/* Copyright (c) 2016 Ermiya Eskandary & Théophile Cailliau and other contributors This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // ==UserScript== // @name Slither.io-bot // @namespace http://slither.io/ // @version 1.2.9 // @description Slither.io bot // @author Ermiya Eskandary & Théophile Cailliau // @match http://slither.io/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* Override bot options here Uncomment variables you wish to change from their default values Changes you make here will be kept between script versions */ var customBotOptions = { // target fps // targetFps: 30, // size of arc for collisionAngles // arcSize: Math.PI / 8, // radius multiple for circle intersects // radiusMult: 10, // food cluster size to trigger acceleration // foodAccelSize: 60, // maximum angle of food to trigger acceleration // foodAccelAngle: Math.PI / 3, // how many frames per food check // foodFrames: 4, // round food cluster size up to the nearest // foodRoundSize: 5, // round food angle up to nearest for angle difference scoring // foodRoundAngle: Math.PI / 8, // food clusters at or below this size won't be considered // if there is a collisionAngle // foodSmallSize: 10, // angle or higher where enemy heady is considered in the rear // rearHeadAngle: 3 * Math.PI / 4, // attack emeny rear head at this angle // rearHeadDir: Math.PI / 2, // quick radius toggle size in approach mode // radiusApproachSize: 5, // quick radius toggle size in avoid mode // radiusAvoidSize: 25, // uncomment to quickly revert to the default options // if you update the script while this is active, // you will lose your custom options // useDefaults: true }; // Custom logging function - disabled by default window.log = function() { if (window.logDebugging) { console.log.apply(console, arguments); } }; var canvasUtil = window.canvasUtil = (function() { return { // Ratio of screen size divided by canvas size. canvasRatio: { x: window.mc.width / window.ww, y: window.mc.height / window.hh }, // Set direction of snake towards the virtual mouse coordinates setMouseCoordinates: function(point) { window.xm = point.x; window.ym = point.y; }, // Convert snake-relative coordinates to absolute screen coordinates. mouseToScreen: function(point) { var screenX = point.x + (window.ww / 2); var screenY = point.y + (window.hh / 2); return { x: screenX, y: screenY }; }, // Convert screen coordinates to canvas coordinates. screenToCanvas: function(point) { var canvasX = window.csc * (point.x * canvasUtil.canvasRatio.x) - parseInt(window.mc.style.left); var canvasY = window.csc * (point.y * canvasUtil.canvasRatio.y) - parseInt(window.mc.style.top); return { x: canvasX, y: canvasY }; }, // Convert map coordinates to mouse coordinates. mapToMouse: function(point) { var mouseX = (point.x - window.snake.xx) * window.gsc; var mouseY = (point.y - window.snake.yy) * window.gsc; return { x: mouseX, y: mouseY }; }, // Map coordinates to Canvas coordinates. mapToCanvas: function(point) { var c = canvasUtil.mapToMouse(point); c = canvasUtil.mouseToScreen(c); c = canvasUtil.screenToCanvas(c); return c; }, // Map to Canvas coordinates conversion for drawing circles. circleMapToCanvas: function(circle) { var newCircle = canvasUtil.mapToCanvas(circle); return canvasUtil.circle( newCircle.x, newCircle.y, // Radius also needs to scale by .gsc circle.radius * window.gsc ); }, // Constructor for point type point: function(x, y) { var p = { x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y) }; return p; }, // Constructor for rect type rect: function(x, y, w, h) { var r = { x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y), width: Math.round(w), height: Math.round(h) }; return r; }, // Constructor for circle type circle: function(x, y, r) { var c = { x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y), radius: Math.round(r) }; return c; }, // Fast atan2 fastAtan2: function(y, x) { const QPI = Math.PI / 4; const TQPI = 3 * Math.PI / 4; var r = 0.0; var angle = 0.0; var abs_y = Math.abs(y) + 1e-10; if (x < 0) { r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x); angle = TQPI; } else { r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y); angle = QPI; } angle += (0.1963 * r * r - 0.9817) * r; if (y < 0) { return -angle; } return angle; }, // Adjusts zoom in response to the mouse wheel. setZoom: function(e) { // Scaling ratio if (window.gsc) { window.gsc *= Math.pow(0.9, e.wheelDelta / -120 || e.detail / 2 || 0); window.desired_gsc = window.gsc; } }, // Restores zoom to the default value. resetZoom: function() { window.gsc = 0.9; window.desired_gsc = 0.9; }, // Maintains Zoom maintainZoom: function() { if (window.desired_gsc !