local HTTP = HTTP --[[--------------------------------------------------------- HTTP Module. Interaction with HTTP. -----------------------------------------------------------]] module( "http" ) --[[--------------------------------------------------------- Get the contents of a webpage. Callback should be function callback( (args optional), contents, size ) -----------------------------------------------------------]] function Fetch( url, onsuccess, onfailure, header ) local request = { url = url, method = "get", headers = header or {}, success = function( code, body, headers ) if ( !onsuccess ) then return end onsuccess( body, body:len(), headers, code ) end, failed = function( err ) if ( !onfailure ) then return end onfailure( err ) end } local success = HTTP( request ) if ( !success && onfailure ) then onfailure( "HTTP failed" ) end end function Post( url, params, onsuccess, onfailure, header ) local request = { url = url, method = "post", parameters = params, headers = header or {}, success = function( code, body, headers ) if ( !onsuccess ) then return end onsuccess( body, body:len(), headers, code ) end, failed = function( err ) if ( !onfailure ) then return end onfailure( err ) end } local success = HTTP( request ) if ( !success && onfailure ) then onfailure( "HTTP failed" ) end end --[[ Or use HTTP( table ) local request = { url = "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=3jsf50nL", method = "post", parameters = { id = "548", country = "England" } success = function( code, body, headers ) Msg( "Request Successful\n" ) Msg( "Code: ", code, "\n" ) Msg( "Body Length:\n", body:len(), "\n" ) Msg( "Body:\n", body, "\n" ) PrintTable( headers ) end, failed = function( reason ) Msg( "Request failed: ", reason, "\n" ) end } HTTP( request ) --]]