#target photoshop app.bringToFront(); // https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts/tree/master/photoshop // This script exports Adobe Photoshop layers as individual PNGs. It also // writes a JSON file which can be imported into Spine where the images // will be displayed in the same positions and draw order. // Copyright (c) 2012-2022, Esoteric Software // All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Esoteric Software nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. var scriptVersion = "7.40"; // This is incremented every time the script is modified, so you know if you have the latest. var revealAll = false; // Set to true to enlarge the canvas so layers are not cropped. var legacyJson = true; // Set to false to output the newer Spine JSON format. var cs2 = parseInt(app.version) < 10, cID = charIDToTypeID, sID = stringIDToTypeID, tID = typeIDToStringID; var originalDoc, settings, progress, cancel, errors, lastLayerName; try { originalDoc = activeDocument; } catch (ignored) {} var defaultSettings = { ignoreHiddenLayers: false, ignoreBackground: true, writeTemplate: false, writeJson: true, trimWhitespace: true, selectionOnly: false, scale: 1, padding: 1, imagesDir: "./images/", jsonPath: "./", }; loadSettings(); function run () { showProgress(); var selectedLayers; if (settings.selectionOnly) { selectedLayers = getSelectedLayers(); if (!selectedLayers.length) { alert("At least one layer must be selected when \"Selection only\" is checked."); return; } } errors = []; // Output dirs. var jsonFile = new File(jsonPath(settings.jsonPath)); jsonFile.parent.create(); var imagesDir = absolutePath(settings.imagesDir); var imagesFolder = new Folder(imagesDir); imagesFolder.create(); var docWidth = originalDoc.width.as("px"), docHeight = originalDoc.height.as("px"); var xOffSet = rulerOrigin("H"), yOffSet = rulerOrigin("V"); try { deleteDocumentAncestorsMetadata(); } catch (ignored) {} originalDoc.duplicate(); deselectLayers(); if (revealAll) activeDocument.revealAll(); try { convertToRGB(); } catch (ignored) {} if (activeDocument.mode != DocumentMode.RGB) { alert("Please change the image mode to RGB color."); return; } // Output template image. if (settings.writeTemplate) { if (settings.scale != 1) { storeHistory(); scaleImage(settings.scale); } var file = new File(imagesDir + "template.png"); if (file.exists) file.remove(); savePNG(file); if (settings.scale != 1) restoreHistory(); } if (!settings.jsonPath && !settings.imagesDir) return; rasterizeAll(); // Add a history item to prevent layer visibility from changing by the active layer being reset to the top. var topLayer = activeDocument.artLayers.add(); topLayer.name = "Collecting layers..."; // Collect and hide layers. var rootLayers = [], layers = []; var context = { first: hasBackgroundLayer() ? 0 : 1, index: getLayerCount() - 1, total: 0 }; initializeLayers(context, selectedLayers, null, rootLayers); showProgress("Collecting layers...", context.total); collectLayers(rootLayers, layers, []); // Store the bones, slot names, and layers for each skin. var bones = { _root: { name: "root", x: 0, y: 0, children: [] } }; var slots = {}, slotsCount = 0; var skins = { _default: [] }, skinsCount = 0; var skinDuplicates = {}; var totalLayerCount = 0; outer: for (var i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cancel) return; var layer = layers[i]; var name = stripTags(layer.name).replace(/.png$/, ""); name = name.replace(/[\\:"*?<>|]/g, "").replace(/^\.+$/, "").replace(/^__drag$/, ""); // Illegal. name = layer.applyNamePatterns(name); if (!name) continue; name = name.replace(/^(con|prn|aux|nul|com[0-9]|lpt[0-9])(\..*)?$/i, ""); // Windows. if (!name || name.length > 255) { error("Layer name is not a valid attachment name:\n\n" + layer.name); continue; } var folderPath = layer.folders(""); if (startsWith(name, "/")) { name = name.substring(1); layer.attachmentName = name; } else layer.attachmentName = folderPath + name; layer.attachmentPath = layer.findTagValue("path:"); if (!layer.attachmentPath) layer.attachmentPath = layer.attachmentName; else if (startsWith(layer.attachmentPath, "/")) layer.attachmentPath = layer.attachmentPath.substring(1); else layer.attachmentPath = folderPath + layer.attachmentPath; var scale = layer.findTagValue("scale:"); if (!scale) scale = 1; layer.scale = parseFloat(scale); if (isNaN(layer.scale)) error("Invalid scale " + scale + ":\n\n" + layer.path()); var bone = null, boneLayer = layer.findTagLayer("bone"); if (boneLayer) { var parent = boneLayer.getParentBone(bones); var boneName = boneLayer.findTagValue("bone"); bone = get(bones, boneName); if (bone) { if (parent != bone.parent) { error("Multiple layers for the \"" + boneName + "\" bone have different parent bones:\n\n" + bone.layer.path() + "\n" + boneLayer.path()); continue; } } else { set(bones, boneName, bone = { name: boneName, parent: parent, children: [], layer: boneLayer }); parent.children.push(bone); } layer.updateBounds(); bone.x = layer.left * settings.scale - settings.padding; bone.x += layer.width * settings.scale / 2 + settings.padding; bone.y = layer.bottom * settings.scale + settings.padding; bone.y -= layer.height * settings.scale / 2 + settings.padding; bone.y = docHeight * settings.scale - bone.y; // Make relative to the Photoshop document ruler origin. bone.x -= xOffSet * settings.scale; bone.y -= (docHeight - yOffSet) * settings.scale; } var skinName = null; var skinLayer = layer.findTagLayer("skin"); if (skinLayer) { skinName = skinLayer.getTagValue("skin"); if (startsWith(skinName, "/")) skinName = skinName.substring(1); else if (skinLayer.parent) skinName = skinLayer.parent.folders("") + skinName; if (skinName && skinName.toLowerCase() == "default") { error("The skin name \"default\" is reserved:\n\n" + layer.path() + "\n\nPlease use a different name."); continue; } } if (!skinName) skinName = "default"; layer.skinName = skinName; if (skinName == "default") layer.placeholderName = layer.attachmentName; else if (!startsWith(layer.attachmentName, skinName + "/")) { // Should never happen. error("Expected attachment name \"" + layer.attachmentName + "\" to start with skin name: " + skinName + "/"); continue; } else layer.placeholderName = layer.attachmentName.substring(skinName.length + 1); layer.mesh = layer.findTagValue("mesh", true); layer.slotName = layer.findTagValue("slot") || name; var slot = get(slots, layer.slotName); if (!slot) { slotsCount++; set(slots, layer.slotName, slot = { bone: bone, attachment: layer.wasVisible ? layer.placeholderName : null, placeholders: {}, attachments: false, layers: {} }); } else if (!slot.attachment && layer.wasVisible) slot.attachment = layer.placeholderName; set(slot.layers, layer.attachmentName, layer); if (layer.blendMode == "linearDodge") slot.blend = "additive"; else if (layer.blendMode == "multiply") slot.blend = "multiply"; else if (layer.blendMode == "screen") slot.blend = "screen"; var placeholders = get(slot.placeholders, skinName); if (!placeholders) set(slot.placeholders, skinName, placeholders = {}); else { var existing = get(placeholders, layer.placeholderName); if (existing) { // Skin has duplicate placeholders. var key = layer.slotName + "|^`" + skinName; remove(skinDuplicates, key, existing); add(skinDuplicates, key, existing); add(skinDuplicates, key, layer); } } set(placeholders, layer.placeholderName, layer); var skinSlots = get(skins, skinName); if (!skinSlots) { set(skins, skinName, skinSlots = {}); skinsCount++; } add(skinSlots, layer.slotName, layer); totalLayerCount++; } // Error if a skin has multiple skin placeholders with the same name. for (var key in skinDuplicates) { if (!skinDuplicates.