #32) 2017-10-11 Hanna Knutsson * List income/expense categories for shares bough/sold in addition to accounts * Manual completed 2017-10-10 Hanna Knutsson * Check for new versions 2017-10-09 Hanna Knutsson * Exchange rates from mycurrency.net (more than 100 additional currencies) 2017-10-08 Hanna Knutsson * Eqonomize! file import alternatives for duplicates handling * Fix assets and liabilities line chart months * Set black text color for line chart hover box * Set currency in budget edit field to main currency * Use parent category of subcategory as default parent when creating new account from context menu 2017-10-05 Hanna Knutsson * Fix crash when account with associated transactions is remove 2017-10-04 Hanna Knutsson * Do not allow negative debt value in new loan dialog 2017-09-04 Hanna Knutsson * Fix new currency does not appear in the currency converter after application reopened (part of issue #27) * Fix new currency dialog reopens when creating new currency from set main currency dialog 2017-07-21 Hanna Knutsson * Support for parentheses for calculation in input fields 2017-07-20 Hanna Knutsson * Show statistics for selected transactions (if more than one is selected) 2017-07-07 Hanna Knutsson * Batch editing of date and payee/payer of split transactions * CSV import dialog layout fixes * Fix import of expenses from CSV files with separate columns for cost and income 2017-07-05 Hanna Knutsson * Fix reading of negative values and values beginning with decimal separator during CSV import * Fix the CSV import date/number format dialog * Fix import of expenses when importing all types of transactions from CSV file * Fix reading of year with less than four digits in CSV or QIF file 2017-06-25 Hanna Knutsson * Remove blank space at beginning and end of payee/payer, comments, etc. 2017-06-01 Hanna Knutsson * Fix payee lost when split transaction copied (affects scheduled split transactions) 2017-05-21 Hanna Knutsson * Fix account list html export (and print preview) 2017-04-25 Hanna Knutsson * Italicize scheduled transactions in expenses, incomes and transactions lists 2017-04-07 Hanna Knutsson * Security transactions enhancements and fixes 2017-04-02 Hanna Knutsson * Account drag and drop fixes 2017-03-23 Hanna Knutsson * Import/merge Eqonomize! files 2017-03-21 Hanna Knutsson * Add timestamp property for transactions to be able to consistently sort transactions in the order they were added 2017-03-21 Hanna Knutsson * Artithmetic expression and currency conversion in input fields (spin boxes) * Currency converter * "Associated file" transaction property 2017-03-18 Hanna Knutsson * Support multiple currencies 2017-01-25 Hanna Knutsson * Fix text editing in filter, reset selection on filtering and focus description entry when changing edit/filter tab 2016-09-30 Hanna Knutsson * Fix text colors and background of top level items in account tree * Enhance visibility of icons with dark theme 2016-09-06 Hanna Knutsson * Fix yearly recurrence 2016-09-05 Hanna Knutsson * Fix and enhance exceptions dialog 2016-09-01 Hanna Knutsson * Fix include subcategories in filtering and remove the button for transfers and when extra properties is disabled (for improved layout) * Remove quantity from incomes edit * Add tooltip to description and quantity * Fix not all transactions being listed in confirm schedule dialog 2016-08-29 Hanna Knutsson * Fix charts withput extra properties * Fix charts without QtCharts 2016-08-25 Hanna Knutsson * Fix value column in multi-account transaction dialog * Fix multiple duplicate completion items when removing, than adding transaction with unique description * Use extra properties by default 2016-08-24 Hanna Knutsson * Place "All" last in export QIF dialog account combo (it is not a appropriate default option) * Common payee/payer for multi item transactions 2016-08-21 Hanna Knutsson * Import/export sub categories from/to QIF files 2016-08-16 Hanna Knutsson * Import sub categories, payees and quantity from CSV files 2016-08-15 Hanna Knutsson * Autocomplete transaction also when selecting category or payee 2016-08-14 Hanna Knutsson * Loans, multi account transactions, scheduled split transactions, debt payments, etc. * Bold summary/parent items with icons in account view 2016-07-08 Hanna Knutsson * Export transactions to CSV file with a more compatible number format 2016-07-06 Hanna Knutsson * Assets over time chart * Show expenses as negative values in stacked bar chart for incomes and expenses 2016-07-05 Hanna Knutsson * Completely remove dependency on Qt Xml by using QXmlStreamWriter instead of QDom* * Colors for securities 2016-07-04 Hanna