
Front-end Development Gimp Balsamiq Mockups Bulma

Why this project ?

The day I decided I wanted to focus more on design and ergonomy, I knew I had to make a portfolio. So I started working on it during the free time I had, dreaming that one day I could achieve this idea full of sparkles that I have. Just because you are reading this right now, I guess I can say that it's a hit.


I wanted it to look simple yet elegant, colorful but without eccentricity, just like me.


I decided to start working on my project following a few steps :

  • What are the goals ? Which information do I want to show ?
  • Write down inspirations and ideas
  • Create a timeline for the project
  • Think about a brand image
  • Sketching my portfolio on Balsamiq mockups
  • Organizing information and menu creation
  • Coding with Bulma framework (HTML/CSS/JS only)
These steps were highly inspired by this article by Adham Dannaway on smashingmagazine

Iteration 1

This first version was the first idea that came to my mind. A simple layout that is easy to follow and understand. Very basic, but effective. It allowed me to create the main structure of information. The social links on the left were following the scrolling page, so that they would be visible every time.

I entirely developed this version to be able to send it to some friends and have feedback on what was good and what was to upgrade.

That's a good job :

  • Information structure
  • Nice logo
  • Simple but direct to the point
I should do better next time :
  • Missing a bit of colors
  • No "wow"

Iteration 2

The weekend went by, I kept looking at various portfolios via Dribbble or by searching the internet. I couldn't help it, mine was missing something. I liked it, but it looked unfinished, simple but maybe a bit too simple... I decided to bring it some good vibes and colors by adding a picture on the hero background !

And it became the website you are looking at right now.