L.PMLock = L.Class.extend({ options: { position: undefined, text: { unlock: "Unlock", lock: "Lock", title: "Lock / Unlock Layers", finish: "Finish" }, showControl: true, }, activeMode: '', toolbarBtn: undefined, cssadded: false, initialize(map, options) { this.map = map; if(options && options.text) { options.text = this.setText(options.text); } L.setOptions(this, options); this.overwriteFunctions(); this.render(); }, setOptions: function(options){ if(options && options.text) { options.text = this.setText(options.text); } L.setOptions(this, options); this.render(); }, render: function(){ this.activeMode = ''; if(this.toolbarBtn) { this.toolbarBtn.onRemove(); this.toolbarBtn = undefined; } if(this.options.showControl) { this.addCss(); this.createControl(); } }, setText: function(text){ if(text.unlock){ this.options.text.unlock = text.unlock; } if(text.lock){ this.options.text.lock = text.lock; } if(text.title){ this.options.text.title = text.title; } if(text.finish){ this.options.text.finish = text.finish; } this.render(); return this.options.text; }, enableLock: function(name,changeToolbar = true){ if(!name){ name = 'lock'; } var that = this; var layers = this.findLayers(this.map,true); this.markBtnAction(name); layers.forEach(function (layer) { layer.on('click',that.clickFnc,that) }); if(changeToolbar && this.toolbarBtn){ this.toolbarBtn.toggle(true); } }, disableLock: function(changeToolbar = true){ var that = this; var layers = this.findLayers(this.map,true); this.markBtnAction(); layers.forEach(function (layer) { layer.off('click',that.clickFnc,that) }); if(changeToolbar && this.toolbarBtn){ this.toolbarBtn.toggle(false); } }, toggle: function(name = 'lock', changeToolbar=true){ if(this.activeMode === ""){ this.enableLock(name,changeToolbar); }else{ this.disableLock(changeToolbar); } }, clickFnc: function(e){ if(this.activeMode === "lock") { e.target.options.pmLock = true; }else if(this.activeMode === "unlock"){ e.target.options.pmLock = false; } }, markBtnAction: function(name){ //Clear active btn var allBtns = document.getElementsByClassName('leaflet-pm-action'); if(allBtns.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < allBtns.length; i++){ L.DomUtil.removeClass(allBtns[i],'pmLock-active'); } } if(name) { this.activeMode = name; var elms = document.getElementsByClassName('action-' + name); if (elms.length > 0) { var elm = elms[0]; L.DomUtil.addClass(elm, 'pmLock-active'); } }else{ this.activeMode = ""; } }, findLayers: function(map, ignoreLock = false) { let layers = []; map.eachLayer(layer => { if ( layer instanceof L.Polyline || layer instanceof L.Marker || layer instanceof L.Circle || layer instanceof L.CircleMarker ) { layers.push(layer); } }); // filter out layers that don't have the leaflet-geoman instance layers = layers.filter(layer => !!layer.pm); // filter out everything that's leaflet-geoman specific temporary stuff layers = layers.filter(layer => !layer._pmTempLayer); /** * pmLock * filter out every layer that's locked */ if (!ignoreLock) { layers = layers.filter(layer => layer.options.pmLock !== true); } return layers; }, getLockedLayers: function(){ var layers = this.findLayers(this.map,true); return layers.filter(layer => layer.options.pmLock === true); }, getUnlockedLayers: function(){ return this.findLayers(this.map); }, createControl: function(){ var that = this; const lockButton = { name: 'pmLockButton', className: 'control-icon leaflet-pm-icon-pmLock', title: that.options.text.title, afterClick: () => { that.toggle(); }, block: 'edit', toogle: true, toggleStatus: false, actions: [ { name: 'lock', text: that.options.text.lock, onClick() { that.enableLock('lock'); }, }, { name: 'unlock', text: that.options.text.unlock, onClick() { that.enableLock('unlock'); }, }, { name: 'finish', text: that.options.text.finish, onClick() { that.toolbarBtn._triggerClick(); }, }, ], }; this.toolbarBtn = this.map.pm.Toolbar.createCustomControl(lockButton); }, overwriteFunctions: function () { var map = this.map; var that = this; map.pm.enableGlobalEditMode = function enableGlobalEditMode(o) { const options = { snappable: this._globalSnappingEnabled, ...o }; const status = true; // Set toolbar button to currect status this.Toolbar.toggleButton('editMode', status); // find all layers handled by leaflet-geoman const layers = that.findLayers(this.map); // enable all layers layers.forEach(layer => { layer.pm.enable(options); }); if (!this.throttledReInitEdit) { this.throttledReInitEdit = L.Util.throttle(this.handleLayerAdditionInGlobalEditMode, 100, this) } // save the added layers into the _addedLayers array, to read it later out this._addedLayers = []; this.map.on('layeradd', this._layerAdded, this); // handle layers that are added while in removal mode this.map.on('layeradd', this.throttledReInitEdit, this); this.setGlobalEditStatus(status); }; map.pm.enableGlobalDragMode = function enableGlobalDragMode() { const layers = that.findLayers(this.map); this._globalDragMode = true; layers.forEach(layer => { layer.pm.enableLayerDrag(); }); if (!this.throttledReInitDrag) { this.throttledReInitDrag = L.Util.throttle(this.reinitGlobalDragMode, 100, this) } // add map handler this.map.on('layeradd', this.throttledReInitDrag, this); // toogle the button in the toolbar if this is called programatically this.Toolbar.toggleButton('dragMode', this._globalDragMode); this._fireDragModeEvent(true); }; map.pm.enableGlobalRemovalMode = function enableGlobalRemovalMode() { const isRelevant = layer => layer.pm && !(layer instanceof L.LayerGroup) && layer.options.pmLock !== true; this._globalRemovalMode = true; // handle existing layers this.map.eachLayer(layer => { if (isRelevant(layer)) { layer.pm.disable(); layer.on('click', this.removeLayer, this); } }); if (!this.throttledReInitRemoval) { this.throttledReInitRemoval = L.Util.throttle(this.reinitGlobalRemovalMode, 100, this) } // handle layers that are added while in removal xmode this.map.on('layeradd', this.throttledReInitRemoval, this); // toogle the button in the toolbar if this is called programatically this.Toolbar.toggleButton('deleteLayer', this._globalRemovalMode); this._fireRemovalModeEvent(true); } }, addCss: function () { if(this.cssadded){ return; } this.cssadded = true; var lockimg = ""; var styles = ".leaflet-pm-toolbar .leaflet-pm-icon-pmLock {background-image: url('"+lockimg+"');margin: 5%;width: 90%;height: 90%;} .leaflet-pm-action.pmLock-active{background-color: #3d3d3d !important;}"; var styleSheet = document.createElement("style"); styleSheet.type = "text/css"; styleSheet.innerText = styles; document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); } });