[Gecko] $━━━━━━ Support ━━━━━━ $• Help • [Eternalll] *Visit website https://kirbyairri.de/en/latest/ $━━━━━━ Fullscreen ━━━━━━ $P1 Fullscreen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0000 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0000 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *When enabling this code, your session will desync when City Trial begins. This is NORMAL! $P2 Fullscreen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0001 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0001 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *When enabling this code, your session will desync when City Trial begins. This is NORMAL! $P3 Fullscreen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0002 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0002 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *When enabling this code, your session will desync when City Trial begins. This is NORMAL! $P4 Fullscreen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0003 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0003 4082000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *When enabling this code, your session will desync when City Trial begins. This is NORMAL! $━━━━━━ Netplay ━━━━━━ $2v2 Team Battle [UnclePunch, container12345] #Machine Hitbox C21D70E4 00000009 807D0004 2C030000 41820038 809E0004 2C040000 4182002C 8063002C 8084002C 8863000A 8884000A 7C032000 40820014 3D80801D 618C70F0 7D8903A6 4E800420 807D0660 00000000 #Ability Projectile Hitbox C21D71B0 0000000B 807F002C 80630008 2C030000 41820040 809D0004 2C040000 41820034 8063002C 8084002C 7C032000 41820024 8863000A 8884000A 7C032000 40820014 3D80801D 618C71C4 7D8903A6 4E800420 7FE3FB78 60000000 00000000 #Ability Melee Hitbox C21D7034 00000008 809E0004 2C040000 4182002C 807F002C 8084002C 8863000A 8884000A 7C032000 40820014 3D80801D 618C7048 7D8903A6 4E800420 7FE3FB78 60000000 00000000 #TimeBomb Detonation C222933C 00000008 807E0008 7C03F800 4182002C 8063002C 809F002C 8863000A 8884000A 7C032000 40820014 3D808022 618C9378 7D8903A6 4E800420 7FE3FB78 60000000 00000000 #Allow same color (View Description) 04021808 4800010C 0402A5AC 48000064 0402F3EC 4800017C *Players with the same Kirby color will be a team. They cannot damage each other. $Display OSReport Upon Crashing [UnclePunch] 0443ff60 60000000 0443f848 48000268 *Assists with debugging and reporting crashes. $Enable Hack Pack Features for Vanilla Air Ride [UnclePunch, container12345] *Enables Hack-Pack bug fixes and some features for Vanilla Air Ride (GKYE01). Do not enable this code for Hack Pack. # Holding B Makes Kirby Run 2x as Fast [UnclePunch] C21B8F60 00000005 C0030094 81C3F918 55CE05AD 41820014 3DC04000 91C1FFFC C1C1FFFC EC0003B2 60000000 00000000 # Brake with B (All Kirby Machines) [UnclePunch] 04190d6c 5404C7BE C21EF414 00000004 881F0C30 2C0000E0 41800014 89DF066F 2C0E0002 40820008 38000000 00000000 C21FA298 00000005 7FE3FB78 89DF066F 2C0E0002 40820014 3DE0801F 61EFA2A0 7DE903A6 4E800420 60000000 00000000 # Press X for Rear View [UnclePunch] C20B67E8 00000002 C0440028 A2240002 60000000 00000000 C20CC2A8 00000002 7FE4FB78 7FFEFB78 60000000 00000000 C20B6934 00000009 C0028AE8 3E60805F 62736430 5631056B 4182001C 3E404046 625262B9 92430088 3A800001 7E9E99AE 4800001C 7E9E98AE 2C140000 41820010 92830088 3A800000 7E9E99AE 00000000 # Press Z to Drop Abilities [UnclePunch] C21A7CEC 00000004 80010014 823F03E4 2C110010 4082000C 3A400000 925F091C 60000000 00000000 # Fix Machine Formation Glitch [container12345] C21E0458 00000002 D0010060 D0010064 D0010078 00000000 # No Delay Between Pauses [UnclePunch] 04040ea0 38600000 # Enable exiting a vehicle on Air Ride and Stadium v2 [container12345] C21918DC 00000005 3C608053 386359D8 88630A94 2C03000E 4182000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 60000000 00000000 # Fix crashing when Kirby cross the finish line without machine [container12345] C21C7534 00000003 2C030000 4182000C A0030000 48000008 38000000 00000000 $KAR Netplay Community Settings v3 [UnclePunch, Cheetaboy, MagicScrumpy] 025367BC 003BFFFF 025369FC 003BFFFF 025368d4 003BFFFF 04536EE8 FFFFFFFF 04536EEC 00000000 00535a02 000000FE 04452798 38600000 04047750 38600003 0401F580 39000001 0401F548 39000063 0401F540 2C000001 0401F578 2C000063 040B6980 60000000 C2033B78 0000000C 3DE08053 61EF6EDC 7E1678AE 3DC00010 7F867000 419E0014 3DC00020 7F867000 419E0030 48000030 3A600001 7E7679AE 38800004 38C0FFFE 7EC3B378 7C852378 3E208007 62311D00 7E2903A6 4E800420 7E5679AE 4E800020 60000000 00000000 $KAR Netplay Tournament Settings v1 [UnclePunch, container12345, Eternalll] *Combines codes "City Trial 6 minutes", "Disable target flight, kirby melee 2, and vs king dedede" and "Remove player indicator and map position during fog event". # City Trial 6 mins [UnclePunch, Eternalll] 040075BC 38C00168 040070E8 38C00168 # Disable Target Flight, Kirby Melee 2 and Vs. King Dedede [container12345] C203F834 0000000E 83830004 7F83E378 7C0802A6 90010004 9421FF00 BE810008 38800018 7C8903A6 48000021 7C8802A6 88A40000 90A30004 38840001 38630004 4200FFF0 48000020 4E800021 05050505 0A000A14 00040404 04040202 02020202 02020200 BA810008 80010104 38210100 7C0803A6 00000000 # Remove player indicator and map position during fog event [container12345] C2115984 00000006 2C030000 41820024 808D0618 2C840000 41860014 