ChangeLog ========= .. Note for v4.x: don't forget to check "Deprecated" sections for removal. 3.3.2 (unreleased) ------------------ - Nothing changed yet. 3.3.1 (2024-08-18) ------------------ *New:* - Add support for Django 4.2 - Add support for Django 5.1 - Add support for Python 3.12 - :issue:`903`: Add basic typing annotations - Run the test suite against ``mongomock`` instead of an actual MongoDB server *Bugfix:* - :issue:`1031`: Do not require :attr:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyOptions.sqlalchemy_session` when :attr:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyOptions.sqlalchemy_session_factory` is provided. *Removed:* - Stop advertising and verifying support for Django 3.2, 4.0, 4.1 3.3.0 (2023-07-19) ------------------ *New:* - :issue:`366`: Add :class:`factory.django.Password` to generate Django :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` passwords. - :issue:`304`: Add :attr:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyOptions.sqlalchemy_session_factory` to dynamically create sessions for use by the :class:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory`. - Add support for Django 4.0 - Add support for Django 4.1 - Add support for Python 3.10 - Add support for Python 3.11 *Bugfix:* - Make :meth:`~factory.django.mute_signals` mute signals during post-generation. - :issue:`775`: Change the signature for :class:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory`'s ``_save`` and ``_get_or_create`` methods to avoid argument names clashes with a field named ``session``. *Deprecated:* - :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` will stop issuing a second call to :meth:`` on the created instance when :ref:`post-generation-hooks` return a value. To help with the transition, :class:`factory.django.DjangoModelFactory`'s ``_after_postgeneration`` raises a :class:`DeprecationWarning` when calling :meth:``. Inspect your :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` subclasses: - If the :meth:`` call is not needed after :class:`~factory.PostGeneration`, set :attr:`factory.django.DjangoOptions.skip_postgeneration_save` to ``True`` in the factory meta. - Otherwise, the instance has been modified by :class:`~factory.PostGeneration` hooks and needs to be :meth:``\ d. Either: - call :meth:`` in the :class:`~factory.PostGeneration` hook that modifies the instance, or - override the :class:`~factory.Factory._after_postgeneration` method to :meth:`` the instance. *Removed:* - Drop support for Django 2.2 - Drop support for Django 3.0 - Drop support for Django 3.1 - Drop support for Python 3.6 - Drop support for Python 3.7 3.2.1 (2021-10-26) ------------------ *New:* - Add support for Django 3.2 *Bugfix:* - Do not override signals receivers registered in a :meth:`~factory.django.mute_signals` context. - :issue:`775`: Change the signature for :class:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory`'s ``_save`` and ``_get_or_create`` methods to avoid argument names clashes with a field named ``session``. 3.2.0 (2020-12-28) ------------------ *New:* - Add support for Django 3.1 - Add support for Python 3.9 *Removed:* - Drop support for Django 1.11. This version `is not maintained anymore `__. - Drop support for Python 3.5. This version `is not maintained anymore `__. *Deprecated:* - :func:`factory.use_strategy`. Use :attr:`factory.FactoryOptions.strategy` instead. The purpose of :func:`~factory.use_strategy` duplicates the factory option. Follow :pep:`20`: *There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.* :func:`~factory.use_strategy()` will be removed in the next major version. *Bug fix:* - :issue:`785` :issue:`786` :issue:`787` :issue:`788` :issue:`790` :issue:`796`: Calls to :class:`factory.Faker` and :class:`factory.django.FileField` within a :class:`~factory.Trait` or :class:`~factory.Maybe` no longer lead to a ``KeyError`` crash. 3.1.0 (2020-10-02) ------------------ *New:* - Allow all types of declarations in :class:`factory.Faker` calls - enables references to other faker-defined attributes. 