== undefined) { window.gsc = window.desired_gsc; } }, // Sets background to the given image URL. // Defaults to slither.io's own background. setBackground: function(url) { url = typeof url !== 'undefined' ? url : '/s/bg45.jpg'; window.ii.src = url; }, // Draw a rectangle on the canvas. drawRect: function(rect, color, fill, alpha) { if (alpha === undefined) alpha = 1; var context = window.mc.getContext('2d'); var lc = canvasUtil.mapToCanvas({ x: rect.x, y: rect.y }); context.save(); context.globalAlpha = alpha; context.strokeStyle = color; context.rect(lc.x, lc.y, rect.width * window.gsc, rect.height * window.gsc); context.stroke(); if (fill) { context.fillStyle = color; context.fill(); } context.restore(); }, // Draw a circle on the canvas. drawCircle: function(circle, color, fill, alpha) { if (alpha === undefined) alpha = 1; if (circle.radius === undefined) circle.radius = 5; var context = window.mc.getContext('2d'); var drawCircle = canvasUtil.circleMapToCanvas(circle); context.save(); context.globalAlpha = alpha; context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = color; context.arc(drawCircle.x, drawCircle.y, drawCircle.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.stroke(); if (fill) { context.fillStyle = color; context.fill(); } context.restore(); }, // Draw an angle. // @param {number} start -- where to start the angle // @param {number} angle -- width of the angle // @param {String|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern} color // @param {boolean} fill // @param {number} alpha drawAngle: function(start, angle, color, fill, alpha) { if (alpha === undefined) alpha = 0.6; var context = window.mc.getContext('2d'); context.save(); context.globalAlpha = alpha; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(window.mc.width / 2, window.mc.height / 2); context.arc(window.mc.width / 2, window.mc.height / 2, window.gsc * 100, start, angle); context.lineTo(window.mc.width / 2, window.mc.height / 2); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); if (fill) { context.fillStyle = color; context.fill(); } context.restore(); }, // Draw a line on the canvas. drawLine: function(p1, p2, color, width) { if (width === undefined) width = 5; var context = window.mc.getContext('2d'); var dp1 = canvasUtil.mapToCanvas(p1); var dp2 = canvasUtil.mapToCanvas(p2); context.save(); context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = width * window.gsc; context.strokeStyle = color; context.moveTo(dp1.x, dp1.y); context.lineTo(dp2.x, dp2.y); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }, // Given the start and end of a line, is point left. isLeft: function(start, end, point) { return ((end.x - start.x) * (point.y - start.y) - (end.y - start.y) * (point.x - start.x)) > 0; }, // Get distance squared getDistance2: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var distance2 = Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2); return distance2; }, getDistance2FromSnake: function(point) { point.distance = canvasUtil.getDistance2(window.snake.xx, window.snake.yy, point.xx, point.yy); return point; }, // Check if point in Rect pointInRect: function(point, rect) { if (rect.x <= point.x && rect.y <= point.y && rect.x + rect.width >= point.x && rect.y + rect.height >= point.y) { return true; } return false; }, // Check if circles intersect circleIntersect: function(circle1, circle2) { var bothRadii = circle1.radius + circle2.radius; var dx = circle1.x - circle2.x; var dy = circle1.y - circle2.y; // Pretends the circles are squares for a quick collision check. // If it collides, do the more expensive circle check. if (dx + bothRadii > 0 && dy + bothRadii > 0 && dx - bothRadii < 0 && dy - bothRadii < 0) { var distance2 = canvasUtil.getDistance2(circle1.x, circle1.y, circle2.x, circle2.y); if (distance2 < bothRadii * bothRadii) { if (window.visualDebugging) { var collisionPointCircle = canvasUtil.circle( ((circle1.x * circle2.radius) + (circle2.x * circle1.radius)) / bothRadii, ((circle1.y * circle2.radius) + (circle2.y * circle1.radius)) / bothRadii, 5 ); canvasUtil.drawCircle(circle2, 'red', true); canvasUtil.drawCircle(collisionPointCircle, 'cyan', true); } return true; } } return false; } }; })(); var bot = window.bot = (function() { return { isBotRunning: false, isBotEnabled: true, lookForFood: false, collisionPoints: [], collisionAngles: [], scores: [], foodTimeout: undefined, sectorBoxSide: 0, defaultAccel: 0, sectorBox: {}, currentFood: {}, opt: { // These are the bot's default options // If you wish to customise these, use // customBotOptions above targetFps: 30, arcSize: Math.PI / 8, radiusMult: 10, foodAccelSize: 60, foodAccelAngle: Math.PI / 3, foodFrames: 4, foodRoundSize: 5, foodRoundAngle: Math.PI / 8, foodSmallSize: 10, rearHeadAngle: 3 * Math.PI / 4, rearHeadDir: Math.PI / 2, radiusApproachSize: 5, radiusAvoidSize: 25 }, MID_X: 