8084002C 80840008 2C04000E 48000008 2C030000 60000000 00000000 $New Kirby Lag Reduction [UnclePunch] 044112ec 60000000 #disable original VI 0441140c 48000018 #skip the assert from disabling C2006B90 00000003 #call new VI 3DC0803D 61CEE164 7DC903A6 4E800421 38600000 00000000 04062848 4BFFFD85 #remove pad renew alarm 04005a94 3C608006 #set pad renew as VI callback 04005a98 606325CC #set pad renew as VI callback $━━━━━━ Local Netplay ━━━━━━ $P1 and P2 screen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0002 4080000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0002 4080000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *For 2 players netplay on one computer $P3 and P4 screen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0001 4081000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0001 4081000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *For 2 players netplay on one computer $P1, P2 and P3 screen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0003 4182000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0003 4182000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *For 3 players netplay on one computer $P2, P3 and P4 screen C202DF30 00000003 2C1A0000 4182000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 C2020764 00000003 2C1B0000 4182000C 38600001 48000008 38600000 00000000 *For 3 players netplay on one computer $━━━━━━ Main Codes ━━━━━━ *Basic utility codes for Kirby Air Ride. # ━━ 0 - 9 ━━ $16:9 Aspect Ratio v2 [gamemasterplc] 040647F4 C05E0040 C2064588 00000006 C05C0044 3C808010 80610114 7C041800 386100B4 41800014 3C803FAB 90830000 C0630000 EC4300B2 60000000 00000000 C2401508 00000009 3821FFFC 3C803F40 90810000 809E004C 3CA04280 7C042800 41820020 C0210000 C0010030 EC010032 D0010030 C001003C EC010032 D001003C 38210004 7FE4FB78 60000000 00000000 0427AE50 4E800020 C20D7F08 00000004 3821FFFC 3C603E40 90610000 C3A10000 C01E0044 EC00E824 38210004 00000000 $Unlock Everything Gold Checklist [Cheetaboy] 025367BC 003BFFFF 025369FC 003BFFFF 025368d4 003BFFFF 04536EE8 FFFFFFFF 04536EEC 00000000 $2v2 Team Battle (Collision only) (View Description) [container12345] C218D7D0 0000000D 2C030000 41820060 38600002 7C6903A6 3C608056 80A1004C 80C10030 8003AA30 8083B33C 7C050000 40820010 7C062000 40820008 48000028 7C052000 40820010 7C060000 40820008 48000014 38631218 4200FFCC 38600001 48000008 38600000 2C030000 00000000 *This is an early version of the 2v2 team code. It is based on port and only affects machine collision. P1 & P2 are against P3 and P4. # ━━ A - F ━━ $Allow CPUs on Air Ride Free Run [container12345] 0402A328 60000000 $All machines in Air Ride [Gamemasterplc] 04020BBC 60000000 04020B20 60000000 $All machines selectable in Stadium mode [container12345] 0402E538 60000000 0402E5A0 60000000 0402E6F0 60000000 $Avoid getting stuck in the properties graph when all players are CPUs [container12345] 04045DB4 60000000 04046374 60000000 $Allow same color [container12345] 04021808 4800010C 0402A5AC 48000064 0402F3EC 4800017C $Boot to Main Menu [UnclePunch] 04047750 38600003 $Colorful menu [container12345] C23FAC58 00000013 8A860004 8AA60005 8AC60006 7C14B000 40810024 7C16A800 4180000C 3AD60001 48000060 7C14A800 4180000C 3AB5FFFF 48000050 7C16A800 40810024 7C15A000 4180000C 3AB50001 48000038 7C16A000 4180000C 3A94FFFF 48000028 7C15A000 4081002C 7C14B000 4180000C 3A940001 48000010 7C15B000 41800008 3AD6FFFF 9A860004 9AA60005 9AC60006 80060004 60000000 00000000 *A color morphing effect on the menu UI. $Disable background [container12345] 040D8238 4800006C $Disable camera tilting when turning [container12345] 040B390C 60000000 $Disable conveyor [container12345] 040E8058 480002BC $Disable course animations [gamemasterplc] 040DB8D8 4E800020 $Disable CPU cheating on VS. King Dedede [container12345] 04040CBC 48000070 $Disable fog [container12345] 043CF3C4 60000000 $Disable L/R Jumping and Charging [UnclePunch] 0418efe4 60000000 $Disable machines sticking to a floor [container12345] 041D2D58 4800001C $Disable machines sticking to a wall [container12345] 041D2B4C 480001B8 $Disable moving With DPad [UnclePunch] 0418f0c8 60000000 $Disable switch [container12345] 040E86DC 4E800020 $Enable Quick Spin in the air [container12345] C21AC170 00000005 2C030000 4082001C 3C60801B 60637E80 7C6903A6 7FE3FB78 4E800421 2C030000 60000000 00000000 $Enable Quick Spin with Plasma, Bomb and Mike [container12345] 041B7E9C 60000000 041B1530 4BFF9E08 041B40C8 93E1000C 041B40CC 7C7F1B78 041B40D0 4BFDCB85 041B40D4 4BFF7264 C21AB1C4 00000005 38800021 80A30454 2C050004 40A2000C 3880005A 48000010 2C050007 40A20008 38800062 00000000 $Flashy menu [container12345] C23FAC58 00000002 80060004 5400083E 90060004 00000000 # ━━ G - L ━━ $Increase speed cap (x2) [container12345] C21EC0C0 00000004 C024001C 3C004000 9004001C C004001C D024001C EC210032 60000000 00000000 C21F7944 00000004 C0240060 3C004000 90040060 C0040060 D0240060 EC210032 60000000 00000000 $Infinite Acceleration v3 [gamemasterplc, container12345] 041EC0C4 38600000 041F7948 38600000 $Infinite Glide Time 041C612C 60000000 $Infinite Jumps C21BD7C4 00000003 2C030001 4182000C 38030001 48000008 7C601B78 00000000 $Infinite Jumps All Players [Shank + UnclePunch] C21BD7C4 00000003 2C030001 4182000C 38030001 48000008 7C601B78 00000000 $Invulnerable (gamemasterplc) 0418D080 38600001 $Kirby Air Surf v3 [container12345] C21A63B4 00000008 806D07F8 2C030035 41820030 2C040003 41800028 2C040044 4181000C 38840095 48000018 2C040064 41800010 2C040075 41810008 38840076 7C832378 00000000 C21A63A8 00000009 2C040005 41800014 2C040006 4181000C 388401CF 48000030 2C040044 4181000C 38840095 48000020 2C040064 41800014 2C040069 4181000C 38840076 48000008 3884016A 00000000 $Kirby can jump when falling after taking damage outside of a vehicle [container12345] 041A4920 48013B04 C21B8448 00000006 3C008019 600018D0 7C0903A6 4E800421 2C030000 40820014 3C00801B 600084C8 7C0903A6 4E800420 7FE3FB78 00000000 $Kirby cannot get up when his machine is destroyed [container12345] 041A5648 60000000 041BD8D8 38600000 041BD8DC 4E800020 # ━━ M - R ━━ $Machines always successfully land [container12345] 041cdb08 60000000 041cf588 38600001 $Machines get stuck when hitting a wall [container12345] 041905AC 38600001 041D2CC0 38000001 $Machine is destroyed when hitting a wall [container12345] C22312F0 00000007 2C1C0000 41820028 807C002C 806306F8 80630044 80630170 2C030000 41820010 38000000 807C002C 90030A18 7F83E378 60000000 00000000 $Machines take damage when hitting a wall [container12345] C22312F0 00000009 2C1C0000 41820038 807C002C 806306F8 80630044 80630170 2C030000 41820020 3C003F00 807C002C C2830A18 90030A18 C2A30A18 FE94A828 D2830A18 7F83E378 60000000 00000000 $No 1-Kit KOs [container12345] C21E1F44 00000004 C042B608 FC011040 FC21F828 40810010 FC011040 41810008 FC201090 00000000 *Originally titled: 1HP handicap like RtDL $No enemies on Air Ride [container12345] 040133F0 38600000 $No Legendary Air Ride Pieces Spawn [UnclePunch] 04250b5c 3800FFFF $Pause during game start [container12345] 04041050 4800000C $Prediction Always at Start of City Trial [UnclePunch] C20EDCA8 00000004 3860000A 3DC0800E 61CEE778 7DC903A6 4E800421 80010014 60000000 00000000 $Press R to Self Destruct [container12345] C222CF3C 00000005 8083003C 80840438 5484DFFF 41820010 80830040 38000000 90040A78 8063003C 60000000 00000000 $Press Y to Quick Spin [container12345] C2191A3C 00000005 807E03E4 5463AFFF 41A20018 7C6C42E6 546307BC 3803FFFF 901F0000 38600001 60000000 00000000 $One Hit Kill [container12345] 041E1F44 EC210828 $Random machine in title screen [container12345] C200D358 00000005 3C608041 6063E668 7C6903A6 38600011 4E800421 7C741B78 38600000 7E84A378 60000000 00000000 0400D398 7E84A378 $Reduce CPU Quick Spin [container12345] 042750F4 60000000 $Remove the arrow in front of machines [container12345] 041C70C4 48000014 $Respawn like Destruction Derby when destroyed [container12345] 041A5178 60000000 $Race will continue on Top Ride until all CPU reach a goal (View Description) [container12345] 042A0164 60000000 042A01F0 60000000 042A027C 60000000 042A0308 60000000 *Enable code "Avoid getting stuck in the properties graph when all players are CPUs". $Remove Stats Limit [container12345,gamemasterplc] 04194DEC 4800000C 04194E40 60000000 04194ED4 60000000 04194F28 60000000 04195020 48000060 041CAB14 4800001C 041CAC64 4800001C # ━━ S - Z ━━ $Skip Intro Cutscene [gamemasterplc] 0400D3A8 480000E0 $Skip Memory Card Nag and Tutorial Videos [UnclePunch] 00535a02 000000FE 04452798 38600000 $Unrestricted Camera [Cheetaboy] 040B6980 60000000 $Unrestricted City Trial Match Time Limit [magicscrumpy + gamemasterplc] 0401F580 39000001 0401F548 39000063 0401F540 2C000001 0401F578 2C000063 $X and Y Cycles Ability Costumes [UnclePunch] C218EF24 00000013 887F0457 2C0300FF 40820084 887F02B7 2C03001C 40820078 807F03E4 2C030400 41820010 2C030800 41820020 48000060 807F000C 38630001 2C03000A 40810008 38600000 48000018 807F000C 3863FFFF 2C030000 40800008 3860000A 907F000C 3C60801A 60637D70 7C6903A6 7FE3FB78 4E800421 3C60801A 60636640 7C6903A6 7FE3FB78 809F000C 4E800421 7FE3FB78 60000000 00000000 $━━━━━━ City Trial, Events, and Stadiums ━━━━━━ *Codes that strictly modify City Trial, Events, and Stadiums spawning from City Trial matches. # ━━ 0 - 9 ━━ $3 Laps Single Race v2 [container12345] C2045C88 00000004 3c608053 606359d8 38000000 88630a94 2c03000f 40a20008 38000003 00000000 *Single race stadiums after City Trial will have three laps. # ━━ A - F ━━ $All boxes break in one hit [container12345] 04256240 60000000 $Allow CPUs on City Trial Free Run [container12345] 0403B458 60000000 $All events are foggy [container12345] 040DC390 38000288 $Allow machine select on City Trial [container12345] 0402E5BC 60000000 0402DE84 60000000 040315E0 48000010 0403434C 48000010 04034CA0 48000010 040357A8 48000010 04035E18 48000010 0403612C 48000010 040397EC 48000010 041352E8 480274C1 040389CC 38000001 C20390A4 00000003 9B3F0004 3C008002 6000E3C4 7C0903A6 4E800421 00000000 *Buggy UI but works. $All players start with Dedede on City Trial (View Description) [container12345] 0402DE80 38000012 *Must enable "Enable Dedede and Meta Knight on City Trial" to use this code $All players start with Meta Knight on City Trial (View Description) [container12345] 0402DE80 38000013 *Must enable "Enable Dedede and Meta Knight on City Trial" to use this code $All players start with random machine including Dedede and Meta Knight on City Trial (View Description) [container12345] 040E37A4 48000038 C202DE80 00000005 38600011 3E808041 6294E668 7E8903A6 4E800421 2C03000E 40A10008 38630003 7C601B78 00000000 *Must enable "Enable Dedede and Meta Knight on City Trial" to use this code $All