import math import platform import datetime from typing import List import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as __plt OUTPUT = 0 INPUT = 1 LOW = 0 HIGH = 1 LED_BUILTIN = 13 A0 = 14 A1 = 15 A2 = 16 A3 = 17 A4 = 18 A5 = 19 class Stream(object): def __init__(self): self.baud = None def begin(self, baud: int): self.baud = baud def print(self, *args): # This won't work in Python 2 print(*args, end='') def println(self, *args): print(*args) Serial = Stream() __timeStart = __pin_mode = [OUTPUT] * 14 __pin_state = [LOW] * 14 __ax = None __servo_patch = None def servo_redraw(angle=0): if __ax is None: # The window has been closed return ro = 14 ra = 70 ox = 1485 oy = 439 global __servo_patch if __servo_patch is None: s = 0 c = 1 xy = np.asarray([ [ox+ra*c,oy-ra*s], [ox-ro*s,oy-ro*c], [ox+ro*s,oy+ro*c] ]) __servo_patch = __plt.Polygon(xy, True, edgecolor=None, facecolor='w') __ax.add_patch(__servo_patch) if not Servo.locked(): s = math.sin(math.radians(angle)) c = math.cos(math.radians(angle)) xy = np.asarray([ [ox+ra*c,oy-ra*s], [ox-ro*s,oy-ro*c], [ox+ro*s,oy+ro*c] ]) __servo_patch.set_xy(xy) class Servo(object): __servos: List['Servo'] = [] __servo_target = 0 __servo_actual = 0 __servo_locked = True @staticmethod def locked(): return Servo.__servo_locked @staticmethod def __redraw(): Servo.__servo_locked = False servo_redraw(Servo.__servo_actual) Servo.__servo_locked = True @staticmethod def update(bMajor): if bMajor: for s in Servo.__servos: if == 3: Servo.__servo_target = s.angle break else: for s in Servo.__servos: if == 3: if Servo.__servo_actual > Servo.__servo_target: if Servo.__servo_actual - Servo.__servo_target > 4: Servo.__servo_actual -= 4 else: Servo.__servo_actual -= 1 Servo.__redraw() elif Servo.__servo_actual < Servo.__servo_target: if Servo.__servo_target - Servo.__servo_actual > 4: Servo.__servo_actual += 4 else: Servo.__servo_actual += 1 Servo.__redraw() break def __init__(self): = -1 self.angle = 0 Servo.__servos.append(self) def attach(self, pin: int): if pin >= 0 and pin < 14: = pin def attached(self): return != -1 def detach(self): if != -1: = -1 def writeMicroseconds(self, us): if isinstance(us, int): if us < 1005: us = 1005 if us > 1995: us = 1995 self.angle = 90 + int(2 * (us - 1500) / 11) def write(self, angle): if isinstance(angle, int): if angle < 0: angle = 0 if angle > 180: angle = 180 self.angle = angle def read(self): return self.angle def __pinSetState(pin, state): if __pin_mode[pin] == INPUT: __pin_state[pin] = state __ledB_patch = None __led8_patch = None __led9_patch = None def __ledB(state): if __ax is None: # The window has been closed return if state: rgb = (1.0, 1.0, 0) else: rgb = (0.3, 0.3, 0) global __ledB_patch if __ledB_patch is None: __ledB_patch = __plt.Rectangle((579, 525), 16, 20, fill=True, edgecolor=None, facecolor=rgb) __ax.add_patch(__ledB_patch) else: __ledB_patch.set_facecolor(rgb) def __led8(state): if __ax is None: # The window has been closed return if state: rgb = (0, 0, 1.0) else: rgb = (0, 0, 0.3) global __led8_patch if __led8_patch is None: __led8_patch = __plt.Circle((1005, 763), 20, fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor=rgb) __ax.add_patch(__led8_patch) else: __led8_patch.set_facecolor(rgb) def __led9(state): if __ax is None: # The window has been closed return if state: rgb = (0, 1.0, 0) else: rgb = (0, 0.3, 0) global __led9_patch if __led9_patch is None: __led9_patch = __plt.Circle((1005, 679), 20, fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor=rgb) __ax.add_patch(__led9_patch) else: __led9_patch.set_facecolor(rgb) __button1_bbox = [ 978, 205, 54, 54, 20 ] __button2_bbox = [ 978, 290, 54, 54, 20 ] __button1_patch = None __button2_patch = None __button1_highlight = False __button2_highlight = False __button1_active = False __button2_active = False def __button_check(event): b = None if __ax is None: # The window has been closed return b inv = __ax.transData.inverted() x, y = inv.transform((event.x, event.y)) #print('({ex} -> {x}, {ey} -> {y})'.format(x=x, y=y, ex=event.x, ey=event.y)) global __button1_highlight __button1_highlight = False if x >= __button1_bbox[0] and x < __button1_bbox[0] + __button1_bbox[2] and y >= __button1_bbox[1] and y < __button1_bbox[1] + __button1_bbox[3]: b = 1 __button1_highlight = True global __button2_highlight __button2_highlight = False if x >= __button2_bbox[0] and x < __button2_bbox[0] + __button2_bbox[2] and y >= __button2_bbox[1] and