#!/bin/bash ARCH=$(uname -p) MEDIADIR=$(pwd) if [ "${ARCH}" == "arm" ]; then BREWLOC="/opt/homebrew" else BREWLOC="/usr/local" fi export PHP_VERSION=8.2 echo "FPP macOS Installation" echo "" echo "Welcome to the FPP install script for macOS. Installing FPP on a Mac is" echo "a two step process:" echo "" echo "Step 1: Install dependencies. FPP uses a bunch of libraries and utilities" echo " that are not available by default on macOS. We use 'homebrew' to" echo " to install and manage those dependencies." echo "" echo "Step 2: Install and configure FPP. This scrips should be run from a" echo " directory to act as the 'media' directory for FPP. This is where" echo " FPP stores all its configuration, the sequences/music, plugins," echo " scripts, effects, etc..." echo " The current directory is: ${MEDIADIR}" echo "" echo -n "Do you wish to proceed? [N/y] " read ANSWER if [ "x${ANSWER}" != "xY" -a "x${ANSWER}" != "xy" ]; then echo echo "Install cancelled." echo exit fi echo "" echo "The first thing that needs to be installed is 'homebrew' from https://brew.sh/ " echo "This requires sudo and will ask for your password to install itself." echo -n "Do you wish to proceed? [N/y] " read ANSWER if [ "x${ANSWER}" != "xY" -a "x${ANSWER}" != "xy" ]; then echo echo "Install cancelled." echo exit fi /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" NEEDBREW=1 if [ -f ~/.zprofile ]; then grep -q brew ~/.zprofile NEEDBREW=$? fi if [ $NEEDBREW != 0 ]; then if [ "${ARCH}" == "arm" ]; then echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile else echo 'eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile fi fi if [ "${ARCH}" == "arm" ]; then eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" else eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)" fi echo "" echo "The next step is to use brew to install several needed dependencies. This includes" echo " php, git, httpd, ffmpeg, ccache, make, sdl2, zstd, wget, taglib, mosquitto," echo " jsoncpp, libhttpserver, graphicsmagick" echo "" echo -n "Do you wish to proceed? [N/y] " read ANSWER if [ "x${ANSWER}" != "xY" -a "x${ANSWER}" != "xy" ]; then echo echo "Install cancelled." echo exit fi brew install php git httpd ffmpeg ccache make sdl2 zstd wget taglib mosquitto jsoncpp libhttpserver graphicsmagick libusb echo "" ccache -M 350M ccache --set-config=temporary_dir=/tmp ccache --set-config=sloppiness=pch_defines,time_macros echo "" echo "The dependencies are now installed. We will not proceed to setup FPP." echo "We will now clone FPP into the current directory and create a bunch of " echo "subdirectories to store configuration, plugins, etc... We will also" echo "build FPPD and configure the HTTP server." echo "" echo -n "Do you wish to proceed? [N/y] " read ANSWER if [ "x${ANSWER}" != "xY" -a "x${ANSWER}" != "xy" ]; then echo echo "Install cancelled." echo exit fi echo "Creating directories" mkdir -p backups mkdir -p cache mkdir -p config mkdir -p effects mkdir -p images mkdir -p logs mkdir -p music mkdir -p playlists mkdir -p plugindata mkdir -p plugins mkdir -p scripts mkdir -p sequences mkdir -p tmp mkdir -p upload mkdir -p videos echo "Cloning FPP" git clone https://github.com/FalconChristmas/fpp fpp echo "Building FPP" cd fpp/src make -j 4 cd ../www echo "${MEDIADIR}" > media_root.txt ln -f -s "${MEDIADIR}/config/.htaccess" .htaccess cd proxy ln -f -s "${MEDIADIR}/config/proxies" .htaccess cd ../../.. echo "Configuring HTTP" HTTPCONF="${BREWLOC}/etc/httpd/httpd.conf" USER=$(whoami) sed -i -e "s/Listen 8080.*/Listen 80/" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+#LoadModule proxy+LoadModule proxy+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+LoadModule proxy_balanc+#LoadModule proxy_balanc+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+LoadModule proxy_http2_+#LoadModule proxy_http2_+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+#LoadModule rewrite+LoadModule rewrite+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+#LoadModule watchdog+LoadModule watchdog+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+#LoadModule mpm_event+LoadModule mpm_event+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+LoadModule mpm_prefork+#LoadModule mpm_prefork+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+User .*+User ${USER}+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+Group .*+Group staff+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+DirectoryIndex index.*+DirectoryIndex index.php index.html+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+${BREWLOC}/var/www+${MEDIADIR}/fpp/www+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s+${BREWLOC}/var/log/httpd/+${MEDIADIR}/logs/apache2-+g" $HTTPCONF sed -i -e "s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/1" $HTTPCONF cat >> $HTTPCONF < SetEnvIfNoCase ^Authorization$ "(.+)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=\$1 SetEnv proxy-sendchunked SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://" # Deny access to raw php sources by default # To re-enable it's recommended to enable access to the files # only in specific virtual host or directory Require all denied # Deny access to files without filename (e.g. '.php') Require all denied EOF echo "Configuring PHP" PHPCONF="${BREWLOC}/etc/php/${PHP_VERSION}/php.ini" PHPPOOLCONF="${BREWLOC}/etc/php/${PHP_VERSION}/php-fpm.d/www.conf" sed -i -e "s/^max_execution_time =.*/max_execution_time = 1000/g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s/^max_input_time =.*/max_input_time = 900/g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s/^.*max_input_vars =.*/max_input_vars = 5000/g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s/^post_max_size =.*/post_max_size = 4G/g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s/^upload_max_filesize =.*/upload_max_filesize = 4G/g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s+^.*upload_tmp_dir =.*+upload_tmp_dir = ${MEDIADIR}/upload+g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s/^default_socket_timeout =.*/default_socket_timeout = 900/g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s/^short_open_tag =.*/short_open_tag = On/g" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s/^output_buffering.*/output_buffering = 1024/" $PHPCONF sed -i -e "s+user .*+; user ${USER}+g" $PHPPOOLCONF sed -i -e "s+group .*+; group staff+g" $PHPPOOLCONF sed -i -e "s+pm.max_children .*+pm.max_children = 25+g" $PHPPOOLCONF sed -i -e "s+^;clear_env.*+clear_env = no+g" $PHPPOOLCONF cat >> $PHPPOOLCONF <