3.0.1 (2020-08-13) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - :issue:`769`: Fix ``import factory; factory.django.DjangoModelFactory`` and similar calls. 3.0.0 (2020-08-12) ------------------ Breaking changes """""""""""""""" The following aliases were removed: +================================================+===================================================+ | Broken alias | New import | +================================================+===================================================+ | ``from factory import DjangoModelFactory`` | ``from factory.django import DjangoModelFactory`` | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``from factory import MogoFactory`` | ``from factory.mogo import MogoFactory`` | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``from factory.fuzzy import get_random_state`` | ``from factory.random import get_random_state`` | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``from factory.fuzzy import set_random_state`` | ``from factory.random import set_random_state`` | +------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``from factory.fuzzy import reseed_random`` | ``from factory.random import reseed_random`` | +================================================+===================================================+ *Removed:* - Drop support for Python 2 and 3.4. These versions `are not maintained anymore `__. - Drop support for Django 2.0 and 2.1. These versions `are not maintained anymore `__. - Remove deprecated ``force_flush`` from ``SQLAlchemyModelFactory`` options. Use ``sqlalchemy_session_persistence = "flush"`` instead. - Drop deprecated ``attributes()`` from :class:`~factory.Factory` subclasses; use ``factory.make_factory(dict, FactoryClass._meta.pre_declarations)`` instead. - Drop deprecated ``declarations()`` from :class:`~factory.Factory` subclasses; use ``FactoryClass._meta.pre_declarations`` instead. - Drop ``factory.compat`` module. *New:* - Add support for Python 3.8 - Add support for Django 2.2 and 3.0 - Report misconfiguration when a :py:class:`~factory.Factory` is used as the :py:attr:`~factory.FactoryOptions.model` for another :py:class:`~factory.Factory`. - Allow configuring the color palette of :py:class:`~factory.django.ImageField`. - :py:meth:`~factory.random.get_random_state()` now represents the state of Faker and ``factory_boy`` fuzzy attributes. - Add SQLAlchemy ``get_or_create`` support *Improvements:* - :issue:`561`: Display a developer-friendly error message when providing a model instead of a factory in a :class:`~factory.SubFactory` class. *Bug fix:* - Fix issue with SubFactory not preserving signal muting behavior of the used factory, thanks `Patrick Stein `_. - Fix issue with overriding parameters in a Trait, thanks `Grégoire Rocher `_. - :issue:`598`: Limit ``get_or_create`` behavior to fields specified in ``django_get_or_create``. - :issue:`606`: Re-raise :class:`~django.db.IntegrityError` when ``django_get_or_create`` with multiple fields fails to lookup model using user provided keyword arguments. - :issue:`630`: TypeError masked by __repr__ AttributeError when initializing ``Maybe`` with inconsistent phases. 2.12.0 (2019-05-11) ------------------- *New:* - Add support for Python 3.7 - Add support for Django 2.1 - Add ``getter`` to :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyChoice` that mimics the behavior of ``getter`` in :class:`~factory.Iterator` - Make the ``extra_kwargs`` parameter of :class:`~factory.Faker`'s ``generate`` method optional - Add :class:`~factory.RelatedFactoryList` class for one-to-many support, thanks `Sean Harrington `_. - Make the `locale` argument for :class:`~factory.Faker` keyword-only *Bug fix:* - Allow renamed arguments to be optional, thanks to `Justin Crown `_. - Fix `django_get_or_create` behavior when using multiple fields with `unique=True`, thanks to `@YPCrumble ` 2.11.1 (2018-05-05) ------------------- *Bug fix:* - Fix passing deep context to a :class:`~factory.SubFactory` (``Foo(x__y__z=factory.Faker('name')``) 2.11.0 (2018-05-05) ------------------- *Bug fix:* - Fix :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyFloat` to return a 15 decimal digits precision float by default - :issue:`451`: Restore :class:`~factory.django.FileField` to a ``factory.declarations.ParameteredAttribute``, relying on composition to parse the provided parameters. - :issue:`389`: Fix random state management with ``faker``. - :issue:`466`: Restore mixing :class:`~factory.Trait` and :meth:`~factory.post_generation`. 