rbac: create: true serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: # This namespace is where the Controller lives namespace: kube-system args: # NOTE: helm has difficulty with values using `-`; `_` are used for naming # and are replaced with `-` during rendering. # REQUIRED Params orchestration: "kubernetes" provider: "f5-ip-provider" # provider: "infoblox" # REQUIRED Params if provider is infoblox infoblox_grid_host: 10.x.x.x infoblox_wapi_version: 2.11.2 infoblox_username: username infoblox_password: passsword #if you want to set infoblox access credentials through secret uncomment below line. #infoblox_login_secret: infoblox-credentials infoblox_labels: '{"Dev":{"cidr":""}}' infoblox_netview: netview_10_145_77_87 # REQUIRED Params if provider is f5-ip-provider ip_range: '{"test":"", "prod":""}' # OPTIONAL PARAMS -- uncomment and provide values for those you wish to use. # log-level # version # OPTIONAL PARAMS if provider is infoblox # infoblox_wapi_port: "443" # insecure image: # Use the tag to target a specific version of the Controller user: f5networks repo: f5-ipam-controller pullPolicy: Always version: 0.1.5 # affinity: # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchExpressions: # - key: kubernetes.io/arch # operator: Exists # securityContext: # runAsUser: 1000 # runAsGroup: 3000 # fsGroup: 2000 # If you want to specify resources, uncomment the following # limits_cpu: 100m # limits_memory: 512Mi # requests_cpu: 100m # requests_memory: 512Mi # updateStrategy is used to set the update strategy for f5-ipam-controller deployment. # The default update strategy is RollingUpdate, however if you want to set it to Recreate then uncomment the following line. # Note: Setting updateStrategy to Recreate may have some downtime during the update. #updateStrategy: Recreate pvc: # set create tag to true to create new persistent volume claim and set storageClassName,accessMode and storage create: false #name of the persistent volume claim to be used # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: #if create set to false below parameters will be ignored storageClassName: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce storage: volume: mountPath: /app/ipamdb mountName: fic-volume-mount # To enable tolerations, uncomment below block and customize key,effect,operator. # Below is just an example and different key,value and operators are also supported #tolerations: # - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" # effect: "NoSchedule" # operator: "Exists"