(function($) { if(!window.$fa || window.$fa.charset) return; var _get_forum_data = function(forum_id, callback) { if (callback) return $.get("/admin/index.forum?part=general&sub=general&mode=edit&tid=" + $fa.tid + "&fid=" + forum_id, function(p) { callback($('form[name="edit"]', p).serializeArray()); }); }; var _get_post_data = function(post_id, callback) { if (callback) return $.get("/post?p=" + post_id + "&mode=editpost", function(p) { callback($('form[name="post"]', p).serializeArray()); }); }; var _args_to_modifier = function(a, defaults) { var to_modify = {}; if (a.length == 0) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < defaults.length && i < a.length; i++) { if ($.isPlainObject(a[i])) break; to_modify[defaults[i]] = a[i]; } if (a.length > i) if ($.isPlainObject(a[i])) $.extend(to_modify, a[i]); $.each(to_modify, function(k, v) { if (!$.isFunction(v)) to_modify[k] = function() { return v } }); return to_modify; }; var _bridge_post_deferred = function(c, d) { var ok = true; var m = c.match(/>([^<]*)


/); if (!m) { var m = c.match(/>([^<]*)


/); if(!m) { var m = c.match(/>([^<]*)


|<\/p>)/); if(!m) { var m = c.match(/>([^<]*)

/) || c.match(/>([^<]*)

/) || c.match(/>([^<]*)

/) || c.match(/<\/h3><\/center>


/) if(!m) { var ok= false; var m = c.match(/>([^<]*)

/)|| c.match(/(?: class="row1">|




)?)+)(?:<\/p>|<\/font><\/p>|<\/span>)/) || c.match(/(?:




