Rearth mission 6

Fullstack Web Development AngularJS Balsamiq Mockups

Why this project ?

JEN.lab is a national-wide project that aims to study the design and usage of digital epistemic games, in the fields of education and formation. Rearth is one of the project that was created for high school students. In cooperation with teachers, the laboratories in charge of the project are working hard to design, create and test usability and interactions induced by the games.

Work done

First of all I had to design the gameplay of the whole 6th mission of Rearth, which was a SimCity-like game, to give it a soul. And then, I started working on this web application that students could access to make their building evolve and earn more points. To unlock those evolutions, they had to answer an exercise.

I've done everything myself on this web app, from sketching to developement.