800,'m' => 400,'s' => 120,'b' => 40); static $default_heights = array('l' => 600,'m' => 300,'s' => 90,'b' => 30); static $display_to_thumb_size = array( 'display_backend_src' => 'b', 'display_small_src' => 's', 'display_medium_src' => 'm', 'display_large_src' => 'l', 'display_original_src' => 'o', 'display_backend_thumb' => 'b', 'display_small_thumb' => 's', 'display_medium_thumb' => 'm', 'display_large_thumb' => 'l', 'display_original_thumb' => 'o', ); static $index_to_thumb_size = array(-1 => 'b', 1 => 's', 2 => 'm', 3 => 'l', 4 => 'o'); static $thumb_only_displays = array('display_backend_thumb' => 0, 'display_small_thumb' => 1, 'display_medium_thumb' => 2, 'display_large_thumb' => 3, 'display_original_thumb' => 4); static $value_only_displays = array('display_backend_src' => 0, 'display_small_src' => 1, 'display_medium_src' => 2, 'display_large_src' => 3, 'display_original_src' => 4); static $single_displays = array('display_single' => 0, 'display_single_total' => 1, 'display_single_link' => 2, 'display_single_total_link' => 3); static $js_added = array(); // *** // *** CONSTRUCTOR // *** public function __construct( &$subject, $params ) { parent::__construct( $subject, $params ); } // *** // *** DISPLAY methods, item form & frontend views // *** // Method to create field's HTML display for item form public function onDisplayField(&$field, &$item) { if ( !in_array($field->field_type, static::$field_types) ) return; $field->label = $field->parameters->get('label_form') ? \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($field->parameters->get('label_form')) : \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($field->label); $use_ingroup = $field->parameters->get('use_ingroup', 0); if (!isset($field->formhidden_grp)) $field->formhidden_grp = $field->formhidden; if ($use_ingroup) $field->formhidden = 3; if ($use_ingroup && empty($field->ingroup)) return; $is_ingroup = !empty($field->ingroup); // Initialize framework objects and other variables $document = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDocument(); $cparams = \Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_flexicontent' ); $app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); $user = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getUser(); // Execute once static $initialized = null; if ( !$initialized ) { $initialized = 1; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); $this->_load_phpthumb(); } $tooltip_class = 'hasTooltip'; $add_on_class = $cparams->get('bootstrap_ver', 2)==2 ? 'add-on' : 'input-group-addon'; $input_grp_class = $cparams->get('bootstrap_ver', 2)==2 ? 'input-append input-prepend' : 'input-group'; $btn_item_class = $cparams->get('bootstrap_ver', 2)==2 ? 'btn' : 'btn'; $btn_group_class = $cparams->get('bootstrap_ver', 2)==2 ? 'btn-group' : 'btn-group'; $form_font_icons = $cparams->get('form_font_icons', 1); $font_icon_class = $form_font_icons ? ' fcfont-icon' : ''; $font_icon_class .= FLEXI_J40GE ? ' icon icon- ' : ''; // Get a unique id to use as item id if current item is new $u_item_id = $item->id ? $item->id : substr(\Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->input->get('unique_tmp_itemid', '', 'string'), 0, 1000); // Check if using folder of original content being translated $of_usage = $field->untranslatable ? 1 : $field->parameters->get('of_usage', 0); $u_item_id = ($of_usage && $item->lang_parent_id && $item->lang_parent_id != $item->id) ? $item->lang_parent_id : $u_item_id; /** * Number of values */ $multiple = $use_ingroup || (int) $field->parameters->get('allow_multiple', 0); $max_values = $use_ingroup ? 0 : (int) $field->parameters->get('max_values', 0); $required = (int) $field->parameters->get('required', 0); $add_position = (int) $field->parameters->get('add_position', 3); // Classes for marking field required $required_class = $required ? ' required' : ''; // If we are multi-value and not inside fieldgroup then add the control buttons (move, delete, add before/after) $add_ctrl_btns = !$use_ingroup && $multiple; $fields_box_placing = (int) $field->parameters->get('fields_box_placing', 1); $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); $all_media = $field->parameters->get('list_all_media_files', 0); $unique_thumb_method = $field->parameters->get('unique_thumb_method', 0); $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir'); $dir_url = str_replace('\\', '/', $dir); // FLAG to indicate if images are shared across fields, has the effect of adding field id to image thumbnails $multiple_image_usages = $image_source === 0 && $all_media && $unique_thumb_method == 0; $extra_prefix = $multiple_image_usages ? 'fld' . $field->id . '_' : ''; $autoassign = (int) $field->parameters->get( 'autoassign', 1 ); $thumb_size_resizer = (int) $field->parameters->get('thumb_size_resizer', 2); $thumb_size_default = (int) $field->parameters->get('thumb_size_default', 120); $thumb_method = (int) $field->parameters->get('thumb_method', 1); $preview_thumb_w = $preview_thumb_h = 600; // Optional properies configuration $linkto_url = (int) $field->parameters->get('linkto_url', 0); $usemediaurl = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_mediaurl', 0); $usealt = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_alt', 0); $usetitle = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_title', 0); $usedesc = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_desc', 1); $usecust1 = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_cust1', 0); $usecust2 = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_cust2', 0); $mediaurl_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('mediaurl_usage', 0); $alt_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('alt_usage', 0); $title_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('title_usage', 0); $desc_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('desc_usage', 0); $cust1_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('cust1_usage', 0); $cust2_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('cust2_usage', 0); $default_mediaurl = ($item->version == 0 || $mediaurl_usage > 0) ? $field->parameters->get( 'default_mediaurl', '' ) : ''; $default_alt = ($item->version == 0 || $alt_usage > 0) ? $field->parameters->get( 'default_alt', '' ) : ''; $default_title = ($item->version == 0 || $title_usage > 0) ? \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($field->parameters->get( 'default_title', '' )) : ''; $default_desc = ($item->version == 0 || $desc_usage > 0) ? $field->parameters->get( 'default_desc', '' ) : ''; $default_cust1 = ($item->version == 0 || $cust1_usage > 0) ? $field->parameters->get( 'default_cust1', '' ) : ''; $default_cust2 = ($item->version == 0 || $cust2_usage > 0) ? $field->parameters->get( 'default_cust2', '' ) : ''; $use_jformfields = true; //FLEXI40GE // *** Calculate some configuration flags // Display properties box $none_props = !$linkto_url && !$usemediaurl && !$usealt && !$usetitle && !$usedesc && !$usecust1 && !$usecust2; // Inline uploaders flags $use_inline_uploaders = $image_source >= 0; $file_btns_position = (int) $field->parameters->get('file_btns_position', 0); // Intro / Full mode if ($image_source === -1) { $field->html = $use_ingroup ? array('
Field is configured to use intro/full images, please disable use in group
') : '_INTRO_FULL_IMAGES_HTML_'; return; } // Add JS /CSS for Media manager mode, and also check their PHP layouts overides exist static $mm_mode_common_js_added = false; if ($image_source === -2 && !$mm_mode_common_js_added) { // Check and if needed install Joomla template overrides into current Joomla template flexicontent_html::install_template_overrides(); if (!$use_jformfields) { // We will use the mootools based media manager \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('behavior.framework', true); // Load the modal behavior script. \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('behavior.modal'/*, '.fc_image_field_mm_modal'*/); // Include media field JS, detecting different version of Joomla if (file_exists($path = JPATH_ROOT.'/media/media/js/mediafield-mootools.min.js')) { $media_js = 'media/mediafield-mootools.min.js'; } else { $media_js = file_exists($path = JPATH_ROOT.'/media/media/js/mediafield.min.js') ? 'media/mediafield.min.js' : 'media/mediafield.js'; } \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('script', $media_js, $mootools_framework = true, $media_folder_relative_path = true, false, false, true); // Tooltips for image path and image popup preview \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('behavior.tooltip', '.hasTipImgpath', array('onShow' => 'jMediaRefreshImgpathTip')); \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('behavior.tooltip', '.hasTipPreview', array('onShow' => 'jMediaRefreshPreviewTip')); } else { jimport('joomla.form.helper'); // \Joomla\CMS\Form\FormHelper \Joomla\CMS\Form\FormHelper::loadFieldClass('media'); // \Joomla\CMS\Form\Field\MediaField } $mm_mode_common_js_added = true; } // *** // *** Slider for files grid view // *** if ($use_inline_uploaders && $thumb_size_resizer) { flexicontent_html::loadFramework('nouislider'); $resize_cfg = new stdClass(); $resize_cfg->slider_name = 'fcfield-'.$field->id.'-uploader-thumb-size'; $resize_cfg->element_selector = 'div.fcfield-'.$field->id.'-uploader-thumb-box'; $resize_cfg->elem_container_selector = '.fcfieldval_container_'.$field->id.' div.fc-box'; $resize_cfg->element_selector = '.fcfieldval_container_'.$field->id.' div.fc_file_uploader ul.plupload_filelist > li'; $resize_cfg->element_class_prefix = 'thumb_'; $resize_cfg->values = array(90, 120, 150, 200, 250); $resize_cfg->labels = array(); $thumb_size_default = $app->input->cookie->get($resize_cfg->slider_name . '-val', $thumb_size_default, 'int'); $resize_cfg->initial_pos = (int) array_search($thumb_size_default, $resize_cfg->values); if ($resize_cfg->initial_pos === false) { $resize_cfg->initial_pos = 1; } $thumb_size_default = $resize_cfg->values[$resize_cfg->initial_pos]; $app->input->cookie->set($resize_cfg->slider_name . '-val', $thumb_size_default); foreach($resize_cfg->values as $value) $resize_cfg->labels[] = $value .'x'. $value; $element_classes = array(); foreach($resize_cfg->values as $value) $element_classes[] = $resize_cfg->element_class_prefix . $value; $element_class_list = implode(' ', $element_classes); $step_values = '[' . implode(', ', $resize_cfg->values) . ']'; $step_labels = '["' . implode('", "', $resize_cfg->labels) . '"]'; $thumb_size_slider_cfg = "{ name: '".$resize_cfg->slider_name."', step_values: ".$step_values.", step_labels: ".$step_labels.", initial_pos: ".$resize_cfg->initial_pos.", start_hidden: false, element_selector: '".$resize_cfg->element_selector."', element_class_list: '', element_class_prefix: '', elem_container_selector: '".$resize_cfg->elem_container_selector."', elem_container_class: '".$element_class_list."', elem_container_prefix: '".$resize_cfg->element_class_prefix."' }"; $document->addScriptDeclaration(" jQuery(document).ready(function() { fc_attachSingleSlider(".$thumb_size_slider_cfg.", ".$thumb_size_resizer."); }); "); } // Flag that indicates if field has values $has_values = count($field->value); // Initialise property with default value if (!$field->value || (count($field->value) === 1 && reset($field->value) === null)) { $field->value = array(); $field->value[0]['originalname'] = ''; $field->value[0] = serialize($field->value[0]); } // CSS classes of value container $value_classes_base = 'fcfieldval_container valuebox fcfieldval_container_'.$field->id; $value_classes_single = $value_classes_base . ' fc-expanded' ; $value_classes_multiple = $value_classes_base . ($fields_box_placing ? ' floated' : ''); // Field name and HTML TAG id $fieldname = 'custom['.$field->name.']'; $elementid = 'custom_'.$field->name; // JS safe Field name $field_name_js = str_replace('-', '_', $field->name); // URL for modal fileselement view $filesElementURL = \Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri::base(true).'