Device changlogs: ============================== - Fix spectrum denials - Fixed enforcing issues occurs due to safailnet - Audio or sound improvements - Fix netflix streaming (L1) - Rom latency and app switching improved (Zygot preforking) - upstreamed kernel to 4.14.188 - Added support for Battery health Source changelogs: ============================= 7/12 Add back button for freeform window Bring back Screen Stabilization Merge USAP Pool changes 7/11 Fix missing LiveDisplay entries fixup - Touch: Add keydisabler support fixup: Add an option to change the device hostname Make LiveDisplay optional QSTileHost: Recreate tiles when LiveDisplay gets initialized 7/10 libcutils: change trace file error to verbose SystemUI: Fix NPE on notification ambient pulse SystemUI: Force hide the security footer in quick qs panel TextClock: Fix Korean strings part 2 vendor: Update and fix apns-conf for better IMS support wifi: Add StaState API