0, MID_Y: 0, MAP_R: 0, getSnakeWidth: function(sc) { if (sc === undefined) sc = window.snake.sc; return Math.round(sc * 29.0); }, quickRespawn: function() { window.dead_mtm = 0; window.login_fr = 0; bot.isBotRunning = false; window.forcing = true; window.connect(); window.forcing = false; }, // angleBetween - get the smallest angle between two angles (0-pi) angleBetween: function(a1, a2) { var r1 = 0.0; var r2 = 0.0; r1 = (a1 - a2) % Math.PI; r2 = (a2 - a1) % Math.PI; return r1 < r2 ? -r1 : r2; }, // Avoid headPoint avoidHeadPoint: function(collisionPoint) { var cehang = canvasUtil.fastAtan2( collisionPoint.yy - window.snake.yy, collisionPoint.xx - window.snake.xx); var diff = bot.angleBetween(window.snake.ehang, cehang); if (Math.abs(diff) > bot.opt.rearHeadAngle) { var dir = diff > 0 ? -bot.opt.rearHeadDir : bot.opt.rearHeadDir; bot.changeHeading(dir); } else { bot.avoidCollisionPoint(collisionPoint); } }, // Change heading by ang // +0-pi turn left // -0-pi turn right changeHeading: function(angle) { var heading = { x: window.snake.xx + 500 * bot.cos, y: window.snake.yy + 500 * bot.sin }; var cos = Math.cos(-angle); var sin = Math.sin(-angle); window.goalCoordinates = { x: Math.round( cos * (heading.x - window.snake.xx) - sin * (heading.y - window.snake.yy) + window.snake.xx), y: Math.round( sin * (heading.x - window.snake.xx) + cos * (heading.y - window.snake.yy) + window.snake.yy) }; canvasUtil.setMouseCoordinates(canvasUtil.mapToMouse(window.goalCoordinates)); }, // Avoid collision point by ang // ang radians <= Math.PI (180deg) avoidCollisionPoint: function(collisionPoint, ang) { if (ang === undefined || ang > Math.PI) { ang = Math.PI; } var end = { x: window.snake.xx + 2000 * bot.cos, y: window.snake.yy + 2000 * bot.sin }; if (window.visualDebugging) { canvasUtil.drawLine({ x: window.snake.xx, y: window.snake.yy }, end, 'orange', 5); canvasUtil.drawLine({ x: window.snake.xx, y: window.snake.yy }, { x: collisionPoint.xx, y: collisionPoint.yy }, 'red', 5); } var cos = Math.cos(ang); var sin = Math.sin(ang); if (canvasUtil.isLeft({ x: window.snake.xx, y: window.snake.yy }, end, { x: collisionPoint.xx, y: collisionPoint.yy })) { sin = -sin; } window.goalCoordinates = { x: Math.round( cos * (collisionPoint.xx - window.snake.xx) - sin * (collisionPoint.yy - window.snake.yy) + window.snake.xx), y: Math.round( sin * (collisionPoint.xx - window.snake.xx) + cos * (collisionPoint.yy - window.snake.yy) + window.snake.yy) }; canvasUtil.setMouseCoordinates(canvasUtil.mapToMouse(window.goalCoordinates)); }, // Sorting by property 'distance' sortDistance: function(a, b) { return a.distance - b.distance; }, // get collision angle index, expects angle +/i 0 to Math.PI getAngleIndex: function(angle) { const ARCSIZE = bot.opt.arcSize; var index; if (angle < 0) { angle += 2 * Math.PI; } index = Math.round(angle * (1 / ARCSIZE)); if (index === (2 * Math.PI) / ARCSIZE) { return 0; } return index; }, // Add to collisionAngles if distance is closer addCollisionAngle: function(sp) { var ang = canvasUtil.fastAtan2( Math.round(sp.yy - window.snake.yy), Math.round(sp.xx - window.snake.xx)); var aIndex = bot.getAngleIndex(ang); var actualDistance = Math.round(Math.pow( Math.sqrt(sp.distance) - sp.radius, 2)); if (bot.collisionAngles[aIndex] === undefined) { bot.collisionAngles[aIndex] = { x: Math.round(sp.xx), y: Math.round(sp.yy), ang: ang, snake: sp.snake, distance: actualDistance }; } else if (bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].distance > sp.distance) { bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].x = Math.round(sp.xx); bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].y = Math.round(sp.yy); bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].ang = ang; bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].snake = sp.snake; bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].distance = actualDistance; } }, // Get closest collision point per snake. getCollisionPoints: function() { var scPoint; bot.collisionPoints = []; bot.collisionAngles = []; for (var snake = 0, ls = window.snakes.length; snake < ls; snake++) { scPoint = undefined; if (window.snakes[snake].id !== window.snake.id && window.snakes[snake].alive_amt === 1) { scPoint = { xx: window.snakes[snake].xx, yy: window.snakes[snake].yy, snake: snake, radius: bot.getSnakeWidth(window.snakes[snake].sc) / 2 }; canvasUtil.getDistance2FromSnake(scPoint); bot.addCollisionAngle(scPoint); if (window.visualDebugging) { canvasUtil.drawCircle(canvasUtil.circle( scPoint.xx, scPoint.yy, scPoint.radius), 'red', false); } for (var pts = 0, lp = window.snakes[snake].pts.length; pts < lp; pts++) { if (!window.snakes[snake].pts[pts].dying && canvasUtil.pointInRect({ x: window.snakes[snake].pts[pts].xx, y: window.snakes[snake].pts[pts].yy }, bot.sectorBox) ) { var collisionPoint = { xx: window.snakes[snake].pts[pts].xx, yy: window.snakes[snake].pts[pts].yy, snake: snake, radius: bot.getSnakeWidth(window.snakes[snake].sc) / 2 }; if (window.visualDebugging && true === false) { canvasUtil.drawCircle(canvasUtil.circle( collisionPoint.xx, collisionPoint.yy, collisionPoint.radius), '#00FF00', false); } canvasUtil.getDistance2FromSnake(collisionPoint); bot.addCollisionAngle(collisionPoint); if (scPoint === undefined || scPoint.distance > collisionPoint.distance) { scPoint = collisionPoint; } } } } if (scPoint !