2.10.0 (2018-01-28) ------------------- *Bug fix:* - :issue:`443`: Don't crash when calling :meth:`factory.Iterator.reset()` on a brand new iterator. *New:* - :issue:`397`: Allow a :class:`factory.Maybe` to contain a :class:`~factory.PostGeneration` declaration. This also applies to :class:`factory.Trait`, since they use a :class:`factory.Maybe` declaration internally. .. _v2.9.2: 2.9.2 (2017-08-03) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fix declaration corruption bug when a factory defined `foo__bar__baz=1` and a caller provided a `foo__bar=x` parameter at call time: this got merged into the factory's base declarations. .. _v2.9.1: 2.9.1 (2017-08-02) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fix packaging issues (see - Don't crash when debugging PostGenerationDeclaration .. _v2.9.0: 2.9.0 (2017-07-30) ------------------ This version brings massive changes to the core engine, thus reducing the number of corner cases and weird behaviors. *New:* - :issue:`275`: `factory.fuzzy` and `factory.faker` now use the same random seed. - Add :class:`factory.Maybe`, which chooses among two possible declarations based on another field's value (powers the :class:`~factory.Trait` feature). - :class:`~factory.PostGenerationMethodCall` only allows to pass one positional argument; use keyword arguments for extra parameters. *Deprecation:* - `factory.fuzzy.get_random_state` is deprecated, `factory.random.get_random_state` should be used instead. - `factory.fuzzy.set_random_state` is deprecated, `factory.random.set_random_state` should be used instead. - `factory.fuzzy.reseed_random` is deprecated, `factory.random.reseed_random` should be used instead. .. _v2.8.1: 2.8.1 (2016-12-17) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fix packaging issues. .. _v2.8.0: 2.8.0 (2016-12-17) ------------------ *New:* - :issue:`240`: Call post-generation declarations in the order they were declared, thanks to `Oleg Pidsadnyi `_. - :issue:`309`: Provide new options for SQLAlchemy session persistence *Bug fix:* - :issue:`334`: Adjust for the package change in ``faker`` .. _v2.7.0: 2.7.0 (2016-04-19) ------------------ *New:* - :pr:`267`: Add :class:`factory.LazyFunction` to remove unneeded lambda parameters, thanks to `Hervé Cauwelier `_. - :issue:`251`: Add :ref:`parameterized factories ` and :class:`traits ` - :pr:`256`, :pr:`292`: Improve error messages in corner cases *Removed:* - :pr:`278`: Formally drop support for Python2.6 .. warning:: Version 2.7.0 moves all error classes to `factory.errors`. This breaks existing import statements for any error classes except those importing `FactoryError` directly from the `factory` module. .. _v2.6.1: 2.6.1 (2016-02-10) ------------------ *New:* - :pr:`262`: Allow optional forced flush on SQLAlchemy, courtesy of `Minjung `_. .. _v2.6.0: 2.6.0 (2015-10-20) ------------------ *New:* - Add :attr:`factory.FactoryOptions.rename` to help handle conflicting names (:issue:`206`) - Add support for random-yet-realistic values through `fake-factory `_, through the :class:`factory.Faker` class. - :class:`factory.Iterator` no longer begins iteration of its argument at import time, thus allowing to pass in a lazy iterator such as a Django queryset (i.e ``factory.Iterator(models.MyThingy.objects.all())``). - Simplify imports for ORM layers, now available through a simple ``factory`` import, at ``factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory`` / ``factory.django.DjangoModelFactory`` / ``factory.mongoengine.MongoEngineFactory``. *Bug fix:* - :issue:`201`: Properly handle custom Django managers when dealing with abstract Django models. - :issue:`212`: Fix :meth:`factory.django.mute_signals` to handle Django's signal caching - :issue:`228`: Don't load ``django.apps.apps.get_model()`` until