var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { EZGUI.Easing = { Linear: { None: function (k) { return k; } }, Quadratic: { In: function (k) { return k * k; }, Out: function (k) { return k * (2 - k); }, InOut: function (k) { if ((k *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * k * k; return -0.5 * (--k * (k - 2) - 1); } }, Cubic: { In: function (k) { return k * k * k; }, Out: function (k) { return --k * k * k + 1; }, InOut: function (k) { if ((k *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * k * k * k; return 0.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * k + 2); } }, Quartic: { In: function (k) { return k * k * k * k; }, Out: function (k) { return 1 - (--k * k * k * k); }, InOut: function (k) { if ((k *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * k * k * k * k; return -0.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * k * k - 2); } }, Quintic: { In: function (k) { return k * k * k * k * k; }, Out: function (k) { return --k * k * k * k * k + 1; }, InOut: function (k) { if ((k *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * k * k * k * k * k; return 0.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * k * k * k + 2); } }, Sinusoidal: { In: function (k) { return 1 - Math.cos(k * Math.PI / 2); }, Out: function (k) { return Math.sin(k * Math.PI / 2); }, InOut: function (k) { return 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * k)); } }, Exponential: { In: function (k) { return k === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(1024, k - 1); }, Out: function (k) { return k === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * k); }, InOut: function (k) { if (k === 0) return 0; if (k === 1) return 1; if ((k *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * Math.pow(1024, k - 1); return 0.5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (k - 1)) + 2); } }, Circular: { In: function (k) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - k * k); }, Out: function (k) { return Math.sqrt(1 - (--k * k)); }, InOut: function (k) { if ((k *= 2) < 1) return -0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - k * k) - 1); return 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (k -= 2) * k) + 1); } }, Elastic: { In: function (k) { var s, a = 0.1, p = 0.4; if (k === 0) return 0; if (k === 1) return 1; if (!a || a < 1) { a = 1; s = p / 4; } else s = p * Math.asin(1 / a) / (2 * Math.PI); return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (k -= 1)) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)); }, Out: function (k) { var s, a = 0.1, p = 0.4; if (k === 0) return 0; if (k === 1) return 1; if (!a || a < 1) { a = 1; s = p / 4; } else s = p * Math.asin(1 / a) / (2 * Math.PI); return (a * Math.pow(2, -10 * k) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + 1); }, InOut: function (k) { var s, a = 0.1, p = 0.4; if (k === 0) return 0; if (k === 1) return 1; if (!a || a < 1) { a = 1; s = p / 4; } else s = p * Math.asin(1 / a) / (2 * Math.PI); if ((k *= 2) < 1) return -0.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (k -= 1)) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)); return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (k -= 1)) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * 0.5 + 1; } }, Back: { In: function (k) { var s = 1.70158; return k * k * ((s + 1) * k - s); }, Out: function (k) { var s = 1.70158; return --k * k * ((s + 1) * k + s) + 1; }, InOut: function (k) { var s = 1.70158 * 1.525; if ((k *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * (k * k * ((s + 1) * k - s)); return 0.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * ((s + 1) * k + s) + 2); } }, Bounce: { In: function (k) { return 1 - EZGUI.Easing.Bounce.Out(1 - k); }, Out: function (k) { if (k < (1 / 2.75)) { return 7.5625 * k * k; } else if (k < (2 / 2.75)) { return 7.5625 * (k -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * k + 0.75; } else if (k < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return 7.5625 * (k -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * k + 0.9375; } else { return 7.5625 * (k -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * k + 0.984375; } }, InOut: function (k) { if (k < 0.5) return EZGUI.Easing.Bounce.In(k * 2) * 0.5; return EZGUI.Easing.Bounce.Out(k * 2 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5; } } }; })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { EZGUI.Interpolation = { Linear: function (v, k) { var m = v.length - 1, f = m * k, i = Math.floor(f), fn = EZGUI.Interpolation.Utils.Linear; if (k < 0) return fn(v[0], v[1], f); if (k > 1) return fn(v[m], v[m - 1], m - f); return fn(v[i], v[i + 1 > m ? m : i + 1], f - i); }, Bezier: function (v, k) { var b = 0, n = v.length - 1, pw = Math.pow, bn = EZGUI.Interpolation.Utils.Bernstein, i; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { b += pw(1 - k, n - i) * pw(k, i) * v[i] * bn(n, i); } return b; }, CatmullRom: function (v, k) { var m = v.length - 1, f = m * k, i = Math.floor(f), fn = EZGUI.Interpolation.Utils.CatmullRom; if (v[0] === v[m]) { if (k < 0) i = Math.floor(f = m * (1 + k)); return fn(v[(i - 1 + m) % m], v[i], v[(i + 1) % m], v[(i + 2) % m], f - i); } else { if (k < 0) return v[0] - (fn(v[0], v[0], v[1], v[1], -f) - v[0]); if (k > 1) return v[m] - (fn(v[m], v[m], v[m - 1], v[m - 1], f - m) - v[m]); return fn(v[i ? i - 1 : 0], v[i], v[m < i + 1 ? m : i + 1], v[m < i + 2 ? m : i + 2], f - i); } }, Utils: { Linear: function (p0, p1, t) { return (p1 - p0) * t + p0; }, Bernstein: function (n, i) { var fc = EZGUI.Interpolation.Utils.Factorial; return fc(n) / fc(i) / fc(n - i); }, Factorial: (function () { var a = [1]; return function (n) { var s = 1, i; if (a[n]) return a[n]; for (i = n; i > 1; i--) s *= i; return a[n] = s; }; })(), CatmullRom: function (p0, p1, p2, p3, t) { var v0 = (p2 - p0) * 0.5, v1 = (p3 - p1) * 0.5, t2 = t * t, t3 = t * t2; return (2 * p1 - 2 * p2 + v0 + v1) * t3 + (-3 * p1 + 3 * p2 - 2 * v0 - v1) * t2 + v0 * t + p1; } } }; })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// /// /** * This is a part of Tween.js converted to TypeScript * * Tween.js - Licensed under the MIT license * */ var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { class Tween { //#endregion constructor(object) { this._valuesStart = {}; this._valuesEnd = {}; this._valuesStartRepeat = {}; this._duration = 1000; this._repeat = 0; this._yoyo = false; this._isPlaying = false; this._reversed = false; this._delayTime = 0; this._startTime = null; this._easingFunction = EZGUI.Easing.Linear.None; this._interpolationFunction = EZGUI.Interpolation.Linear; this._chainedTweens = []; this._onStartCallback = null; this._onStartCallbackFired = false; this._onUpdateCallback = null; this._onCompleteCallback = null; this._onStopCallback = null; this._object = object; // Set all starting values present on the target object for (var field in object) { this._valuesStart[field] = parseFloat(object[field], 10); } } static getAll() { return this._tweens; } static removeAll() { this._tweens = []; } static add(tween) { this._tweens.push(tween); } static remove(tween) { var i = this._tweens.indexOf(tween); if (i !== -1) { this._tweens.splice(i, 1); } } static update(time) { if (this._tweens.length === 0) return false; var i = 0; time = time !== undefined ? time :; while (i < this._tweens.length) { if (this._tweens[i].update(time)) { i++; } else { this._tweens.splice(i, 1); } } return true; } to(properties, duration) { if (duration !== undefined) { this._duration = duration; } this._valuesEnd = properties; return this; } start(time) { Tween.add(this); this._isPlaying = true; this._onStartCallbackFired = false; this._startTime = time !== undefined ? time :; this._startTime += this._delayTime; for (var property in this._valuesEnd) { // check if an Array was provided as property value if (this._valuesEnd[property] instanceof Array) { if (this._valuesEnd[property].length === 0) { continue; } // create a local copy of the Array with the start value at the front this._valuesEnd[property] = [this._object[property]].concat(this._valuesEnd[property]); } this._valuesStart[property] = this._object[property]; if ((this._valuesStart[property] instanceof Array) === false) { this._valuesStart[property] *= 1.0; // Ensures we're using numbers, not strings } this._valuesStartRepeat[property] = this._valuesStart[property] || 0; } return this; } stop() { if (!this._isPlaying) { return this; } Tween.remove(this); this._isPlaying = false; if (this._onStopCallback !== null) {; } this.stopChainedTweens(); return this; } stopChainedTweens() { for (var i = 0, numChainedTweens = this._chainedTweens.length; i < numChainedTweens; i++) { this._chainedTweens[i].stop(); } } delay(amount) { this._delayTime = amount; return this; } repeat(times) { this._repeat = times; return this; } yoyo(yoyo) { this._yoyo = yoyo; return this; } easing(easing) { this._easingFunction = easing; return this; } interpolation(interpolation) { this._interpolationFunction = interpolation; return this; } chain() { this._chainedTweens = arguments; return this; } onStart(callback) { this._onStartCallback = callback; return this; } onUpdate(callback) { this._onUpdateCallback = callback; return this; } onComplete(callback) { this._onCompleteCallback = callback; return this; } onStop(callback) { this._onStopCallback = callback; return this; } update(time) { var property; if (time < this._startTime) { return true; } if (this._onStartCallbackFired === false) { if (this._onStartCallback !== null) {; } this._onStartCallbackFired = true; } var elapsed = (time - this._startTime) / this._duration; elapsed = elapsed > 1 ? 1 : elapsed; var value = this._easingFunction(elapsed); for (property in this._valuesEnd) { var start = this._valuesStart[property] || 0; var end = this._valuesEnd[property]; if (end instanceof Array) { this._object[property] = this._interpolationFunction(end, value); } else { // Parses relative end values with start as base (e.g.: +10, -3) if (typeof (end) === "string") { end = start + parseFloat(end, 10); } // protect against non numeric properties. if (typeof (end) === "number") { this._object[property] = start + (end - start) * value; } } } if (this._onUpdateCallback !== null) {, value); } if (elapsed == 1) { if (this._repeat > 0) { if (isFinite(this._repeat)) { this._repeat--; } // reassign starting values, restart by making startTime = now for (property in this._valuesStartRepeat) { if (typeof (this._valuesEnd[property]) === "string") { this._valuesStartRepeat[property] = this._valuesStartRepeat[property] + parseFloat(this._valuesEnd[property], 10); } if (this._yoyo) { var tmp = this._valuesStartRepeat[property]; this._valuesStartRepeat[property] = this._valuesEnd[property]; this._valuesEnd[property] = tmp; } this._valuesStart[property] = this._valuesStartRepeat[property]; } if (this._yoyo) { this._reversed = !this._reversed; } this._startTime = time + this._delayTime; return true; } else { if (this._onCompleteCallback !== null) {; } for (var i = 0, numChainedTweens = this._chainedTweens.length; i < numChainedTweens; i++) { this._chainedTweens[i].start(time); } return false; } } return true; } } //#region Static part replacing TWEEN namespace from original tweenjs Tween._tweens = []; EZGUI.Tween = Tween; })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var utils; (function (utils) { class EventHandler { bind(event, fct) { this._events = this._events || {}; this._events[event] = this._events[event] || []; this._events[event].push(fct); } //same as bind on(event, fct, nbcalls) { this._events = this._events || {}; this._events[event] = this._events[event] || []; if (nbcalls) fct.__nbcalls__ = nbcalls; this._events[event].push(fct); } //unbind(event, fct) { // this._events = this._events || {}; // //if (event in this._events === false) return; // if (event in this._events === false || typeof this._events[event] != 'array') return; // this._events[event].splice(this._events[event].indexOf(fct), 1); //} unbind(event, fct) { this._events = this._events || {}; if (event in this._events === false || !this._events[event] || !(this._events[event] instanceof Array)) return; this._events[event].splice(this._events[event].indexOf(fct), 1); } unbindEvent(event) { this._events = this._events || {}; this._events[event] = []; } unbindAll() { this._events = this._events || {}; for (var event in this._events) this._events[event] = false; } trigger(event, ...args) { this._events = this._events || {}; if (event in this._events !== false) { for (var i = 0; i < this._events[event].length; i++) { var fct = this._events[event][i]; fct.apply(this, args); if (fct.__nbcalls__) { fct.__nbcalls__--; if (fct.__nbcalls__ <= 0) this.unbind(event, fct); } } } } } utils.EventHandler = EventHandler; })(utils = EZGUI.utils || (EZGUI.utils = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /** * Hack in support for for browsers that don't support it. * IE, I'm looking at you. **/ if (Function.prototype['name'] === undefined && Object.defineProperty !== undefined) { Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'name', { get: function () { var funcNameRegex = /function\s([^(]{1,})\(/; var results = (funcNameRegex).exec((this).toString()); return (results && results.length > 1) ? results[1].trim() : ""; }, set: function (value) { } }); } /// //declare var __extends; var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Compatibility; (function (Compatibility) { Compatibility.PIXIVersion = 2; if (PIXI.VERSION.indexOf('v3.') == 0 || PIXI.VERSION.indexOf('3.') == 0) Compatibility.PIXIVersion = 3; if (PIXI.VERSION.indexOf('v4.') == 0 || PIXI.VERSION.indexOf('4.') == 0) Compatibility.PIXIVersion = 4; Compatibility.isPhaser = (typeof Phaser != 'undefined'); Compatibility.isPhaser24 = Compatibility.isPhaser && Phaser.VERSION.indexOf('2.4') == 0; Compatibility.isPhaser25 = Compatibility.isPhaser && Phaser.VERSION.indexOf('2.5') == 0; Compatibility.isPhaser26 = Compatibility.isPhaser && Phaser.VERSION.indexOf('2.6') == 0; Compatibility.isPhaser24plus = Compatibility.isPhaser24 || Compatibility.isPhaser25 || Compatibility.isPhaser26; Compatibility.BitmapText = Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3 ? PIXI.extras.BitmapText : PIXI.BitmapText; class TilingSprite { constructor(texture, width, height) { } } Compatibility.TilingSprite = TilingSprite; class GUIContainer extends PIXI.Container { } Compatibility.GUIContainer = GUIContainer; if (Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3) { Compatibility['GUIContainer'] = PIXI['Container']; } else { Compatibility['GUIContainer'] = PIXI['DisplayObjectContainer']; } class GUIDisplayObjectContainer extends GUIContainer { constructor() { super(); if (typeof Phaser != 'undefined') { var game = Phaser.GAMES[0]; if (!GUIDisplayObjectContainer.globalPhaserGroup) GUIDisplayObjectContainer.globalPhaserGroup = new Phaser.Group(game, game.stage, 'guigroup'); this.phaserGroup = GUIDisplayObjectContainer.globalPhaserGroup.create(0, 0); //new Phaser.Group(Phaser.GAMES[0]); this.phaserGroup.addChild(this); this.phaserGroup.guiSprite = this; } } } Compatibility.GUIDisplayObjectContainer = GUIDisplayObjectContainer; //var dummy:any = (function (_super) { // __extends(GUIDisplayObjectContainer, _super); // function GUIDisplayObjectContainer() { //, [Phaser.GAMES[0]]); // } // return GUIDisplayObjectContainer; //})(Phaser.Group); //Compatibility['GUIDisplayObjectContainer'] = dummy; function createRenderTexture(width, height) { if (!EZGUI.tilingRenderer) { if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3) { EZGUI.tilingRenderer = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(); } else { if (!Compatibility.isPhaser) EZGUI.tilingRenderer = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(; } } var texture; if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 4) { texture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(width, height); //new PIXI.RenderTexture(EZGUI.tilingRenderer, width, height); } else if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion == 3) { texture = new PIXI.RenderTexture(EZGUI.tilingRenderer, width, height); } else { texture = new PIXI.RenderTexture(width, height, EZGUI.tilingRenderer); } return texture; } Compatibility.createRenderTexture = createRenderTexture; /* * * this function is used to fix Phaser 2.4 compatibility * it need to be attached to onLoadComplete of phaser's loader to copy loaded resources to PIXI.TextureCache */ function fixCache(resources) { if (!EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser24plus || !this._fileList) return; for (var i = 0; i < this._fileList.length; i++) { if (!resources || resources.length == 0 || resources.indexOf(this._fileList[i].key) >= 0) { var tx = new PIXI.Texture(new PIXI.BaseTexture(this._fileList[i].data)); PIXI.TextureCache[this._fileList[i].key] = tx; } } } Compatibility.fixCache = fixCache; function copyPointerEvents(obj) { if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion <= 3) { obj.mouseover = obj.pointerover; obj.mouseout = obj.pointerout; obj.mousedown = obj.pointerdown; obj.mouseup = obj.pointerup; obj.mousemove = obj.pointermove; } } Compatibility.copyPointerEvents = copyPointerEvents; })(Compatibility = EZGUI.Compatibility || (EZGUI.Compatibility = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3) { //register EZGUI to the plugin Interface to get reference to the main renderer function EZGUIPluginInterface(renderer) { EZGUI.renderer = renderer; EZGUI.tilingRenderer = renderer; } PIXI.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin('EZGUI', EZGUIPluginInterface); PIXI.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin('EZGUI', EZGUIPluginInterface); //(PIXI['utils'])._saidHello = true; if (typeof PIXI.utils.skipHello === 'function') PIXI.utils.skipHello(); //EZGUI.tilingRenderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer(); //EZGUI.tilingRenderer = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(); EZGUI.Compatibility.TilingSprite = (PIXI.extras).TilingSprite; //(PIXI['utils'])._saidHello = false; } else { //EZGUI.tilingRenderer = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(); EZGUI.Compatibility.TilingSprite = PIXI.TilingSprite; } EZGUI.Compatibility.TilingSprite.prototype['fixPhaser24'] = function () { if (EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser24plus) { var ltexture = this.originalTexture || this.texture; var frame = ltexture.frame; var targetWidth, targetHeight; // Check that the frame is the same size as the base texture. var isFrame = frame.width !== ltexture.baseTexture.width || frame.height !== ltexture.baseTexture.height; this._frame = {}; if (ltexture.trim) { this._frame.spriteSourceSizeX = ltexture.trim.width; this._frame.spriteSourceSizeY = ltexture.trim.height; } else { this._frame.sourceSizeW = frame.width; this._frame.sourceSizeH = frame.height; } } }; if (PIXI.EventTarget) { PIXI.EventTarget.mixin(EZGUI.Compatibility.GUIDisplayObjectContainer.prototype); } else { if (EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser) { var proto = EZGUI.Compatibility.GUIDisplayObjectContainer.prototype; proto.on = function (event, fct) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || []; this._listeners[event].push(fct); }; = function (event, fct) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (!fct) { this._listeners[event] = []; } else { //if (event in this._listeners === false || typeof this._listeners[event] != 'array') return; if (event in this._listeners === false || !(this._listeners[event] instanceof Array)) return; this._listeners[event].splice(this._listeners[event].indexOf(fct), 1); } }; proto.emit = function (event, ...args) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (event in this._listeners !== false) { for (var i = 0; i < this._listeners[event].length; i++) { var fct = this._listeners[event][i]; fct.apply(this, args); if (fct.__nbcalls__) { fct.__nbcalls__--; if (fct.__nbcalls__ <= 0) this.unbind(event, fct); } } } }; } } /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { class Theme { constructor(themeConfig) { this.themeConfig = themeConfig; this._listeners = []; this.ready = false; this.url = ''; var __this = this; if (typeof themeConfig == 'string') { __this.url = themeConfig; EZGUI.utils.loadJSON(__this.url, function (themeConfig) { __this.themeConfig = themeConfig; __this.initThemeConfig(themeConfig); }); } else { this.initThemeConfig(themeConfig); } } override(themeConfig) { var _theme = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(themeConfig)); for (var t in _theme) { if (t == 'default') continue; var skin = _theme[t]; EZGUI.utils.extendJSON(skin, this._default); } this.parseComponents(_theme); for (var t in _theme) { if (t == 'default') continue; var skin = _theme[t]; this._theme[t] = skin; } } fixLimits(target, source) { if (typeof source == 'object') { if (target.width != undefined && source.maxWidth) target.width = Math.min(target.width, source.maxWidth); if (target.height != undefined && source.maxHeight) target.height = Math.min(target.height, source.maxHeight); for (var i in source) { var src = source[i]; if (typeof target[i] == 'object') { this.fixLimits(target[i], source[i]); } } } } initThemeConfig(themeConfig) { this._theme = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(themeConfig)); = this._theme.__config__ ? : undefined; this._default = this._theme['default']; for (var t in this._theme) { if (t == 'default') continue; var skin = this._theme[t]; /* for (var i in this._default) { if (!skin[i]) skin[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._default[i])); } */ EZGUI.utils.extendJSON(skin, this._default); } this.path = this.url.substring(0, this.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); this.parseComponents(this._theme); this.preload(); } parseResources() { var themeResources = this._theme.__config__.resources; var resources = []; if (!themeResources || themeResources.length <= 0) return resources; var resToLoad = 0; for (var i = 0; i < themeResources.length; i++) { var res = themeResources[i]; if (res.indexOf('http://') == 0 || res.indexOf('https://') == 0 || res.indexOf('file://') == 0 || res.indexOf('/') == 0) continue; //TODO : use a path normalizer here if (res.indexOf('./') == 0) res = res.substring(2); if (PIXI.loader && PIXI.loader.resources[resources[i]]) { // } else { resources.push(this.path + res); } } return resources; } parseComponents(theme) { for (var i in theme) { if (i == '__config__') continue; var item = theme[i]; for (var c = 0; c < Theme.imageComponents.length; c++) { var cc = Theme.imageComponents[c]; for (var v = 0; v < Theme.imageVariants.length; v++) { var vv = Theme.imageVariants[v]; if (vv != '') cc = cc + '-' + vv; if (item[cc] == undefined) { cc = Theme.imageComponents[c]; continue; } if (typeof item[cc] == 'string') { var str = item[cc]; item[cc] = this.normalizeResPath(str); } else { for (var s = 0; s < Theme.imageStates.length; s++) { var st = Theme.imageStates[s]; var str = item[cc][st]; if (str) { item[cc][st] = this.normalizeResPath(str); } } } cc = Theme.imageComponents[c]; } } } } normalizeResPath(str) { if (str.indexOf('./') != 0) return str; str = str.substring(2); return this.path + str; } static load(themes, cb = null) { var remaining = 0; for (var i = 0; i < themes.length; i++) { remaining++; var theme = new Theme(themes[i]); theme.onReady(function () { remaining--; if (remaining <= 0 && typeof cb == 'function') { cb(); } }); } } //experimental Theme transparent preload onReady(cb) { if (typeof cb != 'function') return; if (this.ready) cb(); this._listeners.push(cb); } preload() { var __this = this; var onAssetsLoaded = function () { __this.ready = true; EZGUI.themes[] = __this; var cb; while (cb = __this._listeners.pop()) cb(); }; if (this._theme.__config__ && this._theme.__config__.resources) { var resources = this.parseResources(); if (resources.length == 0) { onAssetsLoaded(); } else { //console.log('Theme preloading ', resources); //utils.loadJSON(_this.url, function (themeConfig) { // _this.themeConfig = themeConfig; // _this.initThemeConfig(themeConfig); //}); __this.loadResources(resources, onAssetsLoaded); //if ((PIXI).loader) { // (PIXI).loader.add(resources); // (PIXI).loader.load(onAssetsLoaded); //} //else { // var loader: any = new PIXI.AssetLoader(resources, false); // loader.onComplete = onAssetsLoaded; // loader.load(); //} } } else { onAssetsLoaded(); } } loadResources(resources, cb) { var _this = this; var images = []; var atlases = []; var fonts = []; var atlasData = {}; var fontData = {}; var resToLoad = 0; var cacheAtlas = function () { for (var i in atlasData) { var atlasJson = atlasData[i]; var imgUrl = _this.path + atlasJson.meta.image; var baseTx = PIXI.utils ? PIXI.utils.TextureCache[imgUrl].baseTexture : PIXI.TextureCache[imgUrl].baseTexture; for (var f in atlasJson.frames) { var frame = atlasJson.frames[f].frame; var texture = new PIXI.Texture(baseTx, { x: frame.x, y: frame.y, width: frame.w, height: frame.h }); if (PIXI.utils) { PIXI.utils.TextureCache[f] = texture; } else { PIXI.TextureCache[f] = texture; } } } for (var i in fontData) { var font = fontData[i]; _this.parseFont(font, PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(font.textureId)); } cb(); }; //var phaser24cache = function (loader) { // if (!loader._fileList) return; // //console.log(loader._fileList); // for (var i = 0; i < loader._fileList.length; i++) { // var tx = new (PIXI).Texture(new (PIXI).BaseTexture(loader._fileList[i].data)); // //tx._frame = { test: 1 }; // //console.log('Caching : ', loader._fileList[i].key); // PIXI.TextureCache[loader._fileList[i].key] = tx; // //console.log(tx); // } //} var loadImages = function () { var crossOrigin = (EZGUI.settings.crossOrigin == true); if (typeof Phaser != 'undefined') { //console.log('Phaser loader'); var loader = new Phaser.Loader(Phaser.GAMES[0]); loader.crossOrigin = crossOrigin; for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { loader.image(images[i], images[i]); } loader.onLoadComplete.add(function () { //loader.onLoadComplete.add(EZGUI.Compatibility.fixCache, loader); EZGUI.Compatibility.fixCache.apply(loader); //phaser24cache(loader); cacheAtlas(); }); loader.start(); return; } if (PIXI.loader) { for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { PIXI.loader.add({ url: images[i], crossOrigin: crossOrigin }); } //(PIXI).loader.add(images); PIXI.loader.load(cacheAtlas); } else { var loader = new PIXI.AssetLoader(images, crossOrigin); loader.onComplete = cacheAtlas; loader.load(); } }; for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { var res = resources[i]; if (res.indexOf('.json') > 0) { atlases.push(res); continue; } if (res.indexOf('.xml') > 0 || res.indexOf('.fnt') > 0) { fonts.push(res); continue; } images.push(res); } if (atlases.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < atlases.length; i++) { var font = atlases[i]; resToLoad++; (function (atlasUrl) { EZGUI.utils.loadJSON(atlasUrl, function (atlasjson) { images.push(_this.path + atlasjson.meta.image); resToLoad--; atlasData[atlasUrl] = atlasjson; if (resToLoad <= 0) { //console.log('Atlas loaded ', images); loadImages(); } }); })(font); } } if (fonts.