-- Copyright Erwan Velu 2015 -- This code is under GPL -- -- -- Dependencies: Toolkit Framework (built-in) -- Items to be adjusted local user = "admin" local password = "dsm42support" local player_name = "Yamaha-TV (Airplay)" local ip = "" local port = "5000" local default_volume = 27 -- Don't touch that unless requested local base_url = "http://" .. ip .. ":" .. port .. "/" local player_id = nil local sid = nil local commandTimeOut = 3500 local debug = false local version = "1.0" local release = "rc1" local session_url = "&session=AudioStation" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Toolkit Framework, lua library extention for HC2, hope that it will be useful. -- This Framework is an addon for HC2 Toolkit application in a goal to aid the integration. -- Tested on Lua 5.1 with Fibaro HC2 3.572 beta -- -- Version 1.0.4 [01-13-2014] -- -- Use: Toolkit or Tk shortcut to access Toolkit namespace members. -- -- Example: -- Toolkit:trace("value is %d", 35); or Tk:trace("value is %d", 35); -- Toolkit.assertArg("argument", arg, "string"); or Tk.assertArg("argument", arg, "string"); -- -- current release: http://krikroff77.github.io/Fibaro-HC2-Toolkit-Framework/ -- latest release: https://github.com/Krikroff77/Fibaro-HC2-Toolkit-Framework/releases/latest -- -- Memory is preserved: The code is loaded only the first time in a virtual device -- main loop and reloaded only if application pool restarded. -- -- Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Jean-Christophe Vermandé -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- at your option) any later version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not Toolkit then Toolkit = { __header = "Toolkit", __version = "1.0.4", __luaBase = "5.1.0", __copyright = "Jean-Christophe Vermandé", __licence = [[ Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Jean-Christophe Vermandé This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses></http:>. ]], __frameworkHeader = (function(self) self:traceEx("green", "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"); self:traceEx("green", "-- HC2 Toolkit Framework version %s", self.__version); self:traceEx("green", "-- Current interpreter version is %s", self.getInterpreterVersion()); self:traceEx("green", "-- Total memory in use by Lua: %.2f Kbytes", self.getCurrentMemoryUsed()); self:traceEx("green", "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"); end), -- chars chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", -- hex hex = "0123456789abcdef", -- now(), now("*t", 906000490) -- system date shortcut now = os.date, -- toUnixTimestamp(t) -- t (table) - {year=2013, month=12, day=20, hour=12, min=00, sec=00} -- return Unix timestamp toUnixTimestamp = (function(t) return os.time(t) end), -- fromUnixTimestamp(ts) -- ts (string/integer) - the timestamp -- Example : fromUnixTimestamp(1297694343) -> 02/14/11 15:39:03 fromUnixTimestamp = (function(s) return os.date("%c", ts) end), -- currentTime() -- return current time currentTime = (function() return tonumber(os.date("%H%M%S")) end), -- comparableTime(hour, min, sec) -- hour (string/integer) -- min (string/integer) -- sec (string/integer) comparableTime = (function(hour, min, sec) return tonumber(string.format("%02d%02d%02d", hour, min, sec)) end), -- isTraceEnabled -- (boolean) get or set to enable or disable trace isTraceEnabled = true, -- isAutostartTrigger() isAutostartTrigger = (function() local t = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();return (t["type"]=="autostart") end), -- isOtherTrigger() isOtherTrigger = (function() local t = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();return (t["type"]=="other") end), -- raiseError(message, level) -- message (string) - message -- level (integer) - level raiseError = (function(message, level) error(message, level); end), -- colorSetToRgbwTable(colorSet) -- colorSet (string) - colorSet string -- Example: local r, g, b, w = colorSetToRgbwTable(fibaro:getValue(354, "lastColorSet")); colorSetToRgbw = (function(self, colorSet) self.assertArg("colorSet", colorSet, "string"); local t, i = {}, 1; for v in string.gmatch(colorSet,"(%d+)") do t[i] = v; i = i + 1; end return t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]; end), -- isValidJson(data, raise) -- data (string) - data -- raise (boolean)- true if must raise error -- check if json data is valid isValidJson = (function(self, data, raise) self.assertArg("data", data, "string"); self.assertArg("raise", raise, "boolean"); if (string.len(data)>0) then if (pcall(function () return json.decode(data) end)) then return true; else if (raise) then self.raiseError("invalid json", 2) end; end end return