== undefined) { bot.collisionPoints.push(scPoint); if (window.visualDebugging) { canvasUtil.drawCircle(canvasUtil.circle( scPoint.xx, scPoint.yy, scPoint.radius ), 'red', false); } } } // WALL if (canvasUtil.getDistance2(bot.MID_X, bot.MID_Y, window.snake.xx, window.snake.yy) > Math.pow(bot.MAP_R - 1000, 2)) { var midAng = canvasUtil.fastAtan2( window.snake.yy - bot.MID_X, window.snake.xx - bot.MID_Y); scPoint = { xx: bot.MID_X + bot.MAP_R * Math.cos(midAng), yy: bot.MID_Y + bot.MAP_R * Math.sin(midAng), snake: -1, radius: bot.snakeWidth }; canvasUtil.getDistance2FromSnake(scPoint); bot.collisionPoints.push(scPoint); bot.addCollisionAngle(scPoint); if (window.visualDebugging) { canvasUtil.drawCircle(canvasUtil.circle( scPoint.xx, scPoint.yy, scPoint.radius ), 'yellow', false); } } bot.collisionPoints.sort(bot.sortDistance); if (window.visualDebugging) { for (var i = 0; i < bot.collisionAngles.length; i++) { if (bot.collisionAngles[i] !== undefined) { canvasUtil.drawLine({ x: window.snake.xx, y: window.snake.yy }, { x: bot.collisionAngles[i].x, y: bot.collisionAngles[i].y }, '#99ffcc', 2); } } } }, // Checks to see if you are going to collide with anything in the collision detection radius checkCollision: function() { var headCircle = canvasUtil.circle( window.snake.xx, window.snake.yy, bot.speedMult * bot.opt.radiusMult / 2 * bot.snakeRadius ); var fullHeadCircle = canvasUtil.circle( window.snake.xx, window.snake.yy, bot.opt.radiusMult * bot.snakeRadius ); if (window.visualDebugging) { canvasUtil.drawCircle(fullHeadCircle, 'red'); canvasUtil.drawCircle(headCircle, 'blue', false); } bot.getCollisionPoints(); if (bot.collisionPoints.length === 0) return false; for (var i = 0; i < bot.collisionPoints.length; i++) { var collisionCircle = canvasUtil.circle( bot.collisionPoints[i].xx, bot.collisionPoints[i].yy, bot.collisionPoints[i].radius ); if (canvasUtil.circleIntersect(headCircle, collisionCircle)) { window.setAcceleration(bot.defaultAccel); bot.avoidCollisionPoint(bot.collisionPoints[i]); return true; } // snake -1 is special case for non snake object. if (bot.collisionPoints[i].snake !== -1) { var enemyHeadCircle = canvasUtil.circle( window.snakes[bot.collisionPoints[i].snake].xx, window.snakes[bot.collisionPoints[i].snake].yy, bot.collisionPoints[i].radius ); if (canvasUtil.circleIntersect(fullHeadCircle, enemyHeadCircle)) { if (window.snakes[bot.collisionPoints[i].snake].sp > 10) { window.setAcceleration(1); } else { window.setAcceleration(bot.defaultAccel); } bot.avoidHeadPoint({ xx: window.snakes[bot.collisionPoints[i].snake].xx, yy: window.snakes[bot.collisionPoints[i].snake].yy }); return true; } } } window.setAcceleration(bot.defaultAccel); return false; }, sortScore: function(a, b) { return b.score - a.score; }, // Round angle difference up to nearest foodRoundAngle degrees. // Round food up to nearest foodRoundsz, square for distance^2 scoreFood: function(f) { f.score = Math.pow(Math.ceil(f.sz / bot.opt.foodRoundSize) * bot.opt.foodRoundSize, 2) / f.distance / (Math.ceil(f.da / bot.opt.foodRoundAngle) * bot.opt.foodRoundAngle); }, computeFoodGoal: function() { var foodClusters = []; var foodGetIndex = []; var fi = 0; var sw = bot.snakeWidth; for (var i = 0; i < window.foods.length && window.foods[i] !== null; i++) { var a; var da; var distance; var sang = window.snake.ehang; var f = window.foods[i]; if (!f.eaten && !( canvasUtil.circleIntersect( canvasUtil.circle(f.xx, f.yy, 2), bot.sidecircle_l) || canvasUtil.circleIntersect( canvasUtil.circle(f.xx, f.yy, 2), bot.sidecircle_r))) { var cx = Math.round(Math.round(f.xx / sw) * sw); var cy = Math.round(Math.round(f.yy / sw) * sw); var csz = Math.round(f.sz); if (foodGetIndex[cx + '|' + cy] === undefined) { foodGetIndex[cx + '|' + cy] = fi; a = canvasUtil.fastAtan2(cy - window.snake.yy, cx - window.snake.xx); da = Math.min( (2 * Math.PI) - Math.abs(a - sang), Math.abs(a - sang)); distance = Math.round( canvasUtil.getDistance2(cx, cy, window.snake.xx, window.snake.yy)); foodClusters[fi] = { x: cx, y: cy, a: a, da: da, sz: csz, distance: distance, score: 0.0 }; fi++; } else { foodClusters[foodGetIndex[cx + '|' + cy]].sz += csz; } } } foodClusters.forEach(bot.scoreFood); foodClusters.sort(bot.sortScore); for (i = 0; i < foodClusters.length; i++) { var aIndex = bot.getAngleIndex(foodClusters[i].a); if (bot.collisionAngles[aIndex] === undefined || (Math.sqrt(bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].distance) - bot.snakeRadius * bot.opt.radiusMult / 2 > Math.sqrt(foodClusters[i].distance) && foodClusters[i].sz > bot.opt.foodSmallSize) ) { bot.currentFood = foodClusters[i]; return; } } bot.currentFood = { x: bot.MID_X, y: bot.MID_Y }; }, foodAccel: function() { var aIndex = 0; if (bot.currentFood && bot.currentFood.sz > bot.opt.foodAccelSize) { aIndex = bot.getAngleIndex(bot.currentFood.a); if ( bot.collisionAngles[aIndex] && bot.collisionAngles[aIndex].distance > bot.currentFood.distance + bot.snakeWidth * bot.opt.radiusMult && bot.currentFood.da < bot.opt.foodAccelAngle) { return 1; } if (bot.collisionAngles[aIndex] === undefined) { return 1; } } return bot.defaultAccel; }, every: function() { bot.MID_X = window.grd; bot.MID_Y = window.grd; bot.MAP_R = window.grd * 0.98; bot.sectorBoxSide = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(window.sectors.length)) * window.sector_size; bot.sectorBox = canvasUtil.rect( window.snake.xx - (bot.sectorBoxSide / 2), window.snake.yy - (bot.sectorBoxSide / 2), bot.sectorBoxSide, bot.sectorBoxSide); // if (window.visualDebugging) canvasUtil.drawRect(bot.sectorBox, '#c0c0c0', true, 0.1); bot.cos = Math.cos(window.snake.ang); bot.sin = Math.sin(window.snake.ang); bot.speedMult = window.snake.sp / 5.78; bot.snakeRadius = bot.getSnakeWidth() / 2; bot.snakeWidth = bot.getSnakeWidth(); bot.sidecircle_r = canvasUtil.circle( window.snake.lnp.xx - ((window.snake.lnp.yy + bot.sin * bot.snakeWidth) - window.snake.lnp.yy), window.snake.lnp.yy + ((window.snake.lnp.xx + bot.cos * bot.snakeWidth) - window.snake.lnp.xx), bot.snakeWidth * bot.speedMult ); bot.sidecircle_l = canvasUtil.circle( window.snake.lnp.xx + ((window.snake.lnp.yy + bot.sin * bot.snakeWidth) - window.snake.lnp.yy), window.snake.lnp.yy - ((window.snake.lnp.xx + bot.cos * bot.snakeWidth) - window.snake.lnp.xx), bot.snakeWidth * bot.speedMult ); }, // Main bot go: function() { bot.every(); if (bot.checkCollision()) { bot.lookForFood = false; if (bot.foodTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(bot.foodTimeout); bot.foodTimeout = window.setTimeout( bot.foodTimer, 1000 / bot.opt.targetFps * bot.opt.foodFrames); } } else { bot.lookForFood = true; if (bot.foodTimeout === undefined) { bot.foodTimeout = window.setTimeout( bot.foodTimer, 1000 / bot.opt.targetFps * bot.opt.foodFrames); } window.setAcceleration(bot.foodAccel()); } }, // Timer version of food check foodTimer: function() { if (window.playing && bot.lookForFood && window.snake !== null && window.snake.alive_amt === 1) { bot.computeFoodGoal(); window.goalCoordinates = bot.currentFood; canvasUtil.setMouseCoordinates(canvasUtil.mapToMouse(window.goalCoordinates)); } bot.foodTimeout = undefined; } }; })(); var userInterface = window.userInterface = (function() { // Save the original slither.io functions so we can modify them, or reenable them later. var original_keydown = document.onkeydown; var original_onmouseDown = window.onmousedown; var original_oef = window.oef; var original_redraw = window.redraw; var original_onmousemove = window.onmousemove; window.oef = function() {}; window.redraw = function() {}; return { overlays: {}, initOverlays: function() { var botOverlay = document.createElement('div'); botOverlay.style.position = 'fixed'; botOverlay.style.right = '5px'; botOverlay.style.bottom = '112px'; botOverlay.style.width = '150px'; botOverlay.style.height = '85px'; // botOverlay.style.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; botOverlay.style.color = '#C0C0C0'; botOverlay.style.fontFamily = 'Consolas, Verdana'; botOverlay.style.zIndex = 999; botOverlay.style.fontSize = '14px'; botOverlay.style.padding = '5px'; botOverlay.style.borderRadius = '5px'; botOverlay.className = 'nsi'; document.body.appendChild(botOverlay); var serverOverlay = document.createElement('div'); serverOverlay.style.position = 'fixed'; serverOverlay.style.right = '5px'; serverOverlay.style.bottom = '5px'; serverOverlay.style.width = '160px'; serverOverlay.style.height = '14px'; serverOverlay.style.color = '#C0C0C0'; serverOverlay.style.fontFamily = 'Consolas, Verdana'; serverOverlay.style.zIndex = 999; serverOverlay.style.fontSize = '14px'; serverOverlay.className = 'nsi'; document.body.appendChild(serverOverlay); var prefOverlay = document.createElement('div'); prefOverlay.style.position = 'fixed'; prefOverlay.style.left = '10px'; prefOverlay.style.top = '75px'; prefOverlay.style.width = '260px'; prefOverlay.style.height = '210px'; // prefOverlay.style.