/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=fileselement&tmpl=component&layout=image' .'&field='.$field->id.'&u_item_id='.$u_item_id.'&targetid=%s_existingname&thumb_w='.$preview_thumb_w.'&thumb_h='.$preview_thumb_h.'&autoassign='.$autoassign .'&'.\Joomla\CMS\Session\Session::getFormToken().'=1'; $js = ' var fc_field_dialog_handle_'.$field->id.'; fcfield_image.debugToConsole["'.$field_name_js.'"] = 0; fcfield_image.use_native_apis["'.$field_name_js.'"] = 0; '; $css = ''; // Handle multiple records //if ($multiple) if (1) // This if contains more than multile record handlings, TODO: split it { // Add the drag and drop sorting feature if ($add_ctrl_btns) $js .= " jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#sortables_".$field->id."').sortable({ handle: '.fcfield-drag-handle', cancel: false, /*containment: 'parent',*/ tolerance: 'pointer' ".($fields_box_placing ? " ,start: function(e) { //jQuery(e.target).children().css('float', 'left'); //fc_setEqualHeights(jQuery(e.target), 0); } ,stop: function(e) { //jQuery(e.target).children().css({'float': 'none', 'min-height': '', 'height': ''}); } " : '')." }); }); "; if ($max_values) \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::script("FLEXI_FIELD_MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_REACHED", true); $js .= " function addField".$field->id."(el, groupval_box, fieldval_box, params) { var insert_before = (typeof params!== 'undefined' && typeof params.insert_before !== 'undefined') ? params.insert_before : 0; var remove_previous = (typeof params!== 'undefined' && typeof params.remove_previous !== 'undefined') ? params.remove_previous : 0; var scroll_visible = (typeof params!== 'undefined' && typeof params.scroll_visible !== 'undefined') ? params.scroll_visible : 1; var animate_visible = (typeof params!== 'undefined' && typeof params.animate_visible !== 'undefined') ? params.animate_visible : 1; if(!remove_previous && (rowCount".$field->id." >= maxValues".$field->id.") && (maxValues".$field->id." != 0)) { alert(Joomla.JText._('FLEXI_FIELD_MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_REACHED') + maxValues".$field->id."); return 'cancel'; } // Find last container of fields and clone it to create a new container of fields var lastField = fieldval_box ? fieldval_box : jQuery(el).prev().children().last(); var newField = lastField.clone(); newField.find('.fc-has-value').removeClass('fc-has-value'); // New element's field name and id var uniqueRowN = uniqueRowNum" . $field->id . "; var element_id = '" . $elementid . "_' + uniqueRowN; // Destroy any select2 elements var sel2_elements = newField.find('div.select2-container'); if (sel2_elements.length) { sel2_elements.remove(); newField.find('select.use_select2_lib').select2('destroy').show(); } newField.find('input.hasvalue').val(''); newField.find('input.hasvalue').attr('name', element_id + '_hasvalue'); newField.find('input.hasvalue').attr('id', element_id); newField.find('input.originalname').val(''); newField.find('input.originalname').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][originalname]'); newField.find('input.originalname').attr('id', element_id + '_originalname'); newField.find('.existingname').val(''); newField.find('.existingname').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][existingname]'); newField.find('.existingname').attr('id', element_id + '_existingname'); newField.find('.fc_preview_msg').html(''); newField.find('.fc_preview_msg').attr('name', element_id + '_fc_preview_msg'); newField.find('.fc_preview_msg').attr('id', element_id + '_fc_preview_msg'); // Update uploader related data var fcUploader = newField.find('.fc_file_uploader'); var upBTN, mulupBTN, mulselBTN; if (fcUploader.length) { // Update uploader attributes fcUploader.empty().hide(); fcUploader.attr('id', fcUploader.attr('data-tagid-prefix') + uniqueRowN); // Update button for toggling uploader upBTN = newField.find('.fc_files_uploader_toggle_btn'); upBTN.attr('data-rowno', uniqueRowN); mulupBTN = newField.find('.fc-files-modal-link.fc-up'); mulupBTN.attr('data-href', " . "'" . str_replace('&', '&', sprintf($filesElementURL, $elementid . "_' + uniqueRowNum".$field->id ." + '")) . "'); mulselBTN = newField.find('.fc-files-modal-link.fc-sel'); mulselBTN.attr('data-href', " . "'" . str_replace('&', '&', sprintf($filesElementURL, $elementid . "_' + uniqueRowNum".$field->id ." + '")) . "'); } // COPY an preview box var img_preview = newField.find('img.fc_preview_thumb'); if (img_preview.length) { var emptyImg = jQuery('\"Preview'); emptyImg.attr('id', element_id + '_preview_image'); emptyImg.insertAfter( img_preview ); img_preview.remove(); } newField.find('table.fcimg_dbfile_tbl').parent('display', 'none'); "; if ($linkto_url) $js .= " newField.find('input.imgurllink').val(''); newField.find('input.imgurllink').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][urllink]'); newField.find('input.imgurllink').attr('id', element_id + '_urllink'); "; if ($usemediaurl) { $js .= " var elements = ['img_mediaurl', 'img_fetch_btn', 'img_clear_btn']; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { theInput = newField.find('.' + elements[i]).first(); var el_name = elements[i].replace(/^img_/, ''); theInput.attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+']['+el_name+']'); theInput.attr('id', element_id + '_' + el_name); } newField.find('input.img_mediaurl').attr('value', ".json_encode($default_mediaurl)."); newField.find('.fcfield-medialurlvalue').attr('onclick', 'fcfield_image.toggleMediaURL(\'' + element_id + '\', \'".$field_name_js."\');'); newField.find('.img_fetch_btn').attr('onclick', 'fcfield_image.fetchData(\'' + element_id + '\', \'".$field_name_js."\'); return false;'); newField.find('.img_clear_btn').attr('onclick', 'fcfield_image.clearData(\'' + element_id + '\', \'".$field_name_js."\'); return false;'); newField.find('.fcfield_message_box').attr('id','fcfield_message_box_' + element_id); // Clear any existing message jQuery('#fcfield_message_box_' + element_id).html(''); "; } if ($usealt) $js .= " newField.find('input.imgalt').attr('value', ".json_encode($default_alt)."); newField.find('input.imgalt').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][alt]'); newField.find('input.imgalt').attr('id', element_id + '_alt'); "; if ($usetitle) $js .= " newField.find('input.imgtitle').attr('value', ".json_encode($default_title)."); newField.find('input.imgtitle').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][title]'); newField.find('input.imgtitle').attr('id', element_id + '_title'); "; if ($usedesc) $js .= " newField.find('textarea.imgdesc').attr('value', ".json_encode($default_desc)."); newField.find('textarea.imgdesc').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][desc]'); "; if ($usecust1) $js .= " newField.find('input.imgcust1').attr('value', ".json_encode($default_cust1)."); newField.find('input.imgcust1').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][cust1]'); "; if ($usecust2) $js .= " newField.find('input.imgcust2').attr('value', ".json_encode($default_cust2)."); newField.find('input.imgcust2').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][cust2]'); "; // Add new field to DOM $js .= " lastField ? (insert_before ? newField.insertBefore( lastField ) : newField.insertAfter( lastField ) ) : newField.appendTo( jQuery('#sortables_".$field->id."') ) ; if (remove_previous) lastField.remove(); // Attach form validation on new element fc_validationAttach(newField); // Re-init any select2 elements fc_attachSelect2(newField); " . // Re-init joomla media form field element (J3 only) ($image_source === -2 && $use_jformfields && !FLEXI_J40GE ? "newField.find('.field-media-wrapper').fieldMedia();" : '') . // Clear image preview ($image_source === -2 && $use_jformfields ? " newField.find('.field-media-wrapper').find('.button-clear').click(); newField.find('input.quantumuploadimage-input').val(''); newField.find('input.quantumuploadimage-input').attr('name','".$fieldname."['+uniqueRowN+'][existingname]'); newField.find('input.quantumuploadimage-input').attr('id', element_id + '_existingname'); setTimeout(function() { newField.find('.quantumuploadimage-delete').click(); }, 500); " : '') . // Re-init any Quantum manager form field element (Quantum manager) ($image_source === -2 && $use_jformfields ? "if (newField.find('.quantummanager')) initQuantumuploadimage(newField.get(0));" : '') ; // Add new element to sortable objects (if field not in group) if ($add_ctrl_btns) $js .= " //jQuery('#sortables_".$field->id."').sortable('refresh'); // Refresh was done appendTo ? "; // Show new field, increment counters $js .=" //newField.fadeOut({ duration: 400, easing: 'swing' }).fadeIn({ duration: 200, easing: 'swing' }); if (scroll_visible) fc_scrollIntoView(newField, 1); if (animate_visible) newField.css({opacity: 0.1}).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 800, function() { jQuery(this).css('opacity', ''); }); // Set tooltip data placeholders var _name = '_existingname'; newField.find('.media-preview').html(' " . "'); // Enable tooltips on new element newField.find('.hasTooltip').tooltip({html: true, container: newField}); newField.find('.hasPopover').popover({html: true, container: newField, trigger : 'hover focus'}); // Show tooltips var tipped_elements = newField.find('.hasTipImgpath, .hasTipPreview'); tipped_elements.each(function() { var title = this.get('title'); if (title) { var parts = title.split('::', 2); this.store('tip:title', parts[0]); this.store('tip:text', parts[1]); } }); if (tipped_elements.length) { var imgpath_JTooltips = new Tips(jQuery(newField).find('.hasTipImgpath').get(0), { \"maxTitleChars\": 50, \"fixed\": false, \"onShow\": jMediaRefreshImgpathTip}); var imgprev_JTooltips = new Tips(jQuery(newField).find('.hasTipPreview').get(0), { \"maxTitleChars\": 50, \"fixed\": false, \"onShow\": jMediaRefreshPreviewTip}); } // Show uploader, if not 'animating visible' e.g. if not doing multi-add if (animate_visible && fcUploader.length) upBTN.click(); rowCount".$field->id."++; // incremented / decremented uniqueRowNum".$field->id."++; // incremented only // return HTML Tag ID of field containing the file ID, needed when creating file rows to assign multi-fields at once return '".$elementid."_' + (uniqueRowNum".$field->id." - 1) + '_existingname'; } function deleteField".$field->id."(el, groupval_box, fieldval_box) { // Disable clicks on remove button, so that it is not reclicked, while we do the field value hide effect (before DOM removal of field value) var btn = fieldval_box ? false : jQuery(el); if (btn && rowCount".$field->id." > 1) btn.css('pointer-events', 'none').off('click'); // Find field value container var row = fieldval_box ? fieldval_box : jQuery(el).closest('li'); // When removing a field value we need to check if it had value and decrement the value counter var originalfftag = 'input.originalname'; var existingfftag = '".($image_source === 0 ? "select" : "input")."' + '.existingname'; var originalname = row.find( originalfftag ).val(); var existingname = row.find( existingfftag ).val(); var hasvalue = row.find( 'input.hasvalue').val(); var valcounter = document.getElementById('custom_".$field_name_js."'); // IF a non-empty container is being removed ... get counter (which is optionally used as 'required' form element and empty it if is 1, or decrement if 2 or more) //if ( originalname != '' || existingname != '' ) if (hasvalue!='') { valcounter.value = ( !valcounter.value || valcounter.value=='1' ) ? '' : parseInt(valcounter.value) - 1; //if(window.console) window.console.log ('valcounter.value: ' + valcounter.value); } // Add empty container if last element, instantly removing the given field value container if(rowCount".$field->id." == 1) addField".$field->id."(null, groupval_box, row, {remove_previous: 1, scroll_visible: 0, animate_visible: 0}); // Remove if not last one, if it is last one, we issued a replace (copy,empty new,delete old) above if (rowCount".