NOTE: A clean flash and format data by using EvolutionX recovery is a MUST! DEVICE: - Switch to EROFS for /system and /vendor. - Enabled SamsungDAP (Dolby Atmos). - Bring back Smart Pixels. - props: Disable client composition cache. - Disable gms components for better WiFi speeds. - Fixed laggy bootanimation. - Overall smoothness improved. - Upstreamed kernel to 4.9.330 - Rebased trees and kernel. ========================================== ROM: 10/29 CameraDeviceImpl: Don't crash when checking input configuration failed 10/28 BatteryService: Switch Dash charging status path to an overlay BrightnessController: Don't update slider from DisplayManager callback if user is changing brightness Camera: Allow skipping input configuration check Camera: Expose aux camera if packagename is null EventLog: Disable event writing in production builds Fix DozeLogger NPE crash when DozeMachine.State is null Fix crash when init QrCamera to start preview Fix crash when trying to dismiss dialog Link dialog radius to config_dialogCornerRadius Remove Safety Center tile from default tiles Settings: Adjust gesture navigation settings title Settings: Fix incorrect switch status when user stay in NightDisplaySettings page while scheduled night lights on Settings: Fix show system status lost when switching dark theme Settings: Protect sensitive data on the about phone Settings: Use ListPreference instead of DropDownPreference SystemUI: BurnInProtectionController: offset less aggressively SystemUI: Enable status bar burn-in protection by default SystemUI: Limit keyguard charging stats updates SystemUI: QuickStatusBarHeader: Fix clickability issue with privacy indicator SystemUI: Re-implement burn-in protection for status/navbar base: Disable some DEBUG log spill base: Don't send interaction hint for unnecessary events config: Downscale task snapshots to 80% fixup! biometrics: allow to disable unused fingerprints cleanup telephony: Provide a default executor 10/27 Enable backup service by default for all users Evolver: Controllable squiggle animation ListView: Disable dividers by default Settings: Remove broken LTE only mode SystemUI: Add charging icon to the charging animation SystemUI: Improve charging animation's color palette SystemUI: Play all charging animator sets at the same time base: TtsEngines: fix yet another NPE 10/26 Settings: add animation to dark mode preference Settings: buttons text should no longer be allCaps Settings: drop divider in dark mode screen 10/25 PixelPropsUtils: Don't spoof euicc SystemUI: Logo: Avoid NPE 10/24 GlobalActions: Update the default actions to match the stock experience GlobalActionsDialog: Implement partial screenshot for screenshot power menu long press GlobalActionsDialog: Never show emergency without telephony support GlobalActionsDialog: Remove broken PhoneStateListener for airplane mode toggle Settings: Grab screen resolution drawables from cheetah-td1a.220804.031-factory-6152f6f3 SystemUI: screenshot: add delay for long-press partial screenshot 10/23 Fix NPE with 1.0 and 1.1 CardStatus Pass correct value to setPreferredNetworkType() for RIL version < 1.4 Pulse: Detach pulse view only when attached Settings: Fix up panel theme and layout Settings: Regulatory: Fullscreen instead of AlertDialog 10/22 Evolver: Pulse: Implement pulse color based album art SystemUI: Always show screenshot dismiss button SystemUI: Fix tuner pref for bluetooth SystemUI: Make edit button click ripple effect rounded SystemUI: Refactor status bar bluetooth icon SystemUI: Use red color for low bluetooth battery ThemedIcons: Add Desmos icon Update translations overlays: Stop building NotoSerif font 10/21 Settings: Remove optional haptic feedback on back gesture toggle SystemUI: Require haptic feedback on back gesture SystemUI: Use proper Resolver background color 10/20 SystemUI: Add missing location permission 10/18 Evolver: Add extended monet themes Evolver: Allow changing system themes Evolver: Allow to swap volume buttons rotation based Evolver: Bring back optional Udfps haptic feedback toggle Evolver: Volume dialog timeout Settings: Bring back Battery charge warning Settings: Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation Settings: Fix bluetooth pan memory leakage Settings: Fix disabled sub showing as Active in Settings > Mobile network Settings: Show more APK details on App info screen Settings: Use a separate icon for the Notification category Settings: Use proper string for designed maximum battery capacity vendor: common: Exclude ntfs-3g from artifact path requirement 10/17 SystemUI: Set Quick QS pulldown to off by default SystemUIGoogle: Use Google home icon on home controls lockscreen if app is installed core: Blacklist P21+ experience system feature from Photos spoof 10/16 PixelPropsUtils: Update pixel devices list 10/15 QSTileHost: Add reloadAllTiles method QSTileHost: Don't recreate tiles when LiveDisplay gets initialized Merge Pixel 7/7 Pro October 2022 security patches (android-13.0.0_r11) frameworks: Add device controls shortcut to power menu keylayout: Add config for 8bitdo pro 2 vendor: apex: Update from TD1A.220804.031 vendor: CarrierSettings: Update from TD1A.220804.031 vendor: overlay: Sync with TP1A.221005.002 10/14 PixelPropsUtils: Spoof cheetah for Adaptive VPN PixelPropsUtils: Switch from raven fp to cheetah Power menu: change the flashlight drawable QCOM: Use legacy-um ipacm for all legacy UM platforms QCOM: msm8953: Use legacy-um ipacm kernel: Allow passing empty DTB to mkbootimg via board-flag soong: generator: Replace android.SourceDepTag usage with IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag