\documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{color} %\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{longtable} %\usepackage{makecell} % $ sudo tlmgr install makecell %\pagestyle{fancy} %\fancyhf{} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \setlength{\headheight}{20pt} \begin{document} \title{FAIR Metric FM-F1B} \author{Mark D. Wilkinson, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, \\Erik Schultes, Peter Doorn,\\ Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Michel Dumontier} \maketitle %\thispagestyle{fancy} %\begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{|p{5cm}|p{9cm}|} \hline \emph{FIELD} & \emph{DESCRIPTION} \\ \hline Metric Identifier & FM-F1B: \verb"https://purl.org/fair-metrics/FM_F1B" \\ \hline Metric Name & Identifier persistence \\ \hline To which principle does it apply? & F1\\ \hline What is being measured? & Whether there is a policy that describes what the provider will do in the event an identifier scheme becomes deprecated.\\ \hline Why should we measure it? & The change to an identifier scheme will have widespread implications for resource lookup, linking, and data sharing. Providers of digital resources must ensure that they have a policy to manage changes in their identifier scheme, with a specific emphasis on maintaining/redirecting previously generated identifiers. \\ \hline What must be provided? & A URL that resolves to a document containing the relevant policy. \\ \hline How do we measure it? & Use an HTTP GET on URL provided. \newline \\ \hline What is a valid result? & Present (a 200,202,203 or 206 HTTP response after resolving all and any prior redirects. e.g. 301 -> 302 -> 200 OK) or Absent (any other HTTP code) \\ \hline For which digital resource(s) is this relevant? & All\\ \hline Examples of their application across types of digital resource & for each of the ‘canonical’ data types, examples, if available. \newline @todo \newline \newline FAIR principles (scholarly publication in Nature Scientific Data)\newline \verb|https://www.doi.org/overview/DOI_article_ELIS3.pdf| \newline http://www.nature.com/developers/\newline documentation/metadata-resources/doi/ \newline \newline FAIR Principles (computable representation): \newline https://github.com/FAIRDataInitiative/\newline \verb|FAIR-principles#fair-principles| \newline For DSA-certified repositories (example below of 3TU-Datacentre at Delft) the identifier persistence policy is described in the self assessment:\newline https://assessment.datasealofapproval.org/\newline \verb|assessment_187/seal/pdf/| \newline \newline DOI Handbook - ensuring persistence:\newline \verb|http://www.doi.org/doi_handbook/| \newline \verb|6_Policies.html#6.5}| \\ \hline Comments & A first version of this metric would focus on just checking a URL that resolves to a document. We can’t verify that document. \newline A second version would indicate how to structure the data policy document with a particular section (similar to how the CC licenses now have a formal structure in RDF).\newline A third version would insist that that document and section is signed by an approved organization and made available in an appropriate repository. \\ \hline \end{tabular} % \caption{The template for creating FAIR Metrics} %\end{table} \end{document}