#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © 2015 Etienne Perot # This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, # as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. if [ -n "$PARCIMONIE_CONF" ]; then source "$PARCIMONIE_CONF" || exit 'Bad configuration file.' export PARCIMONIE_CONF='' # Children spawned by this script (if any) should not inherit those values fi parcimonieUser="${PARCIMONIE_USER:-$(whoami)}" gnupgBinary="${GNUPG_BINARY:-}" torsocksBinary="${TORSOCKS_BINARY:-torsocks}" gnupgHomedir="${GNUPG_HOMEDIR:-}" gnupgKeyserver="${GNUPG_KEYSERVER:-}" gnupgKeyserverOptions="${GNUPG_KEYSERVER_OPTIONS:-http-proxy=}" torAddress="${TOR_ADDRESS:-}" torPort="${TOR_PORT:-9050}" minWaitTime="${MIN_WAIT_TIME:-900}" # 15 minutes targetRefreshTime="${TARGET_REFRESH_TIME:-604800}" # 1 week computerOnlineFraction="${COMPUTER_ONLINE_FRACTION:-1.0}" # 100% of the time useRandom="${USE_RANDOM:-false}" dirmngrPath="${DIRMNGR_PATH-}" dirmngrClientPath="${DIRMNGR_CLIENT_PATH-}" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$(whoami)" != "$parcimonieUser" ]; then if [ "$parcimonieUser" == '*' ]; then # If user requested the script to run for all users if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then echo 'Error: Must be run as root in order to support PARCIMONIE_USER="*".' exit 1 fi gnupgUsers=() for user in $(getent passwd | cut -d ':' -f 1); do if [ -d "$(eval "echo ~$user")/.gnupg" ]; then gnupgUsers+=("$user") fi done # If we have 0 users, error out if [ "${#gnupgUsers[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Error: No users found with a ~/.gnupg directory.' exit 1 fi # If we just have one user, just su to it if [ "${#gnupgUsers[@]}" -eq 1 ]; then export PARCIMONIE_USER="${gnupgUsers[0]}" export GNUPG_HOMEDIR="$(eval "echo ~"${gnupgUsers[0]}"")/.gnupg" exec su -c "$0" "${gnupgUsers[0]}" fi # If we have more than one, spawn children processes for each childrenPids=() for user in "${gnupgUsers[@]}"; do PARCIMONIE_USER="$user" GNUPG_HOMEDIR="$(eval "echo ~$user")/.gnupg" su -c "$0" "$user" & childrenPids+=("$!") done for childPid in "${childrenPids[@]}"; do wait "$childPid" done exit 0 else # If the user requested the script to run for a specific user which is not the current one exec su -c "$0" "$parcimonieUser" fi fi # If we get here, we know that we are the right user. # Find the gpg binary. if [ -n "$gnupgBinary" ]; then if [ ! -x "$gnupgBinary" ]; then echo "Error: GNUPG_BINARY '$GNUPG_BINARY' does not exist or is not executable." exit 1 fi elif which gpg2 &> /dev/null; then # Try to find it in $PATH. gnupgBinary="$(which gpg2)" echo "Detected gpg2 at '$gnupgBinary'." elif which gpg &> /dev/null; then gnupgBinary="$(which gpg)" echo "Detected gpg at '$gnupgBinary'." else echo 'gpg not found. Please make sure you have installed GnuPG.' echo 'You may manually specify the full path to gpg with GNUPG_BINARY.' exit 1 fi # Test for dirmngr, used in GnuPG >= 2.1 for keyserver communication. if [ -n "$dirmngrPath" ]; then if [ ! -x "$dirmngrPath" ]; then echo "Error: DIRMNGR_PATH '$DIRMNGR_PATH' does not exist or is not executable." exit 1 fi elif which dirmngr &> /dev/null; then # Try to find dirmngr in $PATH. dirmngrPath="$(which dirmngr)" echo "Detected dirmngr at '$dirmngrPath'; assuming GnuPG >= 2.1." else echo 'dirmngr not specified, and not found in $PATH. Assuming GnuPG < 2.1.' fi if [ -n "$dirmngrPath" ]; then # If we are using dirmngr, we must also have dirmngr-client. if [ -n "$dirmngrClientPath" ]; then if [ ! -x "$dirmngrClientPath" ]; then echo "Error: DIRMNGR_CLIENT_PATH '$DIRMNGR_CLIENT_PATH' does not exist or is not executable." exit 1 fi elif which dirmngr-client &> /dev/null; then # Try to find it in $PATH. Unlike dirmngr, it is a fatal error if we cannot find it, # because we need it to handle dirmngr properly. dirmngrClientPath="$(which dirmngr-client)" echo "Detected dirmngr-client at '$dirmngrClientPath'." else echo "dirmngr-client not found, while dirmngr was found at '$dirmngrPath'." echo 'Please make sure your installation of GnuPG is complete.' echo 'You may manually specify the full path to dirmngr-client with DIRMNGR_CLIENT_PATH.' exit 1 fi fi gnupgExec=("$gnupgBinary" --batch --with-colons) if [ -n "$gnupgHomedir" ]; then gnupgExec+=(--homedir "$gnupgHomedir") fi if [ -n "$gnupgKeyserver" ]; then gnupgExec+=(--keyserver "$gnupgKeyserver") fi if [ -n "$gnupgKeyserverOptions" ]; then gnupgExec+=(--keyserver-options "$gnupgKeyserverOptions") fi # Test for GNU `sed`, or use a `sed` fallback in sedExtRegexp sedExec=(sed) if [ "$(echo 'abc' | sed -r 's/abc/def/' 2> /dev/null || true)" == 'def' ]; then # GNU Linux sed sedExec+=(-r) else # Mac OS X sed sedExec+=(-E) fi sedExtRegexp() { "${sedExec[@]}" "$@" } keepDigitsOnly() { sedExtRegexp -e 's/[^[:digit:]]//g' -e '/^$/d' } getRandom() { if [ -z "$useRandom" -o "$useRandom" == 'false' ]; then od -vAn -N4 -tu4 < /dev/urandom | keepDigitsOnly else od -vAn -N4 -tu4 < /dev/random | keepDigitsOnly fi } nontor_gnupg() { "${gnupgExec[@]}" "$@" return "$?" } tor_gnupg() { "$torsocksBinary" --isolate "${gnupgExec[@]}" "$@" } getPublicKeys() { nontor_gnupg --list-public-keys --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --with-key-data | grep -a -A 1 '^pub:' | # only allow fingerprints of public keys (not subkeys) grep -E '^fpr:+[0-9a-fA-F]{40,}:' | # only allow fingerprints of v4 pgp keys # (v3 fingerprints consist of 32 hex characters) sedExtRegexp 's/^fpr:+([0-9a-fA-F]+):+$/\1/' # extract the fingerprint } getNumKeys() { getPublicKeys | wc -l | keepDigitsOnly } getRandomKey() { local allPublicKeys fingerprint allPublicKeys=() for fingerprint in $(getPublicKeys); do allPublicKeys+=("$fingerprint") done echo "${allPublicKeys[$(expr "$(getRandom)" % "${#allPublicKeys[@]}")]}" } getTimeToWait() { # The target refresh time is scaled by the fraction of time that the computer is expected to be online. # expr or bash's $(()) don't support fractional math. Use awk. local scaledRefreshTime scaledRefreshTime="$targetRefreshTime" if [ "$computerOnlineFraction" != '1.0' -a "$computerOnlineFraction" != '1' ]; then scaledRefreshTime="$(echo "$scaledRefreshTime" "$computerOnlineFraction" | awk 'BEGIN {print sprintf("%.0f", $1 * $2)}')" fi # minimum wait time + rand(2 * (refresh time / number of pubkeys)) # = $minWaitTime + $(getRandom) % (2 * $scaledRefreshTime / $(getNumKeys)) # But if we have a lot of keys or a very short refresh time (2 * refresh time < number of keys), # then we can encounter a modulo by zero. In this case, we use the following as fallback: # minimum wait time + rand(minimum wait time) # = $minWaitTime + $(getRandom) % $minWaitTime if [ "$(expr '2' '*' "$scaledRefreshTime")" -le "$(getNumKeys)" ]; then expr "$minWaitTime" '+' "$(getRandom)" '%' "$minWaitTime" else expr "$minWaitTime" '+' "$(getRandom)" '%' '(' '2' '*' "$scaledRefreshTime" '/' "$(getNumKeys)" ')' fi } if [ "$(getNumKeys)" -eq 0 ]; then echo 'No GnuPG keys found.' exit 1 fi if [ "$(echo "$computerOnlineFraction" | awk '{ print ($1 < 0.1 || $1 > 1.0) ? "bad" : "good" }')" == 'bad' ]; then echo 'COMPUTER_ONLINE_FRACTION must be between 0.1 and 1.0.' >&2 exit 1 fi while true; do keyToRefresh="$(getRandomKey)" timeToSleep="$(getTimeToWait)" echo "> Sleeping $timeToSleep seconds before refreshing key $keyToRefresh..." sleep "$timeToSleep" tor_gnupg --recv-keys "$keyToRefresh" done