y < __button2_bbox[1] + __button2_bbox[3]: b = 2 __button2_highlight = True return b def __button1(): if __ax is None: # The window has been closed return global __button1_highlight if __button1_highlight: edge_rgb = 'k' else: edge_rgb = 'w' global __button1_active if __button1_active: face_rgb = 'g' else: face_rgb = 'r' global __button1_patch if __button1_patch is None: __button1_patch = __plt.Rectangle((__button1_bbox[0], __button1_bbox[1]), __button1_bbox[2], __button1_bbox[3], fill=True, edgecolor=edge_rgb, facecolor=face_rgb) __ax.add_patch(__button1_patch) __ax.add_patch(__plt.Circle((__button1_bbox[0] + __button1_bbox[2]/2, __button1_bbox[1] + __button1_bbox[3]/2), __button1_bbox[4], fill=True, edgecolor=None, facecolor='k')) else: __button1_patch.set_edgecolor(edge_rgb) __button1_patch.set_facecolor(face_rgb) def __button2(): if __ax is None: # The window has been closed return global __button2_highlight if __button2_highlight: edge_rgb = 'k' else: edge_rgb = 'w' global __button2_active if __button2_active: face_rgb = 'g' else: face_rgb = 'r' global __button2_patch if __button2_patch is None: __button2_patch = __plt.Rectangle((__button2_bbox[0], __button2_bbox[1]), __button2_bbox[2], __button2_bbox[3], fill=True, edgecolor=edge_rgb, facecolor=face_rgb) __ax.add_patch(__button2_patch) __ax.add_patch(__plt.Circle((__button2_bbox[0] + __button2_bbox[2]/2, __button2_bbox[1] + __button2_bbox[3]/2), __button2_bbox[4], fill=True, edgecolor=None, facecolor='k')) else: __button2_patch.set_edgecolor(edge_rgb) __button2_patch.set_facecolor(face_rgb) def __button_reset(): global __button1_highlight __button1_highlight = False global __button1_active __button1_active = False __button1() global __button2_highlight __button2_highlight = False global __button2_active __button2_active = False __button2() def __mouse_press(event): b = __button_check(event) if b == 1: global __button1_active if __button1_active: __button1_active = False __pinSetState(12, LOW) else: __button1_active = True __pinSetState(12, HIGH) if b == 2: global __button2_active if __button2_active: __button2_active = False __pinSetState(11, LOW) else: __button2_active = True __pinSetState(11, HIGH) __button1() __button2() def __mouse_move(event): __button_check(event) __button1() __button2() def __mouse_leave(_event): global __button1_highlight __button1_highlight = False __button1() global __button2_highlight __button2_highlight = False __button2() def __close(_event): #print('close event received') global __ax __ax = None __tref = 0 __last = 0 def __sync(): if __ax is None: return now = millis() global __tref if now - __tref > 19: __tref = now Servo.update(True) # major update global __last if now > __last: __last = now Servo.update(False) # minor update __plt.draw() __plt.pause(0.00001) def delay(ms): if __ax is None: return start = millis() while True: __sync() if millis() - start >= ms: break def ArduinoSim(setup, loop): fig = __plt.figure() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', __close) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', __mouse_press) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', __mouse_move) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('axes_leave_event', __mouse_leave) global __ax __ax = fig.add_subplot(111) __ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1]) img = __plt.imread("ArduinoSim.png") __ax.imshow(img) __ledB(LOW) __led8(LOW) __led9(LOW) __button_reset() servo_redraw() __plt.ion() global __timeStart __timeStart = setup() while __ax is not None: loop() __sync() def micros(): dt = - __timeStart return dt.seconds * 1000000 + dt.microseconds def millis(): return int(micros() / 1000) def pinMode(pin: int, mode): if pin >= 0 and pin < 14: if mode: __pin_mode[pin] = INPUT else: __pin_mode[pin] = OUTPUT def map(x, from_lo, from_hi, to_lo, to_hi): return int(to_lo + ((to_hi - to_lo) * (x - from_lo)) / (from_hi - from_lo)) def analogRead(pin: int): if pin < A0 or pin > A5: return 0 return micros() & 1023 def digitalRead(pin: int): state = LOW if pin >= 0 and pin < 14: state = __pin_state[pin] return state def digitalWrite(pin: int, state): if pin >= 0 and pin < 14: if __pin_mode[pin] == OUTPUT: old_state = __pin_state[pin] if state: new_state = HIGH else: new_state = LOW if new_state != old_state: __pin_state[pin] = new_state if pin == 8: __led8(new_state) if pin == 9: __led9(new_state) if pin == LED_BUILTIN: __ledB(new_state)