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'fc_float_left' : 'fc_float_right'); $content_container_class_feat = 'fc_floated'; break; case 2: case 3: $img_container_class_feat = 'fc_stretch fc_clear'; $content_container_class_feat = ''; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: $img_container_class_feat = 'fc_stretch'; $content_container_class_feat = 'fc_overlayed ' .($content_layout_feat==4 ? 'fc_top' : '') .($content_layout_feat==5 ? 'fc_bottom' : '') .($content_layout_feat==6 ? 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'fc_float_left' : 'fc_float_right'); $content_container_class = 'fc_floated'; break; case 2: case 3: $img_container_class = 'fc_stretch fc_clear'; $content_container_class = ''; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: $img_container_class = 'fc_stretch'; $content_container_class = 'fc_overlayed ' .($content_layout==4 ? 'fc_top' : '') .($content_layout==5 ? 'fc_bottom' : '') .($content_layout==6 ? 'fc_full' : '') ; if ($content_display >= 1) $content_container_class .= ' fc_auto_show'; if ($content_display == 1) $content_container_class .= ' fc_show_active'; break; default: $img_container_class = ''; break; } // ******************************* // Default image and image fitting // ******************************* $mod_default_img_path = $params->get('mod_default_img_path', 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/image.png'); $img_path = JURI::base(true) .'/'; // image of FEATURED items, auto-fit and (optionally) limit to image max-dimensions to avoid stretching $img_force_dims_feat=" width: 100%; height: auto; display: block !important; border: 0 !important;"; $img_limit_dims=" max-width:".$mod_width_feat."px; max-height:".$mod_height_feat."px;"; if ($item_img_fit_feat==0 || $content_layout_feat <= 1) { $img_force_dims_feat .= $img_limit_dims; } // image of STANDARD items, auto-fit and (optionally) limit to image max-dimensions to avoid stretching $img_force_dims=" width: 100%; height: auto; display: block !important; border: 0 !important;"; $img_limit_dims=" max-width:".$mod_width."px; max-height:".$mod_height."px;"; if ($item_img_fit==0 || $content_layout <= 1) { $img_force_dims .= $img_limit_dims; } // Featured $item_columns_feat = $params->get('item_columns_feat', 1); $item_placement_feat = $params->get($layout.'_item_placement_feat', 0); // 0: cleared, 1: as masonry tiles $cols_class_feat = ($item_columns_feat <= 1) ? '' : 'cols_'.$item_columns_feat; // Standard $item_placement_std = $params->get($layout.'_item_placement', 0); // -1: other, 0: cleared, 1: as masonry tiles $item_columns_std = $params->get('item_columns', 2); $cols_class_std = ($item_columns_std <= 1) ? '' : 'cols_'.$item_columns_std; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); if ( ($item_placement_feat == 1 && $item_columns_feat > 1) || ($item_placement_std == 1 && $item_columns_std > 1) ) { flexicontent_html::loadFramework('masonry'); flexicontent_html::loadFramework('imagesLoaded'); } $container_id = $module->id . (count($catdata_arr)>1 && $catdata ? '_'.$catdata->id : ''); ?>
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"; } else { $separator = ""; continue; } // PREPEND ORDER if using more than 1 orderings ... $order_name = $ord ? $ord : 'default'; $uniq_ord_id = (count($list)>1 ? $order_name : '').$container_id; ?>
' : ''; ?>
title; ?> title; ?>
image_rendered) : ?>
"> image_rendered; ?> image_rendered; ?>
image) : ?> fields && $fields)) : ?>
date_created) : ?>
date_created; ?>
date_modified) : ?>
date_modified; ?>
hits_rendered) : ?>
hits_rendered; ?>
voting) : ?>
comments_rendered; ?>
text) : ?>
text; ?>
fields && $fields) : ?>
fields as $k => $field) : ?> display) ) continue; ?>
label . $text_after_label; ?>
display; ?>
' : ''; ?>
addScriptDeclaration($js); // *********************************************************** // Module specific styling (we use names containing module ID) // *********************************************************** $css = ''. /* CONTAINER of featured items */' #mod_fcitems_box_featured_'.$uniq_ord_id.' { }'. /* CONTAINER of each featured item */' #mod_fcitems_box_featured_'.$uniq_ord_id.' div.mod_flexicontent_standard_wrapper { }'. /* inner CONTAINER of each standard item */' #mod_fcitems_box_featured_'.$uniq_ord_id.' div.mod_flexicontent_standard_wrapper_innerbox { '.($inner_inline_css_feat ? ' padding: '.$padding_top_bottom_feat.'px '.$padding_left_right_feat.'px !important; border-width: '.$border_width_feat.'px!important; margin: '.$margin_top_bottom_feat.'px '.$margin_left_right_feat.'px !important; ' : '').' }'. /* CONTAINER of standard items */' #mod_fcitems_box_standard_'.$uniq_ord_id.' { }'. /* CONTAINER of each standard item */' #mod_fcitems_box_standard_'.$uniq_ord_id.' div.mod_flexicontent_standard_wrapper { }'. /* inner CONTAINER of each standard item */' #mod_fcitems_box_standard_'.$uniq_ord_id.' div.mod_flexicontent_standard_wrapper_innerbox { '.($inner_inline_css ? ' padding: '.$padding_top_bottom.'px '.$padding_left_right.'px !important; border-width: '.$border_width.'px!important; margin: '.$margin_top_bottom.'px '.$margin_left_right.'px !important; ' : '').' }'. '' ; if ($css) $document->addStyleDeclaration($css); if ($item_placement_feat == 1 && $item_columns_feat > 1) { $js = " jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var container = document.querySelector('div#mod_fcitems_box_featured_".$uniq_ord_id."'); var msnry; // initialize Masonry after all images have loaded if (container) { imagesLoaded( container, function() { msnry = new Masonry( container ); }); } }); "; if ($js) $document->addScriptDeclaration($js); } if ($item_placement_std == 1 && $item_columns_std > 1) { $js = " jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var container = document.querySelector('div#mod_fcitems_box_standard_".$uniq_ord_id."'); var msnry; // initialize Masonry after all images have loaded if (container) { imagesLoaded( container, function() { msnry = new Masonry( container ); }); } }); "; if ($js) $document->addScriptDeclaration($js); } ?>