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { var font = fonts[i]; resToLoad++; (function (atlasUrl) { EZGUI.utils.loadXML(atlasUrl, function (xmlfont) { var img = xmlfont.getElementsByTagName('page')[0].getAttribute('file'); var path = atlasUrl.substring(0, atlasUrl.lastIndexOf('\\') + atlasUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 2); var src = path + img; //console.log('Fake font load = ', src); images.push(src); resToLoad--; fontData[atlasUrl] = { data: xmlfont, textureId: src }; if (resToLoad <= 0) { //console.log('Fonts loaded ', images); loadImages(); } }); })(font); } } if (atlases.length <= 0 && fonts.length <= 0) { loadImages(); } } parseFont(resource, texture) { var data = {}; var info ='info')[0]; var common ='common')[0]; data.font = info.getAttribute('face'); data.size = parseInt(info.getAttribute('size'), 10); data.lineHeight = parseInt(common.getAttribute('lineHeight'), 10); data.chars = {}; var Rectangle; var BitmapText; if (PIXI.Rectangle) Rectangle = PIXI.Rectangle; else Rectangle = PIXI.math.Rectangle; if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3) { BitmapText = PIXI.extras.BitmapText; } else { BitmapText = PIXI.BitmapText; } //parse letters var letters ='char'); for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) { var charCode = parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('id'), 10); var textureRect = new Rectangle(parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('x'), 10) + texture.frame.x, parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('y'), 10) + texture.frame.y, parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('width'), 10), parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('height'), 10)); data.chars[charCode] = { xOffset: parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('xoffset'), 10), yOffset: parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('yoffset'), 10), xAdvance: parseInt(letters[i].getAttribute('xadvance'), 10), kerning: {}, texture: new PIXI.Texture(texture.baseTexture, textureRect) }; } //parse kernings var kernings ='kerning'); for (i = 0; i < kernings.length; i++) { var first = parseInt(kernings[i].getAttribute('first'), 10); var second = parseInt(kernings[i].getAttribute('second'), 10); var amount = parseInt(kernings[i].getAttribute('amount'), 10); data.chars[second].kerning[first] = amount; } //resource.bitmapFont = data; // I'm leaving this as a temporary fix so we can test the bitmap fonts in v3 // but it's very likely to change BitmapText.fonts[data.font] = data; } getSkin(skinId) { var skin = this._theme[skinId] || this._theme['default']; return skin; } applySkin(settings) { var skinId = settings['skin'] || settings['component']; var skin = this._theme[skinId] || this._theme['default']; EZGUI.utils.extendJSON(settings, skin); this.fixLimits(settings, skin); return settings; } } Theme.imageComponents = ['bg', 'corner', 'line', 'side', 'image', 'checkmark']; Theme.imageStates = ['default', 'hover', 'down', 'checked']; Theme.imageVariants = ['', 't', 'r', 'b', 'l', 'left', 'right', 'tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br']; EZGUI.Theme = Theme; })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// /// /// /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { EZGUI.VERSION = '0.4.2 beta'; EZGUI.startDrag = { x: null, y: null, t: null }; EZGUI.themes = {}; EZGUI.components = {}; EZGUI.radioGroups = []; EZGUI.EventsHelper = new EZGUI.utils.EventHandler(); /** * generic settings object * accepted parameters * crossOrigin : true/false */ EZGUI.settings = { crossOrigin: false }; var _components = {}; function registerComponents(cpt, id) { id = id ||; _components[id] = cpt; } EZGUI.registerComponents = registerComponents; function create(settings, theme) { var t = settings.component || 'default'; var cptConstructor = _components[settings.component] || _components['default']; var component; if (cptConstructor) { component = new cptConstructor(settings, theme); } return component; } EZGUI.create = create; function tween_animate() { requestAnimationFrame(tween_animate); EZGUI.Tween.update(); } tween_animate(); function showHeader() { //use ? var isChrome = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1); var isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1); var isIE = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1); if (isChrome) { //console.log('%cEZGUI', 'font-size:60px;color:#fff;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #ccc,0 2px 0 #c9c9c9,0 3px 0 #bbb,0 4px 0 #b9b9b9,0 5px 0 #aaa,0 6px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1),0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.1),0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3),0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.25),0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 20px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.15);'); console.log('%cEZ%cGUI%c v' + EZGUI.VERSION + '%c | %c[We %c❤%c HTML5]', 'font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;color:#b33;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #ccc,0 2px 0 #c9c9c9,0 3px 0 #bbb', 'font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;color:#000;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #ccc,0 2px 0 #c9c9c9,0 3px 0 #bbb', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #b33;', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #000;', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #fff;background:#f18050', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #f00;background:#f18050', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #fff;background:#f18050'); return; } if (isFirefox) { console.log('%cEZGUI%c v' + EZGUI.VERSION + '%c | %c[We ❤ HTML5]', 'font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;color:#b33;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #ccc,0 2px 0 #c9c9c9,0 3px 0 #bbb', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #b33;', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #000;', 'font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; color: #fff;background:#f18050'); return; } if (window['console']) { console.log(' EZGUI v' + EZGUI.VERSION + ' [We <3 HTML5] |'); } } showHeader(); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { class MultistateSprite extends PIXI.Sprite { constructor(texture, states) { super(texture); this.stateTextures = {}; this.stateTextures['default'] = texture; if (states) { for (var s in states) { var tx = states[s]; if (tx instanceof PIXI.Texture) { this.stateTextures[s] = tx; } } } } addState(id, texture) { this.stateTextures[id] = texture; } setState(state = 'default') { var sprite = this; if (!sprite.stateTextures[state]) return; if (sprite.texture) { sprite.texture = sprite.stateTextures[state]; } else { if (sprite._texture) sprite._texture = sprite.stateTextures[state]; } if (sprite._tilingTexture) sprite._tilingTexture = sprite.stateTextures[state]; } } EZGUI.MultistateSprite = MultistateSprite; })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// /// /// /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { class GUIObject extends EZGUI.Compatibility.GUIDisplayObjectContainer { constructor() { super(); this.container = new EZGUI.Compatibility.GUIContainer(); this.addChild(this.container); } get Id() { return this.guiID; } set Id(val) { this.guiID = val; } setupEvents() { var __this = this; //var _this:any = this; __this.interactive = true; __this.pointerover = function (event) { //__this.mouseover = function (event) { //console.log('mouseover ', _this.guiID); //if PIXI 2 use event else use var data = || event; if (!__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { return; } //console.log('hover ', guiObj.guiID); __this._over = true; //guiObj.setState('hover'); __this.emit('ezgui:mouseover', event, __this); }; //__this.mouseout = function (event) { __this.pointerout = function (event) { //console.log('mouseout ', _this.guiID); //if PIXI 2 use event else use var data = || event; __this._over = false; //guiObj.setState('out'); __this.emit('ezgui:mouseout', event, __this); }; //handle drag stuff //__this.mousedown = __this.touchstart = function (event: any) { __this.pointerdown = function (event) { //console.log('mousedown ', _this.guiID); if (!__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { return; } var pos = EZGUI.utils.getRealPos(event); EZGUI.startDrag.x = pos.x; EZGUI.startDrag.y = pos.y; EZGUI.startDrag.t =; var data = || event; __this.emit('ezgui:mousedown', event, __this); //event.stopped = true; }; //__this.mouseup = __this.mouseupoutside = __this.touchend = __this.touchendoutside = function (event: any) { __this.pointerup = function (event) { if (!__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { return; } var data = || event; __this.emit('ezgui:mouseup', event, __this); var pos = EZGUI.utils.getRealPos(event); if (EZGUI.utils.distance(pos.x, pos.y, EZGUI.startDrag.x, EZGUI.startDrag.y) <= 4) { __this.emit('ezgui:click', event, __this); if (EZGUI.focused && __this != EZGUI.focused && EZGUI.focused.emit) EZGUI.focused.emit('ezgui:blur'); EZGUI.focused = __this; EZGUI.focused.emit('ezgui:focus'); event.stopped = true; } }; __this.pointermove = function (event) { //__this.mousemove = __this.touchmove = function (event) { if (__this._over) { if (__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { __this._over = false; __this.pointerover(event); } else { __this.pointereout(event); } } if (!__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { return; } var data = || event; __this.emit('ezgui:mousemove', event, __this); }; EZGUI.Compatibility.copyPointerEvents(__this); = __this.tap = function (event) { //console.log('click', _this.guiID); //var pos = utils.getRealPos(event); //if (utils.distance(pos.x, pos.y, _this.startDrag.x, _this.startDrag.y) > 4) return; //if (guiObj.canTrigger(event, guiObj)) guiObj.emit('ezgui:click', event); }; if (__this.phaserGroup) { __this.phaserGroup.inputEnabled = true; //Fix priorityID otherwise, events will not trigger on children if (EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser24plus) { for (var c in EZGUI.components) { var __this = EZGUI.components[c]; if (__this.phaserGroup && __this.phaserGroup.input && __this.guiParent && __this.guiParent.phaserGroup && __this.guiParent.phaserGroup.input) { __this.phaserGroup.input.priorityID = __this.guiParent.phaserGroup.input.priorityID + 1; } } } (target, event) { __this._over = true; //console.log('ezgui:mouseover', event); __this.emit('ezgui:mouseover', event, __this); }, this); (target, event) { __this._over = false; __this.emit('ezgui:mouseout', event, __this); //console.log('ezgui:mouseout', event); }, this); (target, event) { if (!__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { return; } var pos = EZGUI.utils.getRealPos(event); EZGUI.startDrag.x = pos.x; EZGUI.startDrag.y = pos.y; EZGUI.startDrag.t =; __this.emit('ezgui:mousedown', event, __this); if (!__this.draggable && __this.guiParent && __this.guiParent.draggable) { __this.guiParent.emit('ezgui:mousedown', event, __this); } // //console.log('ezgui:mousedown', event); }, this); (target, event) { //if (!_this.canTrigger(event, _this)) { // return; //} //_this.emit('ezgui:mouseup', event); __this.emit('ezgui:mouseup', event, __this); var pos = EZGUI.utils.getRealPos(event); if (EZGUI.utils.distance(pos.x, pos.y, EZGUI.startDrag.x, EZGUI.startDrag.y) <= 4) { __this.emit('ezgui:click', event, __this); if (EZGUI.focused && __this != EZGUI.focused && EZGUI.focused.emit) EZGUI.focused.emit('ezgui:blur'); EZGUI.focused = __this; EZGUI.focused.emit('ezgui:focus'); //console.log('ezgui:click', event); } if (!__this.draggable && __this.guiParent && __this.guiParent.draggable) { __this.guiParent.emit('ezgui:mouseup', event, __this); } }, this); //Phaser.GAMES[0].input.moveCallback = function (pointer, x, y) { // console.log(pointer, x, y); //} Phaser.GAMES[0].input.mouse.mouseMoveCallback = function (event) { if (__this._over) { if (__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { __this._over = true; __this.emit('ezgui:mouseover', event, __this); } else { __this._over = false; __this.emit('ezgui:mouseout', event, __this); } } if (!__this.canTrigger(event, __this)) { return; } var data = || event; __this.emit('ezgui:mousemove', event, __this); }; } } originalAddChildAt(child, index) { return super.addChildAt(child, index); } originalAddChild(child) { return this.originalAddChildAt(child, this.children.length); } getChildByName(name) { return this.container.getChildByName(name); } ; addChild(child) { if (child instanceof EZGUI.GUISprite) { //return this.container.addChild(child); child.guiParent = this; if (child.phaserGroup) return this.container.addChild(child.phaserGroup); else return this.container.addChild(child); } else { return super.addChild(child); } } removeChild(child) { if (child instanceof EZGUI.GUISprite) { child.guiParent = null; if (child.phaserGroup) return this.container.removeChild(child.phaserGroup); else return this.container.removeChild(child); } else { return super.removeChild(child); } } mouseInObj(event, guiSprite) { var data = || event; var clientpos = EZGUI.utils.getClientXY(event); var origEvt = event; if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.changedTouches && data.originalEvent.changedTouches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } else if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.touches && data.originalEvent.touches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.touches[0]; } else { if (data.originalEvent) origEvt = data.originalEvent; } var bcr =; var px = clientpos.x - bcr.left; var py = clientpos.y -; var absPos = EZGUI.utils.getAbsPos(guiSprite); if (px < absPos.x || px > absPos.x + guiSprite.width || py < absPos.y || py > absPos.y + guiSprite.height) return false; return true; } canTrigger(event, guiSprite) { var data = || event; var clientpos = EZGUI.utils.getClientXY(event); var origEvt = event; if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.changedTouches && data.originalEvent.changedTouches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } else if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.touches && data.originalEvent.touches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.touches[0]; } else { if (data.originalEvent) origEvt = data.originalEvent; } if (! return false; var bcr =; var px = clientpos.x - bcr.left; var py = clientpos.y -; //var absPos = utils.getAbsPos(guiSprite); //if (px < absPos.x || px > absPos.x + guiSprite.width || py < absPos.y || py > absPos.y + guiSprite.height) return false; //check if click is in visible zone var masked = EZGUI.utils.isMasked(px, py, guiSprite); return !masked; } on(event, fn, context) { return super.on('ezgui:' + event, fn, context); //super.on('gui:' + event, cb); } off(event, fn, context) { if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion == 2) { if (fn == null && context == null) { this._listeners['ezgui:' + event] = []; return; } } return'ezgui:' + event, fn, context); //super.on('gui:' + event, cb); } bindChildren(event, fn) { for (var i = 0; i < this.container.children.length; i++) { var child = this.container.children[i]; if (child.guiSprite) child = child.guiSprite; child.on(event, fn); } } bindChildrenOfType(_type, event, fn) { for (var i = 0; i < this.container.children.length; i++) { var child = this.container.children[i]; if (child.guiSprite) child = child.guiSprite; if (child instanceof _type) child.on(event, fn); } } unbindChildren(event, fn) { for (var i = 0; i < this.container.children.length; i++) { var child = this.container.children[i]; if (child.guiSprite) child = child.guiSprite;, fn); } } unbindChildrenOfType(_type, event, fn) { for (var i = 0; i < this.container.children.length; i++) { var child = this.container.children[i]; if (child.guiSprite) child = child.guiSprite; if (child instanceof _type), fn); } } preUpdate() { } update() { } postUpdate() { } destroy() { if (this.phaserGroup) { this.phaserGroup.destroy(); } if (this.parent && this.parent.removeChild) this.parent.removeChild(this); delete EZGUI.components[this.guiID]; } } EZGUI.GUIObject = GUIObject; //EZGUI.registerComponents(GUISprite, 'default'); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { class GUISprite extends EZGUI.GUIObject { //private savedSettings; constructor(settings, themeId) { super(); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; this.dragXInterval = [-Infinity, +Infinity]; this.dragYInterval = [-Infinity, +Infinity]; //this.container = new Compatibility.GUIContainer(); //this.addChild(this.container); this.userData = settings.userData; =; if (themeId instanceof EZGUI.Theme) this.theme = themeId; else this.theme = EZGUI.themes[themeId]; if (!this.theme || !this.theme.ready) { console.error('[EZGUI ERROR]', 'Theme is not ready, nothing to display'); this.theme = new EZGUI.Theme({}); } //this.savedSettings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_settings)); //this._settings = this.theme.applySkin(_settings); //this.parseSettings(); //this.draw(); //this.drawText(); //this.setupEvents(); //this.handleEvents(); this.rebuild(); } //get settings(): string { // return this._settings; //} get text() { if (this.textObj) return this.textObj.text; } set text(val) { if (this.textObj) { if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3) { this.textObj.text = val; } else { this.textObj.setText(val); } if (this._settings.anchor) { this.textObj.position.x = 0; this.textObj.position.y = 0; if (this.textObj.anchor) { this.textObj.anchor.x = this._settings.anchor.x; this.textObj.anchor.y = this._settings.anchor.y; } else { //fake anchor for bitmap font this.textObj.position.x -= this.textObj.width / 2; this.textObj.position.y -= this.textObj.height / 2; } } else { this.textObj.position.x = (this._settings.width - this.textObj.width) / 2; this.textObj.position.y = (this._settings.height - this.textObj.height) / 2; if (this.textObj.anchor) { this.textObj.anchor.x = 0; this.textObj.anchor.y = 0; } } } } erase() { this.container.children.length = 0; //clear all children this.children.length = 0; this.rootSprite = undefined; } rebuild() { this.erase(); var _settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.settings)); this._settings = this.theme.applySkin(_settings); this.parseSettings(); this.draw(); this.drawText(); this.setupEvents(); this.handleEvents(); } parsePercentageValue(str) { if (typeof str != 'string') return NaN; var val = NaN; var percentToken = str.split('%'); if (percentToken.length == 2 && percentToken[1] == '') { val = parseFloat(percentToken[0]); } return val; } parseSettings() { } prepareChildSettings(settings) { var padTop = this._settings['padding-top'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var padLeft = this._settings['padding-left'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var padBottom = this._settings['padding-bottom'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var padRight = this._settings['padding-right'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var padX = padRight + padLeft; var padY = padTop + padBottom; //var _psettings = this._settings; var _settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settings)); if (_settings) { //support percentage values for width and height if (typeof _settings.width == 'string') { var p = this.parsePercentageValue(_settings.width); if (p != NaN) _settings.width = (this.width - padX) * p / 100; } if (typeof _settings.height == 'string') { var p = this.parsePercentageValue(_settings.height); if (p != NaN) _settings.height = (this.height - padY) * p / 100; } if (typeof _settings.position == 'object') { if (typeof _settings.position.x == 'string') { var px = this.parsePercentageValue(_settings.position.x); if (px != NaN) _settings.position.x = (this.width - padX) * px / 100; } if (typeof _settings.position.y == 'string') { var py = this.parsePercentageValue(_settings.position.y); if (py != NaN) _settings.position.y = (this.height - padY) * py / 100; } } } return _settings; } setDraggable(val = true) { if (val) this.draggable = this; else this.draggable = undefined; } handleEvents() { var __this = this; //var _this = this; this.draghandle = __this; if (__this._settings.draggable == true) { this.draggable = __this; } if (__this._settings.draggable == 'container') { this.draggable = __this.container; } if (__this._settings.dragX === false) { this.dragConstraint = 'y'; } if (__this._settings.dragY === false) { this.dragConstraint = 'x'; } //guiObj.on('mouseover', function () { // guiObj.setState('hover'); //}); //guiObj.on('mouseout', function () { // //EZGUI.dragging = null; // guiObj.setState('out'); //}); //handle drag stuff __this.on('mousedown', function (event) { if (__this.draggable) { if (__this.mouseInObj(event, __this.draghandle)) { //if PIXI 2 use event else use var data = || event; //guiObj.alpha = 0.9; EZGUI.dragging = __this; //console.log('set dragging', EZGUI.dragging.guiID); var pos = EZGUI.utils.getRealPos(event); EZGUI.dsx = pos.x; EZGUI.dsy = pos.y; EZGUI.startDrag.x = pos.x; EZGUI.startDrag.y = pos.y; } //event.stopped = true; } //only work in PIXI 3 ? //guiObj.setState('click'); }); __this.on('mouseup', function (event) { //guiObj.alpha = 1 EZGUI.dragging = null; __this.setState('default'); }); __this.on('mousemove', function (event) { if (EZGUI.dragging) { var dg = __this.draggable ? __this.draggable.guiID : ''; //console.log(' * dragging', dg, EZGUI.dragging.guiID, _this.guiID); } var PhaserDrag = typeof Phaser != 'undefined' && EZGUI.dragging; if (__this.draggable && EZGUI.dragging == __this || PhaserDrag) { var pos = EZGUI.utils.getRealPos(event); var dragObg = EZGUI.dragging; var draggable = EZGUI.dragging.draggable; var dpos = EZGUI.utils.getAbsPos(draggable); if (dragObg.dragConstraint != 'y') { var nextPos = draggable.position.x + pos.x - EZGUI.dsx; if (nextPos >= dragObg.dragXInterval[0] && nextPos <= dragObg.dragXInterval[1]) draggable.position.x = nextPos; } if (dragObg.dragConstraint != 'x') { var nextPos = draggable.position.y + pos.y - EZGUI.dsy; if (nextPos >= dragObg.dragYInterval[0] && nextPos <= dragObg.dragYInterval[1]) draggable.position.y = nextPos; } EZGUI.dsx = pos.x; EZGUI.dsy = pos.y; } }); } /** * Main draw function */ draw() { var settings = this._settings; if (settings) { this.guiID =; //add reference to component if (this.guiID) EZGUI.components[this.guiID] = this; for (var s = 0; s < EZGUI.Theme.imageStates.length; s++) { var stateId = EZGUI.Theme.imageStates[s]; var container = new EZGUI.Compatibility.GUIContainer(); var controls = this.createVisuals(settings, stateId); for (var i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) { container.addChild(controls[i]); } var texture = EZGUI.Compatibility.createRenderTexture(settings.width, settings.height); //texture.render(container); if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 4) EZGUI.tilingRenderer.render(container, texture); else texture.render(container); //RenderTexture.render is now deprecated, please use renderer.render(displayObject, renderTexture) if (!this.rootSprite) { this.rootSprite = new EZGUI.MultistateSprite(texture); this.addChild(this.rootSprite); } else { this.rootSprite.addState(stateId, texture); } } var padding = settings.padding || 0; if (settings.position) { this.position.x = settings.position.x; this.position.y = settings.position.y; } else { this.position.x = 0; this.position.y = 0; } //this.container = new Compatibility.GUIContainer(); //this.addChild(this.container); if (settings.children) { for (var i = 0; i < settings.children.length; i++) { var btnObj = this.prepareChildSettings(settings.children[i]); // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settings.children[i])); var child = this.createChild(btnObj, i); if (!child) continue; //if (child.phaserGroup) this.container.addChild(child.phaserGroup); //else this.container.addChild(child); //force call original addChild to prevent conflict with local addchild super.addChild(child); child.guiParent = this; } } if (this._settings.anchor) { this.rootSprite.anchor.x = this._settings.anchor.x; this.rootSprite.anchor.y = this._settings.anchor.y; this.container.position.x -= this.rootSprite.width * this._settings.anchor.x; this.container.position.y -= this.rootSprite.height * this._settings.anchor.y; this.position.x += this.rootSprite.width * this._settings.anchor.x; this.position.y += this.rootSprite.height * this._settings.anchor.y; } //tint color if (this._settings.color) { var pixiColor = EZGUI.utils.ColorParser.parseToPixiColor(this._settings.color); if (pixiColor >= 0) { this.rootSprite.tint = pixiColor; } } //move container to top this.addChild(this.container); this.sortChildren(); } } sortChildren() { if (!this.container) return; var comparator = function (a, b) { if (a.guiSprite) a = a.guiSprite; if (b.guiSprite) b = b.guiSprite; a._settings.z = a._settings.z || 0; b._settings.z = b._settings.z || 0; return a._settings.z - b._settings.z; }; this.container.children.sort(comparator); } /** * Text draw function * shared by all components */ drawText() { if (this._settings && this._settings.text != undefined && this.rootSprite) { //var settings = this.theme.applySkin(this._settings); var settings = this._settings; if (EZGUI.Compatibility.BitmapText.fonts && EZGUI.Compatibility.BitmapText.fonts[]) { this.textObj = new EZGUI.Compatibility.BitmapText(this._settings.text, { font: settings.font.size + ' ' + }); var pixiColor = EZGUI.utils.ColorParser.parseToPixiColor(settings.font.color); if (pixiColor >= 0) { this.textObj.tint = pixiColor; this.textObj.dirty = true; } } else { var style = { fontSize: settings.font.size, fontFamily:, fill: settings.font.color }; for (var s in settings.font) { if (!style[s]) style[s] = settings.font[s]; } this.textObj = new PIXI.Text(this._settings.text, style); } //text.height = this.height; this.textObj.position.x = 0; //(this._settings.width - this.textObj.width) / 2; this.textObj.position.y = 0; //(this._settings.height - this.textObj.height) / 2; if (this._settings.anchor) { this.textObj.position.x = 0; this.textObj.position.y = 0; if (this.textObj.anchor) { this.textObj.anchor.x = this._settings.anchor.x; this.textObj.anchor.y = this._settings.anchor.y; } else { //fake anchor for bitmap font this.textObj.position.x -= this.textObj.width / 2; this.textObj.position.y -= this.textObj.height / 2; } } else { this.textObj.position.x = (this._settings.width - this.textObj.width) / 2; this.textObj.position.y = (this._settings.height - this.textObj.height) / 2; if (this.textObj.anchor) { this.textObj.anchor.x = 0; this.textObj.anchor.y = 0; } } this.rootSprite.addChild(this.textObj); } } createChild(childSettings, order) { if (!childSettings) return null; var i = order; var pos = childSettings.position; if (typeof pos == 'string') { var parts = pos.split(' '); var pos1 = parts[0]; var pos2 = parts[1]; //normalize pos if (parts[0] == parts[1]) { pos2 = undefined; } if ((parts[0] == 'top' && parts[2] == 'bottom') || (parts[0] == 'bottom' && parts[2] == 'top') || (parts[0] == 'left' && parts[2] == 'right') || (parts[0] == 'right' && parts[2] == 'left')) { pos1 = 'center'; pos2 = 'undefined'; } if ((parts[0] == 'left' || parts[0] == 'right') && (parts[1] == 'top' || parts[1] == 'bottom')) { pos1 = parts[1]; pos2 = parts[0]; } if ((pos1 == 'left' || pos1 == 'right') && pos2 === undefined) { pos2 = pos1; pos1 = 'left'; } var padTop = this._settings['padding-top'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var padLeft = this._settings['padding-left'] || this._settings.padding || 0; childSettings.position = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (pos1 == 'center') { //childSettings.anchor = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; childSettings.position.x = (this._settings.width - childSettings.width) / 2; childSettings.position.y = (this._settings.height - childSettings.height + padTop) / 2; } switch (pos1) { case 'center': childSettings.position.y = (this._settings.height - childSettings.height + padTop) / 2; if (pos2 === undefined) childSettings.position.x = (this._settings.width - childSettings.width) / 2; break; case 'bottom': childSettings.position.y = this._settings.height - childSettings.height - this._settings.padding; break; } switch (pos2) { case 'center': childSettings.position.x = (this._settings.width - childSettings.width) / 2; break; case 'right': childSettings.position.x = this._settings.width - childSettings.width - this._settings.padding; break; } //childSettings.position.x += padLeft; //childSettings.position.y += padTop; } var child = EZGUI.create(childSettings, this.theme); return child; } /** * */ setState(state = 'default') { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var child = this.children[i]; if (child instanceof EZGUI.MultistateSprite /*|| child instanceof MultistateTilingSprite*/) { child.setState(state); } } } animatePosTo(x, y, time = 1000, easing = EZGUI.Easing.Linear.None, callback) { easing = easing || EZGUI.Easing.Linear.None; if (typeof callback == 'function') { var tween = new EZGUI.Tween(this.position) .to({ x: x, y: y }, time) .easing(easing) .onComplete(callback); } else { var tween = new EZGUI.Tween(this.position) .to({ x: x, y: y }, time) .easing(easing); } tween.start(); return tween; } animateSizeTo(w, h, time = 1000, easing = EZGUI.Easing.Linear.None, callback) { easing = easing || EZGUI.Easing.Linear.None; if (typeof callback == 'function') { var tween = new EZGUI.Tween(this) .to({ width: w, height: h }, time) .easing(easing) .onComplete(callback); } else { var tween = new EZGUI.Tween(this) .to({ width: w, height: h }, time) .easing(easing); } tween.start(); return tween; } /** * */ getFrameConfig(config, state) { var cfg = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config)); //if (cfg.texture instanceof PIXI.Texture) return cfg; if (typeof cfg == 'string') { cfg = { default: cfg }; } var src = cfg[state] == null ? cfg['default'] : cfg[state]; var texture; if (src.trim() != '') { texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(src); } cfg.texture = texture; return cfg; } getComponentConfig(component, part, side, state) { //var ctype = this.theme[type] || this.theme['default']; var skin = this.theme.getSkin(component); if (!skin) return; var scale = (skin.scale == undefined) ? 