$field->id." > 1) { // Destroy the remove/add/etc buttons, so that they are not reclicked, while we do the field value hide effect (before DOM removal of field value) row.find('.fcfield-delvalue').remove(); row.find('.fcfield-expand-view').remove(); row.find('.fcfield-insertvalue').remove(); row.find('.fcfield-drag-handle').remove(); // Do hide effect then remove from DOM row.slideUp(400, function(){ jQuery(this).remove(); }); rowCount".$field->id."--; } //if (window.console) window.console.log('valcounter: ' + valcounter.value); } "; $css .= ''; $remove_button = ''; $move2 = ''; $add_here = ''; $add_here .= $add_position==2 || $add_position==3 ? ' ' : ''; $add_here .= $add_position==1 || $add_position==3 ? ' ' : ''; } // Field not multi-value if (!$multiple) { $remove_button = ''; $move2 = ''; $add_here = ''; $js .= ''; $css .= ''; } // Add field's custom CSS / JS $js .= " /** * Method Wrappers to class methods (used for compatibility) */ function fcfield_assignImage".$field->id."(tagid, file, preview_url, keep_modal, preview_caption) { fcfield_image.assignImage(tagid, file, preview_url, keep_modal, preview_caption, '".$field_name_js."'); } /* Method used as callbacks of AJAX uploader */ function fcfield_FileFiltered_".$field->id."(uploader, file) { fcfield_image.fileFiltered(uploader, file, '".$field_name_js."'); } function fcfield_FileUploaded_".$field->id."(uploader, file, result) { fcfield_image.fileUploaded(uploader, file, result, '".$field_name_js."'); } "; $css .=''; /** * Load form JS */ // Add needed JS/CSS static $js_added = null; if ( $js_added === null ) { $js_added = true; \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::script("FLEXI_FIELD_IMAGE_CLEAR_MEDIA_URL_FIRST", true); \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::script("FLEXI_FIELD_IMAGE_ENTER_MEDIA_URL", true); \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::script("FLEXI_FIELD_MEDIA_URL", true); \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::script("FLEXI_ERROR", true); flexicontent_html::loadFramework('flexi-lib'); \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::addIncludePath(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_flexicontent/helpers/html'); $document->addScript(\Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri::root(true) . '/plugins/flexicontent_fields/image/js/form.js', array('version' => FLEXI_VHASH)); } // Add field's CSS / JS if ($multiple) $js .= " var uniqueRowNum".$field->id." = ".count($field->value)."; // Unique row number incremented only var rowCount".$field->id." = ".count($field->value)."; // Counts existing rows to be able to limit a max number of values var maxValues".$field->id." = ".$max_values."; "; if ($js) $document->addScriptDeclaration($js); if ($css) $document->addStyleDeclaration($css); /** * Create field's HTML display for item form */ $field->html = array(); $uploader_html_arr = array(); $formlayout = $field->parameters->get('formlayout', ''); $formlayout = $formlayout ? 'field_'.$formlayout : 'field_InlineBoxes'; //$this->setField($field); //$this->setItem($item); //$this->displayField( $formlayout ); include(self::getFormPath($this->fieldtypes[0], $formlayout)); // Do not convert the array to string if field is in a group if ($use_ingroup); // Handle multiple records elseif ($multiple) { $field->html = !count($field->html) ? '' : '
  • '. implode('
  • ', $field->html). '
  • '; $field->html = ''; if (!$add_position) $field->html .= '
    '.\Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_( 'FLEXI_ADD_VALUE' ).'
    '; } // Handle single values else { // Because of JS seeking the parent containers, use UL/LI instead of DIV $field->html = !count($field->html) ? '' : '
  • '. implode('
  • ', $field->html). '
  • '; $field->html = ''; } // This is field HTML that is created regardless of values $non_value_html = ''; if ($use_ingroup) { $field->html[-1] = $non_value_html; if ($use_inline_uploaders && $uploader_html->thumbResizer) { $field->html[-1] = '
    ' . $field->label . '
    ' . $uploader_html->thumbResizer . ' ' . $field->html[-1] . '
    '; } } else { $field->html .= $non_value_html; if ($use_inline_uploaders && $uploader_html->thumbResizer) { $field->html = $uploader_html->thumbResizer . ' ' . $field->html; } } if ( count($skipped_vals) ) { $app->enqueueMessage( \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::sprintf('FLEXI_FIELD_IMAGE_EDIT_VALUES_SKIPPED', $field->label, implode(',',$skipped_vals)), 'notice' ); } } // Method to create field's HTML display for frontend views public function onDisplayFieldValue(&$field, $item, $values = null, $prop = 'display') { if ( !in_array($field->field_type, static::$field_types) ) return; $field->label = \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($field->label); // Set field and item objects $this->setField($field); $this->setItem($item); /** * One time initialization */ static $initialized = null; static $app, $document, $option, $format, $realview; if ($initialized === null) { $initialized = 1; $app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); $document = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDocument(); $option = $app->input->getCmd('option', ''); $format = $app->input->getCmd('format', 'html'); $realview = $app->input->getCmd('view', ''); } // For legacy layouts $isItemsManager = static::$isItemsManager; $isHtmlViewFE = static::$isHtmlViewFE; // Current view variable $view = $app->input->getCmd('flexi_callview', ($realview ?: 'item')); $sfx = $view === 'item' ? '' : '_cat'; // Check if field should be rendered according to configuration if (!$this->checkRenderConds($prop, $view)) { return; } // The current view is a full item view of the item $isMatchedItemView = static::$itemViewId === (int) $item->id; // Some variables $is_ingroup = !empty($field->ingroup); $use_ingroup = $field->parameters->get('use_ingroup', 0); $multiple = $use_ingroup || (int) $field->parameters->get( 'allow_multiple', 0 ) ; $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); // JS safe Field name $field_name_js = str_replace('-', '_', $field->name); $all_media = $field->parameters->get('list_all_media_files', 0); $unique_thumb_method = $field->parameters->get('unique_thumb_method', 0); $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir'); $dir_url = str_replace('\\', '/', $dir); // Check if using folder of original content being translated $of_usage = $field->untranslatable ? 1 : $field->parameters->get('of_usage', 0); $u_item_id = ($of_usage && $item->lang_parent_id && $item->lang_parent_id != $item->id) ? $item->lang_parent_id : $item->id; // FLAG to indicate if images are shared across fields, has the effect of adding field id to image thumbnails $multiple_image_usages = $image_source === 0 && $all_media && $unique_thumb_method == 0; $extra_prefix = $multiple_image_usages ? 'fld' . $field->id . '_' : ''; $usemediaurl = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_mediaurl', 0); $mediaurl_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('mediaurl_usage', 0); $default_mediaurl = ($mediaurl_usage == 2) ? $field->parameters->get('default_mediaurl', '') : ''; $usealt = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_alt', 0); $alt_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('alt_usage', 0); $default_alt = ($alt_usage == 2) ? $field->parameters->get('default_alt', '') : ''; $usetitle = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_title', 0); $title_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('title_usage', 0); $default_title = ($title_usage == 2) ? \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($field->parameters->get('default_title', '')) : ''; $usedesc = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_desc', 1); $desc_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('desc_usage', 0); $default_desc = ($desc_usage == 2) ? $field->parameters->get('default_desc', '') : ''; $usecust1 = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_cust1', 0); $cust1_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('cust1_usage', 0); $default_cust1 = ($cust1_usage == 2) ? \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($field->parameters->get('default_cust1', '')) : ''; $usecust2 = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_cust2', 0); $cust2_usage = (int) $field->parameters->get('cust2_usage', 0); $default_cust2 = ($cust2_usage == 2) ? \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($field->parameters->get('default_cust2', '')) : ''; /** * Get common parameters like: itemprop, value's prefix (pretext), suffix (posttext), separator, value list open/close text (opentag, closetag) * This will replace other field values and item properties, if such are found inside the parameter texts */ $common_params_array = $this->getCommonParams(); extract($common_params_array); // *** // *** SETUP VALUES: retrieve, verify, load defaults, etc // *** $values = $values ? $values : $field->value; // Intro-full mode get their values from item's parameters if ($image_source === -1) { $values = array(); // Use 'intro' image in multi-item listings switch ($view) { case 'item': $_image_name = $field->parameters->get('img-if-for-itemlist', '2') === '1' ? 'intro' : 'fulltext'; break; case 'category': $_image_name = $field->parameters->get('img-if-for-catlist', '1') === '1' ? 'intro' : 'fulltext'; break; case 'module': case 'sublist': default: $_image_name = $field->parameters->get('img-if-for-modlist', '1') === '1' ? 'intro' : 'fulltext'; break; } if ($item->images) { if (!is_object($item->images)) { try { $item->images = new \Joomla\Registry\Registry($item->images); } catch (Exception $e) { $item->images = flexicontent_db::check_fix_JSON_column('images', 'content', 'id', $item->id); } } $_image_path = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name, ''); $_image_path = explode('#', $_image_path); $_image_path = $_image_path[0]; // Use 'fulltext' image if 'intro' image is empty if (!$_image_path && $_image_name === 'intro') { $_image_name = 'fulltext'; $_image_path = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name, ''); } $image_IF = array(); // field attributes (mode-specific) $image_IF['image_size'] = $_image_name; $image_IF['image_path'] = $_image_path; // field attributes (value) $image_IF['originalname'] = basename($_image_path); $image_IF['alt'] = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name.'_alt', ''); $image_IF['title'] = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name.'_title', ''); $image_IF['desc'] = $item->images->get('image_' . $_image_name.'_caption', ''); $image_IF['cust1'] = ''; $image_IF['cust2'] = ''; $image_IF['urllink'] = ''; $values = array(serialize($image_IF)); //echo "
    "; print_r($image_IF); echo "