players start with random machines on City Trial v3 [container12345] C202DE80 00000004 3C608041 6063E668 7C6903A6 3860000F 4E800421 7C601B78 60000000 00000000 $All random pads appear on Drag Race [container12345] 040F40E0 48000150 $Always small meteors [container12345] 041109E4 3863FFFF $Burning rail station cannot be extinguished v2 [container12345] 041117CC 60000000 $City Trial Music always alternate [UnclePunch] 044989B8 8049851c $City Trial Music will not change in the remaining 30 seconds [container12345] 04011E8C 48000020 $City Trial Time of Day - Daytime [UnclePunch] 0410f1bc 38000000 $City Trial Time of Day - Foggy [UnclePunch] 0410f1bc 38000004 $City Trial Time of Day - Evening [UnclePunch] 0410f1bc 38000008 $City Trial Time of Day - Night [UnclePunch] 0410f1bc 3800000C $Contain multiple items in red/green box [container12345] 04250BA4 60000000 04250CC0 8079003C C2250CC4 00000002 3880FFFF 38A00006 60000000 00000000 04250CC8 4BE9AB1D *https://twitter.com/container12345/status/1368234558148153354 $Default rule is Time [container12345] 04007004 98FE0000 040073F0 98FC0000 $Dense Fog event never ends [container12345] 04111908 4800000C $Dilapidated Houses have 0 HP [Cheetaboy] 20adadf4 408A3D71 04adadf4 00000000 e2000001 00000000 *Dilapidated houses are the structures between the middle of the City, and Electric Lounge. $Disable chance to not have an Event [UnclePunch] 040ee2c4 38600000 $Disable City Trial stats adjustment [container12345] 04129310 60000000 041614A4 60000000 045DE880 00000000 $Disable CPU cheating on City Trial [container12345] 04015A00 4E800020 $Disable fog event [container12345] C20EDF58 00000002 38000038 7C83012E 39000000 00000000 $Disable fog event and item bouncy event v3 [container12345] 040EDE2C 60000000 C20EDF58 00000003 38000038 7C83012E 38000034 7C83012E 39000000 00000000 $Disable event alarm [container12345] 040EE89C 60000000 $Disable machine stats showing on pause menu [container12345] 041139A0 48000064 $Disable patch drop in Stadium [container12345] C219DD78 00000004 3C608053 606359D8 80630A94 2C030005 41820008 38C00000 2C060000 00000000 *Extremely buggy, stops item drops entirely in Stadium apparently. $Disable random pads on Drag Race [container12345] 040F40F0 3AA00000 040F40F8 41800010 $Disable Stadium damage scaling [container12345] 041C8E10 48000024 $Dragoon parts always appear [container12345] 040ED1C0 60000000 $Dragoon parts never appear [container12345] 040ED1C8 38600000 $Dyna Blade, Tac, and Meteor will not lose HP [container12345] 0420B6FC 60000000 $Enable CPU cheating for player on City Trial [container12345] 04014AB0 60000000 04015A6C 60000000 04015ABC 60000000 C2014AB4 00000002 38000008 40A20008 88180009 00000000 $Enable Dedede and Meta Knight on City Trial [container12345] 04112CD8 48000074 04117EB0 60000000 04118858 60000000 04119E7C 60000000 0411F03C 60000000 041240AC 60000000 04125F2C 60000000 $Enable Free Star and Steer Star in City Trial [container12345] C21C6D44 00000006 82830020 82940008 3EA04100 92B40040 92B40044 92B400AC 92B400B0 92B40118 92B4011C 80030000 60000000 00000000 $Every box contains All patches in "Same Items" event [container12345] C20EBA50 00000002 3BE00014 93E30034 60000000 00000000 $Fake patches always appear on City Trial [container12345] C20EC348 00000009 806D0618 2C030000 41820038 8063002C 2C030000 4182002C 80630000 80630004 8063013C 808D07EC 906401C4 3C60800E 6063D784 7C6903A6 3860000F 4E800421 80010034 00000000 C20ED5B8 00000002 38A00000 3860000F 60000000 00000000 040ED830 38A00000 040ED860 48000034 *Fake patches appear without fake patches event needing to be occurring. $Fake patches event never ends [container12345] 04111A30 48000018 $Fire dragons will not fly out of lava [container12345] 0410A058 60000000 $Fog event is more likely to occur [container12345] C20EDF58 00000003 38000038 38807000 7C83012E 39000000 60000000 00000000 # ━━ G - L ━━ $Hydra parts always appear [container12345] 040ED09C 60000000 $Hydra parts never appear [container12345] 040ED0A4 38600000 $Invincible Whispy [container12345] 0410DB84 60000000 $Items always bouncy v3 [container12345] C20CE518 00000007 806D07EC 2C030000 41820028 C0228778 C042877C C0628780 C0828784 C0A28758 3C608025 606341A4 7C6903A6 4E800421 80010024 00000000 0425421C 4E800020 $Items do not disappear when event starts [container12345] 042541D0 60000000 04254264 60000000 $Items drop more frequently (including Stadium) [container12345] 040EA8CC 60000000 040EAA8C 2C030046 $Items drop more frequently on City Trial [container12345] C20EA8C4 00000004 800D07F8 2C000009 4182000C 3403FFFF 48000008 7C031811 60000000 00000000 C20EAA88 00000004 800D07F8 2C000009 4182000C 801E0004 48000008 38000050 60000000 00000000 C224EF80 00000004 806D07F8 2C030009 4182000C 2C000064 48000008 2C000078 60000000 00000000 *Items drop more frequently only on City Trial $Items spawn in City Trial Free Run [container12345] 0403FC08 38000009 0403FC24 50A02EB4 040D13B4 7E9B2396 040D13B8 7E9421D6 040D13BC 7F74D850 040D13C0 48000008 $Items will not disappear by time [container12345] 0424ED6C 3C807FFF $Kirby and machine become huge as time goes on [container12345] C2190860 00000004 C02302C8 3DE038D1 61EFB717 91E302C8 C1E302C8 FC21782A D02302C8 00000000 C21DAA6C 00000004 C0230310 3DE038D1 61EFB717 91E30310 C1E30310 FC21782A D0230310 00000000 041E01AC 60000000 041E02B0 60000000 $Legendary machine parts always appear [container12345] 040ED09C 60000000 040ED1C0 60000000 $Lighthouse event never ends [container12345] 04111FE4 4800000C # ━━ M - R ━━ $Machines never get stuck when hitting a wall on City Trial [container12345] 041D2B70 41820150 $Multiple Stadiums after City Trial [container12345] 040402FC 4BFFF50D 04040300 48000361 04040304 7FDCF378 0404035C 38000005 04040360 38600010 $Only blue boxes spawn [container12345] 040EBD98 38000000 $Only green boxes spawn [container12345] 040EBD98 38000001 $Only red boxes spawn [container12345] 040EBD98 38000002 $Pillars all collapse at the same time in Sky Sands [container12345] 04101204 60000000 $Pillar event only Contains All Patches [container12345] 04104F7C 38600014 $Pillars will not be restored after collapse in Sky Sands [container12345] 04100E3C 60000000 $Pillars will not collapse in Sky Sands [container12345] 0410E558 60000000 $Play sound FX when legendary machine parts contained in red box appears [container12345] C20EA7E8 00000007 2C1E0002 4082002C 3C608044 60632A10 7C6903A6 3C600002 606300A6 388000FF 38A0007F 38C00002 38E00003 4E800421 2C1E0003 00000000 $Prevent items from bouncing up/spreading around after breaking a box [container12345] 04250D3C C822C5B0 04250DBC C822C5B0 $Random Course Music (Air Ride and CT) [UnclePunch] C2261F40 0000000D 3E008041 6210E668 7E0903A6 3860002F 4E800421 2C03000F 4081FFE8 2C030027 40820008 38600006 2C030029 40820008 38600004 2C03002B 40820008 3860000D 2C03001A 40820008 3860003F 2C030025 40820008 38600041 2C03002F 40820008 38600043 00000000 $Remove Target Flight from Shuffle (View description) [container12345] C203F880 00000002 7C1A0000 41820008 2C1A0005 00000000 *Tournament settings code in the Netplay category also disables this Stadium. $Respawn Dedede and Meta Knight in City Trial when defeated v2 (View description) [container12345] C21A5170 00000007 3C608053 606359D8 88630A94 2C03000E 41820020 2C030005 41820014 2C030006 4182000C 38600000 48000008 807F0004 60000000 00000000 *Must enable "Enable Dedede and Meta Knight on City Trial" to use this code $Rubbery Items event never ends [container12345] 04111C90 48000018 $Run amok event never ends [container12345] 0411101C 4800003C # ━━ S - Z ━━ $Same item event never ends [container12345] 04111BF0 48000018 $Secret Chamber Always Contains All Patches [UnclePunch] 0410a9e8 38600014 $Spawned machines always have low HP on City Trial [container12345] 041DF2A0 60000000 $Spawned machines always have max HP on City Trial [container12345] 041DF2A0 48000008 $Stadium Prediction Always Correct [UnclePunch] 04127998 48000014 $Stadium Prediction Never Predicts Right 1/5 times C21279A4 00000005 3FA08053 8BBD5F85 7C03E800 40820014 3FA08012 63BD799C 7FA903A6 4E800421 3BA30010 00000000 $Star Pole Drops More Items as Time Goes On [UnclePunch] C21DFA68 0000000B 7C0803A6 3E00805F 6210643C 82500000 3DC08054 61CEFAAC 81CE0000 2C0E0000 41820024 2C120453 41820008 48000020 3DE080AD 61EFB5D0 81CF0000 39CE0001 91CF0000 3A400000 48000008 3A520001 92500000 00000000 $Star Pole Drops Random Amount of Items (3-20) [UnclePunch] C2103EE4 00000006 3DC08041 61CEE668 7DC903A6 38600011 4E800421 38830003 3DC080AD 61CEB5D0 908E0000 80D60008 60000000 00000000 $UFO only contains All patches [container12345] 0410C0D8 38600014 $Vehicles will not blast off [container12345] 041E0270 60000000 *Air ride machines will not fly away after a certain time duration. $━━━━━━ Abilities ━━━━━━ *Modifications to abilities. # ━━ A - F ━━ $Ability button modifier (X button) (Fire) [container12345] 041AEEE8 5400056B 041AEF18 5400056B $Ability button modifier (X button) (Ice) [container12345] 041B480C 5400056B 041B4820 60000000 $Ability button modifier (X button) (Needle) [container12345] 041B3A98 5400056B $Ability button modifier (X button) (Plasma) [container12345] 041B2FE0 5400056B $Ability button modifier (Y button) (Fire) [container12345] 041AEEE8 54000529 041AEF18 54000529 $Ability button modifier (Y button) (Ice) [container12345] 041B480C 54000529 041B4820 60000000 $Ability button modifier (Y button) (Needle) [container12345] 041B3A98 54000529 $Ability button modifier (Y button) (Plasma) [container12345] 041B2FE0 54000529 $Abilities last forever [UnclePunch] 041a7c84 4e800020 $Bombs - Infinite in Top Ride [container12345] 04304A24 38800000 $Bombs - Thrown instead of gordos [container12345] 041AA030 38C00004 $Fireworks - Infinite duration [container12345] 041B6030 60000000 041B61C0 60000000 $Fireworks - Insane shots [container12345] 041B5F5C 60000000 041B60EC 60000000 $Fireworks - Shoots 2x as Fast [UnclePunch] 045e1674 40000000 $Fireworks - Shoots random plasma bullets [container12345] C21A9D34 00000004 3C008041 6000E668 7C0903A6 38600006 4E800421 38030005 60000000 00000000 $Fireworks - Slightly less insane [container12345] 041B6040 C00402EC 041B61D4 C00402EC $Fire - Infinite duration [container12345] 041AEEA4 48000010 $Fire - Insane shots [container12345] 041AF2C0 60000000 # ━━ G - L ━━ $Gordo - Disable Spawn Limit [container12345] 0422A6B0 60000000 $Gordo - Throws when A button is released [container12345] 041B7424 800303D8 041B7428 540005EF 041B742C 4082000C $Ice - Keeps snowstorm out without pressing A button [container12345] 041B4810 60000000 041B4820 60000000 $Invincible Candy - Infinite duration [container12345] 0419E0E4 60000000 # ━━ M - R ━━ $Panic Spin - Infinite duration [container12345] 041E3A90 4800000C $Plasma - Ability lasts until it reaches the time limit [container12345] 041B35D0 60000000 041B35F0 60000000 041B3610 60000000 041B3630 60000000 041B3650 60000000 $Plasma - Always full-charged shot [container12345] 041B3000 38600004 $Plasma - Shot fires without plasma ability [container12345] 041B2C68 60000000 041B2FFC 60000000 $Plasma - Insane shots [container12345] 041B2FE4 60000000 041B2FF0 60000000 041B3000 38600003 041B3610 60000000 041B3630 60000000 041B3650 60000000 $Plasma - Lvl 1 and Lvl 2 shoots Lvl 3 bullets [container12345] C21A95D0 00000004 2C1B0006 4181000C 38C00007 48000008 7F66DB78 90C10014 60000000 00000000 $Plasma Lvl 2 bullets go straight [container12345] 041A96A4 480000F8 041A979C 2C1B0006 041A97A0 4181001C # ━━ S - Z ━━ $Needle - Keeps needles out without pressing A button [container12345] 041B3A9C 60000000 $Needle - Infinite Duration [container12345] 041B77B8 60000000 $Time Bomb - Never explodes due to time [container12345] 04229E94 38030000 $Time Bomb - Thrown instead of a bomb [container12345] 041A9418 38C0000F $Time Bomb - Thrown instead of gordos [container12345] 041AA030 38C0000F $Infinite Power-Up or Power-Down [container12345] 0419E02C 60000000 $━━━━━━ Utility ━━━━━━ *Various changes of UI, debug, and game mechanics. # ━━ A - F ━━ $Disable automatic main menu transitions [container12345] 0401824C 48000024 $Disable ingame and pause HUD [UnclePunch] 04112464 4E800020 04041168 60000000 $Disable invisible wall collision [container12345] C2241CD0 00000003 54A0E63E 2C00001E 40820008 38A00000 54A007FF 00000000 $Disable machine collision for City Trial [container12345] 0400A214 38600000 $Disable music [UnclePunch] 0405e328 60000000 $Disable out-of-bounds [container12345] 041E6520 4E800020 $Disable out-of-bounds warning [container12345] 0411C400 4E800020 $Disable wall collision [container12345] 04241F8C 480002B4 $DPad Controls Model Size [UnclePunch] C2190860 00000009 C02302C8 8A2303E7 2C110008 41820010 2C110004 41820014 4800002C 3E403E4C 6252CCCD 4800000C 3E40BE4C 6252CCCD 924302CC C1E302CC FC21782A D02302C8 48000004 00000000 $Enable machine collision for Air Ride and Stadium [container12345] 041D74E8 60000000 041D762C 60000000 $Enable result screen on CT via Debug Menu [container12345] 04040144 4800001C C204035C 00000003 881E0398 7C000775 38000003 3860000A 60000000 00000000 04040360 4082FDE8 C204026C 00000003 881E0398 7C000775 38600000 38000009 60000000 00000000 04040270 4082FED8 $Enable starting game with one player [container12345, Cheetaboy] 04027F40 2C000000 0402CA20 2C000000 04037A04 60000000 04037A18 48000030 04037A4C 60000000 # ━━ G - L ━━ $Graphically Complete Checklist 0417DFEC 386000FF 0417E21C 386000FF 04182C6C 38C00078 $Kirby swims on the floor [container12345] 0419A5B8 38600001 $Kirby will not swim on the water [container12345] 0419A5B8 38600000 $LAN disabled goes to Debug, LAN enabled goes to LAN [UnclePunch] 04015f00 60000000 0407cf84 38000003 C2015CA0 00000004 8A1E0050 2C100000 4082000C 38600010 48000008 38600013 60000000 00000000 $Load all enemy data v2 [container12345] 040F25F8 60000000 040F25FC 28030035 040F2604 3BE0004E 040F2610 3BFFFFFF 040F2614 7FE3FB78 # ━━ M - R ━━ $Mute some SoundFX [container12345] 0405EF80 60000000 $No ground movement [container12345] 040DBD18 4E800020 $No Pause UI [UnclePunch] 04041168 60000000 $Prevent patches from being dropped from players when item data are not loaded [container12345] C219DD78 00000004 806D07F0 80630008 2C030000 40820008 38C00000 2C060000 60000000 00000000 # ━━ S - Z ━━ $Submenus resemble normal menus [Dan Salvato] 040ACBC8 38A00000 040ACBD0 38600006 040ABCD8 3C000000 040ABD5C 3C000000 040ABDE0 3C000000 040ABE58 3C000000 $Toggleable GObj Displays [Punkline] 0442A120 2C000000 0442A124 40800024 0442A1E0 2C000000 0442A1E4 40800024 *ported by container12345 $Unrestricted Pause Camera + Zoom With X/Y [UnclePunch] 040b4cf8 60000000 C20B4AC4 0000000A 3DC04000 61CE0000 91C1FFFC C1C1FFFC 81C30000 C1FE0060 55C0056B 41820010 FDEF702A D1FE0060 48000020 55C00529 41820018 FDEF7028 C1C28AE8 FC0F7040 40810008 D1FE0060 C0430028 00000000 $━━━━━━ Preset Modifiers (Unorganized) ━━━━━━ [Eternalll] *Pre-set modifier codes from the modifier section. $10 machines appear at once in City Trial [container12345] 041DE0EC 3800000A 041DF9A4 2C00000A 041DF9E4 2C00000A $20 machines appear at once in City Trial [container12345] 041DE0EC 38000014 041DF9A4 2C000014 041DF9E4 2C000014 $30 machines appear at once in City Trial [container12345] 041DE0EC 3800001E 041DF9A4 2C00001E 041DF9E4 2C00001E $Wrong Stadium Predicted 1/10 Times [UnclePunch] 0412798c 3860000A $Wrong Stadium Predicted 1/2 the Time [UnclePunch] 0412798c 38600002 $Wrong Stadium Always Predicted [UnclePunch] 0412798c 38600001 $Stadium Damage Scale x0.1 [container12345] 041C8E28 3C003DCC 041C8E2C 900D0748 $Stadium Damage Scale x0.5 [container12345] 041C8E28 3C003F00 041C8E2C 900D0748 $Stadium Damage Scale x2 [container12345] 041C8E28 3C004000 041C8E2C 900D0748 $Stadium Damage Scale x3 [container12345] 041C8E28 3C004040 041C8E2C 900D0748 $Stadium Damage Scale x10 [container12345] 041C8E28 3C004120 041C8E2C 900D0748 $Stage Scale Modifier x2 [container12345] C20CE8B4 0000000B 3C004000 90030008 C3E30008 C00300CC EC1F0032 D00300CC C00300D0 EC1F0032 D00300D0 C00300D4 