false; end), -- assert_arg(name, value, typeOf) -- (string) name: name of argument -- (various) value: value to check -- (type) typeOf: type used to check argument assertArg = (function(name, value, typeOf) if type(value) ~= typeOf then Tk.raiseError("argument "..name.." must be "..typeOf, 2); end end), -- trace(value, args...) -- (string) value: value to trace (can be a string template if args) -- (various) args: data used with template (in value parameter) trace = (function(self, value, ...) if (self.isTraceEnabled) then if (value~=nil) then return fibaro:debug(string.format(value, ...)); end end end), -- traceEx(value, args...) -- (string) color: color use to display the message (red, green, yellow) -- (string) value: value to trace (can be a string template if args) -- (various) args: data used with template (in value parameter) traceEx = (function(self, color, value, ...) self:trace(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, string.format(value, ...), "span")); end), -- getInterpreterVersion() -- return current lua interpreter version getInterpreterVersion = (function() return _VERSION; end), -- getCurrentMemoryUsed() -- return total current memory in use by lua interpreter getCurrentMemoryUsed = (function() return collectgarbage("count"); end), -- trim(value) -- (string) value: the string to trim trim = (function(s) Tk.assertArg("value", s, "string"); return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")); end), -- isNaN(value) -- return true is NaN or false if not NaN isNaN = (function (x) return x ~= x end), -- filterByPredicate(table, predicate) -- table (table) - table to filter -- predicate (function) - function for predicate -- Description: filter a table using a predicate -- Usage: -- local t = {1,2,3,4,5}; -- local out, n = filterByPredicate(t,function(v) return v.item == true end); -- return out -> {2,4}, n -> 2; filterByPredicate = (function(table, predicate) Tk.assertArg("table", table, "table"); Tk.assertArg("predicate", predicate, "function"); local n, out = 1, {}; for i = 1,#table do local v = table[i]; if (v~=nil) then if predicate(v) then out[n] = v; n = n + 1; end end end return out, #out; end) };Toolkit:__frameworkHeader();Tk=Toolkit; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Toolkit.Net library extention -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest provide http request with advanced functions -- Tested on Lua 5.1 with HC2 3.572 beta -- -- Copyright 2013 Jean-christophe Vermandé -- Thanks to rafal.m for the decodeChunks function used when reponse body is "chunked" -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunked_transfer_encoding -- -- Version 1.0.3 [12-13-2013] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not Toolkit then error("You must add Toolkit", 2) end if not Toolkit.Net then Toolkit.Net = { -- private properties __header = "Toolkit.Net", __version = "1.0.3", __cr = string.char(13), __lf = string.char(10), __crLf = string.char(13, 10), __host = nil, __port = nil, -- private methods __trace = (function(v, ...) if (Toolkit.Net.isTraceEnabled) then Toolkit:trace(v, ...) end end), __writeHeader = (function(socket, data) assert(tostring(data) or data==nil or data=="", "Invalid header found: "..data); local head = tostring(data); socket:write(head..Toolkit.Net.__crLf); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::request > Add header [%s]", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, head); end), __decodeChunks = (function(a) resp = ""; line = "0"; lenline = 0; len = string.len(a); i = 1; while i<=len do c = string.sub(a, i, i); if (lenline==0) then if (c==Toolkit.Net.__lf) then lenline = tonumber(line, 16); if (lenline==null) then lenline = 0; end line = 0; elseif (c==Toolkit.Net.__cr) then lenline = 0; else line = line .. c; end else resp = resp .. c; lenline = lenline - 1; end i = i + 1; end return resp; end), __readHeader = (function(data) if data == nil then error("Couldn't find header"); end local buffer = ""; local headers = {}; local i, len = 1, string.len(data); while i<=len do local a = data:sub(i,i) or ""; local b = data:sub(i+1,i+1) or ""; if (a..b == Toolkit.Net.