Design works

Gimp Graphic Design Piktochart

«You never use Photoshop?!»

I've always used Gimp, I'm a Gimp master. I use Gimp because it's free and open source, which is a cause I'm willing to fight for, but I can get used to Photoshop if needed. I truly think that the most difficult part when using these tools is to find the right ideas. How to make them come true? It can be learnt!

INSA Lyon Choir association

I've been a member of this choir since 2015. This year I'm responsible for the communication, including community management and creating visuals for concerts and posters.

My objective for this year is to build a new image for the choir, by redesigning a new logo and new visuals to show a better side of ourselves. The main problem of the choir is that it is not as visible as other associations could be on the campus, so our online reputation must be perfect. I wanted people to be attracted by us when they would visit our website or our facebook page.

Budapest Beast

A friend of mine I met when I was studying in Budapest decided to start his personnal page to publish his photographs. I offered my help to design him a logo he could use to be the brand oh his work. It represents the city skyline of Budapest I drew by hand.