The FAIRsharing Team, FAIRsharing Subject Ontology (SRAO) SRAO is a hierarchy of academic disciplines that draws from the re3data subject list as well as importing terms from 6 publicly-available ontologies. This hierarchy covers all of the humanities and natural sciences and, where external vocabularies could not be found, SRAO classes were created. The initial hierarchy and class set came from FAIRsharing user requirements. Additional classes have been drawn from the following sources: 1. the re3data subject categories as listed at 2. NCIT (, CC BY 4.0) 3. the EDAM Topic hierarchy as available at (, CC BY-SA 4.0) 4. AgroVoc (, CC BY 3.0 IGO) 5. OMIT ( and, CC BY 3.0) 6. OBI (, CC BY 3.0) 7. PO (, CC BY 4.0) Modifications to the hierarchy have been performed to aid usability within FAIRsharing as well as to aid ontology alignment and merging. Additional definitions and annotations have also been incorporated by the FAIRsharing Team. Originally developed for use within Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), 2023-10-10 The official definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions. definition term editor An alternative name for a class or property which means the same thing as the preferred name (semantically equivalent) alternative term definition source term tracker item imported from FAIRsharing alternative term re3data alternative term EDAM alternative term OMIT alternative term NCIT alternative term AgroVoc alternative term AgroPortal alternative term PO alternative term OBI alternative term Food Security is the area of research concerned with physical and economic access, by all people at all times, to the basic food they need. Allyson Lister AgroVoc, AL 19.6.2019 AgroVoc AL 16.5.2019: Added additional parent of 'Agricultural Economics' as per Food Security Hydrogeology is the subfield of Geology that is concerned with the study of water on or below the surface of the earth. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 19.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored 'Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management' and its hierarchy into: 'Hydrology' with child 'Hydrogeology'; 'Limnology'; and 'Water Management' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Water Chemistry' subdomain. Hydrology and Limnology had previously been refactored out of this class, and now the class has been completely refactored to create one class per concept. Hydrogeology Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure. OED AgroVoc re3data Linguistics Cartography is the art and science of the production of maps. This includes the construction of projections, design, compilation, drafting and reproduction. [AgroVoc] AgroVoc re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartogaphy' into parent class 'Geoinformatics' and child classes 'Geodesy', 'Photogrammetry', 'Remote Sensing' and 'Cartography' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Cartography Forest Management is a branch of forestry concerned with overall administrative, economic, legal, and social aspects, as well as scientific and technical aspects, such as silviculture, protection, and forest regulation. This includes management for aesthetics, fish, recreation, urban values, water, wilderness, wildlife, wood products, forest genetic resources, and other forest resource values. Management can be based on conservation, economics, or a mixture of the two. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 1.4.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Inventory Control and Use of Forest Resources' into 'Forest Management' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Inventory Control' subdomain. Forest Management Plant Nutrition is the science of plant nutrients and their relation to plant health and disease. [AgroVoc, AL 17.6.2019] re3data Plant Nutrition Civil Engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of works of public utility, especially those relating to social infrastructure. Allyson Lister OED, AL 08.05.18 AgroVoc Civil Engineering Farming System Research is an approach designed to generate relevant technologies for specific clients, most commonly, the resource-limited farm households. It focuses on clients' priority needs and problems, applies an inter-disciplinary systems perspective in diagnosing problems and generating technological solutions, and involve a series of operational activities carried out on farm with farmers. Although descriptions of Farming Systems Research vary, the general consensus is that there are four major activities: diagnosis, planning and priority setting, experimentation and evaluation. The activities incorporated under farming systems research range from computer models simulating small-scale farm systems to integrated rural development strategies, and from complex experiment station trials of cropping systems to simple on-farm testing of technologies. [AgroVoc, AL 14.5.2019] AgroVoc Farms and Farming Systems AL 14.5.2019: Originally this was an AgroPortal Category ('Farms and Farming Systems'), and the original label has been retained as an AgroPortal synonym. However, the AgroVoc term better fits FAIRsharing curation best practices and has been chosen instead. Farming Systems Research Plant Cultivation is the practice of growing and nurturing plants outside of their wild habitat (i.e., in gardens, nurseries, arboreta). [Adapted from, AL 12.6.2019] AgroVoc re3data Cultivation AL 6.3.18: re3data placement of Plant Cultivation is as a direct child of Agriculture. However, to align with the introduction of the Agronomy term from AgroVoc, Plant Cultivation has moved under Agronomy. Plant Cultivation Agriculture is the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products. Allyson Lister AgroVoc, AL 12.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data Agriculture Agronomy is the science of crop production and soil management. [AgroVoc, AL 19.6.2019] AgroVoc AL 6.3.18: Placement of Agronomy follows the AgroVoc hierarchy. Agronomy Econometrics is the application of mathematics and statistics to the study of economic and financial data. Allyson Lister AgroVoc AgroVoc re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Statistics and Econometrics' into 'Econometrics' and added a parent term of 'Statistics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Econometrics Economics is the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management). AgroVoc, AL 12.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data Economics Geochemistry is defined as the study of the processes that control the abundance, composition, and distribution of chemical compounds and isotopes in geologic environments. [Adapted from and, AL 2.4.2019] AgroVoc re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Crystallography' into sibling classes 'Geochemistry' and 'Mineralogy' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Crystallography' is more suited to DRAO. Placement within the hierarchy follows re3data (where the parent is 'Earth Science') and more precisely places it as a child of 'Geology' according to FAIRsharing best practices. Geochemistry Animal Physiology is the study of the normal processes and metabolic functions of animal organisms. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 12.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 25.9.17 Changed re3data label from "Biochemistry and Animal Physiology" to "Animal Physiology" as these are two distinct disciplines. The Biochemistry discipline is positioned according to both the re3data and EDAM hierarchies. Animal Physiology Plant Physiology is concerned with the study of the function and chemical reactions within the various organs of plants. [Adapted from GEMET, AL 12.6.2019] AgroVoc re3data Plant Physiology Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. Allyson Lister Human Factors, 28.3.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 4.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Human Factors, Ergonomics, Human-Machine Systems' into sibling classes 'Ergonomics' and 'Human-Machine Systems Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Ergonomics Animal Nutrition is the science of feeds and their nutrients, their relation to animal health and disease; for providing feeds to animals use. Allyson Lister AgroVoc, AL 28.3.19 AgroVoc re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Animal Nutrition and Nutrition Physiology' into 'Animal Nutrition' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Nutrition Physiology' subdomain. Animal Nutrition Agricultural Law is the study of the special laws and regulations that apply to the production and sale of agricultural products. It deals with such legal issues as agricultural infrastructure, seed, water, fertilizer, pesticide use, agricultural finance, agricultural labour, agricultural marketing, agricultural insurance, farming rights, land tenure and tenancy system and law on agricultural processing and rural industry. With implementation of modern technologies, issues including credit, intellectual property, trade and commerce related to agricultural products are dealt within the sphere of this law. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 23.5.18 AgroVoc Agricultural Law Economic Policy covers the systems for setting levels of taxation, government budgets, the money supply and interest rates as well as the labour market, national ownership, and many other areas of government interventions into the economy. Most factors of economic policy can be divided into either fiscal policy, which deals with government actions regarding taxation and spending, or monetary policy, which deals with central banking actions regarding the money supply and interest rates. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 2.4.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Economic and Social Policy' into sibling classes 'Economic Policy' and 'Social Policy' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Economic Policy Fisheries Science is the academic discipline of managing and understanding fisheries. It is a multidisciplinary science, which draws on the disciplines of limnology, oceanography, freshwater biology, marine biology, conservation, ecology, population dynamics, economics and management to attempt to provide an integrated picture of fisheries. [Wikipedia, AL 23.5.18] AgroVoc Fisheries Science Geodesy is the science of accurately measuring and understanding three fundamental properties of the Earth: its geometric shape, its orientation in space, and its gravity field— as well as the changes of these properties with time. [Adapted from, AL 8.5.2019] AgroVoc re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartogaphy' into parent class 'Geoinformatics' and child classes 'Geodesy', 'Photogrammetry', 'Remote Sensing' and 'Cartography' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Geodesy Geophysics is the branch of science concerned with the physics of the earth and the processes which affect it; the application of the principles, methods, and techniques of physics to the study of the earth, esp. the crust. [Adapted from OED, AL 12.6.2019] AgroVoc re3data Geophysics Logistics Engineering is a field of engineering dedicated to the scientific organization of the purchase, transport, storage, distribution, and warehousing of materials and finished goods. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 3.4.2019 AgroVoc re3data Logistics AL: 4.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite label 'Traffic and Transport Systems, Logistics' into 'Logistics Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Logistics Engineering Environmental Science is a broad interdisciplinary field in which ecologists work with other physical, chemical, and biological researchers to study and seek solutions to environmental problems. Environmental science focuses on the environment and how humans can manage and utilise its resources and the effects our actions have on the environment. Allyson Lister Adapted by AL from and 26.6.18 AgroVoc Environmental Sciences AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Environmental Science Horticulture is the research area concerned with the cultivation or management of gardens, including the growing of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. [Adapted from OED, AL 19.6.2019] AgroVoc Horticulture Hydraulic Engineering as a sub-discipline of civil engineering is concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018 AgroVoc re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Geotechnics, Hydraulic Engineering" class from re3data has been split into "Geotechnics" and "Hydraulic Engineering". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Hydraulic Engineering Hydrology is the scientific study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the water cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability. [AgroVoc, 28.3.2019] AgroVoc re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored 'Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management' and its hierarchy into: 'Hydrology' with child 'Hydrogeology'; 'Limnology'; and 'Water Management' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Water Chemistry' subdomain. Hydrology and Limnology had previously been refactored out of this class, and now the class has been completely refactored to create one class per concept. Hydrology Urban Planning is the planning and regulation of building, development, reconstruction, etc., in an urban area. Allyson Lister Oxford English Dictionary, AL 08.05.18 AgroVoc re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Urbanism, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning" class from re3data has been split into "Urban Planning", "Transportation Planning" and "Landscape Planning". Urbanism and Spatial Planning have been consolidated into a single class as it provides an appropriate level of detail for FAIRsharing users. Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Urban Planning Animal Breeding is a branch of Agriculture that addresses the controlled improvement of selected characteristics of livestock. [Adapted from AgroVoc and Wikipedia,, 1.4.2019] AgroVoc re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Animal Husbandry, Breeding and Hygiene' into parent 'Animal Husbandry' and child 'Animal Breeding' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Animal Hygiene' subdomain. Animal Breeding Life Science is the study of all of the divisions of the natural sciences dealing with the various aspects of the phenomena of life and vital processes. Allyson Lister Adapted from AgroVoc, AL 6.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data Life Sciences AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Life Science Limnology is the study of the physical, chemical, hydrological, and biological aspects of fresh water bodies. [AgroVoc 28.3.19] AgroVoc re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored 'Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management' and its hierarchy into: 'Hydrology' with child 'Hydrogeology'; 'Limnology'; and 'Water Management' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Water Chemistry' subdomain. Hydrology and Limnology had previously been refactored out of this class, and now the class has been completely refactored to create one class per concept. Limnology Mechanical Engineering applies the principles of engineering, physics and materials science to the design, analysis, manufacture and maintenance of mechanical systems. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Adapted from Quora, PAM 27.02.2018 AgroVoc re3data AL 24.5.18: The original "Mechanical and industrial Engineering" class from re3data has been split into "Mechanical Engineering" and "Industrial Engineering". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Mechanical Engineering Mineralogy is a subfield of Geology specializing in the scientific study of the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical (including optical) properties of minerals and mineralized artifacts. Specific studies within mineralogy include the processes of mineral origin and formation, classification of minerals, their geographical distribution, as well as their utilization. [Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 2.4.2019] AgroVoc re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Crystallography' into sibling classes 'Geochemistry' and 'Mineralogy' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Crystallography' is more suited to DRAO. Placement within the hierarchy follows re3data (where the parent is 'Earth Science') and more precisely places it as a child of 'Geology' according to FAIRsharing best practices. Mineralogy Acoustics is the branch of physics concerned with the properties and phenomena of sound, sometimes esp. in relation to hearing or speech. Allyson Lister OED, AL 14.5.2019 AgroVoc re3data Acoustics Plant Genetics is the scientific study of the hereditary material of plants for purposes such as hybridization, improved food resources and increased production. [GEMET, AL 12.6.2019] AgroVoc re3data AL: 28.9.17 'Plant Genetics' is asserted as a child of Botany within re3data, and as a child of Genetics within FAIRsharing. Plant Genetics Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms in both coastal and inland areas involving interventions in the rearing process to enhance production.[Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), AL 23.5.18] AgroVoc Aquaculture Photogrammetry is the technique of using photographs to ascertain measurements of what is photographed, esp. in surveying and mapping. [OED] AgroVoc re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartogaphy' into parent class 'Geoinformatics' and child classes 'Geodesy', 'Photogrammetry', 'Remote Sensing' and 'Cartography' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Photogrammetry Physical Geography is the branch of geography concerned with the natural features of the earth, as distinct from its political divisions, economic activity, etc. [OED, AL 12.6.2019] AgroVoc re3data Physiography Physical Geography Plant Breeding is the research area concerned with raising a certain type of plant by crossing one variety with another to produce a new variety where the desired characteristics are strongest. [GEMET, AL 12.6.2019] AgroVoc re3data Plant Breeding Plant Ecology is a subdiscipline of Ecology which studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the effects of environmental factors upon the abundance of plants, and the interactions among and between plants and other organisms. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 3.4.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Plant Ecology and Ecosystem Analysis' into 'Plant Ecology' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Ecosystem Analysis' subdomain. Plant Ecology Public Finance is the theory and practice of governmental money matters, including taxation, spending, transfer and property incomes, borrowing, debt and revenue management. Allyson Lister GEMET AL 18.6.2019 re3data Public Finance Remote Sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation, especially the Earth. Remote sensing is used in numerous fields, including geography, land surveying and most Earth Science disciplines as well as military, intelligence, commercial, economic, planning, and humanitarian applications. [Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 2.4.2019] AgroVoc re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartogaphy' into parent class 'Geoinformatics' and child classes 'Geodesy', 'Photogrammetry', 'Remote Sensing' and 'Cartography' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Remote Sensing Rural and Agricultural Sociology is a field of sociology traditionally associated with the study of social structure and conflict in rural areas and agricultural settings. The sociology of food and agriculture is one focus of rural sociology, and much of the field is dedicated to the economics of farm production. Other areas of study include rural migration and other demographic patterns, environmental sociology, amenity-led development, public lands policies, so-called "boomtown" development, social disruption, the sociology of natural resources (including forests, mining, fishing and other areas), rural cultures, and identities, rural health care, and educational policies. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 9.4.2019 AgroVoc User request AL 3.7.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. Rural and Agricultural Sociology Atmospheric Science is the study of the dynamics and chemistry of the layers of gas that surround the Earth, other planets and moons. This encompasses the interactions between various parts of the atmosphere as well as interactions with the oceans and freshwater systems, the biosphere and human activities. [Nature, AL 20.05.2019] AgroVoc re3data Atmospheric Science Social Anthropology is the study of human societies where the culture and its continuity (including narratives, rituals, and symbolic behavior associated with them) are seen as a dependent variable, embedded in its historical and social context, rather than the independent variable. Social anthropology is the more common term in Britain, with Cultural Anthropology usually preferred in the United States, though these can also often describe different research areas. The terms tend to reflect a difference in emphasis between the two disciplines, with social anthropology emphasizing the organizational bases of societies and cultures, such as political systems, tribal kinship, and economic organization. In practice, the disciplines coincide in many respects. Allyson Lister Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore Adapted from Wikipedia and OED, AL 11.4.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Social Anthropology Social policy is concerned with the ways societies across the world meet human needs for security, education, work, health and wellbeing. Social policy addresses how states and societies respond to global challenges of social, demographic and economic change, and of poverty, migration and globalisation. Social policy analyses the different roles of: national governments, the family, civil society, the market, and international organisations in providing services and support across the life course from childhood to old age. Allyson Lister LSE 2.4.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Economic and Social Policy' into sibling classes 'Economic Policy' and 'Social Policy' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Social Policy Soil Science is the study of the properties, occurrence, and management of soil as a natural resource. Generally it includes the chemistry, microbiology, physics, morphology, and mineralogy of soils, as well as their genesis and classification. Allyson Lister GEMET, AL 12.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL 12.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. AL 6.3.18: Placement of Soil Sciences is modified from the re3data hierarchy due to adjustments to align with the AgroVoc hierarchy. re3data placement is as a child of Agriculture, which has been further refined to Agronomy. AgroVoc places Soil Sciences as a child of Earth Sciences, which has been reproduced here. Soil Science Water Management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and optimum use of water resources under defined water polices and regulations. It includes: management of water treatment of drinking water, industrial water, sewage or wastewater, management of water resources, management of flood protection, management of irrigation, and management of the water table. [Wikipedia,, AL 28.3.2019] Water Resource Management AgroVoc re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored 'Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management' and its hierarchy into: 'Hydrology' with child 'Hydrogeology'; 'Limnology'; and 'Water Management' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Water Chemistry' subdomain. Hydrology and Limnology had previously been refactored out of this class, and now the class has been completely refactored to create one class per concept. Water Management Animal Husbandry is the branch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fibre, milk, eggs, or other products. It includes day-to-day care, selective breeding and the raising of livestock. Allyson Lister Wikipedia,, 1.4.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Animal Husbandry, Breeding and Hygiene' into parent 'Animal Husbandry' and child 'Animal Breeding' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we do not currently require the 'Animal Hygiene' subdomain. Animal Husbandry Agricultural Economics is an applied social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of agricultural or farming goods and services. Allyson Lister, AL 14.5.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Agricultural Economics and Sociology' into 'Agricultural Economics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering is a discipline concerned with developing and improving the means for providing food and fiber for mankind's needs. Allyson Lister GEMET, AL 12.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Agricultural and Food Process Engineering' into sibling classes 'Agricultural Engineering' and 'Food Process Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Agricultural Engineering Knowledge and Information Systems create, share, and manage knowledge and information. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Adapted from Wikipedia, PAM 28.02.2018 AgroVoc re3data AL 20.5.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. AL: 20.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Operating, Communication and Information Systems' by merging and aligning with its child class 'Knowledge and Information Systems' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. We already cover communications via 1) the inclusion of communications systems as part of this class, and 2) the prescence of Telecommunications Engineering. Further, Operating Systems has been deemed as not in scope for SRAO. Knowledge and Information Systems Agroecology is the study of ecological processes applied to agricultural production systems. Allyson Lister, AL 12.6.2019 AgroVoc re3data AL 9.11.2017: Added subClassOf Ecology axiom to allow users to find this subject both via the original re3data hierarchy and the additional EDAM hierarchy. Also added the URI and label from AGROVOC as it is preferred to the re3data label, which has become an alternative term. Agroecology The study of evolutionary relationships amongst organisms. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 29.9.17 Child of 'Computational biology' and 'Evolutionary biology', to align with the EDAM hierarchy. Phylogeny The study of gene or protein functions and their interactions in totality in a given organism, tissue, cell etc. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 29.9.17 Child of 'Computational Biology' and 'Genomics', to align with the EDAM hierarchy. 'Functional Genomics' is asserted as a child of 'Function analysis' within EDAM, however this class has not been retained within FAIRsharing, and its parent term 'Computational Biology' is used instead. Functional Genomics The conceptualisation, categorisation and nomenclature (naming) of entities or phenomena within biology or bioinformatics. This includes formal ontologies, controlled vocabularies, structured glossary, symbols and terminology or other related resource. Allyson Lister EDAM See also Ontology and Terminology The integrated study of evolutionary relationships and whole genome data, for example, in the analysis of species trees, horizontal gene transfer and evolutionary reconstruction. Allyson Lister EDAM AL 25.9.17 Phylogenomics is asserted as a child of Phylogeny and 'Sequence Analysis' by EDAM, and as a child of Genomics within FAIRsharing. 'Sequence Analysis' is not a recognized discipline within FAIRsharing and therefore this assertion has not been retained. Phylogenomics The influence of genotype on drug response, for example by correlating gene expression or single-nucleotide polymorphisms with drug efficacy or toxicity. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 25.9.17 Child of Pharmacology and Genomics, to align with the EDAM hierarchy. Pharmacogenomics The design and chemical synthesis of bioactive molecules, for example drugs or potential drug compounds, for medicinal purposes. Allyson Lister Drug design EDAM AL: 29.9.17 Child of 'Synthetic Chemistry' and 'Drug Discovery' to align with the EDAM hierarchy. Medicinal Chemistry The study and practice of information processing and use of computer information systems. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 26.9.17 Informatics is asserted at the top level of the Topic hierarchy within EDAM. This assertion has been refined to 'Computer Science'. Informatics Organism classification, identification and naming. EDAM Taxonomy Plants, e.g. information on a specific plant genome including molecular sequences, genes and annotation. Allyson Lister Plant Science EDAM re3data Plant biology AL: 28.9.17 Changed re3data label from 'Plant Sciences' to Botany to align with FAIRsharing terminology. Botany Study of viruses, e.g. sequence and structural data, interactions of viral proteins, or a viral genome including molecular sequences, genes and annotation. EDAM re3data AL: 25.9.17 [Updated AL 10.06.2019] Changed re3data label from 'Microbiology, Virology and Immunology' to 'Microbiology' as these are three distinct disciplines. All three disciplines have been removed from the Medicine hierarchy as listed by re3data. Microbiology has been asserted as a child of Biology according to NCIT and FAIRsharing curators. Virology has been asserted as a child of Microbiology to align with re3data, further refining the placement within EDAM. Immunology remains a child of Biomedical Science according to FAIRsharing curators, a modification both of the Medicine hierarchy as listed by re3data and the Biological Sciences as listed by NCIT. Virology The study (typically comparison) of the sequence, structure or function of multiple genomes. EDAM Comparative Genomics The application of information technology to chemistry in biological research environment. Allyson Lister EDAM AL 27.9.17 Cheminformatics is asserted as a child of Informatics by EDAM, and also as a child of Chemistry and Biology within FAIRsharing. This 'subClass of Bioinformatics' assertion is based on the definition of Cheminformatics as provided by EDAM: "The application of information technology to chemistry in biological research environment." However, this may need to be revisited at some point in the future. Cheminformatics The holistic modelling and analysis of complex biological systems and the interactions therein. EDAM Systems Biology The molecular basis of biological activity, particularly the macromolecules (e.g. proteins and nucleic acids) that are essential to life. EDAM Molecular biology The degree of variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome or an entire planet. EDAM re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored (through deletion) re3data composite class 'Animal Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research' by merging with existing classes 'Ecosystem Science', 'Biodiversity' and 'Ecology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Biodiversity The genes and genetic mechanisms such as Mendelian inheritance that underly continuous phenotypic traits (such as height or weight). EDAM Child of Genomics to align with the EDAM hierarchy. EDAM further asserts this as a child of 'Genotype and Phenotype'. However, 'Genotype and Phenotype' is not a recognized discipline within FAIRsharing and therefore this assertion has not been retained. Instead, 'Quantitative Genetics' has also been asserted as the child of the parent term for 'Genotype and Phenotype', which is Genetics. Quantitative Genetics The distribution of allele frequencies in a population of organisms and its change subject to evolutionary processes including natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and gene flow. EDAM Population Genetics The development of organisms between the one-cell stage (typically the zygote) and the end of the embryonic stage. EDAM Embryology The form and function of the structures of living organisms. Allyson Lister Morphology EDAM re3data AL 09.10.23: Anatomy was present both as a child of Biomedical Science and Biology. Biomedical Science is also a child of Biology. For this reason, and because Anatomy is broader than humans, we removed the placement as a child of Biomedical Science (see AL 14.5.2019: Synonym 'Morphology' was added upon the removal of the 'Systematics and Morphology' re3data class. 'Systematics and Morphology' was removed as the subject was already present via both Anatomy and Biological Systematics (via Phylogenetics). AL: 25.9.17 Anatomy is asserted as a child of Biology by re3data, and as a child of Biomedical Science by EDAM. As both are correct depending on context, both assertions have been retained. Anatomy The development and use of architectures, policies, practices and procedures for management of data. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 29.9.17 Some disciplines within this sub-hierarchy are on the border of what FAIRsharing would consider a discipline. Some extra work in this section of the hierarchy may be needed in future. Data Management The systematic study of metabolites, the chemical processes they are involved, and the chemical fingerprints of specific cellular processes in a whole cell, tissue, organ or organism. Metabolism EDAM Metabolomics The study of the epigenetic modifications of a whole cell, tissue, organism etc. EDAM AL: 25.9.17 Child of Epigenetics and Genomics, to align with the EDAM hierarchy. Epigenomics The study of genetic material recovered from environmental samples, and associated environmental data. EDAM Metagenomics The protection of data, such as patient health data, from damage or unwanted access from unauthorised users. Allyson Lister EDAM Data Security Chemical substances and physico-chemical processes and that occur within living organisms. Allyson Lister Biological chemistry EDAM re3data AL 25.9.17 Biochemistry is asserted as a child of Biology by both EDAM and re3data, and as a child of Chemistry by EDAM. This assertion has been refined to 'Biology and Biomimetic Chemistry'. Biochemistry The study of evolutionary relationships amongst organisms from analysis of genetic information (typically gene or protein sequences). Allyson Lister Biological Systematics EDAM AL 14.5.2019: Synonym 'Biological Systematics' was added upon the removal of the 'Plant Systematics and Evolution' re3data class. 'Plant Systematics and Evolution' was removed as it was not in scope for FAIRsharing (the subject represented by this class would be better served by a broader concept of Systematics). AL 25.9.17 Phylogenetics is asserted as a child of Phylogeny and 'Sequence Analysis' by EDAM, and as a child of Genetics within FAIRsharing. 'Sequence Analysis' is not a recognized discipline within FAIRsharing and therefore this assertion has not been retained. Phylogenetics The exploitation of biological process, structure and function for industrial purposes, for example the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the antibody production. EDAM Biotechnology Phenomes, or the study of the change in phenotype (the physical and biochemical traits of organisms) in response to genetic and environmental factors. EDAM AL 25.9.17 Child of 'Evolutionary Biology' and Omics to align with the EDAM hierarchy. EDAM further asserts this as a child of 'Genotype and Phenotype'. However, 'Genotype and Phenotype' is not a recognized discipline within FAIRsharing and therefore this assertion has not been retained. Phenomics The evolutionary processes, from the genetic to environmental scale, that produced life in all its diversity. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data AL 1.5.2019: Refactored re3data class 'Evolution, Anthropology' into 'Evolutionary Biology' to better fit the hierarchy. Please note Anthropology is already an existing term within SRAO. The re3data label has been retained as a re3data alternative term for backwards compatibility. Evolutionary Biology The functions of living organisms and their constituent parts. EDAM re3data Physiology The study of the nervous system and brain; its anatomy, physiology and function. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 17.10.17 Neurobiology is asserted as a child of 'Biomedical Science' by EDAM and Neuro*science* as a child of Medicine by re3data. We have further refined the EDAM assertion and placed Neurobiology as a child of Neuroscience. Earlier versions of this class (from 28.9.17) had it synonymous with Neuroscience. Neurobiology The development and application of theory, analytical methods, mathematical models and computational simulation of biological systems. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 27.9.17 'Computational biology' is asserted at the top level of the Topic hierarchy within EDAM. This assertion has been refined to Biology. Computational Biology The analysis of transcriptomes, or a set of all the RNA molecules in a specific cell, tissue etc. Allyson Lister EDAM Transcriptomics The study of numbers (quantity) and other topics including structure, space, and change. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data AL: 26.9.17 Mathematics is asserted as a child of 'Natural Sciences' by re3data, and is at the top level of the Topic hierarchy within EDAM. Mathematics The theory and practical use of computer systems. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data AL 20.05.2019: 'Computer Science' is asserted as a child of 'Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering' by re3data (which has now been simplified and removed, making this class a direct child of Engineering Science), and is at the top level of the Topic hierarchy within EDAM. Computer Science The study of matter, space and time, and related concepts such as energy and force. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data AL: 26.9.17 Physics is asserted as a child of 'Natural Sciences' by re3data, and is at the top level of the Topic hierarchy within EDAM. Physics The structure and function of genes at a molecular level. Allyson Lister EDAM AL: 29.9.17 Child of 'Computational Biology' and Genetics, to align with the EDAM hierarchy. Molecular Genetics The discovery and design of drugs or potential drug compounds. Allyson Lister EDAM AL 29.9.17 Child of 'Medicines research and development' and Chemistry, to align with the EDAM hierarchy. Drug Discovery 'translating' the output of basic and biomedical research into better diagnostic tools, medicines, medical procedures, policies and advice. EDAM Translational Medicine Any matter, surface or construct that interacts with a biological system. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data AL: 25.9.17 Biomaterials is asserted as a child of 'Materials Science' by re3data, and as a child of Biotechnology by EDAM. Biomaterials The use of synthetic chemistry to study and manipulate biological systems. EDAM AL: 25.9.17 Child of 'Synthetic Chemistry' and Biology to align with the EDAM hierarchy. Chemical Biology The study of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of natural and artificial materials. EDAM re3data Analytical Chemistry The use of chemistry to create new compounds. EDAM AL: 29.9.17 This class may be related to the re3data class 'Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis', and the placement of 'Synthetic Chemistry' may need to be revisited. Synthetic Chemistry The process of bringing a new drug to market once a lead compounds has been identified through drug discovery. EDAM Drug Development The process of formulating and administering a pharmaceutical compound to achieve a therapeutic effect. EDAM Biotherapeutics The study of organisms in the ocean or brackish waters. EDAM AL: 27.9.17 'Marine Biology' is asserted as a child of Biology by EDAM. This assertion has been refined to 'Animal Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research'. Marine Biology The identification of molecular and genetic causes of disease and the development of interventions to correct them. EDAM Molecular Medicine The study of the effects of food components on the metabolism, health, performance and disease resistance of humans and animals. It also includes the study of human behaviours related to food choices. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data Nutritional Science The collective characterisation and quantification of pools of biological molecules that translate into the structure, function, and dynamics of an organism or organisms. EDAM AL: 26.9.17 Omics is asserted at the top level of the Topic hierarchy within EDAM. This assertion has been refined to Biology. Omics An interdisciplinary field of study that looks at the dynamic systems of the human body as part of an integrted whole, incoporating biochemical, physiological, and environmental interactions that sustain life. EDAM Systems Medicine Topic concerning the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals. Veterinary Science EDAM re3data Veterinary Medicine The branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease in older people, and the problems specific to aging. EDAM re3data Geriatric Medicine The prevention of pain and the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of persons in pain. EDAM Pain Medicine Anaesthesia and anaesthetics. EDAM re3data Anaesthesiology The multidisciplinary that cares for patients with acute, life-threatening illness or injury. Allyson Lister Acute medicine Emergency medicine EDAM re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Pneumology, Clinical Infectiology Intensive Care Medicine' into 'Critical Care Medicine' (which was already in SRAO) according to FAIRsharing's remit and curation best practises. Critical Care Medicine The study, diagnosis, prevention and treatments of disorders of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and adjacent structures. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data Dentistry AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Dentistry, Oral Surgery' into 'Dentistry' (which moved to be a direct child of Medicine) and 'Oral Surgery', which retains its position as a child of Surgery, according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Dentistry The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the ear, nose and throat. Allyson Lister Ear, nose and throat medicine EDAM re3data Otolaryngology The study of the biological and physiological differences between males and females and how they effect differences in disease presentation and management. EDAM Gender Medicine The branch of medicine that treats body wounds or shock produced by sudden physical injury, as from violence or accident. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data Trauma medicine AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Traumatology and Orthopaedics' into sibling classes 'Traumatology' and 'Orthopaedics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Traumatology The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, management and prevention of poisoning and other adverse health effects caused by medications, occupational and environmental toxins, and biological agents. Allyson Lister EDAM AL 9.10.23: Removed Medicine as a direct parent when it is already an indirect parent via Toxicology -> Pharmacology -> Medicine. See also AL: 28.9.17 'Medical Toxicology' is asserted as a child of Medicine by EDAM, and also as a child of Toxicology within FAIRsharing. Medical Toxicology The branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children and adolescents. Allyson Lister EDAM Paediatrics AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine' by renaming it to 'Pediatrics' to align with EDAM and according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. re3data Pediatrics Medical therapies that fall beyond the scope of conventional medicine but may be used alongside it in the treatment of disease and ill health. EDAM Traditional Medicine The application of mathematics to specific problems in science, typically by the formulation and analysis of mathematical models. EDAM Applied Mathematics The study of abstract mathematical concepts. EDAM Pure Mathematics The control of data entry and maintenance to ensure the data meets defined standards, qualities or constraints. Allyson Lister Data Stewardship EDAM Data Governance The study of organisms in freshwater ecosystems. EDAM Freshwater biology Freshwater Science The study of inheritance in human beings. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data AL: 29.9.17 'Human Genetics' is asserted as a child of Medicine by re3data, and as a child of Genetics by EDAM. Human Genetics Health problems that are prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. EDAM Tropical Medicine Biotechnology applied to the medical sciences and the development of medicines. EDAM Medical Biotechnology An approach to medicine whereby decisions, practices and are tailored to the individual patient based on their predicted response or risk of disease. EDAM Personalised medicine Personalized Medicine The ecology of microorganisms including their relationship with one another and their environment. Allyson Lister EDAM re3data AL 27.9.17 'Microbial Ecology' is asserted as a child of Microbiology by both EDAM and re3data and as a child of Ecology by EDAM. The re3data label 'Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology' was split into 'Microbial Ecology' and 'Applied Microbiology' Microbial Ecology The study of microbe gene expression within natural environments (i.e. the metatranscriptome). Allyson Lister EDAM User request See also Metatranscriptomics A medical specialty concerned with diagnosis and treatment of lung disorders and other breathing problems. Allyson Lister Pulmonary Medicine NCIT AL 20.5.20: Added as part of Respiratory Medicine A surgical specialty that focuses on diagnosis and management of disorders of the arterial, venous and lymphatic systems, other than the intracranial vessels and the heart. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Vascular and Visceral Surgery' into 'Vascular Surgery' according to FAIRsharing's requirements and curation best practises. AL: 28.9.17 'Vascular and Visceral Surgery' is asserted as a child of Medicine by re3data, and has been further refined by FAIRsharing as a child of Surgery, a class originating in EDAM. Vascular Surgery A method of study that relates annotated genomic information to global protein expression in order to determine the relationship between genomic sequences and both expressed proteins and predicted peptide sequences; these studies can identify novel coding regions. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 12.12.17 Child of Bioinformatics (to align with NCIT) and also of Genomics, to align with FAIRsharing usage. Proteogenomics The condition of information that describes its credibility, authenticity, and appropriateness for its function. Important aspects include source recognition, accuracy, innovativeness, and information on changes to the data. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 12.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Data Quality An investigation that tests a drug, procedure or medical treatment in animals to determine any toxic effects before trials can be carried out in humans. Allyson Lister NCIT AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Preclinical and Clinical Studies' into sibling classes 'Preclinical Studies' and 'Clinical Studies' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Preclinical Studies Research concerned with the application of biological and physiological principles to clinical medicine. Allyson Lister NCIT AL: 3.12.18 'Biomedical Research' is a child of 'Research Activity' within NCIT. This assertion has been modified to 'Life Sciences' as SRAO focuses more on the subject area rather than the research activity. There was no direct equivalent for this discipline within re3data. Biomedical Science Research conducted with human subjects or on material of human origin in which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects; includes development of new technologies, study of mechanisms of human diseases, therapy, clinical trials, epidemiologic, behavior, and health services research. Allyson Lister NCIT AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Preclinical and Clinical Studies' into sibling classes 'Preclinical Studies' and 'Clinical Studies' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Clinical Studies A multidisciplinary field of inquiry that examines the costs, quality, accessibility, delivery, organization, financing, and outcomes of health care services. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine' into the 'Public Health' class and parts of its hierarchy according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Child terms from this refactoring are 'Social Medicine' and 'Health Services Research'. Health Services Research A method of treating disease, esp. psychic disorders, by mental rather than pharmacological means (e.g., suggestion, re-education, hypnotism, and psychoanalysis). (Taber's) Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 4.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Clinical Neurosciences II - Psychotherapy, Psychosomatic Medicine' into sibling classes 'Psychotherapy' and 'Psychosomatic Medicine' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Psychotherapy A study of the complete set of glycans produced in a given cell or organism under specific conditions. NCIT Glycomics The branch of science concerned with origin and development of humans in all their physical, social, and cultural relationships. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Anthropology The art or science of building; especially, the art of building houses, churches, bridges, and other structures, for the purposes of civil life Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Construction Engineering and Architecture" class from re3data has been split into "Construction Engineering" and "Architecture". Users have requested the single terms, and removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Architecture Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science that deals with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 20.5.2019, Updated AL 8.7.19: Refactored re3data composite class 'Artificial Intelligence, Image and Language Processing' into sibling classes 'Artificial Intelligence' and 'Digital Image Processing', according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note that the 'Natural Language Processing' component was not retained as it is already present within DRAO. Artificial Intelligence The scientific study of living organisms. NCIT re3data Biology Physics as applied to biological problems; an interdisciplinary science that applies theories and methods of the physical sciences to questions of biology. Allyson Lister Biological Physics NCIT re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics'. 'Biophysics' was already present in SRAO, and added 'Soft Matter Physics', 'Nonlinear Dynamics', and 'Statistical Physics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Biophysics Chemical Engineering; engineering dealing with the industrial application of chemistry. (WWWebster Dictionary) WWWebster Dictionary NCIT re3data Chemical Engineering The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 21.1.19 Chemistry is asserted as a child of 'Natural Sciences' by re3data, and a child of Physical Sciences within NCIT. Chemistry The department responsible for performing chemical and enzymatic analyses of body fluids and tissues. (from Handbook of Medical Informatics) Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 9.10.23: As described in, this has had the direct parent 'Chemistry' removed as it was already a child of Analytical Chemistry. AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry' into sibling classes 'Clinical Chemistry' and 'Pathobiochemistry' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Clinical Chemistry A branch of chemistry that deals specifically with the structures, synthesis and reactions of carbon-containing compounds. NCIT Organic Chemistry The branch of chemistry dealing with the physical properties of chemical substances. Chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, and spectroscopy are some areas of chemistry comprising the bulk of physical chemistry. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Chemical Solid State and Surface Research' into 'Physical Chemistry', and refactored all child classes and the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry hierarchies to reconcile them using non-composite terms according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Physical Chemistry The application of informatics methods to manage medical information and improve healthcare. Allyson Lister Clinical Informatics Health Informatics NCIT re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Epidemiology, Medical Biometry, Medical Informatics' into the 'Public Health' subclass 'Epidemiology' and its sibling 'Medical Biometry' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Medical Informatics' (which was already present) is now a parent term of 'Medical Biometry', which also has Public Health as an additional parent. 'Medical informatics' was also refactored from EDAM to NCIT due to EDAM's composite term and generic synonyms. Medical Informatics A pattern of learned beliefs, values, and behavior that are shared within a group. It includes language, styles of communication, practices, customs, and views on roles and relationships. NCIT Culture The statistical characterization of human populations or segments of human populations (e.g., characterization by age, sex, race, or income). Allyson Lister Population Studies NCIT AL 23.11.17: Hierarchy placement based on ESRC descriptions ( Demographics The branch of medicine focused on the study of the skin, and responsible for the medical management of its associated diseases. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Dermatology The study of how a multicellular organism develops from its early immature forms (e.g., zygote, larva, embryo) into an adult. NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Developmental Biology The branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment. NCIT re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored (through deletion) re3data composite class 'Animal Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research' by merging with existing classes 'Ecosystem Science', 'Biodiversity' and 'Ecology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Ecology That branch of physiology that is concerned with the electric phenomena associated with living bodies and involved in their functional activity. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 17.7.2019: Imported from DRAO as more appropriate within SRAO. AL 9.10.23: removed Physiology parent as already had suitable parent of Neurophysiology. See also Electrophysiology The discipline concerned with the application of scientific knowledge to solve practical issues in commerce or industry. NCIT re3data Engineering Science Entomology; the branch of zoology that studies insects. NCIT Entomology The study of the causes, incidence and distribution of disease in the population and its application for prevention or control. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Earlier releases of SRAO had an EDAM term (topic_3305) but this was refactored to NCIT to remove the composite concepts. AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Epidemiology, Medical Biometry, Medical Informatics' into the 'Public Health' subclass 'Epidemiology' and its sibling 'Medical Biometry' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Medical Informatics' (which was already present) is now a parent term of 'Medical Biometry', which also has Public Health as an additional parent. Epidemiology The application of medical knowledge to questions of law; research, reports and testimony in court by experts in medical science to assist in determining a legal question. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 27.11.18: The original "Pathology and Forensic Medicine" class from re3data has been split into "Pathology" and "Forensic Medicine". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Forensic Medicine The branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Gastroenterology The branch of biology that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL (Original date unknown, updated 10.6.2019): Changed re3data label from 'General Genetics' to Genetics as this is the term used within FAIRsharing. This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Genetics The science that deals with the world and its inhabitants; a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth, including its structure, features, products, political divisions, and the people by whom it is inhabited. NCIT re3data Geography The branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and hygiene of women. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 1.5.2019: Refactored re3data composite class 'Gynecology and Obstetrics' into sibling classes 'Gynecology' and 'Obstetrics'. This replaced the composite EDAM IRI representing 'Gynecology and Obstetrics' with individual NCIT terms according to FAIRsharing best practises. Gynecology The branch of medicine that deals with the blood and blood-forming organs and the diseases thereof. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Hematology, Oncology, Transfusion Medicine' into sibling classes 'Hematology' and 'Oncology', and a child of Hematology called 'Transfusion Medicine' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Hematology A sub-field of genetics that uses both genetic and immunological analyses to study the genetics behind antibody formation and the immune response. (Biotech Life Science Dictionary) NCIT Immunogenetics The science that deals with the study of microorganisms, including algae, archaea, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL: 25.9.17 [Updated AL 10.06.2019] Changed re3data label from 'Microbiology, Virology and Immunology' to 'Microbiology' as these are three distinct disciplines. All three disciplines have been removed from the Medicine hierarchy as listed by re3data. Microbiology has been asserted as a child of Biology according to NCIT and FAIRsharing curators. Virology has been asserted as a child of Microbiology to align with re3data, further refining the placement within EDAM. Immunology remains a child of Biomedical Science according to FAIRsharing curators, a modification both of the Medicine hierarchy as listed by re3data and the Biological Sciences as listed by NCIT. Microbiology A branch of medicine concerned with the development, anatomy, function, and dysfunction of the kidney. NCIT re3data Nephrology A branch of medicine concerned with the development, anatomy, function, and dysfunction of the nervous system. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL 28.9.17 (Updated AL 11.6.2019): Changed re3data label from 'Clinical Neurosciences I - Neurology, Neurosurgery' to Neurology as the new label is singular (non-composite). Neurology is asserted within the NCIT Medicine hierarchy and as a child of Neurobiology by re3data. The hierarchies of both have been retained. Neurology A branch of neuroscience concerned with the physiology of the nervous system. NCIT Neurophysiology Nuclear Medicine is the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient's body or to destroy diseased cells. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 15.1.18: While this particular class was not directly imported from re3data, its parent class was originally named 'Radiology and Nuclear Medicine'. As NCIT has terms separately describing both concepts, FAIRsharing has split the re3data class along the hierarchy described in NCIT. Nuclear Medicine A medical-surgical specialty dealing with the care of a woman and her offspring during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (the period shortly after birth). Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 1.5.2019: Refactored re3data composite class 'Gynecology and Obstetrics' into sibling classes 'Gynecology' and 'Obstetrics'. This replaced the composite EDAM IRI representing 'Gynecology and Obstetrics' with individual NCIT terms according to FAIRsharing best practises. Obstetrics This branch of medicine is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries and illnesses that occur at the workplace or as a result of toxic exposures, stress, or accidents at the workplace. Occupational medicine encompasses issues such as industrial hygiene, safety, pollution control, ergonomics, industrial and agricultural toxicology, disability evaluation, physical rehabilitation, industrial psychology and emergency medicine. (BioTech Life Science Dictionary) Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 27.9.17 Changed re3data label from 'Toxicology and Occupational Medicine' to 'Occupational Medicine' as these are two distinct disciplines. Toxicology has been placed as a child of 'Safety Sciences', while Occupational Medicine has been kept as a child of Medicine. Occupational Medicine A medical specialty concerned with the structure and function of the eye and the medical and surgical treatment of its defects and diseases. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL 28.9.17 (Updated AL 11.6.2019): Changed re3data label from 'Clinical Neurosciences III - Opthalmology' to Opthalmology as the new label is simpler and aligns with FAIRsharing best practises. Opthalmology is asserted within the Medicine hierarchy by NCIT and as a child of Neurobiology by re3data. Both assertions have been retained. Ophthalmology The study of pharmacologic agents. This includes the preparation, compounding, and dispensing of drugs, as well as the characteristics and properties of drugs, their effects on the body, and how they are metabolized and eliminated from the body. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 10.6.2019: Pharmacology is a child of Biological Sciences within NCIT, and a child of Medicine by re3data. The re3data placement has been retained. This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Pharmacology The medical specialty that deals with the medical management of mental disorders. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 12.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Psychiatry The study of behavior and cognition. NCIT re3data Psychology The branch of psychology that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioral problems. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Differential Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Medical Psychology, Methodology' into sibling classes 'Differential Psychology', 'Clinical Psychology' and 'Medical Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises.'Methodology' was not required within SRAO at this time. Clinical Psychology A branch of psychology concerned with educational techniques and assessment of academic aptitude. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Developmental and Educational Psychology' into sibling classes 'Developmental Psychology' and 'Educational Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Educational Psychology A branch of medicine concerned with the relationship between emotion and body function. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 4.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Clinical Neurosciences II - Psychotherapy, Psychosomatic Medicine' into sibling classes 'Psychotherapy' and 'Psychosomatic Medicine' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Psychosomatic Medicine The science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community, as by preventive medicine, health education, control of communicable diseases, application of sanitary measures, and monitoring of environmental hazards. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine' into the 'Public Health' class and parts of its hierarchy according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Child terms from this refactoring are 'Social Medicine' and 'Health Services Research'. Public Health The study of the mechanisms and biological effects of ionizing radiation, including repair processes. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Radiation Oncology and Radiobiology' into parent class 'Radiobiology' and child class 'Radiation Oncology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Radiobiology The branch of medical science dealing with the medical use of X-rays or other penetrating radiation. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 15.1.18 Originally named 'Radiology and Nuclear Medicine', but split into two separate classes (according to the NCIT hierarchy) after Radiology was required in FAIRsharing as a standalone concept. Radiology A medical specialty that deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the connective tissues. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 7.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology, Allergology' into classes 'Rheumatology' (remains child of Medicine) and 'Clinical Immunology' (child of Immunology and Health Sciences) according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Rheumatology Comprises the scientific study of the human aspects of the world. They are also known as social studies. Psychology studies the human mind, sociology examines human society, political science studies the governing of groups and economics concerns itself with the allocation of wealth in society. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Social Science The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of computer software. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL: 29.9.17 Changed label from 'Software Technology' (sourced from re3data) to 'Software engineering' to align with EDAM. Software Engineering A branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters. Allyson Lister Statistics and Probability NCIT AL 10.4.2019: Renamed 'Statistics and Probability' to 'Statistics' to align with FAIRsharing curation best practices. Statistics The branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 12.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Surgery Surgical procedures for treating diseases and disorders of the oral cavity. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Dentistry, Oral Surgery' into 'Dentistry' (which moved to be a direct child of Medicine) and 'Oral Surgery', which retains its position as a child of Surgery, according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Oral Surgery The branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 17.7.2019: Imported from DRAO as more appropriate within SRAO. At the same time, IRI changed from to as it provides a definition. Thermodynamics Toxicology is the branch of pharmacology that deals with the nature and effects and treatments of poisons. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 10.6.2019: Added parent term of 'Pharmacology' to align with NCIT hierarchy. This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL 27.9.17: Changed re3data label from 'Toxicology and Occupational Medicine' to 'Occupational Medicine' as these are two distinct disciplines. Toxicology has been placed as a child of 'Safety Sciences', while Occupational Medicine has been kept as a child of Medicine. Toxicology The medical specialty concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary tract. NCIT re3data Urology The branch of biology dealing with the study of animals. NCIT re3data Zoology The use of data processing systems to analyze, enhance, interpret or display digital images. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 20.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Artificial Intelligence, Image and Language Processing' into sibling classes 'Artificial Intelligence' and 'Digital Image Processing', with 'Natural Language Processing' as a child term of 'Artificial Intelligence' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Digital Image Processing A plan of action adopted by an individual or social group. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 21.5.2019: Added as a new parent for Social Policy and Economic Policy in a placement consistent with the NCIT hierarchy. Policy The study of tumors encompassing the physical, chemical, and biologic properties. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Hematology, Oncology, Transfusion Medicine' into sibling classes 'Hematology' and 'Oncology', and a child of Hematology called 'Transfusion Medicine' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Oncology A branch of genetics concerned with the mechanisms and processes of heredity in microorganisms. NCIT re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Metabolism, Biochemistry and Genetics of Microorganisms' into sibling classes 'Microbial Genetics', ' Microbial Physiology' and 'Molecular Microbiology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Microbial Genetics Bioinformatics derives knowledge from computer analysis of biological data. These can consist of the information stored in the genetic code, but also experimental results from various sources, patient statistics, and scientific literature. Research in bioinformatics includes method development for storage, retrieval, and analysis of the data. Bioinformatics is a rapidly developing branch of biology and is highly interdisciplinary, using techniques and concepts from informatics, statistics, mathematics, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, and linguistics. It has many practical applications in different areas of biology and medicine. (M. Nilges and Jens P. Linge, Unite de Bio-informatique Structurale, Institut Pasteur, Paris) Allyson Lister Computational Biology NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL 27.9.17 [Updated AL 10.6.2019] Bioinformatics is asserted as a child of Biology within re3data, but has also been asserted as a child of Informatics by FAIRsharing. Within FAIRsharing, this term used to be labelled 'Bioinformatics tools and formats', but has been modified for simplicity. Within re3data, this term used to be labelled 'Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology' but was simplified as these are two distinct disciplines. Currently Theoretical Biology has not been re-introduced, but this may need to be revisited in future. Bioinformatics The study of the internal workings of cells at the microscopic and molecular level. NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Cell Biology The study of the immune system and its reaction to pathogens, as well as its malfunctions (autoimmune diseases, allergies, rejection of organ transplants). Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 14.5.2019: Refactored Immunology from the EDAM to the NCIT class due to conflation of subject areas by the EDAM class. AL: 25.9.17 [Updated AL 10.06.2019] Changed re3data label from 'Microbiology, Virology and Immunology' to 'Microbiology' as these are three distinct disciplines. All three disciplines have been removed from the Medicine hierarchy as listed by re3data. Microbiology has been asserted as a child of Biology according to NCIT and FAIRsharing curators. Virology has been asserted as a child of Microbiology to align with re3data, further refining the placement within EDAM. Immunology remains a child of Biomedical Science according to FAIRsharing curators, a modification both of the Medicine hierarchy as listed by re3data and the Biological Sciences as listed by NCIT. Immunology Bioengineering integrates physical, chemical, or mathematical sciences and engineering principles for treatment and for the study of biology, medicine, behavior, or health. Allyson Lister Biomedical Engineering NCIT AL 23.11.17: Added parent 'Engineering Sciences' to align with the structure found within NCIT. Bioengineering The branch of neurobiology concerned with the changes that take place in the nervous system between fertilization and maturity. re3data Developmental Neurobiology The science of simulating the motions of a system of particles. (Karplus and Petsko) Allyson Lister NCIT AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Molecular Dynamics The discipline concerned with the three-dimensional configuration of biological molecules and the influence of structure on function. NCIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Structural Biology The medical science, and specialty practice, concerned with all aspects of disease, but with special reference to the essential nature, causes, and development of abnormal conditions, as well as the structural and functional changes that result from the disease processes. Informally used to mean the result of such an examination. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 27.11.18: The original "Pathology and Forensic Medicine" class from re3data has been split into "Pathology" and "Forensic Medicine". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Pathology Interdisciplinary studies involving biology, anthropology, nutrition, and medicine with a focus on humans. NCIT AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL 9.10.23: Removed parent 'Zoology' as having both that and parent of Biology could be confusing and is unnecessary. See also Human Biology Computational chemistry is the branch of theoretical chemistry whose major goals are to create efficient computer programs that calculate the properties of molecules (such as total energy, dipole moment, vibrational frequencies) and to apply these programs to concrete chemical objects. (from Information Headquarters) Allyson Lister NCIT AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry hierarchies to reconcile them using non-composite terms according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Computational Chemistry A multidisciplinary field that strives to comprehend the interactions of cellular components, molecular components and engineered materials at the nanoscale (i.e., less than 100 nanometers). This discipline focuses on the understanding and control of matter at the nanoscale, wherein unique phenomena enable novel applications. Allyson Lister Nanoscale Science NCIT AL 9.10.23: Remove Chemistry as direct parent of Nanotechnology as it is already an indirect parent via Surface Science -> Physical Chemistry -> Chemistry. See also AL 9.7.2019: Moved from DRAO to SRAO, as it is a subject area rather than a domain. At the same time, it was refactored from to for the curation provided by NCIT. Nanotechnology The study of genetic traits in animals. NCIT re3data AL 17.11.21: Removed re3data alternative term "Animal Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology" AL 25.1 18: The label within NCIT has been chosen as the label for this class as it is simpler, while the re3data has been retained as an alternative term. Animal Genetics The branch of biochemistry dealing with the chemical nature and biological activity of enzymes. NCIT Enzymology The medical field that deals with immune diseases, including autoimmune diseases, allergies, rejection of organ transplants and immune deficiency. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL 10.10.23: It doesn't make sense to keep Health Science as a parent when it is already an indirect parent via Immunology -> Health Science. See also AL: 7.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology, Allergology' into classes 'Rheumatology' (remains child of Medicine) and 'Clinical Immunology' (child of Immunology and Health Sciences) according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Clinical Immunology Database management involves the design and maintenance of electronic data storage systems to facilitate and optimize the categorization, selection, and retrieval of information. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 12.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Database Management The study of the psychological and behavioral changes that occur in an organism between birth and old age. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Developmental and Educational Psychology' into sibling classes 'Developmental Psychology' and 'Educational Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Developmental Psychology The metabolism of microbial life forms. Allyson Lister Microbial Metabolism NCIT re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Metabolism, Biochemistry and Genetics of Microorganisms' into sibling classes 'Microbial Genetics', ' Microbial Physiology' and 'Molecular Microbiology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Microbial Physiology The study of microorganisms with an emphasis on their role in the human disease process. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Medical Microbiology, Molecular Infection Biology' into sibling classes 'Molecular Infection Biology' and 'Medical Microbiology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Added an additional parent term of 'Biomedical Science' to align with the definition. Medical Microbiology The study of synthesis and application of polymers. Polymers are any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Preparatory and Physical Chemistry of Polymers' into 'Polymer Chemistry' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Polymer Chemistry The sciences concerned with health promotion and maintenance. NCIT AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Health Science The application of engineering and mathematical principles to electrical problems NCIT re3data Electrical Engineering Its fundamental principle is that any physical system can be decomposed into a collection of simple independent local elements each of which interacts only with its immediate neighbors. In classical mechanics a complete description of any physical system is supposed to be specified by giving the values of the various fields (e.g., the electric field, the magnetic field, etc.) at each of the relevant spacetime points. NCIT re3data Mechanics The global analysis of cellular proteins. Proteomics uses a combination of sophisticated techniques including two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis, image analysis, mass spectrometry, amino acid sequencing, and bio-informatics to resolve comprehensively, to quantify, and to characterize proteins. The application of proteomics provides major opportunities to elucidate disease mechanisms and to identify new diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets. NCIT AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Proteomics The combination of computational DNA sequence analysis with structural determinations by X-ray crystallography and NMR techniques to study protein structural families. (from RFA: GM-99-009) Allyson Lister NCIT AL 17.11.21: Refactored from EDAM because definition was insufficient (The elucidation of the three dimensional structure for all (available) proteins in a given organism.). Structural Genomics Toxicogenomics is a new scientific field that elucidates how the entire genome is involved in biological responses of organisms exposed to environmental toxicants/stressors. Toxicogenomics combines information from studies of genomic-scale mRNA profiling (by microarray analysis), cell-wide or tissue-wide protein profiling (proteomics), genetic susceptibility, and computational models to understand the roles of gene-environment interactions in disease. (from National Center for Toxicogenomics homepage) Allyson Lister NCIT AL 20.12.17: Although NCIT places Toxicogenomics as a child of Bioinformatics, FAIRsharing instead places it as a child of both Genomics and Toxicology. Toxicogenomics A specialized branch of chemistry dealing with the making of compounds, generally from the building blocks to the larger or complex molecules. e.g. making protein from amino acids, or DNA from nucleotides. NCIT re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry hierarchies to reconcile them using non-composite terms according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Simplified this class name from 'Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Synthesis Chemistry A series of chemical modifications of a drug compound by enzymatic activity that make the substrate (drug) more water soluble to allow its clearance from the body. Drug metabolism occurs in two phases: Phase I (biotransformation) involves oxidation, hydroxylation reduction, and hydrolysis. Phase II (conjugation) involves synthesis and conjugation. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Drug Metabolism The field of study concerned with the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics. NCIT re3data Philosophy The aggregate of past events; the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present; a record or narrative description of past events. NCIT re3data History The study of comprehensive sets of genes via high throughput methods. NCIT AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to NCIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Genomics The branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data AL: 20.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Cardiology, Angiology' into sibling classes 'Cardiology' and 'Angiology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Cardiology The branch of medicine that involves the laboratory growth of functional tissues and organs and their use to regenerate or replace tissues and organs in the body that are damaged by diseases or cannot be healed. Examples include the transplantation of in vitro developed tissues, cell therapies, and stimulation of regeneration by biological substances. Allyson Lister NCIT AL 17.7.2019: Imported from DRAO as more appropriate within SRAO. Regenerative Medicine A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to the brain and nervous system. Allyson Lister NCIT re3data Neuroscience Domain AL: 17.10.17 Neuroscience is asserted as a child of Medicine by re3data and Neuro*biology* as a child of 'Biomedical Science' by EDAM. We have placed Neurobiology as a child of Neuroscience. The re3data label has been changed from Neurosciences to Neuroscience to align with FAIRsharing terminology. Neuroscience A planned process with the objective to graphically represent some data by inputing the data and outputting images, diagrams or animations. Allyson Lister Elisabetta Manduchi James Malone Melanie Courtot Tina Boussard data encoding as image visualization PERSON: Elisabetta Manduchi PERSON: James Malone PERSON: Melanie Courtot PERSON: Tina Boussard OBI AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to OBI to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Data Visualization data visualization Cognitive Neuroscience is the field of study focusing on the neural substrates of mental processes. It is at the intersection of psychology and neuroscience, but also overlaps with physiological psychology, cognitive psychology and neuropsychology. It combines the theories of cognitive psychology and computational modelling with experimental data about the brain. Allyson Lister Nature, 3.4.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging' into 'Cognitive Neuroscience' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Added parent 'Psychology' to align with the definition provided. Cognitive Neuroscience Cultural Anthropology is a branch of anthropology focused on the study of cultural variation among humans. It is in contrast to social anthropology, which perceives cultural variation as a subset of the anthropological constant. Cultural Anthropology is the more common term in the United States, with Social Anthropology usually preferred in Britain, although they are also often considered distinct research areas. The terms tend to reflect a difference in emphasis between the two disciplines, with Cultural Anthropology aiming to appreciate the whole sphere of human cultural life, by examining historical, political, psychological, and other frameworks. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia and OED, AL 11.4.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Cultural Anthropology Archaeology is the scientific study human activity through the recovery and analysis of the remains and monuments of the prehistoric period. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 13.6.2019 Adapted by AL from OED and, 17.11.21 OMIT re3data See also Archaeology Art is the expression or application of creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting, drawing, or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Also: such works themselves considered collectively. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED definition 8a, AL 6.6.2019 OMIT AL 10.4.2019: Renamed 'Arts' to 'Art' to match the meaning intended within OMIT. Art Automation is the action or process of introducing automatic equipment or devices into a manufacturing or other process or facility. Allyson Lister OED OMIT re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Production Automation, Factory Operation, Operations Manangement' into 'Automation' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Automation Criminal Law is the branch of law concerned with defining crimes and with prosecuting and punishing offenders; the body of law relating to crime. Allyson Lister OED, AL 21.05.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure' into 'Criminal Law' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Criminal Law Criminology is the study of crime and criminals; this as an academic discipline. Allyson Lister OED, AL 21.05.2019 OMIT re3data Criminology Geology is the study or science of the earth, its history, and its life as recorded in the rocks; includes the study of geologic features of an area, such as the geometry of rock formations, weathering and erosion, and sedimentation. Allyson Lister GEMET, AL 12.6.2019 OMIT re3data AL 18.6.2019: This class' label was updated when the original re3data subject 'Geology and Paleontology' was split into two sibling classes. Geology Humanities is the branch of learning concerned with human culture; the academic subjects collectively comprising this branch of learning, as history, literature, ancient and modern languages, law, philosophy, art, and music. Allyson Lister OED, AL 12.6.2019 OMIT re3data Humanities Jurisprudence is the science which treats of human laws (written or unwritten) in general; the philosophy of law. Allyson Lister OED, AL 21.05.2019 OMIT re3data Jurisprudence Medicine is the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 5.6.2019 OMIT re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to OMIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Medicine Metallurgy is the domain of Materials Engineering that is concerned with the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their inter-metallic compounds, and their mixtures, called alloys. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia,, AL 28.3.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 7.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Metallurgical and Thermal Processes, Thermomechanical Treatment of Materials' into child class 'Thermomechanical Processing' with parent class 'Metallurgy' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Metallurgy Oceanography is the branch of science concerned with the physical and biological properties and phenomena of the ocean. [OED, AL 20.05.2019] OMIT re3data Oceanography Musculoskeletal Medicine is the diagnosis and treatment of problems arising from the musculoskeletal system. This includes injuries and diseases affecting the muscles, bones and joints of the limbs and spine. Allyson Lister MSK Medicine Orthopaedics Orthopedics Adapted from, AL 23.05.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Traumatology and Orthopaedics' into 'Traumatology' and 'Orthopaedic Surgery' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Orthopedics' itself as a medical discipline is listed as a synonym of 'Musculoskeletal Medicine'. Musculoskeletal Medicine Paleontology is the branch of science that deals with extinct and fossil humans, animals, and plants, or more generally with evidence of organic life during the geological past. Allyson Lister Palaeontology OED, AL 12.6.2019 OMIT re3data AL 24.11.17: This class was created when the original re3data subject 'Geology and Paleontology' was split into two sibling classes. As such, we have noted that this term also comes from re3data. Paleontology A branch of biology which deals with parasitic organisms with a strong emphasis on their role in disease. Allyson Lister NCI OMIT AL 10.6.2019: OMIT does not provide a definition for this class. Therefore the source of the definition for this class was NCIT. The NCIT class whose definition was used was unsuitable for SRAO as its synonyms included 'Microbiology', a subject described elsewhere in SRAO and not a synonym according to FAIRsharing curation guidelines. This class has been refactored from EDAM to OMIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Parasitology Pharmacy is the medical area concerned with the preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED definition 3, AL 17.6.2019 OMIT re3data Pharmacy Natural Science is the branch of knowledge that deals with the natural or physical world, in contrast to the social sciences and human sciences. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 17.6.2019 re3data AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Natural Science Population Dynamics is the study of how and why populations change in size and structure over time. Important factors in population dynamics include rates of reproduction, death and migration. Allyson Lister Nature, AL 16.7.2019 OMIT AL 17.7.2019: Imported from DRAO as more appropriate within SRAO. Population Dynamics Primary Health Care is a whole-of-society approach to health and well-being centred on the needs and preferences of individuals, families and communities. It addresses the broader determinants of health and focuses on the comprehensive and interrelated aspects of physical, mental and social health and wellbeing. Allyson Lister WHO, AL 12.6.2019 OMIT Primary Health Care Medical Psychology is the application of Clinical Psychology to medicine-specific issues. It also includes the application of psychological principles to the practice of medicine, including the integration of somatic and psychotherapeutic modalities into the management of illnesses and disorders. Allyson Lister Adapted from and, AL 9.4.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Differential Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Medical Psychology, Methodology' into sibling classes 'Differential Psychology', 'Clinical Psychology' and 'Medical Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises.'Methodology' was not required within SRAO at this time. Medical Psychology Social Medicine is a branch of science concerned with social and economic aspects of health, disease, and medical care. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 1.5.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine' into the 'Public Health' class and parts of its hierarchy according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Child terms from this refactoring are 'Social Medicine' and 'Health Services Research'. Social Medicine Global health is field of study concerned with the health of populations in a global context; this includes worldwide health improvement (including mental health), reduction of disparities, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders. Global health can be measured as a function of various global diseases and their prevalence in the world and threat to decrease life in the present day. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 17.6.2019 OMIT Global Health Nonlinear Dynamics is the branch of Physics that studies systems governed by equations more complex than the linear, aX+b form. Nonlinear systems, such as the weather or neurons, often appear chaotic, unpredictable or counterintuitive, and yet their behaviour is not random. Allyson Lister Nature, AL 14.05.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics'. 'Biophysics' was already present in SRAO, and added 'Soft Matter Physics', 'Nonlinear Dynamics', and 'Statistical Physics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Nonlinear Dynamics Ecosystem Science is the study of inter-relationships among the living organisms, physical features, bio-chemical processes, natural phenomena, and human activities in ecological communities. [NOAA, AL 16.5.2019] OMIT re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored (through deletion) re3data composite class 'Animal Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research' by merging with existing classes 'Ecosystem Science', 'Biodiversity' and 'Ecology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Ecosystem Science Radiation Oncology is the study of the effects of ionizing radiation for treatment of tumors. Allyson Lister NCIT, AL 16.5.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Radiation Oncology and Radiobiology' into parent class 'Radiobiology' and child class 'Radiation Oncology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Radiation Oncology Natural History is a domain of inquiry involving organisms including animals, fungi and plants in their environment; leaning more towards observational than experimental methods of study. Wikipedia, accessed 27.11.18 OMIT Natural History Theology is the study or science which is concerned with God, his nature and attributes, and his relations with man and the universe. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 6.6.2019 OMIT re3data Theology Ancient History is the study of the history of past events from the beginning of writing and recorded human history and extending as far as the post-classical history. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 OMIT re3data Ancient History Medieval History is the study of the historical period also known as the Middle Ages. This is defined as the period in European history from the collapse of Roman civilization in the 5th century CE to the period of the Renaissance (variously interpreted as beginning in the 13th, 14th, or 15th century, depending on the region of Europe and on other factors). Allyson Lister Adapted from Encyclopedia Britannica, AL 12.6.2019 OMIT re3data Medieval History Infectious Disease Medicine is a branch of internal medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Peter McQuilton Adapted from MeSH, PM 29.07.2020 FAIRsharing requirement OMIT PM 29.07.2020. The nearest term in SRAO is Epidemiology, but as this is about populations rather than individuals (as discussed in #49) we should not consider that part of the hierarchy. We may wish to relate this term to the Immunology hierarchy in some way. Infectious Disease Medicine Meteorology is the branch of science that deals with atmospheric phenomena and processes, especially with a view to forecasting the weather. Allyson Lister AL, modified from OED, accessed 26.11.18 Meteorology Earth Science is the science that deals with the earth or any part thereof; includes the disciplines of geology, geography, oceanography and meteorology, among others. [GEMET, AL 12.6.2019] Geoscience OMIT re3data AL 10.11.2017: Aligned with the OMIT 'Earth Sciences' class, as this is the label and URI used within FAIRsharing. AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Earth Science Data mining is the process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018 OMIT AL 12.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to OMIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Data Mining Drug repositioning is the deliberate and methodical practice of finding new applications for existing drugs. Allyson Lister Adapted from MeSH, AL 20.5.2020 OMIT User request AL 20.5.20: Although the MESH hierarchy lists this class as a child term of 'Drug Development', which we have as a subject in SRAO, it was agreed with the curation team that we should create it as a sibling class of 'Drug Development' as this more closely matches the defintions. Drug Repositioning Synthetic Biology is a field of biological research combining engineering in the formulation, design, and building (synthesis) of novel biological structures, functions, and systems. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton MeSH, PAM 27.02.2018 OMIT AL 23.11.17: Placement within this hierarchy partially follows original placement within the OMIT hierarchy (which placed 'Synthetic Biology' as a child of both 'Biology' and 'Bioengineering'. We just use 'Bioengineering', which itself is within the 'Biology' hierarchy. PAM 27.02.2018: Cannot find placement in OMIT hierarchy, so taken definition from MeSH. Synthetic Biology Reproductive Health is a research area that addresses the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 5.6.2019 OMIT re3data AL 12.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to OMIT to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. Reproductive Health Transfusion Medicine is the branch of medicine that is concerned with transfusion of blood and blood components. It encompasses issues of blood donation, immunohematology and other laboratory testing, transfusion practices, patient blood management, therapeutic apheresis, stem cell collections, cellular therapy, and coagulation. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia,, AL 28.3.2019 OMIT re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Hematology, Oncology, Transfusion Medicine' into sibling classes 'Hematology' and 'Oncology', and a child of Hematology called 'Transfusion Medicine' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Transfusion Medicine An anatomical entity that is or was part of a plant. PO plant anatomical entity AL 23.11.17: Please note the original Plant Ontology term is 'plant anatomical entity', however FAIRsharing requires the use of the term in the sense of a subject/discipline. Plant Anatomy Humanities and Social Sciences is a broad multi-disciplinary research area incorporating both the Humanities and the Social Sciences. One differentiator for these two closely-related subjects is that humanities are predominately interested in studying the specifics and the 'unique', while social sciences are mainly interested in the general / population level. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 17.6.2019 re3data AL 17.11.21: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. AL 3.6.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. Humanities and Social Science Ancient Cultures is the study of the pattern of learned beliefs, values, and behavior that are shared within a group in the context of ancient civilisations. Allyson Lister Adapted from NCIT, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Ancient Cultures Prehistory is the branch of knowledge that deals with events or conditions before written or recorded history. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 6.6.2019 re3data Prehistory Classical Philology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the historical, linguistic, interpretative, and critical aspects of literature from the classical period, generally considered to be the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman civilizations. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 13.6.2019 re3data Classical Philology Egyptology is the study of Egyptian antiquities, of the ancient Egyptian language and history. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies' into sibling classes 'Ancient Near Eastern Studies' and 'Ancient Near Eastern Studies' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Egyptology Early Modern History is the study of the period of modern history that follows the late Middle Ages of the post-classical era. Although the chronological limits of the period are open to debate, the timeframe spans the period after the late portion of the post-classical age (c. 1500), known as the Middle Ages, through the beginning of the Age of Revolutions (c. 1800). Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Early Modern History Modern History is the study of the historical period after post-classical history. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Modern and Current History' into 'Modern History' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Modern History History of Science is the study of the development of science and scientific knowledge, including both the natural and social sciences. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data History of Science Fine Arts is a subject area covering the creative arts, including the visual arts, poetry, music, rhetoric, etc., whose products are intended to be appreciated primarily or solely for their aesthetic, imaginative, or intellectual content. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 10.4.2019 re3data AL 10.4.2019: Renamed 'Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies' to 'Fine Arts' to align with FAIRsharing curation best practices. Fine Arts Art history is the study of objects of art in their historical development and stylistic contexts; that is genre, design, format, and style. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 18.6.2019 re3data Art History Musicology is the branch of knowledge that deals with music as a subject of study rather than as a skill or performing art; academic research in or scholarly study of music. Allyson Lister OED, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Musicology Media Studies is a discipline and field of study that deals with the content, history, and effects of various media; in particular, the mass media. Allyson Lister Wikipedia,, 1.4.2019 re3data AL 10.4.2019: Refactored 'Theatre and Media Studies' to sibling classes 'Theatre Studies' and 'Media Studies' to align with FAIRsharing curation best practices. Media Studies Applied Linguistics is the branch of linguistics concerned with practical applications of language studies, such as language teaching, translation, and speech therapy. It is an interdisciplinary field which identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems. Some of the academic fields related to applied linguistics are education, psychology, communication research, anthropology, and sociology. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, Wikipedia, AL 1.4.2019 re3data AL: 7.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'General and Applied Linguistics' into 'Applied Linguistics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Applied Linguistics Historical Linguistics is the branch of linguistics concerned with the history and development of languages. Allyson Lister OED re3data AL: 7.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Typology, Non-European Languages, Historical Linguistics' into 'Historical Linguistics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Historical Linguistics Literary Studies is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 re3data Literary Studies Medieval German Literature is a field of study concerned with literature written in Germany, starting with the Carolingian dynasty. Various dates have been given for the end of the German literary Middle Ages, with the Reformation (1517) being the last possible cut-off point. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Medieval German Literature German Literature comprises the written works of the German-speaking peoples of central Europe. Allyson Lister Encyclopedia Britannica, AL 6.6.2019 re3data AL 3.7.2019: Renamed from 'Modern German Literature' (the original re3data label) to 'German Literature' as FAIRsharing required a more broad subject area. German Literature European Literature is the literature written in the context of Western culture in the languages of Europe, including the ones belonging to the Indo-European language family as well as several geographically or historically related languages such as Basque and Hungarian. Allyson Lister Western Literature Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'European and American Literature' into sibling classes 'European Literature' and 'American Literature' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. European Literature Comparative Literature is the study of literature across cultural and national frontiers, time periods, languages and genres, even across the boundaries between literature and the other arts. Allyson Lister, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'General and Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies' into sibling classes 'Comparative Literature' and 'Cultural Studies' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Comparative Literature Asian Studies is the term used usually in North America and Australia for what in Europe is known as Oriental studies. The field is concerned with the Asian people and societies, their cultures, languages, history and politics. Allyson Lister Oriental Studies Adapted from Wikipedia, 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Asian Studies African Studies is the study of Africa, especially the continent's cultures and societies (as opposed to its geology, geography, zoology, etc.). Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. African Studies Islamic Studies refers to the study of Islam. Islamic studies can be pursued from a primarily secular or traditional religous perspective. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Islamic Studies Religious Studies is an academic field devoted to research into religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. It describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based, and cross-cultural perspectives. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Religious Studies Protestant Theology is the study of the Christian denomination of Protestantism. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 13.6.2019 re3data Protestant Theology Roman Catholic Theology is the understanding of Roman Catholic doctrine or teachings, and results from the studies of theologians. It is based on canonical scripture, and sacred tradition, as interpreted authoritatively by the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 18.6.2019 re3data Roman Catholic Theology History of philosophy is a research area concerned with the various periods, individuals and/or schools of philosophy. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data History of Philosophy Theoretical Philosophy is a discipline dealing with questions concerning the nature and scope of human knowledge, the relations between language, thought and reality, the structures of correct reasoning, and the fundamental categories of reality. Allyson Lister Adapted fromå/deltidskurser/2.44303/theoretical-philosophy-i-30-credits-tpi-1.276132, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Theoretical Philosophy Practical Philosophy is the study of the bases of philosophy (metaphysics, knowledge theory, logic) for "practical thinking", with the emphasis on values, attitudes to life and norms of behaviour. Value theory and analysis of normative positions constitute the core of practical philosophy. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Practical Philosophy Social and Behavioral Science is a broad area of study that applies to a unique range of disciplines -- anthropology, sociology, and psychology, among them -- that are primarily concerned with the analysis of human behavior. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 12.6.2019 re3data AL 3.6.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Social and Behavioural Science Education Science is the study of educational policy and practice and deals with the methods and strategies of teaching. Allyson Lister Pedagogy Adapted from Wikipedia and, AL 12.6.2019 re3data AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Education Science Research on Teaching, Learning and Training is a field of Education Science focusing on the study of teaching, learning and training methods. Allyson Lister AL 12.6.2019 re3data AL 3.6.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. Research on Teaching, Learning and Training Professional Socialization is the process of forming associations with others in a chosen profession; specifically, the process by which a person learns to function within a particular profession by internalizing its values and norms. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 1.4.2019 re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Research on Socialization and Educational Institutions and Professions' into 'Professional Socialization' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Professional Socialization Biological psychology is the application of the principles of biology to the study of mental processes and behaviour. For example, it involves the measuring of biological, physiological, or genetic variables in an attempt to relate them to psychological or behavioural variables. Allyson Lister Behavioral Neuroscience Biopsychology Physiological Psychology Psychobiology Adapted from, AL 9.4.2019 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'General, Biological and Mathematical Psychology' into sibling classes 'Biological Psychology' and 'Mathematical Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note that, although there is an NCIT term 'Psychobiology' it has a synonym of 'Biological Psychiatry', and FAIRsharing considers 'Biological Psychiatry' and 'Biological Psychology' as two separate concepts.Placement of 'Cognitive Neuroscience' as a child (rather than a sibling) term of this class follows Biological Psychology Social Psychology is the study of social interactions, including their origins and effects on individuals and groups. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology' into sibling classes 'Social Psychology' and 'Industrial and Organisational Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Definitions and common usage show that the composite term 'Industrial and Organisational Psychology' should not be further divided. Social Psychology Differential Psychology is the study of the ways in which individuals differ in their behavior and the processes that underlie it. This is a discipline that develops classifications (taxonomies) of psychological individual differences. This is distinguished from other aspects of psychology in that although psychology is ostensibly a study of individuals, modern psychologists often study groups, or attempt to discover general psychological processes that apply to all individuals. Allyson Lister Wikipedia,, 28.3.19 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Differential Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Medical Psychology, Methodology' into sibling classes 'Differential Psychology', 'Clinical Psychology' and 'Medical Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises.'Methodology' was not required within SRAO at this time. Differential Psychology Sociological Theory is a field of Social Sciences focusing on the introduction of new substantive theories, history of theory, metatheory, formal theory construction, and synthetic contributions. Allyson Lister, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Sociological Theory Empirical Social Research uses empirical data on social formations and their members as a basis for explaining social phenomena. It is concerned with empirical research activities grounded in social theory and enriching social theory. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 6.6.2019 re3data Empirical Social Research Communication Science is the study of ways in which human beings communicate, including speech, gesture, telecommunication systems, publishing and broadcasting media, etc. Allyson Lister Collins English Dictionary, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Communication Science Political Science is the study of the State and systems of government; the analysis of political activity and behaviour. Allyson Lister OED, AL 12.6.20019 re3data Political Science Economic Theory is the field of study concerned with those areas of economics based on rigorous theoretical reasoning and on topics in mathematics that are supported by the analysis of economic problems. Allyson Lister Adapted from SpringerLink, AL 17.6.2019 re3data Economic Theory Business Administration is the field of study concerning the process of running a business. It includes all aspects of overseeing and supervising business operations, as well as related fields which include accounting, finance, project management and marketing. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED and Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Business Administration Economic and Social History is the study of the way societies change in their economic activities and social organisation. It is concerned with how people in the past lived and worked, and how this has affected the development of today’s world. Allyson Lister, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL 21.5.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. Economic and Social History Philosophy of Law is a branch of philosophy that examines the nature of law and law's relationship to other systems of norms, especially ethics and political philosophy. Allyson Lister Legal Philosophy Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Legal and Political Philosophy, Legal History, Legal Theory' into sibling classes 'Philosophy of Law' and 'History of Law' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Legal Theory is not required at this time, and can fall under the Jurisprudence category generally. Philosophy of Law Private Law is the branch of law concerning relations and dealings between private individuals. Allyson Lister OED, AL 21.05.2019 re3data Private Law Public Law is the law governing relations between individuals and the State, or the conduct of the State. Allyson Lister OED, AL 21.05.2019 re3data Public Law Inter-organismic Interactions of Plants is a research area concerned with all biochemical, physiological and molecular aspects of plant-plant interactions. [Adapted from, AL 17.6.2019] re3data Inter-organismic Interactions of Plants Phytochemistry is the chemistry of plants and plant products. Allyson Lister OED, 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Plant Biochemistry and Biophysics' into 'Phytochemistry' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Please note we already had the term 'Biophysics', and therefore do not currently require the 'Plant Biophysics' subdomain. Phytochemistry Plant Cell Biology is a research area focusing on the how the processes underlying plant cell function and development are regulated. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 23.3.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Plant Cell and Developmental Biology' into 'Plant Cell Biology' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Plant Cell Biology Behavioural Biology is an interdisciplinary degree and field of science that examines the bidirectional interactions between behaviour and biology. An organism’s genetic, physiological and immunological processes drive behaviour, just as an individual's behaviour will impact its physiological and immunological state. Allyson Lister Behavioral Biology AL 14.5.2019 re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Sensory and Behavioural Biology' into 'Behavioural Biology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Behavioural Biology Molecular Microbiology is the branch of microbiology devoted to the study of the molecular basis of the physiological processes that occur in microorganisms. Allyson Lister Alan Ward, AL 6.6.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Metabolism, Biochemistry and Genetics of Microorganisms' into sibling classes 'Microbial Genetics', ' Microbial Physiology' and 'Molecular Microbiology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Molecular Microbiology Applied Microbiology is a scientific discipline that deals with the application of microorganisms and the knowledge about them. Applications include biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, food microbiology and bioremediation. Allyson Lister Nature, AL 12.6.2019 re3data AL: 25.9.17 Changed re3data label from "Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology" to "Applied Microbiology" as these are two distinct domains. Microbial Ecology, as a distinct displine, is a sibling class. Applied Microbiology Molecular Infection Biology is the branch of molecular biology which applies to infectious agents. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 1.4.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Medical Microbiology, Molecular Infection Biology' into sibling classes 'Molecular Infection Biology' and 'Medical Microbiology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Added an additional parent term of 'Molecular Biology' to align with the definition. AL: 28.9.17 'Medical Microbiology, Molecular Infection Biology' is asserted as a child of Microbiology by re3data, and has additionally been positioned as a child of 'Biomedical Sciences'. Molecular Infection Biology Medical Biometry is the branch of science that deals with the statistical analysis of numerical data relating to humans, especially concerning genetic relationships or medical conditions. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 1.5.2019 re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Epidemiology, Medical Biometry, Medical Informatics' into the 'Public Health' subclass 'Epidemiology' and its sibling 'Medical Biometry' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Medical Informatics' (which was already present) is now a parent term of 'Medical Biometry', which also has Public Health as an additional parent. Medical Biometry Pathobiochemistry is an intersiciplinary research area related to both biochemistry and pathology. Research focuses on diseases as a disruption of the ordinary biochemical processes of an organism. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 16.5.2019 AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry' into sibling classes 'Clinical Chemistry' and 'Pathobiochemistry' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. re3data Pathobiochemistry Cariothoracic Surgery is the field of medicine involved in surgical treatment of organs inside the thorax (the chest)—generally treatment of conditions of the heart (heart disease) and lungs (lung disease). Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data AL: 28.9.17 'Cardiothoracic Surgery' is asserted as a child of Medicine by re3data, and has been further refined by FAIRsharing as a child of Surgery, a class originating in EDAM. Cardiothoracic Surgery Medical Physics is the application of physics to healthcare; using physics for patient imaging, measurement and treatment. Allyson Lister Applied Physics in Medicine Biomedical Physics Medical Biophysics EFOMP, accessed 2.4.2019 re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Biomedical Technology and Medical Physics' into 'Medical Physics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. SRAO already contains 'Biotechnology' which, though slightly broader, may be used in place of 'Biomedical Technology'. Medical Physics Molecular Neuroscience is a branch of neuroscience that examines the biology of the nervous system with molecular biology, molecular genetics, protein chemistry and related methodologies. Allyson Lister Nature, 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Molecular Neuroscience and Neurogenetics' into sibling classes 'Molecular Neuroscience' and 'Neurogenetics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Molecular Neuroscience Cellular Neuroscience is the study of neurons at the cellular level. It includes cell morphology and physiological properties such as membrane trafficking, synthesis and transport of proteins, and synaptic plasticity. Allyson Lister Nature, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Cellular Neuroscience Systemic Neuroscience is a subdiscipline of Neuroscience and Systems Biology that studies the structure and function of neural circuits and systems. It encompasses a number of areas of study concerned with how nerve cells behave when connected together to form neural pathways, neural circuits, and larger brain networks. Allyson Lister Systems Neuroscience Adapted from Wikipedia, 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Systemic Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Behaviour' into sibling classes 'Systemic Neuroscience' and 'Computational Neuroscience' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. The 'Behaviour' aspect of the original class name is now superceded by 'Biological Psychology'. Systemic Neuroscience Comparative Neurobiology is the study of how nervous systems work by comparing the neurobiology of multiple species. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Comparative Neurobiology Molecular Neurology is the study of the molecular basis of neurology and neurological disorders. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Molecular Neurology Biological Psychiatry is the branch of psychiatry concerned with the biological basis for mental disorders, typically using physical methods or medication (as opposed to psychotherapy) as treatment. Allyson Lister OED, AL 18.6.2019 re3data Biological Psychiatry Phytomedicine is a plant-based traditional medicinal practice that uses various plant materials in preventive and therapeutic processes (Wallis, 2005; Ali, 2008). [ScienceDirect, AL 6.6.2019] re3data Phytomedicine Clinical Veterinary Medicine deals with the observation, diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease or damage through direct interaction with non-human patients. Allyson Lister, AL 14.05.2019 re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Basic Research on Pathogenesis, Diagnostics and Therapy and Clinical Veterinary Medicine' into 'Clinical Veterinary Medicine' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Clinical Veterinary Medicine Molecular Chemistry is a subject concerned with the synthesis of molecules with new biological or physical properties to address scientific or societal challenges. This research area covers the development of new synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of both natural and novel products. [Adapted from and, AL 18.6.2019] re3data Molecular Chemistry re3data Inorganic Molecular Chemistry re3data 17.10.17 AL: 'Organic Molecular Chemistry' is asserted as a child of 'Molecular Chemistry' by re3data, and as a child of 'Organic Chemistry' within FAIRsharing. Organic Molecular Chemistry Solid-State Chemistry, also sometimes referred as materials chemistry, is the study of the synthesis, structure, and properties of solid phase materials, particularly, but not necessarily exclusively of, non-molecular solids. Allyson Lister Materials Chemistry Wikipedia,, 1.4.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Chemical Solid State and Surface Research' into 'Physical Chemistry', and refactored the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry hierarchies to reconcile them using non-composite terms according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Refactored 'Physical Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces, Material Characterisation' into 'Solid-State Chemistry', and 'Surface Science'. Solid-State Chemistry Molecular Physical Chemistry is a field of Physical Chemistry concerned primarily with thermodynamics and reaction dynamics and other molecular properties that allow the behaviour of larger groups of molecules to be predicted. Allyson Lister Adapted from Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Concise Introduction 978-0854046195, AL 12.6.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry hierarchies to reconcile them using non-composite terms according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Refactored 'Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Interfaces and Liquids - Spectroscopy, Kinetics' into 'Molecular Physical Chemistry' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Molecular Physical Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry is the examination of the structural and dynamic properties of molecules and molecular materials using the tools of quantum chemistry, equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and dynamics. Allyson Lister, AL 14.5.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'General Theoretical Chemistry' into 'Theoretical Chemistry' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Theoretical Chemistry Biomimetic Chemistry deals with chemical systems that can simulate biological phenomena, particularly catalysis and specificity. Allyson Lister, AL 14.05.2019 re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Biological and Biomimetic Chemistry' into 'Biomimetic Chemistry' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Also removed Biochemistry as a child and made it a sibling class, as Biochemistry is not a subset of Biomimetic Chemistry. Biomimetic Chemistry Food Chemistry is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of foods. The biological substances include such items as meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, and milk as examples. It is similar to biochemistry in its main components such as carbohydrates, lipids, and protein, but it also includes areas such as water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, flavors, and colors. [Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 1.4.2019] re3data AL 11.4.2019: 'Food Chemistry' used to be a child term of the now-deleted 'Biological Chemistry and Food Chemistry' class, which was deleted according to FAIRsharing curation guidelines as it overlapped with 'Food Chemistry' itself. Food Chemistry Polymer Research is a subfield of Materials Science concerned with polymers, primarily synthetic polymers such as plastics and elastomers. The field of polymer science includes researchers in multiple disciplines including chemistry, physics, and engineering. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2109 re3data Polymer Research Polymer Physics is the field of physics that studies polymers, their fluctuations, mechanical properties, as well as the kinetics of reactions involving degradation and polymerisation of polymers and monomers respectively. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 2.4.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Polymers' into 'Polymer Physics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Polymer Physics Condensed Matter Physics is the field of physics that deals with the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of matter. In particular it is concerned with the "condensed" phases that appear whenever the number of constituents in a system is extremely large and the interactions between the constituents are strong. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Condensed Matter Physics Experimental Condensed Matter Physics involves the use of experimental probes to try to discover new properties of materials. Such probes include effects of electric and magnetic fields, measuring response functions, transport properties and thermometry. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics involves the use of theoretical models to understand properties of states of matter. These include models to study the electronic properties of solids and the physics of phase transitions. Modern theoretical studies involve the use of numerical computation of electronic structure and mathematical tools to understand phenomena such as high-temperature superconductivity, topological phases, and gauge symmetries. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics (AMOP) is the study of matter-matter and light-matter interactions; at the scale of one or a few atoms and energy scales around several electron volts. Allyson Lister AMOP Adapted from Wikipedia,,_molecular,_and_optical_physics, AL 1.4.2019 re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas' into 'Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. This 'composite term' is a standard conflation within physics. Optics is very often included in atomic/molecular physics - the standard abbreviation is AMO, which is often seen now as AMOP, which includes plasma physics. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics Particles, Nuclei and Fields are interlinked areas of study within Physics. Particle physics is a research area concerned with the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation. Atomic nuclei, together with their constituents and interactions are studied within Nuclear Physics. Fields, in physics, are regions in which each point is affected by a force. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, ; and Encyclopedia Britannica, AL 16.5.2019 re3data AL 16.5.