__crLf) then i = i + 1; table.insert(headers, buffer); buffer = ""; else buffer = buffer..a; end i = i + 1; end return headers; end), __readSocket = (function(socket) local err, len = 0, 1; local buffer, data = "", ""; while (err==0 and len>0) do data, err = socket:read(); len = string.len(data); buffer = buffer..data; end return buffer, err; end), __Http = { __header = "HttpRequest", __version = "1.0.3", __tcpSocket = nil, __timeout = 250, __waitBeforeReadMs = 25, __isConnected = false, __isChunked = false, __url = nil, __method = "GET", __headers = {}, __body = nil, __authorization = nil, -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:setBasicAuthentication(username, password) -- Sets basic credentials for all requests. -- username (string) – credentials username -- password (string) – credentials password setBasicAuthentication = (function(self, username, password) Toolkit.assertArg("username", username, "string"); Toolkit.assertArg("password", password, "string"); --see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication self.__authorization = Toolkit.Crypto.Base64:encode(tostring(username..":"..password)); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:setBasicAuthenticationEncoded(base64String) -- Sets basic credentials already encoded. Avoid direct exposure for information. -- base64String (string) - username and password encoded with base64 setBasicAuthenticationEncoded = (function(self, base64String) Toolkit.assertArg("base64String", base64String, "string"); self.__authorization = base64String; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:setWaitBeforeReadMs(ms) -- Sets ms -- ms (integer) – timeout value in milliseconds setWaitBeforeReadMs = (function(self, ms) Toolkit.assertArg("ms", ms, "integer"); self.__waitBeforeReadMs = ms; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::setWaitBeforeReadMs > set to %d ms", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, ms); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.getWaitBeforeReadMs() -- Returns the value in milliseconds getWaitBeforeReadMs = (function(self) return self.__waitBeforeReadMs; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.setReadTimeout(ms) -- Sets timeout -- ms (integer) – timeout value in milliseconds setReadTimeout = (function(self, ms) Toolkit.assertArg("ms", ms, "number"); self.__timeout = ms; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::setReadTimeout > Timeout set to %d ms", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, ms); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.getReadTimeout() -- Returns the timeout value in milliseconds getReadTimeout = (function(self) return self.__timeout; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:disconnect() -- Disconnect the socket used by httpRequest disconnect = (function(self) self.__tcpSocket:disconnect(); self.__isConnected = false; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::disconnect > Connected: %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, tostring(self.__isConnected)); end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:request(method, uri, headers, body) -- method (string) - method used for the request -- uri (string) - uri used for the request -- headers (table) - headers used for the request (option) -- body (string) - data sent with the request (option) request = (function(self, method, uri, headers, body) -- validation Toolkit.assertArg("method", method, "string"); assert(method=="GET" or method=="POST" or method=="PUT" or method=="DELETE"); assert(uri~=nil or uri==""); self.__isChunked = false; self.__tcpSocket:setReadTimeout(self.__timeout); self.__url = uri; self.__method = method; self.__headers = headers or {}; self.__body = body or nil; --local r = self.__method.." http://"..Toolkit.Net.__host..self.__url.." HTTP/1.1"; --patch 18/12/2013 local r = self.__method.." "..self.__url.." HTTP/1.1"; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::request > %s with method %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, self.__url, self.__method); local p = ""; if (Toolkit.Net.__port~=nil) then p = ":"..tostring(Toolkit.Net.__port); end local h = "Host: "..Toolkit.Net.__host .. p; -- write to socket headers method a host! Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, r); Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, h); -- add headers if needed for i = 1, #self.__headers do Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, self.__headers[i]); end if (self.__authorization~=nil) then Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, "Authorization: Basic "..self.__authorization); end -- add data in body if needed if (self.__body~=nil) then Toolkit.Net.__writeHeader(self.__tcpSocket, "Content-Length: "..string.len(self.__body)); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::request > Body length is %d", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(self.__body)); end self.__tcpSocket:write(Toolkit.Net.__crLf..Toolkit.Net.__crLf); -- write body if (self.__body~=nil) then self.__tcpSocket:write(self.__body); end -- sleep to help process fibaro:sleep(self.__waitBeforeReadMs); -- wait socket reponse local result, err = Toolkit.Net.