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; prefOverlay.style.color = '#C0C0C0'; prefOverlay.style.fontFamily = 'Consolas, Verdana'; prefOverlay.style.zIndex = 999; prefOverlay.style.fontSize = '14px'; prefOverlay.style.padding = '5px'; prefOverlay.style.borderRadius = '5px'; prefOverlay.className = 'nsi'; document.body.appendChild(prefOverlay); var statsOverlay = document.createElement('div'); statsOverlay.style.position = 'fixed'; statsOverlay.style.left = '10px'; statsOverlay.style.top = '340px'; statsOverlay.style.width = '140px'; statsOverlay.style.height = '210px'; // statsOverlay.style.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; statsOverlay.style.color = '#C0C0C0'; statsOverlay.style.fontFamily = 'Consolas, Verdana'; statsOverlay.style.zIndex = 998; statsOverlay.style.fontSize = '14px'; statsOverlay.style.padding = '5px'; statsOverlay.style.borderRadius = '5px'; statsOverlay.className = 'nsi'; document.body.appendChild(statsOverlay); userInterface.overlays.botOverlay = botOverlay; userInterface.overlays.serverOverlay = serverOverlay; userInterface.overlays.prefOverlay = prefOverlay; userInterface.overlays.statsOverlay = statsOverlay; }, toggleOverlays: function() { Object.keys(userInterface.overlays).forEach(function(okey) { var oVis = userInterface.overlays[okey].style.visibility !== 'hidden' ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; userInterface.overlays[okey].style.visibility = oVis; window.visualDebugging = oVis === 'visible'; }); }, toggleLeaderboard: function() { window.leaderboard = !window.leaderboard; window.log('Leaderboard set to: ' + window.leaderboard); userInterface.savePreference('leaderboard', window.leaderboard); if (window.leaderboard) { // window.lbh.style.display = 'block'; // window.lbs.style.display = 'block'; // window.lbp.style.display = 'block'; window.lbn.style.display = 'block'; } else { // window.lbh.style.display = 'none'; // window.lbs.style.display = 'none'; // window.lbp.style.display = 'none'; window.lbn.style.display = 'none'; } }, removeLogo: function() { if (typeof window.showlogo_iv !== 'undefined') { window.ncka = window.lgss = window.lga = 1; clearInterval(window.showlogo_iv); showLogo(true); } }, // Save variable to local storage savePreference: function(item, value) { window.localStorage.setItem(item, value); userInterface.onPrefChange(); }, // Load a variable from local storage loadPreference: function(preference, defaultVar) { var savedItem = window.localStorage.getItem(preference); if (savedItem !== null) { if (savedItem === 'true') { window[preference] = true; } else if (savedItem === 'false') { window[preference] = false; } else { window[preference] = savedItem; } window.log('Setting found for ' + preference + ': ' + window[preference]); } else { window[preference] = defaultVar; window.log('No setting found for ' + preference + '. Used default: ' + window[preference]); } userInterface.onPrefChange(); return window[preference]; }, // Saves username when you click on "Play" button playButtonClickListener: function() { userInterface.saveNick(); userInterface.loadPreference('autoRespawn', false); userInterface.onPrefChange(); }, // Preserve nickname saveNick: function() { var nick = document.getElementById('nick').value; userInterface.savePreference('savedNick', nick); }, // Hide top score hideTop: function() { var nsidivs = document.querySelectorAll('div.nsi'); for (var i = 0; i < nsidivs.length; i++) { if (nsidivs[i].style.top === '4px' && nsidivs[i].style.width === '300px') { nsidivs[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; bot.isTopHidden = true; window.topscore = nsidivs[i]; } } }, // Store FPS data framesPerSecond: { fps: 0, fpsTimer: function() { if (window.playing && window.fps && window.lrd_mtm) { if (Date.now() - window.lrd_mtm > 970) { userInterface.framesPerSecond.fps = window.fps; } } } }, onkeydown: function(e) { // Original slither.io onkeydown function + whatever is under it original_keydown(e); if (window.playing) { // Letter `T` to toggle bot if (e.keyCode === 84) { bot.isBotEnabled = !bot.isBotEnabled; } // Letter 'U' to toggle debugging (console) if (e.keyCode === 85) { window.logDebugging = !window.logDebugging; window.log('Log debugging set to: ' + window.logDebugging); userInterface.savePreference('logDebugging', window.logDebugging); } // Letter 'Y' to toggle debugging (visual) if (e.keyCode === 89) { window.visualDebugging = !window.visualDebugging; window.log('Visual debugging set to: ' + window.visualDebugging); userInterface.savePreference('visualDebugging', window.visualDebugging); } // Letter 'G' to toggle leaderboard if (e.keyCode === 71) { userInterface.toggleLeaderboard(!window.leaderboard); } // Letter 'I' to toggle autorespawn if (e.keyCode === 73) { window.autoRespawn = !window.autoRespawn; window.log('Automatic Respawning set to: ' + window.autoRespawn); userInterface.savePreference('autoRespawn', window.autoRespawn); } // Letter 'H' to toggle hidden mode if (e.keyCode === 72) { userInterface.toggleOverlays(); } // Letter 'B' to prompt for a custom background url if (e.keyCode === 66) { var url = prompt('Please enter a background url:'); if (url !