EC1F0032 D00300D4 C00300D8 EC1F0032 D00300D8 C00300DC EC1F0032 D00300DC C00300E0 EC1F0032 D00300E0 00000000 $Stage Scale Modifier x3 [container12345] C20CE8B4 0000000B 3C004040 90030008 C3E30008 C00300CC EC1F0032 D00300CC C00300D0 EC1F0032 D00300D0 C00300D4 EC1F0032 D00300D4 C00300D8 EC1F0032 D00300D8 C00300DC EC1F0032 D00300DC C00300E0 EC1F0032 D00300E0 00000000 $Dyna Blade x0.5 Size [container12345] 045DFB14 3F000000 $Dyna Blade x2 Size [container12345] 045DFB14 40000000 $Dyna Blade x3 Size [container12345] 045DFB14 40400000 $Dyna Blade x10 Size [container12345] 045DFB14 41200000 $Tac x0.5 Size [container12345] 045DFB28 3F000000 $Tac x2 Size [container12345] 045DFB28 40000000 $Tac x3 Size [container12345] 045DFB28 40400000 $Tac x10 Size [container12345] 045DFB28 41200000 $Snowstorm 2x size [container12345] 041A9B90 3CC04000 041A9C00 90C1003C $Snowstorm 3x size [container12345] 041A9B90 3CC04040 041A9C00 90C1003C $Snowstorm 10x size [container12345] 041A9B90 3CC04120 041A9C00 90C1003C $Cracker bullet shoots star [container12345] 041A9D34 38000000 $Cracker bullet shoots two stars [container12345] 041A9D34 38000001 $Cracker bullet shoots fire [container12345] 041A9D34 38000002 $Cracker bullet shoots bombs [container12345] 041A9D34 38000003 $Cracker bullet shoots plasma level 1 [container12345] 041A9D34 38000005 $Cracker bullet shoots plasma level 3 [container12345] 041A9D34 38000008 $Cracker bullet shoots plasma level 4 [container12345] 041A9D34 38000009 $Cracker bullet shoots plasma level 5 [container12345] 041A9D34 3800000A $Cracker bullet shoots time bomb [container12345] 041A9D34 3800000F $Cracker bullet shoots gordo [container12345] 041A9D34 38000010 $Star bullet shoots two stars [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C00001 $Star bullet shoots fire [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C00002 $Star bullet shoots bombs [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C00003 $Star bullet shoots plasma level 1 [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C00005 $Star bullet shoots plasma level 3 [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C00008 $Star bullet shoots plasma level 4 [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C00009 $Star bullet shoots plasma level 5 [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C0000A $Star bullet shoots time bomb [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C0000F $Star bullet shoots gordo [container12345] 041A8C9C 38C00010 $Always Dyna Blade event [container12345] 040EE098 38600000 $Always Tac event [container12345] 040EE098 38600001 $Always meteor event [container12345] 040EE098 38600002 $Always pillar event [container12345] 040EE098 38600003 $Always run amok event [container12345] 040EE098 38600004 $Always restoration area event [container12345] 040EE098 38600005 $Always railway fire event [container12345] 040EE098 38600006 $Always same box items event [container12345] 040EE098 38600007 $Always lighthouse event [container12345] 040EE098 38600008 $Always secret chamber event [container12345] 040EE098 38600009 $Always stadium prediction event [container12345] 040EE098 3860000A $Always machine formation event [container12345] 040EE098 3860000B $Always UFO event [container12345] 040EE098 3860000C $Always item bounce event [container12345] 040EE098 3860000D $Always dense fog event [container12345] 040EE098 3860000E $Always fake powerups event [container12345] 040EE098 38600009 $Normal Kirby expression [container12345] 04198C44 3B800000 $Half-closed eyes Kirby expression [container12345] 04198C44 3B800001 $Closed eyes Kirby expression [container12345] 04198C44 3B800002 $Teary eyed Kirby expression [container12345] 04198C44 3B800003 $Angry face Kirby expression [container12345] 04198C44 3B800004 $Angry face 2 Kirby expression [container12345] 04198C44 3B800005 $CPU AI type modifier (NONE) (View Description) [container12345] 04262E04 38600000 *Requires Less Restrictive Crash Debugger $CPU AI type modifier (AUTO) [container12345] 04262E04 38600001 $CPU AI type modifier (RACE) [container12345] 04262E04 38600002 $CPU AI type modifier (CITY) [container12345] 04262E04 38600003 $CPU AI type modifier (ZERO) [container12345] 04262E04 38600004 *Drag Race $CPU AI type modifier (BATT1) [container12345] 04262E04 38600005 *Kirby Melee 1 $CPU AI type modifier (BATT2) [container12345] 04262E04 38600006 *Kirby Melee 2 $CPU AI type modifier (POINT) [container12345] 04262E04 38600007 *Target Flight $CPU AI type modifier (DEATH) [container12345] 04262E04 38600008 *Destruction Derby $CPU AI type modifier (AIR) [container12345] 04262E04 38600009 $CPU AI type modifier (DEDEDE) [container12345] 04262E04 3860000A $━━━━━━ Various (Unorganized) ━━━━━━ *Codes that are not able to be categorized, but one day might be. $Enable some sound fx [container12345] C2441A20 00000002 5400063F 40820008 380000CC 00000000 $Squashed World (View Description) [bopie64] 28535300 00000021 0441764C 60000000 28535301 00000022 0441764C C17C0004 E0000000 80008000 *ported by container12345 *On/Off: R+D-Pad Left/Right *Must enable Less Restrictive Crash Debugger $Slanted World (View Description) [bopie64] 28535300 00000030 04417630 60000000 28535301 00000050 04417630 C03D0008 E0000000 80008000 *ported by container12345 *On/Off: L/R+Z *Must enable Less Restrictive Crash Debugger $Squashed