__readSocket(self.__tcpSocket); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Length of result: %d", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(result)); -- parse data local response, status; local cookie = "hello"; if (string.len(result)>0) then local _flag = string.find(result, Toolkit.Net.__crLf..Toolkit.Net.__crLf); local _rawHeader = string.sub(result, 1, _flag + 2); if (string.len(_rawHeader)) then status = string.sub(_rawHeader, 10, 13); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Status %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, status); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Length of headers reponse %d", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(_rawHeader)); __headers = Toolkit.Net.__readHeader(_rawHeader); for k, v in pairs(__headers) do --Toolkit.Net.__trace("raw #"..k..":"..v) if (string.find(string.lower( v or ""), "chunked")) then self.__isChunked = true; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Transfer-Encoding: chunked", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, string.len(result)); -- Modification pour récupérer le cookie. -- Ofwood Jan 2015 elseif (string.find(string.lower( v or ""), "cookie")) then cookie = string.sub(v, 12) Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::receive > Cookie: %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, cookie); end end end local _rBody = string.sub(result, _flag + 4); --Toolkit.Net.__trace("Length of body reponse: " .. string.len(_rBody)); if (self.__isChunked) then response = Toolkit.Net.__decodeChunks(_rBody); err = 0; else response = _rBody; err = 0; end end -- return budy response return response, status, err, cookie; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest.version() -- Return the version version = (function() return Toolkit.Net.__Http.__version; end), -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest:dispose() -- Try to free memory and resources dispose = (function(self) if (self.__isConnected) then self.__tcpSocket:disconnect(); end self.__tcpSocket = nil; self.__url = nil; self.__headers = nil; self.__body = nil; self.__method = nil; if pcall(function () assert(self.__tcpSocket~=Net.FTcpSocket) end) then Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::dispose > Successfully disposed", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header); end -- make sure all free-able memory is freed collectgarbage("collect"); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s::dispose > Total memory in use by Lua: %.2f Kbytes", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, collectgarbage("count")); end) }, -- Toolkit.Net.isTraceEnabled -- true for activate trace in HC2 debug window isTraceEnabled = false, -- Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest(host, port) -- Give object instance for make http request -- host (string) - host -- port (intager) - port -- Return HttpRequest object HttpRequest = (function(host, port) assert(host~=Toolkit.Net, "Cannot call HttpRequest like that!"); assert(host~=nil, "host invalid input"); assert(port==nil or tonumber(port), "port invalid input"); -- make sure all free-able memory is freed to help process collectgarbage("collect"); Toolkit.Net.__host = host; Toolkit.Net.__port = port; local _c = Toolkit.Net.__Http; _c.__tcpSocket = Net.FTcpSocket(host, port); _c.__isConnected = true; Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s > Total memory in use by Lua: %.2f Kbytes", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, collectgarbage("count")); Toolkit.Net.__trace("%s.%s > Create Session on port: %d, host: %s", Toolkit.Net.__header, Toolkit.Net.__Http.__header, port, host); return _c; end), -- Toolkit.Net.version() version = (function() return Toolkit.Net.__version; end) }; Toolkit:traceEx("red", Toolkit.Net.__header.." loaded in memory..."); -- benchmark code if (Toolkit.Debug) then Toolkit.Debug:benchmark(Toolkit.Net.__header.." lib", "elapsed time: %.3f cpu secs\n", "fragment", true); end; end; function deep_print(tbl) for i, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then deep_print(v) else print(i, v) end end end function do_http_request( args ) --http.request(url [, body]) --http.request{ -- url = string, -- [sink = LTN12 sink,] -- [method = string,] -- [headers = header-table,] -- [source = LTN12 source], -- [step = LTN12 pump step,] -- [proxy = string,] -- [redirect = boolean,] -- [create = function] --} -- -- local resp, r = {}, {} local headers = args.headers; local req_body = args.source; local retry_count = 1; if args.retry then if args.retry == true then retry_count = 3 end end if args.endpoint then local params = "" --if args.method == "POST" and headers == nil then headers = { "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }; if sid ~= nil then headers[2]="Cookie: stay_login=0; id=" .. sid ; end --end if args.method == nil or args.method == "GET" then if args.params then for i, v in pairs(args.params) do params = params .. i .. "=" .. v .. "&" end end end params = string.sub(params, 1, -2) local url = "" -- if params then url = args.endpoint .. "?" .. args.source else url = args.endpoint end url = args.endpoint .. "?" .. args.source if debug == true then fibaro:debug("url = " .. url) fibaro:debug("body = " .. req_body) end local response, status, errorCode, cookie for loop=1,retry_count do local httpClient = Toolkit.Net.HttpRequest(ip, port); httpClient:setReadTimeout(commandTimeOut); -- httpClient:request avec injection de X-Context et du Cookie dans les headers response, status, errorCode, cookie = httpClient:request(args.method, url, headers, args.source); -- disconnect socket and release memory... httpClient:disconnect(); httpClient:dispose(); if (response == nil or response == '') and retry_count > 1 then fibaro:debug("Failed, let's retry " .. loop .."/" .. retry_count) fibaro:sleep(250) else if (debug == true) then fibaro:debug("Returning songs, string length = " .. string.len(response)) end break end end --client, code, headers, status = http.request{url=url, sink=ltn12.sink.table(resp), -- method=args.method or "GET", headers=headers, source=args.source, -- step=args.step, proxy=args.proxy, redirect=args.redirect, create=args.create } r['code'], r['status'], r['response'] = errorCode, status, response else error("endpoint is missing") end return r end function string:split(delimiter) local result = { } local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) while delim_from do table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from , delim_from-1 ) ) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) end table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from ) ) return result end function check_success(response_data) if (string.find(response_data['response'],'"success":true')) then return true; end return false end -- creates string source function source_string(s) if s then local i = 1 return function() local chunk = string.sub(s, i, i+2048-1) i = i + 2048 if chunk ~= "" then return chunk else return nil end end else return nil end end function login() local endpoint="/webapi/auth.cgi" local req_body= "api=SYNO.API.Auth&version=2&method=login&account=" .. user .. "&passwd=" .. password .. session_url.."&format=cookie" local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", size=#req_body, source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("Cannot login to " .. base_url .. "with user=" .. user .. " and password=" .. password) return nil end local sid = nil; if (string.find(response['response'],'"data":')) then sid = string.match(response['response'], '.*sid":"(.*)"}.*'); end if (check_success(response) == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot authentificate on " .. base_url .. "with user=" .. user .. " and password=" .. password .. ""); end return sid end function logout() local endpoint="/webapi/auth.cgi" local req_body= "api=SYNO.API.Auth&version=1&method=logout".. session_url local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("logout: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return false end return check_success(response) end function load_playlist(args) --raw dump : api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=updateplaylist&library=shared&id=00A0DE8F41F8&offset=0&limit=291&play=true&version=2&containers_json=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22playlist%22%2C%22id%22%3A%22playlist_shared_smart%2F1%22%7D%5D playlist = nil if args then if args.playlist then playlist=args.playlist end end if playlist == nil then fibaro:debug("load_playlist: No playlist provided") return false else fibaro:debug("load_playlist: Loading " .. playlist) end local endpoint="/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player.cgi" local req_body="api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=updateplaylist&library=shared&id=" .. player_id .. "&offset=0&limit=8192&play=true&version=2&containers_json=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22playlist%22%2C%22id%22%3A%22playlist_shared_smart%2F"..playlist .."