; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; App settings ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [app] ;PortNumber = 8088 ;HomeDir = "" ; --------------- ControlPanel disabled | readonly | readwrite ;ControlPanelSetting = readonly ;ControlPanelPort = 8090 ; --------------- DBType: LDB | Bolt | Map ;DBType = "LDB" ;LdbPath = "database/ldb" ;BoltDBPath = "database/bolt" ;DataStorePath = "data/export" ;DirectoryBlockInSeconds = 6 ;ExportData = false ;ExportDataSubpath = "database/export/" ;FastBoot = true ;FastBootLocation = "" ; --------------- Network: MAIN | TEST | LOCAL ;Network = MAIN ;PeersFile = "peers.json" ;MainNetworkPort = 8108 ;MainSeedURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FactomProject/factomproject.github.io/master/seed/mainseed.txt" ;MainSpecialPeers = "" ;TestNetworkPort = 8109 ;TestSeedURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FactomProject/factomproject.github.io/master/seed/testseed.txt" ;TestSpecialPeers = "" ;LocalNetworkPort = 8110 ;LocalSeedURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FactomProject/factomproject.github.io/master/seed/localseed.txt" ;LocalSpecialPeers = "" ;CustomNetworkPort = 8110 ;CustomSeedURL = "" ;CustomSpecialPeers = "" ; The maximum number of other peers dialing into this node that will be accepted ;P2PIncoming = 200 ; The maximum number of peers this node will attempt to dial into ;P2POutgoing = 32 ; --------------- NodeMode: FULL | SERVER ---------------- ;NodeMode = FULL ;LocalServerPrivKey = 4c38c72fc5cdad68f13b74674d3ffb1f3d63a112710868c9b08946553448d26d ;LocalServerPublicKey = cc1985cdfae4e32b5a454dfda8ce5e1361558482684f3367649c3ad852c8e31a ;ExchangeRateChainId = 111111118d918a8be684e0dac725493a75862ef96d2d3f43f84b26969329bf03 ;ExchangeRateAuthorityPublicKeyMainNet = daf5815c2de603dbfa3e1e64f88a5cf06083307cf40da4a9b539c41832135b4a ;ExchangeRateAuthorityPublicKeyTestNet = 1d75de249c2fc0384fb6701b30dc86b39dc72e5a47ba4f79ef250d39e21e7a4f ; Private key all zeroes: ;ExchangeRateAuthorityPublicKeyLocalNet = 3b6a27bcceb6a42d62a3a8d02a6f0d73653215771de243a63ac048a18b59da29 ; The public keys used to validate anchor records in either the Bitcoin or Ethereuem anchor chains ;BitcoinAnchorRecordPublicKeys = "0426a802617848d4d16d87830fc521f4d136bb2d0c352850919c2679f189613a" ; m1 key ;BitcoinAnchorRecordPublicKeys = "d569419348ed7056ec2ba54f0ecd9eea02648b260b26e0474f8c07fe9ac6bf83" ; m2 key, currently in use ;EthereumAnchorRecordPublicKeys = "a4a7905ab2226f267c6b44e1d5db2c97638b7bbba72fd1823d053ccff2892455" ; These define if the RPC and Control Panel connection to factomd should be encrypted, and if it is, what files ; are the secret key and the public certificate. factom-cli and factom-walletd uses the certificate specified here if TLS is enabled. ; To use default files and paths leave /full/path/to/... in place. ;FactomdTlsEnabled = false ;FactomdTlsPrivateKey = "/full/path/to/factomdAPIpriv.key" ;FactomdTlsPublicCert = "/full/path/to/factomdAPIpub.cert" ; These are the username and password that factomd requires for the RPC API and the Control Panel ; This file is also used by factom-cli and factom-walletd to determine what login to use ;FactomdRpcUser = "" ;FactomdRpcPass = "" ; RequestTimeout is the amount of time in seconds before a pending request for a ; missing DBState is considered too old and the state is put back into the ; missing states list. ;RequestTimeout = 120 ; RequestLimit is the maximum number of pending requests for missing states. ; factomd will stop making DBStateMissing requests until current requests are ; moved out of the waiting list ;RequestLimit = 200 ; This paramater allows Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) so web browsers will use data returned from the API when called from the listed URLs ; Example paramaters are "http://www.example.com, http://anotherexample.com, *" ;CorsDomains = "" ; Specifying when to change ACKs for switching leader servers ;ChangeAcksHeight = 0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; logLevel - allowed values are: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency and none ; ConsoleLogLevel - allowed values are: debug, standard ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [log] ;logLevel = error ;LogPath = "database/Log" ;ConsoleLogLevel = standard ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Configurations for factom-walletd ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Walletd] ; These are the username and password that factom-walletd requires ; This file is also used by factom-cli to determine what login to use ;WalletRpcUser = "" ;WalletRpcPass = "" ; These define if the connection to the wallet should be encrypted, and if it is, what files ; are the secret key and the public certificate. factom-cli uses the certificate specified here if TLS is enabled. ; To use default files and paths leave /full/path/to/... in place. ;WalletTlsEnabled = false ;WalletTlsPrivateKey = "/full/path/to/walletAPIpriv.key" ;WalletTlsPublicCert = "/full/path/to/walletAPIpub.cert" ; This is where factom-walletd and factom-cli will find factomd to interact with the blockchain ; This value can also be updated to authorize an external ip or domain name when factomd creates a TLS cert ;FactomdLocation = "localhost:8088" ; This is where factom-cli will find factom-walletd to create Factoid and Entry Credit transactions ; This value can also be updated to authorize an external ip or domain name when factom-walletd creates a TLS cert ;WalletdLocation = "localhost:8089" ; Enables wallet database encryption on factom-walletd. If this option is enabled, an unencrypted database ; cannot exist. If an unencrypted database exists, the wallet will exit. ;WalletEncrypted = false