Knutsson * Create new account/category from selection combo box * Fix crash when deleting all transactions with a particular description and then adding a new * Colored values in lists * Do not show negative values in pie chart and hide zero values in category comparison charts * Add missing label in edit expense category dialog * Set minimum width for empty lists 2016-07-03 Hanna Knutsson * New Chart types 2016-07-02 Hanna Knutsson * Custom budget month start 2016-07-01 Hanna Knutsson * Use QtCharts 2016-06-29 Hanna Knutsson * Subcategories * New Icons 2016-06-28 Hanna Knutsson * File backups * Backup frequency option 2016-06-27 Hanna Knutsson * Fix copying to backup '~' file (remove existing file first) 2016-06-26 Hanna Knutsson * Move cursor to day in dates 2016-06-25 Hanna Knutsson * Move from QDom* in Qt Xml to QXmlStreamReader 2016-06-23 Hanna Knutsson * List layout enhancements and save/restore state of lists * Simplify and enhance EqonomizeValueEdit (restrictions of KDoubleSpinBox removed) 2016-06-22 Hanna Knutsson * New icons * File save handling fixes 2016-06-21 Hanna Knutsson * Fix csv import of categories * Decimals in quotations option and set default decimals in shares from previous securities * Make chart and report non-modal again * Initialize locale to fix number of decimal signs and currency placement 2016-06-20 Hanna Knutsson * Print preview 2016-06-19 Hanna Knutsson * Chart/report dialog layout enhancements * Max 10 descriptions in categories chart and 6 items in over time chart 2016-06-18 Hanna Knutsson * New Icons 2016-06-16 Hanna Knutsson * Remove all KDE dependencies and use qmake instead of CMake 2016-06-14 Hanna Knutsson * Make sure save filename ends with ".eqz" * Fix "scheduled operations don't go further than next year if range is other than 'no end'" * Search whole description and payer/payee when filtering and add exact match option 2014-07-21 Hanna Knutsson * Restore remote file access 2014-07-11 Hanna Knutsson * Port to Qt 5 and KDE Framework 5 * Minor accumulated enhancements and fixes 2009-07-03 Hanna Knutsson * Fix transaction not added on date edit enter (missing signal) * Fix csv export (change text/x-csv to text/csv) 2008-11-12 Hanna Knutsson * KDE4 version commited 2008-03-04 Hanna Knutsson * Fix mysterious crash when two scheduled transactions have the same date and description 2007-08-20 Hanna Knutsson * Fix saving of weekly recurrence 2007-07-30 Hanna Knutsson * Fix positive net result of split transaction displayed in wrong column 2007-05-04 Hanna Knutsson * Fix calculation of scheduled transactions after a scheduled transaction has been confirmed * Fix calculation of scheduled transaction after the date has changed to before the current date * Sort scheduled transactions list after date changes * Fix security transaction joining 2007-03-30 Hanna Knutsson * Allow user to select initial period * Do not limit sold shares to current number of shares * Fixes for the new value input widget 2007-03-29 Hanna Knutsson * Keep permissions of exisiting files 2007-03-28 Hanna Knutsson * Make it possible to join security transactions and add ability to create new security transaction from edit split dialog * Do not require a selected security to be able to create a security transaction and make it possible to change security from edit transaction dialogs * Execute different actions when double clicking on security row depending on clicked column 2007-03-26 Hanna Knutsson * Future statistics in over time chart 2006-11-28 Hanna Knutsson * New value input with support for zero decimals 2006-11-27 Hanna Knutsson * Spanish and Italian translations * Update French translations * Some bug fixes 2006-10-22 Hanna Knutsson * Fix "Edit..." button for split transaction in list * Show extra properties when editing transaction from split transaction edit dialog 2006-10-07 Hanna Knutsson * Reset quantity to 1.0 2006-09-19 Hanna Knutsson * Fix balancing 2006-09-03 Hanna Knutsson * Manual updates * Minor polishing 2006-09-02 Hanna Knutsson * Updated icons 2006-09-01 Hanna Knutsson * German translation (Martin F. Hohenberg , Elias Probst ) * Update cvs.sh for autoconf 2.6 * Fix de.po 2006-08-27 Hanna Knutsson * Miscellaneous fixes * Postpone option in confirm schedule dialog * Manual updates * Close confirm schedule dialog if no transactions are left 2006-08-22 Hanna Knutsson * QIF export fixes * Handle non-standard (local) QIF type names * Fix QIF import and export of splits * Update Swedish translation * Updated french translation (Jérôme Rapinat , Antoine Rodriguez ) * Minor fixes and polishing 2006-08-21 Hanna Knutsson * QIF import of securities * Securities type "Other" * QIF export * Require unique and non-empty names for accounts of the same type * Fix crash when selecting initial balance item in ledger dialog * Fix and extend date update when current date changes 2006-08-20 Hanna Knutsson * Enhanced splits * Join and split up actions * Enhanced account ledger * Possibility to specify price of share separately, so the total cost/income can include fees * Add quantity input to refund/repayment dialog * Add percents to legend texts and decrease margins in categories comparison chart * QIF import of splits 2006-08-19 Hanna Knutsson * Splits 2006-08-18 Hanna Knutsson * Add comments entry to refund/repayment dialog 2006-08-17 Hanna Knutsson * Refunds and repayments * Enhanced date and number format handling for csv import * Enhanced QIF import * Ask save on quit (use close() instead of kapp->quit()) 2006-08-16 Hanna Knutsson * Update securities when account has been deleted * Auto-save with crash recovery * Fix crash when removing account with security transactions * Backup on save * Add do not ask again option to save? dialog on exit * Revert menu item 2006-08-15 Hanna Knutsson * Continue QIF import work * Account ledger dialog * Fix balancing crash when to date is in the same month as but before current date * Switch securities and accounts period to date to current date if date changes and to date was current date * Fix move to account selection 2006-08-14 Hanna Knutsson * Update change column when transaction added or changed * Fix changing date of transaction with future date 2006-08-13 Hanna Knutsson * Work on QIF import begun * Updated french translation (Jérôme Rapinat ) * French manual (Jérôme Rapinat ) * Use pow(10, x) instead of exp10(x) * Fix crash with no from date in accounts view and empty (or no) accounts 2006-08-11 Hanna Knutsson * French translation (Jérôme Rapinat ) * Alternative for credit and debit in different columns * Auto first row option for csv import * More flexible value and date reading in csv file * Miscellaneous... 2006-08-08 Hanna Knutsson * Begin documentation * Add option to show Profits line in over time chart 2006-08-07 Hanna Knutsson * i18n fixes * Finish Swedish translation 2006-08-04 Hanna Knutsson * Fix calculation of remaining budget when from date is after current date * Display as previous budget result the result for the month before selected month 2006-08-03 Hanna Knutsson * Use button menus for period selection, schedule buttons, and security transactions * Move next/previous year/month buttons up in accounts view * Payees/payers for over time chart 2006-08-02 Hanna Knutsson * Change focus order to put quantity after value * Call layout() for KButtonBox 2006-07-31 Hanna Knutsson * Use quantity instead of count * Replace "Daily" with "Average" statistic * Fix resizing issues * More flexible reports 2006-07-30 Hanna Knutsson * More flexible charts * Optional Payee/Payer and Quantity parameters for expenses/incomes 2006-07-29 Hanna Knutsson * Budget edit tab in accounts view * Select period combo * By default set to date to current date * Lots more... 2006-07-27 Hanna Knutsson * Normally do not show incomplete months (possibly first and current) in development over time report * Ability to set budget separately for each month * Budget account property for accounts * Show budgeted value (if greater than scheduled transactions) for future value and change of accounts 2006-07-26 Hanna Knutsson * Add option to compare accounts in categories comparison chart 2006-07-25 Hanna Knutsson * Work around Hebrew, Hijri and Jalali addMonths() bug * Check length of month names * Fix calculation of total change for securities accounts * Fix checking of todays schedule 2006-07-24 Hanna Knutsson * Change name to Eqonomize! * Make report and chart dialogs non-modal * Month selector instead of date edit for over time chart * Only confirm scheduled transactions occurring the current date if time is after 18.00 * Some bug and tweaks fixes 2006-07-23 Hanna Knutsson * Categories comparison chart * Over time chart * Don't use "words" in date picker popup as future dates is not very useful 2006-07-22 Hanna Knutsson * Use KCalenderSystem everywhere and avoid assumptions based on the gregorian calendar * Add some more valid recurrence checks * Security trade (buy and sell in the same transaction) 2006-07-21 Hanna Knutsson * Use comma as delimiter and put values in quotes, when saving csv file * Import of CSV files 2006-07-20 Hanna Knutsson * "Development Over Time" and "Categories Comparison" reports 2006-07-19 Hanna Knutsson * Add daily average to transactions statisitcs * Printing