required - :pr:`219`: Stop using ````, deprecated 4 years ago. .. _v2.5.2: 2.5.2 (2015-04-21) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Add support for Django 1.7/1.8 - Add support for mongoengine>=0.9.0 / pymongo>=2.1 .. _v2.5.1: 2.5.1 (2015-03-27) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Respect custom managers in :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` (see :issue:`192`) - Allow passing declarations (e.g :class:`~factory.Sequence`) as parameters to :class:`~factory.django.FileField` and :class:`~factory.django.ImageField`. .. _v2.5.0: 2.5.0 (2015-03-26) ------------------ *New:* - Add support for getting/setting :mod:`factory.fuzzy`'s random state (see :issue:`175`, :issue:`185`). - Support lazy evaluation of iterables in :class:`factory.fuzzy.FuzzyChoice` (see :issue:`184`). - Support non-default databases at the factory level (see :issue:`171`) - Make :class:`factory.django.FileField` and :class:`factory.django.ImageField` non-post_generation, i.e normal fields also available in ``save()`` (see :issue:`141`). *Bug fix:* - Avoid issues when using :meth:`factory.django.mute_signals` on a base factory class (see :issue:`183`). - Fix limitations of :class:`factory.StubFactory`, that can now use :class:`factory.SubFactory` and co (see :issue:`131`). *Deprecation:* - Remove deprecated features from :ref:`v2.4.0` - Remove the auto-magical sequence setup (based on the latest primary key value in the database) for Django and SQLAlchemy; this relates to issues :issue:`170`, :issue:`153`, :issue:`111`, :issue:`103`, :issue:`92`, :issue:`78`. See for technical details. .. warning:: Version 2.5.0 removes the 'auto-magical sequence setup' bug-and-feature. This could trigger some bugs when tests expected a non-zero sequence reference. Upgrading """"""""" .. warning:: Version 2.5.0 removes features that were marked as deprecated in :ref:`v2.4.0 `. All ``FACTORY_*``-style attributes are now declared in a ``class Meta:`` section: .. code-block:: python # Old-style, deprecated class MyFactory(factory.Factory): FACTORY_FOR = models.MyModel FACTORY_HIDDEN_ARGS = ['a', 'b', 'c'] # New-style class MyFactory(factory.Factory): class Meta: model = models.MyModel exclude = ['a', 'b', 'c'] A simple shell command to upgrade the code would be: .. code-block:: sh # sed -i: inplace update # grep -l: only file names, not matching lines sed -i 's/FACTORY_FOR =/class Meta:\n model =/' $(grep -l FACTORY_FOR $(find . -name '*.py')) This takes care of all ``FACTORY_FOR`` occurrences; the files containing other attributes to rename can be found with ``grep -R FACTORY .`` .. _v2.4.1: 2.4.1 (2014-06-23) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fix overriding deeply inherited attributes (set in one factory, overridden in a subclass, used in a sub-sub-class). .. _v2.4.0: 2.4.0 (2014-06-21) ------------------ *New:* - Add support for :attr:`factory.fuzzy.FuzzyInteger.step`, thanks to `ilya-pirogov `_ (:pr:`120`) - Add :meth:`~factory.django.mute_signals` decorator to temporarily disable some signals, thanks to `ilya-pirogov `_ (:pr:`122`) - Add :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyFloat` (:issue:`124`) - Declare target model and other non-declaration fields in a ``class Meta`` section. *Deprecation:* - Use of ``FACTORY_FOR`` and other ``FACTORY`` class-level attributes is deprecated and will be removed in 2.5. Those attributes should now declared within the :class:`class Meta ` attribute: For :class:`factory.Factory`: * Rename ``factory.Factory.FACTORY_FOR`` to :attr:`~factory.FactoryOptions.model` * Rename ``factory.Factory.ABSTRACT_FACTORY`` to :attr:`~factory.FactoryOptions.abstract` * Rename ``factory.Factory.FACTORY_STRATEGY`` to :attr:`~factory.FactoryOptions.strategy` * Rename ``factory.Factory.FACTORY_ARG_PARAMETERS`` to :attr:`~factory.FactoryOptions.inline_args` * Rename ``factory.Factory.FACTORY_HIDDEN_ARGS`` to :attr:`~factory.FactoryOptions.exclude` For :class:`factory.django.DjangoModelFactory`: * Rename ``factory.django.DjangoModelFactory.FACTORY_DJANGO_GET_OR_CREATE`` to :attr:`~factory.django.DjangoOptions.django_get_or_create` For :class:`factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory`: * Rename ``factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory.FACTORY_SESSION`` to :attr:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyOptions.sqlalchemy_session` .. _v2.3.1: 2.3.1 (2014-01-22) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fix badly written assert containing state-changing code, spotted by ``chsigi`` (:pr:`126`) - Don't crash when handling objects whose ``__repr__`` is non-pure-ASCII bytes on Python 2, discovered by `mbertheau `_ (:issue:`123`) and `strycore `_ (:pr:`127`) .. _v2.3.0: 2.3.0 (2013-12-25) ------------------ *New:* - Add :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyText`, thanks to `jdufresne `_ (:pr:`97`) - Add :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyDecimal`, thanks to `thedrow `_ (:pr:`94`) - Add support for :class:`~mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument`, thanks to `imiric `_ (:pr:`100`) .. _v2.2.1: 2.2.1 (2013-09-24) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fixed sequence counter for :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` when a factory inherits from another factory relating to an abstract model. .. _v2.2.0: 2.2.0 (2013-09-24) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Removed duplicated :class:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory` lurking in :mod:`factory` (:pr:`83`) - Properly handle sequences within object inheritance chains. If ``FactoryA`` inherits from ``FactoryB``, and their associated classes share the same link, sequence counters will be shared (:issue:`93`) - Properly handle nested :class:`~factory.SubFactory` overrides *New:* - The :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` now supports the ``FACTORY_FOR = 'myapp.MyModel'`` syntax, making it easier to shove all factories in a single module (:issue:`66`). - Add :meth:`factory.debug()` helper for easier backtrace analysis - Adding factory support for mongoengine with :class:`~factory.mongoengine.MongoEngineFactory`. .. _v2.1.2: 2.1.2 (2013-08-14) ------------------ *New:* - The ``factory.Factory.ABSTRACT_FACTORY`` keyword is now optional, and automatically set to ``True`` if neither the :class:`~factory.Factory` subclass nor its parent declare the ``factory.Factory.FACTORY_FOR`` attribute (:issue:`74`) .. _v2.1.1: 2.1.1 (2013-07-02) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Properly retrieve the ``color`` keyword argument passed to :class:`~factory.django.ImageField` .. _v2.1.0: 2.1.0 (2013-06-26) ------------------ *New:* - Add :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyDate` thanks to `saulshanabrook `_ - Add :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime` and :class:`~factory.fuzzy.FuzzyNaiveDateTime`. - Add a ``factory_parent`` attribute to the ``factory.builder.Resolver`` passed to :class:`~factory.LazyAttribute`, in order to access fields defined in wrapping factories. - Move :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` and :class:`~factory.mogo.MogoFactory` to their own modules (:mod:`factory.django` and :mod:`factory.mogo`) - Add the :meth:`~factory.Factory.reset_sequence` classmethod to :class:`~factory.Factory` to ease resetting the sequence counter for a given factory. - Add debug messages to ``factory`` logger. - Add a :meth:`~factory.Iterator.reset` method to :class:`~factory.Iterator` (:issue:`63`) - Add support for the SQLAlchemy ORM through :class:`~factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory` (:pr:`64`, thanks to `Romain Commandé `_) - Add :class:`factory.django.FileField` and :class:`factory.django.ImageField` hooks for related Django model fields (:issue:`52`) *Bug fix* - Properly handle non-integer primary keys in :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` (:issue:`57`). - Disable :class:`~factory.RelatedFactory` generation when a specific value was passed (:issue:`62`, thanks to `Gabe Koscky `_) *Deprecation:* - Rename :class:`~factory.RelatedFactory`'s ``name`` argument to ``factory_related_name`` (See :issue:`58`) .. _v2.0.2: 