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; var layers = skinDuplicates[key]; var message = "Multiple layers for the \"" + layers[0].skinName + "\" skin in the \"" + layers[0].slotName + "\" slot have the same name \"" + layers[0].placeholderName + "\":\n"; for (var i = 0, n = layers.length; i < n; i++) message += "\n" + layers[i].path(); error(message + "\n\nRename or use the [ignore] tag for these layers."); } var slotDuplicates = {}; for (var slotName in slots) { if (!slots.hasOwnProperty(slotName)) continue; var slot = slots[slotName]; // Error if a source mesh isn't found in the same slot. var layers = slot.layers; for (var attachmentName in layers) { if (!layers.hasOwnProperty(attachmentName)) continue; var layer = layers[attachmentName]; if (!layer.mesh) continue; if (layer.mesh === true) continue; var source = get(layers, layer.mesh); if (!source) { error("Source mesh \"" + layer.mesh + "\" not found in slot \"" + stripName(slotName) + "\":\n\n" + layer.path() + "\n\nPrepend the skin name, if any. For example:\nskinName/" + layer.mesh); continue; } if (!source.mesh) { error("Layer \"" + source.path() + "\" is not a mesh:\n\n" + layer.path()); continue; } layer.mesh = source; } // Error if a skin placeholder has the same name as a default skin attachment. var defaultPlaceholders = get(slot.placeholders, "default"); if (!defaultPlaceholders) continue; for (var skinName in slot.placeholders) { if (!slot.placeholders.hasOwnProperty(skinName)) continue; var placeholders = slot.placeholders[skinName]; if (stripName(skinName) == "default") continue; for (var placeholderName in placeholders) { if (!placeholders.hasOwnProperty(placeholderName)) continue; var existing = get(defaultPlaceholders, stripName(placeholderName)); if (existing) { var layer = placeholders[placeholderName]; remove(slotDuplicates, layer.slotName, existing); add(slotDuplicates, layer.slotName, existing); add(slotDuplicates, layer.slotName, layer); } } } } for (var slotName in slotDuplicates) { if (!slotDuplicates.hasOwnProperty(slotName)) continue; var layers = slotDuplicates[slotName]; var message = "Multiple layers for the \"" + layers[0].slotName + "\" slot have the same name \"" + layers[0].placeholderName + "\":\n"; for (var i = 0, n = layers.length; i < n; i++) message += "\n" + layers[i].path(); error(message + "\n\nRename or use the [ignore] tag for these layers."); } var n = errors.length; if (n) { var first = errors[0]; var file = null; if (n > 1) { try { var all = ""; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) all += "---\n"; all += errors[i].replace(/\n\n/g, "\n") + "\n"; } file = new File(jsonFile.parent + "/errors.txt"); file.parent.create(); file.encoding = "UTF-8"; file.remove(); file.open("w", "TEXT"); file.lineFeed = "\n"; file.write(all); file.close(); if (n == 2) first += "\n\nSee errors.txt for 1 additional error."; else first += "\n\nSee errors.txt for " + (n - 1) + " additional errors."; } catch (e) { if (n == 2) first += "\n\nUnable to write 1 additional error to errors.text.\n"+e; else first += "\n\nUnable to write " + (n - 1) + " additional errors to errors.txt.\n"+e; } } alert(first); if (file) file.execute(); return; } // Add a history item to prevent layer visibility from changing by restoreHistory. topLayer.name = "Processing layers..."; showProgress("Processing layers...", totalLayerCount); // Output skins. var jsonSkins = "", layerCount = 0, writeImages = settings.imagesDir, tabs = legacyJson ? '\t\t' : '\t\t\t'; for (var skinName in skins) { if (!skins.hasOwnProperty(skinName)) continue; var skinSlots = skins[skinName]; skinName = stripName(skinName); var jsonSkin = ""; for (var slotName in skinSlots) { if (!skinSlots.hasOwnProperty(slotName)) continue; var slot = slots[slotName]; var bone = slot.bone; var skinLayers = skinSlots[slotName]; slotName = stripName(slotName); var jsonSlot = ""; for (var i = skinLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { layerCount++; var layer = skinLayers[i]; layer.show(); incrProgress(layer.name); if (cancel) return; var attachmentName = layer.attachmentName, attachmentPath = layer.attachmentPath, placeholderName = layer.placeholderName, mesh = layer.mesh; var scale = layer.scale, overlays = layer.overlays; var trim = layer.findTagValue("trim"); if (trim != null) trim = trim != "false"; else trim = settings.trimWhitespace; if (layer.isGroup) { layer.select(); merge(); layer = new Layer(layer.id, layer.parent, layer.selected); } layer.rasterizeStyles(); for (var ii = 0, nn = overlays.length; ii < nn; ii++) { var overlay = overlays[ii]; overlay.moveAbove(layer); overlay.setClippingMask(true); overlay.show(); } var bounds = mesh && mesh != true ? mesh : layer; bounds.updateBounds(); if (!bounds.width || !bounds.height) { layer.hide(); continue; } slot.attachments = true; if (writeImages) storeHistory(); var x, y, width, height, docHeightCropped; if (trim) { x = bounds.left; y = bounds.top; width = bounds.width; height = bounds.height; activeDocument.crop([x - xOffSet, y - yOffSet, bounds.right - xOffSet, bounds.bottom - yOffSet], 0, width, height); x *= settings.scale; y *= settings.scale; docHeightCropped = height; } else { x = 0; y = 0; width = docWidth; height = docHeightCropped = docHeight; } width = width * settings.scale + settings.padding * 2; height = height * settings.scale + settings.padding * 2; // Save image. if (writeImages) { scaleImage(settings.scale * scale); if (settings.padding > 0) activeDocument.resizeCanvas(width * scale, height * scale, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); var file = new File(imagesDir + attachmentPath + ".png"); file.parent.create(); savePNG(file); restoreHistory(); } if (layerCount < totalLayerCount) layer.hide(); var center = mesh ? 