World 2 (View Description) [bopie64] 28535300 00000041 04417650 60000000 28535301 00000042 04417650 C19C0008 E0000000 80008000 *ported by container12345 *On/Off: L+D-Pad Left/Right *Must enable Less Restrictive Crash Debugger $Split Audio Channels (incomplete port) [UnclePunch] c244b178 00000009 b01d0084 800d1458 2c000000 40820034 889a000b 2c04003f 40820018 38800000 b081000c b0810014 b081001c 48000014 38800000 b0810008 b0810010 b0810018 38810008 00000000 c244af3c 00000009 800d1458 2c000000 40820034 889e0011 2c04003f 40820018 38800000 b081000c b0810014 b081001c 48000014 38800000 b0810008 b0810010 b0810018 38810008 60000000 00000000 $Less Restrictive Crash Debugger [Ralf] 044284B8 4E800020 04428514 4E800020 *Unless you know what you are doing, you should leave this off. *This will prevent issues with stadiums and patches $Joints of Truth [Punkline] 28535300 00000068 0440F310 60000000 28535300 00000064 0440F310 408201F0 E0000000 80008000 *ported by container12345 $Event Time Modifier [container12345] *||040EE2A8 2803XXXX|| $Specific events do not occur v3 [container12345] *||040EDE2C 60000000| *|C20EDF58 0000000N| *|380000XX 7C83012E| *|380000YY 7C83012E| *|380000ZZ 7C83012E| *|...| *|39000000 00000000|| $Character and machine in Title Screen modifier [container12345] *||0400D340 3880000X| *|0400D384 3860000X| *|0400D358 388000YY| *|0400D398 388000YY|| $Change machine for player 5 [container12345] *||04045C38 38A000XX| *|04045C50 989F0B8A|| $Player 5 is kirby [container12345] *||04045C4C 989F0B89|| $Change CPU level to 9 for player 5 [container12345] *||04045C64 981F0B91|| $Spawn Dedede as player 5 [container12345] *||04045C20 60000000| *|04045C30 60000000| *|040D0C18 3B600000|| $Menu speed modifier [container12345] *||045DE708 XXXXXXXX|| $In-game speed modifier [container12345] *||04550CCC XXXXXXXX|| $Item spawning rate modifier on Top Ride [container12345] *||044EAD30 XXXXXXXX| *|044EAD34 YYYYYYYY| *|044EAD38 ZZZZZZZZ|| $Default time limit on Air Ride modifier [container12345] *||04006FE0 3900XXXX| *|040073CC 3900XXXX|| $Default Air Ride setting modifier [container12345] *||C200701C 00000002| *|3A8000XX 9A9E0006| *|60000000 00000000| *|C2007408 00000002| *|3A8000XX 9A9C0006| *|60000000 00000000|| $Default time limit on City Trial modifier [container12345] *||040070E8 38C0XXXX| *|040075BC 38C0XXXX|| $Default stadium modifier [container12345] *||C20070F4 00000002| *|3A80000X 9A9E0002| *|60000000 00000000| *|C20075C8 00000002| *|3A80000X 9A9C0002| *|60000000 00000000|| $Default City Trial setting modifier [container12345] *||C20070F8 00000002| *|3A8000XX 9A9E0003| *|60000000 00000000| *|C20075CC 00000002| *|3A8000XX 9A9C0003| *|60000000 00000000|| $Default laps on Top Ride modifier [container12345] *||C2007074 00000002| *|3A8000XX 9A9F0001| *|60000000 00000000| *|C2007460 00000002| *|3A8000XX 9A9D0001| *|60000000 00000000|| $Machine Formation Modifier [container12345] *||041DF7B0 386000XX|| $Appearance rate modifier for Compact Star, Hydra, Dragoon, Flight Warp Star, Free Star, and Steer Star [container12345] *||C21C6D44 0000000E| *|82830020 82940008| *|3EA0XXXX 92B40008| *|92B40074 92B400E0| *|3EA0XXXX 92B40014| *|92B40080 92B400EC| *|3EA0XXXX 92B40024| *|92B40090 92B400FC| *|3EA0XXXX 92B4003C| *|92B400A8 92B40114| *|3EA0XXXX 92B40040| *|92B400AC 92B40118| *|3EA0XXXX 92B40044| *|92B400B0 92B4011C| *|80030000 00000000|| $The number of machines appear at once in City Trial modifier [container12345] *||041DE0EC 380000XX| *|041DF9A4 2C0000XX| *|041DF9E4 2C0000XX|| $Always specific event occurs [container12345] *||040EE098 3860000X|| $Expression modifier [container12345] *||04198C44 3B80000X|| $Incomplete bomb size modifier [container12345] *||045E1348 XXXXXXXX|| $Cracker bullet modifier [container12345] *||041A9D34 380000XX|| $Wrong Stadium Prediction Modifier [UnclePunch] *||0412798c 3860XXXX|| $Star bullet modifier [container12345] *||041A8C9C 38C000XX|| $Dyna Blade Size Modifier [container12345] *||045DFB14 XXXXXXXX|| $Tac Size Modifier [container12345] *||045DFB28 XXXXXXXX|| $Damage Scaling Modifier for all Stadium [container12345] *||041C8E28 3C00XXXX| *|041C8E2C 900D0748|| $Stage Scale Modifier [container12345] *||C20CE8B4 0000000B| *|3C00XXXX 90030008| *|C3E30008 C00300CC| *|EC1F0032 D00300CC| *|C00300D0 EC1F0032| *|D00300D0 C00300D4| *|EC1F0032 D00300D4| *|C00300D8 EC1F0032| *|D00300D8 C00300DC| *|EC1F0032 D00300DC| *|C00300E0 EC1F0032| *|D00300E0 00000000| $Pad modifier [container12345] *||040D6F14 3860000X| *|040F4318 3800000X| *|040F4334 3880000X|| $Fire ability size modifier [container12345] *||041A9080 3C00XXXX| *|041A9084 9001006C| *|C21AEF78 00000002| *|3CE0YYYY 90E8019C| *|C088019C 00000000|| $Snowstorm size modifier [container12345] *||041A9B90 3CC0XXXX| *|041A9C00 90C1003C|| $Initial stats modifier for City Trial [container12345] *||045DE880 XXXXXXXX|| $Sensor Bomb Explosion Timer Modifier [container12345] *||04228DF0 3800XXXX|| $Bomb Ability Explosion Timer Modifier [container12345] *||4225D2C 3800XXXX|| $Incomplete Time Bomb size modifier [container12345] *||041A9F70 3c00XXXX|| *||041A9F7C 90010048|| $Bullets disappearing timer modifier [container12345] *||0421F2E8 3800XXXX|| [Gecko_Enabled] $New Kirby Lag Reduction $KAR Netplay Community Settings v3 $KAR Netplay Tournament Settings v1 $2v2 Team Battle $Display OSReport Upon Crashing