    "; exit; } } // Check for deleted image files or image files that cannot be thumbnailed, // rebuilding thumbnails as needed, and then assigning checked values to a new array $usable_values = array(); if ($values) { // Handle file-ids as values $v = reset($values); if ((string)(int)$v == $v) { $files_data = $this->getFileData( $values, $published=false ); } /** * Iterate passing A REFERENCE of THE VALUE to rebuildThumbs() and other methods so that value can be modifled, and data like real image width, height can be added */ foreach ($values as $index => $value) { // Non-serialized values, e.g file ids as values (minigallery legacy field) if ((string)(int)$value == $value) { if (isset($files_data[$value])) { $value = array('originalname' => $files_data[$value]->filename); } else { $value = array('originalname' => null); } $values[$index] = serialize($value); } // Serialized value else { $array = $this->unserialize_array($value, $force_array=false, $force_value=false); $value = $array ?: array( 'originalname' => $value ); } // Try to check / rebuild thumbnails if (plgFlexicontent_fieldsImage::rebuildThumbs($field, $value, $item)) { $usable_values[$index] = $values[$index]; } // In case of failed thumbnailing, add empty value if in fieldgroup else if ($is_ingroup) { $usable_values[$index] = array('originalname' => null); } } } $values = & $usable_values; // Allow for thumbnailing of the default image $field->using_default_value = false; /** * Create default image to be used if (a) no image assigned OR (b) images assigned have been deleted */ if ( !count($values)) { $image_DF = array(); // Holds complete relative path and indicates that it is default image for field $default_image = ''; $default_image_custom = $field->parameters->get('default_image_custom', 0); if ($default_image_custom) { $default_image = $this->_get_custom_text($field, $item, 'default_image_custom'); } if (!$default_image) { $default_image = $field->parameters->get('default_image', ''); } if ($default_image) { $image_DF['default_image'] = $default_image; $image_DF['originalname'] = basename($default_image); // Also default image can (possibly) be used across multiple fields, so set flag to add field id to filenames of thumbnails $multiple_image_usages = true; $extra_prefix = 'fld' . $field->id . '_'; $field->using_default_value = true; // field attributes (value) $image_DF['alt'] = $default_alt; $image_DF['title'] = $default_title; $image_DF['desc'] = $default_desc; $image_DF['cust1'] = $default_cust1; $image_DF['cust2'] = $default_cust2; $image_DF['urllink'] = ''; // Create thumbnails for default image if (plgFlexicontent_fieldsImage::rebuildThumbs($field, $image_DF, $item)) { $values = array(serialize($image_DF)); } } } // *** // *** Check for no values and no default value, and return empty display // *** if (empty($values)) { $field->{$prop} = $is_ingroup ? array() : ''; return; } // Assign (possibly) altered value array to back to the field $field->value = $values; // This is not done for onDisplayFieldValue, TODO check if this is needed // *** // *** Default display method depends on view // *** if ($prop=='display' && ($view=='item' || $view=='category')) { $_method = $view === 'item' ? $field->parameters->get('default_method_item', 'display') : $field->parameters->get('default_method_cat', 'display_single_total'); } else { $_method = $prop; } $cat_link_single_to = $field->parameters->get( 'cat_link_single_to', 1) ; // Calculate some flags, SINGLE image display and Link-to-Item FLAG $isSingle = isset(self::$single_displays[$_method]); $linkto_item = $_method == 'display_link' || $_method == 'display_single_link' || $_method == 'display_single_total_link' || ($view!='item' && $cat_link_single_to && $isSingle); // *** // *** JS gallery configuration // *** $usepopup = (int) $field->parameters->get( 'usepopup', 1 ) ; // use JS gallery $popuptype = $field->parameters->get( 'popuptype', 1 ) ; // JS gallery type if (is_numeric($popuptype)) { $popuptype = (int) $popuptype; } // Different for mobile clients $popuptype_mobile = $field->parameters->get( 'popuptype_mobile', $popuptype ) ; // this defaults to desktop when empty if (is_numeric($popuptype_mobile)) { $popuptype_mobile = (int) $popuptype_mobile; } $PPFX_ = static::$useMobile ? 'popuptype_mobile_' : 'popuptype_'; $popuptype = static::$useMobile ? $popuptype_mobile : $popuptype; // Enable/Disable GALLERY JS according to current view and according to other parameters $popupinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($field->parameters->get('popupinview', array('item', 'category', 'module', 'backend'))); if ( ($view=='item' && !in_array('item', $popupinview)) || ($view=='category' && !in_array('category', $popupinview)) || ($view=='module' && !in_array('module', $popupinview)) || (static::$isItemsManager && !in_array('backend', $popupinview)) || $linkto_item || $prop=='display_large' || $prop=='display_original' || $format !== 'html' || $realview=='itemcompare' ) { $usepopup = 0; } /** * If using a non allowed gallery JS, then force fancybox */ // Only allow multibox and fancybox in items manager $iManager_containers = array(1,4); // Display types that need special container are not allowed when field in a group $no_container_needed = array(1,2,3,4,6); if ( (static::$isItemsManager && !in_array($popuptype, $iManager_containers)) || ($is_ingroup && is_numeric($popuptype) && !in_array($popuptype, $no_container_needed)) ) { $popuptype = 4; } // Optionally group images from all image fields of current item ... or of all items in view too $grouptype = $field->parameters->get( 'grouptype', 1 ) ; // Needed by some js galleries $thumb_w_s = $field->parameters->get( 'w_s', 120); $thumb_h_s = $field->parameters->get( 'h_s', 90); $wl = $field->parameters->get( 'w_l', 800 ); $hl = $field->parameters->get( 'h_l', 600 ); // *** // *** Hovering ToolTip configuration // *** $uselegend = $field->parameters->get( 'uselegend', 1 ) ; $tooltip_class = 'hasTooltip'; // Enable/disable according to current view $legendinview = FLEXIUtilities::paramToArray($field->parameters->get('legendinview', array('item', 'category'))); if ( ($view=='item' && !in_array('item', $legendinview)) || ($view=='category' && !in_array('category', $legendinview)) || (static::$isItemsManager && !in_array('backend', $legendinview)) ) { $uselegend = 0; } // Check only once per field, if tooltip JS is both needed and has been loaded static $tooltips_loaded = false; static $tooltips_checked = array(); if ( !$tooltips_loaded && !isset($tooltips_checked[$field->id]) ) { if ($uselegend) { $add_tooltips = \Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_flexicontent' )->get('add_tooltips', 1); if ($add_tooltips) { \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('bootstrap.tooltip'); $tooltips_loaded = true; } } $tooltips_checked[$field->id] = true; } // *** // *** Title/Description in inline thumbnails // *** $showtitle = $field->parameters->get('showtitle', 0); $showdesc = $field->parameters->get('showdesc', 0); // *** // *** Link to URL configuration // *** $linkto_url = (int) $field->parameters->get('linkto_url', 0); if ($linkto_url && $realview !== 'itemcompare') { $url_target = $field->parameters->get('url_target','_self'); $isLinkToPopup = $format === 'html' && ($url_target=='multibox' || $url_target=='fancybox'); // Force opening in new window in backend, if URL target is _self if (static::$isItemsManager && $url_target=='_self') { $url_target = "_blank"; } // Linking to URL in popup, enable gallery JS and select appropriate gallery type if ($isLinkToPopup) { $usepopup = 1; if ($url_target === 'multibox') $popuptype = 1; if ($url_target === 'fancybox') $popuptype = 4; } // Not linking in popup, disable adding gallery JS else { $usepopup = 0; } } // Force Fancybox if using Media embeeding, this is until we add support for more galleries ... elseif ($usemediaurl) { $popuptype = 4; } // *** // *** Social website sharing configuration // *** $useogp = (int) $field->parameters->get('useogp', 0); $ogpthumbsize = (int) $field->parameters->get('ogpthumbsize', 2); $ogplimit = (int) $field->parameters->get('ogplimit', 1); // *** // *** Create thumb paths and thumb base URL // *** // *** Extra thumbnails sub-folder for various // Default value if ($field->using_default_value) { $extra_folder = ''; } // Intro-full image mode elseif ($image_source === -1) { $extra_folder = 'intro_full'; } // Media manager mode elseif ($image_source === -2) { $extra_folder = 'mediaman'; } // Various Folder-mode(s) ... TODO: $image_source > 1 elseif ($image_source >= 1) { $extra_folder = 'item_'.$u_item_id.'_field_'.$field->id; // Folder-mode 1 } // DB-mode else { $extra_folder = ''; } // Create thumbs/image Folder and URL paths $thumb_folder = JPATH_SITE .DS. \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $dir .($extra_folder ? DS.$extra_folder : '') ); $thumb_urlpath = $dir_url .($extra_folder ? '/'. $extra_folder : ''); if ($field->using_default_value) { // default image of this field, these are relative paths up to site root $orig_urlpath = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($image_DF['default_image'])); } // Intro-full image mode, image names are relative paths up to the site root elseif ($image_source === -1) { $orig_urlpath = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($image_IF['image_path'])); } // Media manager mode, image names are paths relative to the site root elseif ($image_source === -2) { $orig_urlpath = array(); // calculate later inside value loop } // Various Folder-mode(s) ... TODO: $image_source > 1 elseif ($image_source >= 1) { $orig_urlpath = $thumb_urlpath . '/original'; // Folder-mode 1 } // DB-mode else { $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); $orig_filepath = $target_dir ? static::$cparams->get('file_path', 'components/com_flexicontent/uploads') : static::$cparams->get('media_path', 'components/com_flexicontent/medias'); $orig_urlpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $orig_filepath); } // *** // *** Initialize value handling arrays and loop's common variables // *** $field->thumbs_src['backend'] = array(); $field->thumbs_src['small'] = array(); $field->thumbs_src['medium'] = array(); $field->thumbs_src['large'] = array(); $field->thumbs_src['original']= array(); $field->{"display_backend_src"} = array(); $field->{"display_small_src"} = array(); $field->{"display_medium_src"} = array(); $field->{"display_large_src"} = array(); $field->{"display_original_src"}= array(); $cust1_label = \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_FIELD_IMG_CUST1'); $cust2_label = \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_FIELD_IMG_CUST2'); // Decide thumbnail to use $thumb_size = 0; if (static::$isItemsManager) { $thumb_size = -1; } elseif ($view === 'category') { $thumb_size = $field->parameters->get('thumbincatview',1); } elseif ($view === 'item') { $thumb_size = $field->parameters->get('thumbinitemview',2); } // Cutoff title to a max length $alt_image_prefix = flexicontent_html::striptagsandcut($item->title, 60) . ' ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_IMAGE') . ' '; // *** // *** Get layout name // *** // CASE 0: Add single image display information (e.g. image count) if ( $linkto_item ) { $viewlayout = 'value_link_to_item'; } // CASE 1: Handle linking to a URL instead of image zooming popup elseif ( $linkto_url ) { $viewlayout = 'value_link_to_url'; } // CASE 2: // No gallery JS ... just append inline info and apply pretext, posttext elseif ( !$usepopup ) { $viewlayout = 'value_thumbnail_basic'; } // CASE 3: // Built-in JS gallery elseif ( is_numeric($popuptype) ) { $built_in_gallery_names = array( // Inline slideshow galleries 5 => 'galleriffic', 7 => 'elastislide', // Popup galleries 1 => 'multibox', 2 => 'rokbox', 3 => 'jce_mediabox', 4 => 'fancybox', 6 => 'widgetkit', 8 => 'photoswipe', 9 => 'pannellum', 10 => 'juxtapose', ); $viewlayout = isset($built_in_gallery_names[$popuptype]) ? 'value_gallery_' . $built_in_gallery_names[$popuptype] : 'value_thumbnail_basic'; } // CASE 4: // Custom layout else { $viewlayout = 'value_' . $popuptype; } // Create field's viewing HTML, using layout file $field->{$prop} = array(); include(self::getViewPath($field->field_type, $viewlayout)); } // *** // *** METHODS HANDLING before & after saving / deleting field events // *** // Method to handle field's values before they are saved into the DB public function onBeforeSaveField( &$field, &$post, &$file, &$item ) { if ( !in_array($field->field_type, static::$field_types) ) return; $use_ingroup = $field->parameters->get('use_ingroup', 0); if ( !is_array($post) && !strlen($post) && !$use_ingroup ) return; // Get configuration $app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); $is_importcsv = $app->input->get('task', '', 'cmd') === 'importcsv'; $import_media_folder = $app->input->get('import_media_folder', '', 'string'); $id_col = $app->input->get('id_col', 0, 'int'); $unique_tmp_itemid = $app->input->get('unique_tmp_itemid', '', 'string'); $unique_tmp_itemid = substr($unique_tmp_itemid, 0, 1000); $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); // Set a warning message for overriden/changed files: form.php (frontend) or default.php (backend) if (!