sublime-gitignorer ================== Sublime plugin that excludes from your Sublime project any files ignored by git. Created as a solution to Usage instructions: * Install the plugin via [Package Control]( by following these steps: * Press CTRL+SHIFT+P (CMD+SHIFT+P on Mac) * Select "Install Package" * Search for the ***Gitignored File Excluder*** and press Enter. * `sublime-gitignorer` will regularly check all your open folders for files that are ignored by Git and update your `"file_exclude_patterns"` and `"folder_exclude_patterns"` settings in Sublime to match the list of files and folders ignored by Git. * After you create a new Git-ignored file or update your `.gitignore` files, the files should be hidden from your project within 5 seconds. * Since the `"file_exclude_patterns"` and `"folder_exclude_patterns"` settings are now being managed programatically, if you want to *manually* set file or folder exclusion patterns in sublime, you can use the `"extra_file_exclude_patterns"` and `"extra_folder_exclude_patterns"` settings. Any file paths you list in here will automatically be included in your `"file_exclude_patterns"` and `"folder_exclude_patterns"` in addition to Git-ignored paths. * If you already have `"file_exclude_patterns"` or `"folder_exclude_patterns"` set, there is no need to back them up prior to installing this plugin; they will be automatically migrated to the `"extra_file_exclude_patterns"` and `"extra_folder_exclude_patterns"` settings on first launch. Currently tested on Ubuntu and Windows in Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. I haven't tested on Mac yet but it should work there too.