| align="center">)([^<]*)(?:<\/p>|<\/div>|<\/span><\/td>)/) || [0, ""]; } } }; } if(!ok) d.reject({ ok: ok, content: c, message: m[1].replace('
', "\n") }); else { var ret = {ok:true, content:c, message:m[1], forum_id:parseInt(m.slice(-2,-1)[0]), forum_seo_name:m.slice(-1)[0], forum_url:'/f'+m.slice(-2).join('-')}; switch(m.length){ case 7: $.extend(ret, {page:parseInt(m[2]||0),topic_id:parseInt(m[3]),post_id:parseInt(m[4]),post_url: '/t'+m[3]+(m[2]?"p"+m[2]:"")+"-#"+m[4], topic_url: '/t'+m[3]+'-'}); break; case 6: $.extend(ret, {topic_id:parseInt(m[2]),topic_seo_name:m[3], topic_url: '/t'+m[2]+'-'+m[3]}); break; case 5: delete ret['forum_id']; delete ret['forum_seo_name']; delete ret['forum_url']; $.extend(ret, {topic_id:parseInt(m[2]),topic_seo_name:m[3], topic_url: '/t'+m[2]+'-'+m[3]}); break case 3: ret = {ok:true, content:c, message:m[1], user_id:parseInt(m[2])} case 2: ret = {ok:true, content:c, message:m[1]} } d.resolve(ret) } }; var _get_forum_id = function(topic_id, forum_id) { if(forum_id) { var d = $.Deferred(); d.resolve(window["$forum"](forum_id)); return d; } else return window["$topic"](topic_id).forum()._p[0]; } var _get_topic_id = function(post_id, topic_id) { if(topic_id) { var d = $.Deferred(); d.resolve(window["$topic"](topic_id)); return d; } else return window["$post"](post_id).topic()._p[0]; } var $forum = function(){}; /** $forum( forum_ids ).post( [subject [, message ]] [, object ] ) - post new topics */ $forum.prototype.post= function() { var required = ['subject', 'message']; var to_post = _args_to_modifier(arguments, required); for (var i = 0; i < required.length; i++) if (!(required[i] in to_post)) return; this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.post("/post", _param($.extend({ 'notify': 0 }, to_post, { 'post': 1, 'mode': 'newtopic', f: v })), function(c) { _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); return d; }); return this; }; var $topic = function(){}; /** $topic( topic_ids ).forum() - access topics forums ( via first parameter of done callback ) */ $topic.prototype.forum = function(){ this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v){ var d = $.Deferred(); $.get('/modcp?mode=move&t='+v+'&tid='+$fa.tid, function(c){ var forum_id = parseInt($('form[method="post"] [name="f"]', c).val()); if(forum_id>0) d.resolve($forum(forum_id)); else d.reject(); }) return d; }); return this; }; /** $topic( topic_ids ).post( [message ] [, object ] ) - post a reply to topics */ $topic.prototype.post = function() { var required = ['message']; var to_post = _args_to_modifier(arguments, required); for (var i = 0; i < required.length; i++) if (!(required[i] in to_post)) return; this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.post("/post", _param($.extend({ 'notify': 0 }, to_post, { 'post': 1, 'mode': 'reply', t: v })), function(c) { _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); return d; }); return this; }; /** $topic( topic_ids ).remove() - detete topics */ $topic.prototype.remove= function() { this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.post("/modcp?tid=" + $fa.tid, { t: v, mode: "delete", confirm: 1 }, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); return d; }); return this; }; /** $topic( topic_ids ).move( forum_id ) - move topics to a forum */ $topic.prototype.move= function(forum_id) { this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); console.log(v); $.post("/modcp?tid=" + $fa.tid, { tid: $fa.tid, new_forum: "f" + forum_id, mode: "move", t: v, confirm: 1 }, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d)}); return d; }); return this; }; /** $topic( topic_ids ).trash() - move topics to the trash forum */ $topic.prototype.trash= function() { this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.get("/modcp?mode=trash&t=" + v + "&tid=" + $fa.tid, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d)}); return d; }); return this; }; /** $topic( topic_ids ).merge( [forum_id ] ) - merge topics into one */ $topic.prototype.merge= function(forum_id) { var topic_id = this._d.slice(-1)[0]; var dd = _get_forum_id(topic_id, forum_id); this._p = $.map(this._d.slice(0,-1), function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); dd.done(function(f){ $.post("/merge", { tid: $fa.tid, from_topic: v, to_topic: topic_id, submit: 1, f: f._d[0], confirm: 1 }, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); }); return d; }); return this; }; /** $topic( topic_ids ).lock() - lock topics */ $topic.prototype.lock= function() { this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.get("/modcp?mode=lock&t=" + v + "&tid=" + $fa.tid, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); return d; }); return this; }; /** $topic( topic_ids ).unlock() - unlock topics */ $topic.prototype.unlock = function() { this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.get("/modcp?mode=unlock&t=" + v + "&tid=" + $fa.tid, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); return d; }); return this; }; var $post = function(){}; /** $post( post_ids ).topic().done(function(t){ }) - access posts topics ( via first parameter of done callback ) */ $post.prototype.topic = function(){ this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v){ var d = $.Deferred(); $.get('/post?p='+v+'&mode=quote', function(c){ var topic_id = parseInt($('form[method="post"] [name="t"]', c).val()); if(topic_id>0) d.resolve(window["$topic"](topic_id)); else d.reject(); }) return d; }); return this; }; /** $post( post_ids ).forum().done(function(f){ }) - access posts forums ( via first parameter of done callback ) */ $post.prototype.forum = function(){ this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v){ var d = $.Deferred(); $.get('/post?p='+v+'&mode=quote', function(c){ var topic_id = parseInt($('form[method="post"] [name="t"]', c).val()); if(topic_id>0) { window["$topic"](topic_id).forum().done(function(f){d.resolve(f)}).fail(function(){d.reject()}); } else d.reject(); }) return d; }); return this; }; /** $post( post_ids ).remove() - delete messages */ $post.prototype.remove= function() { this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.post("/post", { p: v, mode: "delete", confirm: "" }, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); return d; }); return this; }, /** $post( post_ids ).change( [message ] [, object ] ) - modify messages */ $post.prototype.change= function() { var to_modify = _args_to_modifier(arguments, ['message']); this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); _get_post_data(v, function(f) { $.post("/post", _param(f, function(key, value) { if (key in to_modify) return to_modify[key](value) }) + "&post=1", function(c) { _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); }); return d; }) return this; }, /** $post( post_ids ).split( new_title [, new_forum_id [, topic_id [, beyond ]]] ) - split posts into a new topic */ $post.prototype.split = function(new_title, new_forum_id, topic_id, beyond) { if(!this._d) return this; var d = $.Deferred(); var post_list = this._d; _get_topic_id(this._d[0], topic_id).done(function(topic) { _get_forum_id(topic._d[0], new_forum_id).done(function(new_forum){ var data = { subject: new_title, new_forum_id: "f" + new_forum._d[0], post_id_list: post_list, t: topic._d[0], mode: "split" }; data["split_type_" + (beyond ? "beyond" : "all")] = 1; $.post("/modcp?tid=" + $fa.tid, _param(data), function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c, d) }); }); }); this._p = [d]; return this; }; /** $post( post_ids ).split_beyond( new_title [, new_forum_id [, topic_id ]] ) - split posts beyond givens one into a new topic */ $post.prototype.split_beyond= function(new_title, new_forum_id, topic_id) { return this.split(new_title, new_forum_id, topic_id, true); }; var $user = function(){}; /** $user( usernames ).pm( [subject [, message ]] [, object ] ) - send private messages */ $user.prototype.pm = function() { var required = ['subject', 'message']; var to_post = _args_to_modifier(arguments, required); for (var i = 0; i < required.length; i++) if (!(required[i] in to_post)) return; var d = $.Deferred(); $.post("/privmsg", _param($.extend(to_post, { "username": this._d, mode: "post", post: 1 })), function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c,d)}); this._p = [d]; return this; }; /** $user( user_ids ).ban( [num_days [, reason ]] [, object ] ) - ban users */ $user.prototype.ban = function() { // nombre de jour et raison var to_post = _args_to_modifier(arguments, ['ban_user_date', 'ban_user_reason']); this._p = $.map(this._d, function(v) { var d = $.Deferred(); $.post('/modcp?tid=' + $fa.tid, _param($.extend(to_post, { tid: $fa.tid, confirm: 1, mode: 'ban', user_id: v })), function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c,d)}) return d; }); return this; }; /** $user( user_ids ).unban() - unban users */ $user.prototype.unban= function() { var d = $.Deferred(); $.post('/admin/index.forum?part=users_groups&sub=users&mode=ban_control&extended_admin=1&tid=' + $fa.tid, { users_to_unban: this._d, unban_users: 1 }, function(c){ _bridge_post_deferred(c,d)}) this._p = [d]; return this; }; var $chat = function(){}; /** $chat.post( [message ] [, object ] ) - unban users */ $chat.prototype.post = function() { var required = ['message']; var to_post = _args_to_modifier(arguments, required); for (var i = 0; i < required.length; i++) if (!