$is_importcsv && empty($unique_tmp_itemid)) { $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' requires variable -unique_tmp_itemid- please update your ' . ($app->isClient('site') ? 'form.php' : 'default.php'), 'warning'); } // Execute once static $initialized = null; static $srcpath_original = ''; if ( !$initialized ) { $initialized = 1; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); if ( $is_importcsv ) { $srcpath_original = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( JPATH_SITE .DS. $import_media_folder .DS ); } } // Optional properies configuration $linkto_url = (int) $field->parameters->get('linkto_url', 0); $usemediaurl = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_mediaurl', 0); $usealt = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_alt', 0); $usetitle = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_title', 0); $usedesc = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_desc', 1); $usecust1 = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_cust1', 0); $usecust2 = (int) $field->parameters->get('use_cust2', 0); // *** // *** Special steps for image field in Folder-mode(s) // *** if ($image_source >= 1) { $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir'); $unique_tmp_itemid = substr(\Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->input->get('unique_tmp_itemid', '', 'string'), 0, 1000); $dest_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( JPATH_SITE .DS. $dir . DS. 'item_'.$item->id . '_field_'.$field->id .DS ); //if ( $image_source > 1 ) ; // TODO /** * Create original images folder if doing CSV import and folder does not exist, and there are images (values) for this field */ if ($is_importcsv) { if ($post) { $dest_path_original = $dest_path. 'original' .DS; if (!\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::exists($dest_path_original) && !\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::create($dest_path_original)) { // Cancel item creation $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' : Unable to create folder: ' . $dest_path_original, 'error'); return false; } } } /** * New items have no item id during submission, thus we need to * either rename the temporary name of the images upload folder (NEW ITEM SAVED) * or copy the images upload folder (SAVE AS COPY) */ elseif ($unique_tmp_itemid && $item->id != $unique_tmp_itemid) { $temppath = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean(JPATH_SITE .DS. $dir .DS. 'item_' . $unique_tmp_itemid . '_field_' . $field->id .DS); $save_as_copy = $unique_tmp_itemid == (int) $unique_tmp_itemid; if (file_exists($temppath)) { $save_as_copy ? \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::copy($temppath, $dest_path) : \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::move($temppath, $dest_path); } } } // *** // *** Special steps for image field in MM-mode // *** if ($image_source === -2) { $dest_path_media = 'images/'; $dest_path_media_full = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( JPATH_SITE .DS. $dest_path_media ); } // *** // *** Rearrange file array so that file properties are groupped per value number // *** //echo "
    "; print_r($file); echo "
    "; $files = array(); if ($file) foreach( $file as $key => $all ) { foreach( $all as $i => $val ) { $files[$i][$key] = $val; } } //echo "
    "; print_r($files); echo "
    "; // *** // *** Reformat the posted data & handle uploading / removing / deleting / replacing image files // *** // Make sure posted data is an array $post = !is_array($post) ? array($post) : $post; $new_filenames = array(); $newpost = array(); $new = 0; foreach ($post as $n => $v) { if (empty($v)) { // skip empty value, but allow empty (null) placeholder value if in fieldgroup if ($use_ingroup) $newpost[$new++] = null; continue; } // Support for serialized user data, e.g. basic CSV import / export. (Safety concern: objects code will abort unserialization!) if ( /*$is_importcsv &&*/ !is_array($v) && $v ) { $array = $this->unserialize_array($v, $force_array=false, $force_value=false); $v = $array ?: array( 'originalname' => $v ); } // Add system message if upload error $err_code = isset($files[$n]['error']) ? $files[$n]['error'] : UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE; if ( $err_code && $err_code !== UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE ) { $err_msg = array( UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'No file was uploaded', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Missing a temporary folder', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Failed to write file to disk', UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload' ); \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("FILE FIELD: ".$err_msg[$err_code], 'warning' ); continue; } // Handle uploading a new original file $new_file = $err_code === 0; $new_file_uploaded = null; if ($new_file) { $new_file_uploaded = $this->uploadOriginalFile($field, $v, $files[$n]); } // Handle copying original files from a server folder during CSV import else if ($is_importcsv && $import_media_folder ) { $filename = basename($v['originalname']); $sub_folder = dirname($v['originalname']); $sub_folder = $sub_folder && $sub_folder!='.' ? DS.$sub_folder : ''; if ($image_source >= 1) { $src_file_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $srcpath_original . $v['originalname'] ); $dest_file_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $dest_path_original . $filename ); $result = false; if ( \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::exists($src_file_path) ) { $result = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::copy( $src_file_path, $dest_file_path ); if ( $result && \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::canChmod($dest_file_path) ) { chmod($dest_file_path, 0644); } } elseif ( \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::exists($dest_file_path) ) { $result = true; } $v['originalname'] = $result ? $filename // make sure filename is WITHOUT subfolder : ''; } elseif ($image_source == -2) { $src_file_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $srcpath_original . $v['originalname'] ); $dest_file_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $dest_path_media_full . $filename ); $result = false; if ( \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::exists($src_file_path) ) { $result = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::copy( $src_file_path, $dest_file_path ); if ( $result && \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::canChmod($dest_file_path) ) { chmod($dest_file_path, 0644); } } elseif (\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::exists($dest_file_path)) { $result = true; } $v['originalname'] = $result ? $dest_path_media . $filename // make sure filename is WITH subfolder : ''; } elseif ($image_source === 0) { if ($v['originalname'] == (int) $v['originalname'] && $id_col >= 2) { // Keep existing value } else { $fman = new FlexicontentControllerFilemanager(); $fman->runMode = 'interactive'; $app->input->set('return', null); $app->input->set('file-dir-path', DS.$import_media_folder . $sub_folder); $app->input->set('file-filter-re', preg_quote($filename)); $app->input->set('secure', 1); $app->input->set('keep', 1); $upload_err = null; $file_ids = $fman->addlocal(null, $upload_err); reset($file_ids); // Reset array to point to first element $v['originalname'] = key($file_ids); // The (first) key of file_ids array is the cleaned up filename } } else { // keep value only cleaning it $v['originalname'] = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $v['originalname'] ); } } // Default values for unset required properties of values $v['originalname'] = isset($v['originalname']) ? $v['originalname'] : ''; $v['existingname'] = isset($v['existingname']) ? $v['existingname'] : ''; if ( $v['originalname'] || $v['existingname'] ) { // Handle replacing image with a new existing image if ( $v['existingname'] ) { // Handle value containing more than just the filepath if ($image_source == -2) { $_tmp = explode('#', $v['existingname']); $v['existingname'] = $_tmp[0]; } $v['originalname'] = $v['existingname']; $v['existingname'] = ''; } } else { // No new file posted and no existing selected: Skip current image row, but allow empty (null) placeholder value if in fieldgroup $v = $use_ingroup ? null : false; //$use_ingroup ? array('originalname'=>'') : null; } // Add image entry to a new array skipping empty image entries if ($v !== false) { if ($v) { $new_filenames[$v['originalname']] = 1; // Validate other value properties $v['urllink'] = $linkto_url ? flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['urllink'], 4000, 'URL', 0) : null; $v['mediaurl'] = $usemediaurl ? flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['mediaurl'], 4000, 'URL', 0) : null; if ($usemediaurl === 1 && strpos($v['mediaurl'], 'youtube') === false && strpos($v['mediaurl'], 'vimeo') === false) { $v['mediaurl'] = ''; } $v['alt'] = $usealt ? flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['alt'], 400, 'STRING', 0) : null; $v['title'] = $usetitle ? flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['title'], 400, 'STRING', 0) : null; $v['desc'] = $usedesc ? flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['desc'], 4000, 'STRING', 0) : null; $v['cust1'] = $usecust1 ? flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['cust1'], 4000, 'STRING', 0) : null; $v['cust2'] = $usecust2 ? flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['cust2'], 4000, 'STRING', 0) : null; foreach($v as $propname => $propval) { if ($propval === null) { unset($v[$propname]); } } } $newpost[$new] = $v; $new++; } } $post = $newpost; // Remove no longer used files, if limiting existing image list to current field, or if existing image list is hidden/disabled if ($image_source === 0 && ($field->parameters->get('auto_delete_unused', 1) || !$field->parameters->get('list_all_media_files', 0))) { // Get existing field values, if (!isset($item->fieldvalues)) { $_fieldvalues = FlexicontentFields::getFieldValsById(null, array($item->id)); $item->fieldvalues = isset($_fieldvalues[$item->id]) ? $_fieldvalues[$item->id] : array(); } $db_values = !empty($item->fieldvalues[$field->id]) ? $item->fieldvalues[$field->id] : array(); //echo "
    "; print_r($new_filenames); print_r($db_values);
    			// Remove unused files
    			foreach($db_values as $i => $v)
    				$array = $this->unserialize_array($v, $force_array=false, $force_value=false);
    				$v = $array ?: array(
    					'originalname' => $v
    				$filename = isset($v['originalname']) ? $v['originalname'] : false;
    				if ($filename && !isset($new_filenames[$filename]))
    					// Check if value is in use
    					$canDeleteImage = $this->canDeleteImage($field, $filename, $item);
    					if ($canDeleteImage)
    						$this->removeOriginalFile($field, $filename);
    						//$app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' ['.$n.'] : ' . 'Deleted image file: ' . $filename . ' from server storage');
    		// Serialize multi-property data before storing them into the DB,
    		// null indicates to increment valueorder without adding a value
    		foreach($post as $i => $v)
    			if ($v !== null)
    				$post[$i] = serialize($v);
    	// Method to take any actions/cleanups needed after field's values are saved into the DB
    	public function onAfterSaveField( &$field, &$post, &$file, &$item )
    		if ( empty($post) ) return;
    		$app    = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication();
    		$is_importcsv = $app->input->get('task', '', 'cmd') == 'importcsv';
    		if ( !$is_importcsv ) return;
    		$values = array();
    		foreach($post as $i => $v)
    			if ( !is_array($v) )
    				$array = $this->unserialize_array($v, $force_array=false, $force_value=false);
    				$v = $array ?: array(
    					'originalname' => $v
    			$values[$i] = $v;
    			plgFlexicontent_fieldsImage::rebuildThumbs($field, $values[$i], $item);
    		//echo "{$field->field_type}: 
    ".print_r($values, true)."
