import sublime import subprocess import os import os.path import threading import platform from time import sleep # Used for output suppression when calling subprocess functions; see # devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') # Used to prevent a new command prompt window from popping up every time a new # process is spawned on Windows. See # if platform.system() == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE else: startupinfo = None def start(): # Gets invoked at the bottom of this file. """ Regularly (every 5s) updates the file_exclude_patterns setting. """ if is_first_launch(): migrate_exclude_patterns() record_first_launch() def run(): update_file_exclude_patterns() sublime.set_timeout(run, 5000) run() def update_file_exclude_patterns(): """ Updates the "file_exclude_patterns" preference to include all .gitignored files. Also includes any additional files or folders listed in the "extra_file_exclude_patterns" and "extra_folder_exclude_patterns" settings. """ s = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings") file_exclude_patterns = s.get('extra_file_exclude_patterns', []) or [] folder_exclude_patterns = s.get('extra_folder_exclude_patterns', []) or [] for path in all_ignored_paths(): is_directory = os.path.isdir(path) if platform.system() == 'Windows': # For some bizarre reason Sublime wants all its filenames to look like # C/somedir/somefile # instead of # C:\somedir\somefile # as they are normally written on Windows, and will not understand the # latter at all. All the other functions in this file return paths with # OS-standard separtors and include the colon after the drive letter on # Windows, so we need to convert them here to Sublime-format. path = windows_path_to_sublime_path(path) if is_directory: folder_exclude_patterns.append(path) else: file_exclude_patterns.append(path) new_files = set(file_exclude_patterns) old_files = set(s.get('file_exclude_patterns', []) or []) new_folders = set(folder_exclude_patterns) old_folders = set(s.get('folder_exclude_patterns', []) or []) # Only make changes if anything has actually changed, to avoid spamming the # sublime console if new_files != old_files or new_folders != old_folders: s.set('file_exclude_patterns', list(file_exclude_patterns)) s.set('folder_exclude_patterns', list(folder_exclude_patterns)) sublime.save_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings") def all_ignored_paths(): """ Returns a list of all .gitignored files or folders contained in repos contained within or containing any folders open in any open windows. """ open_folders = set() for window in open_folders.update(window.folders()) all_ignored_paths = set() for folder in open_folders: ignored_paths = folder_ignored_paths(folder) all_ignored_paths.update(ignored_paths) return list(all_ignored_paths) def folder_ignored_paths(folder): """ Returns a list (without duplicates, in the case of weird repo-nesting) of all files/folders within the given folder that are git ignored. The folder itself need not be the top level of a git repo, nor even within a git repo. """ all_ignored_paths = set() # First find all repos CONTAINED in this folder: repos = set(find_git_repos(folder)) # Then, additionally, if this folder is itself contained within a repo, # find the .git folder of the repo containing it: if is_in_git_repo(folder): repos.add(parent_repo_path(folder)) # Now we find all the ignored paths in any of the above repos for git_repo in repos: ignored_paths = repo_ignored_paths(git_repo) all_ignored_paths.update(ignored_paths) return list(all_ignored_paths) def is_in_git_repo(folder): """ Returns true if the given folder is contained within a git repo """ exit_code = ["git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree"], cwd=folder, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, startupinfo=startupinfo ) return exit_code == 0 def parent_repo_path(folder): """ Takes the path to a folder contained within a git repo, and returns the parent repo. """ # abspath call converts forward slashes to backslashes on Windows; we do # this wherever necessary to keep the format of our paths standardised on # Windows. return os.path.abspath( subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=folder, startupinfo=startupinfo )'utf-8', 'ignore').strip() ) def find_git_repos(folder): """ Returns a list of all git repos within the given ancestor folder. """ return [root for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(folder) if '.git' in subfolders] def repo_ignored_paths(git_repo): """ Takes the path of a git repo and lists all ignored files/folders in the repo. """ # Trick for listing ignored files nicked from # command_output = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'clean', '-ndX'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=git_repo, startupinfo=startupinfo, env={'LANG':'C'} ) command_output = command_output.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if command_output.isspace() or command_output == u'': return [] lines = command_output.strip().split(u'\n') # Each line in `lines` now looks something like: # "Would remove foo/bar/yourfile.txt" relative_paths = [line.replace(u'Would remove ', u'', 1).rstrip(u'/') for line in lines] absolute_paths = [os.path.join(git_repo, path) for path in relative_paths] return absolute_paths def is_first_launch(): s = sublime.load_settings("gitignorer.sublime-settings") return not s.get('_sublime_gitignorer_has_run', False) def migrate_exclude_patterns(): """ Runs on first launch; purpose is to prevent people who have already set exclusion patterns from losing them when they install this package. """ s = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings") existing_file_exclude_patterns = s.get('file_exclude_patterns', []) or [] existing_folder_exclude_patterns = s.get('folder_exclude_patterns', []) or [] s.set('extra_file_exclude_patterns', existing_file_exclude_patterns) s.set('extra_folder_exclude_patterns', existing_folder_exclude_patterns) sublime.save_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings") def record_first_launch(): s = sublime.load_settings("gitignorer.sublime-settings") s.set('_sublime_gitignorer_has_run', True) sublime.save_settings("gitignorer.sublime-settings") def windows_path_to_sublime_path(path): """ Removes the colon after the drive letter and replaces backslashes with slashes. e.g. windows_path_to_sublime_path("C:\somedir\somefile") == "C/somedir/somefile" """ assert(path[1] == u':') without_colon = path[0] + path[2:] return without_colon.replace(u'\\', u'/') start()