from phBot import * import time import struct import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import QtBind import random pName = 'Login Control English' pVersion = '0.0.9' gui = QtBind.init(__name__, pName) created = QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'By EzKime', 670, 297) userName = get_startup_data()['username'] query = ("""SELECT * FROM LoginControl WHERE userName='%s'""" % userName) maxCount = 100 minSec = 60 block1 = 60 block24 = 1440 dataBase = get_config_dir() + "AccountLoginControl.db3" con = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "LoginControl" ("Id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "userName" TEXT NOT NULL,"loginCount" INTEGER NOT NULL,"blockingTime" TEXT,"blockType" INTEGER,"blockCount" INTEGER,"MaxQueue" INTEGER,"logCount" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY("Id"))') con.commit() con.close() lblInfo = QtBind.createLabel(gui, f'The number of attempts is set to {maxCount}.' '\nIt will try to queue until it is blocked by the server.' '\nIf it is blocked by the server, it will be blocked for 24 hours.' '\nIn this case if he keeps trying the ip will be blocked' '\nSince this plugin has too many queue attempts due to excessive' '\ndensity on (US) servers,' '\nthe account will be blocked for 24 hours when the account cannot' '\nenter the queue after 100 attempts.' '\nThe advantage of this plugin is that it does not make the accounts' '\nthat are blocked on the server need to be logged in again and again.', 350, 50) blockAcc = QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'Blocked Accounts', 60, 35) Display = QtBind.createList(gui, 9, 50, 180, 240) check = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'check', ' Check ', 205, 50) blokeAcc = "SELECT * FROM LoginControl where Id>0 ORDER by blockingTime ASC" def check(): count = 0 conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute(blokeAcc) accounts = curs.fetchall() QtBind.clear(gui, Display) QtBind.append(gui, Display, ' Minute + Accounts') dateTime = for account in accounts: blockingTime = datetime.fromisoformat(account[3]) if account[5] > 0 and blockingTime > dateTime: count += 1 dateTime = min = int((blockingTime - dateTime).seconds / 60) result = f'{count} - {min}-Min---{account[1]}' QtBind.append(gui, Display, result) def connected(): conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute(query) accData = curs.fetchone() blockType = accData[4] blockCount = accData[5] dateTime = blockingTime = datetime.fromisoformat(accData[3]) if blockType == 1 and blockCount == 1 and blockingTime > dateTime: minutes = int((blockingTime - dateTime).seconds / minSec) countDown(minutes, blockCount) elif blockType == 1 and blockCount == 2 and blockingTime > dateTime: minutes = int((blockingTime - dateTime).seconds / minSec) countDown(minutes, blockCount) elif blockType == 1 and blockCount == 1 and blockingTime < dateTime: unBlock() elif blockType == 1 and blockCount == 2 and blockingTime < dateTime: reset() elif blockCount == 3 and blockingTime > dateTime: minutes = int((blockingTime - dateTime).seconds / minSec) countDown(minutes, blockCount) elif blockCount == 3 and blockingTime < dateTime: reset() def countDown(minutes, blockCount): log(f' The {minutes}-minute countdown begins..') log(str(blockCount)+' reason for blocking.') if minutes <= 2880 and blockCount >= 2: while range(minutes): dateTime = conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute(query) userData = curs.fetchone() if userData[6] > 0 and userData[5] != 3: curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set loginCount = '%s', blockingTime = '%s', blockType = %s, blockCount = %s, MaxQueue = %s WHERE userName='%s' " % (30, dateTime, 0, 1, 0, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() log('>>>Reconnect on disconnect<<< must be active') log("There was a sudden drop in the server status. 