# general guiEnabled: true systemVersion: latest historic: false # autostarter checkInterval: 5 # redis redisHost: redis redisPort: 6379 # api apiHost: postgrest apiPort: 3000 configHost: configuration configPort: 3000 databaseHost: database restPort: 3000 nginxHost: nginx # monitor-specific configs risId: 8522 # database dbHost: postgres dbPort: 5432 dbVersion: 24 dbName: artemis_db dbUser: artemis_user dbPass: Art3m1s dbSchema: public dbAutoClean: false dbBackup: true dbHijackDormant: false # frontend webappHost: frontend webappPort: 4200 adminPass: admin1234 adminEmail: admin@admin.com sessionTimeout: 1800 inactivityTimeout: 900 limitWindow: 900000 limitRequests: 20 captchaWindow: 900000 captchaTries: 4 artemisWebBaseDir: "" serviceAccountPath: "" # mongodb mongodbUser: admin mongodbPass: pass mongodbHost: mongodb mongodbPort: 27017 mongodbName: artemis-web # ldap ldapEnabled: true ldapHost: ldap ldapPort: 10389 ldapProtocol: ldap ldapBindDN: "cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" ldapSearchBase: "ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" ldapSearchFilter: "(mail={{username}})" ldapSearchAttributes: "mail,uid" ldapGroupSearchBase: "ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" ldapGroupSearchFilter: "(mail={{username}})" ldapGroupSearchAttributes: "mail,uid" ldapEmailFieldName: mail ldapAdminGroup: admin_staff # Google SSO googleEnabled: false googleClientID: '' googleClientSecret: '' # rabbitmq rabbitmqHost: rabbitmq rabbitmqPort: 5672 rabbitmqUser: guest rabbitmqPass: guest rabbitmqIoThreadPoolSize: 128 # hasura hasuraHost: graphql hasuraPort: 8080 hasuraGui: false # custom log filter hijackLogFilter: '[{"community_annotation":"critical"},{"community_annotation":"NA"}]' # timeout (sec) since last seen BGP update for monitors monTimeoutLastBgpUpdate: 3600 # fields to preserve in hijack logs hijackLogFields: '["prefix","hijack_as","type","time_started","time_last","peers_seen","configured_prefix","timestamp_of_config","asns_inf","time_detected","key","community_annotation","rpki_status","end_tag","outdated_parent","hijack_url"]' # percentage of monitor peers that have seen hijack updates, required to see corresponding withdrawals to declare a # hijack as withdrawn withdrawnHijackThreshold: 80 rpkiValidatorEnabled: false rpkiValidatorHost: routinator rpkiValidatorPort: 3323 testEnv: false autoRecoverProcessState: true # services services: riperistap: image: inspiregroup/artemis-riperistap replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 bgpstreamlivetap: image: inspiregroup/artemis-bgpstreamlivetap replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 bgpstreamkafkatap: image: inspiregroup/artemis-bgpstreamkafkatap replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 bgpstreamhisttap: image: inspiregroup/artemis-bgpstreamhisttap replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 exabgptap: image: inspiregroup/artemis-exabgptap replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 autoignore: image: inspiregroup/artemis-autoignore replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 autostarter: image: inspiregroup/artemis-autostarter replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 configuration: image: inspiregroup/artemis-configuration replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 database: image: inspiregroup/artemis-database replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 detection: image: inspiregroup/artemis-detection replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 fileobserver: image: inspiregroup/artemis-fileobserver replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 mitigation: image: inspiregroup/artemis-mitigation replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 notifier: image: inspiregroup/artemis-notifier replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 prefixtree: image: inspiregroup/artemis-prefixtree replicas: 1 ports: - 3000 frontend: image: inspiregroup/artemis-frontend-web replicas: 1 ports: - 4200 redis: image: redis ports: - 6379 postgrest: image: postgrest/postgrest:v10.0.0 ports: - 3000 postgres: image: timescale/timescaledb:2.8.1-pg14 ports: - 5432 rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:3.9.20-management-alpine ports: - 5672 graphql: image: hasura/graphql-engine:v2.10.2 ports: - 8080 pgamqpbridge: image: curiouzk0d3r/pg-amqp-bridge:latest mongodb: image: mongo:4.4.6-bionic ports: - 27017 # ingress ingress: enabled: true # Used to create an Ingress record. host: artemis.com tlsEnabled: true annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx graphql: annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /v1alpha1/graphql frontend: annotations: # pvc pvc: storage: 1Gi # storageClassName: rook-block accessMode: ReadWriteOnce annotations: helm.sh/resource-policy: "keep" # nodeselector nodeSelector: {} # probes probes: {} # livenessProbe: # httpGet: # path: /health # port: 3000 # failureThreshold: 2 # periodSeconds: 5 # startupProbe: # httpGet: # path: /health # port: 3000 # failureThreshold: 30 # periodSeconds: 10