0 : 0.5; x += Math.round(width) * center - settings.padding; y = docHeightCropped - (y + Math.round(height) * center - settings.padding); width = Math.round(width * scale); height = Math.round(height * scale); // Make relative to the Photoshop document ruler origin. x -= xOffSet * settings.scale; y -= docHeightCropped - yOffSet * settings.scale; if (bone) { // Make relative to parent bone. x -= bone.x; y -= bone.y; } var json = "\t" + tabs + quote(placeholderName) + ': { '; if (attachmentName != placeholderName) json += '"name": ' + quote(attachmentName) + ', '; if (attachmentName != attachmentPath) json += '"path": ' + quote(attachmentPath) + ', '; if (mesh) { if (mesh === true) json += '"type": "mesh", '; else { json += '"type": "linkedmesh", "parent": "' + mesh.placeholderName + '", '; if (mesh.skinName) json += '"skin": "' + mesh.skinName + '", '; } json += '"width": ' + width + ', "height": ' + height + ', "vertices": [ '; json += (x + width) + ', ' + (y - height) + ', '; json += x + ', ' + (y - height) + ', '; json += x + ', ' + y + ', '; json += (x + width) + ', ' + y + ' ], "uvs": [ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], "triangles": [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0 ], "hull": 4, "edges": [ 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 0, 6 ]'; } else { json += '"x": ' + x + ', "y": ' + y + ', "width": ' + width + ', "height": ' + height; if (scale != 1) json += ', "scaleX": ' + (1 / scale) + ', "scaleY": ' + (1 / scale); } json += ' },\n'; jsonSlot += json; } if (jsonSlot) jsonSkin += tabs + quote(slotName) + ': {\n' + jsonSlot.substring(0, jsonSlot.length - 2) + '\n' + tabs + '\},\n'; } if (jsonSkin) { if (legacyJson) jsonSkins += '\t"' + skinName + '": {\n' + jsonSkin.substring(0, jsonSkin.length - 2) + '\n\t},\n'; else jsonSkins += '\t{\n\t\t"name": ' + quote(skinName) + ',\n\t\t"attachments": {\n' + jsonSkin.substring(0, jsonSkin.length - 2) + '\n\t\t}\n\t},\n'; } } lastLayerName = null; activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); // Output skeleton. var json = '{ "skeleton": { "images": "' + imagesDir + '" },\n'; json += '"PhotoshopToSpine": { "scale": ' + settings.scale + ', "padding": ' + settings.padding + ', "trim": ' + settings.trimWhitespace + ' },\n'; json += '"bones": [\n'; // Output bones. function outputBone (bone) { var json = bone.parent ? ',\n' : ''; json += '\t{ "name": ' + quote(bone.name); var x = bone.x, y = bone.y; if (bone.parent) { x -= bone.parent.x; y -= bone.parent.y; json += ', "parent": ' + quote(bone.parent.name); } if (x) json += ', "x": ' + x; if (y) json += ', "y": ' + y; json += ' }'; for (var i = 0, n = bone.children.length; i < n; i++) json += outputBone(bone.children[i]); return json; } for (var boneName in bones) { if (cancel) return; if (!bones.hasOwnProperty(boneName)) continue; var bone = bones[boneName]; if (!bone.parent) json += outputBone(bone); } json += '\n],\n"slots": [\n'; // Output slots. var slotIndex = 0; for (var slotName in slots) { if (cancel) return; if (!slots.hasOwnProperty(slotName)) continue; var slot = slots[slotName]; if (!slot.attachments) continue; slotName = stripName(slotName); json += '\t{ "name": ' + quote(slotName) + ', "bone": ' + quote(slot.bone ? slot.bone.name : "root"); if (slot.attachment) json += ', "attachment": ' + quote(slot.attachment); if (slot.blend) json += ', "blend": ' + quote(slot.blend); json += ' }'; slotIndex++; json += slotIndex < slotsCount ? ',\n' : '\n'; } json += '],\n'; if (jsonSkins) { if (legacyJson) json += '"skins": {\n' + jsonSkins.substring(0, jsonSkins.length - 2) + '\n},\n'; else json += '"skins": [\n' + jsonSkins.substring(0, jsonSkins.length - 2) + '\n],\n'; } json += '"animations": { "animation": {} }\n}'; // Output JSON file. if (settings.writeJson && settings.jsonPath) { if (cancel) return; jsonFile.encoding = "UTF-8"; jsonFile.remove(); jsonFile.open("w", "TEXT"); jsonFile.lineFeed = "\n"; jsonFile.write(json); jsonFile.close(); } } // Settings dialog: function showSettingsDialog () { if (parseInt(app.version) < 9) { alert("Photoshop CS2 or later is required."); return; } if (!originalDoc) { alert("Please open a document before running the PhotoshopToSpine script."); return; } try { decodeURI(activeDocument.path); } catch (e) { alert("Please save the document before running the PhotoshopToSpine script."); return; } // Layout. var dialog, group; try { dialog = new Window("dialog", "PhotoshopToSpine v" + scriptVersion); } catch (e) { throw new Error("\n\nScript is unable to create a Window. Your Photoshop installation may be broken and may need to be reinstalled.\n\n" + e.message); } dialog.alignChildren = "fill"; try { dialog.add("image", undefined, new File(scriptDir() + "logo.png")); } catch (ignored) {} var settingsGroup = dialog.add("panel", undefined, "Settings"); settingsGroup.margins = [10,15,10,10]; settingsGroup.alignChildren = "fill"; var checkboxGroup = settingsGroup.add("group"); checkboxGroup.alignChildren = ["left", ""]; checkboxGroup.orientation = "row"; group = checkboxGroup.add("group"); group.orientation = "column"; group.alignChildren = ["left", ""]; var ignoreHiddenLayersCheckbox = group.add("checkbox", undefined, " Ignore hidden layers"); ignoreHiddenLayersCheckbox.value = settings.ignoreHiddenLayers; var ignoreBackgroundCheckbox = group.add("checkbox", undefined, " Ignore background layer"); ignoreBackgroundCheckbox.value = settings.ignoreBackground; var trimWhitespaceCheckbox = group.add("checkbox", undefined, " Trim whitespace"); trimWhitespaceCheckbox.value = settings.trimWhitespace; group = checkboxGroup.add("group"); group.orientation = "column"; group.alignChildren = ["left", ""]; group.alignment = ["", "top"]; var writeJsonCheckbox = group.add("checkbox", undefined, " Write Spine JSON"); writeJsonCheckbox.value = settings.writeJson; var writeTemplateCheckbox = group.add("checkbox", undefined, " Write template image"); writeTemplateCheckbox.value = settings.writeTemplate; var selectionOnlyCheckbox = group.add("checkbox", undefined, " Selection only"); selectionOnlyCheckbox.value = settings.selectionOnly; var scaleText, paddingText, scaleSlider, paddingSlider; if (!cs2) { var slidersGroup = settingsGroup.add("group"); group = slidersGroup.add("group"); group.orientation = "column"; group.alignChildren = ["right", ""]; group.add("statictext", undefined, "Scale:"); group.add("statictext", undefined, "Padding:"); group = slidersGroup.add("group"); group.orientation = "column"; scaleText = group.add("edittext", undefined, settings.scale * 100); scaleText.characters = 4; paddingText = group.add("edittext", undefined, settings.padding); paddingText.characters = 4; group = slidersGroup.add("group"); group.orientation = "column"; group.add("statictext", undefined, "%"); group.add("statictext", undefined, "px"); group = slidersGroup.add("group"); group.orientation = "column"; group.alignChildren = ["fill", ""]; group.alignment = ["fill", ""]; scaleSlider = group.add("slider", undefined, settings.scale * 100, 1, 400); paddingSlider = group.add("slider", undefined, settings.padding, 0, 4); } else { group = settingsGroup.add("group"); group.add("statictext", undefined, "Scale:"); scaleText = group.add("edittext", undefined, settings.scale * 100); scaleText.preferredSize.width = 50; scaleSlider = settingsGroup.add("slider", undefined, settings.scale * 100, 1, 400); group = settingsGroup.add("group"); group.add("statictext", undefined, "Padding:"); paddingText = group.add("edittext", undefined, settings.padding); paddingText.preferredSize.width = 50; paddingSlider = settingsGroup.add("slider", undefined, settings.padding, 0, 4); } if (cs2) { ignoreHiddenLayersCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 150; ignoreBackgroundCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 150; trimWhitespaceCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 150; writeJsonCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 150; writeTemplateCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 150; selectionOnlyCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 150; } var outputPathGroup = dialog.add("panel", undefined, "Output Paths"); outputPathGroup.alignChildren = ["fill", ""]; outputPathGroup.margins = [10,15,10,10]; var imagesDirText, imagesDirPreview, jsonPathText, jsonPathPreview; if (!cs2) { var textGroup = outputPathGroup.add("group"); textGroup.orientation = "column"; textGroup.alignChildren = ["fill", ""]; group = textGroup.add("group"); group.add("statictext", undefined, "Images:"); imagesDirText = group.add("edittext", undefined, settings.imagesDir); imagesDirText.alignment = ["fill", ""]; imagesDirPreview = textGroup.add("statictext", undefined, ""); imagesDirPreview.maximumSize.width = 260; group = textGroup.add("group"); var jsonLabel = group.add("statictext", undefined, "JSON:"); jsonLabel.justify = "right"; jsonLabel.minimumSize.width = 41; jsonPathText = group.add("edittext", undefined, settings.jsonPath); jsonPathText.alignment = ["fill", ""]; jsonPathPreview = textGroup.add("statictext", undefined, ""); jsonPathPreview.maximumSize.width = 260; } else { outputPathGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Images:"); imagesDirText = outputPathGroup.add("edittext", undefined, settings.imagesDir); imagesDirText.alignment = "fill"; outputPathGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "JSON:"); jsonPathText = outputPathGroup.add("edittext", undefined, settings.jsonPath); jsonPathText.alignment = "fill"; } var buttonGroup = dialog.add("group"); var helpButton; if (!cs2) helpButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Help"); group = buttonGroup.add("group"); group.alignment = ["fill", ""]; group.alignChildren = ["right", ""]; var runButton = group.add("button", undefined, "OK"); var cancelButton = group.add("button", undefined, "Cancel"); // Tooltips. writeTemplateCheckbox.helpTip = "When checked, a PNG is written for the currently visible layers."; writeJsonCheckbox.helpTip = "When checked, a Spine JSON file is written."; trimWhitespaceCheckbox.helpTip = "When checked, blank pixels around the edges of each image are removed."; selectionOnlyCheckbox.helpTip = "When checked, only the selected items are processed."; scaleSlider.helpTip = "Scales the PNG files. Useful when using higher resolution art in Photoshop than in Spine."; paddingSlider.helpTip = "Blank pixels around the edge of each image. Can avoid aliasing artifacts for opaque pixels along the image edge."; imagesDirText.helpTip = "The folder to write PNGs. Begin with \"./\" to be relative to the PSD file. Blank to disable writing PNGs."; jsonPathText.helpTip = "Output JSON file if ending with \".json\", else the folder to write the JSON file. Begin with \"./\" to be relative to the PSD file. Blank to disable writing a JSON file."; // Events. scaleText.onChanging = function () { scaleSlider.value = scaleText.text; }; scaleSlider.onChanging = function () { scaleText.text = Math.round(scaleSlider.value); }; paddingText.onChanging = function () { paddingSlider.value = paddingText.text; }; paddingSlider.onChanging = function () { paddingText.text = Math.round(paddingSlider.value); }; cancelButton.onClick = function () { cancel = true; dialog.close(); return; }; if (!cs2) helpButton.onClick = showHelpDialog; jsonPathText.onChanging = function () { var text = jsonPathText.text ? jsonPath(jsonPathText.text) : ""; if (!cs2) { jsonPathPreview.text = text; jsonPathPreview.helpTip = text; } else jsonPathText.helpTip = text; }; imagesDirText.onChanging = function () { var text = imagesDirText.text ? absolutePath(imagesDirText.text) : ""; if (!cs2) { imagesDirPreview.text = text; imagesDirPreview.helpTip = text; } else imagesDirText.helpTip = text; }; // Run now. jsonPathText.onChanging(); imagesDirText.onChanging(); function updateSettings () { settings.ignoreHiddenLayers = ignoreHiddenLayersCheckbox.value; settings.ignoreBackground = ignoreBackgroundCheckbox.value; settings.writeTemplate = writeTemplateCheckbox.value; settings.writeJson = writeJsonCheckbox.value; settings.trimWhitespace = trimWhitespaceCheckbox.value; settings.selectionOnly = selectionOnlyCheckbox.value; var scaleValue = parseFloat(scaleText.text); if (scaleValue > 0 && scaleValue <= 400) settings.scale = scaleValue / 100; settings.imagesDir = imagesDirText.text; settings.jsonPath = jsonPathText.text; var paddingValue = parseInt(paddingText.text); if (paddingValue >= 0) settings.padding = paddingValue; } runButton.onClick = function () { if (scaleText.text <= 0 || scaleText.text > 400) { alert("Scale must be between > 0 and <= 400."); return; } if (paddingText.text < 0) { alert("Padding must be >= 0."); return; } updateSettings(); saveSettings(); ignoreHiddenLayersCheckbox.enabled = false; ignoreBackgroundCheckbox.enabled = false; writeTemplateCheckbox.enabled = false; writeJsonCheckbox.enabled = false; trimWhitespaceCheckbox.enabled = false; selectionOnlyCheckbox.enabled = false; scaleText.enabled = false; scaleSlider.enabled = false; paddingText.enabled = false; paddingSlider.enabled = false; imagesDirText.enabled = false; jsonPathText.enabled = false; if (!cs2) helpButton.enabled = false; runButton.enabled = false; cancelButton.enabled = false; var rulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits; app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; try { //var start = new Date().getTime(); run(); //alert((new Date().getTime() - start) / 1000 + "s"); } catch (e) { if (e.message == "User cancelled the operation") return; var layerMessage = lastLayerName ? "[layer " + lastLayerName + "] " : ""; alert("An unexpected error has occurred:\n\n" + layerMessage + "[line: " + e.line + "] " + e.message + "\n\nTo debug, run the PhotoshopToSpine script using Adobe ExtendScript with \"Debug > Do not break on guarded exceptions\" unchecked.