2.0.2 (2013-04-16) ------------------ *New:* - When ``factory.django.DjangoModelFactory.FACTORY_DJANGO_GET_OR_CREATE`` is empty, use ``Model.objects.create()`` instead of ``Model.objects.get_or_create``. .. _v2.0.1: 2.0.1 (2013-04-16) ------------------ *New:* - Don't push ``defaults`` to ``get_or_create`` when ``factory.django.DjangoModelFactory.FACTORY_DJANGO_GET_OR_CREATE`` is not set. .. _v2.0.0: 2.0.0 (2013-04-15) ------------------ *New:* - Allow overriding the base factory class for :func:`~factory.make_factory` and friends. - Add support for Python3 (Thanks to `kmike `_ and `nkryptic `_) - The default type for :class:`~factory.Sequence` is now :obj:`int` - Fields listed in ``factory.Factory.FACTORY_HIDDEN_ARGS`` won't be passed to the associated class' constructor - Add support for ``get_or_create`` in :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory`, through ``factory.django.DjangoModelFactory.FACTORY_DJANGO_GET_OR_CREATE``. - Add support for :mod:`~factory.fuzzy` attribute definitions. - The :class:`Sequence` counter can be overridden when calling a generating function - Add :class:`~factory.Dict` and :class:`~factory.List` declarations (Closes :issue:`18`). *Removed:* - Remove associated class discovery - Remove ``factory.InfiniteIterator`` and ``factory.infinite_iterator`` - Remove ``factory.CircularSubFactory`` - Remove ``extract_prefix`` kwarg to post-generation hooks. - Stop defaulting to Django's ``Foo.objects.create()`` when "creating" instances - Remove STRATEGY_* - Remove ``factory.Factory.set_building_function`` / ``factory.Factory.set_creation_function`` .. _v1.3.0: 1.3.0 (2013-03-11) ------------------ .. warning:: This version deprecates many magic or unexplicit features that will be removed in v2.0.0. Please read the :ref:`changelog-1-3-0-upgrading` section, then run your tests with ``python -W default`` to see all remaining warnings. New """ - **Global:** - Rewrite the whole documentation - Provide a dedicated :class:`~factory.mogo.MogoFactory` subclass of :class:`~factory.Factory` - **The Factory class:** - Better creation/building customization hooks at :meth:`factory.Factory._build` and :meth:`factory.Factory.create` - Add support for passing non-kwarg parameters to a :class:`~factory.Factory` wrapped class through ``FACTORY_ARG_PARAMETERS``. - Keep the ``FACTORY_FOR`` attribute in :class:`~factory.Factory` classes - **Declarations:** - Allow :class:`~factory.SubFactory` to solve circular dependencies between factories - Enhance :class:`~factory.SelfAttribute` to handle "container" attribute fetching - Add a :attr:`~factory.Iterator.getter` to :class:`~factory.Iterator` declarations - A :class:`~factory.Iterator` may be prevented from cycling by setting its :attr:`~factory.Iterator.cycle` argument to ``False`` - Allow overriding default arguments in a :class:`~factory.PostGenerationMethodCall` when generating an instance of the factory - An object created by a :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` will be saved again after :class:`~factory.PostGeneration` hooks execution Pending deprecation """"""""""""""""""" The following features have been deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. - **Declarations:** - ``factory.InfiniteIterator`` is deprecated in favor of :class:`~factory.Iterator` - ``factory.CircularSubFactory`` is deprecated in favor of :class:`~factory.SubFactory` - The ``extract_prefix`` argument to :meth:`~factory.post_generation` is now deprecated - **Factory:** - Usage of ``factory.Factory.set_creation_function`` and ``factory.Factory.set_building_function`` are now deprecated - Implicit associated class discovery is no longer supported, you must set the ``FACTORY_FOR`` attribute on all :class:`~factory.Factory` subclasses .. _changelog-1-3-0-upgrading: Upgrading """"""""" This version deprecates a few magic or undocumented features. All warnings will turn into errors starting from v2.0.0. In order to upgrade client code, apply the following rules: - Add a ``FACTORY_FOR`` attribute pointing to the target class to each :class:`~factory.Factory`, instead of relying on automatic