    \n"; } // Method called just before the item is deleted to remove custom item data related to the field public function onBeforeDeleteField(&$field, &$item) { $app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir'); $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); if ($image_source >= 1) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); // Delete image folder if it exists $dest_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( JPATH_SITE .DS. $dir . DS. 'item_'.$item->id . '_field_'.$field->id .DS); //if ( $image_source > 1 ) ; // TODO if (\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::exists($dest_path) && !\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::delete($dest_path)) { $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ': Notice: Unable to delete folder: ' . $dest_path, 'warning'); return false; } } } /** * Method to do extra handling of field's values after all fields have validated their posted data, and are ready to be saved * OVERRIDE Default implementation * * $item->fields['fieldname']->postdata contains values of other fields * $item->fields['fieldname']->filedata contains files of other fields (normally this is empty due to using AJAX for file uploading) */ function onAllFieldsPostDataValidated( &$field, &$item ) { $auto_intro_full = (int) $field->parameters->get('auto_intro_full', 0); if ($auto_intro_full === 1) { try { if (is_string($item->images)) { $item->images = json_decode($item->images ?: '{}'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $item->images = json_decode('{}'); } //\Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage('
    ' . print_r($item->images, true) . '
    ' , 'notice'); $p = $item->fields[$field->name]->postdata; //\Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage('
    Field: ' . $field->name . '
    ' . print_r($p, true) . '
    ' , 'notice'); if ($p && reset($p)) { $value = unserialize(reset($p)); //\Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(print_r($value, true), 'notice'); list($file_path, $src_path, $dest_path, $field_index, $extra_prefix) = $this->getThumbPaths($field, $item, $value, $relative = true); $thumb_M = $dest_path . 'm_' . $extra_prefix . $value['originalname']; $thumb_L = $dest_path . 'l_' . $extra_prefix . $value['originalname']; /*\Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage('
    Field: '
    					. $field->name . '
    ' . $file_path . "\n" . $dest_path . "\n" . $field_index . "\n" . $thumb_M . "\n" . $thumb_L . "\n" . '
    ' , 'notice');*/ $item->images->image_intro = $thumb_M; $item->images->image_fulltext = $thumb_L; } $item->images = json_encode($item->images); } } // *** // *** CATEGORY/SEARCH FILTERING METHODS // *** // Method to display a search filter for the advanced search view public function onAdvSearchDisplayFilter(&$filter, $value = '', $formName = 'searchForm') { if ( !in_array($filter->field_type, static::$field_types) ) return; $filter->parameters->set( 'display_filter_as_s', 1 ); // Only supports a basic filter of single text search input FlexicontentFields::createFilter($filter, $value, $formName); } // Method to get the active filter result (an array of item ids matching field filter, or subquery returning item ids) // This is for search view public function getFilteredSearch(&$filter, $value, $return_sql = true) { if ( !in_array($filter->field_type, static::$field_types) ) return; $filter->parameters->set( 'display_filter_as_s', 1 ); // Only supports a basic filter of single text search input return FlexicontentFields::getFilteredSearch($filter, $value, $return_sql); } // *** // *** SEARCH INDEX METHODS // *** // Method to create (insert) advanced search index DB records for the field values public function onIndexAdvSearch(&$field, &$post, &$item) { if ( !in_array($field->field_type, static::$field_types) ) return; if ( !$field->isadvsearch && !$field->isadvfilter ) return; // a. Each of the values of $values array will be added to the advanced search index as searchable text (column value) // b. Each of the indexes of $values will be added to the column 'value_id', // and it is meant for fields that we want to be filterable via a drop-down select // c. If $values is null then only the column 'value' will be added to the search index after retrieving // the column value from table 'flexicontent_fields_item_relations' for current field / item pair will be used // 'required_properties' is meant for multi-property fields, do not add to search index if any of these is empty // 'search_properties' contains property fields that should be added as text // 'properties_spacer' is the spacer for the 'search_properties' text // 'filter_func' is the filtering function to apply to the final text /*if ($post !== null) { $v = reset($post); if ((string)(int)$v == $v) { $files_data = $this->getFileData( $post, $published=false ); } foreach ($post as $index => $value) { // Compatibility for non-serialized values, e.g file ids as values (minigallery legacy field) if ((string)(int)$value == $value) { if (isset($files_data[$value])) { $value = array('originalname' => $files_data[$value]->filename); } else $value = array('originalname' => null); $post[$index] = serialize($value); } else { $array = $this->unserialize_array($value, $force_array=false, $force_value=false); $value = $array ?: array( 'originalname' => $value ); } $post[$index] = $value; } }*/ FlexicontentFields::onIndexAdvSearch($field, $post, $item, $required_properties=array('originalname'), $search_properties=array('title','desc'), $properties_spacer=' ', $filter_func=null); return true; } // Method to create basic search index (added as the property field->search) public function onIndexSearch(&$field, &$post, &$item) { if ( !in_array($field->field_type, static::$field_types) ) return; if ( !$field->issearch ) return; // a. Each of the values of $values array will be added to the basic search index (one record per item) // b. If $values is null then the column value from table 'flexicontent_fields_item_relations' for current field / item pair will be used // 'required_properties' is meant for multi-property fields, do not add to search index if any of these is empty // 'search_properties' contains property fields that should be added as text // 'properties_spacer' is the spacer for the 'search_properties' text // 'filter_func' is the filtering function to apply to the final text /*if ($post !== null) { $v = reset($post); if ((string)(int)$v == $v) { $files_data = $this->getFileData( $post, $published=false ); } foreach ($post as $index => $value) { // Compatibility for non-serialized values, e.g file ids as values (minigallery legacy field) if ((string)(int)$value == $value) { if (isset($files_data[$value])) { $value = array('originalname' => $files_data[$value]->filename); } else $value = array('originalname' => null); $post[$index] = serialize($value); } else { $array = $this->unserialize_array($value, $force_array=false, $force_value=false); $value = $array ?: array( 'originalname' => $value ); } $post[$index] = $value; } }*/ FlexicontentFields::onIndexSearch($field, $post, $item, $required_properties=array('originalname'), $search_properties=array('title','desc'), $properties_spacer=' ', $filter_func=null); return true; } // *** // *** VARIOUS HELPER METHODS // *** /** * Method to handle the uploading of an image file (for 'DB-reusable' mode and not for 'folder' mode) */ function uploadOriginalFile($field, &$post, $file) { $app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); $format = $app->input->get('format', 'html', 'cmd'); $err_text = null; // Get the component configuration $cparams = \Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_flexicontent' ); $params = clone($cparams); // Merge field parameters into the global parameters $fparams = $field->parameters; $params->merge($fparams); jimport('joomla.utilities.date'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.client.helper'); // Set FTP credentials, if given \Joomla\CMS\Client\ClientHelper::setCredentialsFromRequest('ftp'); // Make the filename safe $file['name'] = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::makeSafe($file['name']); $all_media = $field->parameters->get('list_all_media_files', 0); $unique_thumb_method = $field->parameters->get('unique_thumb_method', 0); // IMAGE SOURCE, should be always ZERO (DB-mode) inside this function $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); // FLAG to indicate if images are shared across fields, has the effect of adding field id to image thumbnails $multiple_image_usages = $image_source == 0 && $all_media && $unique_thumb_method == 0; $extra_prefix = $multiple_image_usages ? 'fld' . $field->id . '_' : ''; if ( isset($file['name']) && $file['name'] != '' ) { // Only handle the secure folder $path = ($target_dir ? COM_FLEXICONTENT_FILEPATH : COM_FLEXICONTENT_MEDIAPATH).DS; /** * Check that file contents are safe, and make filename file-system safe * transliterating it according to given language (this forces lowercase) */ $upload_check = flexicontent_upload::check($file, $err_text, $params); /** * Sanitize the file name (filesystem-safe, (this should have been done above already)) * and also return an unique filename for the given folder */ $filename = flexicontent_upload::sanitize($path, $file['name']); $filepath = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean($path.$filename); //perform security check according if (!$upload_check) { if ($format === 'json') { jimport('joomla.error.log'); $log = \Joomla\CMS\Log\Log::getInstance('com_flexicontent.error.php'); $log->addEntry(array( 'comment' => 'Invalid: ' . $filepath . ': ' . $err_text )); header('HTTP/1.0 415 Unsupported Media Type'); die('Error. Unsupported Media Type!'); } $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' : ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_($err_text), 'error'); return false; } //get the extension to record it in the DB $ext = strtolower(flexicontent_upload::getExt($filename)); /** * We allow Joomla default security to execute, if user really uploads an image file, it should not be trigger anyway */ $upload_success = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::upload($file['tmp_name'], $filepath); if (!$upload_success) { if ($format === 'json') { jimport('joomla.error.log'); $log = \Joomla\CMS\Log\Log::getInstance('com_flexicontent.error.php'); $log->addEntry(array('comment' => 'Cannot upload: '.$filepath)); header('HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict'); jexit('Error. File already exists'); } $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' : ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE'), 'error'); return false; } else { $db = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDbo(); $user = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getUser(); $config = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getConfig(); $timezone = $config->get('offset'); $date = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDate('now'); $date->setTimeZone( new DateTimeZone( $timezone ) ); $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->filename = $filename; $obj->altname = $file['name']; $obj->url = 0; $obj->secure = 1; $obj->access = 1; // public $obj->ext = $ext; $obj->hits = 0; $obj->uploaded = $date->toSql(); $obj->uploaded_by = $user->get('id'); if ($format === 'json') { jimport('joomla.error.log'); $log = \Joomla\CMS\Log\Log::getInstance(); $log->addEntry(array('comment' => $filepath)); $db->insertObject('#__flexicontent_files', $obj); jexit('FLEXI_UPLOAD_COMPLETE'); } else { $db->insertObject('#__flexicontent_files', $obj); $app->enqueueMessage($field->label . ' : ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_UPLOAD_COMPLETE')); $sizes = array('l', 'm', 's', 'b'); foreach ($sizes as $size) { // create the thumbnail $this->create_thumb( $field, $filename, $size, $src_path='', $dest_path='', $copy_original=0, $extra_prefix ); // set the filename for posting $post['originalname'] = $filename; } return true; } } } else { $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' : ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE'), 'error'); return false; } } /** * Decide parameters for calling phpThumb library to create a thumbnail according to configuration */ function create_thumb( &$field, $filename, $size, $src_path='', $dest_path='', $copy_original=0, $extra_prefix='' ) { $app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); static $dest_paths_arr = array(); // Execute once static $initialized = null; if (!