1 : skin.scale; var rotation = 0; //get configuration, if explicit configuration is defined then use it otherwise use theme config //var hasSide = this.settings[component + '-' + side] || ctype[component + '-' + side]; var cfg = this._settings[part + '-' + side] || skin[part + '-' + side] || this._settings[part] || skin[part]; if (!cfg) return; if (skin[part] && !skin[part + '-' + side]) { switch (side) { case 'tr': case 'r': rotation = 90 * Math.PI / 180; break; case 'bl': case 'l': rotation = -90 * Math.PI / 180; break; case 'br': case 'b': rotation = 180 * Math.PI / 180; break; } } cfg = this.getFrameConfig(cfg, state); cfg.rotation = cfg.rotation != undefined ? cfg.rotation : rotation; cfg.scale = cfg.scale != undefined ? cfg.scale : scale; var bgPadding = this._settings['bgPadding'] != undefined ? this._settings['bgPadding'] : skin['bgPadding']; cfg.bgPadding = bgPadding != undefined ? bgPadding : 0; //cfg.hoverTexture = cfg.hover ? PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(cfg.hover) : cfg.texture; return cfg; } createThemeCorner(settings, part, side, state) { var component = || settings.component || 'default'; var cfg = this.getComponentConfig(component, part, side, state); if (!cfg || !cfg.texture) return; //var ctype = this.theme[type] || this.theme['default']; //var skin = this.theme.getSkin(component); var skin = settings; var hasSide = this._settings[part + '-' + side] || skin[part + '-' + side]; //var sprite = new MultistateSprite(cfg.texture, cfg.textures); var sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(cfg.texture); sprite.rotation = cfg.rotation; sprite.scale.x = cfg.scale; sprite.scale.y = cfg.scale; switch (side) { case 'tl': sprite.position.x = 0; sprite.position.y = 0; break; case 'tr': sprite.position.x = settings.width; sprite.position.y = 0; break; case 'bl': sprite.position.x = 0; sprite.position.y = settings.height; break; case 'br': sprite.position.x = settings.width; sprite.position.y = settings.height; break; } //needed for specific corner sides : corner-tl corner-tr corner-bl corner-br if (hasSide) { if (sprite.position.y != 0) sprite.anchor.y = 1; if (sprite.position.x != 0) sprite.anchor.x = 1; } return sprite; } createThemeSide(settings, side, state) { var component = settings.component; var cfg = this.getComponentConfig(component, side, '', state); if (!cfg || !cfg.texture) return; //var sprite = new MultistateSprite(cfg.texture, cfg.textures); var sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(cfg.texture); //sprite.rotation = cfg.rotation; sprite.scale.x = cfg.scale; sprite.scale.y = cfg.scale; sprite.height = settings.height; switch (side) { case 'left': sprite.position.x = 0; sprite.position.y = 0; break; case 'right': sprite.position.x = settings.width; sprite.position.y = 0; break; } return sprite; } createThemeBorder(settings, part, side, state) { var component = || settings.component || 'default'; var cfg = this.getComponentConfig(component, part, side, state); if (!cfg || !cfg.texture) return; var tlCornerCfg = this.getComponentConfig(component, 'corner', 'tl', state); var blCornerCfg = this.getComponentConfig(component, 'corner', 'bl', state); if (!tlCornerCfg || !tlCornerCfg.texture) return; if (!blCornerCfg || !blCornerCfg.texture) return; //var ctype = this.theme[type] || this.theme['default']; //var ctype = this.theme.getSkin(component); var ctype = settings; var hasSide = this._settings[part + '-' + side] || ctype[part + '-' + side]; var cwidth, cheight; var twidth, theight; switch (side) { case 't': case 'b': cwidth = tlCornerCfg.texture.width * tlCornerCfg.scale; cheight = blCornerCfg.texture.height * blCornerCfg.scale; twidth = (settings.width - (cwidth * 2)) * 1 / cfg.scale; theight = cfg.texture.height; break; case 'r': case 'l': cwidth = tlCornerCfg.texture.height * tlCornerCfg.scale; twidth = (settings.height - (cwidth * 2)) * 1 / cfg.scale; theight = cfg.texture.height; if (hasSide) { cheight = tlCornerCfg.texture.width * tlCornerCfg.scale; twidth = tlCornerCfg.texture.width; theight = (settings.height - (cwidth * 2)) * 1 / cfg.scale; } break; } //var cwidth = cornerCfg.texture.width * cornerCfg.scale; //var line: any = new MultistateTilingSprite(cfg.texture, twidth, theight, cfg.textures); var line = new EZGUI.Compatibility.TilingSprite(cfg.texture, twidth, theight); //phaser 2.4 compatibility ///////////////////////////////// line.fixPhaser24(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch (side) { case 't': line.position.x = cwidth; line.position.y = 0; break; case 'r': line.position.y = cwidth; if (!hasSide) { line.position.x = settings.width - cwidth; line.anchor.x = 0; line.anchor.y = 1; } else { line.position.x = settings.width; line.anchor.x = 1; line.anchor.y = 0; } break; case 'b': line.position.x = cwidth; if (!hasSide) { line.position.y = settings.height - cwidth; line.anchor.x = 1; line.anchor.y = 1; } else { line.position.y = settings.height - cheight; } break; case 'l': line.position.y = cwidth; if (!hasSide) { line.anchor.x = 1; line.anchor.y = 0; } else { line.anchor.x = 0; line.anchor.y = 0; } break; } line.scale.x = cfg.scale; line.scale.y = cfg.scale; line.rotation = cfg.rotation; //180 * Math.PI / 180; return line; } createThemeTilableBackground(settings, state) { var component = || settings.component || 'default'; var cfg = this.getComponentConfig(component, 'bg', null, state); if (!cfg || !cfg.texture) return; //cfg.bgPadding = 0; //var bg: any = new MultistateTilingSprite(cfg.texture, settings.width - cfg.bgPadding * 2, settings.height - cfg.bgPadding * 2, cfg.textures); var bg = new EZGUI.Compatibility.TilingSprite(cfg.texture, settings.width - cfg.bgPadding * 2, settings.height - cfg.bgPadding * 2); //phaser 2.4 compatibility ///////////////////////////////// bg.fixPhaser24(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bg.position.x = cfg.bgPadding; bg.position.y = cfg.bgPadding; if (settings.bgTiling) { if (settings.bgTiling === "x") { bg.tileScale.y = (settings.height - cfg.bgPadding * 2) / cfg.texture.height; } else if (settings.bgTiling === "y") { bg.tileScale.x = (settings.width - cfg.bgPadding * 2) / cfg.texture.width; } else if (settings.bgTiling === "xy") { bg.tileScale.y = (settings.height - cfg.bgPadding * 2) / cfg.texture.height; bg.tileScale.x = (settings.width - cfg.bgPadding * 2) / cfg.texture.width; } } return bg; } createThemeBackground(settings, state, leftSide, rightSide) { var component = || settings.component || 'default'; var cfg = this.getComponentConfig(component, 'bg', null, state); if (!cfg || !cfg.texture) return; //cfg.bgPadding = 0; //var bg: any = new MultistateSprite(cfg.texture, cfg.textures); var bg = new PIXI.Sprite(cfg.texture); bg.position.x = leftSide.width; bg.position.y = 0; bg.scale.x = cfg.scale; bg.scale.y = cfg.scale; bg.width = settings.width - leftSide.width; bg.height = settings.height; return bg; } createThemeImage(settings, state, imagefield = 'image') { var component = || settings.component || 'default'; //var ctype = this.theme[type] || this.theme['default']; var ctype = settings; //this.theme.getSkin(component); if (ctype[imagefield]) { var cfg = this.getFrameConfig(ctype[imagefield], state); //var img = new MultistateSprite(cfg.texture, cfg.textures); var img = new PIXI.Sprite(cfg.texture); img.width = settings.width; img.height = settings.height; return img; } return null; } createVisuals(settings, state) { if (settings.transparent === true) return []; //priority to image var img = this.createThemeImage(settings, state); if (img != null) return [img]; var controls = []; var leftSide = this.createThemeSide(settings, 'left', state); var rightSide = this.createThemeSide(settings, 'right', state); var bg = this.createThemeTilableBackground(settings, state); if (bg) controls.push(bg); //if (!leftSide && !rightSide) { // var bg = this.createThemeTilableBackground(settings, state); // if (bg) controls.push(bg); //} //else { // var bg = this.createThemeBackground(settings, state, leftSide); // if (bg) controls.push(bg); //} if (leftSide) { controls.push(leftSide); } else { var tl = this.createThemeCorner(settings, 'corner', 'tl', state); if (tl) controls.push(tl); var bl = this.createThemeCorner(settings, 'corner', 'bl', state); if (bl) controls.push(bl); var lineLeft = this.createThemeBorder(settings, 'line', 'l', state); if (lineLeft) controls.push(lineLeft); } if (rightSide) { controls.push(rightSide); } else { var tr = this.createThemeCorner(settings, 'corner', 'tr', state); if (tr) controls.push(tr); var br = this.createThemeCorner(settings, 'corner', 'br', state); if (br) controls.push(br); var lineRight = this.createThemeBorder(settings, 'line', 'r', state); if (lineRight) controls.push(lineRight); } if (!leftSide && !rightSide) { var lineTop = this.createThemeBorder(settings, 'line', 't', state); if (lineTop) controls.push(lineTop); var lineBottom = this.createThemeBorder(settings, 'line', 'b', state); if (lineBottom) controls.push(lineBottom); } return controls; } } EZGUI.GUISprite = GUISprite; EZGUI.registerComponents(GUISprite, 'default'); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Input extends EZGUI.GUISprite { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; if (settings.text) this.text = settings.text; } get text() { if (this.domInput) return this.domInput.value; if (this.textObj) return this.textObj.text; } set text(val) { if (this.domInput) { var cpos = this.getCaretPosition(); this.domInput.value = val; this.setCaretPosition(cpos); this.setTextWithCaret(val); } if (this.textObj) { this.textObj.text = val; } } setTextWithCaret(val, event = null) { if (this.textObj) { if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3) { this.textObj.text = val; } else { this.textObj.setText(val); } if (this._settings.anchor) { this.textObj.position.x = 0; this.textObj.position.y = 0; if (this.textObj.anchor) { this.textObj.anchor.x = this._settings.anchor.x; this.textObj.anchor.y = this._settings.anchor.y; } else { //fake anchor for bitmap font this.textObj.position.x -= this.textObj.width / 2; this.textObj.position.y -= this.textObj.height / 2; } } else { this.textObj.position.x = (this._settings.width - this.textObj.width) / 2; this.textObj.position.y = (this._settings.height - this.textObj.height) / 2; if (this.textObj.anchor) { this.textObj.anchor.x = 0; this.textObj.anchor.y = 0; } } } //var cpos = this.getCaretPosition(); //console.log('setting value ', val, cpos, val.substr(0, cpos - 1), val.substr(cpos)); //this.domInput.value = val.substr(0, cpos - 1) + val.substr(cpos); this.textObj.position.x = 5; if (event) this.emit('ezgui:change', event, this); } draw() { super.draw(); this.guiMask = { width: 0, height: 0 }; var settings = this._settings; if (settings) { var padding = settings.padding || 0; var myMask = new PIXI.Graphics(); myMask.beginFill(); myMask.drawRect(padding, padding, settings.width - padding * 2, settings.height - padding * 2); myMask.endFill(); this.addChild(myMask); if (this._settings.anchor) { myMask.position.x = this.container.position.x + padding; myMask.position.y = this.container.position.y + padding; } this.container.mask = myMask; this.guiMask.x = padding; this.guiMask.y = padding; this.guiMask.width = settings.width - padding * 2; this.guiMask.height = settings.height - padding * 2; } //move container back to the top this.addChild(this.container); } drawText() { this._settings.text = this._settings.text || ''; super.drawText(); this.textObj.position.x = 5; this.container.addChild(this.textObj); //this.textObj } setupEvents() { super.setupEvents(); if (!EZGUI.Device.isMobile && document && document.createElement) { this.domInput = document.createElement("input"); = this.guiID + "_input"; = 'absolute'; = '-100px'; this.domInput.value = ''; document.body.appendChild(this.domInput); var __this = this; this.domInput.addEventListener('input', function (event) { var cpos = __this.getCaretPosition(); var str = __this.domInput.value; __this.setTextWithCaret(str.substr(0, cpos) + '|' + str.substr(cpos)); __this.setTextWithCaret(str, true); }); this.domInput.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { var cpos = __this.getCaretPosition(); var str = __this.domInput.value; __this.setTextWithCaret(str.substr(0, cpos) + '|' + str.substr(cpos)); }); this.domInput.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { var cpos = __this.getCaretPosition(); var str = __this.domInput.value; __this.setTextWithCaret(str.substr(0, cpos) + '|' + str.substr(cpos)); }); } } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); var guiObj = this; var __this = this; if (EZGUI.Device.isMobile) { guiObj.on('click', function (event) { __this.setTextWithCaret(prompt('', __this.text), event); }); return; } guiObj.on('focus', function () { if (__this.focused) return; __this.focused = true; if (!__this.domInput) return; __this.domInput.value = __this.text; __this.setCaretPosition(__this.domInput.value.length); var cpos = __this.getCaretPosition(); var str = __this.domInput.value; __this.setTextWithCaret(str.substr(0, cpos) + '|' + str.substr(cpos)); __this.domInput.focus(); }); guiObj.on('blur', function () { if (!__this.focused) return; __this.focused = false; if (!__this.domInput) return; __this.setTextWithCaret(__this.domInput.value); //_this.text = _this.text.substr(0, _this.text.length - 1); __this.domInput.blur(); }); } getCaretPosition() { var ctrl = this.domInput; if (!ctrl) return 0; var CaretPos = 0; // IE Support if (document['selection']) { ctrl.focus(); var Sel = document['selection'].createRange(); Sel.moveStart('character', -ctrl.value.length); CaretPos = Sel.text.length; } else if (ctrl.selectionStart || ctrl.selectionStart == '0') CaretPos = ctrl.selectionStart; return (CaretPos); } setCaretPosition(pos) { var ctrl = this.domInput; if (!ctrl) return 0; if (ctrl.setSelectionRange) { ctrl.focus(); ctrl.