5 attempts can be made. If the queue is not entered, it will be put back to sleep for 24 hours.") break minutes -= 1 log(f"It will be unblocked after {minutes} minutes. block reason {blockCount}") time.sleep(minSec) if minutes < 1: reset() elif minutes <= 120 and blockCount == 1: while range(minutes): dateTime = conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute(query) userData = curs.fetchone() if userData[6] > 0 and userData[5] != 3: curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set loginCount = '%s', blockingTime = '%s', blockType = %s, blockCount = %s, MaxQueue = %s WHERE userName='%s' " % (30, dateTime, 0, 1, 0, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() log('>>>Reconnect on disconnect<<< must be active') log('There was a sudden drop in the server status. 5 attempts can be made. If the queue is not entered, it will be put to sleep for 60 minutes again.') break minutes -= 1 log(f"It will be unblocked after {minutes} minutes. block reason {blockCount}") time.sleep(minSec) if minutes < 1: unBlock() def unBlock(): dateTime = conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set loginCount = %s, blockingTime = '%s', blockType=%s, MaxQueue=%s WHERE userName='%s' " % (0, dateTime, 0, 0, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() log('The countdown is over.') def reset(): dateTime = conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set loginCount = %s, blockingTime = '%s', blockType=%s, blockCount=%s, MaxQueue=%s, logCount =%s WHERE userName='%s' " % (0, dateTime, 0, 0, 0, 0, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() log('The character has entered the game. Status Reset.') def block24h(): blockingTime = + timedelta(minutes=block24) conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set blockingTime = '%s', blockCount=%s WHERE userName='%s' " % (blockingTime, 3, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() log('The account has been blocked by the server. 24 hours blocked. Block reason 3') def updateAccount(): dateTime = conn = sqlite3.connect(dataBase) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute(query) userData = curs.fetchone() # If the record is entered for the first time, it will be entered here. if userData is None: sql = "INSERT into LoginControl(userName, loginCount, blockingTime, blockType, blockCount, MaxQueue, logCount) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" val = (userName, 1, dateTime, 0, 0, 0, 1) curs.execute(sql, val) conn.commit() conn.close() log("Character information has been successfully added to the database") elif userData[2] >= maxCount: blockCount = userData[5] if blockCount == 0: blockingTime = + timedelta(minutes=block1) curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set blockingTime = '%s', blockType=%s, blockCount=%s WHERE userName='%s' " % (blockingTime, 1, 1, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() log(f'The attempt to enter the queue failed. Queue attempt reached {userData[2]}, temporarily blocked for 60 minutes. If there is a sudden drop in the server, 5 attempts will be given if the Queue is <850.') elif blockCount == 1: blockingTime = + timedelta(minutes=block24) curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set blockingTime = '%s', blockType=%s, blockCount=%s WHERE userName='%s' " % (blockingTime, 1, 2, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() log(f'The attempt to enter the queue failed. This is the 2nd try. Queue attempt reached {userData[2]}, temporarily blocked for 1440 minutes. If there is a sudden drop in the server, 5 attempts will be given if the Queue is <850.') elif userData[2] < maxCount: loginCount = userData[2] logCount = userData[7] blockCount = userData[5] loginCount += 1 logCount += 1 log(f'Queuing attempt {loginCount} will be stopped when attempt {maxCount} is reached. This is stage {blockCount+1}. Total attempts {logCount}') curs.execute("Update LoginControl Set loginCount = %s, logCount=%s WHERE userName='%s' " % (loginCount, logCount, userName)) conn.commit() conn.close() dk = random.randint(2, 5) while range(dk): log(f'{dk} There will be a retry in minutes.') dk -= 1 time.sleep(60) def handle_joymax(opcode, data): bloke = 'Your account is blocked for 24 hours due to repeated login attempts. Please try again when your account is unblocked.' bloke24 = str(data) if opcode == 0xA10A and bloke in bloke24: log('You have been blocked by the server for 24 hours. :( ') block24h() elif opcode == 0xA10A and data == b'\x02\x1c': updateAccount() # When the character logs into the game. elif opcode == 0xA103 and data == b'\x01\x03\x00': reset() return True log(f'Plugin: {pName} Version {pVersion} Loaded')