%22%7D%5D" local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body, retry=true} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("load_playlist: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return false end return check_success(response) end function get_random_songs(args) quantity=100 if args then if args.quantity then quantity=args.quantity end end local songs = nil local endpoint="/webapi/AudioStation/song.cgi" -- raw dump : limit=100&method=list&library=shared&api=SYNO.AudioStation.Song&additional=song_tag%2Csong_audio%2Csong_rating&sort_by=random&version=2 local req_body="limit=".. quantity .."&method=list&library=shared&api=SYNO.AudioStation.Song&additional=song_tag,song_audio,song_rating&sort_by=random&version=2" local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body, retry=true} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("add_random_songs: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return songs end local num_songs = 0 for music_id in string.gmatch(response['response'], '"id":"(music_%d+)"') do if num_songs == 0 then songs = music_id else songs = songs .."%2C" .. music_id end num_songs = num_songs + 1 end fibaro:debug("Got " .. num_songs .. " songs from the library") return songs end function get_status() if player_id == nil then return nil end local endpoint="/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player_status.cgi" local req_body="api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayerStatus&method=getstatus&id=" .. player_id .."&additional=song_tag%2Csong_audio%2Csubplayer_volume&version=1" --raw dump local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("get_status: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return nil end if check_success(response) == false then return nil; end return json.decode(response['response']) end function get_playlist_size() local status = get_status() if status then return status.data["playlist_total"] end return -1 end function extract_current_volume(status) if status then return status.data["volume"] end return 0 end function extract_current_title(status) if status then if type(status.data.song) ~= "userdata" then title = status.data.song["title"] if status.data.song.additional.song_tag["artist"] then title = title .. " - " .. status.data.song.additional.song_tag["artist"] end return title end end return "" end function get_current_volume() return extract_current_volume(get_status()) end function delete_playlist() local playlist_size = get_playlist_size() fibaro:debug("delete_playlist: About to delete " .. playlist_size .. " songs from playlist") local endpoint="/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player.cgi" -- raw dump api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=updateplaylist&library=shared&id=00A0DE8F41F8&offset=0&limit=6&play=false&version=2&updated_index=-2 local req_body="api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=updateplaylist&library=shared&id=".. player_id .."&offset=0&limit="..playlist_size .."&play=false&version=2&updated_index=-2" local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("delete_playlist: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return false end return check_success(response) end function add_songs_to_playlist( args ) local playlist_name = "shared" if args.playlist ~= nil then playlist_name = args.playlist end fibaro:debug("Adding songs to " .. playlist_name .." playlist") local endpoint="/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player.cgi" -- raw dump : api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=updateplaylist&library=shared&id=00A0DE8F41F8&offset=0&limit=0&play=true&version=2&songs=music_92991%2Cmusic_101957%2Cmusic_99850%2Cmusic_100946%2Cmusic_94461%2Cmusic_90734%2Cmusic_99190%2Cmusic_93974%2Cmusic_89252%2Cmusic_101838%2Cmusic_96467%2Cmusic_90146%2Cmusic_99114%2Cmusic_105745%2Cmusic_106421%2Cmusic_107979%2Cmusic_101295%2Cmusic_109016%2Cmusic_93710%2Cmusic_106160%2Cmusic_99439%2Cmusic_96890%2Cmusic_104606%2Cmusic_98656%2Cmusic_89201%2Cmusic_95571%2Cmusic_90466%2Cmusic_91366%2Cmusic_103793%2Cmusic_96785%2Cmusic_100434%2Cmusic_103773%2Cmusic_107857%2Cmusic_107255%2Cmusic_91556%2Cmusic_111901%2Cmusic_94906%2Cmusic_98338%2Cmusic_104100%2Cmusic_88904%2Cmusic_91795%2Cmusic_94756%2Cmusic_96072%2Cmusic_105218%2Cmusic_105176%2Cmusic_105580%2Cmusic_96733%2Cmusic_97150%2Cmusic_99861%2Cmusic_97841%2Cmusic_100186%2Cmusic_106705%2Cmusic_98084%2Cmusic_94850%2Cmusic_94248%2Cmusic_107514%2Cmusic_104459%2Cmusic_90621%2Cmusic_105858%2Cmusic_94969%2Cmusic_94280%2Cmusic_101434%2Cmusic_99830%2Cmusic_108921%2Cmusic_97369%2Cmusic_99210%2Cmusic_101400%2Cmusic_88990%2Cmusic_101772%2Cmusic_104251%2Cmusic_103201%2Cmusic_97200%2Cmusic_90398%2Cmusic_89702%2Cmusic_92789%2Cmusic_91109%2Cmusic_100605%2Cmusic_106710%2Cmusic_110166%2Cmusic_103803%2Cmusic_106290%2Cmusic_112508%2Cmusic_97676%2Cmusic_109301%2Cmusic_96993%2Cmusic_94053%2Cmusic_90892%2Cmusic_98786%2Cmusic_95868%2Cmusic_101137%2Cmusic_108098%2Cmusic_106492%2Cmusic_102488%2Cmusic_108661%2Cmusic_91074%2Cmusic_89510%2Cmusic_105946%2Cmusic_104231%2Cmusic_97420%2Cmusic_90727&containers_json=%5B%5D