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. Particles, Nuclei and Fields Soft Matter Physics sits at the interface between chemistry, physics and biology, and includes investigation of the structure, self-assembly, kinetics and properties of liquids, colloids, particles, formulations, gels, foams, sprays, soft solids and interfaces. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 14.05.2019 re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics'. 'Biophysics' was already present in SRAO, and added 'Soft Matter Physics', 'Nonlinear Dynamics', and 'Statistical Physics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Soft Matter Physics Astronomy and astrophysics are the study of objects and phenomena that are found beyond our solar system. This combines theoretical simulations and observation with both terrestrial and space-craft-borne instruments of the electromagnetic radiation and high-energy particles emitted by celestial bodies. Allyson Lister Nature, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Astrophysics and Astronomy Geoinformatics is the science of developing and using information science infrastructure to address the problems of geography, cartography, geosciences and related branches of science and engineering. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 8.5.2019 re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartogaphy' into parent class 'Geoinformatics' and child classes 'Geodesy', 'Photogrammetry', 'Remote Sensing' and 'Cartography' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Geoinformatics Human Geography is the branch of geography that deals with the activities of mankind as they affect or are influenced by the landscape; (also) the geographical features of a place or region as they relate to or are affected by humans or human activity. [OED, AL 12.6.2019] re3data Human Geography Water Research is the study of the science and technology of water quality and its management worldwide. [Elsevier, AL 12.6.2019] re3data Water Research Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the optimization of complex processes, systems, or organizations, to create engineering processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018 re3data AL 24.5.18: The original "Mechanical and industrial Engineering" class from re3data has been split into "Mechanical Engineering" and "Industrial Engineering". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Industrial Engineering Production Technology is a combination of manufacturing technology, engineering sciences with management science. Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 28.02.2018 re3data Production Technology Metal-Cutting Manufacturing Engineering is the research area concerned with the manufacturing processes in which parts are shaped by removal of unwanted material. It is of great interest for industries such as automotive, aeronautics, aerospace, moulds and dies, and biomedicine. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 17.6.2019 re3data Metal-Cutting Manufacturing Engineering Primary Shaping Technology concerns the primary processes within production technology, which convert raw material or scrap to a basic primary shaped and sized product. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored 'Production Automation, Factory Operation, Operations Manangement' into 'Automation' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Primary Shaping Technology Plastics Engineering encompasses the processing, design, development, and manufacture of plastics products. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 12.6.2019 re3data Plastics Engineering Thermal Engineering is a study of energy transport particularly in nanoscale structure to obtain knowledge and understanding of the scientific effects on physical world that can engineering discoveries in industrial energy applications. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018 re3data AL: 20.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering' into 'Thermal Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Process Engineering' already existed within SRAO. Thermal Engineering Process Engineering is the understanding and application of the fundamental principles and laws of nature that allow us to transform raw material and energy into products that are useful to society, at an industrial level. Process engineering focuses on the design, operation, control, optimization and intensification of chemical, physical, and biological processes. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 20.5.2019 re3data AL: 20.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry' into 'Process Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Technical Chemistry was already present as a child term. Process Engineering Technical Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry dealing with chemical processes in an industrial setting. This includes material development, water resources management, environmental technology, or waste management. It also includes the development and testing of new substances and materials. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 20.5.2019 re3data Technical Chemistry Mechanical Process Engineering is a specialization of Process Engineering that deals with product development, design, and manufacturing processes. It involves assessing existing product manufacturing processes and developing new manufacturing processes based on the specifications of new products. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 20.05.2019 re3data Mechanical Process Engineering Biological Process Engineering is a specialization of Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering that deals with the design and development of equipment and processes for the manufacturing of products such as agriculture, food, feed, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, chemicals, and polymers and paper. Allyson Lister Bioprocess Engineering Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 20.5.2019 re3data Biological Process Engineering Thermal Technology is the technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting, and getting work from heat energy. Allyson Lister Heat Energy Technology, AL 20.5.2019 re3data AL: 20.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Heat Energy Technology, Thermal Machines, Fluid Mechanics' into 'Thermal Technology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Fluid Mechanics' was already present within SRAO, and 'Thermal Machines' is not currently within scope. Thermal Technology Energy Engineering covers the broad field of engineering dealing with energy efficiency, energy services, facility management, plant engineering, environmental compliance and alternative energy technologies, focussing on design, operation, control and optimization of energy use. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Adapted from Wikipedia, PAM 28.02.2018, updated by AL 20.05.2019 re3data Energy Engineering Fluid Mechanics the branch of mechanics dealing with the flow of liquids and gases and the way they respond to and exert forces. Allyson Lister OED, AL 20.5.2019 re3data Fluid Mechanics Materials Engineering is a research area concerned with the production of specifications for materials as well as their design, processing and application. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 18.6.2019 re3data Materials Engineering Thermomechanical Processing is a metallurgical process that combines mechanical or plastic deformation process like compression or forging, rolling etc. with thermal processes like heat-treatment, water quenching, heating and cooling at various rates into a single process. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia,, AL 28.3.19 re3data AL: 7.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Metallurgical and Thermal Processes, Thermomechanical Treatment of Materials' into child class 'Thermomechanical Processing' with parent class 'Metallurgy' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Thermomechanical Processing Sintering is the process of compacting and forming a solid mass of material by heat or pressure without melting it to the point of liquefaction. Within materials engineering, sintering is a manufacturing process used with metals, ceramics, plastics, and other materials. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 2.4.2019 re3data AL: 7.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Sintered Metallic and Ceramic Materials' into 'Sintering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Sintering A composite material (also called a composition material or shortened to composite, which is the common name) is a material made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual components. The individual components remain separate and distinct within the finished structure. Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 01.03.2018 re3data Composite Materials Mechanical Behaviour of Construction is the study of the mechnical behaviour of materials used in construction. Peter McQuilton PAM 01.03.2018 re3data Mechanical Behaviour of Construction Materials Coating and Surface Technology covers the technology surround any mixture of film-forming materials, including pigments, solvents, and other additives. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Adapted from Britannica, PAM 01.03.2018 re3data AL 14.5.2019: Please note that this composite term is correct with regards to the subject area, and therefore has not been modified to have a singular form. Coating and Surface Technology Materials Science is the scientific study of the properties and applications of materials of construction or manufacture (such as ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Merriam Webster Dictionary. PAM 27.02.2018 re3data AL 10.4.2019: Placement within the hierarchy follows FAIRsharing curation choices; we have split 'Materials Science and Engineering' to better focus on the various subjects that are primarily either Materials Engineering or Materials Science. On 23.5.18, the parent term 'Construction Engineering' was added. Materials Science Functional Materials Research is concerned with materials which possess particular native properties and functions of their own, such as ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, magnetism or energy storage functions. Functional materials are found in all classes of materials: ceramics, metals, polymers and organic molecules. Functional materials are often used in electromagnetic applications from KHz to THz and at optical frequencies where the plasmonic properties of metals assume particular importance. Functional materials are also of critical importance in materials for energy such as electro- and magnetocaloric materials, for energy storage and for solar harvesting functions. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 14.5.2019 re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials' into 'Functional Materials Research' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Functional Materials Research Microstructural Mechanical Properties of Materials is a field of research concerned with the properties and structure of a material's surface as revealed by a microscope above 25× magnification. The microstructure of a material (such as metals, polymers, ceramics or composites) can strongly influence physical properties such as strength, toughness, ductility, hardness, corrosion resistance, high/low temperature behaviour or wear resistance. These properties in turn govern the application of these materials in industrial practice. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, 12.6.2019 re3data Microstructural Mechanical Properties of Materials Materials Structuring and Functionalisation is a type of Materials Science where surfaces of materials attain desired functionalities through the use of surface structuring. Adapted from, AL 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Renamed re3data class 'Structuring and Functionalisation' into the more descriptive 'Materials Structuring and Functionalisation'. Definitions and common usage show that the composite term 'Materials Structuring and Functionalisation' should not be further divided. Materials Structuring and Functionalisation Systems Engineering is concerned with the investigation of complex, man-made systems in relation to the apparatus that is or might be involved in them. Peter McQuilton Oxford English Dictionary, PAM 27.02.2018 re3data Systems Engineering Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. Allyson Lister Mechatronics AL, modified from Wikipedia, accessed 26.11.18 re3data 21.1.19 Changes to the label, synonyms and definition of this class reference the following issue: Robotics Measurement Systems describes the field of study concerned with collections of units of measurement and rules relating them to each other. Systems of measurement have historically been important, regulated and defined for the purposes of science and commerce. Systems of measurement in modern use include the metric system, the imperial system, and United States customary units. Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 28.02.2018 re3data Measurement Systems Microsystems is the name commonly used in Europe to describe the same technology which goes under the name MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) in the US. In Japan, this field is often termed micromachines. Microsystems are miniaturized (silicon or polymer) devices which perform electrical and non-electronic functions: typically sensing and actuation. Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 28.02.2018 re3data Microsystems Human-Machine Systems Engineering is a type of systems engineering which focuses on how the functions of a human operator (or a group of operators) and a machine are integrated. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia,, AL 23.3.2019 re3data AL: 4.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Human Factors, Ergonomics, Human-Machine Systems' into sibling classes 'Ergonomics' and 'Human-Machine Systems Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Human-Machine Systems Engineering Component Engineering is an Electrical Engineering discipline primarily used to ensure the availability of suitable components required to manufacture a larger product. Allyson Lister Electronic Semiconductors, Components, Circuits, Systems Wikipedia,, 23.3.19 re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Electronic Semiconductors, Components, Circuits, Systems' into 'Component Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Component Engineering Telecommunications Engineering is a subfield of Electrical Engineering that encompasses modes of communication such as satellites, radio, internet and broadband technologies and wireless telephone services. It also deals with wireless modes of communication and information transfer, such as wireless telephony services, radio and satellite communications, and internet and broadband technologies. Allyson Lister Communication Engineering Adapted from and Wikipedia, AL 2.4.2019 re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Communication, High-Frequency and Network Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering' into 'Telecommunication Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Telecommunication Engineering Power Engineering is a subfield of Electrical Engineering that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power, and the electrical apparatus connected to such systems. Allyson Lister Power Systems Engineering Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 8.5.2019 re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Electrical Energy Generation, Distribution, Application' into 'Power Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Power Engineering Theoretical Computer Science is a subset of general computer science and mathematics that focuses on more mathematical topics of computing and includes the theory of computation. Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 28.02.2018 re3data Theoretical Computer Science Computer Architecture is a field concerned with the set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 2.4.2019 re3data AL: 8.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems' into 'Computer Architecture' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Computer Architecture Construction Engineering - a professional discipline that deals with the designing, planning, construction, and management of infrastructures such as roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, railroads, facilities, buildings, dams, utilities and other projects. Construction Engineering is considered a professional sub-practice area of civil engineering or architectural engineering. Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018 re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Construction Engineering and Architecture" class from re3data has been split into "Construction Engineering" and "Architecture". Users have requested the single terms, and removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Construction Engineering Construction History is the history of how not only buildings are constructed, but also the construction of civil engineering and infrastructure. As such, it includes bridges, sewers, power stations, mills etc. as well as conventional buildings. In particular, the subject focuses on how these objects were constructed. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 08.05.18 re3data AL 24.5.18: The original "Architecture, Building and Construction History, Sustainable Building Technology, Building Design" class from re3data has been split into "Construction History", "Sustainable Building Technology" and "Building Design". "Architecture" is now the parent class, "Building and Construction History" have been consolidated into a single class to align with community usage and to remove it as a compound term. Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Construction History Transport Planning is the process of defining future policies, goals, investments, and designs to prepare for future needs to move people and goods to destinations. It is involved with the evaluation, assessment, design, and siting of transport facilities (generally streets, highways, bike lanes, and public transport lines). Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 08.05.18 re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Urbanism, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning" class from re3data has been split into "Urban Planning", "Transportation Planning" and "Landscape Planning". Urbanism and Spatial Planning have been consolidated into a single class as it provides an appropriate level of detail for FAIRsharing users. Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Transportation Planning Building Engineering Physics investigates the areas of natural science that relate to the energy performance of buildings and their indoor and outdoor environments. The understanding and application of Building Engineering Physics allows us to design and construct high performance buildings which are comfortable and functional, yet use natural resources efficiently and minimise the environmental impacts of their construction and operation. It is related to Architecture, Structural Engineering and Building Services Engineering. Allyson Lister Construction Material Sciences, AL 08.05.18 re3data AL 15.11.21: Removed re3data alternative term "Construction Material Sciences, Chemistry, Building Physics" and added "Construction Material Sciences", as the full term from re3data combined a number of different research aspects. AL 23.5.18: Renamed to align with FAIRsharing best practices. "Building Engineering Physics" was chosen rather than 'Building Physics' to match what appears to be common usage within the community. Building Engineering Physics Structural Engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering in which structural engineers are trained to understand, predict, and calculate the stability, strength and rigidity of built structures for buildings and nonbuilding structures, to develop designs and integrate their design with that of other designers, and to supervise construction of projects on site. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018 re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Structural Engineering, Building Informatics, Construction Operation" class from re3data has been split into "Structural Engineering" and "Building Informatics". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. "Construction Operation" has been removed until it is clear what re3data intend with this discipline. Structural Engineering Applied Mechanics is the practical application of mechanics and bridges the gap between physical theory and its application to technology. It is used in many fields of engineering, especially Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton Adapted from Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018, updated AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored 'Applied Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics' into 'Applied Mechanics' to simplify the term according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Applied Mechanics Geotechnics is the application of science and technology to the management and utilization of the earth's physical resources. It is the application of scientific methods and engineering principles to the acquisition, interpretation, and use of knowledge of materials of the Earth's crust and earth materials for the solution of engineering problems and the design of engineering works. Allyson Lister Peter McQuilton [Oxford English Dictionary, AL 08.05.18] and [Wikipedia, PAM 27.02.2018] re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Geotechnics, Hydraulic Engineering" class from re3data has been split into "Geotechnics" and "Hydraulic Engineering". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Geotechnics Maritime Engineering is a broad-based research area focusing on the study and investigation of engineering systems operating in the maritime environment. Allyson Lister Marine Engineering University of Southampton, AL 22.05.18 AL 22.5.18: This class has been created based on requirements from FAIRsharing records rather than via the re3data import. Maritime Engineering Aerospace Engineering is the field of engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 22.05.18 User request AL 22.5.18: This class has been created based on requirements from FAIRsharing records rather than via the re3data import. Aerospace Engineering Building Informatics is an application of advanced information and knowledge handling techniques to construction management. Allyson Lister Construction Informatics, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL 23.5.18: The original "Structural Engineering, Building Informatics, Construction Operation" class from re3data has been split into "Structural Engineering" and "Building Informatics". Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. "Construction Operation" has been removed until it is clear what re3data intend with this discipline. Building Informatics Landscape Planning is concerned with developing landscaping amongst competing land uses while protecting natural processes and significant cultural and natural resources. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 08.05.18 re3data AL 24.5.18: The original "Urbanism, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning" class from re3data has been split into "Urban Planning", "Transportation Planning" and "Landscape Planning". Urbanism and Spatial Planning have been consolidated into a single class as it provides an appropriate level of detail for FAIRsharing users. Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Landscape Planning Sustainable Building Technology is the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. This requires close cooperation of the contractor, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all project stages. Allyson Lister Green Building Technology Wikipedia, AL 08.05.18 re3data AL 24.5.18: The original "Architecture, Building and Construction History, Sustainable Building Technology, Building Design" class from re3data has been split into "Construction History", "Sustainable Building Technology" and "Building Design". "Architecture" is now the parent class, "Building and Construction History" have been consolidated into a single class to align with community usage and to remove it as a compound term. Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Sustainable Building Technology Building Design refers to the broadly based architectural, engineering and technical applications to the design of buildings. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 08.05.18 re3data AL 24.5.18: The original "Architecture, Building and Construction History, Sustainable Building Technology, Building Design" class from re3data has been split into "Construction History", "Sustainable Building Technology" and "Building Design". "Architecture" is now the parent class, "Building and Construction History" have been consolidated into a single class to align with community usage and to remove it as a compound term. Removal of compound terms aligns with FAIRsharing best practices. Building Design Materials Informatics employs techniques, tools, and theories drawn from the emerging fields of data science, internet, computer science and engineering, and digital technologies to the materials science and engineering to accelerate materials, products and manufacturing innovations. Allyson Lister, AL accessed 10.9.18 Materials Informatics Neurogenetics studies the role of genetics in the development and function of the nervous system. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Molecular Neuroscience and Neurogenetics' into sibling classes 'Molecular Neuroscience' and 'Neurogenetics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Neurogenetics Computational Neuroscience is the field of study in which mathematical tools and theories are used to investigate brain function. It can also incorporate diverse approaches from a number of additional disciplines (such as computer science) in order to understand how the nervous system processes information. Allyson Lister Nature, 3.4.2019; adapted 28.4.23 to remove explicit references to Physics, as this is an edge case, by AL re3data AL 28.4.2023: Refactored this class to remove the parents 'Physics' and 'Electrical Engineering, which were leading to misclassifications as listed AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Systemic Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Behaviour' into sibling classes 'Systemic Neuroscience' and 'Computational Neuroscience' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. The 'Behaviour' aspect of the original class name is now superceded by 'Biological Psychology'. Computational Neuroscience Mathematical Psychology is an approach to psychological research that is based on mathematical modeling of perceptual, thought, cognitive and motor processes, and on the establishment of law-like rules that relate quantifiable stimulus characteristics with quantifiable behavior. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'General, Biological and Mathematical Psychology' into sibling classes 'Biological Psychology' and 'Mathematical Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Mathematical Psychology Industrial and Organisational Psychology is the science of human behaviour relating to work and applies psychological theories and principles to organizations and individuals in their places of work as well as the individual's work-life more generally. Allyson Lister I/O Psychology Occupational Psychology Adapted from Wikipedia, 3.4.2019 re3data AL: 9.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology' into sibling classes 'Social Psychology' and 'Industrial and Organisational Psychology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Definitions and common usage show that the composite term 'Industrial and Organisational Psychology' should not be further divided. Industrial and Organisational Psychology Surface Science is the study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases, including solid–liquid interfaces, solid–gas interfaces, solid–vacuum interfaces, and liquid–gas interfaces. [Wikipedia,, 1.4.2019] re3data AL: 10.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Chemical Solid State and Surface Research' into 'Physical Chemistry', and refactored the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry hierarchies to reconcile them using non-composite terms according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Refactored 'Physical Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces, Material Characterisation' into 'Solid-State Chemistry', and 'Surface Science'. Surface Science Area Studies is a type of multidisciplinary social research focusing on specific geographic regions or culturally defined areas. Area studies typically draw on disciplines such as political science, history, sociology, ethnology, geography, linguistics, literature, and cultural studies. Allyson Lister Adapted from Encyclopedia Britannica, AL 11.4.2019 AL 11.4.19: This class has been created based on hierarchy requirements from FAIRsharing rather than via the re3data import. AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Area Studies American Studies is an interdisciplinary field of scholarship that examines American history, society, and culture. It traditionally incorporates the study of history, literature, and critical theory, but also welcomes research methods from a variety of other disciplines. Scholarship in American studies has most often concerned the United States. In the past decades, however, it has also sought to study other nations and territories in the Americas, as well as American interactions with countries across the globe. Allyson Lister Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. American Studies Oceania Studies is the study of the Pacific region across academic disciplines. In the fields of anthropology and linguistics, Oceania is often subdivided into Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, while also including Australasia. In archeology and prehistory, Oceania extends into the southern Pacific Rim of Asia, especially the islands now comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Taiwan. Allyson Lister Pacific Studies Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Oceania Studies Arabian Studies is the study of the Arabian region including the Gulf, the Red Sea and Arabia. Allyson Lister AL 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Arabian Studies Jewish Studies is an academic discipline centered on the study of Jews and Judaism. Allyson Lister Judaic Studies Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 11.4.2019 re3data AL: 11.4.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies' and its children 'African, American and Oceania Studies', 'Asian Studies', 'Religious Studies and Jewish Studies', 'Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies', and 'Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore' into a completely reworked hierarchy of singular concepts according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Jewish Studies Diabetology is a branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of diabetes mellitus. Allyson Lister Adapted from OED, AL 2.4.2019 re3data AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Endocrinology, Diabetology' into parent 'Endocrinology' and child 'Diabetology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Diabetology Theatre Studies (sometimes referred to as theatrology or dramatics) is the study of theatrical performance in relation to its literary, physical, psycho-biological, sociological, and historical contexts. Allyson Lister Theatrology Wikipedia, AL 14.5.2019 re3data AL 14.5.2019: Refactored 'Theatre and Media Studies' to sibling classes 'Theatre Studies' and 'Media Studies' to align with FAIRsharing curation best practices. Theatre Studies Data Integration involves combining data residing in different sources and providing users with a unified view of them. [Wikipedia, AL 14.5.2019] Allyson Lister User request AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored EDAM composite class 'Data Integration and Warehousing' (topic_3366) with a SRAO IRI and renamed it 'Data Integration' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. The EDAM term was determined to not align with FAIRsharing best practices. Data Integration Food Process Engineering is a field of study focusing on the applications of engineering principles and concepts to food and food processes. The processes include any physical properties and changes to the food product that result in preservation of the food, extending to transportation, product shelf-life, or improvements in the product quality attributes. Allyson Lister Adapted from, AL 14.5.2019 re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Agricultural and Food Process Engineering' into sibling classes 'Agricultural Engineering' and 'Food Process Engineering' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Food Process Engineering Statistical Physics is a branch of physics that uses probability theory and statistics to solve physical problems that usually involve systems composed of a large number of units. Its main purpose is to study the properties of a system from the statistical behaviour of its components. Allyson Lister Nature, AL 14.05.2019 re3data AL: 14.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics'. 'Biophysics' was already present in SRAO, and added 'Soft Matter Physics', 'Nonlinear Dynamics', and 'Statistical Physics' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Statistical Physics Angiology is the medical specialty which studies the diseases of the circulatory system and of the lymphatic system, i.e., arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels, and its diseases. Allyson Lister Vascular Medicine Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 20.5.2019 re3data AL: 20.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Cardiology, Angiology' into sibling classes 'Cardiology' and 'Angiology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Angiology Legal History is the study of how law has evolved and why it changed. Allyson Lister History of Law Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Legal and Political Philosophy, Legal History, Legal Theory' into sibling classes 'Philosophy of Law' and 'History of Law' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Legal Theory is not required at this time, and can fall under the Jurisprudence category generally. Legal History American Literature is literature written or produced in the United States of America and its preceding colonies. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'European and American Literature' into sibling classes 'European Literature' and 'American Literature' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. American Literature Cultural Studies is a field of theoretically, politically, and empirically engaged cultural analysis that concentrates upon the political dynamics of contemporary culture, its historical foundations, defining traits, conflicts, and contingencies. Cultural studies researchers generally investigate how cultural practices relate to wider systems of power associated with or operating through social phenomena, such as ideology, class structures, national formations, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and generation. Allyson Lister Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 re3data AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'General and Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies' into sibling classes 'Comparative Literature' and 'Cultural Studies' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Cultural Studies Ancient Near Eastern Studies is the field of academic study of the Ancient Near East. Allyson Lister ANE Studies Adapted from Wikipedia, AL 21.05.2019 AL: 21.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies' into sibling classes 'Ancient Near Eastern Studies' and 'Ancient Near Eastern Studies' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Orthopedic Surgery is the branch of surgery broadly concerned with the skeletal system (bones and joints). Allyson Lister NCIT, AL 18.6.2019 re3data AL 18.6.2019: The NCIT class used as the source of this definition conflates 'Orthopedics' and 'Orthopedic Surgery', whereas we have two separate classes. Therefore we used the definition, but not the NCIT IRI. AL: 16.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Traumatology and Orthopaedics' into 'Traumatology' and 'Orthopaedic Surgery' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. 'Orthopedics' itself as a medical discipline is listed as a synonym of 'Musculoskeletal Medicine'. Orthopedic Surgery Community Care research is concerned with services that are intended to help people who need care and support to live with dignity and independence in the community and to avoid social isolation. The services are aimed at the elderly and those who have mental illness, learning disability and physical disability. The main aim in providing community care services is to enable people to remain living in their own homes and to retain as much independence as possible, avoiding social isolation. Allyson Lister Care in the Community, AL 21.05.2019 FAIRsharing requirement Community Care Epigenetics is the study of the chemical modification of specific genes or gene-associated proteins of an organism. [Encyclopedia Britannica, AL 10.06.2019] FAIRsharing requirement AL 10.6.2019: The EDAM class had been used for this subject, but was refactored to a SRAO IRI, as the EDAM synonyms were not appropriate for FAIRsharing's requirements. Epigenetics The discovery, development and approval of medicines. Allyson Lister EDAM, AL 11.6.2019 FAIRsharing requirement AL 11.6.2019: The source of the definition for this class was EDAM. The EDAM class whose definition was used was unsuitable for SRAO as its synonyms included 'Drug Discovery' and 'Drug Develoment', a subject described elsewhere in SRAO and not a synonym according to FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL 16.5.2019: This 'composite term' (a class describing multiple concepts) is a standard conflation within this research area and is therefore retained. This is in contrast with the general rule within FAIRsharing to refactor composite terms. Medicines Research and Development Safety Science is the study of the science and technology of human and industrial safety. It extends from safety of people at work to other spheres, such as transport, energy or infrastructures, as well as every other field of man's hazardous activities. Allyson Lister Elsevier, AL 11.6.2019 AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to SRAO to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL 5.6.2019: The label was modified from plural to singular according to FAIRsharing best practises. Safety Science Endocrinology is a branch of medicine concerned with the structure, function, and disorders of the endocrine glands. Allyson Lister Merriam-Webster, AL 11.6.2019 re3data AL 11.6.2019: This class has been refactored from EDAM to SRAO to better align with FAIRsharing curation guidelines. AL: 1.5.2019 Refactored re3data composite class 'Endocrinology, Diabetology' into parent 'Endocrinology' and child 'Diabetology' according to FAIRsharing curation best practises. Endocrinology Medical Virology is the study of the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases from a clinical and laboratory perspective, with particular interest in infection control, medical microbiology and public health. Allyson Lister Adapted from Royal College of Pathologists, AL 20.5.2020 Clinical Virology FAIRsharing requirement Medical Virology Subject Agnostic provides a way of describing research and resources that are applicable across all subject areas. Please note that this term does not, by default, mean that an object tagged with it is completely generic. Example: "JPEG" is Subject Agnostic, which means that the resource is applicable regardless of subject, but it does not mean that it can or should be used for any type of data. Allyson Lister Allyson Lister 15.11.21 Subject Agnostic The planning or specification for the construction of an object, system, device or tool used for scientific purposes, including the study of both natural phenomena and theoretical research. May include the result of the plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process. Allyson Lister Created by and adapted from and, 8.7.21 User request Added as a result of the discussion at Scientific Instrument Design Metataxonomics is the high-throughput process used to characterize the entire microbiota and create a metataxonomic tree, which shows the relationships between all sequences obtained. While viruses are an integral part of the microbiota, no universal viral marker genes are available to perform such taxonomic assignments. Allyson Lister User request See also Metataxonomics Metaproteomics refers to the large-scale characterization of the entire protein complement of environmental or clinical samples at a given point in time. The method indiscriminately identifies proteins from the microbiota and the host/environments (metagenome). Computational analyses afford assignments of these proteins to their biological origins. It is often performed using liquid-chromatography-based separation coupled to mass spectrometry for peptide identification. Allyson Lister User request See also Metaproteomics Selenography is the study of the surface and physical features of the Moon. Delphine Dauga Lunar Science, DD 6.5.21 FAIRsharing requirement See also Selenography Cosmology is a branch of astronomy concerned with the studies of the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to today and on into the future. Delphine Dauga, DD 6.5.21 FAIRsharing requirement See also Cosmology Electromagnetism is a branch of physics involving the study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. Delphine Dauga, DD 6.5.21 FAIRsharing requirement See also Electromagnetism Gemology or gemmology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gemstone materials. It is considered a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy. Delphine Dauga, DD 6.5.21 FAIRsharing requirement See also Gemology Bathymetry is the study of underwater depth of ocean floors or lake floors. Delphine Dauga, DD 6.5.21 FAIRsharing requirement See also Bathymetry Hydrography is the branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers, as well as with the prediction of their change over time, for the primary purpose of safety of navigation and in support of all other marine activities, including economic development, security and defense, scientific research, and environmental protection. Delphine Dauga, DD 6.5.21 FAIRsharing requirement See also Hydrography