== null) { canvasUtil.setBackground(url); } } // Letter 'O' to change rendermode (visual) if (e.keyCode === 79) { userInterface.toggleMobileRendering(!window.mobileRender); } // Letter 'A' to increase collision detection radius if (e.keyCode === 65) { bot.opt.radiusMult++; window.log( 'radiusMult set to: ' + bot.opt.radiusMult); } // Letter 'S' to decrease collision detection radius if (e.keyCode === 83) { if (bot.opt.radiusMult > 1) { bot.opt.radiusMult--; window.log( 'radiusMult set to: ' + bot.opt.radiusMult); } } // Letter 'D' to quick toggle collision radius if (e.keyCode === 68) { if (bot.opt.radiusMult > ((bot.opt.radiusAvoidSize - bot.opt.radiusApproachSize) / 2 + bot.opt.radiusApproachSize)) { bot.opt.radiusMult = bot.opt.radiusApproachSize; } else { bot.opt.radiusMult = bot.opt.radiusAvoidSize; } window.log( 'radiusMult set to: ' + bot.opt.radiusMult); } // Letter 'Z' to reset zoom if (e.keyCode === 90) { canvasUtil.resetZoom(); } // Letter 'Q' to quit to main menu if (e.keyCode === 81) { window.autoRespawn = false; userInterface.quit(); } // 'ESC' to quickly respawn if (e.keyCode === 27) { bot.quickRespawn(); } // Save nickname when you press "Enter" if (e.keyCode === 13) { userInterface.saveNick(); } userInterface.onPrefChange(); } }, onmousedown: function(e) { if (window.playing) { switch (e.which) { // "Left click" to manually speed up the slither case 1: bot.defaultAccel = 1; if (!bot.isBotEnabled) { original_onmouseDown(e); } break; // "Right click" to toggle bot in addition to the letter "T" case 3: bot.isBotEnabled = !bot.isBotEnabled; break; } } else { original_onmouseDown(e); } userInterface.onPrefChange(); }, onmouseup: function() { bot.defaultAccel = 0; }, // Manual mobile rendering toggleMobileRendering: function(mobileRendering) { window.mobileRender = mobileRendering; window.log('Mobile rendering set to: ' + window.mobileRender); userInterface.savePreference('mobileRender', window.mobileRender); // Set render mode if (window.mobileRender) { window.render_mode = 1; window.want_quality = 0; window.high_quality = false; } else { window.render_mode = 2; window.want_quality = 1; window.high_quality = true; } }, // Update stats overlay. updateStats: function() { var oContent = []; var median; if (bot.scores.length === 0) return; median = Math.round((bot.scores[Math.floor((bot.scores.length - 1) / 2)] + bot.scores[Math.ceil((bot.scores.length - 1) / 2)]) / 2); oContent.push('games played: ' + bot.scores.length); oContent.push('a: ' + Math.round( bot.scores.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }) / (bot.scores.length)) + ' m: ' + median); for (var i = 0; i < bot.scores.length && i < 10; i++) { oContent.push(i + 1 + '. ' + bot.scores[i]); } userInterface.overlays.statsOverlay.innerHTML = oContent.join('
'); }, onPrefChange: function() { // Set static display options here. var oContent = []; var ht = userInterface.handleTextColor; oContent.push('version: ' + GM_info.script.version); oContent.push('[T / Right click] bot: ' + ht(bot.isBotEnabled)); oContent.push('[O] mobile rendering: ' + ht(window.mobileRender)); oContent.push('[A/S] radius multiplier: ' + bot.opt.radiusMult); oContent.push('[D] quick radius change ' + bot.opt.radiusApproachSize + '/' + bot.opt.radiusAvoidSize); oContent.push('[I] auto respawn: ' + ht(window.autoRespawn)); oContent.push('[G] leaderboard overlay: ' + ht(window.leaderboard)); oContent.push('[Y] visual debugging: ' + ht(window.visualDebugging)); oContent.push('[U] log debugging: ' + ht(window.logDebugging)); oContent.push('[H] overlays'); oContent.push('[B] change background'); oContent.push('[Mouse Wheel] zoom'); oContent.push('[Z] reset zoom'); oContent.push('[ESC] quick respawn'); oContent.push('[Q] quit to menu'); userInterface.overlays.prefOverlay.innerHTML = oContent.join('
'); }, onFrameUpdate: function() { // Botstatus overlay var oContent = []; if (window.playing && window.snake !== null) { oContent.push('fps: ' + userInterface.framesPerSecond.fps); // Display the X and Y of the snake oContent.push('x: ' + (Math.round(window.snake.xx) || 0) + ' y: ' + (Math.round(window.snake.yy) || 0)); if (window.goalCoordinates) { oContent.push('target'); oContent.push('x: ' + window.goalCoordinates.x + ' y: ' + window.goalCoordinates.y); if (window.goalCoordinates.sz) { oContent.push('sz: ' + window.goalCoordinates.sz); } } if (window.bso !== undefined && userInterface.overlays.serverOverlay.innerHTML !== window.bso.ip + ':' + window.bso.po) { userInterface.overlays.serverOverlay.innerHTML = window.bso.ip + ':' + window.bso.po; } } userInterface.overlays.botOverlay.innerHTML = oContent.join('