$initialized) { $initialized = 1; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); } // (DB/Folder/Other) Mode of image field $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); // Image file paths $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir'); $src_path = $src_path ? $src_path : \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean(($target_dir ? COM_FLEXICONTENT_FILEPATH : COM_FLEXICONTENT_MEDIAPATH).DS); $dest_path = $dest_path ? $dest_path : \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( JPATH_SITE .DS. $dir .DS ); $prefix = $size . '_' . $extra_prefix; $filepath = $dest_path.$prefix.$filename; // Parameters for phpthumb $ext = strtolower(flexicontent_upload::getExt($filename)); $w = $field->parameters->get('w_' . $size, self::$default_widths[$size]); $h = $field->parameters->get('h_' . $size, self::$default_heights[$size]); $crop = $field->parameters->get('method_' . $size); $quality= $field->parameters->get('quality'); $usewm = $field->parameters->get('use_watermark_' . $size); $wmfile = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $field->parameters->get('wm_' . $size)); $wmop = $field->parameters->get('wm_opacity'); $wmpos = $field->parameters->get('wm_position'); // Create destination folder if it does not exist if (!\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::exists($dest_path) && !\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::create($dest_path)) { $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' : ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('Error. Unable to create folders'), 'error'); return false; } // Make sure folder is writtable by phpthumb if (!isset($dest_paths_arr[$dest_path]) && \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::canChmod($dest_path)) { /** * \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::setPermissions() is VERY SLOW, because it does chmod() on all folder / subfolder files */ //\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::setPermissions($dest_path, '0644', '0755'); chmod($dest_path, 0755); } // Avoid trying to set folder permission multiple times $dest_paths_arr[$dest_path] = 1; // EITHER copy original image file as current thumbnail (FLAG 'copy_original' is set) if ($copy_original) { $result = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::copy( $src_path.$filename, $filepath ); } // OR Create the thumnail by calling phpthumb else { $result = $this->imagePhpThumb( $src_path, $dest_path, $prefix, $filename, $ext, $w, $h, $quality, $size, $crop, $usewm, $wmfile, $wmop, $wmpos ); } // Make sure the created thumbnail has correct permissions if ($result && \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::canChmod($filepath)) { chmod($filepath, 0644); } return $result; } /** * Load phpThumb if not already loaded */ private function _load_phpthumb() { static $loaded = null; if ($loaded === null) { $loaded = 1; require_once ( JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_flexicontent'.DS.'librairies'.DS.'phpthumb'.DS.'phpthumb.class.php' ); // WE DO INCLUDE TO FORCE LOADING OF configuration AFTER the class // WE HAVE PATCHED configuration not to double define CONSTANTS and FUNCTIONS include ( JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_flexicontent'.DS.'librairies'.DS.'phpthumb'.DS.'phpThumb.config.php' ); } } /** * Call phpThumb library to create a thumbnail according to configuration */ function imagePhpThumb( $src_path, $dest_path, $prefix, $filename, $ext, $width, $height, $quality, $size, $crop, $usewm, $wmfile, $wmop, $wmpos ) { static $initialized = null; if ($initialized === null) { $initialized = 1; $this->_load_phpthumb(); } unset ($phpThumb); $phpThumb = new phpThumb(); // Needed for file paths in windows $filepath = str_replace('\\', '/', $src_path . $filename); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($filepath); $phpThumb->setParameter('config_output_format', "$ext"); $phpThumb->setParameter('w', $width); $phpThumb->setParameter('h', $height); $phpThumb->setParameter('ar', 'x'); if ($usewm == 1) { $phpThumb->setParameter('fltr', 'wmi|'.$wmfile.'|'.$wmpos.'|'.$wmop); } $phpThumb->setParameter('q', $quality); if ($crop == 1) { $phpThumb->setParameter('zc', 1); } $ext = strtolower(flexicontent_upload::getExt($filename)); /** * Maintain image format for output file for specific file extensions * this is needed to keep features like transparency support, * for other formats use default (unless changed this is jpg) */ if ( in_array( $ext, array('png', 'gif', 'ico', 'webp') ) ) { $phpThumb->setParameter('f', $ext); } $output_filename = $dest_path . $prefix . $filename ; // Catch case of bad permission for thumbnail files but good permission for containing folder ... if (file_exists($output_filename)) { \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::delete($output_filename); } if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { if ($phpThumb->RenderToFile($output_filename)) { return true; } //echo 'Failed:
    ' . implode("\n\n", $phpThumb->debugmessages) . '

    '; return false; } //echo 'Failed2:
    ' . $phpThumb->fatalerror . "\n\n" . implode("\n\n", $phpThumb->debugmessages) . '

    '; return false; } /** * Removes an orignal image file and its thumbnails */ public function removeOriginalFile($field, $filename) { $app = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); $db = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDbo(); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); // Folder-mode 1 if ($image_source >= 1) { $thumbfolder = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean(JPATH_SITE .DS. $field->parameters->get('dir') .DS. 'item_'.$field->item_id . '_field_'.$field->id); $origfolder = $thumbfolder .DS. 'original' .DS; } // DB-mode elseif ($image_source === 0) { $thumbfolder = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( JPATH_SITE .DS. $field->parameters->get('dir') ); $origfolder = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( ($target_dir ? COM_FLEXICONTENT_FILEPATH : COM_FLEXICONTENT_MEDIAPATH) ); } // Negative, intro-full mode, this should be unreachable, because else { echo '
    image field id: ' . $field->id . ' is in intro-full mode, removeOriginalFile() should not have been called
    '; } // a. Delete the thumbnails $errors = array(); $sizes = array('l','m','s','b'); foreach ($sizes as $size) { $dest_path = $thumbfolder . DS . $size . '_' . $filename; if (\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::exists($dest_path) && !\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::delete($dest_path)) { $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' : ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_FIELD_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILE') .": ". $dest_path, 'warning'); } } // b. Delete the original image from file manager $src_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean($origfolder.DS.$filename); if (!\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::delete($src_path)) { $app->enqueueMessage('Field: ' . $field->label . ' : ' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('FLEXI_FIELD_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILE') . ': ' . $src_path, 'warning'); } // For DB-mode, also delete file from database if ($image_source === 0) { $query = 'DELETE FROM #__flexicontent_files WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('filename') . ' = ' . $db->Quote($filename); $db->setQuery($query)->execute(); } return true; } /** * Smart image thumbnail size check and rebuilding */ function rebuildThumbs(&$field, &$value, &$item) { static $images_processed = array(); // Execute once static $initialized = null; if ( !$initialized ) { $initialized = 1; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); } // Unseriaze value if not already done if ( !is_array($value) ) { $array = $this->unserialize_array($value, $force_array=false, $force_value=false); $value = $array ?: array( 'originalname' => $value ); } // Check for empty filename $value['originalname'] = isset($value['originalname']) ? trim($value['originalname']) : ''; if (!$value['originalname']) { return; } // Do not thumbnail URLs (we only check for absolute URLs) if (preg_match("#^(?:[a-z]+:)?//#", $value['originalname'])) { return true; } $filename = basename($value['originalname']); // Extra thumbnails sub-folder list($file_path, $src_path, $dest_path, $field_index, $extra_prefix) = $this->getThumbPaths($field, $item, $value); // Return cached data, avoiding rechecking/recreating image thumbnails multiple times if (isset($images_processed[$field_index][$file_path])) { return $images_processed[$field_index][$file_path]; } // Check for original file have been deleted or is not being a file if (!file_exists($file_path) || !is_file($file_path)) { return ($images_processed[$field_index][$file_path] = false); } /** * Enforce protection of original image files for any type of Folder-mode * But do not try to protect folder of default image */ if (empty($value['default_image'])) { $this->protectImagePath($field, $src_path); } /** * Check dimension of thumbs and rebuild as needed */ $filesize = getimagesize($file_path); $origsize_h = $filesize[1]; $origsize_w = $filesize[0]; $sizes = array('l', 'm', 's', 'b'); // Always create an unprefixed small thumb, it is needed when assigning preview if ($extra_prefix) { $sizes[] = '_s'; } $thumbres = true; foreach ($sizes as $size) { $check_small = $size=='_s'; $size = $check_small ? 's' : $size; $thumbname = $size . '_' . ($check_small ? '' : $extra_prefix) . $filename; $path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean($dest_path .DS. $thumbname); if (file_exists($path)) { $filesize = getimagesize($path); $filesize_w = $filesize[0]; $filesize_h = $filesize[1]; $thumbnail_exists = true; // Set real sizes for using the with SRCSET if (!$check_small) { $value['size_w_' . $size] = $filesize_w; $value['size_h_' . $size] = $filesize_h; } } else { $thumbnail_exists = false; } if ($thumbnail_exists && $check_small) { continue; } $param_w = $field->parameters->get('w_' . $size, self::$default_widths[$size]); $param_h = $field->parameters->get('h_' . $size, self::$default_heights[$size]); $crop = $field->parameters->get('method_' . $size); $usewm = $field->parameters->get('use_watermark_' . $size); $copyorg = $field->parameters->get('copy_original_' . $size, 1); $copy_original = ($copyorg==2) || ($origsize_w == $param_w && $origsize_h == $param_h && !$usewm && $copyorg==1); if (!$crop) { $check_w = $param_w > $origsize_w ? $origsize_w : $param_w; $check_h = $param_h > $origsize_h ? $origsize_h : $param_h; } // Check if size of file is not same as parameters and recreate the thumbnail if ( !$thumbnail_exists || ( $crop==0 && ( (abs($filesize_w - $check_w)>1 ) && // scale width can be larger than it is currently (abs($filesize_h - $check_h)>1 ) // scale height can be larger than it is currently ) ) || ( $crop==1 && ( ($param_w <= $origsize_w && abs($filesize_w - $param_w)>1 ) || // crop width can be smaller than it is currently ($param_h <= $origsize_h && abs($filesize_h - $param_h)>1 ) // crop height can be smaller than it is currently ) ) ) { /*if (\Joomla\CMS\Factory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin', 'root.1')) { echo "FILENAME: ".$thumbname.", ".($crop ? "CROP" : "SCALE").", ".($thumbnail_exists ? "OLDSIZE(w,h): $filesize_w,$filesize_h" : "") ." NEWSIZE(w,h): $param_w,$param_h
