
User Centered Conception Mobile Development Balsamiq Mockups Android

Why this project ?

For the HCI class of INSA Lyon Computer Science department, we had to create an app from scratch following the user centered design principles. Every team had the same topic, which was to create an app about food and catering on the campus.

Our project helps users find the best place to eat by showing the nearby restaurant, advices and waiting times.

Work done

First of all we inquired on the topic by creating a questionnaire to send to students and workers of the campus to know more about their habits for lunch. Then we started to design the app on mobile-device sized sticky notes and test our ideas right away. When the whole structure was approved thanks to the sticky notes, we started drawing clean mockups and development could be started.

I've been working with my team of 6 on every step of the project, with a bit more focus on the conception part, from sketching to developement.