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } else if (ctrl['createTextRange']) { var range = ctrl['createTextRange'](); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', pos); range.moveStart('character', pos);; } } } Component.Input = Input; EZGUI.registerComponents(Input, 'Input'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Label extends EZGUI.GUISprite { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; if (settings.text) this.text = settings.text; } setupEvents() { //clear events } handleEvents() { //clear event handlers } drawText() { this._settings.text = this._settings.text || ''; super.drawText(); } draw() { var settings = this._settings; if (settings) { this.guiID =; if (this.guiID) EZGUI.components[this.guiID] = this; this.position.x = settings.position.x; this.position.y = settings.position.y; this.rootSprite = new EZGUI.Compatibility.GUIContainer(); this.addChild(this.rootSprite); //this.drawText(); } } } Component.Label = Label; EZGUI.registerComponents(Label, 'Label'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Slider extends EZGUI.GUISprite { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; } get value() { if (this.horizontalSlide) { return this.slide.position.x / (this.width - this.slide.width); } else { return 1 + this.slide.position.y / (this.slide.height - this.height); } } set value(val) { val = Math.max(0, val); val = Math.min(val, 1); if (this.horizontalSlide) { this.slide.position.x = val * (this.width - this.slide.width); } else { this.slide.position.y = (val - 1) * (this.slide.height - this.height); } } setupEvents() { super.setupEvents(); var guiObj = this; } drawText() { //prevent text drawing } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); var guiObj = this; var __this = this; if (EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser) { guiObj.on('mousemove', function () { }); guiObj.on('mousedown', function (event, any) { if (__this.canTrigger(event, __this.slide)) { __this.slide.emit('ezgui:mousedown', event); } }); guiObj.on('mouseup', function () { if (__this.canTrigger(event, __this.slide)) { __this.slide.emit('ezgui:mouseup', event); } }); guiObj.on('mouseover', function () { }); guiObj.on('mouseout', function () { }); } this.slide.on('mousemove', function () { if (EZGUI.dragging == __this.slide) { __this.emit('ezgui:value', __this.value); } }); } draw() { super.draw(); var cfg = this._settings.slide; cfg.component = 'Button'; = 'Slide'; cfg.position = { x: 0, y: 0 }; cfg.draggable = true; //{ id: 'slide1', component: 'Button', position: { x: 0, y: 0 }, width: 30, height: this.height, draggable: true }; var dir = this._settings.dir; if (this._settings.height > this._settings.width) this._settings.dir = 'v'; else this._settings.dir = 'h'; if (this._settings.dir == 'v') { cfg.dragX = false; this.horizontalSlide = false; } else { cfg.dragY = false; this.horizontalSlide = true; } this.slide = EZGUI.create(cfg, this.theme); this.slide.dragXInterval = [0, this.width - this.slide.width]; this.slide.dragYInterval = [0, this.height - this.slide.height]; this.value = 0; this.container.addChild(this.slide); } } Component.Slider = Slider; EZGUI.registerComponents(Slider, 'Slider'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Tabs extends EZGUI.GUISprite { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); var __this = this; if (this.tabsBar) { for (var i = 0; i < __this.tabsBar.container.children.length; i++) { //remove default buttons events __this.tabsBar.container.children[i]._events = {}; //console.log(_this.tabsBar.container.children[i]); } this.tabsBar.bindChildren('click', function (e, tab) { //console.log('clicked ', tab); __this.activate(; for (var i = 0; i < __this.tabsBar.container.children.length; i++) { __this.setTaskbarChildState(i, 'default'); //_this.tabsBar.container.children[i].setState('default'); } tab.setState('down'); }); } } draw() { //tabs should not have layout positionning delete this._settings.layout; var tabsH = this._settings.tabHeight || 50; this._settings['padding-top'] = tabsH; var tabsCfg = { component: 'Window', transparent: true, padding: 0, position: { x: 0, y: 0 }, width: this._settings.width, height: tabsH, layout: [this._settings.children.length, 1], children: [] }; for (var i = 0; i < this._settings.children.length; i++) { var child = { text: this._settings.children[i].title || '', userData: { id: i }, component: 'Sprite', skin: 'Button', position: { x: 0, y: 0 }, width: ~~(this._settings.width / this._settings.children.length), height: tabsH }; tabsCfg.children.push(child); } this.tabsBar = EZGUI.create(tabsCfg, this.themeId); //this._settings.children.unshift(tabs); super.draw(); this.addChild(this.tabsBar); } //Phaser container children are not instances of EZGUI MultistateSprite but they are parents of EZGUI MultistateSprite //we need this function to check the the type before setting state setTaskbarChildState(idx, state) { var child = this.tabsBar.container.children[idx]; if (typeof child.setState == 'function') { child.setState(state); } else { var parent = child; if (!parent.children || parent.children.length <= 0) return; for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) { var child = parent.children[i]; if (typeof child.setState == 'function') { child.setState(state); } } } } createChild(childSettings, order) { var child = super.createChild(childSettings, order); if (!this.activeChild) this.activeChild = child; if ( { this.activeChild.visible = false; this.activeChild = child; this.activeChild.visible = true; if (this.tabsBar) this.setTaskbarChildState(order, 'down'); // this.tabsBar.container.children[order].setState('down'); } else { child.visible = false; if (this.tabsBar) this.setTaskbarChildState(order, 'default'); // this.tabsBar.container.children[order].setState('default'); } return child; } activate(idx) { if (this.container.children[idx]) { var child = EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser ? this.container.children[idx]['children'][0] : this.container.children[idx]; this.activeChild.visible = false; this.activeChild = child; this.activeChild.visible = true; if (this.tabsBar) { for (var i = 0; i < this.tabsBar.container.children.length; i++) { this.setTaskbarChildState(i, 'default'); //this.tabsBar.container.children[i].setState('default'); } this.setTaskbarChildState(idx, 'down'); //this.tabsBar.container.children[idx].setState('down'); } } } } Component.Tabs = Tabs; EZGUI.registerComponents(Tabs, 'Tabs'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Device; (function (Device) { //Code taken from var userAgent = (window.navigator && navigator.userAgent) || ""; function detect(pattern) { return (pattern).test(userAgent); } /** * Return true if the browser is Chrome or compatible. * * @method isChrome */ Device.isChrome = detect(/webkit\W.*(chrome|chromium)\W/i); /** * Return true if the browser is Firefox. * * @method isFirefox */ Device.isFirefox = detect(/mozilla.*\Wfirefox\W/i); /** * Return true if the browser is using the Gecko engine. * * This is probably a better way to identify Firefox and other browsers * that use XulRunner. * * @method isGecko */ Device.isGecko = detect(/mozilla(?!.*webkit).*\Wgecko\W/i); /** * Return true if the browser is Internet Explorer. * * @method isIE */ Device.isIE = function () { if (navigator.appName === "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { return true; } else if (detect(/\bTrident\b/)) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /** * Return true if the browser is running on Kindle. * * @method isKindle */ Device.isKindle = detect(/\W(kindle|silk)\W/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on a mobile device. * * @method isMobile */ Device.isMobile = detect(/(iphone|ipod|((?:android)?.*?mobile)|blackberry|nokia)/i); /** * Return true if we are running on Opera. * * @method isOpera */ Device.isOpera = detect(/opera.*\Wpresto\W|OPR/i); /** * Return true if the browser is Safari. * * @method isSafari */ Device.isSafari = detect(/webkit\W(?!.*chrome).*safari\W/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on a tablet. * * One way to distinguish Android mobiles from tablets is that the * mobiles contain the string "mobile" in their UserAgent string. * If the word "Android" isn't followed by "mobile" then its a * tablet. * * @method isTablet */ Device.isTablet = detect(/(ipad|android(?!.*mobile)|tablet)/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on a TV! * * @method isTV */ Device.isTV = detect(/googletv|sonydtv/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on a WebKit browser. * * @method isWebKit */ Device.isWebKit = detect(/webkit\W/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on an Android browser. * * @method isAndroid */ Device.isAndroid = detect(/android/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on any iOS device. * * @method isIOS */ Device.isIOS = detect(/(ipad|iphone|ipod)/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on an iPad. * * @method isIPad */ Device.isIPad = detect(/ipad/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on an iPhone. * * @method isIPhone */ Device.isIPhone = detect(/iphone/i); /** * Return true if the browser is running on an iPod touch. * * @method isIPod */ Device.isIPod = detect(/ipod/i); Device.isMobile = detect(/mobile/i) || Device.isAndroid || Device.isIOS; /** * Return the complete UserAgent string verbatim. * * @method whoami */ Device.whoami = function () { return userAgent; }; })(Device = EZGUI.Device || (EZGUI.Device = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Layout extends EZGUI.GUISprite { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); } draw() { super.draw(); this.guiMask = { width: 0, height: 0 }; var settings = this._settings; if (settings) { var padding = settings.padding || 0; if (this._settings.mask !== false) { var myMask = new PIXI.Graphics(); myMask.beginFill(); myMask.drawRect(padding, padding, settings.width - padding * 2, settings.height - padding * 2); myMask.endFill(); this.addChild(myMask); if (this._settings.anchor) { myMask.position.x = this.container.position.x + padding; myMask.position.y = this.container.position.y + padding; } this.container.mask = myMask; } this.guiMask.x = padding; this.guiMask.y = padding; this.guiMask.width = settings.width - padding * 2; this.guiMask.height = settings.height - padding * 2; } //move container back to the top this.addChild(this.container); } createChild(childSettings, order) { if (!childSettings) return null; var i = order; //console.log('adding ', i); var padTop = this._settings['padding-top'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var padLeft = this._settings['padding-left'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var swidth = this._settings.width - padLeft; var sheight = this._settings.height - padTop; var dx = padLeft; var dy = padTop; var lx = 1; var ly = 1; if (this._settings.layout != undefined) { lx = this._settings.layout[0]; ly = this._settings.layout[1]; var x, y; //horizontal layout if (ly == null) { x = i; y = 0; } else if (lx == null) { x = 0; y = i; } else { var adjust = Math.floor(i / (lx * ly)); if (this._settings.dragY === false) { dx += adjust * swidth; dy -= adjust * sheight; //ly = 1; } else if (this._settings.dragX === false) { //lx = 1; //dx -= adjust * this._settings.width; //dy += adjust * this._settings.height; } x = i % lx; y = Math.floor(i / lx); } ly = ly || 1; lx = lx || 1; dx += x * (swidth / lx); dy += y * (sheight / ly); } var pos = childSettings.position; if (typeof pos == 'string') { var parts = pos.split(' '); var pos1 = parts[0]; var pos2 = parts[1]; //normalize pos if (parts[0] == parts[1]) { pos2 = undefined; } if ((parts[0] == 'top' && parts[2] == 'bottom') || (parts[0] == 'bottom' && parts[2] == 'top') || (parts[0] == 'left' && parts[2] == 'right') || (parts[0] == 'right' && parts[2] == 'left')) { pos1 = 'center'; pos2 = 'undefined'; } if ((parts[0] == 'left' || parts[0] == 'right') && (parts[1] == 'top' || parts[1] == 'bottom')) { pos1 = parts[1]; pos2 = parts[0]; } if ((pos1 == 'left' || pos1 == 'right') && pos2 === undefined) { pos2 = pos1; pos1 = 'left'; } childSettings.position = { x: dx, y: dy }; switch (pos1) { case 'center': childSettings.position.y = dy + (this._settings.height / ly) / 2 - childSettings.height / 2; if (pos2 === undefined) childSettings.position.x = dx + (this._settings.width / lx) / 2 - childSettings.width / 2; break; case 'bottom': childSettings.position.y = dy + (this._settings.height / ly) - childSettings.height - this._settings.padding; break; } switch (pos2) { case 'center': childSettings.position.x = dx + (this._settings.width / lx) / 2 - childSettings.width / 2; break; case 'right': childSettings.position.x = dx + (this._settings.width / lx) - childSettings.width - this._settings.padding; break; } } else { childSettings.position.x = dx + childSettings.position.x; childSettings.position.y = dy + childSettings.position.y; } //console.log(' >> ', dx.toFixed(2), dy.toFixed(2), childSettings.position.x.toFixed(2), childSettings.position.y.toFixed(2)); var child = EZGUI.create(childSettings, this.theme); return child; } addChild(child) { if (child instanceof EZGUI.GUISprite) { return this.addChildAt(child, this.container.children.length); } else { return super.addChild(child); } } addChildAt(child, index) { if (child instanceof EZGUI.GUISprite) { var i = index; //console.log('adding ', i); var padTop = this._settings['padding-top'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var padLeft = this._settings['padding-left'] || this._settings.padding || 0; var swidth = this._settings.width - padLeft; var sheight = this._settings.height - padTop; var dx = padLeft; var dy = padTop; var lx = 1; var ly = 1; if (this._settings.layout != undefined) { lx = this._settings.layout[0]; ly = this._settings.layout[1]; var x, y; //horizontal layout if (ly == null) { x = i; y = 0; } else if (lx == null) { x = 0; y = i; } else { var adjust = Math.floor(i / (lx * ly)); if (this._settings.dragY === false) { dx += adjust * swidth; dy -= adjust * sheight; //ly = 1; } else if (this._settings.dragX === false) { //lx = 1; //dx -= adjust * this._settings.width; //dy += adjust * this._settings.height; } x = i % lx; y = Math.floor(i / lx); } ly = ly || 1; lx = lx || 1; dx += x * (swidth / lx); dy += y * (sheight / ly); } var childSettings = child._settings; var pos = childSettings.position; if (typeof pos == 'string') { var parts = pos.split(' '); var pos1 = parts[0]; var pos2 = parts[1]; //normalize pos if (parts[0] == parts[1]) { pos2 = undefined; } if ((parts[0] == 'top' && parts[2] == 'bottom') || (parts[0] == 'bottom' && parts[2] == 'top') || (parts[0] == 'left' && parts[2] == 'right') || (parts[0] == 'right' && parts[2] == 'left')) { pos1 = 'center'; pos2 = 'undefined'; } if ((parts[0] == 'left' || parts[0] == 'right') && (parts[1] == 'top' || parts[1] == 'bottom')) { pos1 = parts[1]; pos2 = parts[0]; } if ((pos1 == 'left' || pos1 == 'right') && pos2 === undefined) { pos2 = pos1; pos1 = 'left'; } childSettings.position = { x: dx, y: dy }; switch (pos1) { case 'center': childSettings.position.y = dy + (this._settings.height / ly) / 2 - childSettings.height / 2; if (pos2 === undefined) childSettings.position.x = dx + (this._settings.width / lx) / 2 - childSettings.width / 2; break; case 'bottom': childSettings.position.y = dy + (this._settings.height / ly) - childSettings.height - this._settings.padding; break; } switch (pos2) { case 'center': childSettings.position.x = dx + (this._settings.width / lx) / 2 - childSettings.width / 2; break; case 'right': childSettings.position.x = dx + (this._settings.width / lx) - childSettings.width - this._settings.padding; break; } } else { childSettings.position.x = dx + childSettings.position.x; childSettings.position.y = dy + childSettings.position.y; } child.position.x = childSettings.position.x; child.position.y = childSettings.position.y; child.guiParent = this; if (child.phaserGroup) return this.container.addChild(child.phaserGroup); else return this.container.addChild(child); //return super.addChild(child); } else { //return, child, index); return super.addChildAt(child, index); } } } Component.Layout = Layout; EZGUI.registerComponents(Layout, 'Layout'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Window extends Component.Layout { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; } draw() { var headerCfg = this._settings.header; if (headerCfg) { headerCfg.height = headerCfg.height || 0; = || 