\n\nv" + scriptVersion); debugger; } finally { if (activeDocument != originalDoc) activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); app.preferences.rulerUnits = rulerUnits; if (progress && progress.dialog) progress.dialog.close(); dialog.close(); } }; dialog.center(); dialog.show(); } function loadSettings () { var options; try { options = app.getCustomOptions("PhotoshopToSpine"); } catch (ignored) {} settings = {}; for (var key in defaultSettings) { if (!defaultSettings.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; var typeID = sID(key); if (options && options.hasKey(typeID)) settings[key] = options["get" + getOptionType(defaultSettings[key])](typeID); else settings[key] = defaultSettings[key]; } } function saveSettings () { if (cs2) return; // No putCustomOptions. var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); for (var key in defaultSettings) { if (!defaultSettings.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; desc["put" + getOptionType(defaultSettings[key])](sID(key), settings[key]); } app.putCustomOptions("PhotoshopToSpine", desc, true); } function getOptionType (value) { switch (typeof(value)) { case "boolean": return "Boolean"; case "string": return "String"; case "number": return "Double"; }; throw new Error("Invalid default setting: " + value); } // Help dialog. function showHelpDialog () { var dialog = new Window("dialog", "PhotoshopToSpine - Help"); dialog.alignChildren = ["fill", ""]; dialog.orientation = "column"; dialog.alignment = ["", "top"]; var helpText = dialog.add("statictext", undefined, "" + "This script writes layers as images and creates a JSON file to bring the images into Spine with the same positions and draw order they had in Photoshop.\n" + "\n" + "The Photoshop ruler origin corresponds to 0,0 in Spine.\n" + "\n" + "Tags in square brackets can be used anywhere in layer and group names to customize the output. If \":name\" is omitted, the layer or group name is used.\n" + "\n" + "Group and layer names:\n" + "• [bone] or [bone:name] Layers, slots, and bones are placed under a bone. The bone is created at the center of a visible layer. Bone groups can be nested.\n" + "• [slot] or [slot:name] Layers are placed in a slot.\n" + "• [skin] or [skin:name] Layers are placed in a skin. Skin layer images are output in a subfolder for the skin.\n" + "• [scale:number] Layers are scaled. Their attachments are scaled inversely, so they appear the same size in Spine.\n" + "• [folder] or [folder:name] Layer images are output in a subfolder. Folder groups can be nested.\n" + "• [overlay] This layer is used as a clipping mask for all layers below.\n" + "• [trim] or [trim:false] Force this layer to be whitespace trimmed or not.\n" + "• [mesh] or [mesh:name] Layer is a mesh or, when a name is specified, a linked mesh.\n" + "• [ignore] Layers, groups, and any child groups will not be output.\n" + "\n" + "Group names:\n" + "• [merge] Layers in the group are merged and a single image is output.\n" + "• [name:pattern] Adds a prefix or suffix to layer names in the group. The pattern must contain an asterisk (*).\n" + "\n" + "Layer names:\n" + "• The layer name is used for the attachment or skin placeholder name, relative to any parent [skin] or [folder] groups. Can contain / for subfolders.\n" + "• [path:name] Specifies the image file name, if it needs to be different from the attachment name. Can be used on a group with [merge].\n" + "\n" + "If a layer name, folder name, or path name starts with / then parent layers won't affect the name." , {multiline: true}); helpText.preferredSize.width = 325; var closeButton = dialog.add("button", undefined, "Close"); closeButton.alignment = ["center", ""]; closeButton.onClick = function () { dialog.close(); }; dialog.center(); dialog.show(); } // Progress dialog: function showProgress (title, total) { title = title ? "PhotoshopToSpine - " + title : "PhotoshopToSpine"; if (!progress) { var dialog = new Window("palette", title); dialog.alignChildren = "fill"; dialog.orientation = "column"; var message = dialog.add("statictext", undefined, "Initializing..."); var group = dialog.add("group"); var bar = group.add("progressbar"); bar.preferredSize = [300, 16]; bar.maxvalue = total; bar.value = 1; var cancelButton = group.add("button", undefined, "Cancel"); cancelButton.onClick = function () { cancel = true; cancelButton.enabled = false; return; }; dialog.center(); dialog.show(); dialog.active = true; progress = { dialog: dialog, bar: bar, message: message }; } else { progress.dialog.text = title; progress.bar.maxvalue = total; } progress.count = 0; progress.total = total; progress.updateTime = 0; var reset = $.hiresTimer; } function incrProgress (layerName) { lastLayerName = trim(layerName); progress.count++; if (progress.count != 1 && progress.count < progress.total) { progress.updateTime += $.hiresTimer; if (progress.updateTime < 500000) return; progress.updateTime = 0; } progress.bar.value = progress.count; progress.message.text = progress.count + " / "+ progress.total + ": " + lastLayerName; if (!progress.dialog.active) progress.dialog.active = true; } // PhotoshopToSpine utility: function initializeLayers (context, selectedLayers, parent, parentLayers) { while (context.index >= context.first) { if (cancel) return -1; var id = getLayerID(context.index--); var selected = parent && parent.selected; if (selectedLayers && !selected) { for (var i = 0, n = selectedLayers.length; i < n; i++) { if (selectedLayers[i] === id) { selected = true; break; } } } var layer = new Layer(id, parent, selected); if (layer.isGroupEnd) break; context.total++; parentLayers.push(layer); if (layer.isGroup) initializeLayers(context, selectedLayers, layer, layer.layers); } } function collectLayers (parentLayers, collect, overlays) { outer: for (var i = 0, n = parentLayers.length; i < n; i++) { if (cancel) return; var layer = parentLayers[i]; incrProgress(layer.name); if (settings.selectionOnly && !layer.selected) { var needsMerge = layer.isGroup && (layer.findTagLayer("merge") || layer.findTagLayer("overlay")); if (!needsMerge && layer.layers && layer.layers.length > 0) collectLayers(layer.layers, collect, overlays); else layer.hide(); continue; } if (settings.ignoreHiddenLayers && !layer.visible) continue; if (settings.ignoreBackground && layer.background) { layer.hide(); continue; } if (layer.findTagLayer("ignore")) { layer.hide(); continue; } if (layer.adjustment || layer.clipping) continue; if (!layer.isGroup && !layer.isNormal()) { layer.rasterize(); // In case rasterizeAll failed. if (!layer.isNormal()) { layer.hide(); continue; } } // Ensure tags are valid. var re = /\[([^\]]+)\]/g; while (true) { var matches = re.exec(layer.name); if (!matches) break; var tag = matches[1]; if (layer.isGroup) { if (!isValidGroupTag(tag)) { var message = "Invalid group name:\n\n" + layer.name; if (isValidLayerTag(tag)) message += "\n\nThe [" + tag + "] tag is only valid for layers, not for groups."; else message += "\n\nThe [" + tag + "] tag is not a valid tag."; error(message); continue outer; } } else if (tag != "merge" && !isValidLayerTag(tag)) { // Allow merge, the user may have merged manually to save time. var message = "Invalid layer name:\n\n" + layer.name; if (isValidGroupTag(tag)) message += "\n\nThe [" + tag + "] tag is only valid for groups, not for layers."; else message += "\n\nThe [" + tag + "] tag is not a valid tag."; error(message); continue outer; } } if (layer.findTagLayer("overlay")) { if (!layer.visible) continue; if (layer.isGroup) { layer.select(); merge(); layer = new Layer(layer.id, layer.parent, layer.selected); } layer.setLocked(false); layer.hide(); overlays.push(layer); continue; } layer.wasVisible = layer.visible; layer.show(); layer.setLocked(false); if (layer.isGroup && layer.findTagLayer("merge")) { collectGroupMerge(layer); if (!layer.layers || layer.layers.length == 0) continue; } else if (layer.layers && layer.layers.length > 0) { collectLayers(layer.layers, collect, overlays); continue; } else if (layer.isGroup) continue; layer.overlays = overlays.slice(); layer.hide(); collect.push(layer); } } function collectGroupMerge (parent) { var parentLayers = parent.layers; if (!parentLayers) return; for (var i = parentLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var layer = parentLayers[i]; if (settings.ignoreHiddenLayers && !layer.visible) continue; if (layer.findTagLayer("ignore")) { layer.hide(); continue; } collectGroupMerge(layer); } } function isValidGroupTag (tag) { if (startsWith(tag, "name:")) return true; return tag == "merge" || isValidLayerTag(tag); } function isValidLayerTag (tag) { switch (tag) { case "bone": case "slot": case "skin": case "folder": case "ignore": case "overlay": case "trim": case "mesh": return true; } if (startsWith(tag, "bone:")) return true; if (startsWith(tag, "slot:")) return true; if (startsWith(tag, "skin:")) return true; if (startsWith(tag, "folder:")) return true; if (startsWith(tag, "path:")) return true; if (startsWith(tag, "scale:")) return true; if (startsWith(tag, "trim:")) return true; if (startsWith(tag, "mesh:")) return true; return false; } function stripTags (name) { return trim(name.replace(/\[[^\]]+\]/g, "")); } function jsonPath (jsonPath) { if (endsWith(jsonPath, ".json")) { var index = forwardSlashes(jsonPath).lastIndexOf("/"); if (index != -1) return absolutePath(jsonPath.slice(0, index + 1)) + jsonPath.slice(index + 1); return absolutePath("./") + jsonPath; } var name = decodeURI(originalDoc.name); return absolutePath(jsonPath) + name.substring(0, name.indexOf(".")) + ".json"; } function error (message) { errors.push(message); } // Photoshop utility: function get (object, name) { return object["_" + name]; } function set (object, name, value) { object["_" + name] = value; } function add (object, name, value) { var array = object["_" + name]; if (!array) object["_" + name] = array = []; array[array.length] = value; return array; } function remove (object, name, value) { var array = object["_" + name]; if (!array) return; for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) { if (array[i] == value) { array.splice(i, 1); return; } } } function stripName (name) { return name.substring(1); } function rulerOrigin (axis) { var key = cID("Rlr" + axis); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty(cID("Prpr"), key); ref.putEnumerated(cID("Dcmn"), cID("Ordn"), cID("Trgt")); return executeActionGet(ref).getInteger(key) >> 16; } // Seems to not be available when the document has >= 500 layers. function rasterizeAll () { try { executeAction(sID("rasterizeAll"), undefined, DialogModes.NO); } catch (ignored) {} } // Layer must be selected. function newLayerBelow (name) { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putClass(cID("Lyr ")); var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor(); desc2.putString(cID("Nm "), name); var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); desc1.putReference(cID("null"), ref); desc1.putBoolean(sID("below"), true); desc1.putObject(cID("Usng"), cID("Lyr "), desc2); executeAction(cID("Mk "), desc1, DialogModes.NO); } // Layer must be selected. function merge () { executeAction(cID("Mrg2"), undefined, DialogModes.NO); } // Layer must be selected. function channelBounds (name) { try { var ref1 = new ActionReference(); ref1.putProperty(sID("channel"), sID("selection")); var ref2 = new ActionReference(); ref2.putEnumerated(sID("channel"), sID("channel"), sID(name)); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(sID("null"), ref1); desc.putReference(sID("to"), ref2); executeAction(sID("set"), desc, DialogModes.NO); return activeDocument.selection.bounds; } catch (ignored) {} return null; } function scaleImage (scale) { if (scale == 1) return; var imageSize = activeDocument.width.as("px") * scale; activeDocument.resizeImage(UnitValue(imageSize, "px"), null, null, ResampleMethod.BICUBICAUTOMATIC); } var history; function storeHistory () { history = activeDocument.activeHistoryState; } function restoreHistory () { activeDocument.activeHistoryState = history; } function scriptDir () { var file; if (!cs2) file = $.fileName; else { try { var error = THROW_ERROR; // Force error which provides the script file name. } catch (e) { file = e.fileName; } } return new File(file).parent + "/"; } function absolutePath (path) { path = forwardSlashes(trim(path)); if (path.length == 0) return forwardSlashes(decodeURI(activeDocument.path)) + "/"; // PSD folder. if (/^(\/|~|[A-Za-z]:)/.test(path)) return forwardSlashes(decodeURI(new File(path).fsName)) + "/"; // Absolute. if (startsWith(path, "./")) path = path.substring(2); return forwardSlashes(decodeURI(new File(activeDocument.path + "/" + path).fsName)) + "/"; // Relative to PSD folder. } function bgColor (control, r, g, b) { control.graphics.backgroundColor = control.graphics.newBrush(control.graphics.