# Release Notes ## v0.2.4 - 10/17/2022 ### MAJOR #### Removed - Due to changes in FoundryV10 making it easier to see indicators, removed the "fadeTileButton" from the Scene Gallery Config (in v10 version only) ### MINOR #### Added - Added tests to work with [Quench](https://github.com/Ethaks/FVTT-Quench) ## v.0.2.3 ### Added #### Major - Added "auto-view" and "auto-activate" options in settings for "Art Journal" and "Art Scene" ## v.0.2.2 **CHANGED** **Major** - Added support for v10 with backwards compatibility - v10 version **REQUIRES** right-click on sheet images instead of left-click, to avoid interfering with default JournalEntryPage functionality when clicking on an image ## v.0.2.1 - 10/06/2022 **PATCHED** **Major** - Fixed bug with src not being fetched from video elements ## v.0.2.0 - 10/05/2022 **CHANGED** **Major** - Improved image-share controls in actor, item, and journal sheets - Various Display methods can be accessed and activated by hovering over an image and clicking on one of these controls - the original "click on the image to display it on the canvas" functionality remains intact. **ADDED** **Major** - Scene Gallery Config - Configuration settings - Settings and Customization - settings application that can be launched from multiple locations and includes customization options - colored overlays shown on tiles on the canvas whenever you hover a connected UI item, to ensure you can easily find them. - overlay colors are customizable - Color customization of elements UI in JTCS Art Gallery apps, including a default light and dark theme. - Compendiums - Compendium pack of macros with featuring utilities to make moving and scaling tiles easier - Compendium pack of premade scenes displaying demo setups of Gallery tiles, including a scene meant to act as your default "Display Scene" - Compendium pack of Journal Entries including a scene meant to act as your default "Display Journal" **REMOVED** - Tile Tool Controls added by the module, including controls/dialog to change Display Method and share URL image. - The above tools have been replaced by "Scene Gallery Config" App, which can be accessed from the same place. ## **v0.1.8 - v0.1.9** - 2022-01-16 **CHANGED** - Updated for Foundry version 9. Check in "releases" for the version still compatible with version 8. ## **v0.1.7** - 2021-08-26 **CHANGED** - Integrated features from pull requests, such as item images now being able to be clicked on and displayed. (Thanks, @DarKDinDoN !) - Added setting to hide or change how "Toggle Display Location" button in journal header displays. ## **v0.1.6** - 2021-06-09 Updated module to work with Foundry v8.6 ## **v0.1.5** - 2021-05-23 **ADDED** **Major** - NEW: Ability to _right click_ on actor sheet character images to display them the same as journal images. - NEW: Ability to display Journal-to-Canvas-Slideshow tools within a dialog rather than as tile control tools. See the settings for **Use Actor Sheet Images** and **Hide Tile Buttons** in the updated module settings below. !["New Settings"](https://i.imgur.com/AfHLPSG.png) ### Default Tile Control Tools The default tile control tools with the Hide Tile Buttons setting disabled. A new button is there called "Switch Display Location" that will display a dialog that allows you to switch display locations without needing to go into the module's settings. !["Switch Display Location Button"](https://i.imgur.com/3XLHTku.png) !["Switch Display Location Dialog"](https://i.imgur.com/CBSidW0.png) **Note**: Journal entries now have a button in the header that allows you to switch the display location as well. **Note**: You can switch away from the tile control tools and then back again to "refresh" if you enable or disable the Hide Tile Buttons setting. --- ### Tile Control Tools with Hide Tile Buttons Turned On With the Hide Tile Buttons setting enabled, all Journal-to-Canvas-Slideshow buttons will not be displayed except for the "Clear Display" button, and a new button that says "Show Slideshow Config". To show the other functions, click on the button in the tile control tools that says "Show Slideshow Config". !["Hide Tile Buttons Setting Turned On"](https://i.imgur.com/6a7oxpt.png) The following dialog will appear with buttons with all the functionality, such as creating Display and Bounding Tiles, Setting a URL image, and switching between display locations. !["Hide Tile Buttons Dialog"](https://i.imgur.com/u5DWfMc.png) --- **CHANGED**: - Many features now work with VIEWED scene rather than ACTIVE scene, such as the bounding tiles. --- ## **v0.1.4** - 2021-03-19 **ADDED** **Major**: - NEW: Bounding Tiles implemented by @Occidio - NEW: Display Tiles that along with Bounding Tiles can be added to _any scene_. - NEW: Display images via copy-pasting URL feature implemented by @p4535992 - NEW: Display in Window feature alternative implemented by @DarKDinDoN - NEW: Extra settings to accomodate the above new features -- please check the settings menu and reselect your prefered settings. **Changes**: **Major:** - Special "Display Tiles" now created via button in Tile controls menu. Flagged by script, so no longer have to be very first tile in scene. - **Warning**: Please replace regular tile in pre-made Display Scenes with new Display Tile, else the script will not detect them. ## **v0.1.3** - 2021-01-22 **ADDED** **Major**: - NEW: Added option to display journal images in a window rather than display scene - NEW: Module settings ## **v0.1.2** - 2021-01-03 **Major:** - Fixed an incompatability issue with the Call of Cthulhu 7e (CoC7) system. ## **v0.1.1** - 2020-12-28 ### **Added** **Major:** - Added "Clear Display" button in Tiles scene control buttons. Will set 'slideshow' tile to a transparent image. **Minor:** - More visual effects when hovering over and clicking images in journal, for more user feedback - Changed cursor to pointer on hover of journal images ### **Changes** - Clicking on image in journal no longer activates the 'Display' scene if a different scene is active. Plan to add functionality later to toggle this behavior. (Red arrow pointing at new 'Clear Display' button') !["Location of clear button"](https://i.imgur.com/aPtU9QL.jpg) !["Showing off updates"](https://media2.giphy.com/media/sIKIPBhN3c5vLPVxGu/giphy.gif) # Roadmap - I next intend to add a way to more easily toggle between the various different settings (Display in Window vs Display in Scene, etc.) without needing to go all the way to the settings menu. - I may possibily implement a way to have multiple Display Tiles in a single scene, but I will need to think of the best way to implement this. - Clicking on image in journal no longer activates the 'Display' scene if a different scene is active. Plan to add functionality later to toggle this behavior. (Red arrow pointing at new 'Clear Display' button') !["Location of clear button"](https://i.imgur.com/aPtU9QL.jpg) !["Showing off updates"](https://media2.giphy.com/media/sIKIPBhN3c5vLPVxGu/giphy.gif)