'Header'; this._settings['padding-top'] = headerCfg.height; } super.draw(); if (headerCfg) { //this.position.y += headerCfg.height; if (headerCfg.width == undefined) headerCfg.width = this._settings.width; this.titleBar = new EZGUI.GUISprite(headerCfg, this.theme); //this.titleBar.position.y -= headerCfg.height - this.settings.padding*2; this.originalAddChild(this.titleBar); } } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); if (this._settings.draggable) { //if (this.titleBar) this.draghandle = this.titleBar; //else this.draghandle = this; //this.draggable = this; this.setDraggable(true); } } setDraggable(val = true) { if (val) { this.draggable = this; if (this.titleBar) this.draghandle = this.titleBar; else this.draghandle = this; } else { this.draggable = undefined; this.draghandle = undefined; } } } Component.Window = Window; EZGUI.registerComponents(Window, 'Window'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Kit; (function (Kit) { class MainScreen extends EZGUI.Component.Window { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; //this.parseSettings(); } parseSettings() { var txCache = EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion >= 3 ? PIXI.utils.TextureCache : PIXI.TextureCache; //parse logo if (this._settings.logo) { if (typeof this._settings.logo == 'string') { if (txCache[this._settings.logo]) { var tx = txCache[this._settings.logo]; var px = (this._settings.width - tx.width) / 2; this._settings.header = { position: { x: px, y: 0 }, image: this._settings.logo, height: tx.height, width: tx.width }; } } else { this._settings.header = this._settings.logo; } } //parse buttons if (this._settings.buttons && this._settings.buttons.length > 0) { this.buttonsEvents = {}; var children = []; var maxHeight = 1; for (var i = 0; i < this._settings.buttons.length; i++) { var btn = this._settings.buttons[i]; if (btn) { btn.component = 'Button'; = + '-btn-' + i; btn.position = btn.position || 'center'; if (maxHeight < btn.height) maxHeight = btn.height; if (btn.event) { this.buttonsEvents[] = btn.event; } } children.push(btn); } var yParts = Math.floor((this._settings.height - this._settings.header.height) / (maxHeight * 1.1)); this._settings.layout = [1, yParts]; this._settings.children = children; } this._settings = this.theme.applySkin(this._settings); } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); var __this = this; this.bindChildren('click', function (event, btn) { if (__this.buttonsEvents && __this.buttonsEvents[btn.Id]) { __this.emit('ezgui:' + __this.buttonsEvents[btn.Id], event, btn); } }); } } Kit.MainScreen = MainScreen; EZGUI.registerComponents(MainScreen, 'MainScreen'); })(Kit = EZGUI.Kit || (EZGUI.Kit = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); // (c) Dean McNamee , 2012. // // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var utils; (function (utils) { var ColorParser; (function (ColorParser) { var kCSSColorTable = { "transparent": [0, 0, 0, 0], "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255, 1], "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215, 1], "aqua": [0, 255, 255, 1], "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212, 1], "azure": [240, 255, 255, 1], "beige": [245, 245, 220, 1], "bisque": [255, 228, 196, 1], "black": [0, 0, 0, 1], "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205, 1], "blue": [0, 0, 255, 1], "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226, 1], "brown": [165, 42, 42, 1], "burlywood": [222, 184, 135, 1], "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160, 1], "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0, 1], "chocolate": [210, 105, 30, 1], "coral": [255, 127, 80, 1], "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237, 1], "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220, 1], "crimson": [220, 20, 60, 1], "cyan": [0, 255, 255, 1], "darkblue": [0, 0, 139, 1], "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139, 1], "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11, 1], "darkgray": [169, 169, 169, 1], "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0, 1], "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169, 1], "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107, 1], "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139, 1], "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47, 1], "darkorange": [255, 140, 0, 1], "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204, 1], "darkred": [139, 0, 0, 1], "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122, 1], "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143, 1], "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139, 1], "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79, 1], "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79, 1], "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209, 1], "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211, 1], "deeppink": [255, 20, 147, 1], "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255, 1], "dimgray": [105, 105, 105, 1], "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105, 1], "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255, 1], "firebrick": [178, 34, 34, 1], "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240, 1], "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34, 1], "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255, 1], "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220, 1], "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255, 1], "gold": [255, 215, 0, 1], "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32, 1], "gray": [128, 128, 128, 1], "green": [0, 128, 0, 1], "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47, 1], "grey": [128, 128, 128, 1], "honeydew": [240, 255, 240, 1], "hotpink": [255, 105, 180, 1], "indianred": [205, 92, 92, 1], "indigo": [75, 0, 130, 1], "ivory": [255, 255, 240, 1], "khaki": [240, 230, 140, 1], "lavender": [230, 230, 250, 1], "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245, 1], "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0, 1], "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205, 1], "lightblue": [173, 216, 230, 1], "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128, 1], "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255, 1], "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210, 1], "lightgray": [211, 211, 211, 1], "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144, 1], "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211, 1], "lightpink": [255, 182, 193, 1], "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122, 1], "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170, 1], "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250, 1], "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153, 1], "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153, 1], "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222, 1], "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224, 1], "lime": [0, 255, 0, 1], "limegreen": [50, 205, 50, 1], "linen": [250, 240, 230, 1], "magenta": [255, 0, 255, 1], "maroon": [128, 0, 0, 1], "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170, 1], "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205, 1], "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211, 1], "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219, 1], "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113, 1], "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238, 1], "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154, 1], "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204, 1], "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133, 1], "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112, 1], "mintcream": [245, 255, 250, 1], "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225, 1], "moccasin": [255, 228, 181, 1], "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173, 1], "navy": [0, 0, 128, 1], "oldlace": [253, 245, 230, 1], "olive": [128, 128, 0, 1], "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35, 1], "orange": [255, 165, 0, 1], "orangered": [255, 69, 0, 1], "orchid": [218, 112, 214, 1], "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170, 1], "palegreen": [152, 251, 152, 1], "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238, 1], "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147, 1], "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213, 1], "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185, 1], "peru": [205, 133, 63, 1], "pink": [255, 192, 203, 1], "plum": [221, 160, 221, 1], "powderblue": [176, 224, 230, 1], "purple": [128, 0, 128, 1], "red": [255, 0, 0, 1], "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143, 1], "royalblue": [65, 105, 225, 1], "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19, 1], "salmon": [250, 128, 114, 1], "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96, 1], "seagreen": [46, 139, 87, 1], "seashell": [255, 245, 238, 1], "sienna": [160, 82, 45, 1], "silver": [192, 192, 192, 1], "skyblue": [135, 206, 235, 1], "slateblue": [106, 90, 205, 1], "slategray": [112, 128, 144, 1], "slategrey": [112, 128, 144, 1], "snow": [255, 250, 250, 1], "springgreen": [0, 255, 127, 1], "steelblue": [70, 130, 180, 1], "tan": [210, 180, 140, 1], "teal": [0, 128, 128, 1], "thistle": [216, 191, 216, 1], "tomato": [255, 99, 71, 1], "turquoise": [64, 224, 208, 1], "violet": [238, 130, 238, 1], "wheat": [245, 222, 179, 1], "white": [255, 255, 255, 1], "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245, 1], "yellow": [255, 255, 0, 1], "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50, 1] }; function clamp_css_byte(i) { i = Math.round(i); // Seems to be what Chrome does (vs truncation). return i < 0 ? 0 : i > 255 ? 255 : i; } function clamp_css_float(f) { return f < 0 ? 0 : f > 1 ? 1 : f; } function parse_css_int(str) { if (str[str.length - 1] === '%') return clamp_css_byte(parseFloat(str) / 100 * 255); return clamp_css_byte(parseInt(str)); } function parse_css_float(str) { if (str[str.length - 1] === '%') return clamp_css_float(parseFloat(str) / 100); return clamp_css_float(parseFloat(str)); } function css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h) { if (h < 0) h += 1; else if (h > 1) h -= 1; if (h * 6 < 1) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6; if (h * 2 < 1) return m2; if (h * 3 < 2) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2 / 3 - h) * 6; return m1; } function parseToPixiColor(str) { var rgb = parseToRGB(str); if (!rgb) return -1; var intRGB = rgb[0]; intRGB = (intRGB << 8) + rgb[1]; intRGB = (intRGB << 8) + rgb[2]; return intRGB; } ColorParser.parseToPixiColor = parseToPixiColor; function parseToRGB(str) { // Remove all whitespace, not compliant, but should just be more accepting. var str = str.replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase(); // Color keywords (and transparent) lookup. if (str in kCSSColorTable) return kCSSColorTable[str].slice(); // dup. // #abc and #abc123 syntax. if (str[0] === '#') { if (str.length === 4) { var iv = parseInt(str.substr(1), 16); // TODO(deanm): Stricter parsing. if (!(iv >= 0 && iv <= 0xfff)) return null; // Covers NaN. return [((iv & 0xf00) >> 4) | ((iv & 0xf00) >> 8), (iv & 0xf0) | ((iv & 0xf0) >> 4), (iv & 0xf) | ((iv & 0xf) << 4), 1]; } else if (str.length === 7) { var iv = parseInt(str.substr(1), 16); // TODO(deanm): Stricter parsing. if (!(iv >= 0 && iv <= 0xffffff)) return null; // Covers NaN. return [(iv & 0xff0000) >> 16, (iv & 0xff00) >> 8, iv & 0xff, 1]; } return null; } var op = str.indexOf('('), ep = str.indexOf(')'); if (op !== -1 && ep + 1 === str.length) { var fname = str.substr(0, op); var params = str.substr(op + 1, ep - (op + 1)).split(','); var alpha = 1; // To allow case fallthrough. switch (fname) { case 'rgba': if (params.length !== 4) return null; alpha = parse_css_float(params.pop()); // Fall through. case 'rgb': if (params.length !== 3) return null; return [parse_css_int(params[0]), parse_css_int(params[1]), parse_css_int(params[2]), alpha]; case 'hsla': if (params.length !== 4) return null; alpha = parse_css_float(params.pop()); // Fall through. case 'hsl': if (params.length !== 3) return null; var h = (((parseFloat(params[0]) % 360) + 360) % 360) / 360; // 0 .. 1 // NOTE(deanm): According to the CSS spec s/l should only be // percentages, but we don't bother and let float or percentage. var s = parse_css_float(params[1]); var l = parse_css_float(params[2]); var m2 = l <= 0.5 ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s; var m1 = l * 2 - m2; return [clamp_css_byte(css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h + 1 / 3) * 255), clamp_css_byte(css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h) * 255), clamp_css_byte(css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h - 1 / 3) * 255), alpha]; default: return null; } } return null; } ColorParser.parseToRGB = parseToRGB; })(ColorParser = utils.ColorParser || (utils.ColorParser = {})); })(utils = EZGUI.utils || (EZGUI.utils = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Button extends EZGUI.GUISprite { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; if (settings.text) this.text = settings.text; } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); var guiObj = this; //var _this = this; var isDown = false; //guiObj.on('mousemove', function () { //}); guiObj.on('mousedown', function () { isDown = true; //console.log('down', _this.guiID); guiObj.setState('down'); }); guiObj.on('mouseup', function () { isDown = false; //console.log('up', _this.guiID); guiObj.setState('default'); }); guiObj.on('mouseover', function () { //console.log('hover', _this.guiID); if (!isDown) guiObj.setState('hover'); }); guiObj.on('mouseout', function () { //console.log('out', _this.guiID); //EZGUI.dragging = null; //temporary workaround for phaser if (!EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser) { isDown = false; guiObj.setState('default'); } }); } } Component.Button = Button; EZGUI.registerComponents(Button, 'Button'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Checkbox extends Component.Button { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; } //Getter & setter for check state get checked() { return this._checked; } set checked(chk) { if (chk) { this.setState('checked'); if (this._checkmark) this._checkmark.visible = true; } else { this.setState('default'); if (this._checkmark) this._checkmark.visible = false; } this._checked = chk; } //Getter & setter for text vakue which need to be placed on the right get text() { if (this.textObj) return this.textObj.text; } set text(val) { if (this.textObj) { this.textObj.text = val; if (this._settings.anchor) { this.textObj.position.x = 0; this.textObj.position.y = 0; this.textObj.anchor.x = this._settings.anchor.x; this.textObj.anchor.y = this._settings.anchor.y; } else { this.textObj.position.x = this._settings.width; this.textObj.position.y = (this._settings.height) / 2 - this.textObj.height / 2.5; this.textObj.anchor.x = 0; this.textObj.anchor.y = 0; } } } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); var guiObj = this; var __this = this; var guiObj = this; guiObj.on('mouseover', function (event) { //guiObj.alpha = 0.7; }); //clear parent event'mouseout'); guiObj.on('mouseout', function () { //prevent state clear //if (_this.checked) { // _this.setState('checked'); //} //guiObj.alpha = 1; }); guiObj.on('click', function () { __this.checked = !__this.checked; }); } draw() { super.draw(); this._checkmark = this.createThemeImage(this._settings, 'default', 'checkmark'); if (this._checkmark != null) { this.addChild(this._checkmark); this._checkmark.visible = false; this._checkmark.width = this._settings.width; this._checkmark.height = this._settings.height; if (this._settings.anchor) { this._checkmark.anchor.x = this._settings.anchor.x; this._checkmark.anchor.y = this._settings.anchor.y; } } } drawText() { super.drawText(); if (this.textObj) { this.textObj.position.x = this._settings.width; this.textObj.position.y = (this._settings.height) / 2 - this.textObj.height / 2.5; //console.log(this.textObj.height, this.settings.height); } } } Component.Checkbox = Checkbox; EZGUI.registerComponents(Checkbox, 'Checkbox'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); /// var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class Radio extends Component.Checkbox { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; = null; =; if (!EZGUI.radioGroups[]) EZGUI.radioGroups[] = []; EZGUI.radioGroups[].push(this); if (this._settings.checked === true) this.checked = true; } //static groups: any = {}; //static selectedFrom: any = {}; static get groups() { return EZGUI.radioGroups; } get checked() { return this._checked; } set checked(chk) { if (chk) { this.clearGroup(); this.setState('checked'); if (this._checkmark) this._checkmark.visible = true; } else { this.setState('default'); if (this._checkmark) this._checkmark.visible = false; } this._checked = chk; EZGUI.radioGroups[].selected = this; } clearGroup() { if (!EZGUI.radioGroups[]) return; for (var i = 0; i < EZGUI.radioGroups[].length; i++) { EZGUI.radioGroups[][i].checked = false; } } handleEvents() { super.handleEvents(); var __this = this; //clear default action'click'); __this.on('click', function (event) { __this.checked = true; __this.emit('ezgui:checked', event, __this); }); } draw() { super.draw(); } } Component.Radio = Radio; EZGUI.registerComponents(Radio, 'Radio'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var Component; (function (Component) { class List extends Component.Layout { constructor(settings, themeId) { super(settings, themeId); this.settings = settings; this.themeId = themeId; //this.draghandle = this.uichildren['sbtn1']; } handleEvents() { var __this = this; var ssize; this.draggable = this.container; if (__this._settings.dragY === false || (this._settings.layout && this._settings.layout[1] == null)) { this.dragConstraint = 'x'; this.horizontalSlide = true; this.slotSize = (this._settings.width / this._settings.layout[0]); } if (__this._settings.dragX === false || (this._settings.layout && this._settings.layout[0] == null)) { this.dragConstraint = 'y'; this.horizontalSlide = false; this.slotSize = (this._settings.height / this._settings.layout[1]); } if (this._settings.layout && this._settings.layout[0] != null && this._settings.layout[1] != null) { if (__this._settings.dragY === false) { this.slotSize = this.slotSize / this._settings.layout[1]; } if (__this._settings.dragX === false) { this.slotSize = this.slotSize / this._settings.layout[0]; } } //console.log(' >>>> ', this.draggable.width, this._settings.width); ssize = this.slotSize * this.container.children.length; this.dragXInterval[0] = -ssize + this._settings.width * 0.5; this.dragXInterval[1] = this._settings.width * 0.2; this.dragYInterval[0] = -ssize + this._settings.height * 0.5; this.dragYInterval[1] = this._settings.height * 0.2; super.handleEvents(); __this.on('mousedown', function (event) { if (__this.decelerationItv) { clearInterval(__this.decelerationItv); __this.decelerationItv = null; } for (var i = 0; i < __this.container.children.length; i++) { var child = __this.container.children[i]; if (!(child instanceof EZGUI.GUISprite)) continue; if (!child.mouseInObj(event, child)) continue; if (!child.canTrigger(event, child)) continue; child.emit('ezgui:mousedown', event); } }); __this.on('mouseup', function (event) { if (__this.decelerationItv) return; var endPos = EZGUI.utils.getRealPos(event); //console.log('slide end ', EZGUI.startDrag.x, EZGUI.startDrag.x, endPos); __this.decelerateScroll(endPos); }); } decelerateScroll(endPos) { var __this = this; var sign = 0; if (__this.dragConstraint != 'y') { sign = Math.sign(endPos.x - EZGUI.startDrag.x); } if (__this.dragConstraint != 'x') { sign = Math.sign(endPos.y - EZGUI.startDrag.y); } var x1 = EZGUI.startDrag.x; var y1 = EZGUI.startDrag.y; var x2 = endPos.x; var y2 = endPos.y; var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1 - x2), 2) + Math.pow((y1 - y2), 2)); var time = - EZGUI.startDrag.t; var speed = distance / time; var timeConstant = 10; var amplitude = sign * speed * 150; var step = 0; var initialPosX = __this.draggable.position.x; var initialPosY = __this.draggable.position.y; var posX = 0; var posY = 0; if (__this.decelerationItv) clearInterval(__this.decelerationItv); __this.decelerationItv = setInterval(function () { //console.log('.'); var delta = amplitude / timeConstant; if (__this.dragConstraint != 'y') { posX += delta; var nextPos = initialPosX + posX; if (nextPos >= __this.dragXInterval[0] && nextPos <= __this.dragXInterval[1]) __this.draggable.position.x = nextPos; else clearInterval(__this.decelerationItv); } if (__this.dragConstraint != 'x') { posY += delta; var nextPos = initialPosY + posY; if (nextPos >= __this.dragYInterval[0] && nextPos <= __this.dragYInterval[1]) __this.draggable.position.y = nextPos; else clearInterval(__this.decelerationItv); } amplitude -= delta; step += 1; if (step > 6 * timeConstant) { clearInterval(__this.decelerationItv); __this.decelerationItv = null; } }, 16); } addChildAt(child, index) { var result = super.addChildAt(child, index); if (result instanceof EZGUI.GUISprite) { var ssize = this.slotSize * this.container.children.length; this.dragXInterval[0] = -ssize + this._settings.width * 0.5; this.dragXInterval[1] = this._settings.width * 0.2; this.dragYInterval[0] = -ssize + this._settings.height * 0.9; this.dragYInterval[1] = this._settings.height * 0.1; } return result; } removeChild(child) { var result = super.removeChild(child); if (child instanceof EZGUI.GUISprite) { var ssize = this.slotSize * this.container.children.length; this.dragXInterval[0] = -ssize + this._settings.width * 0.5; this.dragXInterval[1] = this._settings.width * 0.2; this.dragYInterval[0] = -ssize + this._settings.height * 0.9; this.dragYInterval[1] = this._settings.height * 0.1; this.draggable.position.x = 0; this.draggable.position.y = 0; } return result; } slideBy(value, delay) { delay = delay || Math.abs(value) * 5; var __this = this; if (__this.dragConstraint != 'y') { var nextPos = __this.draggable.position.x + value; nextPos = Math.max(nextPos, __this.dragXInterval[0]); nextPos = Math.min(nextPos, __this.dragXInterval[1]); if (__this.tween) __this.tween.stop(); __this.tween = new EZGUI.Tween(__this.container.position) .to({ x: nextPos }, delay) .easing(EZGUI.Easing.Cubic.Out); __this.tween.start(); } if (__this.dragConstraint != 'x') { var nextPos = __this.draggable.position.y + value; nextPos = Math.max(nextPos, __this.dragYInterval[0]); nextPos = Math.min(nextPos, __this.dragYInterval[1]); if (__this.tween) __this.tween.stop(); __this.tween = new EZGUI.Tween(__this.container.position) .to({ y: nextPos }, delay) .easing(EZGUI.Easing.Cubic.Out); __this.tween.start(); } } slideTo(value, delay) { var __this = this; if (__this.dragConstraint != 'y') { var nextPos = value; delay = delay || Math.abs(value - __this.draggable.position.x) * 5; nextPos = Math.max(nextPos, __this.dragXInterval[0]); nextPos = Math.min(nextPos, __this.dragXInterval[1]); if (__this.tween) __this.tween.stop(); __this.tween = new EZGUI.Tween(__this.container.position) .to({ x: nextPos }, delay) .easing(EZGUI.Easing.Cubic.Out); __this.tween.start(); } if (__this.dragConstraint != 'x') { var nextPos = value; delay = delay || Math.abs(value - __this.draggable.position.y) * 5; nextPos = Math.max(nextPos, __this.dragYInterval[0]); nextPos = Math.min(nextPos, __this.dragYInterval[1]); if (__this.tween) __this.tween.stop(); __this.tween = new EZGUI.Tween(__this.container.position) .to({ y: nextPos }, delay) .easing(EZGUI.Easing.Cubic.Out); __this.tween.start(); } } } Component.List = List; EZGUI.registerComponents(List, 'List'); })(Component = EZGUI.Component || (EZGUI.Component = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { class MultistateTilingSprite extends EZGUI.Compatibility.TilingSprite { constructor(texture, width, height, states) { super(texture, width, height); this.stateTextures = {}; this.currentState = 'default'; this.stateTextures['default'] = texture; if (states) { for (var s in states) { var tx = states[s]; if (tx instanceof PIXI.Texture && !this.stateTextures[s]) { //var mtx:any = new MultistateTilingSprite(tx, width, height); this.stateTextures[s] = tx; } } } } setState(state = 'default') { var sprite = this; if (!sprite.stateTextures[state] || state == this.currentState) return; if (sprite.texture == sprite.stateTextures[state]) return; if (sprite.texture) { sprite.texture = sprite.stateTextures[state]; } else { if (sprite._texture) sprite._texture = sprite.stateTextures[state]; } if (sprite.tilingTexture) sprite.tilingTexture = sprite.stateTextures[state]; if (sprite._tilingTexture) sprite._tilingTexture = sprite.stateTextures[state]; if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion == 2) { //Fixme : tiling texture on the fly replacement not working in Pixi2 } } } EZGUI.MultistateTilingSprite = MultistateTilingSprite; })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); (function (root) { if ('performance' in root === false) { root.performance = {}; } // IE 8 = ( || function () { return new Date().getTime(); }); if ('now' in root.performance === false) { var offset = root.performance.timing && root.performance.timing.navigationStart ? performance.timing.navigationStart :; = function () { return - offset; }; } })(this); var EZGUI; (function (EZGUI) { var utils; (function (utils) { /** * check if the the point defined by x and y outside a visible gui element * */ function isMasked(x, y, obj) { var parent = obj.parent; if (parent == null) return false; if (!parent.worldTransform || !parent.guiMask) return isMasked(x, y, parent); var wratio = 1; var hratio = 1; if (EZGUI.Compatibility.isPhaser) { wratio = Phaser.GAMES[0].scale.width / Phaser.GAMES[0].width; hratio = Phaser.GAMES[0].scale.height / Phaser.GAMES[0].height; } var tx = (parent.worldTransform.tx + parent.guiMask.x) * wratio; var ty = (parent.worldTransform.ty + parent.guiMask.y) * hratio; var w = parent.guiMask.width * wratio; var h = parent.guiMask.height * hratio; if (x < tx || y < ty || x > tx + w || y > ty + h) return true; return isMasked(x, y, parent); } utils.isMasked = isMasked; function getAbsPos(obj, from = null) { //if (EZGUI.Compatibility.PIXIVersion == 3) { if (from == null) from = { x: 0, y: 0 }; from.x += obj.position.x; from.y += obj.position.y; if (obj.parent != null) return getAbsPos(obj.parent, from); return from; //} //else { //return { x: obj.worldTransform.tx, y: obj.worldTransform.ty }; //} } utils.getAbsPos = getAbsPos; function getClientXY(event) { var data = || event; var origEvt = event; if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.changedTouches && data.originalEvent.changedTouches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } else if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.touches && data.originalEvent.touches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.touches[0]; } else { if (data.originalEvent) origEvt = data.originalEvent; } return { x: origEvt.clientX, y: origEvt.clientY }; } utils.getClientXY = getClientXY; function getRealPos(event) { var data = || event; var origEvt = event; if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.changedTouches && data.originalEvent.changedTouches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; } else if (data.originalEvent && data.originalEvent.touches && data.originalEvent.touches.length > 0) { origEvt = data.originalEvent.touches[0]; } else { if (data.originalEvent) origEvt = data.originalEvent; } var bcr =; var px = origEvt.clientX - bcr.left; var py = origEvt.clientY -; return { x: px, y: py }; } utils.getRealPos = getRealPos; function distance(x, y, x0, y0) { return Math.sqrt((x -= x0) * x + (y -= y0) * y); } utils.distance = distance; ; function extendJSON(target, source) { if (typeof source == 'object') { for (var i in source) { var src = source[i]; if (target[i] == '') { continue; } if (target[i]) { extendJSON(target[i], source[i]); } else { target[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source[i])); } } } } utils.extendJSON = extendJSON; function getStatusCodeForUrl(url) { if ('file://') !== -1) { return 0; } return 200; } utils.getStatusCodeForUrl = getStatusCodeForUrl; function loadJSON(url, cb, crossOrigin = true) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && (xmlhttp.status === 200 || xmlhttp.status === getStatusCodeForUrl(xmlhttp.responseURL))) { var jsonContent = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText); cb(jsonContent); } };"GET", url, crossOrigin); xmlhttp.send(); } utils.loadJSON = loadJSON; function loadXML(url, cb, crossOrigin = true) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && (xmlhttp.status === 200 || xmlhttp.status === getStatusCodeForUrl(xmlhttp.responseURL))) { var xmlDoc; if (window['DOMParser']) { var parser = new DOMParser(); xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlhttp.responseText, "text/xml"); } else { xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlhttp.responseText); } cb(xmlDoc); } };"GET", url, crossOrigin); xmlhttp.send(); } utils.loadXML = loadXML; })(utils = EZGUI.utils || (EZGUI.utils = {})); })(EZGUI || (EZGUI = {})); //#