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [r, g, b]); } function deselectLayers () { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putEnumerated(cID("Lyr "), cID("Ordn"), cID("Trgt")); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref); try { executeAction(sID("selectNoLayers"), desc, DialogModes.NO); } catch (ignored) {} // Fails if only background layer. } function convertToRGB () { var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putClass(cID("T "), cID("RGBM")); desc.putBoolean(cID("Mrge"), false); desc.putBoolean(cID("Rstr"), true); executeAction(cID("CnvM"), desc, DialogModes.NO); } function deleteDocumentAncestorsMetadata () { if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript"); app.activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData = new XMPMeta().serialize(); } function savePNG (file) { // SaveForWeb changes spaces to dash. Also some users report it writes HTML. //var options = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb(); //options.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG; //options.PNG8 = false; //options.transparency = true; //options.interlaced = false; //options.includeProfile = false; //activeDocument.exportDocument(file, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, options); // SaveAs sometimes writes a huge amount of XML in the PNG. Ignore it or use Oxipng to make smaller PNGs. var options = new PNGSaveOptions(); options.compression = 6; activeDocument.saveAs(file, options, true, Extension.LOWERCASE); } function getLayerCount () { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty(cID("Prpr"), sID("numberOfLayers")); ref.putEnumerated(cID("Dcmn"), cID("Ordn"), cID("Trgt")); return executeActionGet(ref).getInteger(sID("numberOfLayers")); } function getLayerID (index) { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty(cID("Prpr"), sID("layerID")); ref.putIndex(cID("Lyr "), index); return executeActionGet(ref).getInteger(sID("layerID")); } function hasBackgroundLayer () { try { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty(cID("Prpr"), sID("hasBackgroundLayer")); ref.putEnumerated(cID("Dcmn"), cID("Ordn"), cID("Trgt")); return executeActionGet(ref).getBoolean(sID("hasBackgroundLayer")); } catch (e) { // CS2. try { return activeDocument.backgroundLayer; } catch (ignored) { } return false; } } function getSelectedLayers () { var layers = []; var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putEnumerated(cID("Dcmn"), cID("Ordn"), cID("Trgt")); var desc = executeActionGet(ref); if (desc.hasKey(sID("targetLayers"))) { desc = desc.getList(sID("targetLayers")); for (var i = 0, n = desc.count; i < n; i++) layers.push(getLayerID(desc.getReference(i).getIndex() + 1)); } return layers; } function typeToMethod (type) { if (type == "DescValueType.ENUMERATEDTYPE") return "EnumerationValue"; if (type == "DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE") return "ObjectValue"; if (type == "DescValueType.UNITDOUBLE") return "Double"; if (type == "DescValueType.INTEGERTYPE") return "Integer"; if (type == "DescValueType.STRINGTYPE") return "String"; if (type == "DescValueType.BOOLEANTYPE") return "Boolean"; if (type == "DescValueType.LISTTYPE") return "List"; if (type == "DescValueType.REFERENCETYPE") return "Reference"; throw new Error("Unknown type: " + type); } // Example: // var ref = new ActionReference(); // ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), layer.id); // alert(properties(executeActionGet(ref))); function properties (object, indent) { if (!indent) indent = 0; var text = ""; for (var i = 0, n = object.count; i < n; i++) { var key = object.getKey(i); var type = typeToMethod(object.getType(key)); var value = object["get" + type](key); if (type == "EnumerationValue") value = tID(value); else if (type == "ObjectValue") value = "{\n" + properties(value, indent + 1) + "}"; else if (type == "List") { var items = ""; for (var ii = 0, nn = value.count; ii < nn; ii++) { var itemType = typeToMethod(value.getType(ii)); items += properties(value["get" + itemType](ii), indent + 1); } if (items) items = "\n" + items; value = "[" + items + "]"; } for (var ii = 0; ii < indent; ii++) text += " "; text += tID(key) + ": " + value + " (" + type + ")\n"; } return text; } // Layer class. function Layer (id, parent, selected) { this.id = id; this.parent = parent; this.selected = selected; this.name = this.get("name", "String"); var type = tID(this.get("layerSection", "EnumerationValue")); this.isGroupEnd = type == "layerSectionEnd"; if (this.isGroupEnd) return; this.isGroup = type == "layerSectionStart"; this.isLayer = type == "layerSectionContent"; this.visible = this.get("visible", "Boolean"); this.background = this.get("background", "Boolean"); this.locked = this.get("layerLocking", "ObjectValue").getBoolean(sID("protectAll")); this.blendMode = tID(this.get("mode", "EnumerationValue")); this.clipping = this.get("group", "Boolean"); this.mask = this.get("hasUserMask", "Boolean", function () { return false; // CS2. }); this.adjustment = this.get("layerKind", "Integer", function () { return 0; }) == 2/*kAdjustmentSheet*/; this.boundsDirty = true; if (this.isGroup) this.layers = []; } Layer.prototype.get = function (name, type, error) { var property = sID(name); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty(cID("Prpr"), property); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); try { return executeActionGet(ref)["get" + type](property); } catch (e) { if (error) return error(); e.message = "Unable to get layer " + this + " property: " + name + "\n" + e.message; throw e; } }; Layer.prototype.has = function (name) { var property = sID(name); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty(cID("Prpr"), property); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); try { return executeActionGet(ref).hasKey(property); } catch (ignored) {} return false; }; Layer.prototype.getIndex = function () { return this.get("itemIndex", "Integer"); }; Layer.prototype.isNormal = function () { var layer = this; return this.get("layerKind", "Integer", function () { return layer.has("smartObject") ? 5/*kSmartObjectSheet*/ : 1/*kPixelSheet*/; }) == 1/*kPixelSheet*/; }; Layer.prototype.setClippingMask = function (clipping) { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref); try { executeAction(cID(clipping ? "GrpL" : "Ungr"), desc, DialogModes.NO); } catch (ignored) {} // Fails if already in the desired state. }; Layer.prototype.setVisible = function (visible) { if (this.visible == visible) return; this.visible = visible; var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref); executeAction(cID(visible ? "Shw " : "Hd "), desc, DialogModes.NO); }; Layer.prototype.hide = function () { this.setVisible(false); }; Layer.prototype.show = function () { this.setVisible(true); }; Layer.prototype.setLocked = function (locked) { if (this.locked == locked) return; this.locked = locked; var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); desc1.putReference(cID("null"), ref); var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor(); desc2.putBoolean(sID("protectNone"), true); desc1.putObject(sID("layerLocking"), sID("layerLocking"), desc2); executeAction(sID("applyLocking"), desc1, DialogModes.NO); }; Layer.prototype.unlock = function () { this.setLocked(false); if (!this.layers) return; for (var i = this.layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.layers[i].unlock(); }; Layer.prototype.moveAbove = function (otherLayer) { var ref1 = new ActionReference(); ref1.