(required[i] in to_post)) return; $.post("/chatbox/actions.forum", $.extend(to_post, { method: "send", archive: 0 })); }; var to_extend = {'$user':$user, '$post':$post, '$topic':$topic, '$forum':$forum, '$chat': $chat}; var arg_to_array = function(arg){ var args = $.makeArray(arg); if (args.length == 1 && $.isArray(args[0])) args = args[0]; if (args.length == 1 && $.type(args[0])=="object" && "_d" in args[0]) args = args[0]._d; return args }; $.each(to_extend, function(k, v) { $.each(['always', 'done', 'fail'], function(_, m){ v.prototype[m] = function(arg) { $.each(this._p, function(_, p) { p[m](arg) }); return this }; }); v.prototype['add'] = function() { var args = arg_to_array(arguments); $.merge(this._d, args); this._d = $.grep(this._d, function(v, i){return i==$.inArray(v, this._d)&&v}.bind(this)); return this; }; v.prototype['not'] = function() { var args = arg_to_array(arguments); this._d = $.grep(this._d, function(v){return -1==$.inArray(v, args)}); return this; }; v.prototype['toggle'] = function() { var args = arg_to_array(arguments); $.each(args, function(_, v){ var pos = $.inArray(v, this._d); if(pos==-1) if(v) this._d.push(v); else this._d.splice(pos, pos+1) }.bind(this)); return this }; v.prototype['empty'] = function() { this._d = []; return this }; window[k] = function() { var ret = new v(); ret._d = []; ret.add.apply(ret, arguments); ret._p = []; return ret; }; }); window["$chat"] = window["$chat"](); var get_page_type = function() { var p = location.pathname; if (/^\/t[1-9][0-9]*(p[1-9][0-9]*)?-/.test(p)) return "topic"; if (/^\/f[1-9][0-9]*(p[1-9][0-9]*)?-/.test(p)) return "forum"; if ($("#i_icon_mini_index").parent().attr("href") == p) return "index"; if (/^\/c[1-9][0-9]*-/.test(p)) return "category"; var qs = p + location.search; var m = qs.match(/\/modcp\?mode=([^&]+)/); return m ? m[1] : ""; }; /** $fa.pagetype - type of current page */ $fa.pagetype = get_page_type(); $(function(){ $fa.pagetype = get_page_type(); }); /** $fa.resid - resource id of current page */ $fa.resid = function() { var p = location.pathname; var m = p.match(/^\/[tfc]([1-9][0-9]*)(p[1-9][0-9]*)?-/); if (!m) m = p.match(/^\/u([1-9][0-9]*)[a-z]*$/); if (!m) return 0; return +m[1]; }(); /** $fa.pagenum - page number of current page */ $fa.pagenum = function() { var p = location.pathname; var m = p.match(/^\/[tf][1-9][0-9]*(p[1-9][0-9]*)-/); if (!m) return 0; return +m[1].substr(1); }(); /** $page.charset - charset of current page */ $fa.charset = (document.charset ? document.charset : document.characterSet).toLowerCase(); var get_tid = function(){ return $("input[name=tid]:first").val() || ($("a[href*='&tid=']:first").attr("href") || "").replace(/^.*&tid=([a-z0-9]*)?.*$/, "$1"); }; pid = function(p) { if(p===undefined) return pid(location.search); if($.type(p)=="object") return pid($(p).attr('href')); return parseInt((p.match(/p=(\d+)&/)||[0,0])[1]) }; var tid = function(p) { if(p===undefined) return tid(location.pathname); if($.type(p)=="object") return tid($(p).attr('href')); return parseInt((p.match(/\/t(\d+)(?:p\d+)?-/)||[0,0])[1]) }; /** $fa.tid - user temporary identifier */ $fa.tid = get_tid(); $(function(){ $fa.tid = get_tid(); }); $fa.userid = parseInt(((my_getcookie('fa_'+location.host.replace(/\./g,'_')+'_data')||'').match(/"userid";(?:s:[0-9]+:"|i:)([0-9]+)/)||[0,-1])[1]); // id of user $fa.isguest = ($fa.userid == -1); // is user a guest? $fa.post = function(p) { if(p===undefined) return $fa.post(location.search)||parseInt($('form[method="post"] input[name="p"]').val())||0; if($.type(p)=="object") return $fa.post($(p).attr('href')); return parseInt((p.match(/p=(\d+)&/)||[0,0])[1]) }; $fa.thread = function(p) { if(p===undefined) return $fa.thread(location.pathname); if($.type(p)=="object") return $fa.thread($(p).attr('href')); return parseInt((p.match(/\/t(\d+)(?:p\d+)?-/)||[0,0])[1]); }; $fa.replace = function(replacements, str) { for(var search in replacements){ str = str.replace(new RegExp('\\{'+search+'\\}','gi'),replacements[search]) } }; var update_user_data = function(){ var _ud = _userdata || {}; $fa.username = _ud["username"]; // user username (or Anonymous) $fa.isadmin = _ud["user_level"] == 1; // is user an admin? $fa.ismod = _ud["user_level"] > 0; // is user a moderator? $fa.lang = _ud["user_lang"]; // user langage (fr for french, ...) $fa.avatar = _ud["avatar"]; // user avatar $fa.numpost = _ud["user_posts"]; // user number of post $fa.numpm = _ud["user_nb_privmsg"]; // user number of private message $fa.numrep = _ud["point_reputation"]; // user number of rep points $fa.rank = window["_lang"] ? _lang["rank_title"] : ""; // rank of the user $fa.pagetitle = $('h1').text() || $fa.pagetitle || document.title.replace(/^.*? - /, ''); }; update_user_data(); $(function(){ update_user_data() }); var _param=function(b){var p=function buildParams(b,a,c){var d;if(jQuery.isArray(a))jQuery.each(a,function(a,e){/\[\]$/.test(b)?c(b,e):p(b+"["+("object"===typeof e&&null!=e?a:"")+"]",e,c)});else if("object"===jQuery.type(a))for(d in a)p(b+"["+d+"]",a[d],c);else c(b,a)},a,c=[],d=function(a,b){var d=jQuery.isFunction(b)?b():b;c[c.length]=_encode(a)+"="+_encode(null==d?"":d)};for(a in b)p(a,b[a],d);return c.join("&")}, _encode=function(b){return"utf-8"!=$fa.charset?encodeURIComponent(escape(b).replace(/%u[A-F0-9]{4}/g,function(a){return"&#"+parseInt(a.substr(2),16)+";"})).replace(/%25/g,"%"):encodeURIComponent(b)}; })(jQuery);