<# .SYNOPSIS automatically add and enables loudness equalisation to any playback device .DESCRIPTION Imports registry keys to add enhancement features and enables loudness equalisation. It restarts audio service to apply imported registry settings .LINK https://github.com/Falcosc/enable-loudness-equalisation .LINK .PARAMETER playbackDeviceName Searches for Audio Device Names starting with this String .PARAMETER maxDeviceCount Limits the amount of devices to be configured .PARAMETER releaseTime time until audio level is adjusted: from "2" (fast adjustment) up to "7" (slow adjustment) .EXAMPLE PS> .\EnableLoudness.ps1 -playbackDeviceName BE279 enable loudness equalisation for Audio Devie BE279 .EXAMPLE PS> .\EnableLoudness.ps1 -releaseTime 2 set shortest possible time until audio level is adjusted #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Which Playback Device Name should be configured?')] [ValidateLength(3,50)] [string]$playbackDeviceName, [ValidateRange(1, 10)] [int]$maxDeviceCount=2, [ValidateRange(2, 7)] [int]$releaseTime=4 ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms function exitWithErrorMsg ([String] $msg){ [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($msg, $PSCommandPath, [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK, [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Error) Write-Error $msg exit 1 } function importReg ([String] $file){ $startprocessParams = @{ FilePath = "$Env:SystemRoot\REGEDIT.exe" ArgumentList = '/s', $file Verb = 'RunAs' PassThru = $true Wait = $true } $proc = Start-Process @startprocessParams If($? -eq $false -or $proc.ExitCode -ne 0) { exitWithErrorMsg "Failed to import $file" } } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8' $regFile = "$env:temp\SoundEnhancementsTMP.reg" $enhancementFlagKey = "{fc52a749-4be9-4510-896e-966ba6525980},3" $releaseTimeKey = "{9c00eeed-edce-4cd8-ae08-cb05e8ef57a0},3" $enhancementTabKey = "{d04e05a6-594b-4fb6-a80d-01af5eed7d1d},3" $enhancementTabValue = "{5860E1C5-F95C-4a7a-8EC8-8AEF24F379A1}" $releaseTimeStr = $releaseTime.ToString().PadLeft(2,'0') $fxPropertiesImport = @" "{d04e05a6-594b-4fb6-a80d-01af5eed7d1d},1"="{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}" ;PreMixEffectClsid activates effects "{d04e05a6-594b-4fb6-a80d-01af5eed7d1d},2"="{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}" ;PostMixEffectClsid activates effects "{d04e05a6-594b-4fb6-a80d-01af5eed7d1d},3"="{5860E1C5-F95C-4a7a-8EC8-8AEF24F379A1}" ;UserInterfaceClsid shows it in ui "{d04e05a6-594b-4fb6-a80d-01af5eed7d1d},5"="{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}" ;StreamEffectClsid "{d04e05a6-594b-4fb6-a80d-01af5eed7d1d},6"="{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}" ;ModeEffectClsid "{fc52a749-4be9-4510-896e-966ba6525980},3"=hex:0b,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,ff,ff,00,00 ;enables loudness equalisation "{9c00eeed-edce-4cd8-ae08-cb05e8ef57a0},3"=hex:03,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,$releaseTimeStr,00,00,00 ;equalisation release time 2 to 7 "@ $devices = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\Render\*\Properties" if($devices.length -eq 0) { exitWithErrorMsg "Script does not have access to your Audiodevices, try to run it as Admin." } $renderer = @() foreach($device in $devices) { if (($device.GetValueNames() | %{$device.GetValue($_)}) -match $playbackDeviceName) { $renderer += Get-ItemProperty $device.PSParentPath } } if($renderer.length -lt 1) { exitWithErrorMsg "Could not find any device named $playbackDeviceName" } $activeRenderer = @($renderer | Where-Object -Property DeviceState -eq 1) if($activeRenderer.length -lt 1) { exitWithErrorMsg "There are $($renderer.length) devices with Name $playbackDeviceName, but non of them is active" } if($activeRenderer.length -gt $maxDeviceCount) { $devices exitWithErrorMsg "Execution aborted, because more then $maxDeviceCount Active Devices found by Name $playbackDeviceName" } $missingLoudness = $false "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" > $regFile $activeRenderer | ForEach-Object{ $fxProperties = Join-Path -Path $_.PSPath -ChildPath FxProperties | Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction Ignore if (($fxProperties -eq $null) -or ($fxProperties.$enhancementFlagKey -eq $null) -or ($fxProperties.$enhancementFlagKey[8] -ne 255) -or ($fxProperties.$enhancementFlagKey[9] -ne 255) -or ($fxProperties.$releaseTimeKey -eq $null) -or ($fxProperties.$releaseTimeKey[8] -ne $releaseTime) -or ($fxProperties.$enhancementTabKey -eq $null) -or ($fxProperties.$enhancementTabKey -ne $enhancementTabValue)) { "[" + $fxKeyPath + "]" >> $regFile $fxPropertiesImport >> $regFile $missingLoudness = $true } if ($fxProperties -eq $null) { Write-Host -NoNewline "FxProperties is missing" -ForegroundColor Red ", it is very likely that import of $regFile does not work." "Please check if following path got created or create it manually: $fxKeyPath" } } if (!$missingLoudness) { "Loudness Settings don't need to be enabled" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 exit 0 } $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) if (-not $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { $arguments = "-File `"$($myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)`" -playbackDeviceName $playbackDeviceName -maxDeviceCount $maxDeviceCount" Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments exit } "import loudness activation into registry" importReg $regFile "Restart Audio to apply registry settings" Restart-Service audiosrv -Force