    " ." ORIGSIZE(w,h): $origsize_w,$origsize_h
    " ; }*/ $was_thumbed = $this->create_thumb( $field, $filename, $size, $src_path, $dest_path, $copy_original, ($check_small ? '' : $extra_prefix) ); $thumbres = $thumbres && $was_thumbed; } } return ($images_processed[$field_index][$file_path] = $thumbres); } /** * Returns an array of images that can be deleted * e.g. of a specific field, or a specific uploader */ function canDeleteImage( &$field, $record, &$item ) { // Retrieve available (and appropriate) images from the DB $db = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDbo(); $query = 'SELECT id' . ' FROM #__flexicontent_files' . ' WHERE filename='. $db->Quote($record) ; $db->setQuery($query); $file_id = $db->loadResult(); if (!$file_id) return true; $ignored = array($item->id); $fm = new FlexicontentModelFilemanager(); return $fm->candelete( array($file_id), $ignored ); } /** * Create a string that concatenates various image information * (Function is not called anywhere, used only for debugging) */ function listImageUses($field, $record) { $db = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDbo(); $query = 'SELECT value, item_id' . ' FROM #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations' . ' WHERE field_id = '. (int) $field->id ; $db->setQuery($query); $db_data = $db->loadObjectList(); $itemids = array(); // Remove unused files foreach($db_data as $i => $data) { $array = $this->unserialize_array($data->value, $force_array=false, $force_value=false); $data->value = $array ?: array( 'originalname' => $data->value ); $filename = isset($data->value['originalname']) ? $data->value['originalname'] : false; if ($filename && $filename == $record) { $itemids[] = $data->item_id; } } return implode(',' , $itemids); } /** * Get message about upload information & upload limitations * (Function is not called anywhere, used only for debugging) */ function getUploadLimitsTxt($field, $enable_multi_uploader = true) { $tooltip_class = 'hasTooltip'; $hint_image = \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::image ( 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/comments.png', \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_( 'FLEXI_NOTES' ), '' ); $warn_image = \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::image ( 'components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/warning.png', \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_( 'FLEXI_NOTES' ), '' ); \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::addIncludePath(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_flexicontent/helpers/html'); $upConf = \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('fcuploader.getUploadConf', $field); $phpUploadLimit = flexicontent_upload::getPHPuploadLimit(); $server_limit_exceeded = $phpUploadLimit['value'] < $upConf['upload_maxsize']; $server_limit_active = $server_limit_exceeded && ! $enable_multi_uploader; $conf_limit_class = $server_limit_active ? 'badge badge-box' : ''; $conf_limit_style = $server_limit_active ? 'text-decoration: line-through;' : ''; $conf_lim_image = $server_limit_active ? $warn_image.$hint_image : $hint_image; $sys_limit_class = $server_limit_active ? 'badge badge-box badge-warning' : ''; return ' '.\Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_( $server_limit_exceeded ? 'FLEXI_UPLOAD_LIMITS' : 'FLEXI_UPLOAD_LIMIT' ).' '.$conf_lim_image.' '.round($upConf['upload_maxsize'] / (1024*1024), 2).' M '.($server_limit_exceeded ? ' '.$hint_image.' '.round($phpUploadLimit['value'] / (1024*1024), 2).' M ' : '').' '; } /** * Register a message about internal bug of not-implemented image source mode */ function nonImplementedMode($image_source, &$field) { $field->parameters->set('image_source', 1); static $fc_folder_mode_err; if (isset($fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id])) { return 1; } \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("Error source-mode: ".$image_source." not implemented please change image-source mode in image/gallery field with id: ".$field->id, 'warning' ); $fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id] = 1; return 1; } /** * Get DB data for the given file IDs */ function getFileData($fid, $published = 1, $extra_select = '') { // Find which file data are already cached, and if no new file ids to query, then return cached only data static $cached_data = array(); $return_data = array(); $new_ids = array(); $file_ids = (array) $fid; foreach ($file_ids as $file_id) { $f = (int)$file_id; if ( !isset($cached_data[$f]) && $f) $new_ids[] = $f; } // Get file data not retrieved already if ( count($new_ids) ) { // Only query files that are not already cached $db = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDbo(); $query = 'SELECT * '. $extra_select //filename, filename_original, altname, description, ext, id' . ' FROM #__flexicontent_files' . ' WHERE id IN ('. implode(',', $new_ids) . ')' . ($published ? ' AND published = 1' : '') ; $db->setQuery($query); $new_data = $db->loadObjectList('id'); if ($new_data) foreach($new_data as $file_id => $file_data) { $cached_data[$file_id] = $file_data; } } // Finally get file data in correct order foreach($file_ids as $file_id) { $f = (int)$file_id; if ( isset($cached_data[$f]) && $f) { $return_data[$file_id] = $cached_data[$f]; } } return !is_array($fid) ? @$return_data[(int)$fid] : $return_data; } /** * Get folder path used by image thubmnails */ function getThumbPaths($field, $item, $value, $rel = false) { $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $target_dir = (int) $field->parameters->get('target_dir', 1); $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir'); // Check if using folder of original content being translated $of_usage = $field->untranslatable ? 1 : $field->parameters->get('of_usage', 0); $u_item_id = ($of_usage && $item->lang_parent_id && $item->lang_parent_id != $item->id) ? $item->lang_parent_id : $item->id; // Extract sub-folder pathfrom the (filepath) value (if it exists) $subpath = dirname($value['originalname']); $subpath = $subpath !== '.' ? $subpath . DS : ''; $filename = basename($value['originalname']); /** * Find extra thumbnails sub-folder * Find original folder path */ // Default value, ('default_image' is a FILE path) if (!empty($value['default_image'])) { $extra_folder = ''; $src_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( (!$rel ? JPATH_SITE . DS : '') . dirname($value['default_image']) .DS ); } // Intro-full image mode, ('image_path' is a FILE path of an intro / full image) elseif ($image_source === -1) { $extra_folder = 'intro_full'; $src_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( (!$rel ? JPATH_SITE . DS : '') . dirname($value['image_path']) .DS ); } // Media manager mode elseif ($image_source === -2) { $extra_folder = 'mediaman'; $src_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( JPATH_SITE .DS ); } // Folder-mode 1 elseif ($image_source >= 1) { $extra_folder = 'item_'.$u_item_id . '_field_'.$field->id; $src_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( (!$rel ? JPATH_SITE . DS : '') . $dir .DS. $extra_folder .DS. 'original' .DS ); } // DB-mode else { $extra_folder = ''; $src_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( ($target_dir ? COM_FLEXICONTENT_FILEPATH : COM_FLEXICONTENT_MEDIAPATH).DS ); } // Add value-extracted subpath to original folder $src_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $src_path . ($subpath ? $subpath . DS : '') ); // Full path of original file - and - Destination folder $file_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $src_path . $filename ); $dest_path = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( (!$rel ? JPATH_SITE . DS : '') . $dir .DS. ($extra_folder ? $extra_folder .DS : '') ); /** * Create an index that differentiatiates same file in different fields */ // Folder-mode 1 if ($image_source >= 1) { // TODO other folder modes $field_index = 'item_'.$u_item_id . '_field_'.$field->id; } // DB-mode or intro-full mode else { $field_index = 'field_'.$field->id; } // Configuration $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; $all_media = $field->parameters->get('list_all_media_files', 0); $unique_thumb_method = $field->parameters->get('unique_thumb_method', 0); // *** FLAG to indicate if images are shared across fields, has the effect of adding field id to image thumbnails $multiple_image_usages = $image_source == 0 && $all_media && $unique_thumb_method == 0; $multiple_image_usages = $multiple_image_usages || !empty($value['default_image']); $extra_prefix = $multiple_image_usages ? 'fld' . $field->id . '_' : ''; //echo 'file_path: ' . $file_path ."
    " . 'dest_path: ' . $dest_path ."

    "; return array($file_path, $src_path, $dest_path, $field_index, $extra_prefix); } /** * Enforce protection of original image files any Folder-mode */ protected function protectImagePath($field, $src_path) { $image_source = (int) $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0); $image_source = $image_source > 1 ? $this->nonImplementedMode($image_source, $field) : $image_source; if ($image_source < 1 || !\Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::exists($src_path)) { return; } $protect_original = $field->parameters->get('protect_original', 1); $htaccess_file = \Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Path::clean( $src_path . '.htaccess' ); $file_contents = $protect_original ? '# do not allow direct access and also deny scripts'."\n". ''."\n". ' Order Allow,Deny'."\n". ' Deny from all'."\n". ''."\n". 'OPTIONS -Indexes -ExecCGI'."\n" : '# allow direct access but deny script'."\n". ''."\n". ' Order Allow,Deny'."\n". ' Allow from all'."\n". ''."\n". 'OPTIONS -Indexes -ExecCGI'."\n"; // write .htaccess file $fh = @ fopen($htaccess_file, 'w'); if (!$fh) { \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage( 'Cannot create/write file:'.$htaccess_file, 'notice' ); } else { fwrite($fh, $file_contents); fclose($fh); } } /** * TODO move this method to parent field class or to helper class */ private function _get_custom_text($field, $item, $paramName, $paramNameCode = null) { // Check if using 'auto_value_code', clear 'auto_value', if function not set $custom_text = (int) $field->parameters->get($paramName, 0); if ($custom_text === 2) { $paramNameCode = $paramNameCode ?: $paramName . '_code'; $custom_text_code = $field->parameters->get($paramNameCode, ''); $custom_text_code = preg_replace('/^<\?php(.*)(\?>)?$/s', '$1', $custom_text_code); } $custom_text = $custom_text === 2 && !$custom_text_code ? 0 : $custom_text; if (!$custom_text) { return; } $return = array(); switch($custom_text) { case 2: // AUTOMATIC value, via function try { ob_start(); $old_error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT); $old_error_handler = set_error_handler(array($this, '_custom_error_handler')); $return = eval($custom_text_code); error_reporting($old_error_reporting); set_error_handler($old_error_handler); $errors = trim(ob_get_contents()); ob_clean(); if ($errors) \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage( 'Field \'' . $field->label . '\' :
    ' . $errors . '
    ', 'notice'); } catch (ParseError $e) { \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage( "Automatic value custom code, failed with:
    " . $e->getMessage() . '
    ', 'warning'); } break; } return $return; } private function _custom_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) { // This error code is not included in error_reporting, so let it fall through to the standard PHP error handler return false; } switch ($errno) { case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: case E_DEPRECATED: case E_USER_DEPRECATED: case E_STRICT: echo("NOTICE: $errstr at line: $errline \n"); break; case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: echo("WARNING: $errstr at line: $errline \n"); break; case E_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: echo("ERROR: $errstr at line: $errline \n"); default: echo("UNKNOWN ERROR at line: $errline \n"); } } }