local req_body="api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=updateplaylist&library=" .. playlist_name .. "&id=" .. player_id .. "&offset=0&limit=0&play=true&version=2&songs=".. args.songs .. "&containers_json=%5B%5D" local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("add_songs_to_playlist: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return false end return check_success(response) end function get_playlist() local endpoint="/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player.cgi" -- raw dump api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=getplaylist&id=00A0DE8F41F8&additional=song_tag%2Csong_audio%2Csong_rating&offset=0&limit=8192&version=2 local req_body="api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=getplaylist&id=" .. player_id .. "&additional=song_tag%2Csong_audio%2Csong_rating&offset=0&limit=8192&version=2" local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("get_playlist: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return nil end if (check_success(response) == false) then return nil end return json.decode(response['response']) end function table.val_to_str ( v ) if "string" == type( v ) then v = string.gsub( v, "\n", "\\n" ) if string.match( string.gsub(v,"[^'\"]",""), '^"+$' ) then return "'" .. v .. "'" end return '"' .. string.gsub(v,'"', '\\"' ) .. '"' else return "table" == type( v ) and table.tostring( v ) or tostring( v ) end end function table.key_to_str ( k ) if "string" == type( k ) and string.match( k, "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$" ) then return k else return "[" .. table.val_to_str( k ) .. "]" end end function table.tostring( tbl ) local result, done = {}, {} for k, v in ipairs( tbl ) do table.insert( result, table.val_to_str( v ) ) done[ k ] = true end for k, v in pairs( tbl ) do if not done[ k ] then table.insert( result, table.key_to_str( k ) .. "=" .. table.val_to_str( v ) ) end end return "{" .. table.concat( result, "," ) .. "}" end function find_player_id(lookup_name) local endpoint="/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player.cgi" local req_body="api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=list&version=2" local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("stop: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return nil end players = json.decode(response['response']) if players.data then if players.data.players then for i = 1, #players.data.players do player = players.data.players[i] fibaro:debug("Found player '".. player.name .. "', id = " .. player.id) if string.lower(player.name) == string.lower(lookup_name) then return player.id end end end end return nil end function simple_control(action) local endpoint = "/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player.cgi" local req_body = "api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=control&id=" .. player_id .. "&version=2&action=" .. action -- raw dump : api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=control&id=00A0DE8F41F8&version=2&action=next local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("simple_control(" .. action .. "): Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return false end return check_success(response) end function next_song() fibaro:debug("Getting next song for player " .. player_name ) return simple_control("next") end function previous_song() fibaro:debug("Getting previous song for player " .. player_name ) return simple_control("prev") end function pause() fibaro:debug("Pausing song for player " .. player_name ) return simple_control("pause") end function stop() fibaro:debug("Stopping player " .. player_name ) return simple_control("stop") end function play(position) fibaro:debug("Starting player " .. player_name ) if (position ~= nil) then return simple_control("play&value=" .. position) else return simple_control("play") end end function set_volume( volume ) if volume < 0 then volume = 0 end if volume > 100 then volume = 100 end fibaro:debug("Adjusting volume of " .. player_name .. " to " .. volume .. "%") local endpoint = "/webapi/AudioStation/remote_player.cgi" local req_body = "api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=control&id=" .. player_id .. "&version=2&action=set_volume&value=" .. volume --raw dump : api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&method=control&id=00A0DE8F41F8&version=2&action=set_volume&value=36 local response = do_http_request{endpoint=endpoint, method="GET", source=req_body} if (tonumber(response['status']) ~= 200) then fibaro:debug("set_volume: Cannot communicate with " .. base_url ) return false end return check_success(response) end local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end function stream_random_songs(args) songs = get_random_songs{quantity=args.quantity} if (songs == nil) then fibaro:debug("Cannot add random songs !") return end if (delete_playlist() == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot delete playlist") return end if (add_songs_to_playlist{songs=songs} == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot add songs to playlist") return end if (stop() == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot stop music !") return end if (play(0) == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot play music !") return end end function stream_playlist(args) if load_playlist(args) == false then fibaro:debug("Cannot load playlist !") return end if (stop() == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot stop music !") return end if (play(0) == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot play music !") return end end function connect() -- Before reconnecting, let's be sure the previous sessions are killed logout() sid=login() if (sid == nil) then fibaro:debug("Cannot find a valid SID in the response"); return false end fibaro:debug("### Connected to DSAudio with user " .. user .. " ! ###"); player_id = find_player_id(player_name) if player_id == nil then fibaro:debug("Cannot find any player matching '".. player_name .. "', Exiting !") return false end fibaro:debug("Using player " .. player_name) return true end fibaro:debug("<< DSAudio plugin version " .. version .. "-" .. release .. " by Erwan Velu >>") fibaro:debug("<< Download the latest version at https://github.com/ErwanAliasr1/hc2-addons >>") fibaro:debug("<< Enjoy ! >>") fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") if (fibaro:getGlobalValue("DSAudio_Control") ~= "nop") then fibaro:debug("Please create a DSAudio_Control global variable, Exiting !") return end if connect() == true then fibaro:debug("Entering main loop") local current_volume = 0 while true do local control = fibaro:getGlobalValue("DSAudio_Control") if control == "play" then fibaro:debug('Received Play request') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") play() else if control == "stop" then fibaro:debug('Received Stop request') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") stop() else if control == "pause" then fibaro:debug('Received Pause request') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "pause") pause() else if control == "previous" then fibaro:debug('Received Previous request') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") previous_song() else if control == "next" then fibaro:debug('Received Next request') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") next_song() else if string.match(control, "volume_%d+") then fibaro:debug('Received Volume request') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") current_volume = tonumber(string.match(control, "volume_(%d+)")) set_volume(current_volume) else if control == "random" then fibaro:debug('Received Random request') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") stream_random_songs{quantity=75} else if string.match(control,"playlist_") then playlist = string.match(control,'playlist_(.*)') fibaro:debug('Received playlist request (' .. playlist .. ')') fibaro:setGlobal("DSAudio_Control", "nop") stream_playlist{playlist=playlist} end end end end end end end end -- Did we got another action since ? -- If so, let's handle it right now control = fibaro:getGlobalValue("DSAudio_Control") if (control == "nop") then -- Nothing required, don't flood NAS with get_status() fibaro:sleep(250) current_status = get_status() if current_status == nil then fibaro:debug("Lost link with DSAudio, trying to reconnect") connect() else fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.label_3_4.value", extract_current_title(current_status)) new_volume = extract_current_volume(current_status) if new_volume >= 0 then if new_volume ~= current_volume then fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.slider_1_1.value", new_volume) current_volume = new_volume end end end end end -- If you put that code in a slider, just use the following --set_volume(_sliderValue_) -- If you put that code in a set of buttons, just use the following: -- stop() -- previous_song() -- next_song() -- pause() -- play() -- set_volume(default_volume) -- stream_random_songs{quantity=75} end if (logout() == false) then fibaro:debug("Cannot logout properly") else fibaro:debug("No more connected with DSAudio") end