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); var ref2 = new ActionReference(); ref2.putIndex(cID("Lyr "), otherLayer.getIndex()); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref1); desc.putReference(cID("T "), ref2); desc.putBoolean(cID("Adjs"), false); executeAction(cID("move"), desc, DialogModes.NO); }; Layer.prototype.deleteLayer = function () { this.unlock(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref); executeAction(cID("Dlt "), desc, DialogModes.NO); }; Layer.prototype.rasterize = function () { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref); executeAction(sID("rasterizeLayer"), desc, DialogModes.NO); }; Layer.prototype.rasterizeStyles = function () { if (!this.has("layerEffects")) return; this.select(); try { merge(); // Merges any clipping masks. } catch (ignored) {} newLayerBelow(this.name); this.select(true); merge(); this.boundsDirty = true; // Rasterizing styles may not give the desired results in all cases, merge does. //var ref = new ActionReference(); //ref.putProperty(cID("Prpr"), sID("layerEffects")); //ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); //if (executeActionGet(ref).hasKey(sID("layerEffects"))) { // var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); // desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref); // desc.putEnumerated(cID("What"), sID("rasterizeItem"), sID("layerStyle")); // executeAction(sID("rasterizeLayer"), desc, DialogModes.NO); //} }; Layer.prototype.updateBounds = function () { if (!this.boundsDirty) return; this.boundsDirty = false; var bounds; if (this.mask) { this.select(); bounds = channelBounds("mask"); if (bounds) { this.left = bounds[0].as("px"); this.top = bounds[1].as("px"); this.right = bounds[2].as("px"); this.bottom = bounds[3].as("px"); } } if (!bounds) { try { bounds = this.get("boundsNoEffects", "ObjectValue"); } catch (e) { // CS2. bounds = this.get("bounds", "ObjectValue"); // Not tightly fitting if there are layer styles. } this.left = bounds.getDouble(sID("left")); this.top = bounds.getDouble(sID("top")); this.right = bounds.getDouble(sID("right")); this.bottom = bounds.getDouble(sID("bottom")); } this.width = this.right - this.left; this.height = this.bottom - this.top; }; Layer.prototype.select = function (add) { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIdentifier(cID("Lyr "), this.id); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(cID("null"), ref); if (add) desc.putEnumerated(sID("selectionModifier"), sID("selectionModifierType"), sID("addToSelection")); desc.putBoolean(cID("MkVs"), false); executeAction(cID("slct"), desc, DialogModes.NO); }; Layer.prototype.applyNamePatterns = function (name) { var layer = this.findTagLayer("name:"); if (!layer) return name; var namePattern = layer.getTagValue("name:"); if (namePattern) { var asterisk = namePattern.indexOf("*"); if (asterisk == -1) { error("The pattern for the [name:pattern] tag must contain an asterisk (*):\n\n" + layer.name); return null; } name = namePattern.substring(0, asterisk) + name + namePattern.substring(asterisk + 1); } return layer.parent ? layer.parent.applyNamePatterns(name) : name; }; Layer.prototype.findTagLayer = function (tag) { var groupTag = isValidGroupTag(tag), layerTag = isValidLayerTag(tag); if (endsWith(tag, ":")) tag = tag.slice(0, -1); var re = new RegExp("\\[" + tag + "(:[^\\]]+)?\\]", "i"); var layer = this; while (layer) { if (((layer.isGroup && groupTag) || (layer.isLayer && layerTag)) && re.exec(layer.name)) return layer; layer = layer.parent; } return null; }; Layer.prototype.findTagValue = function (tag, noValue) { var layer = this.findTagLayer(tag); if (!layer) return null; return layer.getTagValue(tag, noValue); }; Layer.prototype.getTagValue = function (tag, noValue) { if (endsWith(tag, ":")) tag = tag.slice(0, -1); var matches = new RegExp("\\[" + tag + ":([^\\]]+)\\]", "i").exec(this.name); if (matches && matches.length) return trim(matches[1]); if (noValue) return noValue; return stripTags(this.name); }; Layer.prototype.getParentBone = function (bones) { var parentName = this.parent ? this.parent.findTagValue("bone") : null; if (!parentName) parentName = "root"; var parent = get(bones, parentName); if (!parent) { // Parent bone group with no attachment layers. var parentParent = this.parent.getParentBone(bones); set(bones, parentName, parent = { name: parentName, x: 0, y: 0, parent: parentParent, children: [], layer: this.parent }); parentParent.children.push(parent); } return parent; }; var foldersRE = new RegExp("\\[(folder|skin)(:[^\\]]+)?\\]", "i"); Layer.prototype.folders = function (path) { var layer = this; while (layer) { var matches = foldersRE.exec(layer.name); if (matches) { var folder = layer.findTagValue(matches[1]); if (matches[1] == "skin" && folder == "default") return layer.parent.folders(path); path = folder + "/" + path; if (startsWith(folder, "/")) return path; return layer.parent ? layer.parent.folders(path) : path; } layer = layer.parent; } return path; }; Layer.prototype.path = function (path) { var layer = this; var path = layer.name; while (true) { layer = layer.parent; if (!layer) return path; path = layer.name + "/" + path; } }; Layer.prototype.toString = function () { return this.name ? this.path() : this.id; }; // JavaScript utility: function joinKeys (object, glue) { if (!glue) glue = ", "; var value = ""; for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (value) value += glue; value += key; } } return value; } function joinValues (object, glue) { if (!glue) glue = ", "; var value = ""; for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (value) value += glue; value += object[key]; } } return value; } function indexOf (array, value) { for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) if (array[i] == value) return i; return -1; } function trim (value) { return value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } function startsWith (str, prefix) { return str.indexOf(prefix) === 0; } function endsWith (str, suffix) { return !(str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) === -1); } function quote (value) { return '"' + value.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; } function forwardSlashes (path) { return path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } showSettingsDialog();