'); if (window.playing && window.visualDebugging) { // Only draw the goal when a bot has a goal. if (window.goalCoordinates && bot.isBotEnabled) { var headCoord = { x: window.snake.xx, y: window.snake.yy }; canvasUtil.drawLine( headCoord, window.goalCoordinates, 'green'); canvasUtil.drawCircle(window.goalCoordinates, 'red', true); } } }, oefTimer: function() { var start = Date.now(); canvasUtil.maintainZoom(); original_oef(); original_redraw(); if (window.playing && bot.isBotEnabled && window.snake !== null) { window.onmousemove = function() {}; bot.isBotRunning = true; bot.go(); } else if (bot.isBotEnabled && bot.isBotRunning) { bot.isBotRunning = false; if (window.lastscore && window.lastscore.childNodes[1]) { bot.scores.push(parseInt(window.lastscore.childNodes[1].innerHTML)); bot.scores.sort(function(a, b) { return b - a; }); userInterface.updateStats(); } if (window.autoRespawn) { window.connect(); } } if (!bot.isBotEnabled || !bot.isBotRunning) { window.onmousemove = original_onmousemove; } userInterface.onFrameUpdate(); setTimeout(userInterface.oefTimer, (1000 / bot.opt.targetFps) - (Date.now() - start)); }, // Quit to menu quit: function() { if (window.playing && window.resetGame) { window.want_close_socket = true; window.dead_mtm = 0; if (window.play_btn) { window.play_btn.setEnabled(true); } window.resetGame(); } }, // Update the relation between the screen and the canvas. onresize: function() { window.resize(); // Canvas different size from the screen (often bigger). canvasUtil.canvasRatio = { x: window.mc.width / window.ww, y: window.mc.height / window.hh }; }, // Handles the text color of the bot preferences // enabled = green // disabled = red handleTextColor: function(enabled) { return 'enabled' : 'red;\">disabled') + ''; } }; })(); // Main (function() { window.play_btn.btnf.addEventListener('click', userInterface.playButtonClickListener); document.onkeydown = userInterface.onkeydown; window.onmousedown = userInterface.onmousedown; window.addEventListener('mouseup', userInterface.onmouseup); window.onresize = userInterface.onresize; // Hide top score userInterface.hideTop(); // Overlays userInterface.initOverlays(); // Load preferences userInterface.loadPreference('logDebugging', false); userInterface.loadPreference('visualDebugging', false); userInterface.loadPreference('autoRespawn', false); userInterface.loadPreference('mobileRender', false); userInterface.loadPreference('leaderboard', true); window.nick.value = userInterface.loadPreference('savedNick', 'Slither.io-bot'); // Don't load saved options or apply custom options if // the user wants to use default options if (typeof(customBotOptions.useDefaults) !== 'undefined' && customBotOptions.useDefaults === true) { window.log('Ignoring saved / customised options per user request'); } else { // Load saved options, if any var savedOptions = userInterface.loadPreference('options', null); if (savedOptions !== null) { // If there were saved options // Parse the options and overwrite the default bot options savedOptions = JSON.parse(savedOptions); if (Object.keys(savedOptions).length !== 0 && savedOptions.constructor === Object) { Object.keys(savedOptions).forEach(function(key) { window.bot.opt[key] = savedOptions[key]; }); } window.log('Found saved settings, overwriting default bot options'); } else { window.log('No saved settings, using default bot options'); } // Has the user customised the options? if (Object.keys(customBotOptions).length !== 0 && customBotOptions.constructor === Object) { Object.keys(customBotOptions).forEach(function(key) { window.bot.opt[key] = customBotOptions[key]; }); window.log('Custom settings found, overwriting current bot options'); } } // Save the bot options userInterface.savePreference('options', JSON.stringify(window.bot.opt)); window.log('Saving current bot options'); // Listener for mouse wheel scroll - used for setZoom function document.body.addEventListener('mousewheel', canvasUtil.setZoom); document.body.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', canvasUtil.setZoom); // Set render mode if (window.mobileRender) { userInterface.toggleMobileRendering(true); } else { userInterface.toggleMobileRendering(false); } // Remove laggy logo animation userInterface.removeLogo(); // Unblocks all skins without the need for FB sharing. window.localStorage.setItem('edttsg', '1'); // Remove social window.social.remove(); // Maintain fps setInterval(userInterface.framesPerSecond.fpsTimer, 80); // Start! userInterface.oefTimer(); })();