associated class discovery - When using factory_boy for Django models, have each factory inherit from :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory` - Replace ``factory.CircularSubFactory('some.module', 'Symbol')`` with ``factory.SubFactory('some.module.Symbol')`` - Replace ``factory.InfiniteIterator(iterable)`` with ``factory.Iterator(iterable)`` - Replace ``@factory.post_generation()`` with ``@factory.post_generation`` - Replace ``factory.set_building_function(SomeFactory, building_function)`` with an override of the :meth:`~factory.Factory._build` method of ``SomeFactory`` - Replace ``factory.set_creation_function(SomeFactory, creation_function)`` with an override of the :meth:`~factory.Factory._create` method of ``SomeFactory`` .. _v1.2.0: 1.2.0 (2012-09-08) ------------------ *New:* - Add ``factory.CircularSubFactory`` to solve circular dependencies between factories .. _v1.1.5: 1.1.5 (2012-07-09) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fix ``factory.PostGenerationDeclaration`` and derived classes. .. _v1.1.4: 1.1.4 (2012-06-19) ------------------ *New:* - Add :meth:`~factory.use_strategy` decorator to override a :class:`~factory.Factory`'s default strategy - Improve test running (tox, python2.6/2.7) - Introduce :class:`~factory.PostGeneration` and :class:`~factory.RelatedFactory` .. _v1.1.3: 1.1.3 (2012-03-09) ------------------ *Bug fix:* - Fix packaging rules .. _v1.1.2: 1.1.2 (2012-02-25) ------------------ *New:* - Add :class:`~factory.Iterator` and ``factory.InfiniteIterator`` for :class:`~factory.Factory` attribute declarations. - Provide :func:`~factory.Factory.generate` and :func:`~factory.Factory.simple_generate`, that allow specifying the instantiation strategy directly. Also provides :func:`~factory.Factory.generate_batch` and :func:`~factory.Factory.simple_generate_batch`. .. _v1.1.1: 1.1.1 (2012-02-24) ------------------ *New:* - Add :func:`~factory.Factory.build_batch`, :func:`~factory.Factory.create_batch` and :func:`~factory.Factory.stub_batch`, to instantiate factories in batch .. _v1.1.0: 1.1.0 (2012-02-24) ------------------ *New:* - Improve the :class:`~factory.SelfAttribute` syntax to fetch sub-attributes using the ```` syntax; - Add ``factory.ContainerAttribute`` to fetch attributes from the container of a :class:`~factory.SubFactory`. - Provide the :func:`~factory.make_factory` helper: ``MyClassFactory = make_factory(MyClass, x=3, y=4)`` - Add :func:``, :func:`~factory.create`, :func:`~factory.stub` helpers *Bug fix:* - Allow ``classmethod``/``staticmethod`` on factories *Deprecation:* - Auto-discovery of ``factory.Factory.FACTORY_FOR`` based on class name is now deprecated .. _v1.0.4: 1.0.4 (2011-12-21) ------------------ *New:* - Improve the algorithm for populating a :class:`~factory.Factory` attributes dict - Add ``python test`` command to run the test suite - Allow custom build functions - Introduce ``factory.MOGO_BUILD`` build function - Add support for inheriting from multiple :class:`~factory.Factory` - Base :class:`~factory.Factory` classes can now be declared abstract through ``factory.Factory.ABSTRACT_FACTORY``. - Provide :class:`~factory.django.DjangoModelFactory`, whose :class:`~factory.Sequence` counter starts at the next free database id - Introduce :class:`~factory.SelfAttribute`, a shortcut for ``factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o:``. *Bug fix:* - Handle nested :class:`~factory.SubFactory` - Share sequence counter between parent and subclasses - Fix :class:`~factory.SubFactory` / :class:`~factory.Sequence` interference .. _v1.0.2: 1.0.2 (2011-05-16) ------------------ *New:* - Introduce :class:`~factory.SubFactory` .. _v1.0.1: 1.0.1 (2011-05-13) ------------------ *New:* - Allow :class:`~factory.Factory` inheritance - Improve handling of custom build/create functions *Bug fix:* - Fix concurrency between :class:`~factory.LazyAttribute` and :class:`~factory.Sequence` .. _v1.0.0: 1.0.0 (2010-08-22) ------------------ *New:* - First version of factory_boy Credits ------- See :doc:`credits`. .. vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:tw=119:ft=rst: